
ochosibtw, i set the vertical offset for the shadow because the light source is "from above" in our theme00:09
ochositime for bed00:15
bluesabrethanks for the tip ochosi, this feels a lot more Greybird: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7889923/00:42
bluesabreUnit193: thoughts?00:42
bluesabrehttps://i.imgur.com/QIwZ84y.png    Left: xfwm4 compositor, Right: compton00:51
Unit193Er, I was supposed to respond.  Uhhh, sure?01:12
bluesabreI thought you used compton, so thought I bounced it off you :)01:13
Unit193Heh, nooope.  I tried it a bit before trusty was released.01:13
Unit193(That's why it was hard to find some config for it, purged and deleted.)01:15
bluesabregot it01:15
Unit193We'll see if this also fixes the xfwm4 glitches.01:15
Unit193Wow, lag in Skype.01:16
Unit193Hrm, it's actually when you minimize all windows, and pull one up again.  Something to do with the desktop.01:17
* bluesabre cannot test performance-related things, everything works well01:17
Unit193https://github.com/chjj/compton/blob/master/src/compton.c#L5175 handy.01:20
bluesabreoh good, I hate cluttering $HOME01:22
Unit193I dislike cluttering home and /etc/skel/ ;)01:23
Unit193Reminds me, ToZ had a good point on .Xdefaults and xscreensaver.Dialog.borderWidth01:42
ToZI did?01:44
bluesabrethis sounds familiar01:44
bluesabrehave the link?01:44
Unit19302/#xubuntu-devel.2014-02-19.log.gz:20:53:12 < ToZ> should I create a bug report to suggest a cosmetic change to the xscreensaver unlock dialog (change is actually to /etc/skel/.Xdefaults from xubuntu-default-settings) to remove the white border?01:49
Unit19302/#xubuntu-devel.2014-02-19.log.gz:20:57:37 < ToZ> set "xscreensaver.Dialog.borderWidth:        0" - gets rid of the thick white border01:49
ToZ...and there it is.01:50
Unit193ToZ: I've use it, it is nicer.01:58
bluesabrejust tested, muuuuuch nicer02:07
Unit193bluesabre done be on a roll.02:23
Unit193But, shouldn't you consult your visual aid? ;)02:24
bluesabreso I noticed that the Settings Menu appears above the other menus in whisker (hierarchy and all that)02:24
bluesabreso, wondering if I should add the Settings Manager launcher back and have the Settings menu in alphabetical order with the others02:25
bluesabrethoughts?  Seems least invasive that way02:26
bluesabreand only a tiny bit repetitive for classic menu users02:26
Unit193Putting  Settings Manager then a seperator makes sense for the classic menu users though.02:30
bluesabreok, think I've decided on a good setup02:32
bluesabreworks well with both menus this way02:36
Unit193Will have to get used to it, but makes logical sense.02:37
bluesabresomebody will complain, but ui freeze isn't until september ;)02:38
Unit193It'd be great to get more feedback from people, but I'm +1 for this.02:40
Unit193bluesabre: May be more than needed, but what do you think about before/after of whisker+classic and propose at the next meeting?02:40
bluesabreWell, next meeting is in a few hours, so fine by me :)02:41
bluesabrewhisker: https://imgur.com/52N8SmP02:43
bluesabreadded to agenda02:52
bluesabretime to go pick up wife/wait in car for an hour02:58
bluesabrebe back tomorrow02:58
Unit193Hahaha. :D  Have fun.03:02
Unit193bluesabre: While we're at it, could list other changes made at the meeting, but I won't be there. :P03:20
elfybluesabre: some [info] for meeting 07:07
elfyimage testing is moribund07:07
elfyso is package testing07:07
Unit193bluesabre, ochosi: Debian #756359 (Not for seeding, but nevertheless).08:22
ubottuDebian bug 756359 in wnpp "RFP: compton-conf -- Qt configuration tool for X composite manager" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75635908:22
ochosihey folks, would you mind if we postpone the meeting 30mins? gotta take someone to the trainstation...09:43
bluesabreok, fine by me09:43
bluesabrebtw, we already have clutter in xubuntu, abiword pulls it09:44
ochosithat's absurd...09:44
ochosiwell "lucky" us i guess, we can use the parole clutter backend "for free" :p09:45
ochosibut still, this seems just like another reason to get rid of abiword09:45
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, only requires the installation of gstreamer1.0-clutter, 111 kb09:45
ochosi(or can it be built without clutter?)09:46
ochosipinging Unit193 is always a good idea09:46
bluesabredidn't mean to write that to Unit193, was going to send something else09:46
bluesabrebut forgot09:46
* skellat is ready for meeting09:59
doubleplusgoodWow right on the number10:00
bluesabrenice skellat10:00
bluesabreI think we might wait a few minutes for ochosi if that's ok?10:01
skellatIt'll be probably my first meeting in 2014 to attend10:01
bluesabrecongrats :)10:05
