
Toredederany body know how to get ibm thinkpad buttons to work? i have a r40e type 268400:41
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Terran_99hello !!!02:58
Terran_99someone can speak spanish?02:58
Terran_99i need help T.T02:58
dolomiteTerran_99 #kubuntu-es03:08
Terran_99oh thx03:09
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ljunggrenHai, im running ubuntu 14.04 with lxqt installed.. i need the kde control center, do any of you know the name of it so i can install it?07:07
tsimpsonljunggren: "systemsettings"07:09
ljunggrenits just that? thank you based tsimpson07:09
tsimpsonthe KDE guys got there first with the name07:10
lukas_do you give help?07:18
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:00
jubo2G'morning BluesKaj11:11
BluesKajHi jubo211:12
jubo2/howis BluesKaj11:14
BluesKajfine, jubo2, and you?11:17
jubo2I'm good thanks11:19
jubo2Gonna see if Kubuntu 14.04.1 will run well on this machine with only 2GB of RAM11:19
jubo2thanks a bunch Sam sung for going "Who'd want to use bigger then 2GB comb?"11:19
jubo2I am downloading it when I get home11:19
jubo2it'd be rather unecological to download gigabytes over HSPA+11:19
BluesKajjubo2, it might be a bit sluggish11:21
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dmoyneHello every body. I amback with my sound problem after migration from 13.10 to 14.04 distribution. Any one that can help me?15:51
SunTsudmoyne: only if you actually describe your problem. Elw how would we know if we can?15:56
SunTsuElse even15:56
dmoyneok it seems to be associated with migration because if I install Kubuntu 14.04 for test on my computer from CD, it works15:57
dmoyneso can we say that my souncard is not involved in this15:58
dmoyneIf I do this :15:58
dmoynemodprobe snd_hda_intel then sudo alsa force-reload it reactivates sound which is not acceptable16:00
dmoynecan this help you to tell me what is wrong16:00
lordievaderdmoyne: Does 'pactl list' list your soundcard as a sink?16:01
dmoynehow doI test this16:02
lordievaderdmoyne: By running the command in your terminal and making sure your soundcard is listed as a sink ;)16:02
dmoyneI get a huge output!16:04
lordievaderdmoyne: That's quite correct ;)16:04
dmoynehow do I know about sink16:05
dmoynehow do I know about sink modprobe snd_hda_intel then sudo alsa force-reload then the information I give now maybe misleading16:06
dmoyneread  after doing modprobe snd_hda_intel then sudo alsa force-reload16:08
lordievaderdmoyne: I don't understand anymore :(16:12
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dmoyneI wanted to say that pactl list was executed after doing modprobe snd_hda_intel then sudo alsa force-reload then the result maybe misleading16:14
lordievaderdmoyne: Ah yes, please reboot and see if your sound card is listed there as a sink.16:16
dmoyneok I do it16:17
dmoynethe ouput of pactl list looks to be the same with or without sound activated; of course now after reboot no sound16:24
lordievaderdmoyne: Allright, so Pulseaudio is fine. Hope you didn't reload alsa again.16:25
lordievaderdmoyne: Great, have you installed pavucontrol?16:26
dmoyneyes it is installed and I have just done pavucontrol in console16:28
lordievaderdmoyne:Do you see the meters jump up and down when you play an audio file?16:28
dmoynecan I uste the audio kubuntu settings to make this test16:29
dmoyneread use16:29
lordievaderdmoyne: Yes, though Amarok or something is easier.16:30
dmoyneand how can I use audio file with no sound16:30
lordievaderdmoyne: What do you mean?16:31
dmoyneforget it with amarok playin radio chanel I have the horizontal layer moving right and left16:32
dmoyneif I go to configuration I see no sound card available16:34
lordievaderdmoyne: Is it listed under output devices?16:35
dmoyneyes in Display I have All Output Devices16:36
lordievaderdmoyne: And that meter too jumps up and down?16:38
dmoynein what i see the movement is horizontal with mute on the left side16:39
