
hatchhuwshimi you had some questions you sent in the email yesterday00:43
hatchhave you got those solved or do you still need a hand there?00:43
huwshimihatch: Not solved (no replies). I'm trying to figure out, in a machine/container token how I can tell if the machine/token has been deleted00:45
hatchyou can't, I'm not sure you can tell if anything has been deleted00:45
hatchunits, services etc00:45
huwshimihatch: Yeah...00:45
hatchso when something gets deleted do we want to remove it form the db? probably not because then what if they change their minds00:46
hatchbut with that said, that's how the units are done now00:47
hatchsee environmnt-change-set.js line 69100:47
hatchrelations are done the same way00:47
hatchoh wait00:48
hatchno that's only removing the ghost stuff00:48
hatchI have to finish cooking supper00:50
hatchleave this with me and I'll get back to you when I'm done00:50
huwshimihatch: OK, thanks!00:51
MakyoSupper or dinner?00:52
hatchMakyo haha, supper01:07
hatchhuwshimi so unfortunately we have been pretty destry01:07
hatchdestructive when dealing with removing of relations01:07
hatchand units so far01:07
hatchso we'll have to go back and fix that01:07
huwshimihatch: Oh, so not going through ecs?01:07
hatchbut the only reasonable way I can think of is to have an 'ecs-destroyed' attr of some sort which we check when we decide to render things01:08
hatchbecause what happens if we remove a service then the user decides to 'cancel' the ecs changes01:08
hatchit needs to revert back as if nothing happened01:08
hatchwe can't do that if the service is gone01:08
hatchbut we need to signify it being gone in the canvas01:08
hatchhuwshimi so basically when a user destroys a deployed machine, it needs to mark on the model that it's in the queue to be destroyed01:10
hatchbut then if that ever gets canceled it needs to go in and set it back 01:10
huwshimihatch: So maybe I should land this branch with the correct states on the token and then once we have those flags we can hook it all up?01:11
hatchyeah that's a good idea01:11
hatchhuwshimi atm if you destroy a machine that's queued we just remove it from the db and it's gone01:12
hatchso there will be no UI for that, but for real machines we have nothing to signify it's destruction01:13
hatchhuwshimi with that said you could pretty easily hack it into the ecs01:13
hatchif you wanted to just play with it01:14
hatchnot sure if you want to tackle that task or if you want to push it off01:14
huwshimihatch: I'm a bit scared of that area. I might add the card to track the deleted state and then if no one gets to it I can take a look01:16
hatchheh yeah there definitely be dragons there01:17
hatchI have some ideas to clean it up but we aren't done adding features yet to know what we really need :)01:17
hatchhuwshimi if you'd like to create a card and assign it to me I can do/start it tomorrow 01:18
huwshimihatch: Great, will do!01:19
hatchand if you have some downtime today you could review my latest PR :) https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/46301:19
hatchtradezies 01:19
huwshimihatch: I'll take a look01:20
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
urulamamorning all06:16
rogpeppe1urulama: hiya07:42
urulamarogpeppe1: morning07:42
rogpeppe1urulama: here's a fairly trivial follow up to yesterday's PR, addressing frankban's comments: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/43/files07:43
urulamacommenting the fieldinclude code?07:43
rogpeppe1urulama: i didn't do very well there, in fact.07:44
urulamarogpeppe1: those todo's about "return nil, err" ... did you find any conclusion yesterday?07:48
rogpeppe1urulama: i'm just working on the spec about that actually07:48
urulamarogpeppe1: excellent07:48
rogpeppe1urulama: my current thoughts are these:07:48
rogpeppe1urulama: any metadata that's not found will be defined to return null. In a single request, if null would be returned, a 404 "data not found" error is returned instead.07:49
rogpeppe1urulama: in a bulk request, null entries are omitted from the returned map.07:50
urulamarogpeppe1: without indication about error?07:50
urulamarogpeppe1: what about these: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized metadata name %q", include)07:50
urulamawhen handlers are not found07:50
rogpeppe1urulama: that's considered a genuine error07:50
rogpeppe1urulama: and will return an actual error accordingly07:51
rogpeppe1urulama: the most significant change that implies to the current semantics is that if you ask for charm-actions and the charm has none, you'll get a 404 rather than null.07:51
rogpeppe1urulama: i think that's kinda reasonable though07:52
rogpeppe1urulama: what do you think?07:52
urulamarogpeppe1: what if in that case {} is returned?07:52
urulamarogpeppe1: what happens if you want charm-actions on bundle?07:54
rogpeppe1urulama: if you want charm-actions on bundle, you'd get null too07:54
rogpeppe1urulama: i *think* i'd prefer null rather than the empty object07:55
rogpeppe1urulama: that way it's totally trivial for people to decide whether there's some data or not07:55
rogpeppe1urulama: and in a way, there *are* no charm actions, so 404 is actually appropriate07:56
urulamaok, so new semantics would be: return object if exists, return 404 if request is correct but object has no data and return nil if error occurs?07:59
rogpeppe1urulama: the last isn't quite right - we'd return an error if an error occurs08:01
rogpeppe1urulama: but otherwise that's right08:01
urulamarogpeppe1: ? return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized metadata name %q", include)08:02
rogpeppe1urulama: that's returning an error08:02
rogpeppe1urulama: (the nil is ignored if the error is set)08:02
urulamaand in bulk, they are just left out from the results, no messages08:06
rogpeppe1urulama: yes08:15
urulamaok, just that we add this to the Charmstore api doc08:16
rogpeppe1urulama: i've added a paragraph to the doc. how does that look to you?08:22
