
MrPPSis there a way I can make nautilus default launch with the "--no-desktop" option, without symlinking?00:00
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Iota-Spencerusr13: http://stirkbin.com/a2250700:03
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high_fiver    exit00:11
MonkeyDustMrPPS  alias nautilus='nautilus --no-desktop'  <-- put that in ~/.bashrc00:12
wagner_hello! when I update my system, always return gpg key error, I already added the keys, but error continue. I'm using ubuntu 14.04.00:13
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Corgi_Can someone help me with crontab?00:19
Corgi_I'm using a VPS, and here's the line I'm using to run a PHP script every 5 minutes:00:19
jeremy_need some help with grub00:20
Corgi_*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/curl  http://mysite.com/reddit-bot/index.php00:20
jeremy_my computer wont boot00:20
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Guest66190anyone here can help with grub00:21
Corgi_What does this mean?00:22
Corgi_CRON[14838]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)00:22
Iota-Spenceryou don't have a mail transfer agent installed and a cron is trying to send an email either locally or remotely00:23
fantasmahola amigos de linux00:24
kyysiHOLA AMIGO00:24
MrPPSThanks MonkeyDust00:24
MrPPSI'll give that a shot00:24
MrPPSNot really sure why I didn't think of aliases..00:24
Iota-Spencer!es | fantasma00:24
ubottufantasma: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:24
ejuanQuestion: Does Ubuntu 14.04 have newer proprietary ATI driver packages then 12.04?00:26
fantasmahola kyysi q me cuentas00:29
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happyfr0ggHow do I include a battery status indicator on my Ubuntu 12.04 log in screen?00:40
Corgi_Why doesn't this CRON work?00:54
Corgi_* * * * * usr/bin/php /var/www/reddit-bot/index.php00:54
Corgi_Supposed to run the script every minute.00:54
kendrickis there some flash card software that's available on the repository?00:55
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pksadiqkendrick: apt-cache search flash card shows some: anki, granule, kwordquiz mathwar etc01:00
happyfr0ggquery %s01:00
kendrickwhat's ape-cache pksadiq ?01:00
pksadiqkendrick: its a program in Debian GNU/Linux which helps us to search what is in the repository01:01
kendrickpksadiq, cool i will start using it thanks...01:02
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Corgi_aaa why isn't this working01:03
Corgi_* * * * * usr/bin/php /var/www/reddit-bot/index.php01:03
NickwizHow can I install previous version of Chrome by apt? Current version crashes constantly.01:04
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x_whats up my nigga01:06
kyysiSUP NIQQA01:06
pksadiqNickwiz: You may try apt-get install package=version to install a package of specific version. This is possible only if the package is in repo, try apt-cache policy package01:09
Locke2002Corgi_: Shouldn't there be a leading / on /usr/bin/php ?01:09
Nickwizpksadiq: Thanks, I'll give it a try.01:10
ax562anyone know why ubuntu 12.04 lts wants me to activate my video drivers every time I log in to ubuntu?01:10
Nickwiz… dang. Got exited there and thought I could get me a 664-bit processor.01:11
* pksadiq thought that he was in #debian01:12
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borisetoI have a problem. In /etc/fstab there are no UUIDs or any data for the partitions, but I get info back with "sudo blkid". Is there a way to rebuild the fstab file?01:16
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purrrhello everyone, I want to add a plugin to compiz, anyone know how?01:17
ProfessorKaos64anyone know how I can locate the info passed to something like jstest-gtk? Namely I want to grab the specific device address (looks like a MAC address). each ps3 controller has it's own number in jstest-gtk. See: http://i.imgur.com/30yjavO.png01:18
le4fywhat do you guys run as window managers?01:19
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purrrnever mind. just needed compiz extras01:20
ax562anyone know why ubuntu 12.04 lts wants me to activate my video drivers every time I log in to ubuntu?01:21
Iota-Spencerle4fy: lxde + openbox01:21
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pixlepixQuick question: Using firefox, how do I set it to open everything with xdg-open01:32
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sysmoon_my raspberry pi hostapd error occured. syslog show me "deauthenticated due to local deauth request" how can i solve this?01:40
seperoax562: sounds like a bug01:46
n1xmanhow to add filezilla to ubuntu 12.04? There's Official repository inside our office network, but what other "ubuntu" official repo is there which I can use outside the office network?01:47
skilznvidia driver, my startup screen is messed up01:47
skilzafter installing the nvidia driver, my startup screen is messed up01:47
ax562sepero: yeah,  It's a new one though.  I change to recommended and still does it on next boot.  I change to the post recommended and same.01:47
skilzIt doesn't show the loading screen and the font size is big in the console.01:48
skilzthe grapical load screen is gone now its big ugly text01:48
seperon1xman: will they let you use repos outside your network?01:49
n1xmanI'm not sure, it's for a friend. But what is the official ubuntu repo?01:49
seperoskilz: I wish I could help, but my knowledge on video gfx is super poor  :(01:50
seperon1xman: there are a few01:50
ObrienDavequite a few01:50
n1xmansepero: what's the safest one?01:50
ObrienDaveany official repo is fairly safe01:51
seperon1xman: you can usually find them in the /etc/apt/sources.list, they are only commented out01:51
probohi all01:51
seperoprobo: hi hi01:51
n1xmansepero: OK, I"ll tell him to check now01:51
proboi have ubuntu 14.04 and when i update to this version only gimp and chrome shows pics with good color darktable aftershootpro dont display good colors why?01:53
seperoI'd like to ask a favor of everyone in here. Please tell me your external ip address and ping me at I'm trying to test my firewall01:53
seperoAny one that is willing01:53
n1xmansepero: thee are 8 entries, none commented out. all from precise01:55
seperoprobo: I never heard of aftershootpro. Do the colors not display good in any other programs?01:55
n1xmansepero: ping failed01:56
seperon1xman: I'll PM you what is in my sources.list01:56
n1xmansepero: ok01:56
proboububtu default pics viewer dont display good colors too01:56
proboonly gimp display good and webbrowsers01:57
Bashing-omsepero: "3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms" .01:59
Blue1I did a fresh install of xubuntu -- but the desktop is all messed up -- I removed the old desktop but it's back - and programmes autostart -- but it's not in the startup -- HELP!02:00
seperoBashing-om: thanks02:00
probosepero: http://postimg.org/image/85mw3jzd9/   left picture i open using gimp right picture i open using darktable02:04
proboyou see differences02:04
danikarIs there a way on the command line to figure out what the current gtk theme is?02:08
seperotough questions02:10
JiHui_Choihello,all. I want to copy all files but except some on the list using bash shell script. how can I do?02:10
Bashing-omdanikar: Maybe something like -> cat /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini <- ??02:11
trismdanikar: gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme02:11
seperoJiHui_Choi: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1313590/bash-copy-all-files-except-one02:14
JiHui_Choisepero: thank you, but my list file has more than 10 file names.02:15
seperoJiHui_Choi: ah02:16
somsip!info php-apc02:17
seperoJiHui_Choi: So you have a file with a list of filenames, and you don't want to copy the files in that list? correct02:17
ubottuphp-apc (source: php-apcu): APC User Cache for PHP 5 (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.2-2build1 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB02:17
JiHui_Choisepero : what I really wanna do is, I want to backup some files and write the names of backuped  to "backup_files". and the next day do it again but except files on the "backup_files" which are backuped today.02:17
seperoJiHui_Choi: sounds like you want to use rsync02:18
seperoJiHui_Choi: rsync has a lot of options and can be confusing at first02:19
JiHui_Choisepero: not exactly, because I will copy files to /tmp, tar, and delete them. but I want to keep the files in the source directory as well.02:21
sandpiperhas anyone else noticed major problems after installing the trusty 3.13.0-32 kernel update?02:22
sandpipercurrently using 3.13.0-30 for now02:23
seperoJiHui_Choi: so you think rsync won't work for your needs? if not, why?02:23
sandpiperlike not booting, messing up filesystem and superblock, or lightdm not starting02:23
sandpiperthere must be an issue with the maintainer introduced patches in the latest version02:24
seperosandpiper: i haven't had such issues   3.13.0-30-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP02:24
sleepeeso far, so good for me @ sandpiper02:24
JiHui_Choisepero: Is it possible? I don't know about rsync well.. If it is, I'll try to figure out how. thank you. :)02:24
sandpiperyea thats what im using, the newest is 3.13.0-32 thats the one causing probs02:24
seperosandpiper: I'm on 64bit02:24
sandpiper32bit here02:24
sandpiperi just have no clue where to begin debugging or what to look for02:24
sleepee64 for me02:25
saiarcot895sandpiper: I'm on -32, and haven't had any problems. 64-bit02:25
sandpiperi might try using the utopic kernel since that seems to be based on newer upstream, dont really wanna use mainline ppa unless i have to02:25
seperoJiHui_Choi: I think rsync can work for you, but only as a piece of a bigger puzzle. It sounds like you require a script of actions to perform your task02:25
sandpiperbut ive noticed issues on fresh installs, five times, there gotta be something going on lol02:26
saiarcot895sandpiper: Well, if you want to use the kernel in utopic, you have to use a PPA (until 14.04.2 is released)02:26
seperosandpiper: hardware comflict perhaps02:27
sandpiperok, but those are still different from the 'mainline kernels' right?02:27
sleepeedoes anybody that does web design have suggestions as far as a dreamweaver-ish wysiwyg editor for ubuntu?02:27
seperosandpiper: have you tried the other 3.13.0-XX kernels?02:27
sandpiperive tried up to 3.13.0-30, its the 3.13.0-32 thats causing probs for me02:28
seperosandpiper: perhaps go back to using -30 then ?02:28
sandpiperyea thats what im doing for now02:28
seperosandpiper: then apt-mark hold linux-image-3.13.0-30-generic02:29
sandpiperim just not sure if the 3.13.0-30 will receive security updates? like the 3.13.0-24 (default trusty) kernel does02:29
cfhowlettsleepee http://www.osalt.com/dreamweaver02:30
seperosandpiper: i see02:30
sandpiperdefault install kernel is *24 i believe it still gets updates if linux-generic etc is pinned, since thats lts release02:30
sandpiperthe other one ate my ext4 superblock heh02:31
sandpipereasy to recover tho and use backup /boot02:32
sleepeecfhowlett:  thanks.  i saw that page, but i'm not sure how up to date it is.  i mean, aptana is at version 3, and do people still use seamonkey?02:33
danikarSo I am using i3 on a xubuntu install, and I am getting some weird behavior. I am trying to use the Adwaita gtk theme, and I set it up in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and it seems to be working for evince. But xfce terminal does not seem to be getting the memo.02:34
sleepeei kinda just wanted to see if anybody here could give me some pointers from actual experience with an editor.02:35
cfhowlettsleepee I don't know.  you can certainly use the more updated packages and I believe kompozer is actively maintained02:35
danikarIf i do gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme it says I am using 'Greybird', but it should say 'Adwaita' I think.02:35
sandpiperim also having scrollbar issues on EVERYTHING, vertical scrollbar is lagging and not very responsive, i think its some new gtk3 thing02:35
sleepeeyea, it looks like a lot of people like kompozer.  i think i'll take a look at it.  thanx!02:35
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SMiller Hello. How does one apply a patch to a kernel source? I tried to use command (patch -p1 < /usr/src/0004-HID-kye-Add-support-for-3-tablets.patch) into the konsole and was asked "File to patch:" and put in Kconfig.hz and was given "Permission denied".02:40
trismdanikar: your problem with xfce terminal is probably that it is gtk2 not gtk3 so the gtk-3.0/settings.ini won't affect it02:40
trismdanikar: whereas evince is gtk302:40
SMillerIs see. Is there anything i can do to get around it?02:42
danikarbleh, I think I am just an idiot lol. Looks like it is being affected. I think I was looking at it when I turned it off temporarily. So my understanding is there are different types of themes for Icons, Cursors and the main themes. I think /usr/share/themes is where main themes are and /usr/share/icons is icon themes. Anyone know where cursor themes are?02:42
tlanixi need help with my laptops's FN Brightness keys?02:43
sandpiperill have to check, i assumed xfce4-terminal was gtk3 now too, since it was having the same scrollbar issue as everything else ive been having02:43
tlanixit seems when i run kernel 3.16rc7 it works fine with opensource driver02:43
tlanixbut when i install catalyst driver it breaks the FN Brightness controls02:43
trismdanikar: cursors go in /usr/share/icons/ too02:43
tlanixanyone help ?02:44
SMillerALso just stating I'm using Kubuntu 14.04. Dont know if that makes any difference.02:44
danikartrism: awesome thanks. Any idea why gsettings is saying my theme is still greybird?02:44
danikarWas kind of hoping to be able to set the theme, and some how check that the themes are indeed being set02:44
nf7Hello, could someone recommend a distro similar to Ubuntu (ease of use-wise), but significantly "lighter"?02:47
bnghi all, can you help me with ppa-purge on precise-based elementary please?02:47
ObrienDavenf7, Xubuntu02:48
bngnf7: try elementary os, just don't add xorg ppa's :)02:48
ObrienDavenf7, Xubuntu02:48
nf7ObrienDave: Thank you. It's not actually for me, I'm just putting it on a netbook so I can sell it.02:49
ObrienDaveXubuntu ;P02:51
nf7Thanks, I'm going with it simply because it has Xfce, and that's my favorite light DE!02:55
bngI am trying to ppa-purge xorg-edgers but it wants to remove my desktop :(02:56
ObrienDavenf7, cool, +102:57
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ObrienDavethat is not a good thing03:01
Eric^^ulimit isn't persistent, right?03:03
tlanixno idea why my brightness FN keys don't work03:03
Eric^^if you ulimit -n 1, it'll reset to 1024 after logging out and back in right?03:04
Eric^^i can't change it cause i only have 1 allowed open file, can't even ls a dir03:04
bngmaybe a newer linux kernel would support them?03:04
optREGISTER 12345603:05
bngtlanix: maybe a newer linux kernel would support them?03:05
seperobng: i think you have to reinstall the packages that the ppa replaced. it could be tricky03:05
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seperobng: might be easiest to do with synaptic or aptitude03:06
bngsepero: yes ppa-purge wants to remove too many of them instead of just replacing the few dozens03:06
tlanixbng  yes it work with kernel 3.16rc703:07
tlanixbut when i installed catalyst so i can game it breaks the fn controls03:07
tlanixwondering if there is a fx03:07
bngsepero: I am trying to force versions in synaptic, is it safe to reinstall -desktop and xorg?03:08
=== Eric^ is now known as Eric^^
bngtlanix: no way, I have countless problems with fglrx also03:09
seperobng: Sounds correct to me03:09
rawfodogmy sound doesnt work03:09
bngsepero: synaptic does not allow me to do that anyway, some other dependency problems or what03:10
bngsepero: but if it did, would it really be safe? wouldnt reinstalling xorg shut it down and kill the dektop?03:11
seperobng: it could. it sounds like a good chunk of your packages got replaced03:12
tlanixbng is there an easy fix?03:12
tlanixthe display menu pops up when i try to turn down the brightness03:12
bngtlanix if it is caused by fglrx i have no idea what to do with that, I cannot even install the damn thing03:14
tlanixi don';t i will be able to fix it until catalyst updates support for 3.1603:14
bngtlanix: I think that pretty much all the problems I have on my computer are because of fglrx03:16
jeffreylevesqueIs it possible to Allow Remote Desktop into a second partition of the machine you're on if only the first partition is logged into?03:22
MononaMy wireless won't turn on, and there's nothing about wireless in the widget uptop.  Using 12.04.403:23
bngMonona: maybe it is not supported in 12.04?03:24
bngMonona: I would try a newer version03:26
ObrienDavelike 14.04.103:27
asomaWhen I try to create a primary partition on a wiped hard drive, I get a "short read whole creating root dir".03:29
asomaLet me try that again03:29
asomaWhen trying to create a primary partition on a wiped HDD using Gparted, I get a "short read while creating root dir". Is this fixable or is my HDD fried?03:30
ObrienDavecould be fried, try changing partition tables03:31
asomaHow do I do that?03:32
ObrienDavecreate partition,  go for GPT03:33
asomaOr could I try making an ext3 or NTFS partition instead?03:33
ObrienDavecreate file system, sorry03:33
asomaOh wait a minute03:33
ObrienDaveyou could, just a sec03:33
asomaNow after the refresh it's saying "no devices detected"03:33
ObrienDaveunplug and remount03:34
asomaI'm on Partedmagic and when I check with GSmartCotrol it says Unknown model where it used to say Samsung HD03:34
asomaUnplug the hard drive from the port, you mean?03:35
asomaOkay, just a second03:36
bagel`i have GRUB_DEFAULT=2 in /etc/default/grub but for some reason its still booting the first menuentry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg when i need it to boot the 3rd menuentry which would be GRUB_DEFAULT=203:37
bagel`i just upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 but its not booting the right kernel03:38
ObrienDavefix it with grub-custoizer03:38
bagel`shouldnt grub_default=2 be it?03:39
seperoasoma: you're definitely having hardware problems03:39
bagel`and im running command line03:39
bagel`i dont have gui03:39
cfhowlettasoma I think your HD is suspect03:39
ObrienDavebagel`, that would have been nice to know03:39
ObrienDavecfhowlett, sharpening up the snarky stick ;P03:40
bagel`any ideas?03:40
m3uparseri am trying to parse my m3u file03:41
cfhowlettObrienDave NoSnark30DayChallenge begins today03:41
m3uparserusing this bash script i got off reddit https://pad.riseup.net/p/TBG3mw6kPjxn03:41
_2_annabananaany sexi boys up for some hotness on the phone03:41
m3uparserwhats wrong with it?03:41
ObrienDavecfhowlett, you win, i lose ;P03:41
cfhowlett_2_annabanana you are in the wrong channel.  sell your goods elsewhere03:41
seperobagel`  idk other than reading hoe to edit grub filed, sorry03:41
seperobagel`: "how" "files"03:42
ObrienDave_2_annabanana, is probably 90 years old with 14 grandchildren03:42
motsuhello, i have an encrypted home folder and deleted somehting off my desktop. im trying to recover it with extundelete or testdisk. neither can see the file structure because its encrypted. how can i go about making a copy of the file system without clobbering the file metadata blocks and such that the programs need?03:42
cfhowlettmotsu you done messed up good!  this is not a trivial fix, though not impossible, I think.03:43
HikaruBGhi guys03:43
HikaruBGand gals! )03:43
HikaruBGi have a problem with my Ubuntu!03:43
seperomotsu: dd if=/dev/sdaX of=/path/to/imagefile.img03:43
asomaCould it just need dusting?03:43
ubottuHikaruBG: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:44
asomaOr maybe it's too hot outside.03:44
HikaruBGwhen I close the lid of my VAIO it won't fo to Hibernate, but it shuts the OS Off and then starts all over. Any suggestions?03:44
motsusepero: the home folder partition is 300gb and the hdd in my laptop is 500gb, would i have to output to an external hard drive? the only external i have is ntfs, would that mess with anything? im assuming not, but i know i only get one shot with this.03:45
m3uparserhttps://pad.riseup.net/p/TBG3mw6kPjxn << Script to parse my m3u file not working.03:46
seperomotsu: yes, you need a bigger free space than your partition. if you have 300gb free on your external, then it should work. if you have a faulty disk, use the program dd_rescue instead03:46
HikaruBGso the laptop will not SUSPEND!03:46
cfhowlettm3uparser ask in #bash.  this isn't really a scripting channel03:46
seperomotsu: s/faulty disk/hard drive problems/03:46
=== Guillermo is now known as Guest90893
HikaruBGevery time i want it to suspend it does, and when I try to wake it up, starts booting from the beginning03:47
motsuno, nothings wrong with the drive... just me messing up and selecing the wrong file :/03:47
HikaruBGany suggestions?03:47
motsuuse sleep, not hibernate03:47
motsushance the power settings to sleep on lid close instead.03:47
seperomotsu: after you create the image, as root you be able to loop mount it as a regular partition03:48
HikaruBGno sleep option - the Ubuntu 14.04 offers only 'Log Out', 'Suspend', 'Shut Down'03:48
HikaruBGmotsu: any other suggestions?03:49
motsusepero: never done that before, but extundelete looks for a file like /dev/sda/... but wants the partition to be unmounted03:49
seperomotsu: if you want to see the progress of the transfer, you can use the program pv03:49
asomaI unplugged it, now I'm trying again03:49
motsuHikaruBG: no idea, i use a crazy modified mint. the ubuntu community just has better help than anywhere else :p03:49
seperomotsu: dd if=/dev/sdaX | pv > /path/to/image_file.img03:50
asomaOkay it successfully created the ext4 partition03:50
asomaNow I'll add a swap03:50
HikaruBGthanks motsu! :) that helps too! :)03:50
HikaruBGoh, one more question, thank you for reminding me, asoma!03:50
HikaruBGI have 8GB Ram - do I need a SWAP partition?03:51
seperoHikaruBG: Generally no03:51
motsusepero: nah, i just do the sigusr1 method03:51
asomaOkay, the swap partition was successful03:51
motsudoesnt pv add more overhead to the dd?03:51
seperomotsu: no03:51
asomaNow I'll test it by putting in a live CD and trying to install03:51
seperomotsu: the overhead is insignificant03:52
seperomotsu: after you've been waiting 5 hours for the image to copy, you'll be glad you used pv03:53
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motsuand um, stupid question, but mount doesnt show the /dev partition name, it just says /home/motsu35/.private on /home/motsu3503:55
seperomotsu: you using lvm?03:55
motsui believe so yes.03:56
seperomotsu: well, you have to figure out which partition it is03:56
Nothing_MuchHow do you tell the difference at the end of the "diff" command?03:57
seperomotsu: i'm pretty ignorant of lvm stuff03:57
motsuwell, fdisk is showing it as /dev/sda603:57
cfhowlettNothing_Much man diff will tell03:57
seperoNothing_Much: not sure what you mean03:58
motsuim just not sure if thats a fake logical thing that is made after lvm does its magic03:58
motsuguess it wouldnt matter though...03:58
LoshkiNothing_Much: "the difference at the end"???03:58
Nothing_MuchUm.. it's only like 5 lines long, can I copy and paste it?03:58
NeoGeo64I'm running Mint Linux 17.  Does that make me a bad person?03:59
LoshkiNothing_Much: pastebin it instead. http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:59
seperomotsu: maybe try dd if=/home/motsu35/.private03:59
motsusepero: when i dd, you said i do /dev/sda/sda6. wouldnt it be /dev/sda6?03:59
motsuNeoGeo64: yes, its not GNU enough03:59
Nothing_Much#ubuntu-offtopic guys04:00
Nothing_Muchbut yeah, what does that paste represent?04:00
Nothing_MuchX 764 /X and such and such04:00
Mononabng: how would I check to see?  I like LTS because it stays pretty stable04:00
seperomotsu: if you can do   dd if=/home/motsu35/.private   then you should get an unencrypted image of the partition04:01
seperomotsu: otherwise, yes, you would use sda604:01
LoshkiNothing_Much: if I recall correctly, lines 1&2 are the 'before' text, lines 3 & 4 the 'after' text. Looks like XML source. Can you look at the source files?04:02
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motsusepero: so, i dont think that would work... .private is a symlink to /home/.ecryptfs/motsu35/.Private/ and /home/.encryptfs is a symlink to its self....04:02
Nothing_MuchLoshki: I was following this part: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving#Check_Copying_Worked04:02
motsuwouldnt dd fuck up and just keep copying data over and over?04:02
Nothing_Muchcareful with the language04:02
motsuoops my bad :|04:03
x_how do i setup dos box04:03
x_hi and ty04:03
LoshkiNothing_Much: so this is the output from sudo diff -r /home /media/home or similar?04:03
seperomotsu: try it and find out. if it can't, then it will just spit an error04:03
Eric^^x_: what exactly do you mean by dos box?04:03
cfhowlettx_ read the dos box documentation ... it points to the wiki04:03
Nothing_MuchLoshki: Yeah04:03
seperomotsu: it wont loop forever04:04
x_how to setup04:04
cfhowlettx_ http://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Basic_Setup_and_Installation_of_DosBox04:04