sh4trhave you experienced scroll lag+high cpu/xorg ?10:09
bluesabreI haven't noticed anything of the sort recently10:10
doubleplusgoodSomewhat, but I think that was compton.10:10
brainwashxubuntu 14.10?10:11
brainwashbluesabre: so we can close bug 1349056 now?10:12
ubottubug 1349056 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager doesn't suspend on lid closed (regression)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134905610:12
brainwashaccording to the last comment10:12
brainwashor is some fixing needed?10:13
doubleplusgoodI think so10:14
bluesabreThat might need some fixing actually10:14
bluesabreochosi, eric_the_idiot ^10:15
doubleplusgoodAlthough, I just tried it on my laptop and it gave me a black screen...10:15
bluesabredoubleplusgood, please see the "Other Info, #3" section of this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/132674010:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1326740 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu Utopic) "[SRU] Please backport xfce4-power-manager 1.2.0-3ubuntu6 to trusty" [Critical,Fix released]10:16
doubleplusgoodbluesabre: Fixed10:19
doubleplusgoodbluesabre: Thanks10:20
doubleplusgoodIs there any development on xfwm's compositor?10:23
brainwashnot really, ali1234 was doing some experiments some months ago10:25
bluesabre!team | meeting in 4 minutes10:26
ubottumeeting in 4 minutes: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19310:26
bluesabre#startmeeting Xubuntu Community Meeting10:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jul 29 10:30:35 2014 UTC.  The chair is bluesabre. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.10:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick10:30
bluesabre!team | Meeting time10:30
ubottuMeeting time: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19310:30
bluesabreSo, who's here?10:30
* knome is lurking a bit10:31
* bluesabre hasn't guided one of these meetings in a while10:32
knomegood luck ;)10:32
knomeyou basically need #topic, #subtopic, #action and #info10:32
bluesabreochosi should be back shortly10:33
bluesabre#topic Open action items10:33
bluesabre#info xubuntu packageset has been updated with the packages we ship, so uploads should be simpler now10:35
bluesabre#info gstreamer1.0-clutter is the only additional package if we ship parole with a clutter backend10:36
skellat#info The "split theme package" bug may subside after the recent QA upload for shimmer-themes but catching duplicates has to be done manually.10:36
knomeany news/progress on getting the list of packageset packages to the wiki?10:36
bluesabreI think ochosi followed up on that one10:36
bluesabreoh wait, we did not make progress on that10:38
bluesabrebut I think ochosi did "bluesabre to set up a page on the ubuntu-wiki collecting apps that potentially need a pkexec profile and send an email to the list to get users to contribute to the list "10:39
skellatWhich relates to the gksu issue10:39
bluesabre#action bluesabre to put list of xubuntu packageset packages on wiki10:39
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to put list of xubuntu packageset packages on wiki10:39
bluesabre#nick slickymaster10:41
bluesabre#info slickymaster wrote a draft for "things to do after a 12.04 to 14.04 upgrade"10:42
bluesabreI guess we can move on to updates now10:45
bluesabre#topic Team updates10:46
ochosisorry for being late10:47
* ochosi took JPohlmann to the train10:47
bluesabre#info new packages in utopic: xfce4-power-manager, xfwm410:47
bluesabrehey ochosi10:47
ochosity, and hey everyone10:47
skellat#info From overwatch on bugs, there has been a small effort to try to treat design decisions as bugs and patch them away10:48
skellat#info Such bugs that have attempted to re-open design decision have been flagged as opinion for now10:48
skellatAt least when I catch them10:49
bluesabreThanks for that :)10:49
ochosi#info xfwm4 tabwin needs small theme updates/tweaks, ochosi has local patches for that already10:49
ochosi(things look okayish by default though)10:50
ochosiquestion re: clutter10:51
ochosiwhat other packages would be pulled in if we decided to get rid of abiword at some point?10:51
skellatWhat would we ditch abiword in favor of?10:51
ochosii mean: what packages would be pulled in/needed by parole other than gstreamer1.0-clutter10:51
ochosiskellat: i guess nothing10:51
ochosiskellat: but anyway, let's not go there *now*, i just wanna know in case ;)10:52
knomelet's talk about the abiword replacing later10:52
knome(i mean, in this meeting..)10:52
ochosisure, why not10:53
* skellat would run rdepends if he wasn't sitting at a Debian Jessie ARM box at the moment10:53
bluesabreyeah, we'll have plenty for Discussion today :)10:53