urulamarogpeppe1: i was just typing that i'm adding Entity struct to the Charm store API doc and i can add errors as well ... will look08:23
rogpeppe1urulama: what's the Entity struct?08:23
rogpeppe1urulama: you mean mongodoc.Entity?08:23
rogpeppe1urulama: i think that's an implementation detail and as such doesn't really belong in that document08:24
rogpeppe1urulama: (unless we add an "implementation" section)08:24
urulamarogpeppe1: exactly, implementation details08:24
rogpeppe1urulama: i *think* i'd prefer an entirely separate document to talk about implementation details08:24
rogpeppe1urulama: the API doc is already quite long, and it's well scoped.08:25
urulamarogpeppe1: ok, makes sense08:25
rogpeppe1urulama: cool08:25
rogpeppe1urulama: do we actually need an implementation document? i'd have thought that comments in the code might be better (and more likely to be updated when the implementation changes)08:26
urulamarogpeppe1: maybe not implementation details but data handling doc ... i like it when it's documented which collections have what type of data ... more of a registry 08:28
rogpeppe1urulama: i agree that it's great to have that stuff documented, but i think i'd prefer to document it in the code, so that anyone that reads the code will see it08:29
rogpeppe1urulama: the mongodoc package seems like a potentially good place to add all those details08:29
urulamarogpeppe1: that'll work too08:30
rogpeppe1urulama: perhaps add a package-level comment in mongodoc?08:30
rogpeppe1urulama: or...08:30
rogpeppe1urulama: maybe a comment on Entity itself - we will in general have a single mongodoc type for each collection08:31
urulamarogpeppe1: made a small task for latter, there's no hurry, just that we don't forget08:34
rogpeppe1urulama: cool, thanks08:34
urulamarogpeppe1: i've merged your versions and recoded charm actions ... do I create new PR and close #40?09:12
urulamarogpeppe1: sorry, it seems as it is still #4009:12
rogpeppe1urulama: it's up to you09:13
rogpeppe1urulama: that's fine09:13
urulamarogpeppe1: then pleas give a quick look at https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/4009:14
rogpeppe1urulama: looking09:14
rogpeppe1urulama: LGTM09:15
urulamarogpeppe1: tnx, i'll wait for Jay to make a review as well (due to the 2people/review policy)09:15
rogpeppe1urulama: ... or frankban, i guess09:16
urulamarogpeppe1: we agreed that you and frankban are the final reviewer, paired with go "n000bs", so that we learn as much as possible09:16
rogpeppe1urulama: ok. i hope that won't impair velocity too much, given the time zone difference09:17
urulamarogpeppe1: for mornings before US people arrive, it'll be us three, right ... i'll make the merge09:19
rogpeppe1urulama: sgtm09:19
frankbanurulama: that's right. Jay or Brad, or JC I guess. anyway, you have my LGTM off the records ;-)09:19
urulamai'll add a comment that dummy charm has actions in the charm.v2 repo implementation, just to make clear09:21
rogpeppe1urulama, frankban: this PR implements the not-found-omitted logic as recently specified in the charm API doc: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/4410:06
urulamarogpeppe1: need to have a lunch now ... 10:08
urulama(as we still have "stable" electricity ... strange weather)10:09
frankbanrogpeppe1: done10:25
rogpeppe1frankban: thanks10:25
* frankban bbiab10:25
rogpeppe1jrwren: any chance you could have a look at https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/44 please?10:27
rick_h__rogpeppe1: he should be on in another 2hr10:29
rogpeppe1rick_h__: ok.10:29
rick_h__urulama: heads up, I added the 'changes' call to the api doc as well. 10:31
rick_h__urulama: but didn't yet create a card for it and it's a bit undefined. I wanted to get other's opinions on if we could provide info on 'what' changed and such10:32
rick_h__since you mention doc/spec editing10:32
urulamarogpeppe1: looking at #4410:54
rogpeppe1urulama: thanks10:54
urulamarogpeppe1, rick_h__ ... if interested, yesterday i was playing around with the idea of "juju for home automation" and made a quick demo with smart lights. video here http://goo.gl/fh5rb210:58
* rogpeppe1 downloads10:58
rogpeppe1urulama: it's upsidedown for me10:59
rogpeppe1urulama: cool though11:00
rogpeppe1urulama: is that deployed locally?11:00
urulamarogpeppe1: yes, it works on local net only11:01
rick_h__urulama: cool, yea saw you and hatch talking about it last night. Juju fun time :)11:02
urulamarick_h__: yes. had to get it out of my system :D11:03
urulamarick_h__: there are some storms here and if i just disappear it's either net or electricity problems ... i moved to a house with a generator, however, better to let you know11:04
rick_h__urulama: understood11:05
rick_h__thanks for the heads up11:05
urulamarogpeppe1: i like it how you've linked it to the doc11:07
rogpeppe1urulama: cool11:07
urulamarogpeppe1: the error handling that is11:07
urulamarick_h__: thanks for changes call ... it looks like a general call, what about if we add bulk id handling to it as well? maybe people will be interested only in changes of few charms and bundles11:09
urulamarogpeppe1: maybe a comment about nilHandler how it is used to simulate returned nil values by "real" handlers?11:21
urulamarogpeppe1: or is it too obvious?11:21
rogpeppe1urulama: i think it should be obvious enough11:21
rogpeppe1urulama: in a subsequent branch i have actually deleted it11:21
rogpeppe1urulama: and replaced it with constMetaHandler11:21
rick_h__urulama: yep, open for debate/discussion there11:29
rogpeppe1urulama, frankban: next up, the API test refactoring: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/4512:07
urulamarogpeppe1: in a sec, writing /changes api proposal12:07
rogpeppe1urulama: np12:07
rogpeppe1urulama: /changes ?12:08
rick_h__rogpeppe1: do we have cards for each of these? I know there's a few reviews going on but nothing in review/kanban12:08
urulamaapi test refactoring is on kandban12:09