LoshkiNothing_Much: and there was only that 5 lines of output? Did it say which file?04:04
Nothing_Muchoh no04:04
Nothing_Muchthat was the ending04:04
x_i dontknow how to mount i read everthing about it still dont get it i used  to the windows version04:05
Nothing_MuchThere were a TON of files04:05
Nothing_Muchand such04:05
seperoNothing_Much: the pastebin means that <X>764</X> <Y>52</Y> are in the first file. and <X>754</X>  <Y>14</Y> are in the second file04:05
Nothing_MuchOhh okay04:05
Nothing_MuchI got it04:05
Nothing_MuchI forgot that the exclude .gvfs stuff wasn't included04:06
Nothing_MuchThere must've been a few of them in that folder04:06
Nothing_MuchBut I got this now!04:06
seperomotsu: in case it isn't obvious, you'll generally want the partition unmounted, or mounted read-only before you try to make an image of it04:06
motsusepero: well, it coppied 0 bytes.04:06
motsui didnt have it unmounted... ill try doing that04:07
LoshkiNothing_Much: but the idea was that the copies should be virtually identical, so there should be very few (if any) diffs...04:07
Eric^^x_: what is the error you're getting?04:07
Richhhshortcut key for close tab in lxterminal?04:08
Eric^^I've never used dosbox, but i'm going over the documentation.04:08
seperomotsu: probably a good idea to be using a LiveCD or pendrive for this operation  lol04:08
Eric^^x_:  mount c ~/dos/c ?04:08
Nothing_MuchLoshki: Really?04:08
Nothing_MuchWell darn04:08
LoshkiNothing_Much: From the doc: "The only difference that should exist is the excluded /.gvfs directory mentioned above."04:09
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motsusepero: text login with root login wouldnt be ok?04:09
seperomotsu: it might work04:09
LoshkiNothing_Much: maybe you should pastebin the entire diff output? Unless it's huge...04:10
motsuwait... if i unmount or am root logged in, then how will i decrypt my home folder :|04:10
seperomotsu: i usually find using a live system easier, but whatever works for you. as long as home isn't mounted, or mounted read only04:11
Nothing_MuchLoshki: It's HUGE04:11
seperomotsu: i don't know how you will mount or decrypt it. maybe info in fstab? i suck at lvm04:12
=== CoolestLamer is now known as iAmOnDrugs
iAmOnDrugsHello I am on my cell phone and mobile connection04:12
seperoboth at the same time?04:13
iAmOnDrugsHey Android is Linux too!04:13
iAmOnDrugsAndroid is the best version of Linux that i have you ever used04:14
iAmOnDrugs followed closely by Linux Mint 17 for the desktop04:14
NeoGeo64sorry my voice recognition is off.04:15
seperoi have you ever used too04:15
NeoGeo64android is the best version of linux that i have ever used.04:15
NeoGeo64300 dollars for a phone and it still cant understand what i say04:15
iAmOnDrugsAnybody remember Mandrake Linux? Hahahaha04:16
seperoi remember Xandros04:16
Jeffrey_fAndroid IS the better option for a mobile device, however, not with how the phone companies have the device locked down.  The original google device, which was pretty much unlocked, was much better.04:17
motsuanyone remember ubuntu? pfft. who uses that any more?04:17
NeoGeo64what about Linspire?04:17
motsuJeffrey_f: look into the nexus 504:17
seperoForget Linspire, go for Lindows04:17
motsuits 2 commands to unlock the bootloader and move over an aftermarket recovery to root it.04:17
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cre8torxfreebsd ,mandrake ,redhat,04:18
motsulike, android + busybox is so nice :)04:18
skwishyanyone playing with the new oculus rift, dk2?04:18
greshnikkHi. I am trying to configure my startup services. So first of all I checked 'initctl list | grep tomcat7' and got nothing. Then I used 'update-rc.d tomcat7 defaults' and got System start/stop links... already exist.' The question is:"How can I check whether service is in autostart or not?"04:18
iAmOnDrugsI am actually using straight talk04:18
iAmOnDrugs the data is unlimited but only the first 3 gigabytes are high speed after that you are reduced to around 80 kilobits04:19
seperoIs it wrong to wish that rpm distros would just die?04:19
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NeoGeo64yeah, iAmOnDrugs, and most of the time the "high speed" is just 3G around, like what, 2 megabits per second on a good day?04:19
iAmOnDrugsHaha, two megabits per second if im lucky!if I am04:20
seperoiAmOnDrugs: usa carrier?04:20
motsusepero: all distros deserve love :)04:21
iAmOnDrugsAfter I am throttled, my speed test are usually around 8 kilo bytes per second download speed which translates to around 64 kilobits per second which is just slightly faster than a dial-up modem04:21
iAmOnDrugs yes it is a USA carrier I live in Georgia, USA04:21
motsueven hanah montana os04:21
Jeffrey_fmotsu: There is a project which provides fully unlocked phone and full encryption of the device as well as other privacy integrations.04:21
NeoGeo64yeah, iAmOnDrugs, you use 3GB and you are reduced to dialup speeds. to its TECHNICALLY unlimited haha04:22
seperomotsu: ok, maybe they don't die then. just be replaces  ;)04:22
iAmOnDrugsYeah but I can use 3 gigabytes in just few days with porn and YouTube04:22
seperoiAmOnDrugs: t-mobile?04:22
NeoGeo64i know, iAmOnDrugs, i know dude. just gotta reserve some man04:22
motsuwell, im just going to try and recover this one file while the partition is mounted, ignore the rules, and hope for the best :/04:23
seperomotsu: good luck04:25
iAmOnDrugsI am NOT using T Mobile I am using straight talk which is a mobile virtual network operator I pay $45 a month can I get unlimited talk text and data04:25
iAmOnDrugs however the towers are not owned by straighttalk they are owned by Verizon04:25
iAmOnDrugs however the towers are not owned by straighttalk they are owned by Verizon04:25
iAmOnDrugsSorry about duplicate message04:25
yogarajhello guys04:26
NeoGeo64you know what i like about linux is that its better than windows 8.104:28
NeoGeo64you just download linux, FOR FREE, install it to whatever you have laying around and it boots up fast no BS, and you just have a a fully OS for free to use04:28
unopastecre8torx you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted04:28
NeoGeo64my mint linux 17 boots up from my usb drive in like 10 seconds04:29
NeoGeo64and its just there. its done booting. desktop.04:29
NeoGeo64ubuntu is the same way, kinda04:29
NeoGeo64i just feel like ubuntu is bloated... idk04:29
cre8torxi agree04:31
thoriehi, can someone help me with an issue i'm having?04:31
genii!details | thorie04:31
ubottuthorie: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:31
thoriewhen i run debuild to create my ubuntu package, it complains that some of the files don't have a source - is there a way to skip some files?04:32
motsuyeah, looks like the file is gone :(04:33
cre8torxmy appologise wrong terminal04:33
motsuit managed to recover the /home/motsu/.encrypt folder, but there was nothing inside04:33
mzazaUbuntu Dash is slow, when I start Ubuntu for the first few seconds it's slow then it runs fine. Any fix for that?04:33
geniithorie: Did you run sudo apt-get build-dep <package-neme>  ...?04:36
thoriegenii: the package doesn't exist anywhere except on my system04:37
thoriegenii: trying to create a .deb for my app just for personal use04:37
thoriebut it fails during debuild -S -us -uc with an error: myapp source: source-is-missing public/js/jquery.js04:39
thorieso i guess lintian doesn't like me having jquery in there04:39
thoriebut if i remove it, then my app won't work04:39
geniithorie: If this is an app you wrote from scratch, document it's prerequisites and include them as dependencies when compiling. If it's a third-party app read it's documentation for it's dependencies and then include them04:40
MononaHow do I upgrade from Ubuntu Studio 12.04.4 to 14.04?  It's not showing up in Update Manager.04:41
thoriegenii: i wrote it from scratch, but i don't know what you mean by "include them as dependencies" - i added the required packages to the Depends: line in the debian/control file04:41
thoriegenii: i'm not having any issues with the dependencies, im having problems with lintian complaining that the "source" to some files are missing, but many of the files it's complaining about are not "compiled binaries" and there is no corresponding source04:42
x__how do i make dos box work04:42
x__i lost thankyou04:42
thoriegenii: any ideas?04:42
geniithorie: Do you have those packages' -dev packages installed?04:42
thoriegenii: what packages?04:42
genii( since that's where their source is(04:43
sandpiperdoes anyone know of a way to truly hide a window in X no matter the DE04:43
sandpipercompletely hidden04:43
geniithorie: Whatever packages you "added the required packages to the Depends: line in the debian/control file"04:43
thoriegenii: there is no source for a lot of stuff that i'm packaging, for example, i have a blob of data that represents a game item in "firecracker.json" and it says "source-is-missing" for firecracker.json04:43
sandpiperim trying to find a way to preload applications like web browser so there is always an instance running in background so starting a second window is fast04:44
thoriegenii: yes, im not having an issues with building the app04:44
thoriegenii: the problem is not with dependencies04:44
thorielintian is saying that a file is missing some source code, but i'm saying that this file isn't a compiled file - it's just a plain-text json blob of data that my app depends on, nothing "builds" it04:45
x_roothow to "live test" ubuntu with cinammon?04:50
mzazaAny ideas on the slowness of Unity lens at boot?04:50
geniix_root: Neither of those are supported in this channel04:51
x_roothm.. genii i want to test ubuntu with other gui, just tested with gnome 3.1004:51
x_rootsince i like unity it should be the last to test (as ubuntu 14.04)..04:51
sandpiperif you want something lightweight xfce is really nice, or really lightweight openbox is nice04:52
x_rootany tip?04:52
x_rooti want something useful/pretty.. unity is both (at least for me..) but in 13.10 is somewhat heavy (dunno about 14.04)04:53
sandpiperthose are what i usually use x_root04:53
x_rootthanks sandpiper :)04:53
sandpiperxfce is full featured04:53
sandpiperbut open/flux/blackbox are like minimalist04:53
sandpiperxfce has nice transparency too04:53
sandpiperxubuntu comes with that out of the box04:54
thoriegenii: nevermind, i found a flag --no-lintian04:56
x_rootsandpiper, i know about xubuntu.. is "easy" to install xfce on ubuntu? maybe i give it a try after install 14.04..04:57
sandpiperyes its easy to just install xfce manually if you want04:58
sandpiperand whatever login manager you want, like gdm or lightdm04:58
x_rootlightdm, just tested (again) gdm is still don't like it lol04:58
sandpiperi used to use gdm but dont like some of the recent changes heh04:58
sandpiperusing lightdm right now04:59
LoshkiNothing_Much: diff can be quite chatty. grep lines containing the string "differ". There should be very few...04:59
x_rootwhich one?04:59
x_rootthe latest or some else?04:59
sandpiperwhatever is in 14.04 trusty04:59
x_rootlatest :)04:59
x_rootseems really nice04:59
sandpiperim just having issues if i upgrade to latest kernel 3.13.0-3205:00
sandpipersticking with 3.13.0-30 for now05:00
x_rooti'll stick with the one on 14.0405:00
sandpiperfresh install will be 3.13.0-24 but it will try to push the latest one to you too, well apt-get wont, it will say held back package, but synaptic will try to install newer kernel if you dont pin linux-generic and linux-image-generic/linux-headers-generic05:01
sandpiperits long term support release so i think the older one will still get important updates05:02
x_rootwell, gonna install gnome and xfce when install ubuntu05:03
x_rootany tips to not "crash" any of them?05:03
sandpiperno problems here except for that latest kernel for me05:04
sandpiperim having lots of lockups but i know my mobo is bad, need to replace some caps, im sure its that05:05
x_roothow old the mobo?05:06
sandpiper5 yrs maybe, bloated cap syndrome05:06
sandpiperthis model is just bad, first one they sent me i sent back after taking one look at the board05:07
sandpiperbefore that i had asus, intel board now05:07
sandpiperasus just up and died after like 8 yrs, replacement mobo for old socket cpus are as expensive as when they were new, didnt wanna drop a lot of money into it05:08
Solo456What model Asus mobo?05:10
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sandpiperthe one that died, was p4p80005:10
Solo456and it had bad caps?05:11
sandpiperrunning an old p4 lol05:11
sandpiperno that was good board just died, the intel one had cap plague05:11
Solo456ahhhh, ok05:11
Solo456'cuz I'm running an old Asus I built about 14yrs ago that's still running strong.05:12
sandpiperyea the asus was good to me, i miss it05:12
sandpiperbut this one has usb boot so im happy05:12
Solo456When it was built, I put an Athlon Thunderbird 1ghz in it.05:13
motsuman, im suprised electrolytic caps lasted that long....05:15
motsulike, if there was constant usage. old laptops get way hot inside.05:15
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Solo456That PC runs 24/705:15
mulgawhen logged in as root and do a pwd, as expected i  get /root. how do i copy a file to root dir though? for instance i have something in /bin/foo that  i want moved to /? ive tried rm /bin/foo /foo but can't figure it out05:18
cre8torxamd or intel ?05:18
mulgaand tried /bin/foo /root/foo etc05:18
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mulgaactually i think i want it coped to /root and not /? does this make sense?05:21
cre8torx/bin/foo ?05:21
cre8torxtry rm -r bin/foo05:22
cre8torxcd /bin rm-r foo05:22
mulgasorry mean mv,not rm05:22
mulgacopy not del05:23
mulgawill try with that suggestion though05:23
mulgaahh ok05:23
cre8torxmv -f foo05:24
cre8torxmv -f foo ~ to destination05:24
mulgaso something like mv -f /bin/foo /foo?05:25
cre8torxcd bin05:25
cre8torxmv -f foo ~ /where ever05:26
mulgaok. ty05:27
cre8torxused linux  before it was human05:28
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mulgagreat all good. thanks cre8torx :)05:28
=== jaseywang_ is now known as jaseywang
cre8torxthere sure is alot of pepz here i guess just hanging around05:32
cre8torxthat's cool i guess05:32
cre8torx2 people talking out of 150505:34
cre8torxwow hard channel05:34
Beldarcre8torx, It's not chat but support.05:36
cre8torxright i know  where so bombed with questions05:37
Beldarsometimes it is come here early morning pacific05:38
bseekinsHello can someone help me with Ubuntu server?05:38
Beldarbseekins, Not without a description05:39
bseekinsgood point05:39
bseekinsSo I want to create a mine craft server on this computer of mine I'm not installing ubuntu server05:39
bseekinswow sorry autocorrect lets try this again05:40
bseekinsOK so I'm installing Ubuntu Server on a desktop computer. I want to use this to host a minecraft server. I'm doing the ubuntu server install right now and in a few minutes it will ask me to install additional software such as SSH/Mail server/and what not.05:41
bseekinsFor a minecraft server what additional stuff should I install05:41
cre8torxso your renting a space on a server that hosting mine craft ?05:43
bseekinsno just a server at my house for me05:44
bseekinsand a few freidns05:44
cre8torxk mail eh shh yeah05:44
DesignerXis there any known tool for making snapshots (like in VMware or Virtual Box)  of the "persistent file" when botting from iso05:44
DesignerXbooting *05:45
cre8torxshh for sharing files05:45
BeldarDesignerX, Why?05:45
DesignerXBeldar: mostly as an experment05:45
bseekinsYeah SSH would make sense05:45
DesignerXalso to create something like VM with the ability to move between snapshots without using a Virtualization tool05:46
cre8torxmake a map everyone at your place could connect to u for the dlc05:46
BeldarDesignerX, You could clone the whole thing or a casper-rw partition, I can't think on any reason why you would to be honest.05:46
Beldarnot sure you understand the persistent role05:47
Beldaranyway gotta take off05:48
cre8torxyou could check the mail on the server if some one leaves it but why use messaging client05:49
skwishyanyone playing with the new oculus rift, dk2?05:49
DesignerXBeldar: as far as i know, its to save changes that cant be written to the ISO itself (if was loaded from a real disk). I was told the performance is nearly as good as a full install and now want to test booting an ISO from HDD with persistent settings .. it's an experiment so feel free to give advice :)05:49
cre8torxhuh oculus05:52
cre8torxdonkey kong 205:52
BeldarDesignerX, Okay sure it's a waste of time with no real clear end goal, I suggest you research the persistence's role. It fills up and cannot be emptied, not quiet like a real install, and a live has limitations like no kernels upgrades...etc.05:53
Beldarsafely anyway.05:53
cre8torxDesignerX i suggest find a old hd install ubuntu  and forget vmware05:54
DesignerXcre8torx: I have Kubuntu as my main OS now and VM for testing other Dist05:55
Rohan_m Hello Friends I made a telnet to my server for port 22 and I got SSH running up there  now " the second task " is to give/ provide right Protocol ! but i'm unable to find the Protocol Format Anyone Familier with this ?05:57
DesignerXok, ty Beldar and cre8torx05:57
cre8torxtelnet 23 ssh 2205:58
cre8torxare you trying to run 2 thing over the same port05:59
S0RAN-FBSemm i'm new user of ubuntu and i like it06:03
cre8torxim glad06:04
cre8torxim old user before it was human06:04
S0RAN-FBS oh  cool06:05
cre8torxsoran-fbs questions06:05
sgen_How long does it take a new version of a language to get added to universe apt repos?06:07
S0RAN-FBSguys how i can install Unity 3D  program  on Ubuntu06:07
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S0RAN-FBSguys how i can install Unity 3D  program  on Ubuntu ?06:08
somsipS0RAN-FBS: http://unity3d.com/unity/multiplatform/desktop06:08
cre8torxlotz of gaming questions06:08
S0RAN-FBS<somsip>  i'm new user with Ubuntu  and  i can speak a little english  so how i install it ? :D06:10
somsipS0RAN-FBS: that webpage says it is a work in progress. So there is no native linux executable.06:11
S0RAN-FBSoh  thank u man06:11
cre8torxit maybe worth a shot running the win version in wine06:12
somsipS0RAN-FBS: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Running_Unity_on_Linux_through_Wine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa26vR51PkQ06:13
cre8torxwhere you go wine06:14
S0RAN-FBSthank u  now i will try it06:15
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DrNotzset  irc.server_default.autojoin #ubuntu06:30
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lestrbHello, I am finding a USB 2.0 flash drive that will run my full Linux installation. Any suggestions? Thanks!06:40
Beldarlestrb, That is not formed as a question.06:41
Beldarlestrb, Is it the size you need advice on?06:43
Beldarlestrb, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements06:44
lestrbNo, I just need a USB 2.0 flash drive that will have an acceptable performance. I am buying a 32 GB one...06:45
Beldarlestrb, Not something covered here use the nets info.06:46
Ben64you're not going to find a flash drive with acceptable performance06:46
trijntjeperformance should be fine once the programs are in memory06:47
lestrbI plan to put write intensive application (ie firefox) in RAM06:47
trijntjebut try to find one with the highest read/write speed you can find06:47
Ben64will take forever to boot, forever to do anything06:47
Ben64buy a external hard drive, much better performance and cheaper per gigabyte too06:47
lestrbI feel that external hard drive is bulky. At least flash drives can be put in the pocket. I also plan to have a light weight installation06:49
trijntjelestrb: use the alternate installer for ubuntu, and install lubuntu-core as desktop environment06:49
Ben64will still be mind bogglingly slow, but go for it06:49
sandpiperthere are a few fast corsairs out there if you know what youre getting06:50
sandpiperbut you have to really research them, can easily get jiffed even on ones labeled usb306:50
sandpiperand dont get me started on the u3 nonsense typically on sandisks06:51
sandpiperusually firmware patch can remove that junk06:51
sandpiperneed to run on windows tho06:51
Beldarsandpiper, its off topic anyway.06:51
Beldarso don't get started. ;)06:52
sugarfaceGreetings, I'm from #help on Efnet. I have a person appealing a ban saying he was banned for spamming when he wasn't doing anything.06:53
somsipsugarface: go to #ubuntu-ops06:53
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Ben64sugarface: #ubuntu-ops if you'd like to have a conversation with them06:53
Ben64!away > CyberJacob|Away06:54
ubottuCyberJacob|Away, please see my private message06:54
lestrbAlright I will research for that... Thanks06:54
sandpiperhmm seems that most things in trusty still compiled with gtk2, has anyone else been having scrollbar issues, lagging and poor response06:56
sandpiperi thought it was something with gtk3 but everything seems to still be using gtk2, not sure whats going on06:56
sandpipernot sure if its using the 'zoom scroll' thing or how to disable it06:57
sandpiperit is affecting firefox, every terminal app ive tried, and anything else in ubuntu using a scrollbar06:59
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Jack-zhangany one here?07:09
Jack-zhangWhy can't I use ipv6 in my school when I use wireless?07:11
Ben64how is that related to ubuntu? ask your school07:12
Jack-zhangsorry, my exprssion is unambiguous07:13
Jack-zhangwhen I use ubuntu07:13
Ben64Jack-zhang: let me be more specific then too. ubuntu has fully supported ipv6 for many years, any problem with that will be with the network, not ubuntu, so you'd have to get help from the school, or maybe ##networking07:16
oez47hi need help with my /dev/sda1 was a fedora lvm now is not mountable07:16
Jack-zhangwhen I use Ubuntu I can't connect to network use ipv6 in wireless, But all works well when I use Win7.07:18
Jack-zhangBen64:  when I use Ubuntu I can't connect to network use ipv6 in07:19
Jack-zhang     wireless, But all works well when I use Win7. So07:19
Jack-zhangso I  think that I maybe some problem on my system07:19
Beldaroez47, Fedora has a channel.07:19
oez47thx now i use ubuntu07:20
imasioshey, i got some questions regarding cross-compiling some software for aarch64 on ubuntu, can you point me to the correct channel? :) thx07:21
Beldaroez47, Sure but your issue is with a fedora lvm, at the least they may have info you need.07:21
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sandpiperif you are installing multiple kernels will ubuntu always configure grub to select the highest version by default? say if you update an older kernel after installing a higher version one07:24
Beldarsandpiper, Yes if the updated OS had grub control, if you have more than one linux install another may have the grub updates.07:25
sandpiperok thx07:25
vmusrhello, does anyone might have an idea how to fix a grub boot problem07:26
yz3pDask your question ;)07:26
Beldarvmusr, No without a description.07:26
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vmusrmy config is the following: 1 onboard AHCI controller (4 port) 3 ports are in raid0, the last is a single disk. A separate pci-e 4 port controller with a raid 507:27
vmusryz3pD: Beldar just writing it up :)07:27
vmusri can boot fine into both raids from grub07:28
vmusrhowever, I can't boot into the single disk07:28
vmusrI have it mapped via device.map07:28
vmusrbut when I go into grub (and eventually into the GRUB rescue) the hd2 that should be the single disk is missing, however from the OS it's perfectly visible via /dev/disk/by-*07:29
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Beldarvmusr, I know a fair amount about grub, nothing on raid but a sudo update-grub is generally helpful.07:32
Beldarif grub 207:32
vmusrBeldar: grub2, also if it's worth mentioning grub is installed on a usb stick (to get around all the issues with the 2 raid controllers)07:33
sassytshow do you register a nick?07:34
Beldarvmusr, If installed correctly would not matter if on a potato.07:34
Beldar!register | sassyts07:34
ubottusassyts: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:34
vmusrBeldar: yep it's installed correctly and working normally. However for some reason it just refuses to see the disk07:38
arkasi need to help can you help me?07:38
DJonesarkas: No need to ask, just ask your question in the channel, if somebody can help, they'll normally reply07:39
Beldarvmusr, Have you run the update? Has grub been updating with this setup, does that disc have the grub files on it?07:39
arkasok thanks07:40
vmusrBeldar: grub updates fine, if you mean the single disk - it doesn't have grub files on it07:40
arkasi need change unity to xfce07:41
arkasits possible?07:41
Beldarvmusr, It would have to have a /boot file07:41
vmusrarkas: yes, just install it via sudo apt-get update07:41
vmusrarkas: then on the login screen you can change the session from unity to xfce07:41
Beldararkas, Not a update but an install07:42
vmusrBeldar: the /boot partiton is on the USB stick07:42
Beldarvmusr, Than that disc is missing what the others have is my guess.07:43
grantwhey everyone07:43
grantwis anyone having issues with Octave on ubuntu 14.04, specifically using the plot functionality?07:44