ochosibluesabre: hm, so would you happen to know or shall we investigate that later? (or are you investigating now? :D)10:53
bluesabreochosi: looks like this, gstreamer1.0-clutter libclutter-1.0-0 libclutter-1.0-common libclutter-gtk-1.0-010:54
bluesabrepossibly more10:54
bluesabrebut I can send the current file listing in utopic to see what is *currently* installed10:54
bluesabrewe can review that later10:55
ochosiwell i guess as long as we keep abiword it's a no-brainer to add the clutter backend10:55
bluesabredo we want to move to Announcements?10:55
* bluesabre always feels like team updates and announcements are the same10:55
ochosiyeah, i kinda agree10:56
bluesabre#topic Announcements10:56
bluesabre#info Xubuntu 14.04.1 released last week, good job everyone!10:56
bluesabreochosi: are we participating in alpha2, or only betas this cycle?10:57
ochosiiirc only betas10:57
bluesabreok, thought so when I checked our calendar10:58
bluesabreanybody else have any announcements?10:58
ochosi#info Xfce has made some progress towards new development releases that we will most likely want to pick for 14.1010:58
ochosibtw, how does that micro-release exception work exactly wrt that ^ ?10:59
bluesabreWe've been picking them as they are released :)10:59
bluesabrewith the MRE, not entirely sure10:59
bluesabresince big changes happen with dev releases10:59
ochosiwell i'm thinking 14.0410:59
bluesabreand we are running on top of 4.11 in 14.0410:59
bluesabreI assume the usual rules apply11:00
ochosiyeah, that is true for a few of those releases...11:00
bluesabrewith regard to interface freeze, etc11:00
ochosiright, i guess i have to look up what MRE is about exactly at some point11:00
bluesabrediscussion time?11:00
bluesabre#topic Discussion11:01
bluesabre#subtopic Default IRC client11:01
bluesabreI'm still not sure we have a clear direction with this yet11:01
ochosime neither11:02
bluesabreHowever, I did find yesterday that Mint switched from xchat to hexchat11:02
knomei don't think we ever will, we just need to make a decision11:02
knomewhat would you guys think of the following:11:02
skellatMint does not equal *buntu11:02
ochosiyeah, probably a vote11:02
knomedrop xchat for 14.1011:02
ochosiskellat: sure, but it means maintenance/attention usually11:02
knomesee what the feedback is like11:03
ochosiyeah, somehow i'm all for experimenting a bit in the upcoming cycle11:03
knomeif the feedback is people want an IRC client, consider including xchat/hexchat for 15.0411:03
ochosiand point ppl to pidgin meanwhile11:03
bluesabrethat sounds good to me11:03
ochosiyup, same here11:04
knomeas i've said in the ML, pidgin is a fairly good IRC client for people who IRC only occasionally11:04
ochosiyeah, and it's a consequent move after getting rid of gthumb11:04
bluesabre#vote Drop xchat for Xubuntu 14.1011:05
meetingologyPlease vote on: Drop xchat for Xubuntu 14.1011:05
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)11:05
meetingology+1 received from ochosi11:05
meetingology+1 received from bluesabre11:05
meetingology+1 received from knome11:05
meetingology+1 received from skellat11:05
meetingology+1 received from doubleplusgood11:05
meetingologyVoting ended on: Drop xchat for Xubuntu 14.1011:05
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:011:05
meetingologyMotion carried11:05
knomebluesabre, was that a team or public vote?11:05
bluesabreknome: good question, should have specified11:06
bluesabreeach of the team members present voted in favor of11:06
knomenot that it seems to matter much, both XPL and XTL agreed11:06
knomebut with the current team size, we don't have a quorum ;)11:07
bluesabreWe should go ahead and extend this to the ML11:07
skellatBack out the vote and throw it to CIVS?11:07
ochosibluesabre: we can extend it to the ml, but please add a timeout (1 week should do)11:07
knomeskellat, why would we want to use complex voting methods if we can do a simple vote on the mailing list?11:07
bluesabreochosi: want to send that mail?11:08
skellatknome: Force of habit from LoCo Council so that we had a paper trail to back up what we did11:08
skellatAn external paper trail, that is11:08
ochosibluesabre: hm, fine :)11:09
bluesabre#action ochosi to send mail to ML to vote for dropping xchat for 14.1011:09
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to send mail to ML to vote for dropping xchat for 14.1011:09
bluesabre#subtopic Gksu/do11:10
bluesabreochosi: did you get a chance to chat with ubuntu-devel folks on this?11:11
ochosii did11:11
ochosithere were some comments about pkexec being superior and gksu being hackery11:11
ochosibut tbh nothing too-convincing11:11