urulamarogpeppe1: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1TgRA7jW_mmXoKH3JiwBbtPvQu7WiM6XMrz1wSrhTMXw/edit#bookmark=id.i81dlcr3spp912:09
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i added one card after the fact12:09
rogpeppe1rick_h__: the most recent one has a card already12:09
rick_h__rogpeppe1: the one you're waiting for jrwren to review?12:09
rogpeppe1rick_h__: we made a unilateral decision that delaying all branches for hours because of the time zone difference was not really a good thing12:11
rogpeppe1rick_h__: so merged after just +1s from frankban and urulama12:11
urulamarick_h__: #44 is already merged, frankban and i reviewed it ... the card is in landing12:11
rick_h__rogpeppe1: urulama ok, we should chat then on methods to help bootstrap the less experienced devs without that then12:11
rick_h__as I fear it'll leave a lot of code just landing before they get a chance to learn form it and be gone12:11
rogpeppe1rick_h__: it's fine when everyone is online12:12
rick_h__the whole goal of spec'ing out a one month trial is to accept some pain for a limited time for the greater good12:12
rick_h__urulama: I'm open for discussion, however monday we agreed to do this. Changing it up on the fly one day without discussion is disappointing from my POV12:12
rogpeppe1rick_h__: but because github doesn't do prereq branches, it will really affect velocity badly if we can only merge when everyone's online12:12
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i thought it was ok with two reviews in fact12:13
rogpeppe1rick_h__: do we need reviews from all the new guys?12:13
rick_h__rogpeppe1: right, I understand the pain point. 12:13
rick_h__rogpeppe1: we've got matt, brad, jay all need to get up to speed from more senior go folks. They're all in US TZ and I know tha sucks, but if the branches are going up for review and landing before they see them it's not going to help them much.12:14
rogpeppe1rick_h__: so what's the actual policy here on when i can land a branch?12:14
rick_h__rogpeppe1: the policy is 2 reviews with a goal of trying to get a less experienced dev into one of those review12:15
rogpeppe1rick_h__: does urulama count as less experienced?12:15
rick_h__rogpeppe1: I understand not all will be possible, however I want to make sure it's the goal we're working towards and not only doing when 100% convienent12:15
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i thought he did, hence i thought it was ok12:15
rick_h__rogpeppe1: yes, sure. 12:15
rogpeppe1rick_h__: ok, so all's good then, right?12:15
rick_h__rogpeppe1: but your statement "we made a unilateral decision that delaying all branches for hours because of the time zone difference was not really a good thing" is what I'm speaking to12:16
rogpeppe1rick_h__: ah, ok. that's actually not been the case.12:16
rick_h__because 'unilateral' and 'not really a good thing' I'm not excited about here12:16
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i would have liked to have roped jrwren in on the reviews too12:16
rick_h__understand, you had a branch and got two reviews. That specific case is fine12:16
rogpeppe1rick_h__: the "decided not to delay" remark was about that12:17
rick_h__rogpeppe1: ok, as long as we're speaking to the single branch and not in general12:17
rick_h__rogpeppe1: your comment seemed to imply a more broad policy shift12:17
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i would have an issue if there were no new folks in roughly my time zone. i think it's important that we can land some branches before early afternoon.12:19
rick_h__rogpeppe1: I agree and why it's nice having serveral folks in your timezone. However, if your next chunk of work is not immediately dependent on the previous branch, waiting a few hours on those to aid new devs would be ideal12:20
rogpeppe1rick_h__: sure.12:20
urulamarick_h__: i think that if it's early in the morning here for us, we should handle it, however, point it out to others, that these PRs have been reviewed (so that everyone is up to date - that's what i do first thing in the morning for example) and for our afternoon PRs, the policy from Monday holds as agreed. there might be some exceptions to the rule if two branches are really dependant on each other as one break the other 12:20
urulama(as rogers API change and mine charms actions)12:20
rick_h__rogpeppe1: and in that statement I'm ack'ing that if the next chunk of work is immediatly dependent that getting frankban and urulama as 2 reviews is peachy12:20
rick_h__urulama: agreed12:21
rick_h__I just want to all agree that " we made a unilateral decision that delaying all branches for hours because of the time zone difference was not really a good thing" is not in the spirit of our goal this month12:21
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i agree with that12:21
rick_h__ok, aplogies for the confusion12:22
rick_h__bah, apologies12:22
rogpeppe1rick_h__: although perhaps all new devs should try to look through (and comment on) all recent PRs, even if they have been merged before they looked.12:22
rick_h__rogpeppe1: +1, and we'll do that. There's always a bit of a blocker on commenting on landing code as we chatted about in London. 12:23
rick_h__but completely valid12:23
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i'm not sure i remember that chat. is there an issue with commenting on code that's landing?12:23
rick_h__rogpeppe1: ah sorry, other way around. I had that chat with someone else around your post-landed reviews. :)12:24
rogpeppe1rick_h__: if i comment on something that's already landed, i'd hope that the remarks were taken into account in a subsequent PR (or replied to in place)12:25
rick_h__rogpeppe1: yes, I defended the practice12:25
rogpeppe1rick_h__: thanks :-)12:25
rick_h__rogpeppe1: just ack'ing that for some folks it's more difficult as there's a feel of 'this is already ok'd and in the codebase'12:25
rick_h__rogpeppe1: so making that the primary source of getting newer devs involved is less than ideal12:26