Beldarvmusr, I know nothing about raid and a separate grub on a usb is not something I have done, but grub is pretty straight forward.07:44
vmusrBeldar: sadly nope. Also, GRUB should be able to find the disk no matter whether it's missing something or is Windows/MacOS or whatever. Whether it can actually boot something is another topic :D I mean GRUB is not finding the device at all...07:44
=== magic is now known as mythic
Beldarvmusr, grub is for finding the boot not just discs.07:45
=== mythic is now known as magic
Beldarvmusr, not boot info=no find07:45
decciI want to create a VLAN in Openstack. then in VLAN launch switch spoofing. Switch spoofing is a technique in which a VM mimic like a switch. All other switch contact that malicios VM.07:46
arkasi newie in linux world i had windows xp server and now is imposible to have security with this system, i learn linux, can you say me the steps or the good page to see the steps for to convert my desktop unity to xfce?07:46
Beldararkas, sudo apt-get install xfce than choose it at the login07:46
vmusrarkas: just run sudo apt-get install xfce4 from terminal07:47
arkasok thanks beldar07:47
Beldarxfce4 I think is correct07:47
vmusrBeldar: don't think so, but let's see07:48
arkasthanks vmusr07:48
giorgiodinapoliwe're running ubuntu 14.04. and we use iptables log filter rule.07:48
giorgiodinapoliwe tried do use a log filter with ip netns. the problem is that those, with their own namespace are never logged into kern.log07:48
vmusrI'll wipe everything and do a clean install only on the single disk07:48
Beldarvmusr, YOu don't think so what?07:48
giorgiodinapoliis this an ubuntu related problem?07:48
krejsiif I have 24 GB RAM, how big should the swap size be?07:48
vmusrkrejsi: usually twice the RAM, depends what workloads you have07:49
Ben64i would not do 2x ram when ram is 24GB07:49
Beldarkrejsi, twice is old school, equal if you want to hibernate, depends on what your needs otherwise.07:49
Ben64i'd say 0-2GB unless something special is needed07:49
krejsiits a server that will sniff 10gbit/s traffic all day long and write to disc07:50
Ben64krejsi: that's 1.25GB/s ... i hope you have a fast drive07:51
krejsii think so.. I have 4x 4TB hdds RAID 1+007:51
krejsior RAID 1007:51
Ben64not fast enough07:51
arkasif i have cpuflag lm i can run 64bit?07:52
Ben64arkas: probably, but its easier usually to look at the cpu model07:52
krejsiBen64: u mean rpms on the drive?07:52
Ben64krejsi: write speed07:53
arkasok in page cpu enterprise07:53
krejsiBen64: is there a command that can show?07:53
krejsihow much max write speed07:53
Ben64krejsi: not reliably enough07:53
krejsithanks for answers07:55
arkasok now just to ended instal xfce4, i need boot mi pc for to see the new desktop?07:55
krejsibut for 24 GB RAM I should have 24GB swap?07:55
vmusrarkas: logout and login again07:55
arkasok thanks07:55
vmusrarkas: just pay attention to change the session07:55
Ben64krejsi: if you want to hibernate you need at least as much swap as ram07:56
krejsino hibernation07:56
phoenix_30Can anyone help with installing a sdk for eclipse08:05
phoenix_30Stopping ADB server failed (code -1).08:05
phoenix_30Unable to run 'adb': Cannot run program "/media/phoenix/31CF98487DE413D9/Documents/javaPrograms/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb": error=13, Permission denied.08:05
phoenix_30Starting ADB server failed (code -1).08:05
phoenix_30Can any one help?08:06
Beldarphoenix_30, If someone knows they may help, no need to ask that.08:06
nicelol29Hello I was wondering if someone can talk to me about ubuntu server. See I want to make my internet faster and get more GB of speed or what ever is it possible.08:25
bekksnicelol29: then you wouls have to talk to your ISP, to get a significantly faster connection.08:26
arkasi create a usblife of ubuntu and run now with this, when i create usb i put 2gb for changes, is posible change desktop in usblive?08:26
yz3pDa ubuntu server doesnt make your internet faster08:26
yz3pDarkas: yes you can install an other desktop in live mode08:28
redhat_Anyone tell me how to download youtube video by wget command.08:28
cfhowlettredhat_ nope. not with wget.  youtube-dl maybe08:29
Beldararkas, Be aware that the persistent file will fill up and is not cleanable, the live is basically a test object to see if you want to install, besides a installer and other tool uses.08:29
redhat_cfhowlett: How?08:29
cfhowlett!info youtube-dl08:30
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2014.02.17-1 (trusty), package size 231 kB, installed size 1080 kB08:30
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
ObrienDavearkas, if you INSTALL the OS to the USB, then yes, you can do what you like. it's a stand-alone OS that way08:30
arkasok ok08:31
yz3pDarkas: persistant file is only a good idea if the usb stick has less than 4gb08:31
ObrienDaveno, persistence is a good idea on ANY size live USB08:33
arkasi say this because i install xfce4 by terminal way for to change unity to xfce and reboot  for usb and dont see changes in my desktop08:33
cfhowlettarkas reboot and select xubuntu session.08:33
yz3pDarkas: you have to choose the xfce de in lightdm08:33
Beldararkas, You never told us you were running a live.08:33
redhat_cfhowlett: youtube-dl is working perfectly fine. Thanks :)08:34
cfhowlettredhat_ happy2help08:34
ObrienDaveblame Google translate LOL arkas> i create a usblife of ubuntu and run now with this, when i create usb i put 2gb for changes, is posible change desktop in usblive?08:34
* cfhowlett still only understands maybe half of this08:34
* ObrienDave only the other half ;P08:35
Beldararkas, Download a xubuntu iso and use it.08:35
cfhowlett!xubuntu | arkas08:36
ubottuarkas: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels08:36
Beldaror if there is a xfce iso use it arkas08:36
* ObrienDave runs Xubuntu08:36
arkasok ok08:36
yz3pD* ObrienDave runs Xubuntu => how did you did that? /msg?08:37
arkasxubuntu is the solution , but i need endly run in server mode , xubuntu is in server mode?08:37
yz3pDarkas: special ubuntu edition: ubuntu server08:37
ObrienDaveyz3pD, start with /me08:37
* yz3pD used /me08:38
Ben64arkas: the x in xubuntu is for xfce - a graphical interface08:38
yz3pDarkas: server often don't have a gui!08:38
k1l_arkas: you are talking about desktops. a server usually got no desktop at all.08:39
Beldarnever see a live server install08:39
k1l_Beldar: yep, that too08:39
ObrienDavearkas, no, server has NO desktop environment. command line only08:40
Beldararkas, There is no live server.08:40
yz3pDarkas: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server08:40
cfhowlett!server | arkas08:40
ubottuarkas: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server08:40
ObrienDavearkas, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^08:40
arkasno live ubuntu live and08:41
arkasthen of course to copy usb iso for to install ubuntu server08:41
Beldararkas, If you are using a translator to get all this, you would be better on your native languages channel.08:41
cfhowlettarkas ?  copy?  pretty sure you mean dd08:42
Nick545353533hello,when i turn on my pc my taskbar wont show08:42
cfhowlettarkas what languages do you speak?08:42
`ajvenHi, got problem with my eth0 card on ubuntu server, i dont know why its not running on system start. Any idea what can be wrong ?08:42
cfhowlett!es | arkas08:42
kzhey guys08:42
ObrienDavecfhowlett, no getting snarky ;P08:43
k1l_!es | arkas08:43
ubottuarkas: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:43
* ObrienDave shoots ubottu08:43
cfhowlettObrienDave I don't snark anymore, but I do have Samuel L. Jackson mode on standby ... for those who just cant' communicate any other way.08:44
makenodehello, do you make an ubuntu live USB for Mac systems?08:44
cfhowlett!mac | makenode08:44
ubottumakenode: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages08:44
ObrienDavecfhowlett needs a bigger gun ;P08:44
makenodei'll see, thanks08:44
makenodecfhowlett: in that web page, i don't find how i can to make an ubuntu live USB :\08:47
ubottumakenode: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:47
ObrienDavemuh2000, hi, yes? may we help you?08:56
ObrienDavemuhammet, hi, yes? may we help you?08:56
ObrienDave!ask | muhammet08:57
ubottumuhammet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:57
* ObrienDave is following in cfhowlett's footsteps ;P08:57
Beldarall the user said was hi08:57
ObrienDavepreparing for snarkyness ;P08:58
Beldarthis feels like the family at thanksgiving. ;)09:00
cfhowlettBeldar trying to encourage people to come, drop their question, answer the details.  Too many say "Hi" and then ... wiat09:02
ObrienDavethis is calm compared to my family LOL09:02
Beldarnot a fan of hi, but assuming it is even close to asking to ask a question is kinda cookie09:03
ObrienDaveand i represent that remark ;P09:04
BeldarI met a self ascribed grammar nazi in a master class this week, is there like a world club?09:05
* cfhowlett restrains urge to trigger the !ot bot09:06
=== norman is now known as norman3
Beldarthe tmi was removed09:06
cfhowlettnorman3 greetings.  ask your ubuntu question09:06
ObrienDavenot sure about a world club. cfhowlett restrain ;P09:06
norman3please,i accidentaly unistalled the ubuntu laucner09:06
norman3and the taskbar09:06
norman3via synaptic package manager09:06
cfhowlettnorman3 can you get a terminal?  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should fix you09:07
norman3yes i can09:07
cfhowlettgenesis816 greetings.  ask your ubuntu question09:08
genesis816ne 1 has idea about free radius09:08
cfhowlett!details | genesis81609:08
ubottugenesis816: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:08
* ObrienDave takes aim at Google translate09:08
genesis816trying to setup freeradius for home09:08
norman3should i reboot now?09:09
cfhowlettgenesis816 ... aaaaaannnnnnnnnnndddddddd???09:09
* ObrienDave takes aim at current US education system09:09
genesis816getting error on testing09:09
cfhowlettnorman3 logout/login should be sufficient09:09
ObrienDave!details | genesis81609:09
ubottugenesis816: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:09
genesis816ok wait i wl get it09:09
cfhowlettgenesis816 breadcrumbs: give ALL the details!09:10
Beldargenesis816, freeradius is bsd09:10
ObrienDaveno, really?09:10
ObrienDaveBeldar, please excuse my snarkyness. blame cfhowlett instead :))09:10
DJonesI assume they're talking about this (from the Ubuntu repo's) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=freeradius09:11
mlaphello. I am doing a dhcp server on my ubuntu computer using dnsmasq. For this I have disabled dnsmasq in networkmanager  and everything works as expected. The only problem is that i cannot make dnsmasq start at bootup. How can I debug this problem?09:11
cfhowlettObrienDave SLJackson mode enabled.  say "snarky" again.09:11
ObrienDavecfhowlett, ROFL09:11
cfhowlettBeldar freeradius has ubuntu binary ...09:12
cfhowlett!server | mlap might be a better place to ask09:13
ubottumlap might be a better place to ask: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server09:13
=== Beldar is now known as friendlyfascism
norman3hey that didnt solve the problem09:13
friendlyfascismhint hint wink wink nudge nudge09:14
cfhowlettnorman3 reboot09:14
norman3i installed the ubuntu desktop and rebooted09:14
norman3i rebooted09:14
norman3but still no launcher and taskbar09:14
yz3pDdid you tried nomodeset?09:14
friendlyfascismnorman3, This a live session?09:14
cfhowlettnorman3 look in your terminal history for your deletions and then reinstall them09:14
norman3i unistalled them via synaptic09:15
friendlyfascismnorman3, synaptic has a histiry09:15
k1l_norman3: what did you uninstall exactly?09:15
k1l_if you dont know see the apt log in /var/log09:16
norman3i installed dconf editor to change my keyboard shortcut09:16
norman3and them unistalled it09:16
norman3but with it the launcher and taskbar dissapeared09:16
dendemeiermorning everyone09:17
ObrienDavedendemeier, greetings and welcome09:18
yz3pDnorman3, so install dconf editor agaain!09:19
hikarudo u know any zeitue around here09:19
hikaruu install again why?09:19
norman3i installed it09:19
yz3pDand reboot?09:19
norman3i guess i have to install the os again .........09:19
ObrienDavehikaru, if you do, get a shot or a doctor's appointment09:20
trijntjenorman3: try creating a new user, see if untiy works there09:20
norman3i have 2000 photos09:20
yz3pDnewest is 14.04.109:20
trijntjeif it works there you only broke your own account, if it doesnt work you broke unity09:20
hikarui do not like doctors sadly and my sate is sort of low rank09:20
k1l_hikaru: be helpfull in here or go away. thanks09:20
ObrienDavenorman3, and no backup, i assume09:20
dendemeierjust a quick question, I've got to install ubuntu on all of our faculties pool pcs. We're doing this via the ubuntu netboot method. Worked well for the last releases, but i can't find the netboot files for 14.04.1. the link on wiki.ubuntu.com is dead :/09:20
norman3ok i will try that09:20
hikaruexactly uneed a back up file09:21
trijntjedendemeier: try cdimages.ubuntu.com09:21
yz3pDnorman3, or you install an other de09:21
hikaruor a store file in any case to change an os?09:21
zeituehikaru, what about me?09:21
dendemeieryeah i did, the files should be here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/14.04.1/09:21
dendemeierbut they're not09:21
yz3pDdesktop environment09:21
friendlyfascism!mini | dendemeier09:21
ubottudendemeier: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:21
hikarui hate fb09:21
hikaruso im using this instead09:21
yz3pDnorman3, kde lxde xfce gnome ...09:21
ObrienDavenorman3, different Desktop Environments09:22
ObrienDavehence, DE09:22
zeituehikaru is Sarah?09:22
cfhowletthikaru if and when you get back in: this is NOT a facebook substitute.  Get your fix elsewhere.  if you to get or provide ubuntu support this is the place.  otherwise ... not.09:22
dendemeierhmm, there seems to be no mini version of 14.04.1 ?09:22
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:23
cfhowlettdendemeier use the 14.04 mini for now09:23
norman3do i install the desktop environments via terminal?09:23
norman3or do i need to download the deb?09:23
dendemeierI'm just wondering, because the netboot version for 14.04.1 is linked in the wiki but the link 404s.09:23
ObrienDavedendemeier, http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/09:23
svetlananorman3, you can from the terminal if you like09:24
yz3pDnorman3, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:24
norman3will it crash my system?09:24
svetlanayz3pD, he didn't tell which one he'd like09:24
svetlananorman3, no09:24
dendemeiercfhowlett: alright, but then i'll stick with the netboot one for 14.04 because we're using it with kickstart.09:24
norman3i love gnome09:24
yz3pDsvetland: he asked kde?09:24
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:24
yz3pDsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop09:24
svetlanalook here: *smack*09:24
norman3which is the best?09:24
yz3pDdon't ask this09:24
ObrienDavenorman3, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:24
cfhowlettnorman3 the one you like and use the most.09:24
* svetlana eyes ObrienDave a bit closer09:25
* ObrienDave prefers XFCE09:25
svetlananorman3: try a few and figure out which one tastes better ;-)09:25
* svetlana prefers gnustep, for that matter09:25
norman3ok i will09:25
* yz3pD prefers LXDE09:25
svetlana(which is also a bit windowmaker, and also a bit like free mac)09:25
dendemeierObrienDave: I dont see no 14.04.1 netboot files via torrent either :/09:26
ObrienDavedendemeier, never said they were there09:26
dendemeierokay, thought you meant that ;)09:26
cfhowlettdendemeier the differences between 14.04 and 14.04.1 mini are likely to be pretty small.  just use 14.04 and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to .109:27
trijntjethats still a lot of updates if you have 100 PC's ;)09:27
ObrienDavecfhowlett, and people were telling me dist-upgrade would not work. oh the shame09:27
cfhowlettObrienDave eh?  dist-upgrade will bring all packages to the latest available in repos i.e. 14.04.109:28
dendemeiercfhowlett: alright, im gonna do that. I was just looking for the 14.04.1 release because we have quite a complicated setup routine and something with the install doesn't work with our dell precision boxes. I hoped maybe whatever it was, was fixed in 14.04.1. Guess i'll have to work today and get the kickstart install fixed ;)09:28
ObrienDavecfhowlett, you don't have to convince me LOL09:28
ObrienDaveseeing how i had 14.04.1 2 days before the official release09:29
cfhowlettdendemeier .2 release will be in 6 months ...09:29
dendemeieralright, thank you guys.09:30
dendemeierI guess im going to find out whether apt-get upgrading 60+ PCs will slow down the uni network ;)09:31
trijntjedendemeier: run apt-cacher09:31
cfhowlettdendemeier I'm no expert, but can't you set up a local mirror for your uni and install all from in-house?09:32
dendemeierI'll have a look at it but first i gotta fix the kickstart install09:32
dendemeierWe even have one ftp://stw.uni-bonn.de09:32
dendemeierwell the url is somewhat like that :D09:32
sh4trany way to reset menulibre?09:33
MonkeyDust!info menulibre09:33
ubottumenulibre (source: menulibre): advanced FreeDesktop.org compliant menu editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-1~ubuntu14.04.1 (trusty), package size 94 kB, installed size 1016 kB09:33
anuvratunable to install openssh-server on ubuntu 14 https://dpaste.de/8cco09:34
k1l_anuvrat: sudo apt-get install openssh-client  ## and pastebin it please09:35
MonkeyDustanuvrat  try sudo apt-get update, first09:36
anuvratk1l_, it says openssh-client is already the newest version09:36
anuvratMonkeyDust, did that already ... no use09:36
sh4tri meant reset the made changes with menulibre to their default09:37
anuvratk1l_, https://dpaste.de/FyRT09:37
k1l_anuvrat: sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:38
k1l_!guidelines > hikaru09:40
ubottuhikaru, please see my private message09:40
cfhowletthikaru you were violating.  ask your ubuntu questions09:40
k1l_hikaru: read them and stick to them. or you will be banned09:40
hikaruchange my name?09:41
Akiva-Thinkpadis there a colour picker installed by default somewhere in ubuntu?09:41
cfhowletthikaru your name is fine.  read all the guidelines.  ask your ubuntu questions.09:41
cfhowlettAkiva-Thinkpad not by default09:41
Akiva-Thinkpadcfhowlett, okay so downloading gimp :S09:42
ObrienDaveAkiva-Thinkpad, no, that is an application setting, usually09:42
MonkeyDustAkiva-Thinkpad  maybe the background changer has a color picker09:42
Akiva-ThinkpadMonkeyDust, oh good idea09:42
Akiva-ThinkpadMonkeyDust, alas, it does have the eyedroplet tool I need09:43
ObrienDaveok, if you want to pick solid color for your desktop09:43
Akiva-ThinkpadI am a bit surprised its not in ubuntu somewhere09:44
Akiva-Thinkpadoh well;09:44
ObrienDaveAkiva-Thinkpad, it is not a common tool09:45
k1l_Akiva-Thinkpad: what program do you want?09:45
MonkeyDustAkiva-Thinkpad  some apps have been left uit from the .iso, to keep it small09:45
MonkeyDustleft out*09:45
Akiva-ThinkpadMonkeyDust, yah but what is the point now that ubuntu is no longer trying to fit on a cd-r?09:45
ObrienDaveAkiva-Thinkpad, take it up with the DEVS09:45
mlapis there any way to start a service after NetworkManager service?09:46
bekksAkiva-Thinkpad: Software is just getting bigger. :)09:46
bekksAkiva-Thinkpad: There were times an OS fitted on a floppy image. ;)09:46
Akiva-Thinkpadbekks, oh that is just superstition.09:46
ObrienDavebekks, yea, DOS09:46
* MonkeyDust remembers commodore 64 and zx spectrum in 198309:47
ObrienDaveakiml, no, fact ;P09:47
Akiva-ThinkpadObrienDave, Sorry; customer is always right.09:47
ObrienDaveAkiva-Thinkpad,  no, fact ;P09:47
bekksAkiva-Thinkpad: Customer is wrong when customer is wrong.09:47
Akiva-Thinkpadbekks, can I speak to your manager please?09:48
bekksAkiva-Thinkpad: No.09:48
ObrienDaveakiml, and you've proven you're no customer ;P09:48
ObrienDaveAkiva-Thinkpad,  and you've proven you're no customer ;P09:48
Akiva-ThinkpadObrienDave, May I have your employee number please?09:48
ObrienDavedamn, hate TAB complete LOL09:48
ObrienDaveAkiva-Thinkpad, NO!!!!09:48
Akiva-ThinkpadCan someone please forward me to customer service; I'd like to file a complaint09:49
k1l_!bug | Akiva-Thinkpad09:49
ubottuAkiva-Thinkpad: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:49
bekksAkiva-Thinkpad: buy a support contract at Canonical first, and then notice that we arent Canonical employees.09:50
Akiva-Thinkpadbekks, I am going to take this up with Chanserv.09:50
bekksAkiva-Thinkpad: Do it.09:50
Akiva-Thinkpadand if I have to, Linus Torvalds.09:50
bekksMEanwhile, we will return to supporting people.09:50
Akiva-ThinkpadI'm sorry, but I have to go over your head09:51
k1l_ok guys, i think we are done so far. please stick to technical ubuntu support in here. thanks09:51
dominikhello i installed tlp, and i read that there is some sort of gui: http://askubuntu.com/questions/285434/is-there-a-power-saving-application-similar-to-jupiter called  indicator-tlp.py . i found that script: https://github.com/silverjam/Sysmods/blob/master/scripts/indicator-TLP.py but i do not know how to use it. Do someone can help me?09:53
dominikhello i installed tlp, and i read that there is some sort of gui: http://askubuntu.com/questions/285434/is-there-a-power-saving-application-similar-to-jupiter called  indicator-tlp.py . i found that script: https://github.com/silverjam/Sysmods/blob/master/scripts/indicator-TLP.py but i do not know how to use it. Do someone can help me?10:00
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:00
Akiva-Thinkpaddominik, do someone can help me? Is english your native language? There are alternative support channels for different languages if you need them.10:01
cfhowlettdominik ask the script writer for help = they are the experts10:02
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dominikakiva: no english is not my native language.  but irc in polish do not exist.10:03
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:03
cfhowlettdominik false ^^^10:03
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:03
dominikoh damn.. sorry:) i did not know:)10:04
Akiva-Thinkpaddominik, No need to apologize. We want to help you the best we can ~10:04
Akiva-ThinkpadGood luck10:04
sandpiperoh hey Akiva-Thinkpad10:05
dominikThank u:)10:05
Akiva-Thinkpadsandpiper, o/10:06
bunburymorning all10:11
hikaruwhat app do u use for boosting mobile broadband that works for usb flash drive sim card isp10:15
hikarui need more help on how to boost my speed10:15
bekksask your isp for a faster connection.10:15
sh4trget an external addon antenae10:17
bunburythose wireless isp have lower speed the more people nearby that on it10:17
hikarui have dish10:17
hikarua radr except its cgnal tv10:17
bunburydoesnt satellite have high latency ?10:18
bekksbunbury: yes.10:18
hikarucant access it ask pin code10:19
bunburyso u need to move to suburbs and get wired service10:19
hikarui cant either10:19
hikarui cant move either10:19
TJ-bunbury: Depends if the transceivers are in LEO - most aren't and therefore suffer low latency10:19
hikaruim a full time mom slash home programmer10:20
hikarui plan to make apps at home10:20
TJ-hikaru: is your problem with a cellular USB modem dongle and its speed?10:20
bunburyisnt the speed ok for programming - googling and downloading frameworks ?10:21
hikaruacnt download very well10:21
TJ-hikaru: If it asks for a PIN code that is most likely the PIN code for the SIM card, assuming it is a GSM cellular modem10:21
hikarui just need to upgrade new ver of ubuntu but i cant with  not enough juice10:21
cfhowletthikaru yes you can.  torrent the ISO, make a usb, clean install.10:22
hikarubut its different that radar is only for connected in tv10:22
bunburyyep torrents are good10:22
hikarui cant hack into10:22
hikaruit i have to jumble pin in order to access inernet form a different service10:22
bunburydo the torrent10:22
hikaruits a different service that i am not registered10:22
bekkshikaru: if it is a tv statellite dish - thats expected. what does it have to do with your usb modem?10:23
hikarumy grandpa only registered cgnal service for cable HD channels10:23
hikaruexactly any10:23
hikaruideas how to upgrade the usb other that wi f i cant afford10:23
hikaruwifi are pospaid plans10:24
bekksAsk your USB modem ISP for a faster connection.10:24
sassytsneed helps with staying connected to vpn while using issir10:24
MonkeyDusthikaru  sounds like a local problem to me, not really related to ubuntu10:24
hikaruvpn idk any server10:24
hikaruknow any?10:24
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sassytscant stay in vpn while on issir so annoying >.<10:25
hikarumy os isnt the problem10:25
k1l_hikaru: please stick to technical ubuntu issues in here. for other chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic10:25
hikaruisp does10:25
hikaruahh ok10:25
sassytsdoes vpn have to connect to a vpn type server for it to work/10:26
TJ-hikaru: Most cellular modems are limited by the radio signal they receive. If it isn't already receiving the typical bandwidth the ISP offers then adding an external antenna, positioned higher and with fewer/no obstacles between it and the cellular transmitter tower, are the only ways to improve connectivity10:27