ochosithe other thing is though that it doesn't seem hard to add support for pkexec11:12
ochosiand i guess the list of apps that need it isn't overly long11:12
ochosi(the hackery concerning e.g. how that pwd-dialog is done etc)11:12
knomeis there any reason not to move to pkexec (apart from the one-off workload) ?11:13
ochosiwell, actually we just fixed a bug wrt pkexec in xfce this weekend (https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9373)11:14
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9373 in General "double fork breaks desktop files containing pkexec" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:14
bluesabreat this point, we've carried 2 (or 3) releases without gksu11:14
ochosiyeah, not too much of an outcry so far11:14
knomeyou're not answering my question :P11:15
bluesabreI see no reason to not move to pkexec, other than old habits (gksudo) die hard11:15
knomeright, then let's move into it11:15
skellatI don't see any reason to avoid the shift to pkexec other than we'll have a differing paradigm from other flavours in case people shift to us.11:16
knomeif it's horrible, we can reassess that in 15.04 as well11:16
ochosiwell for the moment it means improving the status quo if we add policy file11:16
ochosiso i'd go for this incremental improvement and see whether it helps11:16
ochosianything from the docs-side on this?11:16
ochosiis gksu/do part of the docs? is pkexec mentioned at all?11:17
bluesabreI think gksu parts of the docs were removed, right?11:17
knomethere was some work done on it11:17
knomesince david is away, you can assign a work item for me to check our situation11:18
bluesabre#action knome to check docs side of including pkexec policy files in favor of gksu11:19
meetingologyACTION: knome to check docs side of including pkexec policy files in favor of gksu11:19
bluesabre#subtopic Xfce bug bounty program11:19
ochosi#info ochosi has helped to set up a bug bounty programme on bountysource.com for Xfce11:20
ochosii think it would be good to support that by informing people11:21
ochosiwe can discuss whether we want to directly put some of our funds on bugreports a bit later11:21
ochosibut the first step should be to put out a blog-post on x.org, g+, fb, twitter, well all the usual suspects basically11:21
knome#action marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media11:22
meetingologyACTION: marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media11:22
ochosiwould be very cool if i wouldn't be the only one doing it11:22
knome#nick makreting11:22
knome#nick marketing11:22
ochosicause i'm already handling a lot of that upstream at xfce11:22
knomeochosi, be in touch with the marketing team (eg. me and pleia2) and talk about that, and things will get done11:22
ochosiok, ty11:22
bluesabre#subtopic Trello and Blueprints11:23
bluesabre"Discuss how to continue with Trello and blueprints and evaluate how things are going so far. Also: should the Trello board be public?"11:23
bluesabreSo far, I think Trello works well. Makes it easy to find and keep up with task items11:24
ochosii think it should be public though11:24
ochosii don't remember who brought that up earlier (maybe it was in bluesabre's application for upload-rights?)11:25
skellatYeah, Scott Kitterman brought it up then11:25
ochosibut i don't see any reason to keep this private, since bps are also public11:25
bluesabreYeah, it should be public.11:25
knomemy concern is that when we are using trello, the blueprints aren't kept up-to-date11:26
ochosiwell i guess in the long run the question is whether to s/blueprints/trello/11:28
ochosibut yeah, we've had that problem of not up-to-date blueprints in previous cycles11:28
ochosiand using trello "on the side" this cycle certainly hasn't contributed to mitigating that situation11:28
bluesabreI don't think I'd want to get rid of blueprints11:28
knomeyes, trello is okay, but then we shouldn't use blueprints at all11:29
knomethe pro for blueprints is that they are always up-to-date regarding bugs linked to them11:29
knomeand when they are linked to the status tracker, it's very easy to get an up-to-date overview of the progress11:29
knomeof course you need to keep the manually added work items in the blueprints up-to-date as well11:30
knomebut with trello, you have to keep the trello board updated11:30
knomethe work items,11:30
knomethe bugs11:30
knomeand in addition there are no good overview stats11:30
skellatOne keeps us more firmly grounded within the Ubuntu ecosystem, one does not.  Where do we stand is the question we have to consider in the end.11:31
knomei don't think that's the core question11:31
ochosiknome: yup, i agree. the best thing (imho) would be to improve launchpad :>11:31