rick_h__there's less 'communication' around those ime12:26
rogpeppe1rick_h__: sure, review before landing is definitely better12:27
rick_h__ok, <3 we're all happy agree'rs carry on kind sir. 12:27
rick_h__and thanks for clarifying my mis-understanding of the board by noting the stuff I was looking for is landed. 12:28
BradCrittendenrick_h__: you merged frankban's test-test branch on purpose, right?  caused me a little panic when i saw it had landed.12:32
rick_h__BradCrittenden: yes, it seemed legit enough to add a year and harmless12:32
BradCrittendenrick_h__: ok, great12:33
urulamarogpeppe1: and we do not return strings (as another nil type)?12:33
rogpeppe1urulama: strings cannot be nil12:33
BradCrittendendang, someone has stolen my nick.  must figure out how to get it back.12:34
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
urulamarogpeppe: indeed. that's nice :)12:34
urulamaremoving the comment12:34
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac_
=== bac_ is now known as bac
* bac \o/. take that ben a carson12:39
rogpeppebac: how did you get it back?12:40
jrwrenrick_h__: i took a look at https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/44 even though it landed. consider this less experienced go dev bootstrapped anyway :)12:40
rick_h__jrwren: woot woot12:40
bacrogpeppe: /msg NickServ RELEASE yournick yourpassword12:40
bacrogpeppe: but you must have it registered12:41
rogpeppebac: ah, so he hadn't hacked your password, just taken the username when you weren't logged in12:41
bacrogpeppe: yeah12:41
bacmy client dropped last night12:41
jrwrenI also tend to git/bzr log -p pretty much every checkout I checkout with git, as to see where the most recent activity is.12:42
rick_h__jrwren: cool, yea just trying to look out for the new folks. The more effort put in the better for sure. 12:43
rick_h__and we want to make it as easy as we can12:43
bacrogpeppe: i'm looking at your pull request to see if i can get jenkins to kick off.  (again).  don't be alarmed.12:44
rogpeppebac: ok. jenkins seemed to work ok earlier, FWIW12:45
bacrogpeppe: yeah, but when it adds the 'please test this' message it indicates it is unhappy12:45
bacrogpeppe: so far i don't understand why it does that12:46
rogpeppebac: ah. i wondered what the significance of that was.12:46
urulamarogpeppe: aaa, i see now what happened to nilMetaHandler :D12:46
rogpeppeurulama: :-)12:46
rogpepperick_h__: what column should i put branches that i've completed the coding on, but can't submit for review because of other outstanding unlanded prereqs?12:59
urulamarogpeppe: probably in review12:59
rick_h__rogpeppe: hmm, I'd put them in review and mark them blocked13:00
rogpepperick_h__: ok, cool, will do13:00
rick_h__rogpeppe: is there something we did to get into that pickle we need to address?13:00
rogpepperick_h__: not really - just that since github doesn't do prereqs, it's not possible to have two reviews outstanding if one is branched from another13:01
rick_h__rogpeppe: ok, yea then review/blocked I'd suggest. It notes the coding is done and we're trying to get it reviewed13:01
rogpepperick_h__: sgtm. done.13:01
bacrogpeppe: as an experiment would you add the comment "ok to test" to your PR please?13:05
rogpeppebac: which PR?13:05
urulamarogpeppe: i like how new api tests show which charms (bundles in future) we are using for tests and which calls are being made. actual testing code gets a bit more hidden than before, but still clear enough. like it13:07
rogpeppeurulama: cool13:07
rogpeppeurulama: it should make it trivial to add new metadata tests too without trying to remember all the contexts that the metadata can be returned in13:08
rogpeppebac: done13:09
rogpeppejrwren: would you be able to take a look at the above branch, please?13:09
rogpeppefrankban: too13:09
frankbanrogpeppe: on it13:10
rogpeppefrankban: ta!13:10
urulamarogpeppe: hope you don't have any plans to refactore these in near future :D13:11
rogpeppeurulama: not currently :)13:12
jrwrenrogpeppe: looking at it now13:14
rogpeppejrwren: thanks13:14
urulamarogpeppe: this errgo? https://github.com/jsimnz/errgo13:14
rogpeppeurulama: no, github.com/juju/errgo13:15
urulamarogpeppe: uu, nice13:15
urulamarogpeppe: we should always use it probably13:16
rogpeppeurulama: yeah.13:16
rogpeppeurulama: my branch changes the whole code base to use it13:17
urulamarogpeppe: whole charmstore?13:17
rogpeppeurulama: yeah13:17
urulamarogpeppe: that'll be fun to review :)13:17
rogpeppeurulama: i have a tool to make the changes automatically13:17
rogpeppeurulama: so it only took a few minutes to do it13:18
=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
frankbanrogpeppe: done13:31
rogpeppefrankban: ta13:32
frankbanguihelp are those cards in landing effectively landing? I just shipit before looking at the board and then I realized there is no space available13:39
rick_h__rogpeppe: urulama your branches have landed correct?13:40
rogpepperick_h__: not yet13:40
rick_h__frankban: upping the total by one due to team size increase for the moment13:40
rick_h__frankban: and looking into the cards.13:40
frankbanrick_h__: thanks13:40
rogpepperick_h__: i need to add some more tests after frankban's review13:41
rick_h__rogpeppe: ok, so the card should be back in review vs landing13:41
rogpepperick_h__: oh, those branches13:41
rogpepperick_h__: yes, those have landed13:41
rick_h__ok, yea I thought they had13:42
frankbanrogpeppe: store: isn't efficient getter for router landed?13:42
rogpepperick_h__: i moved the card13:42
frankbanoh ok13:42
frankbanrick_h__: any suggestion for my next card?13:42
rick_h__frankban: looking13:42
rick_h__frankban: I'd love to have you and hatch looking at the deleted/removed work 13:43
rick_h__frankban: huw sent an email to the list about it on Monday night around trying to do the UI for it, but we don't keep the removed 'ghosts' around 13:43
rick_h__frankban: hatch should be in soon and maybe we should do a quick call to sync up on it, but you can start to peek at the issue?13:44