TJ-sassyts: Yes, a Virtual Private Network needs 2 endpoints10:27
arun_hi guys !!! is there any way to install the Ubuntu distro in PC-Tablet10:33
cfhowlett!touch | arun_10:33
ubottuarun_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:33
arun_cfhowlett: is there any other ??10:33
k1l_arun_: is this pc-tablet an arm device? do you talk about a regular desktop or the ubuntu touch?10:34
arun_k1l_: regular pc-tablet in which we can install windows 7 too10:34
k1l_arun_: which one exactly?10:34
arun_k1l_: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/s526x296/10534094_807587975947403_4597570483604191032_n.jpg10:35
arun_k1l_: I wanted to know what that thing really is10:35
k1l_arun_: its a nexus 7 device with the ubuntu desktop running. but that is not a "windows 7 pc-tablet"10:35
arun_k1l_: yeah its not !!! , but I thought it would be easy to get the gist thing up10:36
cfhowlettarun_ facts matter when trouble shooting ...10:37
k1l_arun_: the tablet area is a lot different. you cant just grab a device and put ubuntu on it. it depends on that special device if its possible or not.10:37
arun_so, we use x86 for hat nexus 7 ?10:37
k1l_arun_: no no no no10:38
k1l_its ARM!10:38
cfhowlett!touch|arun_ no.  ubuntu touch10:38
ubottuarun_ no.  ubuntu touch: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:38
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.10:38
k1l_arun_: see that article where that image is from: http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/27/ubuntu-nexus-7-installer/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fengadget+%28Engadget%2910:38
k1l_arun_: 99% of the tablets run with ARM. and there we have missing drivers and locked bootloaders. so its not as easy as to put a ubuntu cd into a pc and give it a go.10:39
arun_k1l_: ok , got u !!!10:40
dominikhow can i install catalyst drivers in ubuntu 14.04 for radeon 8750 in lenovo g510?10:42
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arun_k1l_: dude, where can I get Cannonical's Installer for nexus 7 ?10:43
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:44
yz3pDdominik: additional/proprietary driver10:44
krejsiis there some log I can check after an automated installation to see what happened during install?10:51
k1l_arun_: see the ARM wiki pages from ubuntu. more info in #ubuntu-arm10:56
arun_k1l_: ok sure11:04
yz3pDdoes anybody know how to make openjdk-java use the gtk theme?11:07
yz3pDi already modified the /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/jre/lib/swing.properties11:07
MonkeyDustyz3pD  are you a developer?11:11
yz3pDnot really11:11
yz3pDi know that i can set the look an feel in java11:11
yz3pDbut i want to make minecraft launcher use gtk theme11:12
S0RAN-FBSwho can tell me how i can install programs usually11:12
MonkeyDustS0RAN-FBS  use synaptic, or sudo apt-get install, or the software manager11:12
yz3pDS0RAN-FBS: ubuntu software center, it's like an app store11:13
k1l_+1 softwarecenter11:13
S0RAN-FBSbut lots of programs not free11:13
MonkeyDustS0RAN-FBS  true, you have to pay for some11:14
S0RAN-FBSin software center11:14
k1l_S0RAN-FBS: some devs want to have a reward. but that depends on the program11:14
krejsiis there some log I can check after an automated installation to see what happened during install?11:14
S0RAN-FBSahh i am in Northeren Iraq  and we dont have credite card service  or  i cant make mony and use it on  net11:14
cfhowlettS0RAN-FBS use the free programs until you find a way to buy programs11:17
hackerzgood day, i have a problem where reaver is not displaying rssi  as 0s and wash displays very few ap11:19
BlackDalekwhy is my USB thumb drive telling me "destination is read only". I just formatted it to FAT32.11:20
hackerzactually i meant reaver is 0s11:20
bekkshackerz: Can you rephrase that sentence please?11:20
hackerzthank you, wash yields very little ap results when airodump displays multitude and reaver rssi displays only 0011:22
MonkeyDusthackerz  are you sure you're in the right channel?11:22
hackerznot sure11:22
k1l_hackerz: we dont support wifi hacking in here. please stop to ask for that11:23
hackerzoh sorry eh is what i do for security11:24
shambatdoes ufw have an implicit deny that does not show up when doing a "ufw status verbose"?11:24
k1l_if you do it for security you will gratefully read yourselv into the documentations.11:24
hackerzi have11:25
hackerzanyway thank you11:25
TJ-shambat: it'll depend on the default policy for each direction. Does "status verbose" help at all?11:27
shambatTJ-: I'm trying to find out if certain traffic is blocked in the firewall, but I dont see any deny-rules in status verbose that would block it11:28
TJ-shambat: how about with "sudo iptables-save" - maybe some manual rule is in there?11:29
shambatTJ-: will taht make changes or just print the rules?11:30
TJ-shambat: It's the tool we use to save the rules at shutdown for reloading at start-up... it writes all rules to stdout unless redirected to a file11:30
shambatTJ-: that definately gives more details11:31
TJ-shambat: I use "iptables-save" in preference to "iptables -nvL" since it lists *all* tables with complete rules (not pretty-printed)11:33
shambatTJ-: now I just need to understand the rukes :)11:33
TJ-shambat: Well, the first thing to examine are the policies for INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT ... then work on down for each user-defined table11:34
shambatTJ-: its says INPUT DROP, and FORWARD DROP11:34
shambatguessing those are the default then11:34
TJ-shambat: If no policy is DENYing, then look at individual rules... if nothing there... check ordering of rules in tables... a REJECT before an ACCEPT can often catch you out11:35
Elijah4its 55-60 celsius a good temperature for a laptop?ty11:35
bazhangtry ##hardware Elijah411:35
TJ-shambat: OK, so all INPUT or FORWARD packets are DROPped unless there's a rule to allow them11:35
MonkeyDustElijah4  in a terminal, type this to know the critical temperature     watch -n 1 -d sensors11:36
simpleuserHi. A program cannot connect to my 4444 localhost port.11:39
simpleuserIs there a way to check which one is using it?11:39
simpleuserOr what is blocking it?11:39
k1l_simpleuser: netstat -tulpen11:39
k1l_will show you if something is already listening on that port11:40
MonkeyDustsimpleuser  or lsof | grep localhost11:40
simpleuserOk, nothing on this port… Thanks :)11:40
TJ-simpleuser:  is the "program" on the same PC, and not a virtual machine?11:41
simpleuserTJ-: Same pc.11:42
simpleuserIt is selenium.11:42
murr4yrunning "apt-get update && apt-get install openssl" on my aws ec2 13.10 machine installs 1.0.1e-3ubuntu1.6, but that is not the newest version - what am i missing?11:43
ssarahGuys, what is this ubuntu web browser thingie that opens my links on irc?11:44
TJ-simpleuser: The error is because there is nothing listening on port 4444. It looks as if the hub isn't running, or is configured on a different port11:44
simpleuserOh ok TJ-11:44
simpleuserTJ-: was not running… ^^11:48
TJ-simpleuser: That'd do it :)11:48
MonkeyDustssarah  "web browser thingie"?11:49
EldunarHello there, i just installed catalyst drivers and i received that bugsplat : http://pastebin.com/f1M7SthJ . Can u help me?11:51
ssarahyeh, instead of firefox, it opens a Ubuntu Web Browser11:52
FilipNorticmost irc clients would use the default browser11:54
ssarahkonversation, thats what im using, on xubuntu-desktop installed on ubuntu11:54
k1l_ssarah: that is the gnome web browser. just make firefox or whatever you use, that standard browser11:54
ssarahthat's a setting inside my irc client, right?11:55
FilipNorticno ideé how konversttion works...11:55
MonkeyDustssarah  no, set your default web browser in the ubuntu settings11:56
ssarahoh, everything else is opening firefox11:56
ssarahbut tell me where those are anyway11:56
EldunarHello there, i just installed catalyst drivers and i received that bugsplat : http://pastebin.com/f1M7SthJ . Can u help me?11:57
FilipNorticssarah: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/extragear-network/konversation/webbrowser.html, should be similar in xubuntu no ideé why someone would preprogram default browser though12:02
elvishboyhi folks, when I run this command: "find ./VA\ -\ NRJ\ Music\ Awards\ 2011\ (2010)\ -\ Pop\ [www.torrentazos.com] -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sha1sum > /checksums_backup.md5" I get this error: "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('"  how can I run this command on folders that have characters like "(" in their names?12:07
ssarahoh wow bro, that was really nice of you. I was just asking the way to set the default ubuntu web browser and you went to find out how to do it in convesration. <312:08
k1l_elvishboy: escape them too with a \12:08
ssarahit works, ty12:08
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elvishboyyeap it is working now, thanks12:09
elvishboyk1l_: thank you12:09
samurai-ithelp me12:41
MonkeyDustsamurai-it  what about it?12:43
MagentiumGood Morning Ubuntu Users :)12:44
knobsamurai-it, yes, you have spelled it correctly.12:44
MonkeyDustMagentium  other timezone12:45
yz3pDwe don't know what your problem is but maybe you can use transmission in place of ktorrent12:45
samurai-itktorrent is the most popular file sharing but the torrent not strart12:46
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:46
yz3pDit could take some minutes before the down starts12:46
cfhowlettsamurai-it if there are no seeds available = no start.  Wait at least 15 minutes12:47
samurai-itthank you12:47
k1l_samurai-it: and the program beeing popular doesnt mean that the files are popular, too12:48
cfhowlettsamurai-it in other words: no seeds, no torrent.12:50
samurai-iti installa kubuntu desktop12:52
samurai-itsudo apt-get install kubuntu desktop?12:52
bazhangkubuntu-desktop samurai-it12:52
k1l_!it | samurai-it12:53
ubottusamurai-it: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:53
samurai-itthank you12:53
samurai-iti speak englesh vary well please12:53
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samurai-iti instal kubuntu desktop but install programs but graphic interface none because12:55
trijntjesamurai-it: you don't speak English very well, I cant understand what you are saying. Where are you from, maybe people can help you better in your own language12:56
panmictic_he's from Italy12:57
samurai-iti speak English very well12:57
panmictic_or at least his IP is12:57
high_fiver /whois samurai-it12:57
samurai-ititalian channel non help me12:57
panmictic_well first of all you have to use sudo apt-get install kubuntu desktop12:59
panmictic_I mean don't use that13:00
panmictic_sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:00
panmictic_so try to do that samurai-it and see if it works13:00
samurai-itwho help me whit use ktorrent?13:01
MonkeyDustsamurai-it  what do you expect it to do?13:02
samurai-ithelp to configure ktorrent13:03
bekkssamurai-it: So ask a specific question please.13:03
FilipNorticsamurai-it: or try the manual13:03
samurai-ithi install ktorrent but the torrent not start13:04
bekkssamurai-it: "the torrent"?13:04
bekkssamurai-it: Did you start ktorrent?13:04
samurai-iti start ktorrent but the torrent not strart13:05
bekkssamurai-it: What is "the torrent"?13:05
bekkssamurai-it: Please describe what exactly you are doing.13:05
samurai-itthe last samurai avi13:05
MonkeyDustsamurai-it  maybe it is not available, it has to come from somewhere, someone who "seeds" it13:06
samurai-itthank you13:06
FilipNorticsamurai-it: try another torrent a really popular one to see if you can download that instead13:07
FilipNorticif it works the issue is with the torrent itself and not with ktorrent13:07
DJonessamurai-it: Try downloading one of the Ubuntu torrents listed on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads (about 1/3rd of the way down the page)13:08
jeffreylevesqueI updated my Ubuntu 11.04 to Ubuntu 14.04.  I couldn't install ffmpeg as the system suggested me to install avconv13:08
jeffreylevesquecould someone assist me with the equivalent code in 'avconv' - https://github.com/jeff1evesque/audio-analyzer/issues/35713:08
cfhowlettjeffreylevesque libav-tools is the package name13:08
k1l_jeffreylevesque: yep, avconv is the new ffmpeg13:08
DJonessamurai-it: If that works then its not your problem, you'd need to contact the original torrent provider13:08
ResupineEarthDoes anyone know anything about how backups are setup in ubuntu13:13
bekks!backup | ResupineEarth13:13
ubottuResupineEarth: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:13
k1l_ResupineEarth: dejadup is the standard now13:13
canaimano te conosco  podriamos ser amigos por chat13:13
ResupineEarthmany thanks13:13
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:14
k1l_!es | canaima13:15
ubottucanaima: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:15
ResupineEarthHello i just was wondering if that includes how to restore your backup if for example you should have a hard disk failure13:16
high_fiver!cloning | ResupineE13:17
ubottuResupineE: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate13:17
canaimabueno voy a salir por que la tendre que apagar13:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:18
jeffreylevesquei keep finding that everyone uses ffmpeg - https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=libav+convert+wav+to+16+bit+mono+16+kHz13:18
jeffreylevesquewhy did ubuntu switch to libav?13:18
Picijeffreylevesque: because debian switched to libav.13:18
k1l_jeffreylevesque: because debian did.13:18
jeffreylevesquegotcha, thanks13:18
krejsiHi, I need help with autoinstallation of ubuntu 14.04. Im musing this preseed script http://pastebin.com/LrL2QNub . The installation is getting answers from this script but its not automating the stuff that it should be after the reboot. Can you see spot anything wrong with this?13:19
Elijah4hello,does enyone know a program that can erase a dvd so i will be able to burn ubuntu into it?ty13:19
krejsiIm using usb-stick with remastered os with my preseed file in it. I point at it with this at boot "preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed/seed.seed"13:21
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xanguaelijah: stores sells rewritable dvd's13:23
vinihi, i have an error executing virtualbox, something about missing kernel driver13:24
viniany solutions?13:24
akaul I am trying to mount an qcow2 image using #qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 image.qcow2 it fails with the message ufs was compiled with read-only support, can't be mounted as read-write. it's a FreeBSD image which I am trying to mount on Ubuntu13:25
grobe0bavini, verify you have virtualbox-dkms installed13:25
grobe0baand or reinstall all of virtualbox13:25
viniyes i have that package installed13:25
grobe0baakaul, mount with -oro13:26
grobe0baor w/e the qemu-nbd equivalent is13:26
pdshow do i wget a file to a certain folder13:26
grobe0baakaul, qemu-ndb -r -c /dev/nbd0 image.qcow2 will put it read only13:26
grobe0bapds, read the man page13:27
akaulmount -oro /dev/nbd0p1 /disk113:29
akaulmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nbd0p1,13:29
akaulwhen I do a tail13:29
akaul >>>WARNING<<< Wrong ufstype may corrupt your filesystem, default is ufstype=old13:30
akaul[1731086.441800] ufs_read_super: bad magic number13:30
wheezy123hello, anyone knows how to add a "Open with" for folders in Nautilus?13:30
muxdemuxhow do i turn off the firewall or open a port in ubuntu 14.04 LTS?13:30
grobe0baakaul, use -r13:30
grobe0bai told you that two lines down. i was speaking of the regular mount command13:30
akaulaah while mounting with qemu-nbd13:30
grobe0bamuxdemux, unless you set up a firewall on your own, there shouldn't be any closed ports13:31
grobe0baiptables default rules is ALLOW13:31
muxdemuxim running it in a vagrant VM13:31
muxdemuxhttps://gist.github.com/garrettwilkin/e3eadbd6a78c44a044c6 <— my vagrant file, netstat from inside the VM, nmap scan of the VM from the host machine.13:32
muxdemuxI didn’t set up a firewall13:32
grobe0bai don't see what you're problem is13:33
grobe0bassh is running on .37, just like it should be13:33
muxdemuxgrobe0ba: I’m running a webserver on port 800013:34
wheezy123anyone knows how to add a "Open with" for folders in Nautilus?13:34
grobe0bamuxdemux, it's not running then13:34
grobe0baor at least, not listening on the right interface13:34
muxdemuxbut i can’t access it from the host VM, even though the VM has an IP of, and I can ssh to it13:34
akaulthanks grobe0ba, mount: block device /dev/nbd0p1 is write-protected, mounting read-only13:34
akaulmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nbd0p1,13:34
akauland in dmesg it says !ufs_read_super: bad magic number13:34
grobe0baakaul, at this point, you'll have to look at mounting ufs slices on linux13:35
grobe0bai never have13:35
GTFr0I'm having alot of problems using serial after upgrading to 14.04 from 12.04.  In 12.04 I would use cu to connect to serial console on various network devices and it would work fine.  With 14.04, I can connect, but I cannot actually type anything into the serial console.  Has something changed between 12.04 and 14.04 related to serial?13:35
grobe0bamuxdemux, it's not a firewall issue13:35
akaulok thankx.. grobe0ba13:35
grobe0baare you able to access the httpd from inside the vm, e.g. elinks?13:35
grobe0baakaul, np13:35
GTFr0(and I've tried onboard serial, an add-on serial card and two different USB-Serial adapters)13:36
txdvare you using the programm called cu?13:36
GTFr0txdv:  yes13:36
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grobe0bamuxdemux, just saw that netstat you posted13:36
TJ-GTFr0: have you tried alternatives, such as screen?13:36
grobe0bathe service is obviously not listening, e.g., is not running13:37
grobe0bacheck your configuration13:37
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GTFr0TJ-: I tried minicom and that did the same thing as cu13:37
grobe0baTJ-, that might be okay for troubleshooting, but cu is the defacto standard of serial port comms13:37
TJ-grobe0ba: my point exactly13:37
GTFr0the odd part is that 12.04 works fine with cu13:38
GTFr0on the same machine, using the same serial ports13:38
muxdemuxgrobe0ba: i just added curl logs https://gist.github.com/garrettwilkin/e3eadbd6a78c44a044c613:38
TJ-GTFr0: Are you able to test with the older 12.04 kernel on 14.04 userspace? I'm wondering if a tty discipline is at fault13:39
muxdemuxthe service is reachable from inside the VM via
wheezy123anyone knows how to add a "Open with" for folders in Nautilus?13:39
muxdemuxbut not from the host via
grobe0bamuxdemux, it's possible that w/e vagrant box you used is firewalled by default13:39
grobe0bain the vm, sudo iptables -S13:40
grobe0baand pastebin it13:40
GTFr0TJ-: I haven't tried that, are there packages in the 14.04 repos that would allow me to downgrade kernels, or would I have to compile my own?13:40
akaulmount -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/nbd0p1 /disk1/ this was the command I was able to mount..13:40
TJ-GTFr0: also, have you tried "--debug all" ?13:40
TJ-GTFr0: With you saying it was an upgrade, I was assuming at least one of the 12.04 kernels would remain13:41
txdvGTFr0: if you want to know you either contact the dude who packaged cu, or the dude who wrote cu13:41
Nick545353533is unity tweak tool good for customizing ubuntu?13:41
txdvbest course is to download both sources for 12.04 and 14.04 and make a diff on them13:41
Nick545353533or is it a better one that exists out there?13:41
k1lNick545353533: yes13:41
muxdemuxgrobe0ba: https://gist.github.com/garrettwilkin/e3eadbd6a78c44a044c6#file-vm_iptables-log13:41
Nick545353533do you have it k1l?13:41
txdvif there is no difference then ubuntu messedu p13:41
k1lNick545353533: that is the official unity settings tool13:42
grobe0batxdv, it's not the problem of the guy who wrote it13:42
xanguaNick545353533: it's good to configure it, maybe you are referring to something more with"customize"13:42
grobe0bait works fine on several other OSes, in it's latest incarnation13:42
GTFr0TJ-: I would have to check, but I might have done a clean reinstall on this machine13:42
txdvgrobe0ba: as alwayus it is the problem of the user13:42
Nick545353533well xangua i mean to make my desktop look better effects icons that kind of stuff:)13:42
GTFr0(I've had the LTS -> LTS upgrade completely break the OS in the past)13:43
* muxdemux goes to read about iptables13:43
grobe0batxdv, the user or the packager13:43
TJ-GTFr0: OK ... another question: are the ports true ttyS or ttyUSB or ttyM or something else?13:43
xanguaNick545353533: what kind of stuff is"better effect icons"?13:43
grobe0bai'm simply saying the it isn't that of the person who wrote it IN THIS CASE13:43
txdvI never upgrade, only fresh installs13:43
GTFr0TJ-: I've tried both ttyS and ttyUSB13:43
grobe0basince it works on a variety of other platforms without fail13:43
txdvtoo much hassle when smoething goes bad13:43
GTFr0like I said in the original post13:43
GTFr0I tried onboard serial, an add-on serial card and multiple USB adapters (Prolific and FTDI)13:44
Nick545353533oh i meant to make my desktop look better and to have another effects13:44
TJ-GTFr0: I may have missed your original post... I was busy elsewhere :)13:44
Nick545353533like when you open and close something to make a sound etc13:44
Nick5453535333d effects etc13:44
TJ-GTFr0: OK, if you can test against screen and it suffers the same way that'd point to a kernel issue13:44
GTFr0TJ-: OK, let me try that13:44
xanguaNick545353533: to configure compiz effects you use the compiz settings manager13:44
TJ-GTFr0: also, a long-shot, but have you tried using "sudo cu ..." ?13:45
grobe0bamuxdemux, so, iptables is set up correctly, allow all13:45
GTFr0TJ-: running cu as root errors out13:45
GTFr0says the line is in use13:45
grobe0bamuxdemux, post another netstat13:45
grobe0barun it again13:45
GTFr0(not sure why, I thought that was really weird)13:45
GTFr0and my user is a part of the dialout group, so permissions should be OK13:45
vinineed some help with virtualbox13:46
GTFr0brb, gonna reboot into ubuntu13:46
TJ-GTFr0: that is weird13:46
muxdemuxgrobe0ba: https://gist.github.com/garrettwilkin/e3eadbd6a78c44a044c6#file-vm_netstat-log shows that port 8000 is being listened to in the VM13:48
muxdemuxtcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1980/python13:48
grobe0bamuxdemux, yeah it does NOW13:48
grobe0bathe first netstat you posted it doesn't13:49
grobe0bahave you tried from the host lately?13:49
muxdemuxyea, i had changed teh port13:49
grobe0bai don't know what the problem is then13:49
grobe0baiptables is fine13:49
muxdemuxmaybe its a virtual box thing?13:49
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grobe0bai'm assuming it's using virtualbox's host adapter set up thingy which should work13:49
muxdemuxthis is vagrant, administering virtualbox13:49
grobe0bapresumably it's a virtual box thing13:50
grobe0bavagrant is just a fancy front end13:50
TJ-muxdemux: The process is listening on localhost not
grobe0baTJ-, crap, how did i not see that....13:50
muxdemuxooooo TJ-13:50
grobe0bamuxdemux, yeah13:50
vinii have some problems running virtualbox because of kernel drivers, any solutions please?13:50
grobe0baquit listening to localhost only :P13:50
muxdemuxwhere did you see it?13:50
TJ-grobe0ba: blind spots... the bane of our lives!13:50
grobe0bamuxdemux, in the netstat13:50
grobe0baTJ-, indeed13:51
grobe0ba<muxdemux> tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1980/python13:51
muxdemuxshould be instead?13:51
grobe0bayour config file for httpd is wrong13:51
grobe0bait's listening only to localhost13:51
grobe0bait needs to listen to all addresses13:51
TJ-muxdemux: That, or at least a route-able IP of one if the VM's interfaces13:51
muxdemuxuh hmmm this is a python webserver, specifically django. would httpd still come into play?13:52
* muxdemux doesnt know what httpd13:52
* muxdemux thinks that its apache13:52
* muxdemux thinks maybe he has to configure django properly13:52
grobe0bait usually helps to configure things13:53
Picimuxdemux: if you are running django from manage.py, it only listens on by default.13:53
muxdemuxPici: I am!13:53
muxdemuxdo you know how to change that?13:53
CustardPieUbuntu 14.04: I've just been configuring apache2 and /var/www to be more secure, /var/www is "drw-r--r-- 2 www-data www-data". Though now I am trying to upload files to that folder via SFTP and I can't because on write access (logging in as an admin user). How do I set permissions in such a way that I'm able to upload files?13:54
muxdemuxI’m a django noob13:54
grobe0baCustardPie, make sure the user you're using is in the same group as the directory13:54
grobe0baand set 664 instead of 64413:54
grobe0bae.g., group rw, not just r13:54
Picimuxdemux: uh.. manage.py runserver
CustardPiegrobe0ba: Great point, I'll add that user to the group and test it out13:56
grobe0baCustardPie, you have to set group=+rw as well13:56
grobe0baotherwise that will have no effect13:56
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GTFr0TJ-: I just tried screen, and it seems to work fine.  must be a problem with cu?13:57
grobe0baGTFr0, probably. contact the package maintainer13:59
grobe0banot the author of cu13:59
muxdemuxwooo hoooo!!!!  http://i.imgur.com/TCX1Tbc.png  TJ- grobe0ba Pici  You14:00
muxdemuxYou’re the best guise!14:00