knomethe core question is what works best with the team11:31
knomei mean, many teams have stopped using blueprints already11:32
ochosibut since that's not likely to happen, i guess we have to see what we can live with11:32
knomei prefer the method we used for the reasons stated above11:32
ochosithe sluggishness of launchpad is quite a downer, but yeah, it has all those pros that you mentioned11:32
knome but i'm fine with trello11:32
skellatknome: True.  How have our Kubuntu colleagues managed the use of Trello and the use of Launchpad?11:32
ochosiskellat: they exclusively use trello11:33
knomewhatever we decide to do, we should make it clear for possible new members what and how we are using11:33
knomeand describe the process11:33
skellatknome: Agreed11:33
knomeso what's the evaluation on trello so far?11:34
ochosii personally like it11:34
ochosiit's quite snappy an the overview it provides works well for me11:34
ochosiit's less statistical than status.ubuntu thoug11:34
bluesabreIt works well for having an overview of what everyone is doing without jumping between blueprints and bug reports11:35
knomebluesabre, what about the overview page of the status page?11:35
ochosiyeah, the jumping between blueprints is a bit annoying, because they're so slow in usage11:35
bluesabreI find that I don't know where most things are on launchpad11:35
ochosiknome: for me, that one is a bit cluttered. i mean it's really comprehensive but too much11:36
bluesabrethis is a super helpful page, but I would not know how to get here without your link11:36
knomei partly agree11:36
ochosithe simplicity is what i prefer there with trello11:36
ochosiso yeah, as i said, i'd prefer to improve on the existing infrastructure actually11:36
knomebluesabre, ehm, go to the main page: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-t/ and click the xubuntu link11:36
knomelinks are obviously for T, because U hasn't been set up11:37
knomethat page also always has links to the blueprints11:37
knomeso you can access those easily as well11:37
bluesabreand there's that11:37
knomesetting up? that takes 5 minutes11:38
bluesabrebut we haven't done it yet11:38
knomeif *that's* the reason what's keeping us from using launchpad, i'll promise to do that every cycle11:38
knomebluesabre, well, yeah, because i didn't get any questions about it from ochosi until i asked him a few days ago whether we were going to set it up altogether11:39
bluesabrethat's cool, but I think that's the problem with launchpad11:39
knomewhat then?11:39
knomethings not setting up automatically?11:40
bluesabretoo many links, too much content11:40
knomewas the trello board set up magically?11:40
ochosii kinda agree with bluesabre there, the learning curve for launchpad is really different from trello and the likes11:40
knomei understand and can agree11:40
NoskcajDid i just miss a meeting or something?11:40
ochosiit took me ages and lots of energy to slowly start using it11:40
ochosiNoskcaj: we're still in the middle11:40
knomebut it's really a crap argument that "it's too hard to set it up, boo hoo" when it takes 5 minutes11:41
NoskcajI'm here for ~5 mins11:41
bluesabreright, that's not my argument11:41
knomenow when the cycle was beginning11:41
knomei was told we were going to use both trello and blueprints to see how they work and which works better11:42
knomeobviously i gathered that wrong, because we've mostly been using trello11:42
* bluesabre just needs to collect all his bookmarks to navigate launchpad11:42
bluesabreI might be the only one with this issue :)11:42
knomeyou don't need the bookmarks really11:42
knomeyou only ned the main blueprint link11:42
knomeor the status.u.c link11:43
knome(for the blueprint stuff, that is)11:43
skellatpad.lv truly helps too 11:43
knomei'm not saying people shouldn't have problems perceiving that.11:43
ochosiskellat: what's that?11:43
skellatochosi: The Launchpad-specific link shortener11:43
bluesabrebut yeah, I agree that trello has been getting updated more frequently than the blueprints11:44
bluesabreand that is probably because its easier to use and everything is always in front of you11:44
ochosisure, that's mostly a fact11:44
knomewell the comparison is obviously flawed because the blueprints aren't set up the way they are supposed to11:44
ochosi(i mean the less frequent updates)11:44
knomeand when we decided to use... well, "both", i asked whether people would be up for that11:45
knomeand everybody was like "sure!"11:45
knomewell, now we see it11:45
knomewe really can't use BOTH11:45
ochosiknome: the only thing lacking in the bps is the link to status.ubuntu though, right?11:45
knomeif we aren't using blueprints, let's not even register them then.11:45