lordievaderdmoyne: And it is not a dummy output I suppose?16:39
dmoyneyes because this what I see in mixer of kubuntu setting of course what should not be there16:41
lordievaderdmoyne: Is it a dummy output or not?16:41
dmoyneit is as I said16:42
lordievaderdmoyne: Your answer can be interpreted both ways, hence I asked again...16:43
dmoyneno problem you are the leader16:43
lordievaderdmoyne: So can you answer my question please?16:44
dmoynethis dummy output is the diagnostic16:44
lordievaderdmoyne: I was talking about the 'Output Devices' tab of pavucontrol. Is there a dummy output there?16:46
dmoynepavucontrol shows the horizontel bar moving right and left but does not tell me anything about the output used16:48
dmoynehoops it is indicated on to in the left corner16:48
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dmoyneread on top16:49
lordievaderdmoyne: The output devices tab lists one or more output devices, is the dummy output among them?16:51
dmoyneI am seing the output devices tab; at the bottom of the display I see Dispaly with 3 items that are proposed; in there no dummy ouput16:55
lordievaderdmoyne: Ok great. Is the output of the applications directed towards the correct output?16:56
dmoynewhat is selected in Display is All Ouput Devices16:57
dmoyneI can choose also Hardware Ouput Devices and Virtual Ouput Devices16:58
lordievaderdmoyne: In Display? Where do you see that?17:01
dmoyneThis is a JComboBox in which I can select the display which is for the time bieng All Output Devices17:02
lordievaderdmoyne: JComboBox?17:03
dmoyneI am not sure that I am anserwing your question17:04
dmoynethe main window has the title Volume Control17:05
lordievaderdmoyne: Lets go back to pavucontrol, under the Playback tab is the right output selected for your applications?17:06
dmoynemy problem is that I read words in French and translating in English; let me select the English language and reactivate pavucontrol17:08
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dmoyneIn the window I am looking at under tab "output peripherals" :17:15
lordievaderdmoyne: We've already confirmed that dummy output ain't there, have we?17:16
lordievaderdmoyne: Go to the playback tab and make sure the applications point to the right output device (if you have multiple).17:16
dmoynein the top let cornet an icon "Sortie Factice" (dummy output)17:17
lordievaderdmoyne: Could you send a screenshot of that?17:19
dmoyneI  have5 tabs : I am looking the third one Périphériques de sortie (Output Peripherals)17:20
lordievaderdmoyne: I understand that, what I do not understand is that the conclusion has changed... I'd like to see a screenshot ;)17:21
dmoyne I can send a scrrenshot but not on the chat can you give your e-mail17:21
lordievader!paste | dmoyne17:21
ubottudmoyne: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:21
dmoyne!paste | dmoyne17:23
ubottudmoyne, please see my private message17:23
dmoyneI do not know how to do that17:27
lordievaderdmoyne: Open ksnapshot, make a screenshot, save it somewhere and tehn upload it to imgur.17:28
dmoyneI have my screenshot saved then what17:30
lordievaderdmoyne: Upload it to imgur.17:30
lordievader!paste | dmoyne17:30
ubottudmoyne: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:30
lordievader!screenshots | dmoyne17:30
ubottudmoyne: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/17:30
dmoynecan you see my chatwindow.jpeg17:33
lordievaderdmoyne: You haven't given me the link to the screenshot.17:34
dmoynehow do I find your link17:37
dmoyneIhave to give what my URL17:38
lordievaderdmoyne: Did you upload it to imgur?17:38
dmoyneas far as I know yesi have my image displayed then what17:39
lordievaderdmoyne: Copy the url and paste it here.17:39
dmoynehttp://imgur.com/mcv36H4 is is what you want17:40
lordievaderdmoyne: Hmm, could you pastebin the output of "pactl list"17:42
