
apacheloggershadeslayer, santa_: FTR https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119540/ https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119541/ 00:40
apacheloggerat least with pokit-qt, kauth, kconfiwidgets and plasma-desktop from git master those RRs should make everything behave as expected00:40
santa_oh, great00:42
santa_apachelogger: so I will try to test this tomorrow too, what do you want to handle first? du with kde-full or kauth fixing?00:43
apacheloggerthere's also https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119542/ but it doesn't really fix anything00:43
apacheloggersanta_: kde-full, auth needs upstream maintainer review first anyway00:44
santa_allright, will ping you tomorrow00:45
=== valorie is now known as valorie_
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
soeegood morning06:20
Riddellapachelogger: what files conflict?07:43
Riddellqa is at sane cpu and memory but I think bandwidth is limiting factor now08:18
Riddell"Rejected: Launchpad failed to process the upload path '~kubuntu-ninjas':" annoyingly something has changed so you can't dput ppa:kubuntu-ninjas you have to dput ppa:kubuntu-ninjas/ppa09:28
debfxthe openvz host imposes limits on the overall tcp buffer size which sort of limits the bandwidth09:29
debfxin an evil way09:30
Riddellopenvz.. i lose track of all these virtualisation technologies so many of them09:34
Riddellprobably they think the same about debian derivative distros09:34
Riddellyofel: you uploaded all of 4.13.95 for a rebuild?09:36
* Riddell rebuilds alpha 2 candidates09:57
yofelRiddell: I rebuilt them so we get the symbol changes for gcc 4.910:12
yofelcome to think of it I should've just made -s 10 rebuilds from bzr, this was ways just less scripting...10:13
Riddellnow why is kmag red? http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.13.95_utopic.html10:14
apacheloggerRiddell: /etc/xdg/menus/kde-information.menu10:15
apacheloggeris installed by kde-runtime10:15
apacheloggerand kinfocenter10:15
apacheloggerkinfocenter(5) mind you10:15
yofelRiddell: good question...10:15
apacheloggerso installing kinfocenter(5) will remove kde-runtime(4) which will remove everything(4)10:15
apacheloggerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7903527/ dep resolution with the correct breaks/replaces in place10:17
Riddellapachelogger: ah right, hmm10:18
Riddellprobably needs changed in kinfocenter kf510:19
yofelhm, there is an error condition in the cmake parsing code that should never happen, maybe that happened for kmag..10:21
Riddellapachelogger: on my todo10:23
Riddellhttp://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.13.95_utopic.html "Error multiple versions of the same package klickety " huh?10:25
Riddellonly 1 version in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=klick&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=10:25
Riddellhmm, http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk now running at reasonable speed, did everyone stop torrenting?10:26
yofelno, debfx lowered the buffer size for apache, so it now doesn't use all of it all the time10:26
Riddellclever debfx 10:27
yofelthat error might happen if I package is processed and the new version is published shortly after that I think, then it's in the parsing list twice and the script errors out10:27
yofelshould fix itself in the next run10:27
* Riddell deletes klickety out of spite10:27
yofelhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.13.95_utopic.html works again in the meanwhile10:29
Riddellhola sgclark 10:44
sgclarkgood morning10:44
Riddellooh new images for alpha 2 candidate testing10:46
Riddell!testers | alpha 2 candidates ↑10:46
ubottualpha 2 candidates ↑: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket  for information10:46
sgclarkRiddell: 4.13.97 is today?10:46
yofelsgclark: sorry if I stomped on your work with my .95 rebuilds, all I wanted to do was get the symbols for gcc 4.9 and the ppa changelog doesn't really matter for us...10:47
sgclarkyofel: it's ok, just was baffeled as all I have been through with using dch properly. Been a rough few days with a broken system10:48
Riddellsgclark: yes should appear sometime today but not until the european evening I guess10:48
sgclarkRiddell: will be my afternoon if you want me to upload it10:49