knomeochosi, yeah, and people updating them11:45
* skellat throws out the ridiculous suggestion of somebody building a bridge using launchpadlib between trello and lp11:46
knomeochosi, i don't think you can do a fair comparison between the two during one cycle, because keeping them both up-to-date means almost double the work11:47
knomeochosi, and people are always going to prefer either or11:47
bluesabreDo we want to continue this discussion a bit later to finish up the meeting?  Or we can create some action items?  I'll need to leave for work shortly11:48
skellatI need to bow out too11:48
knomei don't think we're going to find a resolution with this group of people anyway11:49
ochosisounds sane11:49
knomejust wanted to raise my concerns11:49
ochosiwell personally i don't have that many blueprints anyway11:49
ochosiso for me it's not so much work to keep both updated11:49
knomeochosi, work item?11:49
knomeochosi, you personally, but11:49
ochosiknome: that too, but i also am only involved in two blueprints11:49
knome [unit193] Propose a new installable metapackage, xubuntu-core: INPROGRESS11:50
knomeisn't that done?11:50
ochosii know that it's different with others11:50
knomei don't think Unit193 has many items either11:50
bluesabre#action team to continue discussion using Trello, Blueprints11:50
meetingologyACTION: team to continue discussion using Trello, Blueprints11:50
ochosishould be, it's in xubuntu-meta but i don't know whether it's uploaded11:50
knomei'm not blaming anybody, i'm just saying that it isn't working11:50
bluesabreIt's uploaded11:50
skellat#nick team11:50
knomebesides the work item is "propose", that's surely done11:50
knomejust pointing out11:51
bluesabreUnit193 ^11:51
ochosiknome: fine, let's send a grumpy email to the ml pointing team members towards updating their blueprints11:51
ochosiwe can figure out the status.ubuntu thing later11:51
ochosi(maybe not today, but one of these days)11:51
knomelet me say this one last thing:11:52
knomesince you say launchpad is so hard to use11:52
knomeand trello is easy11:52
knomewhy do we need to have "notes"/"help" cards in the trello main view to help people use trello?11:52
knomeno need to answer, just wanted to point that out.11:52
bluesabre#subtopic Merged Settings menu in Whisker and classic menu11:53
* ochosi has never looked at those11:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 1310264 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Can't search/find items in the Settings Manager" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:53
knomeochosi, i never looked at the launchpad documentation... :P11:53
bluesabreSo, I've updated the menu files in xubuntu-default-settings, want to get more feedback11:53
bluesabreIn the classic menu, I've made the Settings menu its own item, do we want to keep this, or how would we like to continue?11:54
ochosithat looks excellent to me11:54
ochosii think we've had this setup previously in the classic menu11:54
ochosiit's a good fallback and with our default whisker it'll be a nice improvement11:55
ochosibluesabre: btw, that looks as if some icons were not 16px in that menu11:55
ochosiif you could check and let me know which ones, i'll try to fix that in our icon-theme11:56
skellatI like the new look11:56
bluesabreok, so if we agree to this, I can push that today11:56
ochosiplease do so11:56
knomeyep, looks good11:56
bluesabreWe also have a few other changes in the next xubuntu-default-settings, if I can get some quick feedback11:57
bluesabreI did a bit of tidying based on comments in the past11:58
ochosinot sure what the 20px thing is about, but the rest is fine11:58
bluesabre1. Removed the huge white border from xscreensaver, we don't use it anymore, but it does make it look much more attractive11:58
ochosithen i'm +1 on that11:58
ochosithe battery-plugin will maybe be renamed to xfpm-plugin (because the brightness plugin has been merged in)11:59
ochosibut adding it to the panel is good11:59
bluesabreAlso added a reasonable config for compton which mimics our current xfwm compositor11:59
ochosidon't forget to take indicator-power out of the seed11:59
bluesabreyup, that's committed11:59
bluesabrejust gotta update meta11:59
ochosior, if we still seed it (so that we have power-indicator in the greeter/lockscreen) we need to hide it in the indicator-plugin11:59
ochosii've been testing the compton config on two different setups now and it looks and feels good. this is probably the first time i'm satisfied with compton, so nice work on that :)12:00
bluesabreso that's that for xubuntu-defualt-settings12:01
bluesabre#action bluesabre to upload new xubuntu-default-settings12:01