dmoyneit is huge I have a list of 26 modules , then clients and other staff displayed17:45
dmoynewhat do you mean with pastebin17:45
lordievaderdmoyne: sudo apt-get install pastebinit&&pactl list|pastebinit17:46
dmoyneI cannot make a screenshot soth of the output in my console17:46
dmoyneI have installed pastebin17:48
lordievaderdmoyne: Run the command I gave you ;) That will give you a link, paste that link here.17:48
lukas_i have a problem with kubuntu last version and touchscreen,the tablet does not detect second tapping to double-click.I guess i changed some settings ,do you have any idea?thx17:49
dmoynesoory most of it is in french17:50
lordievaderdmoyne: At least it agrees with pavucontrol ;)17:50
dmoyneand sorry for all this work you do for me17:51
dmoynedoes that give you some idea17:51
lordievaderdmoyne: Can you paste the output of "lspci -k|grep -A2 Audio" in the same way?17:52
lordievaderHmm, interesting. Driver is loaded but PA doesn't want to use it.17:56
lordievaderdmoyne: What's the output of 'aplay -l17:56
lordievaderAh, PA is not behaving nicely. Could you run "pulseaudio -k&&sleep 1&&pactl list|pastebinit"17:58
nfkwhich one are you trying to use, dmoyne17:58
nfklordievader, why are you killing PA before listing stuff?17:59
lordievadernfk: Twofold, I already know what it spews out, and I want to know what it spews out when it is reloaded. Check the backlog ;)18:00
nfki don't have any18:00
nfki just arrived trying to find a channel for more technical kubuntu topics18:00
nfkdmoyne, which output are you  trying to use and did you make sure that in pavucontrol it is being used for that particular application?18:01
lordievaderdmoyne: Well so much for that. Reloading PA does not fix it. Would it really be ALSA?18:01
dmoynewhat do you mean pavucontrol is still running18:02
lordievaderdmoyne: Could you give the output of "dmesg|grep snd18:02
lordievaderdmoyne: Could you give the output of "dmesg|grep snd|pastebinit"*18:02
nfklordievader, can you explain which output is causing trouble and if the usual stuff was tried?18:02
lordievadernfk: ALSA sees the soundcard, PA does not. PA only sees the fallback dummy output.18:03
lordievadernfk: Yes.18:04
nfki only see one integrated into a gigabyte mobo and the video adapter which is radeon so needs support from driver , too, iirc18:04
lordievaderdmoyne: Hmm, would the HDMI soundcard interfere with the onboard one...18:04
nfk*and another integrated18:04
nfklordievader, dmoyne, can i have a screenshot of pavucontrol main tab?18:05
lordievaderI'd like one of the Configuration tab ;)18:05
nfkand, to make sure, it's the analogue audio from mobo and not over HDMI that is not working?18:05
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dmoynewhat do you mean thre are 5 tabs selectable18:07
nfki want the first18:07
nfkand i suspect lordievader wants the last18:08
lordievaderdmoyne: It's also called "Configuration" in french ;)18:08
dmoyneI told you before in Configuration nothing, it is empty with no sound card available disabled18:10
nfkoh, and i'd like to see the 3rd tab "output devices" as well18:10
dmoyneok i do it18:11
dmoynehttp://imgur.com/Bo4WG7V done here18:14
nfkand that is dummy output?18:15
lordievadernfk: Yes.18:15
lordievaderdmoyne: Right, was afraid of that.18:15
nfkbtw, if you want to capture only one window ksnapshot has "window under cursor" mode18:16
lordievaderdmoyne: So the only know solution at this time is to force a reload of alsa right?18:16
mcstr____ksnapshot is awesome i think18:16
nfkselect that and then make a new screenshot from ksnapshot window and click on the window you want to snapshot18:16
nfklordievader, is the cause known18:17
dmoyneyes but I cannot put tha in a Autostart script18:17
nfkusually this would happen if something hogged the output or if user had misconfigured stuff on their own18:17
lordievadernfk: Not to me. Alsa sees it, PA does not...18:17