Riddelladding baloo-kf5 adds 23MB to the image size10:49
Riddellsgclark: yes please :)10:50
lordievaderRiddell: Groovy, I'll try to test tonight :)10:50
Riddellimage now 111 MB10:50
Riddellimage now 1114 MB rather10:50
sgclarkso on that note, choosing sddm led to very bad things, has this worked for anyone else?10:51
Riddellshould I set the image size cap to 120MB ?10:51
shadeslayersgclark: how so?10:51
yofelin vbox yes, on hardware no10:51
* shadeslayer faints10:51
sgclarkshadeslayer: could not boot at all10:51
shadeslayersgclark: on vbox, yes, it's broken10:51
shadeslayeron real hardware it should work10:51
sgclarkthis was on hardware10:51
yofelshadeslayer: for me it's the other way around10:51
shadeslayerplease report bugs with /var/log/sddm.log 10:51
shadeslayeryofel: oh? :P10:51
Riddellsgclark: I'll remove nepomuk packages from kdesc-packages-utopic.txt10:52
sgclarkshadeslayer: sorry I eneded up just loading the iso10:52
shadeslayeryofel: fwiw I couldn't get it to work after installing10:52
shadeslayersgclark: I don't follow10:52
sgclarkRiddell: ok, also kactivities is not being updated, is this permanant?10:52
RiddellI remember something about10:53
sgclarkshadeslayer: in short I have no log. In frustration I reloaded the whole pc with the new iso. Which is working beautifully btw10:53
Riddell"KDE/4.14 has been forked from master for all KDE SC repos (except kactivities10:54
Riddellsays my e-mail 10:54
Riddellwhich won't have a 4.14 release)."10:54
* sgclark hopes they don't rid of kactivities. one of my favorite features10:54
Riddellso yes no updates for it10:54
* yofel just realized that his .95 rebuilds will break kubuntu-archive-upload10:55
Riddellsgclark: nah it's still there in plasma 5, just no more 4 releases for it10:55
sgclarkok :)10:55
yofelRiddell, sgclark: I will have to re-upload another rebuild set at some point, with the bzr changelog this time otherwise the archive upload script will fail on pretty much every package, sorry10:56
Riddellah hah10:57
RiddellI knew there was a reason not to do that10:57
yofeleither that or whoever uploads will have to modify the script10:57
RiddellI don't mind uploading the old fashioned way with lots of bash loops over it all10:57
Riddellbut that's error prone if I forget something10:58
yofelnah, you'll have to increase the allowed diffstat line count in line 16910:58
Riddellsounds do-able10:59
yofelok, then lets do it that way10:59
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:00
Riddellah BluesKaj, you're just in time to test utopic alpha 2 candidates11:02
BluesKajRiddell, utopic-updates multiverse?11:04
RiddellBluesKaj: ISOs for testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/319/builds11:05
sheytanRiddell: hey. Just want to tell, the kubuntu-plasma5 images don't work after you put them on a stick. Didn't try on CD, but you get: grub: this is not a cr32 image or something like that11:14
sheytanand it doesn't boot11:14
Riddellshadeslayer: ↑11:15
shadeslayersheytan: is this on a efi system11:15
sheytantryied on legacy bios and efi11:15
sheytanboth the same11:15
BluesKajRiddell, which plasma version is on the alpha2?11:19
RiddellPlasma 411:19
BluesKajthen I'll give it a go11:20
apacheloggersheytan: it's because of the isolinux move11:20
apacheloggereh shadeslayer11:20
apacheloggerboth :P11:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: try to create a neon5 stick using usb-creator on utopic11:20
apacheloggerwill also blow up in your face when booting11:20
sheytando i need to put some magic command at boot promt ?11:20
* Riddell lunches11:22
* yofel releases 4.13.3 to ppa11:48
soeesheytan: wasnt there solution for this like type: live12:01
soeeand than it boots ?12:01
sheytandidn't try12:01
sheytansoee it works that way12:16
sheytanbut fix it please12:16
BluesKajRiddell, just installed apha2, so far so good12:36
Riddellyofel: yay12:48
yofelah right, should be published by now12:48
Riddellyofel: vishesh will ask when it'll go into the archive, how long do you wait before uploading to proposed?12:48
yofel!testers | 4.13.3 in kubuntu-ppa/ppa for trusty needs testing12:48
ubottu4.13.3 in kubuntu-ppa/ppa for trusty needs testing: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket  for information12:48