frankbanrick_h__: sure, looking at the email13:44
rick_h__frankban: and https://pastebin.canonical.com/114475/ is the irc convo from last night13:44
frankbanrick_h__: so, UI needs to knwo when a real machine/container has been marked for removal, right?13:49
frankbanknow even13:49
rick_h__frankban: rgr, so that we can show the user that it's an uncommitted change13:50
rick_h__we have a UX for remove unit, but not container/machine/relation13:50
rick_h__so this is to help enable that work13:50
frankbanrick_h__: uhm, so a model attribute? Or am I missing something?13:55
rick_h__frankban: that's what I want to figure out. What people think is the best path forward. If we go a model route, then we need to make sure we don't remove the models from the db13:55
rick_h__and update any code reading 'number of machines/etc' to be aware of the attribute13:55
rick_h__or that we store them in another collection? Or something else?13:56
rick_h__I just want to get more than hatch's brain on it and it might be interesting to implement given your other ECS work. 13:56
frankbanrick_h__: the more I think about the ecs stuff, the more I suspect a db based architecture (like the one we already have to maintain in parallel to the ecs records) is sufficient most of the times. In theory, we could resolve all the changes only inspecting the db. For the time being we also have the ecs machinery, but for new features most of the time it seems easy to me to just use the db to represent a state. config/constraints are different, and n14:00
frankbaneed more love, but for something like a "toBeRemoved" attribute I guess we can just mutate the existing db records14:00
frankbanrick_h__: but I also want to know what you/Jeff think14:01
urulamarick_h__: what to do with misc card which is in tracking and is done? Just delete it?14:09
rick_h__urulama: put it in daily call14:11
rick_h__urulama: and we'll note that it's done/etc to the team and no longer tracking14:11
rick_h__urulama: and then it'll just go to releaseable/archive like normal14:11
rick_h__frankban: +1 on the db myself, but yea want to have a chat. 14:12
rick_h__frankban: make sure we're not missing something better, and then we'll add the work to keep the db entries around, even in a remove where the models might normally be removed14:12
frankbanrick_h__: cool14:13
bacrick_h__: did my email about expenses jibe with your understanding?  if so, could you approve it?14:14
rick_h__bac: yes, will definitely go through folks expenses today14:15
rick_h__bac: sorry I missed the date on the original email. 14:15
rick_h__there's hatch 14:21
rick_h__hatch: when you get settled call on the ghost-removing items with ecs stuff?14:21
hatchyeah sure, just got breakfast on the stove.....say, 10mins?14:21
rick_h__hatch: rgr14:22
frankbanrick_h__: filed expenses and swap day14:28
rick_h__frankban: ty for the heads up14:29
rick_h__jujugui I've approved all expenses filed to date, jcsackett got your ec2 one as well I didn't know was there.14:29
rick_h__oh and jcsackett is out today now that I look at HR heh14:31
jcsacketti am?14:31
jcsacketti shouldn't be.14:31
rick_h__oh nvm14:31
jcsacketti just filed for a half day on friday.14:32
rick_h__well it says 8/3014:32
rick_h__I have two things here14:32
* jcsackett opens hr connect, grumbling all the while.14:32
rick_h__ok, so half day on friday?14:32
jcsacketti have the one i just filed for friday, 8/114:32
rick_h__bah, I ok'd two things but I can't find them now that I hit approve14:32
jcsackettand a swap day for 8/1814:33
jcsackett(this being american dates, so it's probably the other way round in hr canonica)14:33
jcsackettmind you, i totally believe it's saying the wrong thing, as there are myriad things it's telling me that aren't true at the moment. :p14:34
rick_h__I've got the 15th of aug14:34
rick_h__and the 18th of aug14:34
hatchjcastro hey, I saw you upvoted a question on AU. I went to read the docs for his question and found them missing information on how to execute hook commands - is the hook commands api somewhere in these docs that I'm missing?14:35
rick_h__are those both true?14:35
jcsackettrick_h__: those are both true--the 15th was filed a while ago. i was just listing the recent ones.14:35
rick_h__jcsackett: ok, think we're all good then14:35
jcsacketthm. "awhile ago" might mean last week. my sense of time is a bit off. :p14:35
jcsackettrick_h__: cool.14:35
rick_h__I think I've approved everything everyone ever ... ran out of ever's ... wanted approved :)14:36
urulamarick_h__: do expenses for "per diem" need to be added for each day? and if so, can lunch + dinner be just added as one entry?14:37
jcastrohatch, https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-relations-in-depth.html and the next page I think14:37
rick_h__urulama: so since not every day has each I prefer split, but people do add them for each day. They do need to be listed14:38
rick_h__for instance, team dinner night you need to not claim dinner14:38
jcastrohatch, I don't know if we have a list of things like getting the private and public address, I could have sworn we had one though14:38
hatchjcastro right but neither of those says 'run this in  your hook script to access relation data'14:38
jcastromarcoceppi, ^^^14:38
urulamasure, but for other days, sould i write lunch+dinner or put two rows in?14:38
urulamarick_h__: ^14:39
marcoceppijcastro: I'll use the answer I make to the AU question to update the docs14:39
rick_h__urulama: up to you. I prefer split, this goes to Mark so maybe he'll take the one row without issue. Do what you please. 14:39
hatchmarcoceppi :) thanks14:39
jcastrohatch, real time docs14:39
hatchmarcoceppi maybe we need an 'api' section for these docs?14:39
bacrick_h__: i've updated some of the git plugins on jenkins.  it requires a restart but the restart attempt is failing.  you ever restart jenkins and is there a trick?14:39
marcoceppihatch: we have that14:39
