
usr13ssarah: What is your question?00:00
usr13ssarah: Do you have some sort of objection to samba?00:01
ssarahjust that i dont know how to use it?00:01
ssarahand it's not well integrated, but i guess google again?00:01
danikarIs there a way to see what gtk themes I have installed?01:28
N1ch0Hi guys gnite!03:00
N1ch0could anyone give me a hand with a strange wireless issue with 14.04 and a x200 thinkpad?03:00
ObrienDavewhat's the issue? speak up03:02
N1ch0oh sry was waiting for reply03:02
N1ch0all of a sudden down n up activity stops03:02
N1ch0using wpa, wpa2, wep, doesnt matter, and after 10 secs it comes back03:02
ObrienDavewhich adapter? drivers current?03:03
N1ch0same connection with others OSs works just fine03:03
N1ch0Ultimate N WiFi Link 530003:03
N1ch0system should be up to date yeh03:04
N1ch0im thinking it might be the wifi manager and/or power manager03:04
holsteinN1ch0: you mean, same wifi NIC and router on the same machine with a differnt os? like windows? one that the hardware manufacturer supports? all is well?03:04
N1ch0yeah on dual boot, Win 7 works just fine with this connection03:05
N1ch0odd thing is, connection doesnt drop it just stops03:05
holsteinN1ch0: what does that mean? with "this connection" ? you mean, all the same hardware? or connection type?03:05
N1ch0same computer with other OS03:06
holsteinN1ch0: regardless, i would wire up and "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see if any updates "repair" the driver support there.. then, i would look into other drivers for the device.. .03:06
N1ch0aright holstein, thx for the help ill give it a go03:07
holsteini would also consider ndiswrapper with the windows driver.. or, getting other hardware that supports linux better.. i typically just pull out chips that are problematic in linux these days.. hardware is so cheap..03:08
N1ch0hi Holstein, i did what u adviced, still no dice on the wifi intermittent connection. What actually fixed the issue was disabling N support. I guess N support isnt really polished yet04:35
N1ch0thanks for the help tho guys, awesome as always  ^^04:35
xubuntu498is there any way to have the num lock on on boot?05:18
deshipuxubuntu498: settings->keyboard->restore numlock state on startup05:19
xubuntu751Anyone up at this hour?08:15
xubuntu751Ive got an issue :(08:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:16
xubuntu751I am using an external monitor and every time I close my laptop lid it goes into suspend.08:16
ObrienDaveit's set that way08:17
xubuntu751I have already switched it not to be that way under power options08:17
xubuntu751Also -- I went in and switched /etc/systemd/logind.conf to HandleLidSwitch=ignore08:18
ObrienDavedo you have windows installed?08:18
ObrienDaveany other OS besides Xubuntu?08:18
xubuntu751That's all I know to do. Xfce power settings says it shouldnt lock the screen and my logind.conf handlelidswitch is set to ignore.08:18
xubuntu751dmesg | grep -i lid sees the 'lid'08:19
xubuntu751I have no idea what else would be causing my laptop lid to suspend the system if I've already taken the measures which I have tried to solve-- any ideas?08:19
ObrienDavesorry, no. ask in main channel #ubuntu08:21
xubuntu751I solved it by killing lightlocker.08:23
KbdProblemHi, I'm having problems getting the keyboard to work on an MSI Wind U100 netbook. It works fine in grub and when booting into Windows, but is dead when I arrive at the log in screen of Xubuntu. After searching around a bit, I've played with some i8042. settings (.nomux, .dumbkbd and .reset) without any luck. I can use an external keyboard. Any suggestions?08:40
ObrienDavemake sure your keyboard is set properly for Xubuntu or find a driver for your keyboard08:42
KbdProblemMSI doesn't seem to provide any linux drivers - how would I go about setting the keyboard properly for Xubuntu?08:45
ObrienDavehmm, not sure. when you installed Xubuntu you had a choice of configuring your keyboard. did you go through this step?08:47
KbdProblemYes, at install I chose the locale/layout of the keyboard, but using a mouse, since the keyboard wasn't functional08:50
ObrienDavethen it's not set properly. see is MSI has 'codepage' info on keyboard08:51
ObrienDave*see if08:51
ObrienDavemore than likely, you need to set the proper code page. if that does not work, i suspect a dead keyboard, even if brand new08:53
ObrienDaveoops, you said, It works fine in grub and when booting into Windows, my apologies08:54
ObrienDavemore than likely, you need to set the proper code page.08:54
KbdProblemyeah, it's not completely dead - it must be some setting. I'll look into the code page setting - thanks!08:55
T60I cannot get Xubuntu to restart the system properly. When I click restart the system will shutdown reboot then lead me to a black screen. I then am forced to do a hard shut down, but I have to do it twice until the black screen goes away. I had this problem previously, I just reformatted my hard drive. This is a fresh installation.09:32
ObrienDaveT60, try adding, nomodeset to grub. not sure where to add it09:33
T60ObrienDave:I have done that before, but doing that leads me to an even more complex problem.09:34
ObrienDaveT60, do you have TimeShift installed, perhaps?09:35