yofelRiddell: usually it was at least a week, but as we're already behind schedule I would say upload over the weekend, then it would be in the archive around the 11th12:50
BluesKajalpha2 is installed on my laptop, about to install it on the desktop12:51
RiddellBluesKaj: great thanks, remember to update http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com with results12:52
Riddelland it's only alpha 2 candidate at this stage :)12:52
* seaLne discovers that some thing changed in trusty for vga out to start working on one of his laptops that never used to work :-)12:56
Riddellfixing bugs we never knew existed :)12:56
Riddellshadeslayer: on erasing disk "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."13:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^13:00
shadeslayersheytan: how did you create the ISO?13:02
shadeslayerbecause it works for everyone else apparently13:02
shadeslayerit's just been you and soee so far13:02
RiddellBluesKaj: oh and test file search please13:10
BluesKajRiddell, there is none, no baloo , and nepomuk doesn't launch13:14
Riddellno baloo-utils I think13:16
mcstr____:D updating to 4.13.3 :) :) :) 13:17
Riddellmcstr____: please add test results to https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas13:17
soeeshadeslayer: been what ?13:20
shadeslayeroh oh13:20
shadeslayerRiddell: what will happen to the kc13:20
shadeslayer*baloo kcm13:20
shadeslayeryou can't show the baloo Qt5 kcm 13:21
Riddellshadeslayer: I split it out into baloo-utils which I then forgot to put on the images, I'll remake them with that on13:21
Riddellthat's why they are only candidates :)13:21
mcstr____@Riddell would love to, but this addy is asking me for a login.... the mail i registered with kde.org is not accepted why?13:21
yofelmcstr____: the username is your identity username13:22
yofelnot the email13:22
mcstr____@yofel  and where is my identity username? i am on the preferences tab on bugs.kde.org now where only see my mail addy, i can add a real name in the account information... is that the thing?13:23
Riddelld_ed: ping13:23
yofelmcstr____: it's the username for http://identity.kde.org/13:24
Riddelld_ed: rohan's screen is broken and you don't respond to real life pings13:24
mcstr____@yofel ahhh i see! haven't had that one yet gonna register thx13:25
* yofel watches kmail... not opening his mails13:28
yofelwhy am I using this thing again..13:28
yofelofc. it was akonadi that died13:30
yofel"database is deadlocked Unable to fetch row" 13:31
yofelso much for sqlite, huh13:31
Riddelldeadlocked? not even a sonic screwdriver could get through that13:32
yofelwell, now we know why we shouldn't be using sqlite13:33
Riddellwe don't use it though right? you just changed that setting?13:37
yofelyeah, was just testing it, no harm done13:38
sheytanshadeslayer: i created it on my stick with the USB creator tha kubuntu comes with13:44
shadeslayersheytan: try dd'ing it13:44
sheytanshadeslayer: i'll try13:45
shadeslayerRiddell: any news on https://trello.com/c/pRBzQQV413:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: what's the next step forward on https://trello.com/c/MjfFZsB513:51
Riddellshadeslayer: partitionmanager done and in, could do with more testing though13:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: what the description says?13:53
shadeslayermind moving/commenting on the card then?13:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: add a checklist plz13:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: u do it13:53
apachelogger^ review?13:53
* shadeslayer does shitty review stuff13:55
menacehey i tried to to make a patch in kde-workspace and rebuild it with pbuilder.. but pbuilder always says he cannot resolve the dependencies.. any idea why's that?13:57
Riddellmenace: we'd need more information to know, maybe universe isn't set up in pbuilder13:58
shadeslayersgclark: ping13:58
Riddelldoes it build locally?13:58
shadeslayersgclark: what's with the http://paste.ubuntu.com/7905095/13:58
Riddellmenace: sudo pbuilder --login --save-after-login  is useful13:58
shadeslayersgclark: what's with the double GPL-2+ copyright in that paste13:58
menacei buildi try building it locally atm13:59
menacelet's see what happens14:00
Riddellshadeslayer: looks like an easy to fix bug14:00
shadeslayerRiddell: well, sgclark added it explicitly14:01