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to upload new xubuntu-default-settings12:01
ochosithanks a bunch bluesabre 12:01
bluesabre#subtopic Parole's clutter backend12:01
bluesabre#info Abiword already pulls clutter, so parole only adds gstreamer1.0-clutter (111 kb)12:02
bluesabre#info With the clutter backend, parole works correctly even in virtualbox12:02
bluesabre#info performance for clutter is less than xv, but better than just X12:03
bluesabreSo, what do we want to do?12:03
ochosii'm personally in favor of enabling it12:03
ochosisame as with the xchat decision, i'm for trying this in 14.1012:03
ochosiwe can revisit it in 15.04 (or even before the release) if there are some terrible unforeseeable drawbacks12:04
bluesabreWith enabling it, do we want to set it as default as well?12:04
bluesabreknome: any thoughts, for or against?12:04
knome14.10 is a non-LTS release so it's the perfect place to test new things12:05
ochosii guess by setting it as default, it would get quite a bit of testing12:05
ochosisince totem also uses it by default, i don't see a huge problem there12:05
ochosiwe should document that though somewhere12:06
knomeanother option is to ask Unit193 to build a custom ISO12:06
knomeand get that testing12:06
ochosiyeah, if it's only about that one package, i suggest we just go ahead with it12:06
knomejust make sure the final assessment if it works or not happens early enough to be able to revert the change12:07
bluesabreof course :)12:07
ochosii guess enabling by default is a thing for x-d-s anyway12:07
ochosiso the first step of adding it in parole is definitely fine12:07
knomei know it is an obvious thing, but we've been too late before ;)12:07
ochosiknome: true, but this time we actually have an uploader ;)12:08
ochosibluesabre: so yeah, i'm +1 on both (add, default)12:08
bluesabreok, I'll make these changes today12:09
knomeochosi, yeah yeah12:09
ochosithanks again bluesabre 12:09
bluesabre#action bluesabre to enable clutter in parole, set as default in xubuntu-default-settings12:09
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to enable clutter in parole, set as default in xubuntu-default-settings12:09
bluesabreAnything else we want to discuss?12:09
ochosinothing from my side at this point12:10
bluesabreknome, skellat?12:10
skellatI'm good12:10
knomei guess dropping abiword12:10
knomebut we can do that later12:10
bluesabre#subtopic Schedule next meeting12:11
bluesabreWho's next?12:11
knomepleia2, 12:12
bluesabre#action pleia2 to schedule next meeting12:12
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to schedule next meeting12:12
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jul 29 12:13:19 2014 UTC.  12:13
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-07-29-10.30.moin.txt12:13
knomethanks bluesabre 12:13
bluesabrethanks guys12:13
ochosithanks bluesabre :)12:13
skellatThank you bluesabre 12:13
* bluesabre heads to work12:13
ochosii gotta go too, have a nice day everyone!12:13
knomeyou too12:14
elfywell that was tldr 12:32
elfywhy is there a   * ''Vote:'' Drop xchat for Xubuntu 14.10 (Carried) on the logs12:32
elfyshould that not go to the mailing list12:33
knomedidn't undo the vote, but it'll be on the mailing list shortly12:33
elfyseen it 12:41
edmaelI'm trying to hack some Xfce component but I'd like to understand how they're compiled on Xubuntu and what make or autogen options are used. Is there a simple way to check this? On Arch I used to check the PKGBUILD and it's pretty simple, I wonder if there's a similar way.15:48
edmaelI'm trying to compile Xfce-panel, but I get this error and I can't understand why: :~/Developement/xfce4-panel$ ./autogen.sh --sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/lib --disable-static --enable-gio-unix --localstatedir=/varxdt-autogen: You must have "glib2" installed. You can get if from16:59
edmael             ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/.16:59
knomeedmael, do you have the development libraries for glib2 installed?17:00
edmaeldevelopement libraries for glib2? Where can I find them?17:00
knomein the repositories...17:00
edmaelI've got the Xfce developement libraries installed17:00
edmael$ sudo apt-get install gli17:01
edmaelglibc-doc                 glib-networking-dbg       glines17:01
edmaelglibc-doc-reference       glib-networking-services  glipper17:01
edmaelglibc-source              glib-networking-tests     gliv17:01
edmaelglib-networking           glide2-bin                17:01
edmaelglib-networking-common    gliese            17:01
eric_the_idiotapt-get build-dep xfce4-panel  should pull in the required packages for building the panel17:01
knomeedmael, please17:01
knomeedmael, do not paste multiline pastes on the channel17:01