rick_h__bac: no, not had issues restarting it. Just sudo service jenkins restart14:39
bacrick_h__: fails14:40
rick_h__bac: or using the restart button in the UI14:40
hatchmarcoceppi yeah? for hook commands?14:40
marcoceppiafter you sacrifice the chicken, you'll be enlightened with it's location hatch14:40
rick_h__bac: will have to check the jenkins logs and see what's up then14:40
jcastromarcoceppi, didn't we write up the mysql charm like this? 14:41
jcastroI could have sworn we had a page where we documented the mysql charm and then were like "for the other ones, just derive what you've learned here."14:41
marcoceppiwhen I have to run a grep on the md files, we're probably doing sometihng wrong14:41
marcoceppijcastro: vanilla14:42
marcoceppiand the mysql interface14:42
hatchmarcoceppi haha 14:42
hatchrick_h__ so did you want to have a chat?14:42
rick_h__hatch: yes please14:42
rick_h__hatch: standup?14:43
rick_h__frankban: ^14:43
hatchyep joining14:43
jcastrohatch, scroll down on that page14:43
hatchjcastro I don't see a hook api?14:43
frankbanrick_h__: joining14:43
jcastroI think we only have the one14:44
marcoceppijcastro hatch it was documented sometime14:46
rogpeppefrankban, urulama, jrwren, bac: trivial PR for review: https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/2914:48
jrwrentrivial ones are EASY14:49
urulamarogpeppe: i liked this one :D14:54
rogpeppeurulama, jrwren: :-)14:54
hatchjujugui call in 114:59
rick_h__jcsackett: antdillon kadams &15:01
rick_h__jrwren: ^15:01
hatchgreat answer marcoceppi 15:08
frankbanhatch: PR url?15:17
rick_h__frankban: so you're ok creating a card for the flag/helpers on models as the first step from here?15:18
urulamajrwren: sorry for putting such a card on, it was just a reminder not to forget this ... 15:18
frankbanrick_h__: +115:18
jrwrenurulama: no no, its a good card.15:18
rick_h__cool, thanks15:18
bacrick_h__: on jenkins are we actualy using GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin15:18
rick_h__bac: it does the initial test run15:18
bacrick_h__: i don't see it in the UI under plugins15:19
rick_h__bac: so the non -merge jobs are that plugin I thought15:19
bacbut there is an error message that is coming from it.  so i'm confused15:19
jrwrenurulama: it should be trivial, but then its not once we look at certain features.15:19
rick_h__bac: so maybe it's not in the UI because it's not loading properly?15:19
urulamajrwren: need help splitting it in smaller tasks? otherwise feel free to do as rick_h__ suggested. 15:19
urulamajrwren: which ones?15:20
urulamajrwren: i meant which features?15:20
bacrick_h__: there are several different github plugins and i'm not sure which are active15:20
jrwrenurulama: version config and mojo.15:20
rick_h__so some require others to work if I recall15:20
rick_h__bac: ^15:20
rick_h__bac: can compare to the other insteance if that helps15:21
rick_h__bac: can at least compare what it thinks is running and version check the two15:21
jrwrenurulama: its deceptive because version config doesn't make sense at the moment IMO.  Because v4 doesn't have a server. It probably will in a day or so.15:21
rick_h__maybe see if we can downgrade it to match what's working there bac15:21
jrwrenurulama: so really only v2 makes sense IMO.15:21
bacrick_h__: which other instance are you referring to?  curtis'?15:21
rick_h__jrwren: feel free to add the server as a pre-req to a chunk of your card15:21
rick_h__bac: moving to other channel15:21
jrwrenurulama: and mojo i'm still trying to grok its impact on the charm.15:22
jrwrenurulama: seems like what rick_h__ said makes good sense - do it in increments, just charm it up, then add these features.15:22
rick_h__jrwren: urulama so how about we start with basic framing, repo, initial files/readme/etc15:22
rick_h__jrwren: urulama and then start to look at any pre-implementation chats for each, etc15:23
urulamarick_h__: yes. repo, skeleton, hooks, ...15:23
rick_h__jrwren: urulama yep15:23
rick_h__and we can work on iterating vs defining it all up front15:23
rick_h__we know the big 'watch outs' as we go15:23
rick_h__jrwren: so feel free to add cards or if you're not sure let me know and we can create them together 15:24
jrwrenrick_h__: i'll add some.15:24
rick_h__jrwren: realizing that at any time, if your chunk of work spins off new threads/pre-req's it's always ok to put one card back in the todo lane and build new ones as things because clear15:24
jrwrenrick_h__: urulama: is the focus here on the old version or new version or both?15:24
rick_h__jrwren: new version only is the focus15:24
urulamajrwren: charmstor branch v415:25
jrwrenurulama: rick_h__:in that case, I need a server :)15:25
jrwrenurulama: rick_h__: i'll skeleton without for now.15:26
urulamajrwren: what about if you play with local for a start?15:26
rick_h__jrwren: urulama the server is in the 'old' code and a branch to add it to v4 would be ok as a first pre-req?15:26
jrwrenurulama: appserver.  equivalent of charmstored, I think it is.15:26
jrwrenerr, charmd15:28
rick_h__jrwren: the card for the server is at the top of the lane. 15:28
rick_h__jrwren: feel free to move the charm card back, take the start command card, and move that foward. 15:28
frankbanhatch: why you changed envSeries to be a callable?15:28
rick_h__jrwren: we'll break down the charm work and then be all set15:28
hatchfrankban because the envSeries isn't actually set until after the application is well-since loaded and operational 15:28
frankbanhatch: good, I suspected that, I'd suggest to add a comment explaining that15:29
hatchso it would then need to be set again everywhere in the app when that changes15:29
hatchok can do15:29
jrwrenrick_h__: ok15:29
urulamarick_h__, jujugui - I have to leave this plave as they are locking it down, hope internet at home is working already15:30
rogpeppeurulama: ok15:30
rick_h__urulama: best of luck15:30
urulamathere's always mobile data :D15:31
jrwrenrick_h__: alright, I made a few cards. You mentioned there was a specific place the charm repo should live?15:37
