
OvenWerkszequence: I think libav has been redone and all the extras have been rolled into one (55), however, now all the apps that depend on libav-anything have to be repackaged and moved to the wild... until that happens we have no ISO or meta.01:57
OvenWerkszequence: on another topic totally... there are a lot of new apps just starting to emerge for live video production. I would guess about 10 years ago computer hardware caught up with audio recording and live work and now the same seems to be happening for video.02:01
OvenWerksour video selection is almost all editting packages. We have only lives as a live video application. However, many of the new apps are not packaged yet, but we should be watching for them as they do. It would be nice to see more included for 16.0402:03
OvenWerksI think video will be where the minimal ISO will shine. In fact adding a headless runlevel may be useful too. Some video applications expect to be run on more than one computer. For example dvswitch is set up client server style.02:07
OvenWerksEach camera is expected to be connected to a (possibly headless) client computer because cat5 runs can be much longer than USB/FireWire. Then there is a server that does the switching of streams. I think the lowlatency kernel would be helpful for livevideo too.02:10
OvenWerksOn the other hand, Video editting may bennefit from a generic kernel set to performance complete with hyperthreading if available. Pro video editting machines use multi-graphic-core cards (like video cards with no outputs just the GPU).02:13
OvenWerksWe could really use some hard core video guys.02:15
zequenceOvenWerks: The CD size ISO has been defined to have two purposes: 1) Install Ubuntu Studio 2) simple system check (audio card, video card, etc)10:21
zequenceI had the idea to create several smaller ISOs for each workflow, and that would probably be appreciated, but it's too much work for very little gain10:22
zequenceThe DVD is the tool and the showcase as before10:22
OvenWerkszequence: I understand your reasons for the lite ISO. I am just pointing out there are others. A lot of the realtime video stuff is new/experimental enough that the user is expected to be part sysadmin to use it. I expect it could be used headless by running it at the login screen anyway. The fact that it allows specific application installation means only what is needed can be loaded. And it comes with the lowlatency kernel by default.20:38
OvenWerksThe definition of UbuntuStudio has changed from a full install to a chosen install which is what makes these things possible. The needed extra SW could probably all still fit on a USB stick so the client computer could run diskless. It may be designed for simple install/testing, but there will be other possibilities.20:41
zequenceOvenWerks: I'll comment tommorow. I'm keeping someone up here :)20:43
OvenWerksalso... for later comment linux 3.16 now has an alsa firewire stack included.20:44

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