Picimuxdemux: :)14:00
grobe0bayah, we are tits14:00
TJ-GTFr0: what kind of devices are on the ends of the serial links? Could it be a baud-rate/parity/stop-bit issue? Have you tried explicitly setting them? If you are explicitly setting them, have you tried allowing it to use defaults?14:02
TJ-GTFr0: I could test it here against a similar device, if you can show me the command-line you are using14:03
TJ-GTFr0: unfortunately though most of my serial consoles are via a network access server14:04
GTFr0TJ-: I've specifically seen happening when connecting to a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite and two different Aruba Instant access points (IAP-93, IAP-105)14:04
GTFr0I've also seen this happen with HP Procurve switches14:05
GTFr0as well14:05
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GTFr0TJ-: the command line I was using is pretty simple14:06
GTFr0TJ-: cu -l /dev/ttyS4 -s 960014:06
GTFr0(if the device requires 9600 speed)14:06
TJ-GTFr0: I'll try it here, hang on14:06
CustardPiegrobe0ba: I added the my user to the www-data group (the user/group created by apache), using "getent group www-data", and it only shows "www-data:x:33:myuser". When trying to upload files, it states "open for write: permission denied" when trying to upload, running ls -l on /var/www/html shows: "drw-rw-r-- 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jul 27 14:17 html"... any ideas?14:08
grobe0baare you attempting to overwrite files that are already there?14:10
CustardPieNah, it's completely empty14:10
CustardPieNew server set up14:10
grobe0batry 775 vice 64414:11
grobe0bait shouldn't matter, but i've seen some weirdness like that14:11
TJ-GTFr0: Same issue here14:12
CustardPiegrobe0ba: It worked after doing "chmod -R 775 /var/www". Is this a security concern?14:13
k_szeThere seems to be a problem with the Lubuntu torrent.14:13
grobe0banot that i can see14:13
GTFr0TJ-: (I hate to say this but)... good... I thought I was crazy because it didn't work14:15
TJ-GTFr0: I've got a serial port analyser on it, and there's no transmit, instead it resets the line14:15
k_szeAs soon as I add it in Transmission, it tells me "Tracker returned error: Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker."14:15
DJonesk_sze: Just trying it myself, just doesn't seem to be connecting to any peers14:16
TJ-GTFr0: haha: try adding "--nostop" :)14:17
KomaZhi all14:17
KomaZthere are some problem with the repository ?14:17
k_szeDJones: I seem to be getting peers through DHT.14:18
k_szeIt's the http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 tracker that rejects the torrent.14:18
DJonesk_sze: Try http://torrent.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/trusty/release/desktop/ That lists a 14.04.1 torrent, maybe the 14.04 torrent has been removed now that the .1 release has been made14:19
hescoLooking at /etc/debian_version says jessie/testing.  But I need a way of introspecting the system to learn I am working with trusty before I am able to install puppet and facter.  How can I do that please?14:19
yz3pDi downloaded a file with transmission from ubuntu (14.04.1) and it worked fine14:19
Picihesco: look at /etc/issue and/or lsb_release14:19
k_szeDJones: ah, that's probably why14:20
k_szeDJones: the wiki and the lubuntu website still list the old torrents though.14:20
DJonesk_sze: Possibly still in the process of being updated14:20
k_szeWhat is it about the 14.04.1 update?14:21
DJonesk_sze: Its an updated iso with all the individual updates since the original 14.04 release included14:21
TJ-GTFr0: here may be the problem, revealed by strace: "ioctl(3, TIOCSCTTY, 0) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)"  fd 3 is the tty port, fd 0 is stdin, TIOCSCTTY is to set the controlling terminal14:27
GTFr0TJ-: so would that be a bug with cu?14:27
TJ-GTFr0: investigating... looks like permissions14:28
ubottugian: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:28
TJ-GTFr0: "sudo adduser uucp dialout" :)14:30
GTFr0the uucp user isn't in the dialout group?14:31
TJ-GTFr0: hmmm, that helped, but wasn't enough ... this is intriguing14:32
hydeWhy am I not seeing a desktop upgrade to 14.04.1 (from 12.04.4)? I thought it's out already and upgradeable.14:34
hydeIOW, is the problem in my system, or is it just not available yet?14:34
cfhowletthyde sudo apt do-release-upgrade -p14:35
Noirowhat's the name of the settings manager in ubuntu. I'm controlling my comp from afar but since I have the unity action bar hidden, I can't get to anything as my mouse movements don't pick up14:35
ActionParsnipNoiro: grep Exec /usr/share/applications/*.desktop | grep -i settings14:35
cfhowletthyde it's available but for some reason, the .1 release doesn't trigger upgrade offer.  could be a bug or something still being processed14:35
hydecfhowlett: thanks, but is that command right?14:36
cfhowletthyde run that command it watch your terminal14:36
hydeah, extra "apt@ there14:36
NoiroI see landscape-client-settings and /usr/share/applications/onboard-settings.desktop:Exec=onboard-settings14:37
hydesudo do-release-upgrade -p # this started doing the upgrade, thanks!14:37
cfhowletthyde happy2help14:38
ceed^I am going to install Ubuntu on a laptop exactly the same as the one I have. It's going to have the same configuration. Can I simply copy /etc/apt over after install and run an update/upgrade without problems?14:38
ActionParsniphyde: Precise is LTS too you know, supported til April 2017....14:38
ActionParsniphyde: imho, if precise ain't broke, don't fix it14:38
raivishi to all, can i install flash player to mozilla or chromium? me lubuntu 11.0414:38
ActionParsnipceed^: you will want the debs from /var/cache/apt/archives14:39
ActionParsnipraivis: Natty is EOL and no longer supported in any way14:39
cfhowlettceed^ great question!  If the hardware match is exact and the programs / apps are the same - yes14:39
cfhowlett!natty | naraivis14:39
ubottunaraivis: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on 2012-10-28, see http://ubottu.com/y/natty for details.14:39
hydeActionParsnip: well, I use this as a desktop machine, and it's nice to have fresh software... why wait longer than .1 release?14:39
Noiroi just need to get the unity bar to stop auto-hiding14:40
ActionParsnipraivis: I'd suggest you remove Natty and do a clean install of Trusty which is LTS and supported til April 201914:40
raiviskto govorit po russki? ja nichevo ne ponimaju14:40
hydeActionParsnip: this particular install actually started with 9.04 :)14:40
ubotturaivis: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:40
jeffreylevesqueanyone use some kind of 'Grub Customizer'?14:40
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: what do you wnat to achieve with Grub?14:40
hydevi (or nano or whatever) and gimp, what more do you need?14:41
MonkeyDustraivis  it works but you cannot install or upgrade anything, because the repos (sources) are no longer available14:41
cfhowlettraivis and you have no security updates ...14:41
FapFlop|WorkDid just go down?14:41
ActionParsnipFapFlop|Work: replying ok here14:41
MonkeyDustFapFlop|Work  ping it to find out14:41
poobuttNoiro got to system settings - appearance - behavior can adjust there usually14:41
FapFlop|WorkNo response for me. Weird.14:42
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: Windows 7 is on my original partition.  Ubuntu Server 14.04 is on my second partition.  I want it to default to windows 7, and some of entries at startup are duplicated within the GRUB bootloader14:42
raivisthen than not to install?14:42
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: you dont need a customizer fr that, you need 2 commands14:42
cfhowlettraivis install 14.0414:42
raiviscfhowlett- lubuntu?14:42
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: I was looking at http://askubuntu.com/questions/100232/how-do-i-change-the-grub-boot-order14:43
Noiropoobutt, I couldn't get to systme settings since I couldn't get to the gui stuff14:43
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober; sudo update-grub14:43
cfhowlett!lubuntu | raivis lubuntu would work.14:44
ubotturaivis lubuntu would work.: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.14:44
ceed^cfhowlett, thanks. I will try and see if it works. I need to find a way to copy the keys also.14:44
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: the number in the filename dictates the order, so if you put the windows one as a lower number than the Linux ones, it will be top14:44
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: I installed GRUB on the master boot record.  Will I be able to do as you suggested? And, could you explain the reason of the moving the file?14:44
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: making Windows default14:44
poobuttNoiro: sorry but what do you mean no gui?14:44
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: the location of Grub is moot, the config will update it as needed14:44
cfhowlettceed^ I think you can backup/copy your keys then import/restore in the new machine14:45
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: just like you don't concern yourself when new kernels install, do you ?14:45
Noironvm, I figured it out. For future reference: gsettings set org.compiz.unityshell:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/ launcher-hide-mode 014:45
Noiro   will unhide the unity bar command-line14:45
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: no, not really.  But, what are those files we are moving?14:45
poobuttNoiro: ok cool14:46
ceed^cfhowlett, okay thanks. Looks like 'sudo apt-key exportall > ~/Repo.keys' works. Then I can just import them again on the new machine14:46
raivistak i do not understand can be to install it or not? answer with a yes or no. otherwise do not understand, do not speak English by, translated by translators14:46
cfhowlettceed^ nice14:46
cfhowlettraivis what language do you speak14:47
cfhowlettraivis yes lubuntu 14.0414:47
MonkeyDustraivis  install lubuntu 14.0414:48
yz3pDlubuntu 14.04.114:48
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: they dictate the order in grub, when you run update-grub they are read and used to make the /etc/grub/grub.cfg14:50
raivisi am speak russian14:51
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:51
cfhowlettraivis lubuntu 14.04 da14:51
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: its why Grub2 is great compared to Grub14:52
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: the config in those files will affect all kernels in te future too, dead handy14:52
raiviscfhowlett na lubuntu 11.04. ne kak?14:52
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: i trust your knowledge.  I'm trying to understand `sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober`14:53
cfhowlettraivis lubuntu 14.04 nyet14:53
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  don't confuse the guy, now he thinks you're russian14:54
cfhowlettMonkeyDust Black Russian maybe ...14:54
MonkeyDustraivis  type /join # #ubuntu-ru14:55
MonkeyDustraivis  type /join #ubuntu-ru14:55
ntrnx64hi allllll14:58
skwishyanyone playing with the new oculus rift yet, dk2?14:58
MonkeyDustskwishy  what if someone is?14:58
Piciskwishy: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?14:58
cfhowlett!ot|skwishy off-topic14:59
ubottuskwishy off-topic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:59
cfhowlettntrnx64 greetings.  ask your ubuntu question14:59
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raivisa na terminal ne kak ne vozmozna??15:00
skwishyI just can't get the head tracker to work15:00
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: 09 is less than 3015:00
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ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: the linux ones appear first as they are numbered 1015:00
skwishyalso wonder if/how to make my desktop split in two seperate mirror images, left and right15:00
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: so by changing it to 09 it appears above the linux ones15:00
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: its a simple concept15:01
ActionParsnip!away > Ilyes512|Away15:01
ubottuIlyes512|Away, please see my private message15:01
cfhowlettskwishy this is NOT an ubuntu issue.  no occulus support here.  look elsewhere.15:01
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: sounds simple.  Is it possible to have two or more entries with the same number?  Would that be ok?15:01
skwishyIs there a way to use something like xrandr to make a desktop mirror, on the same monitor?15:01
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cfhowlettskwishy nevermind my last.  sorry.15:02
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cfhowlettskwishy never seen what your suggesting done.15:02
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: i believe so and it will go to alphebetical order, best to just re-jig them to not have the same number15:02
yz3pDis there a difference between update-grub and update-grub2 ?15:02
cfhowlettyz3pD there is.  use the command matching your grub version15:03
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: things in Linux are simple. Its the old Linux mantra "do one thing and do it well"15:05
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: you can then string things together and magic starts to happen15:05
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: I took note of this conversation because it was useful.  Also, is there a reason by at startup there are duplicated entries in GRUB - https://github.com/jeff1evesque/audio-analyzer/issues/37315:05
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: do you have a recovery partition on the drive?15:06
skwishyActionParsnip: are you sure that mantra is a linux thing?  maybe unix, but hardly seems to in linux15:06
ActionParsnipskwishy: still applies ;)15:06
yz3pDcfhowlett: i have grub2 and always used update-grub and never had a problem, but it's better to use update-grub2 ?15:06
skwishyyeah, I like that quip, but linux is hardly a good example... haha, look at the sound system!15:07
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: I suppose so.  I simply installed windows 7, then created extra partition space for ubuntu15:07
ActionParsnipyz3pD: yeah I always use update-grub. Is it a symlink?15:07
jeffreylevesqueI didn't choose for a recovery environment15:07
cfhowlettyz3pD run a terminal: man update-grub215:07
ActionParsnipjeffreylevesque: I'd boot both Windows' see what happens. Not sure there as I dont dual boot. No need for Windows here15:07
ActionParsnipcfhowlett: or in duckduckgo:  !man update-grub215:08
EleanorEllisI need to get my scanner (Mustek 1200 UB Plus) working on Ubuntu 14.04. I followed the howto at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154429. I downloaded the sbfw.usb backend driver into /usr/share/sane/gt68xx and I edited /etc/sane.d/gt68xx.conf, removing the # from #override "mustek-scanexpress-1200-ub-plus". However, when I start xsane I still get "No devices available". Trouble is I only do this every four years when I go from15:08
yz3pDcfhowlett: ok so i will use update-grub in future15:08
ActionParsnipyz3pD: update-grub2 is a stub for running update-grub which itself is a stub for running grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg to generate a grub2 config file15:08
jeffreylevesqueActionParsnip: I saved a file onto the desktop in the first Windows 7 selection, then restarted the machine, and booted into the second.  The file I saved on the first, exists on the desktop of the second windows machine15:09
yz3pDActionParsnip: lol 3 cmds for 1 thing15:11
indn1234hey all15:14
indn1234do the system requirements differ between 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS?15:15
cfhowlettindn1234 not significantly15:15
indn1234cfhowlett: I couldn't find detailed min spec requirement differences anywhere on the net. Please tell me which one is more demanding and by how much?15:17
cfhowlettindn1234 I'm unaware of any difference between them15:17
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu15:18
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.15:18
cfhowlettk1l and that wiki needs an update ... ubuntu netbook edition?15:19
indn1234k1l: that's nice but I want the requirements for 12.04 LTS.15:19
k1lindn1234: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#System_Requirements15:21
indn1234I am running on a 1.2 core2duo PC with 1GB RAM and only a little HDD to spare.15:21
TJ-GTFr0: Are you still about - I've solved it :)15:21
cfhowlettindn1234 lubuntu or xubuntu.  note: lubuntu is optimized for lower specification hardware15:22
k1lindn1234: that is not a rocket. i would suggest to try Lubuntu since that is more lightweight15:22
GTFr0TJ-: I'm still here15:22
TJ-GTFr0: "echo -e "port TCP\ntype tcp\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/uucp/port"15:22
indn1234cfhowlett: I've seen that I get an acceptable performance if I just use the LXDE environment over an Ubuntu.15:23
indn1234So now I'm just fretting over the version of LTS ubuntu to install.15:23
indn1234k1l: ^15:23
ActionParsnipyz3pD: 3 commands for what?15:23
k1lindn1234: lubuntu 14.04 is fine15:24
wheezy123hello, anyone knows how to add a "Open with" for folders in Nautilus?15:24
yz3pDActionParsnip:3 commands to update the grub file15:24
GTFr0TJ-: what exactly does that do?15:24
indn1234k1l: thanks for the link. It seems the new LTS uses 128MB more RAM.15:25
indn1234Also, can I downgrade from 12.10 to 12.04 LTS without reinstalling the system afresh?15:25
TJ-GTFr0: adds in a missing configuration file that the uucp binary package installs, which controls how the shared internals configure themselves15:25
k1lindn1234: no downgrade15:25
cfhowlettindn1234 nope.  you'd have to install 12.0415:25
k1lindn1234: just give 14.04 Lubuntu a try15:26
hescoThanks Pici: I am using lsb_release -c in my script now.  Still debugging, but that piece is fixed.  Still need to sort out how to do this on a centos box so I don't have to maintain two versions of my script.15:26
indn1234aah dang. Seems like I'll just upgrade to the new LTS.15:26
GTFr0TJ-: should that be reported anywhere so that it gets fixed in a future version of 14.04?15:26
k1lyou can still stop/rmeove services that use to much memory if you dont need them15:26
Picihesco: lsb_release -c provides proper output here on rhel, so you may be in luck.15:26
indn1234k1l: I read somewhere that there isn't much difference between performance of a(ubuntu with LXDE desktop) and b(complete Lubuntu). Is this correct?15:27
indn1234I'm currently running LXDE on a ubuntu 12.10 and it's doing fine, more or less.15:28
k1lindn1234: an ubuntu uses the gnome/nautilus base in background. a lxde will still use that. a lubuntu-desktop will bring the whole lubuntu package15:28
indn1234k1l: aah I see, I should read more about it now. Thanks for all the help.15:28
TJ-GTFr0: It's an old bug, originating in Debian, from at least 2005... it is tracked in Ubuntu too, I'm investigating15:28
Beldarindn1234, Except that 12.10 is end of life and has no support here.15:29
cfhowlettindn1234 from 12.04: sudo apt do-release-upgrade will get 14.04.1, the sudo apt-get install lxde  (desktop environment only) or lubuntu-desktop (full meal deal)15:29
Beldarindn1234, I missed that you were informed in this my mistake.15:30
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indn1234cfhowlett: thanks, gotta go. Will probe you later :p15:32
Kaco Afternoon15:38
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Guest49410Hi, everyone.15:38
Guest49410anyone wanna help me recover a partition?15:40
Guest49410voidfire: Can we pm?15:41
EleanorEllisI found the solution to my earlier problem getting my scanner to work. I needed to add myself to the "scanner" group. Here is my original question for your information in case anyone else is struggling. I need to get my scanner (Mustek 1200 UB Plus) working on Ubuntu 14.04. I followed the howto at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154429. I downloaded the sbfw.usb backend driver into /usr/share/sane/gt68xx and I edited /etc/san15:42
EleanorEllisIs there anywhere sensible I could post this information to help others with the same problem?15:42
cfhowlettEleanorEllis ubuntu forums15:43
PiciEleanorEllis: You could create a page on the Ubuntu wiki.15:43
cfhowlettnice ^^^15:43
Guest49410cfhowlett: Are you good at recovering partitions?15:43
EleanorEllisPici: Thanks. Where would be a sensible place to add it on the wiki15:44
cancerhi, is there any linux distro i can install small in size like 'slitaz/puppy' etc.... i want usb supported....15:45
cancerand installation with wubi...15:45
PiciEleanorEllis: I'm not sure...15:46
yshcancer: ask in #linux15:46
cancerysh | tnx.15:46
EleanorEllisPici: Is this a sensible place? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScannersMustek1200UB15:47
PiciEleanorEllis: sure15:47
EleanorEllisPici: Although that page makes it much harder than what I needed to do15:48
ActionParsnipyz3pD: they are the same difference, but very weird I'll agree15:48
Guest49410Anyone wanna tackle my partition ?  The partition that I can no longer access ...15:48
PiciEleanorEllis: Its a wiki, so if you have a better way, there is nothing wrong with updating it to more sensible information.15:48
askhadersudo modprobe aes gives me "modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'aesni_intel': No such device"15:49
askhaderHow can I correct this?15:49
EleanorEllisPici: There is also a thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154429 which doesn't include adding the user to the group but unfortunately that thread is closed so I can't comment on it.15:49
askhaderrunning ubuntu server on VirtualBox15:49
EleanorEllisCan I add a new answer to ubuntu forums?15:50
bekksaskhader: you cant use those AES hardware devices in a VM.15:50
askhaderbekks: Is there any workaround if Iwant to encrypt a USB thumb drive via dm-crypt with AES?15:50
ActionParsnipEleanorEllis: log in and make a new post15:51
bekksaskhader: dont use AES HW devices. :)15:51
askhaderbekks: A guide I'm following says to configure /etc/modprobe.d/aliases to contain the line 'alias aes aes_generic' but this appears to have no effect.15:51
bekksaskhader: So modprobe aes afterwards.15:52
ActionParsnipaskhader: the files in modprobe.d need to have a '.conf' extension15:52
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talinhello. i just changed the netmask on my secondary network card. can i make that change take effect without losing connectivity somehow?15:56
talin it is not the network card i rely on... its just a secondary one, and my ssh connection is on the primary.15:57
talincan i perhaps reload that secondary card?15:57
talinby changed, imean in /etc/network/interfaces15:57
poobutttalin: can you not just bring that interface down and back up with ifconfig15:59
dadiotalin: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:00
talindadio: will i get disconnected then?16:00
talinifdown/ifup did not make changes take effect :/16:00
dadioYes, but is it a problem to just reconnect your ssh on the primary?16:01
talindadio: ah, okay. as long as i acn reconnect no problem16:01
TJ-talin: if ifdown/ifup didn't take affect then there may be something wrong with the syntax16:01
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talinTJ-: i just changed netmask from .248 to .24016:02
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talinhmm, says i cant init.d/networking restart on a mchine using upstart16:02
talinplease use service command instead16:03
askhaderIs there an aes_generic kernel module?16:03
Guest45617how are you all16:03
dadiotalin: yes, sorry, networking is changed to an upstart service. do sudo service networking restart instaed16:04
TJ-talin: ifdown  should bring down the interface so there is no address/netmask assigned, so ifup should bring it back up with the mask specified in 'interfaces'. If not, there's some other issue there.16:04
talinweird... service newtorking restart16:04
talinstill same netmask16:04
talinno error message16:04
TJ-talin: do "ifdown ethX" manually... check with "ifconfig ethX" then "ifup ethx" and again check... if no change, show us the 'interfaces' file16:05
poobutttalin: try remove the spaces before address and other entries in interfaces in case there are any16:05
dadiotalin: what says: sudo service network-manager status16:05
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talinunknown service16:06
dadiotalin: ok, thats good... just checking... otherwise, network-manager has controle16:06
talinTJ-: https://dpaste.de/kQAN16:08
askhaderI am following the Ubuntu "Encrypted FIlesystem On Removable Storage:" guide. When it comes time to load the aes kernel module, I receive a "No such device error" - The documentation states that the aes module should be aliases to aes_generic in this case. But after doing this, modprobe presents the error "could not insert 'aes_generic': Function not implemented"16:08
askhaderDocs here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage16:08
talinTJ-: that eth1:1 is where the problem is. it now says 240 but used to say 24816:08
john_doe_jrhow do I remove a phar archive file?16:10
talinTJ-: ifconfig still says 248 though16:10
TJ-talin: I see one syntax error already: "dns-nameserver" should be "dns-nameservers"16:10