shadeslayerso I was curious as to why it was there14:01
sgclarkshadeslayer: License: GPL-2+ This file is extracted from kde-workspace (kdm/kfrontend/genkdmconf.c) so it was a tid bit different14:02
shadeslayerfunny thing is14:03
shadeslayerthat file has no license14:03
sgclarkshadeslayer: if that is wrong then remove, does not matter to me14:03
shadeslayerso regular GPL-2+ applies14:03
sgclarkjust ut what the file said...14:04
sgclarkif I don't I am wrong, if I do I am wrong14:05
* sgclark gives up14:05
Riddellsgclark: don't give up!14:06
sgclarkI have the non functional kmail, is there a way for me to fix this manually?14:11
shadeslayermuch fun, images shipped under LGPL-314:11
shadeslayerthis thing is giving me a headache14:12
Riddellsgclark: do you use sqlite like yofel? or another problem?14:18
sgclarkRiddell: oh sorry, seems just restarting akonadi works, just happening alot, and no, I use mysql14:19
sgclarkguess I am on 4.13.95 beta heh, can't complain14:20
sgclarkI can check 2-3 email then I get please wait....14:21
yofelhm, 3.16 doesn't like this T440, 2 kernels panicks in one day is a bit much :/14:27
yofeland switching to mysql messed the akonadi config up quite a bit o.O (Trash was put into Templates, Sent mails from one account were put into the inbox of another account, ...)14:28
sgclarkmy probekm seems to be missing agents14:30
RiddellI'm just doing kdepim packaging adding back ktnef and the new followupreminderagent14:31
Riddellbut I don't think those would affect e-mail reading14:32
yofelI'm pretty sure our issues are akonadi related, not kdepim14:32
sgclarkI agree with yofel14:34
* yofel wonders how to best get from Stuttgart to Brno...14:41
shadeslayera TARDIS14:41
shadeslayerthat's how14:41
yofelwell yeah, but I'll only get confirmation that I can use it on the 23rd, so I need an alternative :P14:42
seaLnedoes anyone happen to know how the presence of a monitor being connected is done? 14:44
Riddellkscreen daemon?14:44
Riddellkded module rather14:44
seaLnethanks, i wasn't sure wither it was done at xorg level or above14:45
shadeslayerprobably done at xorg level too14:45
shadeslayerxorg -> qt -> kscreen14:46
shadeslayerwould be my guess14:46
* yofel wonders if he really wants to travel 10h by train14:46
seaLnei wonder if it is just periodically polling the I2C bus to see if anything is connected to the VGA/HDMI 14:48
* sgclark will be traveling for 2 days...14:48
shadeslayerseaLne: dpm14:48
shadeslayerseaLne: don't think so14:48
BluesKajtrain is still the most comfortable means of travel IMO14:48
yofeloh great, the sanes return connectino allows me to explore munich from 1AM to 3:30 AM14:49
Riddellbrno seems not to be the easiest place to get to, busses seem common14:49
seaLnethe bus from VIE is comfortable enough, the road from prague is very bumpy14:50
yofelone train connection even included going from prague by bus, but I'll rather take the ones from vienna14:51
sgclarkI am going through VIE, after a 20 hour flight haha14:52
Riddellgood thing you're nifty with switching sleep schedules14:53
* sgclark thinks she will collapse on whatever transportation we get on in VIE14:54
seaLneshadeslayer: what were you meaning by dpm it seems a rather common acronym14:54
shadeslayerseaLne: that was a typo14:55
seaLnewas that just the start of don't?14:55
seaLnedetecting a new vga/hdmi source is easy as its just a 5v line going high14:58
* seaLne is working on some hardware for akademy14:58
alleeyofel: trusty ppa:  3.13.2. ->  .3    after the upgrade apt claim: The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: baloo15:01
alleeyofel: :-)15:02
yofelhow did...15:02
* seaLne has that as well15:03
shadeslayerdo we have 4.13.95 anywhere?15:03
yofelwell, partly ninjas, partly archive15:03
yofel.90 was pretty messy15:04
yofeloh right, we removed the explicit baloo dep from the symbol files, and I guess with .3 everything that had that got rebuilt15:04
yofelnow it's optional...15:04
kubotufeed branches had 17 updates, showing the latest 615:05
shadeslayeryofel: this is true, I see that here too15:05
yofelRiddell: what's the utopic way baloo is installed? seed?15:05
yofelmaybe I should make libbaloo* recommend baloo? But that doesn't sound quite right15:06
BluesKajyofel, baloo-dev?15:08