T60ObrienDave, this is a completely fresh install of Xubuntu, I did not download any packages yet, I only updated it.09:36
ObrienDaveT60, i'm hoping someone will drop in with an answer for you. i'm out of ideas, sorry09:37
T60ObrienDave, it's alright, thanks.09:37
nagevHow does one change the user avatar on the login screen?13:14
knomenagev, use mugshot13:17
nagevknome, thanks, was just looking at that. It seems it puts the profile image in ~/.face but that would be inaccessible before login as my homedir is encrypted :/  maybe the image gets cached somewhere else, will give it a go.13:19
knomenagev, if it doesn't seem to work, file a bug13:19
knomeit's possible it's not going to work with an encrypted home directory as is13:19
nagevknome, yup, thanks13:20
brainwashnagev: did you actually test it?13:41
nagevbrainwash, setting the pic with mugshot works when i lock the screen, haven't tested it while logged out yet though13:42
brainwashnagev: mugshot saves the profile pic as ~/.face and tells accountsservice to update the user pic13:43
brainwashthe second method works fine with encrypted home dir13:44
nagevbrainwash, cool, thanks.13:46
xubuntu134I have an isssue with a lenovo T500 trying to use the Fn controles to turn the touch pad on and off. I can do so in the settings manager but the keyboard controles don't work for the touchpad. I have other computers where this function works fine but the lenovo t500 has this issue with xubuntu but works fine with streight ubuntu.14:17
Hedgeworkxubuntu134: it's working fine on a t500 in vanilla ubuntu, or some other machine?15:22
xubuntu134Hedgework I have to say yes, I have this issue with 2 OS's XFCE Ubuntu and PC linux KDE but that is another issue When I use Mint, Ubuntu even Zorin I don't have this issue but I like Xubuntu because of the ability I have to configur it to do just about anything I want. If I can't resolve this I will contiinue to Use Xubuntu I will just put up with the inconvience of having to open the settings and turn on and off the touch pad wh15:29
Hedgeworkxubuntu134: work is calling, but I'll think on it andh ping when I resurface15:30
starratsxubuntu134, just curious does your cursor freeze up to with your touchpad?15:33
xubuntu134Hedgework: thanks been working this myself for about 3 months and have got nowhere on my own, figured I would look for some help.15:33
xubuntu134starrats: no in fact the touch pad function works just fine but at my desk I don't use it I only use the touch pad when I go mobil the lenovo has extra buttons for the touch pad that never work except in windows with special Lenovo drivers but that was the first thing I did when I got this box was to remove all MS products.15:37
starratsah okay xubuntu13415:37
starratsMt touchpad/cursor was freezing up on me until I go help from a friend and added a line into the grub to stop the freezing, this was now over 2 months ago and i have had zero problems, btw my laptop is a toshiba satellite15:39
edmaelHi everyone!15:46
xubuntu348A family member hs asked me to install Xubuntu on an older computer.  I have only downloded and installed DVD sized images.  The old computer will boot from a USB drive, but I cannot find instructions for creating the bootable image on the USB stick.  Would someone point me in the right direction please.  Thanks15:46
cookieburrajust a sec :)15:47
xubuntu134starrats: what is funny is that all the other Fn controles work just fine it is just the touchpad on/off.15:47
xangua!usb | xubuntu13415:47
ubottuxubuntu134: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:47
xanguaif it's 'old' can it boot from usb¿15:47
xanguasee above xubuntu34815:48
starratsah okay xubuntu13415:49
xubuntu348Thanks ubottu, and yes, it will boot from USB memory.15:54
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Guido1Hello, I would like to design covers for DVDs and CDs. Is there a small program which allows syncronisation with the DVD / CD content and writing own teksts? (i have XFburn)20:52
Guido1and maybe export to pdf, odf or doc20:53
longbonglungfishhello everyone, on xubuntu 14.04 here. since last week my computer no longer locks the screen when closing my laptop lid and going into suspend mode. what can i do to remedy this? all my settings are correct, so i can't understand why this is happening. any help would be greatly appreciated.22:09
* HedgeMage peeks in.22:13
longbonglungfishhello everyone, on xubuntu 14.04 here. since last week my computer no longer locks the screen when closing my laptop lid and going into suspend mode. what can i do to remedy this? all my settings are correct, so i can't understand why this is happening. any help would be greatly appreciated.22:35
ObrienDavelongbonglungfish, see if "lock screen before sleep" is checked. session and startup, advanced tab. iirc22:37
longbonglungfishyup ObrienDave, that's checked.22:39
ObrienDavetry clearing and resaving current session22:39
longbonglungfishgot it. will be right back then.22:40
longbonglungfishhey again ObrienDave, your last piece of advice did not work.23:03
longbonglungfishI also have lock screen when going for suspend/hibernate checked in xfce power manager.23:04
ObrienDavehmm, sorry, someone should be able to help you with this shortly23:04
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