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: its a file, delete it...16:12
talinTJ-: ah, okay. i fixed that16:12
TJ-talin: 2nd syntax error: "gateway dev eth1" is illegal, therefore the whole stanza will be ignored16:12
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: I was trying sudo apt-get remove [ phar archive ] but couldn't find it16:13
talinTJ-: hmm. the dev part is illegal?16:13
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: if I remove the file will that completely uninstall it?16:13
TJ-talin: "man interfaces" "/The static method" shows "gateway address" ... yes16:13
TJ-talin: and because that GW is outside the sub-nets of eth1 and eth1:1, unless it is part of the eth0 sub-net, you'll need a specific route for it16:14
askhaderI am following the Ubuntu "Encrypted FIlesystem On Removable Storage:" guide. When it comes time to load the aes kernel module, I receive a "No such device error" - The documentation states that the aes module should be aliases to aes_generic in this case. But after doing this, modprobe presents the error "could not insert 'aes_generic': Function not implemented"16:15
talinTJ-: hmm, i uncommented those lines. i still get the same netmask. does this file report errors somewhere?16:16
askhaderWould that error indicate that I need to rebuild my kernel?16:17
TJ-talin: The only place errors would go is /var/log/syslog, but I don't recall ifupdown writing errors by default16:18
TJ-askhader: CRYPTO_AES is built-in, not a module. See "grep CRYPTO_AES /boot/config-`uname -r`"16:19
talinTJ-: perhaps its wrong that eth1:1 comes before eth1 definition?16:19
askhaderTJ-: What about aes_generic?16:20
TJ-talin: order doesn't matter16:21
askhaderHow can I debug the following error "modprobe: ERROR: could not insert `aes_generic`': Function not implemented" when running "sudo modprobe aes"16:21
TJ-talin: try using "ifquery" ("man ifquery" or "ifquery --help") to check things out16:22
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: what is the file?16:22
FapFlop|Workmfw when my director asks how to orient a document in the fax machine..16:22
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: if its jus a file, like an MP3, then just delete it16:22
compdocaskhader, your cpu supprt aes? which cpu is it?16:22
TJ-askhader: CRYPTO_AES is the kernel configuration option for aes_generic, and as it is set to Y the module is built-in16:22
talinTJ-: that one gives me correct netmask16:23
askhadercompdoc: I'm running virtualbox16:23
ActionParsnipcompdoc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AES_instruction_set16:23
compdocaskhader, the host should still have aes, and the guest cpu should be set to a virtual cpu that supports it16:24
talinTJ-: maybe it's just a bug in ifconfig output then16:24
askhadercompdoc: Does this require VirtualBox configuration?16:24
askhaderDo I need to re-install the virtual machine?16:24
TJ-askhader: "CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES=y" combines with the ./crypto/Makefile's "obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES) += aes_generic.o" the result being the *MODULE IS BUILT IN*16:24
compdocI use KVM, and you can set AES manually or by choosing a cpu that has it16:24
askhaderTJ-: Yes, you've said that already. Yet somehow the aes module fails to load.16:25
compdocaskhader, what cpu is the host?16:25
TJ-askhader: *which* module? "aes_generic" is *built-in* it *is not* a dynamically loadable module16:25
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askhaderTJ-: aes16:26
askhadercompdoc: It's an i516:26
compdocok, it has aes then16:27
TJ-askhader: The dynamically loadable crypto modules can be seen with "ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/crypto/"16:27
compdocor should16:27
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berzerkahi. on 12.04LTS onward, does the python2 binary exist if python2.x is installed?16:28
askhaderyet when I run modprobe aes I get: Error: Could not insert 'aesni_inte'16:28
askhaderand the same for 'padlock_aes'16:28
askhader'aesni_intel' rather16:28
talinTJ-: i did hexdump -c /etc/network/interfaces and i find a few instances of \t in there. that doesnt sound great16:28
compdocaskhader, then I would guess the virtual cpu doesnt support aes16:28
askhadercompdoc: Hence I want to alias aes to aes_generic16:29
askhaderBut then I get the 'Function not implemented' error from modprobe after aliasing16:29
EleanorEllisPici: ActionParsnip: I submitted my scanner how to here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2236880&p=13085951#post13085951 but I am not sure how I should edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScannersMustek1200UB to include this information or even if this is the right place to do it.16:30
ActionParsnipEleanorEllis: if you contact markhobley on Launchpad he may change it16:32
TJ-askhader: check the architecture-specific crypto extension modules with "ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/arch/x86/crypto"16:32
talinmaybe i should restart the server...16:32
EleanorEllisActionParsnip: Thanks16:32
ActionParsnipEleanorEllis: https://launchpad.net/~markhobley/+contactuser16:32
askhaderTJ-: So modprobe aes-x86_6416:33
askhaderIs this equivalent to modprobe aes on an x86 architecture machine?16:34
TJ-askhader: No, it's the 64-bit specific extensions to speed calculations by utilising 64-bit specific instructions and the wider registers16:34
askhaderBut otherwise it's functionally equivalent?16:35
TJ-askhader: Yes. The software-only AES implementation is in aes_generic (which has MODALIAS aes), and that is built-in to all Ubuntu kernels.16:36
EleanorEllisActionParsnip: I have emailed him. Thanks for the suggestion16:37
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talindoes ubuntu ever use network settings from some place other than /etc/network/interfaces?16:47
ActionParsniptalin: DHCP is default16:47
talini tried uncommenting to remove devices and making changes, and then running service networking restart, but none of the changes take effect16:47
ActionParsniptalin: you will also use settings from /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/* for DNS settings16:48
ztanetrusty and ati mobility radeon X (dunno which)16:48
ztaneafter upgrade, I get only blank screen after grub16:48
ztaneright after grub, pitch black, and nothing, nada, how do I even get to see the console?16:48
talinActionParsnip: well, nothing i change in /etc/network/interfaces has any effect for some reason16:49
tehcerealhello is there any way to enable that when you click the search bar that it autoselects the whole text16:49
tehcereali know the shortcut ctrl+k16:49
tehcerealbut i would like when i click the bar for the first time that it selects the whole text16:50
ztanedisabled loadvideo and set_gfx_mode in grub, now I see blinking cursor but thatsit16:50
tehcerealim talking about firefox16:50
dadioztane: I had the same problem. Try a previous kernel...16:51
ztaneok, now I saw the login screen until X started, yay16:51
ztanedadio: there is no previous kernel to try16:51
ztaneexcept the 12.04 one...16:51
dadioztane: yes, kernels are never removed with upgrades.16:52
ztanebut dunno how well it works when the userland is 1404 here16:52
ztanelets see16:52
sydneyI want to help speed up my computer by putting a swap space on an external hd. how do i do that?16:52
ztaneok, now I saw the splash screen, and black screen only when X started, now I cant do anything anymore16:53
dadioztane: I don't how it's called in the grub menu, but I think it's the second option...16:53
sydneybecause the swap being on my main hd really bogs it down :(16:53
ztanedadio: recovery yes, but what then, remove fglxr or whatever it was?16:54
ztanei mean i booted with prev kernel, but black screen16:54
dadioztane: which kernel did you choose?16:55
ztanemy prev16:55
ztanewhich is from 120416:55
ztanenow started recovery mode, and failsafe x, blank screen :D16:55
ztaneand nothing works16:55
dadioztane: can you get into the console?16:57
Guest15856so i ssh into my host, and it's hanging or something. with ssh -v I can see that it does get into the session, and authenticates properly, but then what happens is that ssh says it is sending command: /bin/bash and it just hangs there. is there a way to ssh into some sort of fallback without anything hanging?16:57
Guest15856it might be NFS hanging and causing reads to be delayed16:57
nith1210Guest15856: try CTRL+C while it's hanging, I've seen that skip whatever it's waiting for.16:58
Guest15856i get16:58
Guest15856debug1: Killed by signal 2.16:58
Guest15856if i do that16:58
ztanedadio: did, now removed fglrx, hope that "failsafe" x now would be more failsafe...16:58
dadioztane: now it's a good idea to do something like this: sudo apt-get install -f17:00
dadioto make shure the upgrade finished completely17:00
verhaag 17:01
ztaneofc I cannot get to net anymore17:01
ztanewhoaa and x started17:02
sydneyDoes anyone know how i can move my swap space to an external hd?17:06
indn1234is there a way to directly upgrade to the latest 14.04 LTS from 12.10, skipping all the releases in between, WITHOUT a fresh install?17:06
bekksindn1234: there is no such way.17:06
dadiosydney: format a partition on the external hd as a swap. Then add the hd in /etc/fstab, then do 'sudo swapon -a'17:07
sine0i have a fresh install of ubuntu desktop just now. can i use apt-get in the terminal17:07
bekksindn1234: from 12.10, you have to upgrade every single release in between.17:07
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indn1234bekks: hmm. Sucks for me. Guess I'll just fresh install again. Will I lose all my installed applications?17:07
bekksindn1234: Withe new install, of course. Just backup everything in your /home and backup the list of installed applications.17:08
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ActionParsnipsine0: yes absolutely17:10
ActionParsnipsine0: you can press CTRL + ALT + T and launch a terminal17:10
sine0wow thanks took me ages to find it via gui :D17:11
sine0is the software center a front end gui for apt-get ?17:11
ActionParsnipsine0: press Windows key and search Dash for: terminal17:11
ActionParsnipsine0: the shortcut makes more sense imho17:11
sine0yea found it now thanks17:11
indn1234is there a difference in the system requirements/performance in A (ubuntu 14.04 LTS with LXDE desktop on top) and B (complete Lubuntu) ?17:12
indn1234bekks: yeah thanks :)17:13
ActionParsnipindn1234: should be very similar17:14
indn1234ActionParsnip: so much similar as to be indistinguishable on a 1.2GHz core2Duo with 1GB RAM?17:15
ActionParsnipindn1234: should be fine. a little extra RAM wouldnt hurt and its super cheap now17:16
sine0ActionParsnip: ok first thing, how do i install the latest version of a software? for instance the 3d tool "blender" is .69 and the latest is past that17:16
sine0i did apt-get install for this17:16
sine0is this too do with the apt-get source list17:17
indn1234ActionParsnip: I'm the cheapest motherfucker you'll ever meet :p17:17
ActionParsnipsine0: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install blender17:17
ActionParsnipindn1234: 1Gb extra is the price of a pack of smokes.....17:17
dadiosine0: the version is set by the source list...17:18
sine0dadio: so i have to update the source list to "untested"17:18
sine0or soemthing like that17:18
indn1234ActionParsnip: I never smoked in my life. Cigs are expensive brah. But seriously, I am running a 7 year old laptop and I havent yet done any upgrades to it, I just want to keep it running for as long as I can.17:18
dadiosine0: you can upgrade your hole ubuntu to 14.10 (like I did) then you can install blender 2.6917:21
dadiosine0: or download the tarball from the blender-website but that's against the repository philosofy17:23
patarrdoes scp ignore dot files by default?17:23
MonkeyDustpatarr  scp copies what you want it to copy17:24
sine0dadio: how do i install it to the latest greatest17:24
LiENUSdoes ubuntu 14.04 include anything more than just pptp vpn support?17:24
MonkeyDustpatarr  more precise: scp copies what you *tell* it to copy17:25
dadiosine0: sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release17:25
sine0thanks pal17:25
lucas21Hello from Spain. I'm studying LPCI and I've stumbled on a problem: fdisk doesn't recognize the xfs partitions after installing xfsprog17:25
MonkeyDustLiENUS  any review tells you "what's new"17:25
dadiosine0: if something gos wrong with the upgrade, do sudo apt-get install -f or sudo dpkg --configure -a17:26
LiENUSMonkeyDust, ? with what?17:26
MonkeyDustLiENUS  what do you mean, with what?17:26
LiENUSwhat do you mean by review telling "what's new"?17:26
LiENUSnew with what?17:26
MonkeyDustLiENUS  what's new in 14.04 ... or did I misundertand your question?17:27
LiENUSdoes ubuntu 14.04 include anything more than just pptp vpn support?17:27
LiENUSi dont even see the word new in there17:27
LiENUSi think you have me mistaken for someone else17:28
MonkeyDustLiENUS  ok, then what do you mean btty "anything more"?17:28
LiENUSi mean i just see pptp vpn support in network manager17:28
LiENUSi'm trying to figure out if theres some way to get l2tp support17:29
MonkeyDustLiENUS  i missed that ptatrt in your initial question17:29
LiENUSmy initial question was essentially what vpns are supported17:30
LiENUSnot sure how to miss that17:30
lucas21Is blkid the only way to know if a xfs partition exists?17:34
cemotyz09LiENUS I know if you install strongswan it adds support for Ipsec and installs a network manager plugin to edit it through that17:35
sine0what is this repository philosophy then17:36
LiENUScemotyz09, but does it include l2tp support?17:37
LiENUSi suppose i could just deal with straight ipsec, but l2tp makes it much easier to manage17:37
cemotyz09found this https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/IPSEC_L2TP_vpn_with_Ubuntu_12.10.html i would think still applicable17:39
LiENUScemotyz09, doesnt look very workable for a laptop though17:40
toyotapieHere is my interfaces file for my kvm server : http://pastebin.com/bDtW415Y17:42
toyotapiebr0 is used by kvm to link vms to the network card17:42
toyotapieeth0 is my primary link, eth1 is my backup link.17:42
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toyotapieWill this configuration allow traffic to pass between eth0 and eth1? I think it shouldn't allow this, but I am not sure.17:43
toyotapieoops, wrong chat ;)17:47
willim new17:50
mjuszcza1How can I increase the debian version number of a package i'm making with debuild?  It starts at -117:51
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ActionParsnip!away > cdmsn|awy17:51
ubottucdmsn|awy, please see my private message17:51
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baegleOK, I'm getting insanely tired of this and need help. I'm sitting right next to an AP but NetworkManager is connected to the one across the office17:56
baegledisconnecting and reconnecting doesn't fix it17:57
baegleI've also setup 2 wireless profiles to try to specific AP1 versus AP2 but NetworkManager doesn't let me select one or the other17:57
baegleHow do I fix this?17:57
dadiobaegle: you can't realy...17:58
samurai-itescuseme help me whit kubuntu desktop on xubuntu17:58
LiENUSbaegle, your wireless system doesnt include the ability to force associations?17:58
baegleLiENUS: As far as I can tell, using iwconfig to change the AP doesn't work because NetworkManager overwrites manual changes17:59
tdannecy___samurai-it: What's your issue?17:59
sine0can i get a 14.10 install disk ? i just tried to upgrade and it fubar my installation. luckily its fresh and i have not lost anything17:59
LiENUSbaegle, i mean at work17:59
samurai-itmy problem is the graphical interface18:00
daftykinssine0: 14.10 is alpha, talk in #ubuntu+118:00
LiENUSi dunno my laptop doesnt have trouble roaming at home or work18:00
LiENUShome is a bit better but i overbuilt my home wifi more than my work wifi18:00
LiENUShome wifi is a testbed so it has tons of bits that work doesnt need, whereas work has just what i know i need18:00
baegleLiENUS: why is this an issue with the office and not an issue with NetworkManager?18:01
LiENUSbaegle, technically it is an association with the station and not the access point, its just many wifi systems include the ability to push clients around18:01
baegleLiENUS: The signal's in the air. The radio is right there. I know the MAC addresses of the APs and I am completely hamstrung by my software.18:01
LiENUSnetwork manager is likely trying to connect to whichever is strongest18:02
LiENUSperhaps the one further away has better antennas18:02
baegleLiENUS: it's wrong. iwlist shows signal strength18:02
baeglethe one further away is the same model18:02
LiENUSa properly configured managed network though has provisions to push clients off when it knows they're better served by a different pa18:02
baegleLiENUS: that's abdication of client responsibility though. I have all the information I need to serve myself18:03
baegleand I can't use it because the software on my machine is preventing me18:03
baegleI feel like I might as well go back to ifup/down and wpasupplicant18:04
dadiobaegle: if you give the two ap's different issid's? can't you just choose the right ap?18:04
baegleand do everything by hand. NetworkManager has been such a disappointment18:04
baegledadio: they have the same SSID18:04
samurai-iti have a system whi  t only 1 gb ram and i install xubuntu  but kubuntu-desktop?18:05
dadiobeagle: give them different ones18:06
samurai-itfuck you18:06
baegledadio: I can't, they're not mine18:07
dadiobaegle: sorry like i saed, you can't fix this.18:09
dadioyou need ap's with roaming...18:09
thecoolguyI recently started getting this error. Even after resintalling ruby what does it mean ?18:09
baegledadio: it's pretty absurd. I can actually specific in NetworkManager what mac address to connect to. So I can create multiple profiles and bind them to individual mac addresses. But NetworkManager doesn't allow me to chose the different profiles18:10
baegledadio: And I can do it manually if I have control of my NICs, but NetworkManager polls my NIC state and overwrites any configs I manually set on it18:11
basketballldoes anyone here use gimp18:11
sine0fresh install, need to burn an iso, what software shall i use18:12
dadiobaegle: networkmanager is made for people that don't know anything of wifi18:12
dadiobaegle: networkmanager is made for people that don't know anything of wifii gess18:13
bpromptbasketballl:    ahemm... what's the question?   maybe someone knows, keep in mind it may be offtopic :)18:14
dadiobaegle: networkmanager is made for people that don't know anything of wifii gessi gess???18:14
awesomess3basketballl, are you trying to do something special with gimp? I used to use it a long time ago when I worked with images :/18:14
basketballlhow do i merge layers but keep the multiply blend18:14
baeglebasketballl: #gimp ?18:14
basketballlno one is there18:14
basketballlmy bad that is off topic18:15
awesomess3basketballl, right-click the top layer and select merge down...?18:15
dadiobaegle: sorry, a bit of trobble with my hardware... last time: disable networkmanager and config wifi manually i gess???18:15
baegledadio: Yeah, I'm looking into WICD now18:15
baegledadio: It's just a PITA that the stock NetworkManager that has been in the hands of millions of users for so many years is still such a piece of garbage18:16
gazzerhsine0: brasero18:16
acqantcan anyone point me to some help re: macbook pro 10,1 and ubuntu 14.04 Broadcom wifi.  It works but drops packets too much.18:20
acqantI'm all patched up too.18:20
lucas21Sorry, but I asked a question but nobody answer me. Is anybody here who knows de answer?18:22
bekkslucas21: can you repeat your question please?18:23
MonkeyDustlucas21  keep your quesion in one line and hit the the up arrow every 10 minutes or so, until someone enters who can help18:24
niranjanHi there, looking for help using find command - find /userData -name "profile" where profile has two or more directories under it. If it has zero or one, I don't want to get that list. Don't know the directory names under profile18:25
lucas21Yes, of course. I installed a xfs partition, and I installed xfsprog but fdisk not recognize the xfs partition (others tools do)18:25
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bekkslucas21: What do you expect from fdisk? fdisk does not recognize the filesystem, but the partition only.18:25
lucas21The filesystem.18:26
bekkslucas21: fdisk doesnt care about the filesystem on a partition.18:26
blockyhow can I launch the settings app to change my default browser from the command line? I'm not running gnome18:26
lucas21with blkid I can see the filesystem but with  fdisk don't18:26
MonkeyDustblocky  what are you running then?18:27
bekkslucas21: fdisk doesnt care about filesystems. It handles partition labels only.18:27
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MonkeyDustblocky  is this useful http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html18:28
gazzerhblocky: you using i3menu?18:28
blockygazzerh: yeah18:28
gazzerhit's not there?18:28
lucas21bekks, Ah thanks, you've been very kind. I'm studying LPCI and I'm sure that it will be an exam question18:28
blockyMonkeyDust: thanks, but I need to know the name of the ubuntu system settings18:29
blockygazzerh: what am I looking for?18:29
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phanimaheshAny idea why http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts hasn't been updated with 14.04.1?18:30
blockyah found it, gnome-control-center18:30
blockyMonkeyDust and gazzerh: thanks18:31
MonkeyDustblocky  so that's gnome18:32
BhAwNanyone know how to setup a wifi hotspot on ubuntu 14.04 so that it can be used by an android phone18:32
BhAwNtried ap-hotspot18:32
BhAwNnot working18:32
rb07I'm trying to set up my laptop to allow me to switch workspaces with a 3-finger swipe. In a previous ubuntu installation, I had found a python script that did this perfectly. Would anyone happen to know of the script I'm talking about and how to find it? My google searches have yielded no fruit.18:35
awesomess3rb07, whoa that is so weird. 3 fingers on a touchpad. that is so weird.18:37
rb07awesomess3, ?18:37
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awesomess3nevermind it's just my reaction18:38
rb07I think I might have found it.18:39
sine0i want to reinstall ubuntu after a failed attempt at upgrading18:39
sine0its borked me a bit18:39
sine0but the disk wont boot when i reboot it just asks for my harddrive password to decrypt the drive. i was under the impression that i could overwrite all this stuff with a fresh install, is that correct ?18:39
hydesine0: sounds like you're booting from the HD18:40
sine0hyde right, buut in the bios i specifically chose the dvddrive18:40
sine0ill try again18:40
tehcereal2is there another way of creating a launcher18:49
tehcereal2or do i really create a .desktop file manually18:49
tehcereal2really have to *18:49
ScrivenerHeya guys. I accidentally removed root privileges from myself (I know, right?), and I was trying to boot into single user mode to fix it. I edit the relevant line in grub to include 'single', and it appears to properly boot, but I'm left with only a blank screen at the end and no tty. Ctrl-alt-F2 gives me a cursor, but I cannot type and see nothing else.18:55
ScrivenerThis is Ubuntu 14.04. What can I do to get a shell?18:55
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daftykinsScrivener: you shouldn't really try to do it that way, ubuntu's recovery mode exists for a reason :)18:57
daftykins!recovery | Scrivener18:57
ubottuScrivener: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode18:57
Scrivenerdaftykins, how can I access it?18:57
daftykinstake a look there18:57
cmd3187Has anyone ever run into a situation where apt-get appears to ignore the authentication details for a specified proxy? Running
Scrivenerdaftykins, thanks, this is what I was looking for. I was used to this on Debian, but haven't done it in a long time. I booted into recovery mode, and tty 1 has a log of output from boot up, and all the other ttys will not let me type (same unmoving cursor as before)19:00
daftykinsScrivener: does TTY1 accept input ok?19:01
daftykinsit may go to a login if you hit enter19:01
ScrivenerI can type and hit enter, but see no output.19:01
ScrivenerJust adds whitespace19:01
ScrivenerI have a fully encrypted disk, if that's causing the issue, but when I attempted single user login it asked me for the password to decrypt.19:02
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daftykinsScrivener: mmm, you should certainly get it working - is this a laptop?19:03
ScrivenerYes, a Thinkpad T430 with all Intel internals (for compatibility)19:03
daftykinsScrivener: my other approach would be to boot a live session from USB / DVD and chroot your install to resolve. i'ma fraid i have no encryption experience to assist with mounting your user space for the fix though19:04
ScrivenerGoogling :)19:04
ScrivenerYeah, I was trying to avoid that. I've recovered it by dropping to a root prompt before, and the user on the system isn't unusable. In fact, I can continue working pretty well.19:04
ScrivenerI just don't have sudo :P19:05