jrwrenrick_h: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd ?15:38
rick_h__jrwren: yes, taking to the other channel15:38
hatchrick_h__ if we are going to moveo to trusty being the default it should be done in a follow-up as it should be done whole hog throughout the app imho and there are a-lot of places where precise is being used :)15:39
rick_h__hatch: understood15:39
hatchsounds like a plan?15:40
rick_h__hatch: and yea, I'm smitted with my idea of making the charm set the default. If I install the gui precise charm, it'd default to precise, etc15:40
rick_h__hatch: but yea, that's outside of this current work scope, so carry on 15:40
hatch:) sounds good15:40
rogpeppe cfrankban: i've updated https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/45 to add some sanity checking for the metaEndpoint.get functions15:58
rogpeppefrankban: ^15:58
rogpeppeand also updated the branch to use the gopkg.in/mgo.v2 (it was a hassle switching back and forth all the time)15:58
rogpeppefrankban: PTAL15:58
frankbanrogpeppe: cool, I'll look in a minute15:59
rick_h__what is PTAL? I keep seeing it but don't process it15:59
frankbanrick_h__: I suppose it is "please take a look"16:02
rick_h__ah! that makes sense16:03
rogpepperick_h__: actually, it's usually "please take another look"16:03
rogpepperick_h__: at least, that's the way i use it16:03
rick_h__that also makes sense16:04
hatchit's also a guys name16:06
hatchexcept there is an accent on the a16:07
frankbanhatch: review done16:08
hatchfrankban thanks for the qa, I'll have to look into that issue16:08
hatchit's very puzzling 16:08
hatchfrankban ahh I see the issue16:10
hatchbundles get returned in the autocomplete as well16:10
hatchrick_h__ are we to show bundles in the autocomplete result set or just charms?16:11
hatchthey are shown atm16:11
bacjenkins is now properly testing new pull requests for charmstore, e.g. http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/charmstore/33/16:12
frankbanbac: \o/16:13
rogpepperick_h__: nothing can land on juju-core because it's blocked by critical bugs16:13
frankbanrogpeppe: lgtm16:14
rogpeppefrankban: thanks16:14
rogpepperick_h__: so despite having go ahead to merge that branch, i cannot...16:14
hatchfrankban branch has been updated with a fix - mind qa'ing again?16:14
frankbanhatch: sure16:14
rick_h__rogpeppe: yea, their new policy. mark the card as blocked please16:15
frankbanhatch: where can I see the code change?16:15
hatchin the PR there is a commits tab16:15
hatchit's the last commit16:15
frankbanhatch: ok16:17
hatchfrankban with our new review rules we have decided to not squash the commits until after the reviews are done and the branch is ready to land16:17
hatchshould help with reviewing and whatnot16:17
rick_h__hatch: yes, bundles and charms16:17
rick_h__bac: woot16:18
frankbanhatch: yes, I really appreciate the ability to just see what's changed after a review16:18
rick_h__and rogpeppe :( sad but they needed to do that as core needs to get some unbroken love time. 16:18
rogpepperick_h__: yeah, i think it's probably a good thing too16:18
bacrick_h__: after lunch i'd like to fix the issue i opened against jenkins-github-lander.  it is a timebomb waiting for anyone using that tool.16:18
rogpepperick_h__: but will probably cost another hour or two of bitrottedness updating16:19
rick_h__bac: sounds like a plan. 16:19
* bac lunches16:19
rick_h__rogpeppe: understood, can't be helped. Thanks for the heads up16:19
rick_h__urulama: ^16:19
* rick_h__ goes to get food16:20
hatchfrankban when a relation gets created in topology/relation.js it sets a 'pending' attribute to true just FYI https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/app%2Fviews%2Ftopology%2Frelation.js#L96716:25
frankbanhatch: so a ghost relation is called pending. I'd propose to use the isGhost attribute everywhere. Pending is a different concept, already in use in juju with a different meaning.16:28
frankbanhatch: isGhost and isRemoved16:29
hatchfrankban that's fine - I just wanted to point that out to you as it'll need to be renamed and the corresponding stuff which checks for it renamed as well16:29
frankbanhatch: yeah, ack16:29
rogpeppefrankban, urulama, bac, jrwren: here's a branch to make us create more informative errors in the charm store: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/4716:32
rogpeppeit's also a prereq for generating sensible HTTP status codes16:32
frankbanrogpeppe: oh, the errgogeddon, on it16:33
rogpeppefrankban: lol16:33
rogpeppefrankban: thanks16:33
jrwrenwhy is this better?16:33
jrwrenah, location updates by Mask. That is nice.16:36
frankbanhatch: local env is keeping ages to switch the gui to your branch :-/ It used to be faster...16:42
frankbanhatch: it seems blocked on "Retrieving Juju GUI source checkout from https://github.com/hatched/juju-gui.git (ac-result-sort-1348290)"16:43
hatchthat's odd, did you try switching it back to 'local' then to my branch again?16:44
urulamanow this was an hour well spent ... on the line with ISP and persuading the tech support that their routers have reveresed on factory settings during short electrical blackout ... he then realised he was checking my neighbour's router and not mine ... sheesh :D16:45
frankbanhatch: in the local LXC I see this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7906321/16:46
frankbangit, go home, you're drunk16:46
hatchheh weird 16:47
frankbanhatch: it made progress \o/ it just took half an hour to check out a branch :-/16:50
hatchfrankban that ocean is vast.....maybe it was using the message-in-a-bottle protocol :)16:51
rick_h__frankban: it takes a long long time16:54
rick_h__frankban: when I did some QA stuff in london it took a good 10-20min 16:54
frankbanhatch: QA ok, even if maybe we should do that in four groups: 1) recommended + series, 2) just recommended, 3) just series, 4) all the others. E.g. now when I type wordpress I get the oneiric non-recommended one as first result, the precise recommended as second16:55