yofelnot -dev, the runtime stuff15:08
BluesKajwell , I'm fine without either baloo or nepomuk , they never get used on my machines15:09
* yofel makes his way home15:11
alleeyofel: kubuntu-desktop or dolphin should recommend it.15:11
yofelwill think on it on the way15:11
Riddellyofel: yes15:15
Riddellyofel: which I changed to baloo-kf5 today but I just changed it back to baloo4 cos we realised there's config files that would get confused15:16
Riddellshadeslayer: /usr/lib/kde4/ has loads of stuff including /usr/lib/kde4/libkdeinit15:17
Riddell/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/libkdeinit seems a kf5 equivalent15:18
shadeslayerRiddell: but stuff links against libkdeinit15:18
shadeslayerso we can't just put it there15:18
Riddellwhat links against them?15:20
shadeslayerRiddell: objdump -x /opt/project-neon5/bin/kwin_x11 | grep init       15:21
shadeslayer  NEEDED               libkdeinit5_kwin.so15:21
Riddellbut that's fine, it's a private library15:22
shadeslayerbjdump -x /opt/project-neon5/bin/kwrite | grep init 15:22
shadeslayer  NEEDED               libkdeinit5_kwrite.so15:22
Riddellsgclark: running kubuntu-archive-upload on 4.13.95 (just in time for the RC to appear)15:22
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/pdmc2epbj15:23
Riddellthe only thing dh_movelivekdeinit does is hide away the weirdness15:24
Riddellthat should be fine to be upstream15:25
Riddellit doesn't make anything more messy15:25
sgclarkRiddell: will they make another announcement when the RC is available?15:26
Riddellsgclark: should be posted to kde-packager15:26
shadeslayerRiddell: talk to Sune :p15:27
Riddellshadeslayer: am I right in thining that he's wanting it done the same way for kf5 and you're wanting it done upstream?15:27
shadeslayernot quite, I am unsure what he wants, I want to get it fixed upstream15:28
shadeslayerrather than have dh_movelibkdeinit5 15:28
shadeslayerI could be evil15:32
shadeslayeror maybe not15:32
Riddelloh go on15:33
shadeslayernah, don't have permissions to be evil15:33
shadeslayerRiddell: firefox still pulling in aptdaemon because of xul-ext-firefox15:34
Riddellchmod +evil shadeslayer 15:34
shadeslayeror rather xul-ext-ubuntu15:34
shadeslayerxnox: any thoughts on packaging cmake 3.0.0 ?15:38
xnoxshadeslayer: i'll chat with debian maintainers and uploaders about it.15:39
xnoxshadeslayer: i wouldn't want to do it in ubuntu.15:39
shadeslayerRiddell: can you check if kubuntu-buildstatus still works for you?15:42
Riddellshadeslayer: like this? http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.13.95_utopic.html15:50
shadeslayernot that one15:52
Riddellshadeslayer: well that looks like it's working no?15:55
shadeslayerlast update was too long ago15:56
Riddell1 * * * * cd /home/kubuntu/qa.kubuntu.co.uk/buildstatus && /home/kubuntu/qa.kubuntu.co.uk/buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus15:57
shadeslayerI was reading the wrong entries15:58
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 616:05
=== toscalix is now known as toscalix_lunch
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/pp0ashhkw > dafuq16:21
Riddellshadeslayer: that in libkdeinit? they always get that warning so I guess this would be to stop the warning16:24
yofelScottK: can I SRU a seed change to trusty with updated metapackage?16:34
yofel.3 results in 'baloo' being optional, which is kinda bad16:35
yofelok, I'll go with that then16:35
yofelat least vishesh should be happy now16:36
shadeslayerRiddell: in khtml16:43
santa_apachelogger: hello, I won't have time to finish the upgrade from kde-full today, but:16:51
santa_1. this was already done the monday16:51
santa_2. it will need dummy packages anyway16:51
apacheloggersanta_: why 2?16:52
santa_because otherwise aptitude gets confused, for instance:16:53
shadeslayerwe don't care about aptitude16:56
shadeslayerit's unsupported in Ubuntu16:56
shadeslayeror it was, last I checked16:56
BluesKaja lot of debian users still use aptitude, they claim it's superior at resolving dependencies but digs a bit too deep for dist-upgrade to install kernels and DE upgrades16:58
BluesKajwhat they mean by "digs too deep" is neyond my scope17:00
alleeyofel: pkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/calligrawords-data_1%3a2.8.5-0ubuntu2~ubuntu14.04~ppa1_all.deb (--unpack):17:02