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daftykinsScrivener: hehe, what on earth possessed you to remove yourself from the admin group? XD19:05
ScrivenerI didn't mean to D: I'm not sure how I did. I didn't notice until today.19:06
ScrivenerI suspect I did it last weekend though.19:06
ScrivenerAnd just didn't need sudo for a while.19:06
ScrivenerOh, recovery mode should give me an option to drop to root shell prompt, right?19:07
Scrivenerdaftykins, huh, I rebooted and tried again and this time it prompted me for the decryption password19:09
ScrivenerAnd I got to the recovery dialogue19:09
daftykinsScrivener: :D19:09
ScrivenerI dunno what was up the first tine19:09
ScrivenerRoot prompt, yess :D19:09
=== MichaelC1 is now known as MichaelC
ScrivenerOhhhh ha I see what it is. Somehow... When I was adding another user to the group of my user's name, I removed my user from its own groups.19:10
BeldarScrivener, So when did the stroke happen?19:15
geirhawhat command(s) did you use to change group membership?19:15
ScrivenerBeldar, last week -- and I know what it was, I wasn't adding another user to my user's group, I was trying to add my user to a supplemental group19:16
eucalyptuscan we discuss upstart here, or is there another preferred place?19:16
ScrivenerBut I used the wrong options x)19:16
ScrivenerClassic mistake19:17
MonkeyDusteucalyptus  use #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions19:17
eucalyptusMonkeyDust: thanks19:18
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jim2which is the difference between ubuntu 14.0419:28
jim2and ubuntu 14.04.1?ty19:28
Beldarjim2, Not much19:29
jim2i have 14.04.119:29
Beldarjust a change to an official state19:29
jim2is it a stable version19:29
jim2or a beta?19:30
Beldarjim2, All are classified as stable upon release19:30
bekksIt is a stable version.19:30
msxjim2: the .1 milestone is a release sporting the cummulative updates up-to-date for 14.0419:30
jim2i was scared to death19:31
jim2i thought it wasnt a stable one19:31
bekksjim2: because of what?19:31
jim2i am lucky...19:31
tr3yHey guys this is probably a noob question but I'm a bit lost. I'm getting used to ubuntu 14.04 coming over from windows 8, and I just don't understand why I can't edit/delete/move files in nautilus without opening it as "sudo nautilus" in command prompt. I also have to open all my programs with that in order to save and open files. And it seems some programs (gimp) don't save my UI when I close it.19:31
jim2can anyone suggest a good theme?19:32
daftykinstr3y: when saving in your home folder?19:32
MonkeyDusttr3y  all you files in /home can be deleted without sudo19:32
jim2i want to make my de good looking:)19:32
MonkeyDust!themes | jim2 start here19:32
ubottujim2 start here: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:32
jim2i have unity19:33
Beldarjim2, All your questions are really broad, what "good looking" means to you is an opinion.19:33
MonkeyDustjim2  we don't know what you like19:33
raubHave a nokia booklet 3g here. bios sees HD but lubuntu livecd doesn't19:36
raubNor dmesg19:36
jim2can i run linux on a tv?19:36
HiddenDjinnjim2: define "tv"19:37
jim2a smart tv19:37
etienne_ozhi everyone, I got an issue with ubuntu 14.04 on a macbook pro 8.2 : when I try to put the computer on sleep  mode (closing the top or putting it manuelly) it become over hot and freezer with "CPU temperature above thresold" message. The only thing I can do there is to hard reboot my computer19:37
etienne_ozany idea ?19:37
HiddenDjinnjim2: more likely, you can run android on it19:37
jim2android is crap19:37
HiddenDjinnjim2: in what way?19:38
Beldarjim2, NO but you can use it as a hdmi device19:38
jim2it is vulnerable19:38
jim2to malware19:38
jim2i want all my devices to run ubuntu19:38
HiddenDjinnjim2: no more so than other operating systems...19:38
jim2i have ubuntu phone pc19:38
Beldarjim2, Please do not make broad statements.19:38
jim2and ubuntu tablet19:38
Beldarnor address anything but ubuntu here in a support capacity19:39
HiddenDjinnBeldar: aye-aye, sir19:39
Beldarraub, install here but issues. http://askubuntu.com/questions/222617/running-ubuntu-12-04-on-nokia-booklet-3g19:40
BeldarHiddenDjinn, When you are snarky you cut out your help and peer support.19:40
arunenow that 14.04.1 is released, should it not be possible to do release-upgrade från 12.04 to 14.04?19:40
HiddenDjinnBeldar: i wasn't being snarky19:41
Beldararune, Probably if you find a server not updatewd to 14.0419:41
BeldarHiddenDjinn, And I can fly like a bird, I had not addressed you, yet you answered. ;)19:41
aruneBeldar: all my servers are still on 12.0419:42
HiddenDjinnBeldar: i thought the second statement was directed at both of us19:42
jim2dont argue19:42
jim2you are being like kids19:42
arunedo-release-upgrade still says "no new releases"19:42
* Beldar loves the ignore function19:42
JDAIIItwo questions, 1. I'm accessing my server's gui over rdp froim a win machine with xrdp but it defaults to the resolution of the server's tiny monitor. How do I enlarge that on the client side19:44
JDAIII2. I know how to mount cifs shares using fstab, but how do I mount an ext4 share on an ubuntu workstation using fstab. UUID?19:45
compdocJDAIII, Ive seen some xrpd setups that let you adjust the screen area using the monitors app/control panel. otherwise, you can do it from the startup script. it runs on vncserver19:47
Beldararune, Set software and updates 3rd tab bottom dropdown to for long term support versions and wait for the update gui to show the upgrade.19:47
JDAIIIconfigiured in the xrdp.ini file?19:48
aruneBeldar: no gui, I'm waiting for the official release19:48
aruneBeldar: but though that was with 14.04.1 :/19:48
JDAIIIcompdoc: which startup script?19:49
Beldararune, No X no desktop?19:49
compdocJDAIII, depends on the ubuntu version. These days its in /etc/init19:49
ballsinsalsaHey can someone help me with JavaScript?19:50
JDAIIIcompdoc, don't see a vnc, vino, or xrdp conf file in /etc/init19:51
ballsinsalsatrying to run something with node bot.js but it's not doing anything.19:51
compdocJDAIII:  sudo updatedb      then: locate vncserver19:52
JDAIIIcompdoc, I do see a file in etc/alternatives/vncserver or /usr/bin19:53
compdocJDAIII, any condfig files would be in /etc19:53
JDAIIIah, had to run vncserver in /etc/alternatives/ in order to create the xstartup config file in my home dir19:55
compdocthe default xstartup file might not work well without tweaking19:57
padid someone here have to face this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dahdi-linux/+bug/131242120:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1312421 in dahdi-linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot rebuild dahdi-dkms (1: : unknown field ‘drv_attrs’ specified in initializer .drv_attrs = xpp_attrs" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:01
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blaaaHow does 'Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync' work? How can one trigger a sync of a package? The drupal7 package ad been synced for trusty at version 7.26, now drupal is at 7.30 with a few security updates in it20:07
MonkeyDustblaaa  the repos contain 7.26, i guess you need a ppa if you wan to go beyond that ... but ppa's tatre no supptored heret20:09
blaaaMonkeyDust: I think universe packages might be updated? Otherwise that repo would not really make sense. As it appears to me that package is copied from debian sid automagically, I just wondered how it could be copied again20:10
JDAIIII have an ubuntu server with a samba share that I would like to mount persistently on my ubuntu workstation. I usually mount cifs shares through fstab, but I can't find info for an ext4 share using the fstab unless I use the UUID and if so, where do I designate the server's ip in fstab?20:12
charlie_sandersanyone know of a program that will prevent my computer from sleeping for a given number of hours, then go to sleep ?20:12
charlie_sandersugh, theres something that really needs a decent interface upgrade ( fstab )20:12
JDAIIIcharlie_sanders, some good documentation would work for me20:13
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robairtis there a reason you're not just setting your sleep timer for whatever length of time?20:14
Guest48143.join #ubuntu20:14
charlie_sandersrobairt, hah, yes - I dont want my computer to sleep during working hours, but I do it want it to sleep after that etc20:15
MonkeyDustGuest48143  use the /20:15
bugs_bugger\join #random20:15
robairtcharlie_sanders, ooooh now I get ya20:15
bugs_buggerwhoops, sorry20:15
sine0how can i kill a process20:17
charlie_sandersps aux | grep process , is usually what I use20:17
sine0if i know its pid. I have tried stopping it as a service with sudo service *name* stop20:17
sine0grep is search though isnt it ?20:18
MonkeyDustsine0  or killall [program name]20:18
sine0ok thanks is killall a system command or default installed app20:18
charlie_sanderssine0, yes I thought you were after the PID, kill PID will kill it, but if it's a service, it usually just restarts itself20:18
usr13sine0: pkill <process-name-here>  or kill <pid#####>20:18
usr13sine0: If it is a service, yes sudo service <name> stop should do it.  service --status-all  #To see if it is in the list.20:19
usr13JDAIII: What do you mean "an ext4 share"?  Is it local?  Or on another machine?20:20
usr13JDAIII: If it is a samba share on another machine, samba does not care what filesystem it is.20:21
usr13JDAIII: But, you can also use the same samba share for nfs if you prefer, (you can just do both).20:22
happyfr0ggI am back.  Any assistance needed, just ask.20:23
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happyfr0ggOh the irony. I need some help as well. Lol.20:24
usr13JDAIII: //192.168.2.xx/path/to/share  cifs guest,_netdev,uid=jdaii 0 020:25
usr13JDAIII: Something like ^^^^^^^^^ will do20:26
c|onemanis there a paid version of freenode :P20:26
usr13c|oneman: What?20:26
JDAIIIusr13: but the share I want to mount is ext4 not cifs20:26
usr13JDAIII: So it is local?20:26
c|onemanI kid of course, but I'd be nice if there was some sort of cheap paid linux support20:26
usr13JDAIII: If so, why is it not *already* mounted?20:27
JDAIIIon the network. want to mount the share hosted on my ubuntu server on my ubuntu client VM20:27
JDAIIII've only mounted cifs shares with fstab before not ext420:27
tuxianoHi, I have an usb audio device. My problem is that the volume control of alsamixer and the ubuntu/unity volume control are "out of sync". So if the ubuntu/unity volume control is below 20% the alsamixer is at 0%. (I use ubunt 14.04)20:27
usr13JDAIII: You can use nfs if you want.20:28
JDAIIIit will work with nfs settings?20:28
usr13JDAIII: Your /etc/fstab file would look something like this:20:30
usr13192.168.x.xx:/path/on/other/pc /loca/mount/point nfs nolock,users,rw20:31
usr13JDAIII: And on the server's /etc/exports file, something like:20:32
usr13JDAIII: See that nfs-kernel-server us installed on server side.20:33
JDAIIInot installed20:34
usr13JDAIII: but like I said, you can persistantly mount the samba share as well.  It's up to you.20:34
mongo2_is there any "non-compile your own" way to get a newer kernel on 14.04, the rbd driver does not work with erasure coding.20:35
usr13JDAIII: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15312/simple-way-to-consistently-access-a-smb-mount20:35
usr13JDAIII: In answer to your comment, "but the share I want to mount is ext4 not cifs"  A sama share is cifs, (no matter what filesystem it is on).20:37
usr13JDAIII: In answer to your question, "it will work with nfs settings?"  Not the samba share, but the new nfs share.  What I'm saying is that you can share the same files via nfs20:39
JDAIIII got it working with the samba share. thanks20:39
usr13JDAIII: NP20:40
hlblyhipyhi im a total newb here.I tried asking this ? at ubuntu studio,but they suggested i try her.The problem im having is that when i log into ubuntustudio within a few minutes either my screen freezes no mouse no keyboard or the display goes black.Tried Ctrl + Alt + F1 and nothing happens I have to shut the computer down and restart.The longest it seems to work is only a few min.I have been reading the documentation on the forums but noth20:48
hlblyhipying seems to work.My graphics card is a radeon 3200.If i look in additional drivers nothin is listed I tried reinstalling ubuntustudio to no avail.One piece of advice was doing something with xorg but when i type that into the terminal it say invalid command.On the forum it says that the driver is no longer supproted.Please help20:48
louisdkHow to I compare a list of installed packages against a newly installed ubuntu 14.04?20:50
Guido1Hello, I would like to design covers for DVDs and CDs. Is there a small program which allows syncronisation with the DVD / CD content and writing own teksts? (i have XFburn)20:52
libnialguien habla español?20:52
Pici!es | libni20:52
ubottulibni: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:52
libni /join #ubuntu-es20:53
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maddawg2when you edit your network settings with the nautilius network manager where the heck are those settings saved20:54
maddawg2my /etc/network/interfaces document is empty20:54
maddawg2i set the IP address using the network manager on ubuntu desktop but still not working and cant figure out why20:54
msxmaddawg2: what's your issue?20:55
happyfr0ggDoes anybody know when the Ubuntu 14.04 HWE stack be complete? I am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 12.04.4 HWE (kernel and graphics stack).20:55
happyfr0gg* will be20:55
maddawg2msx well I got rid of my router and decided to connect ym ubuntu machine directly to my ISP's router and i have static IP20:56
k1lhappyfr0gg: there should have been an update today20:56
maddawg2tried to set my eth1 address, subnet and gateway, but i still cant get online and my ISP of course wants to see my interfaces config but that's empty in ubuntu desktop20:57
gamingrobotuh I have a weird issue, on 14.04 I lock the computer they keyboard works fine, but when I re open the lid from suspend, they keyboard doesnt work20:58
k1lmaddawg2: you can still set it in the network/interfaces. if you do so the Network-Manager will not touch the device.20:58
k1lmaddawg2: but nevertheless, you should be able to use the NetworkManager to set it up properly20:58
happyfr0ggk1l - I ran Update Manager and it gave me the dialog box of unmet dependencies.20:59
maddawg2k11 well i'm not sure what's going on then20:59
k1lhappyfr0gg: please pastebin so people in here can help20:59
maddawg2i dunno why it's not working20:59
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happyfr0ggk1l - Okay, please give me a second.21:00
maddawg2k11 i agree it SHOULD work but i am not getting it working so I need to show my provider some type of config file that shows this21:01
maddawg2i need them to see i have it set correctly21:01
maddawg2cuz they keep telling me it must be something I am doing, but I have set EVERY setting the exact same21:01
MoProductionsHello.  Is there a reason why i would be unable to unmount a shared folder that’s on  a mac?21:02
MoProductionsIt gives me a timeout, but the computers are right next to each other it should be fine21:02
k1lmaddawg2: its ~/.gconf/system/networking/connections21:03
maddawg2thanks k1121:03
tony_sudo reboot21:05
maddawg2k11, also do you know if there is a way to see the MAC address of a NIC during the ubuntu server install?21:05
maddawg2trying to set up a ubuntu server on a machine with two NICs but they are the exact same nic and model21:06
maddawg2so i cant tell which one is eht0 and eth1 during isntall, teherfore not sure which is my "default"21:06
maddawg2if i could see the MAC address i could tell21:06
gamingrobotfixed it I had to reinstall xinput-all21:06
happyfr0ggk1l - here is what I get via the terminal:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7898382/21:08
k1lhappyfr0gg: do you have 3rd party video drivers installed?21:08
gamingrobotor not, its being really itermittent21:09
k1lhappyfr0gg: it looks to me like the video driver stuff does block xorg updates. but iirc the video drivers pull new xorg anyway. so just run the kernel upgrades21:09
happyfr0ggk1l - I don't think so. I would not know how to determine if I do.21:10
k1lhappyfr0gg: try to install xserver-xorg-lts-trusty only and see what it says. then look which package it says it cannot install/upgrade and try to install that. then see where the line will end21:11
gp5sthello.  I'm having an issue where I can't seem to download large-ish files. For instance wget http://dlc.sun.com.edgesuite.net/virtualbox/4.3.10/VBoxGuestAdditions_4.3.10.iso gets about 25% in and then just hangs.  I'm not entirely sure where to start looking for the issue. From ifconfig "RX packets:5241565 errors:0 dropped:77567 overruns:1 frame:0"21:14
gp5stThe dropped number rises ifI wait and continue to have wget get that file21:15
daftykinsgp5st: memtest your system21:18
happyfr0ggk1l - I tried to install the xserver-xorg-lts-trusty (as you said) and here is the result:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7898471/21:18
k1lhappyfr0gg: are you sure to have run a "sudo apt-get update" before?21:20
k1lhappyfr0gg: got to leave for some time now. maybe others can help21:20
happyfr0ggk1l - okay. Thanks for your help. I just completed the update command. It completed reading package lists.21:21
sine0ok whats my best 14.04.64amd solution21:22
sine0for skype21:22
k1lhappyfr0gg: now the package install command again. and see if it works now. / later21:22
maddawg2lol what kind of question is that sine021:22
sine0im saying im on 64bit 14.0421:22
sine0what my best solution to using skype21:23
sine0wine or21:23
MrPigBearManhello there when I make a .desktop file how does it know where the icons full path is ?  and its type (jpg pin ect )21:23
maddawg2it's not supported in linux21:23
maddawg2it wont work21:23
happyfr0ggIt states that nothing is to be upgraded, installed or removed.21:23
sine0is there an alternative21:23
maddawg2oh wait..yes it is sine021:23
maddawg2just do that21:24
sine0maddawg2: why u so mad21:24
maddawg2i'm not mad21:24
sine0why is your dog mad then21:24
syntroPiMrPigBearMan, maybe you can look at those .desktops in "ls /etc/xdg/autostart/" to get ideas21:24
maddawg2it's just a handle21:24
MrPigBearMansyntroPi,  I understand that but how does it know the path of ICON=  and also the type of icon that it is.21:25
maddawg2OK how do I install Ubuntu server without a darn internet connection21:26
maddawg2it keeps trying to set it up21:26
maddawg2I dont have one I just want it to set it up without configuring the interfaces21:26
LapJupin this 2013 the writer says the touch screen would not work with ubuntu. is that still true? http://liliputing.com/2013/10/booting-ubuntu-asus-transformer-book-t100.html21:27
LapJups/2013/2013 article/21:28
daftykinssine0: we do not support debian and we do not support the raspberry pi in here, please find the #raspbmc channel21:29
happyfr0ggI continue to have unmet dependencies and held broken packages. How to fix???  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7898471/21:29
daftykinssine0: in addition, we don't support third party software such as Skype21:29
maddawg2anyone know how i can skip the network configuration in ubuntu server21:29
maddawg2It's trying to autoconfigure my network cards and wont let me continue WITHOUT it21:29
sine0i tried to install it whilst on my shell!!!!21:29
sine0not my ubuntu box21:29
maddawg2how the heck can I just install the system21:29
daftykinssine0: XD21:29
maddawg2without having a network connection21:29
daftykinsyou can't21:30
maddawg2daftykins really????21:30
happyfr0ggI continue to have unmet dependencies and held broken packages. How to fix???  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7898471/21:30
maddawg2i kinda need to tho...21:31
syntroPiMrPigBearMan, actually i dont really know but i would guess its those PNG's in "ls /usr/share/pixmaps/ /usr/share/app-install/icons/"21:31
MrPigBearManmaddawg2,  you are going to have to DL the paackages some how.  save to a local machine and then when setting up (maybe a different inage that is large with corre utils and what no. ) then install the debs via dpkg21:31
MoProductionsIS there a reason why I’d get a Broken Pipe error trying to access a networked drive if i’ve only left it alone for a couple minutes?21:31
daftykinsmaddawg2: oh well in that case, lets get the devs to re-engineer everything solely for you!21:32
daftykinsmaddawg2: oh, actually you can :P21:32
MrPigBearManmaddawg2,  or make a iso that has all the packages that you would like then use that image to burn.  It could already have a user and what not.  But not sure why you can not get online21:32
mavidoritosi have a big problem21:32
maddawg2MrPigBearMan, well that's a problem then.... this is a virtual machine at a colo and i am having issues getting it to connect to the network and they need the config file but since i cant even get past the first step i cant show them that the configuration is correct21:32
mavidoritosit says: Read only File System21:32
mavidoritosi cant change anything21:32
mavidoritoswhat is the read only file system21:33
daftykinsmaddawg2: are you 100% sure your VPS provider doesn't provide an automated way of loading an OS... all mine have21:33
mavidoritosi dont know how i did it21:33
eeeemavidoritos: what are you talking about?21:34
daftykinsmaddawg2: here we go, got it... i'm booting from a 64-bit ISO of 14.04 server - press F4 on the boot screen menu and select "Install a minimal system"21:34
maddawg2daftykins yes they do,... but not for vmware esxi.. they only set up the management interface.. in order to give the guests network access i have to use a failover IP and set the NIC in vmware to the correct MAC... this was all working fine and dandy until they changed the gateway address and told me via email i had to change my settings for anything using the failover21:34
daftykinsmaddawg2: this was google result #121:34
MrPigBearManmaddawg2,  take a look at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/409607/how-to-create-a-customized-ubuntu-server-iso or yocto or buildroot there are alot of options out there.  Though not for beginners21:34
maddawg2well you must have done an amazing search cuz i've been looking and didnt see one21:34
maddawg2but thanks21:34
daftykinsMrPigBearMan: no thanks, that's a huge waste of time - solution already solved. occam's razor :P21:34
mavidoritosi want to install some programs via apt-get21:35
mavidoritosit says21:35
mavidoritosError: Read-Only File System21:35
happyfr0ggReal quick, does posts marked into ubuntu dot pastebin expire?21:35
pahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dahdi-linux/+bug/1312421  <-- can someone confirm that the   proposed solution still works / does not work anymore? patch seems to fail patching the source tree here..21:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1312421 in dahdi-linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot rebuild dahdi-dkms (1: : unknown field ‘drv_attrs’ specified in initializer .drv_attrs = xpp_attrs" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:35
daftykinsmavidoritos: did you boot in recovery mode?21:35
mavidoritosdaftykins, in recovery mode it says me again Read-Only File System21:36
mavidoritosi dont know what is read only file system21:36
daftykinsmavidoritos: yes you need to remount rw, see here...21:36
eeeemavidoritos: in recovery-mode it's supposed to be read-only21:36
daftykins!recovery | mavidoritos Read step #821:36
ubottumavidoritos Read step #8: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode21:36
mavidoritosdaftykins, ok i'll try21:36
maddawg2Nope daftkins doesnt work21:36
maddawg2still needs me to configure a network card at startup21:36
Beldarmaddawg2, You can tab complete nicks to get them correct21:37
maddawg2Beldar I am aware.. thanks...  I just didnt that time21:37
sDomceHello, guys can someone help me with ubuntu?21:37
maddawg2sorry for the typo21:37
daftykinsmaddawg2: screenshot21:38
rollingpingHi. I have an iso but i don't know if it is 14.04 or 14.04.1 is there any file that shows version information?21:38
daftykinssDomce: yes ask a question21:38
maddawg2just a sec21:38
Beldarmaddawg2, No biggie we just see nicks not used continuously and we never know what the users know. ;)21:39
sDomcetoday I installed ubuntu and I don't like it :/ sorry guys but it's true, and right now i want get back to linux mint.21:39
sDomcecan someone tell me what kind of softwares i need and etc21:39
BeldarsDomce, The mint channel would be your place.21:39
sDomceyeah but right now im using ubuntu21:39
sDomceand i want just install linux mint to my usb21:40
sDomcebut softwares can't authorise my usb stick21:40
BeldarsDomce, Than ask in there channel loading a usb is easy stuff and you have handfuls of apps to choose.21:40
BeldarsDomce, try unetbootin21:41
sDomceI tried to use Unetbootin21:41
sDomcebut still bad21:41
BeldarsDomce, Okay try the few offered at pendrivelinux21:41
sDomceoh and I tried that one I opened with wine software still bad but whats weird that my computer can authorise but softwares can't :/21:42
BeldarsDomce, I use this one, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/21:43