edmaelSorry knome 17:02
knomeapt-cache search glib2: libglib2.0-dev - Development files for the GLib library17:02
knome(if you insist using command line...)17:03
edmaelI still get an error. Maybe it's cause I'm using Xubuntu 14.10? It tells me that libglib2.0-dev depends on libglib2.0-0 (= 2.41.1-2) but the version 2.41.2-1~ubuntu1 is going to be installed (and then it stops).17:04
Unit193knome: Yeah, that is rather my fault, I didn't update the BP.18:22
knomeUnit193, that's not the point, but thanks for keeping it up-to-date ;)18:22
Unit193I would have gotten the trello card, had Sean not already done so. :D  And yeah, know it's not the point, but still.18:24
knomejust proves my point18:25
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/8s4GUZ7RFQyOfgH1zEvq latest Xubuntu stats.18:27
Unit193Eh, trello is more handy to get to the dang specs for sure...18:28
Unit193!info qtmir utopic18:54
ubottuPackage qtmir does not exist in utopic18:54
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
ochosiknome, pleia2: lemme know when we can talk about promiting bountysource for xfce – or whether there is actually a need for that19:31
ochosii guess what we want is pretty obvious, i.e. promote the programme on all our "channels"19:31
elfyevening ochosi 19:31
ochosihey elfy 19:32
ochosihow's it going?19:32
elfyok thanks :)19:32
ochosigood to hear19:33
elfytried to read the meeting logs - tldr, read the summary instead 19:33
ochosii guess bluesabre didn't have time to put up the minutes, as he had to leave immediately after the meeting19:33
ochosiit took a bit longer than anticipated19:33
elfyUnit193: so - I'd say that we need to test install of it, what it gives you - eg less than normal but enough 19:34
elfyochosi: yea I noticed :p19:34
knomeochosi, i'm mostly off tomorrow and thursday19:35
ochosiknome: yeah, i'm actually also travelling around in the country and have meetings19:36
ochosiis the beginning of next week or even the weekend more realistic for you?19:36
elfyUnit193: mmm - so it just appears to be doing nothing now it's downloading bits19:36
elfykernel module problem 19:37
Unit193Yeah, I had initramfs problem...19:37
elfyok 19:37
Unit193(Told it to continue anyway, we'll see.)19:37
elfyso it's not something we can write up and get people to just test yet then19:37
elfyploughing on for the moment :p19:38
* ochosi didn't know elfy had a plough19:39
elfyand a horse to pull it :)19:39
ochosilucky you!19:40
elfyI wish19:40
Unit193elfy: So, does it look to be installing stuff it shouldn't?  It may be "Expert Command-line install" that we need if so.19:41
elfyno it looks like it's installing the right stuff 19:42
elfyretrieving partman etc atm19:43
elfyUnit193: so it doesn't find the vbox drive ... 19:52
elfyand the install option for me gets the same no kernel module found thing19:56
* elfy gives up for the night19:57
Unit193Well, mine worked, but I had to use the caret option so I'm remembering wrong it seems. :P20:00
* Unit193 can't remember which gives tasksel.20:00
elfyI don't get that far ... 20:00
ochosiUnit193: remember to document that stuff ;)20:01
elfyare you using 32bit or 64 bit - not that it should make a difference 20:01
Unit193ochosi: https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/core.html20:01
Unit193elfy: 32.20:01
ochosiUnit193: yeah, that was just re: "remembering wrong" ;)20:01
Unit193ochosi: Oh no, my memory is terrible, I know this well. :D20:02
ochosigood good20:02
elfyUnit193: forget that - I picked Install :D20:03
Unit193ochosi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZLAlceZ2qo20:03
Unit193elfy: That was my next try, thanks.20:03
elfywell up to now everything has failed on kernel modules and not finding them20:04
elfyand I think it is going to do the same again20:04
elfyso I've had the same on every option and tried 32 and 64 bit20:06
ochosiUnit193: will look as soon as that video from openshot has finished exporting20:06
ochosi(so tomorrow maybe)20:06
Unit193elfy: I'm also using us.20:06
elfygb archives here20:07
elfygiving up for now20:07
Unit193So, it seems to have worked.  Anything you want me to check, ochosi, knome?20:36
Unit193I did a mini+Command-line install and have a desktop.  Not sure if there's anything you want me to test?20:38
knomecan't come up with any ideas right now20:39
knomeask me again on friday/saturday20:39
knomenighty ->20:47
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
CajunTechie2Hello everyone. Quick question: how does someone go about becoming a formal member of the Community team? If this isn't the place to ask, please point me in that direction. Thanks!23:42

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