hatchhmm that is a good point16:56
hatchI'm working on my other card right now, can you add that to the PR and I'll do it as soon as I get this one up16:56
frankbanhatch: done16:57
hatchthanks! and thanks for putting up with the grueling qa procedure :)16:57
frankbanrick_h__: yeah, thanks for confirming16:57
jrwrenurulama: glad to hear that service there is the same as here.16:57
frankbanhatch: np16:58
hatchooo charmworld just changed which charms are popular16:58
hatchnow I have to search for mysql/wordpress lol16:58
rick_h__hatch: huh?16:59
rick_h__charmworld hasn't had a deploy in a couple of weeks, and that change was fixing ngram results in search16:59
hatchrick_h__ https://www.evernote.com/shard/s219/sh/8d9cbeaf-6d5d-45da-9216-2e77f1feec86/ede9a6fe24b279b7dda4c712bdebbc3b17:00
hatchit's no longer mysql and wordpress17:00
rick_h__hatch: ah, you might be watching during an ingest17:00
hatchoh it's changing again17:00
rick_h__hatch: yea, ingest and such the index rebuilds 17:01
rick_h__hatch: it'll settle in a sec17:01
hatchwait, so it blows out the old one, rebuilds it live?17:01
rick_h__hatch: and something we'll fix/make better in charmstore search17:01
hatchshouldn't it rebuild on the side then swap?17:01
hatchohh ok :)17:01
frankbandone for the day, rick_h__ see you later at the call, have a good night all17:01
rick_h__frankban: thanks for attending17:01
rick_h__have a good night17:01
hatchrick_h__ I guess as long as it's a known issue :)17:02
rick_h__hatch: yep17:02
hatchwell it can't even find mysql17:02
hatchI guess I'll wait17:02
hatchin the mean time....17:03
marcoceppihello gui and friends17:14
marcoceppicharmworld issue17:14
marcoceppione of these things is not like the other17:14
_mup_Bug #1350451: Missing charm in charmworld-api - ceilometer <charmworld:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1350451>17:15
urulamajrwren: there is a promise land far far away, where ISP do what they suppose to :D 17:16
* rogpeppe is done for the day17:20
rogpeppeg'night all17:20
urulamarogpeppe: g'night, see you tomorrow17:31
rick_h__Makyo: call or were you afk this afternoon? 18:32
rick_h__someone had a dr apt and now can't recall18:32
Makyorick_h__, sorry, lost track of time, 1 sec18:32
* rick_h__ runs away for a little bit until my next meeting afk18:39
bacjujugui: i want to 'git stash' a single file but that doesn't seem possible.  is there another command to do it?  equivalent of 'bzr shelve fn'?18:51
hatchbac git add the files18:52
hatchthen git stash18:52
hatchshould work18:52
hatchsec lemme google18:52
bachatch: oh, add the files i want to keep...18:52
hatchyeah http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3040833/stash-only-one-file-out-of-multiple-files-that-have-changed18:53
hatchthere ya go18:53
hatchit outlines it in more detail18:53
bachatch: somewhat easier: git stash -p18:56
bacthough it makes you pick each hunk18:56
hatchoh cool18:56
hatchthanks I didn't know abou that one18:56
bachey hatch in github when using 'issues' is there a way to associate a branch with the issue?19:22
baclike in LP where you link the branch to the bug/s it fix/es19:22
hatchin a commit message you can19:22
hatchnot sure about a branch though19:22
hatchwould a commit message be good enough? the issue would then have a link to the commit in the branch19:23
bachatch: i guess that is good enough.  do i just say -m "Fixes issue 16"?19:23
baci assume there is some special token it looks for19:23
hatchyeah there is a bunch of them19:23
hatchone sec19:23
hatchhere is closing issues via commit messages https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages19:24
baccool, just found it19:24
hatchalso ^ might be helpful 19:24
hatchto link to branches19:24
hatcher repositories 19:24
bacrick_h__: when you have a second to review : https://github.com/juju/jenkins-github-lander/pull/1719:28
Makyojujugui #135050519:32
_mup_Bug #1350505: Relation inspector does not have actions attached properly <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1350505>19:32
hatchMakyo thx - my branch does some stuff around there so I'll make sure it lands before work on that one start19:33
Makyohatch, cheers, thanks19:33
hatchif I ever finish these tests19:58
hatchthat is....19:58
hatchguys r working on our power again I may drop offline in a bit20:14
rick_h__bac: looking20:22
=== sebas53__ is now known as sebas5384_
hatchjujugui lf two reviews and a qa for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/46521:01
hatchdon't everyone jump on it at once :)21:09
jrwrenif I knew anything about UI dev, I'd be all over it.21:17
rick_h__BradCrittenden: got that crumpler bag, will be much nicer for the next trip me thinks. Though it's definitely not easy to get at. 21:58
rick_h__BradCrittenden: thanks for pointing that out in london21:59
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
bacrick_h__: yes, i love mine22:14
Makyojujugui #135059222:42
_mup_Bug #1350592: Destroy machine/container has HTML in deployer bar summary <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1350592>22:42
hatchjrwren it's like back-end dev but without all the nice tooling :P22:43
hatchMakyo https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1337404 did you ever get any input from UX about what is supposed to happen here? And are you working on it any longer?22:47
_mup_Bug #1337404: Long service names go under ghost indicator and break out of service icon <juju-gui:Triaged by makyo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1337404>22:47
Makyohatch, never started. worked on Go vis instead.  Guidelines from UX were truncate names with ellipses, have the indicator at the end whether or not truncated.22:49
hatchok Ill update the bug thx22:49
hatchmorning huwshimi 23:19
hatchhuwshimi did you see that your branches were reviewed ?23:19
rick_h__morning huwshimi 23:34

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