alleetrying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/services/words_wps_thumbnail.desktop', which is also in package calligrawords-common 1:2.8.1-1-0ubuntu317:02
yofelfixing, thanks17:02
shadeslayerneed to figure out where kgendesignerplugin comes from now17:03
shadeslayerwas never uploaded17:04
shadeslayerbut then thats not possible17:04
yofeloh great, calligra is ftbfs in the ppa17:04
yofeland I even uploaded it17:04
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 617:05
santa_shadeslayer: fine, 1. we have the same problem with apt-get 2. they do in debian. so they will have to deal with this their own way, so you can get it fixed now and get your packages adopted in debian ... or perhaps after writing that mail in pkg-kde-talk you prefer to give them reasons to do their own packaging?17:07
santa_apachelogger: see the line17:08
santa_khelpcenter : Breaks: khelpcenter4 but 4:4.13.95-0ubuntu2~ubuntu14.10~ppa0+santa1 is installed.17:08
santa_that khelpcenter4 is the one with the changes you proposed (and commited to bzr) yesterday17:09
yofelConflicts: khelpcenter417:09
santa_I guess they share files17:10
santa_I changed it for a breaks and still we have the same problem17:10
yofelyeah, they do, but why conflicts17:12
yofelRiddell: ^ ?17:12
yofelhm, the policy is confusing about this case17:14
santa_apachelogger: I have to leave, if you have any suggestion to avoid the dummy packages (which by the way, aren't such a big deal) I will try it with pleasure tomorrow17:19
yofelthe problem with transitional packages is that it makes switching back harder17:21
apacheloggersanta_: log again has no resolver :P17:28
shadeslayerthere, I just untagled 6 packages17:28
apacheloggeryofel: for khelpcenter we might actually need a transitional TBH17:28
shadeslayerwonder how long it'll take for launchpad to build kdelibs4support now17:29
apachelogger-bin not so much since it ultimately is a cruch package, so if you make sure everything that uses it as one is transitioned away from -bin will not block an upgrade17:29
yofelmeh :/17:29
apacheloggerotherwise, (if that is possible) imagine a system with khelpcenter4 and kinfocenter(4) installed, now you want to upgrade,  kinfocenter would be smooth sailing but supposedly through some dep of it -bin would have to be dropped which is a non-trivial resolution because it basically needs to reverse resolve from whatever package breaks -bin to khelpcenter(5) and then decide that khelpcenter(5) is a suitable for khelpecenter4 which no 17:31
apacheloggerresolver will probably do17:31
apacheloggerand I am not sure such a scenario could be resolved without the help of a transitional17:32
yofelyeah, you're probably right17:33
apacheloggerwell, maybe khepcenter Provides: khelpcenter4, but that's a bit silly as well17:33
shadeslayerRiddell: khtml up17:49
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
=== toscalix_lunch is now known as toscalix
kubotufeed branches had 20 updates, showing the latest 619:04
debfxyofel: when do you intend to push 4.13.3 to the archive?19:34
lordievaderHmm, I just wanted to test the iso. Now I see it is rebuilding :(19:35
debfxok, can I just rebase kde4libs on top of my proposed security fix and upload that to the ppa?19:37
debfx4.13.3 doesn't include it19:38
yofelI would have to do that anyway19:38
debfxI hope they don't have to make changes to my debdiff, otherwise we might have to re-upload kde4libs.19:42
ScottKdebfx: Are you going to handle this in Debian too (thanks for doing it)?19:47
apacheloggeryofel: ohohoh, about khelpcenter rename... quite possibly another way to allow resolution is if we made it a dependency of plasma-desktop rather than a recommends ... if nothing else is blocking -bin removal that should allow a smooth transition19:50
apacheloggerbut that's at least as dodgy as a Provides19:50
santa_hi again, just arrived20:09
santa_<apachelogger> santa_: log again has no resolver :P20:09
santa_hmm I don't understand what you mean20:10
debfxScottK: I'm still trying to wrap my head around whether a polkit update is necessary20:15
debfxScottK: you don't have a wheezy KDE desktop running somewhere, do you?20:48
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ScottKI don't.21:01
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