some1I was addicted to watching pornography for 10 years, write me if you want to know more :)21:44
Beldar!ot | some121:45
ubottusome1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:45
=== kira is now known as Guest85573
c|onemansome1: the shame there is you probably never watched 60fps porn on the internet.21:45
daftykinsc|oneman: do not engage such spammers21:46
syntroPirollingping, either http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/MD5SUMS   or   http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04.1/MD5SUMS21:46
c|onemanI'm still learning which channels are broluv channels and which are serious support channels21:46
daftykinsc|oneman: topics are clues21:47
BeldarsDomce, There are linux usb loaders at pendrive, don;t use wine for this.21:47
rollingpingsyntroPi, thank you!21:47
mavidoritosi have one question too21:48
mavidoritosi installed 10.04 lts21:48
mavidoritosi upgraded 12.04 firstly21:48
mavidoritosit was good21:48
Beldarmavidoritos, All in one post and to the point.21:48
mavidoritosbut when i upgrade to 14.04 system doesnt start21:48
mavidoritosonly black screen21:49
mavidoritosmonitor shuts down after boot21:49
Beldarmavidoritos, Lay off the enter21:49
daftykinsmavidoritos: how does this relate to you remounting read-write and installing packages?21:49
mavidoritosdaftykins, i read your link. i tried it. now it is going well. but i cant mount my usb stick now :) i use sudo mount vfat /dev/sdb /media/external21:50
daftykinsmavidoritos: why are you trying to mount a flash drive to it? shouldn't you be fixing things and then rebooting into normal mode?21:51
mavidoritosntfs sticks goes well with ntfs-3g, but fat32 sticks21:52
mavidoritosnow i start in normal mode21:52
mavidoritosi used apt-get install. i worked. now only problem is my usb stick. i hope it will be fixed soon :)21:53
mavidoritosi need to mount usb stick because i have to boot from usb stick to install ubuntu 14.0421:53
msxmaddawgEOL: EOL lol, sorry, busy here. Did you solve your issue? May be your ISP is remembering your router's MAC so it wont refuse to work with your system until they purge it21:54
mavidoritosin ubuntu-forums they said me: You need to make a clean install. But i know Ubuntu 14.04 is too heavy for my Celeron 1000A.21:54
daftykinsmavidoritos: alright so just use a program or 'dd' the ISO onto the FAT flash drive. no need to mount21:55
daftykinsmavidoritos: so... what spec is this system you're trying to get 14.04 onto?21:55
syntroPimavidoritos, if you want to make a bootstick from an iso from an ubuntu you could use usb-creator-gtk for that21:55
mavidoritoscan i use xchat script for system info in this channel=?21:55
mavidoritos CPU  Intel(R) Celeron(TM) CPU                1100MHz (1099 MHz)21:55
mavidoritos Physical Memory  Size: 375,48 mb | Used: 176,90 mb (47%) | Free: 198,58 mb ||||||||||21:55
mavidoritos Page File  Size: 905,99 mb | Used: 141,66 mb (16%) | Free: 764,33 mb ||||||||||21:55
mavidoritos Virtual Memory  Size: 2,00 gb | Used: 1,25 gb (63%) | Free: 1,96 gb ||||||||||21:55
msxmavidoritos: you could try Xubuntu or Lubuntu or just install Ubuntu and then install over it a lighter desktop or window manager21:56
daftykinsmavidoritos: don't spam the channel like that.21:56
msxmavidoritos: i use awesome wm, was using spectrwm before21:56
daftykinsmavidoritos: yeah that thing isn't good enough for even lubuntu... i'd give up if i were you, bury that thing21:56
mavidoritosdaftykins, i am sorry. i will not do again.21:56
maddawgEOLmsx unforutnately have not figured it out... but i dont think that is the issue... it's somethign completely different.. it's not a "traditional" set up in the way you think21:57
msxmaddawgEOL: wan to do a little debug?21:57
daftykinsmaddawgEOL: just FYI you can hit escape and get a menu of setup stages so you might be able to skip network config21:57
LostNvawhat keyboard symbol are those lines mavidoritos? after 1.96gb, never could figure that out21:57
daftykinsLostNva: pipe21:57
LostNvahow do you do it21:57
mavidoritosi dont know it is a script21:57
daftykinsLostNva: well i have a UK keyboard, so me telling you probably isn't of any use :)21:58
LostNvaok, ive been wondering that for a while, I know its not on my keyboard by default21:59
benccI'm trying to install several packages and getting: Package diff is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:59
bencchow can I tell which package require it?21:59
eeeeLostNva: it should be next to Enter, and it's the same button that you use for "\" .. shift + that gets you it21:59
Ben64bencc: probably diffutils22:00
mavidoritosdaftykins, i'll try lubuntu :) if not, i'll continue with 10.04 :)22:00
LostNva| hehe finally i can sleep, thanks22:00
benccBen64: thanks22:00
mavidoritosLostNva, :)22:00
daftykinsmavidoritos: only 10.04 server is supported, you can't get help in here with it. that system really just needs to be thrown in recycling and replaced22:00
maddawgEOLthanks daftykins i gave up trying.. i have a ubuntu desktop machine already set up that I am trying to see if i can get that to work... of course they want to see my /etc/network/interfaces so now I'm trying to get ubuntu to not ignore that...22:00
maddawgEOLbut of course even that is a prolbem22:01
daftykinsmaddawgEOL: oh separate issues, when you said it was blank, that's 100% wrong - it always has content even when network connections are managed by network manager. it's also easy to create a config to sort that out22:01
rollingpingI have a 14.04 dvd. should i download 14.04.1 , or updating my packages by ubuntu-updates will be ok?22:06
ObrienDaverollingping, you should be able to update using dist-upgrade22:06
rollingpingthank you ObrienDave22:07
MoProductionsis dist-upgrade the command?22:07
MoProductions<— linux noob22:07
ObrienDavesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:08
ObrienDavein terminal22:08
MoProductionsshould I run both?22:08
MoProductionsCut ’n paste time.  Thank you22:08
daftykinsalthough don't cut, someone else might want to read it! ;)22:09
MoProductionsi can’t get a network drive to unmount, i dont think i’m quite ready to change irc features22:09
ObrienDavecopy and paste per daftykins recommendation ;P22:09
MoProductionsalready done.  well not pasted in a terminal yet but pastd in my growing linux knowledge base22:10
daftykinsMoProductions: make sure you're not still in its' bath when trying to unmount it22:10
daftykins*path, rather than bath22:10
daftykinsi'd hope you're not a serial bath thief22:11
fdassdffHi, I need to spin up a quick ubuntu 14.04 instance to test something on postfix, but I don't want to bother with a full on vmware/virtualbox instance.  Is there some sort of virtualization program I can use to do that?22:11
ObrienDavebath, TMI ;P22:11
MoProductionswell i’m trying to unmount via the Unity finder-esque window.  even after about a minute, it’ll complain if i try to unmount and say it has a broken pipe if i try to access22:11
MoProductionsi always code in the bath22:11
daftykinsfdassdff: chec out digitalocean.com - you can put some $ of credit on via paypal then pay just fractions of cents/pence to spin up test instances22:12
daftykinsdamn what's with my typing tonight22:12
fdassdffdaftykins, digitalocean is great, except it's still not quick enough22:13
fdassdffI want something that can run on my own machine22:13
daftykinsfdassdff: sounds like your standards are way too high.22:13
daftykinsno further ideas i'm afraid22:13
fdassdffdaftykins, It's possible. Gotta aim for the stars though ;)22:13
k1lfdassdff: you mean like docker.io ?22:13
fdassdffk1l, the docker website seemed like it was geared towards deployment22:14
fdassdffI just want to spin up some sort of vm that boots Ubuntu so I can look at the default config for postfix, and then I won't need the vm any more22:16
fdassdffAfter some searching, lxc might be what i need22:18
syntroPidoes someone know where these evolution-calender-factory and evolution-source-registry processes come from? they cause very annoying popup spam when using gnome-shell and trying to keyboard search for an app22:20
beaneei got a bash question for you22:20
k1lbeanee: maybe try #bash22:20
beaneehow do i get the if loop to hit more then one  number? : if [ $COUNTER -eq 1 or 2 ]22:20
beaneety will try22:20
TJ-beanee: "if [ $COUNTER -eq 1 -o $COUNTER -eq 2 ]"22:21
beaneethank you so much22:23
beaneeyou guys are amazing22:23
missvaleskaCan anyone help me with this?22:23
TJ-fdassdff: if you have postfix package installed, the default config is at "/usr/share/postfix/main.cf.debian"22:24
fdassdffTJ-, thanks good to know, but I don't have it installed22:25
eeeefdassdff: have a blast http://paste.ubuntu.com/7898948/22:26
TJ-fdassdff: "apt-get source postfix" then look in the "debian/" directory22:26
sine0ok everything was going great untill i discovered pulseaudio22:28
fdassdffeeee, TJ-, thanks both, but I'm taking the chance to learn lxc anyway  hahah22:28
fdassdffOr, I would if their page wasn't down :/22:28
wxlanyone know when systemd is official?22:36
k1lwxl: with 16.04 systemd is the planned standard22:37
wxlk1l: thank god :)22:38
MoProductionsare they skipping 15?22:38
k1lMoProductions: why should they?22:38
MoProductionsif 14 is the latest, then they’d be skipping it for 16.  but you might be speaking about two revs or 14 isn’t the latest22:39
k1lMoProductions: i did not tell anything about releases in the year 2015. is just told that the target is to ship systemd as standard in the 16.04 release.22:40
MoProductionsah, i didnt know that the release matched the year, but that makes total sense22:40
daftykinsMoProductions: what'll really bake your noodle is when you see that x.04 means April and x.10 means October22:40
k1lMoProductions: and there is no 14 and 15. its always year:month. and month is always .04 or .1022:40
ObrienDaveoh the horror ;P22:41
MoProductionsyeah i’m not sure if that’ll fit in the ol’ noggin today22:41
MoProductionswhat if there’s two in a month22:41
MoProductionsthere’s yer horror!!!22:41
k1l!releases | MoProductions22:41
ubottuMoProductions: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:41
k1lplease read that :)22:41
ObrienDavethe universe ceases to exist22:41
MoProductionshave they ever missed a release?22:42
ObrienDaveMoProductions, NO! don't read it, your head will explode ;P22:42
k1lMoProductions: read it. maybe you will find the answer22:42
beaneei got one more for you :P22:43
MoProductionsi’m still getting used to gui’s with linux heh22:43
beaneelet COUNTER BE shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 122:43
MoProductionsback in my day, it was command line only!!22:43
daftykinsok, back to support only please. general chat in #ubuntu-offtopic22:44
=== kevin is now known as Guest94230
eeeebeanee: try this, let beanee /join #bash; done22:45
beaneeeeee they only come up with links -.-22:45
beaneeaand not the one that helps you22:46
MoProductionsok back to support.  Why would a folder, which I just accessed 6 mintues ago via network, suddenly give me an error about the file being an unknown type?22:46
incognitoWhy has google talk been broken in 12.04 for so long. I've never seen google talk break for so long.22:47
designbybeck_is there not a way to just double click on a .sh from the GUI? or do you have to go to the terminal each time and do ./file.sh22:47
ObrienDavedesignbybeck, you should be able to right click and execute22:48
ObrienDaveyou might have to make permissions executable22:49
cuddylierrsync -av username@remote_host:/home/servers/hg1/ /home/test22:49
cuddylierDoes anyone know how to add a SSH port to that?22:49
designbybeck_ObrienDave, there isn't an "Execute"22:49
designbybeck_ObrienDave, I have turned it to make excitable22:49
Guest94230Hi everyone, i am a beginner in the development and i have a little trouble understanding the process to establish a php test after you install LAMP. This includes the file /var/www/test.php to create, i have typed that ? On Nano ? thanks you in advance !22:50
daftykinscuddylier: try host:port/path22:51
ObrienDavedesignbybeck, i forget i'm on Xubuntu. I have a right-click execute for .sh22:51
incognitoIs this the regular ubuntu channel. It seems like the activity is really slow compared to usual.22:51
designbybeck_ah gotcha... yeah sorry I'm on Ubuntu22:51
daftykinsincognito: of course it is...22:51
ObrienDave!patience | incognito22:52
ubottuincognito: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:52
cuddylierdaftykins: Didn't work sadly, still says port 22 when I execute it22:52
daftykinscuddylier: odd, that's what the man page says22:52
incognitoObrienDave: I already know what the ubunt bot said. I just wanted to make sure I'm on the right channel because it's moving so slow.22:53
TJ-cuddylier: You did "rsync -av username@remote_host:12345/home/servers/hg1/ /home/test" ?22:54
cuddylierI got it, --rsh='ssh -p8023'22:55
cuddylierAdding that changes the port22:55
jack_I'm trying to get docky to auto-hide and I know I need to use metacity but I'm having trouble locating the compositing manager on startup. any suggestions?22:56
TJ-cuddylier: You did "rsync -av rsync://username@remote_host:12345/home/servers/hg1/ /home/test"  should be equivalent22:57
sine0what in GODS name do you use to unrar an archive on linux22:57
cuddylierAlready tried that, didn't work22:57
gamingrobotI have another issue, my webcam is upside down in chrome, I have tried the LD_PRELOAD and it just gives me a black box22:57
k1lsine0: fileroller with installed unrar package. and no need for swearing22:57
daftykinssine0: hilariously, unrar or unrar-free22:57
sine0daftykins: thanks but they did not work for me22:58
eeeecuddylier: using rsync:// as TJ- suggests is different than what you used22:58
cuddylierI see what you mean22:58
gamingrobotthe LD_PRELOAD works in chromium to fix the problem but not chrome22:58
daftykinssine0: can you detail 'did not work' a little better? what kind of archive is it?22:58
MoProductionsthanks for the help folks.  ttyt22:58
sine0daftykins: its a split archive of rar files22:58
daftykinssine0: oh a spanned archive, i see22:59
k1lsine0: that shuld work ootb, too22:59
daftykinssine0: i bet you're picking the wrong one as #122:59
k1lsine0: so its you to blame as long as you cant prove more details with errors22:59
sine0daftykins: my sweet pea, im picking the right one23:00
sine0k1l: ok i get ya one sec23:00
daftykinsprove it23:00
sine0i wonder if i have to specify the file  names as in r**23:01
daftykinsnope the main file will have those23:01
syntroPisine0, there os the package "rar" from  Eugene Roshal, though you might register/buy it23:02
k1ljust unrar the file.rar or the first one file.rar.part123:02
syntroPisine0, its in the multiverse repo though23:02
k1lunrar will grab the rest of the files as long as they are in the same directory and readable by the user23:02
sine0i am picking .rar the next one is r00 r02 ...23:03
k1lsine0: i bet unrar is putting errors in the terminal. that are (other than on windows) with the exact issue description. so you need to read them23:04
daftykinssine0: still waiting for an "ls" of the directory, followed by what you're running and what output it gives, pasted to paste.ubuntu.com23:04
jack_anybody know anything about Composting in Lubuntu? I'm trying to get docky to autohide but the two tutorials I've found suggest using gconf-editor to change the settings but I'm not seeing what's suggested23:05
jack_I'm assuming they are antiquated tutrials23:05
daftykinsthere is no compositing on LXDE as far as i know, if i understand rightly23:06
jack_daftykins, thank you23:08
jack_They recommend changing the window manager to fix the issue but that isn't working too well23:09
TJ-sine0: Do you have "unrar" or unrar-free" package installed?23:09
sine0guys im 14.0423:11
sine0i have unrar and unrar-free23:12
sine0im only using the terminal command line23:12
fdassdffHow can I detach from a lxc instance?23:14
fdassdffI've tried ctrla+q and ctrl+a+a+q, neither works23:14
fdassdffSo far my only solution is to power  off the machine23:15
=== d is now known as Guest33763
fdassdff*the container23:15
sine0im also running amd64 if that makes a difference23:15
six_hi i have a problem23:15
six_sound in my linux not work23:16
eeeesine0: try unrar not unrar-free23:16
six_only rustle23:17
six_what to do ?23:17
sine0I have. it claims invalid archive23:19
k1lsine0: you got a .sfv file so check it23:20
sine0k1l: giw do you in the terminal point to the file that is in the current location23:24
daftykinssine0: run again with -xv23:24
Guest94230i have a problem with test php lamp .. :/23:25
k1ljust name it. the program should search in the directory you are in23:25
k1lGuest94230: what problem?23:25
k1lsine0: you dont need "*". just use tab-completion to name the correct one23:26
sine0k1l: you wont beleive me when i say that tab completion has stopped working23:27
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Guest94230k1l: i just installed lamp and i can not get php to market test, i always answer this : The requested URL/testing.php/ was not found on this server.23:29
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* ryan_46 test23:31
k1lGuest94230: is this the apache mysql etc packages from ubuntu repo or is it some package from somewhere else?23:33
cuddylierFor a bash script, if a prompt comes up asking for a password, can I use echo to put it into the prompt or what do I use?23:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:34
Guest94230packages from ubuntu23:34
k1lwhat does "ls -al /path/to/file.php" give you? change /path/to to the real path23:35
OERIASHelp on failed installation of Ubuntu Touch.23:35
k1l!touch | OERIAS23:35
ubottuOERIAS: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch23:35
OERIASIs this not Ubuntu23:36
OERIASHow ironic23:36
k1lOERIAS: stop23:36
maddawgEOLcan someone look at this config...  http://imgur.com/pDuWH6S   for some reason after making this modification it wont work23:36
maddawgEOLoops didnt mean to paste that twice23:36
maddawgEOLi cant get the networking service to start even23:36
k_szelubuntu won't detect my USB harddisk.23:37
maddawgEOLusing this guide:  http://help.ovh.co.uk/BridgeClient23:37
k1lOERIAS: the specialists for the ubuntu touch are in #ubuntu-touch . so if you ask there you get a better chance of help. but you could be ranting in here about ubuntu touch and get no help. your choice23:37
OERIASI'll go.23:37
OerHeksmaddawgEOL, defualt ?23:38
maddawgEOLi dont understand your question OerHeks23:39
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, learn to pastebin23:39
OerHekssee line pre-down route del defualt ... default23:39
maddawgEOLgrobe0ba, ummm I cant cuz i have no internet fool23:39
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, you copied and pasted an image23:40
grobe0bayou can copy a text file23:40
OerHeksfor the rest, i am not sure it will work, typo's will interrupt23:40
grobe0baalso, for clarity, dont indent the iface eth0 line23:40
maddawgEOLgrobe0ba, i took a screen shot from my PC of a virtual machine yes23:40
LapJupin this 2013 article the writer says the touch screen would not work with ubuntu. is that still true? http://liliputing.com/2013/10/booting-ubuntu-asus-transformer-book-t100.html23:40
maddawgEOLthe virtual machine ks at a remote location WITHOUT internet becuase the config is messed up therefore i couldnt access pastebin23:40
maddawgEOLso i did the next best thing which would be a screenshot23:41
maddawgEOLi am well aware of how to pastebin tho23:41
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, w/e. anyhow, like i was saying generally one would not indent the iface eth0 line23:41
grobe0bait shouldn't affect it, but it improves clarity23:41
grobe0babut yeah23:41
grobe0bayou're deleting your default route23:41
grobe0baright after you set it23:41
grobe0baand the route to said gw23:41
grobe0bawhich is why nothing works23:41
OerHeksi wouldn't do it either without disabling networkmanager23:42
maddawgEOLwell i was following the instructions here: http://help.ovh.co.uk/BridgeClient23:42
grobe0baerr, wait, that's pre-down23:42
maddawgEOLsince this is an OVH provided dedicated server23:42
maddawgEOLand it's pre-down23:42
grobe0bayou don't need a pre-down though23:42
maddawgEOLerr what you just said23:42
grobe0baif it's going down, it'll get scrubbed anyhow23:42
grobe0baalso, don't set the route like that23:42
grobe0bachange the netmask to include the correct subnets23:42
maddawgEOLi know that grobe0ba but i've tried it EVERY possible way only to be told to do it the way my provider tells me to..so I copied the EXACT steps they told me23:42
maddawgEOLwell maybe not EVERY possible way, but every way i could think of23:43
grobe0bawell, using netmask you'll never get to ANYTHING anyhow23:43
grobe0baregardless of the rest23:43
maddawgEOLyes you will23:43
maddawgEOLthat is their netmask23:43
maddawgEOLsee that is their exact netmask and is even in the email23:43
maddawgEOLthe email they sent with my config settings.. that is the netmask they use for that failover23:44
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, that is not the correct subnet23:44
grobe0bayou can ignore me if you like23:44
maddawgEOLgrobe0ba, read this please http://help.ovh.co.uk/BridgeClient23:44
grobe0babut it is incorrect23:44
maddawgEOLummmm... that is not the incorrect subnet23:44
maddawgEOLyou probably think it should be
maddawgEOLi asked that and no it is
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, it should also not be
grobe0bathat is for a /2423:45
maddawgEOLok then what should it be?23:45
grobe0bai'm still pondering that23:45
maddawgEOLi will try it that way but i've now spent all day being told by a number of techs it's and it's outlined on their own site23:45
maddawgEOLdid you even look at that page to see what i was doing23:46
david259good fellow23:46
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, i am indeed reading it now23:46
grobe0babut since you ask for help, and insist on doing it their way without actually considering any advice23:46
grobe0bai obv don't need to read it anymore23:46
grobe0bahave a fine day23:46
cuddylierAnyone know how to print certain text for a requested arguement? E.g. a SSH password in a bash script23:46
cuddylierSo the script outputs the password to the reqest23:47
maddawgEOLyou havent given advice23:47
grobe0bacuddylier, you mean print the password someone enters into ssh?23:47
maddawgEOLyou just said it's wrong without even bothering to see what i am doing23:47
cuddylierYes grobe0ba23:47
grobe0bacuddylier, not possible23:47
grobe0baspecifically designed to be not possible, in fact23:47
cuddylierIs it possible to print output for a requested input at all? No?23:47
maddawgEOLcuz i also thought it was wrong but then found out that it was not...23:47
grobe0bacuddylier, if you read the password in yourself, and then send it to ssh, then yes23:48
cuddylierI mean if something else in a script requests input23:48
grobe0bacuddylier, no23:48
cuddylierOr is it the same for all things that request input, they all have to be manually entered?23:48
grobe0bayou cannot grab that input23:48
cuddylierIf I had another command that requested inpuut, how do I put input in?23:48
jose__algun bogotano23:48
grobe0bayou can use a script and have the user input things to it, and then send to commands23:48
jose__o bogotana23:48
k1l!es | jose__23:49
ubottujose__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:49
Name141How do you add user that isn't allowed to use 'sudo' or do admin things ?23:49
david259uns have stable version of ubuntu 14.4 pcl OpenNI, capture data, but I need to scan the given problem nvidia cuda23:50
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, post that imgur link again, would you?23:50
grobe0bai think i see something23:50
TJ-Name141: simply don't add the user to the 'sudo' group23:50
maddawgEOLgrobe0ba, http://imgur.com/pDuWH6S23:50
Name141TJ-: I assume the user added during install is added to the sudo group ?23:51
jack_if I'm using xfce and I want to use conky, would the transparency work with the window manager?23:51
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, your ip is .152.249. according to that site, your gw should be 152.254 ... that's not what you're setting for the gateway23:51
grobe0bayou're setting a gw in a completely different net23:51
maddawgEOLgrobe0ba, they changed it this morning actually it used to be that and use to work great with that23:54
maddawgEOLbut as of this morning my last contact with them said that it was changed to be the gateway of my main dedi which is the 192 address i provided23:56
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, so, you're IP address stayed the same, but the gateway changed?23:57
grobe0baor vice versa23:58
grobe0baeither way23:58
grobe0bahonestly, i thinked they are fucking up hard core23:58
grobe0ba'cause now that i look at it, that should work23:58
grobe0bai get why they have the netmask at
TJ-maddawgEOL: Your "post-up route add" is missing "dev eth0", compared to the instructions you linked23:58
grobe0baTJ-, bloody hell. you see the damndest things23:59
grobe0baand that is almost certainly what is wrong23:59
maddawgEOLgrobe0ba, yes23:59
grobe0bamaddawgEOL, check what TJ- said23:59
cuddylierIf I generate a rsa keypass, will logging in via SSH with a password still work? I'm scared of locking myself out.23:59

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