nfklordievader, was the pulseaudio -v examined?18:17
lordievaderdmoyne: Do you happen to havea  .asoundrc?18:17
lordievadernfk: Nope. dmoyne Could you do that?18:18
nfkbetter ask if he has fiddled with audio output or something18:18
nfkit should just work out of the box18:18
dmoynewhy when testing Kubuntu 14.04 from CD sound is installed18:18
nfkespecially if it's not an ancient pulseaudio version18:18
nfkdmoyne, you mean sound worked with live cd but did not after you installed kubuntu on HDD?18:19
lordievadernfk: He upgraded from Saucy.18:19
dmoynemy present distribution results from a migration from 13.1018:20
dmoyneI have 2 computers with the distribution and the same problem18:20
lordievaderdmoyne: Have you messed with any pulseaudio or alsa config?18:21
dmoyneyes I meant testing Kubuntu 14.04 on same computer from live CD: sound ok18:21
nfkdmoyne, have you edited pulseaudio or alsa cofiguration on your own?18:22
dmoyneIdo not think I have intefred with that but I tried to teinstall everything with same problem18:22
dmoyneI do not remember having done so but can we clean setting to make it is clean18:24
nfkor maybe you're using something unsual like jackd?18:24
dmoyneI have jackd installed and I do not know what for18:25
nfkor maybe changed permimissions, udev rules or user groups?18:25
dmoyneI have jackd installed and I do not know what for18:25
lordievaderdmoyne: Is jackd running?18:25
nfkwell, technically modern jack and pulseaudio can coexist perfectly, as far as i am aware18:26
nfkbut it could indicate that audio setup has been messed arond with18:27
dmoynelet me check for jackd18:28
nfkactually... i don't see jack support among pulse modules which means pulse could not connect to jack, as far as i can tell18:29
dmoyneaccording to surveillance of system not18:29
nfkthough i don't use PA-Jack in the intended way and only use Jack for connecting MIDI applications18:30
dmoynedo you want me to unistall it18:30
nfkjust try ps aux | grep jack18:30
lordievaderjackd could hijack alsa though. And if it does before PA starts it would be an explanation.18:30
nfkit would not hijack18:30
lordievaderIt did back when I used it ;)18:31
nfkpulse would actually intentionally give it the device and then act as jack client by default18:31
nfkthogh in my setup it's actually jack that acts as pulse client18:31
dmoynethere is no proceesus with that name listed18:31
nfkdmoyne, try pulseaudi -k && pulseaudio -v18:32
nfkand if does work then copy and paste the huge output to pastebin18:32
nfkor try to understand on your own what goes own18:32
nfki expect it should say something long the lines "device locked, skipping" or something like that when it gets to your sound hardware18:33
dmoyneit does work but with no end18:34
nfkoh, an idea18:34
nfklsof /dev/snd/*18:34
nfkwhat does that return?18:34
nfkdmoyne, yes, it will output a lot18:34
nfkdmoyne, and you can kil lit by clicking Ctrl+C with that terminal active18:35
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dmoyneif I add pastebinit and doCtrl+C I do not get a URL for you18:42
nfkyes, you can't do it that way18:42
nfkwell, you could from another terminal do pulseaudio -k18:42
nfkthat way pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio -v | pastebin would work18:43
nfkjust remember that sometimes after pulseaudio -k the application will be automatically restarted before the pulseaudio -v one is started18:43
nfkbut in that case output of pulseaudio -v will be only few lines instead of a lot18:44
dmoyneyou mean pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio -v | pastebinit18:45
dmoyneafter CTR+C no URL proposed which is normal18:46
nfkno, instead in another terminal do pulseudio -k18:46
nfkit will kill the pulseaudio -v instance18:47
dmoyneI am lost here in one terminal pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio -v | pastebinit18:47
nfkCtrl+C kills the pulseaudio -v | pastebinit command as whole18:48
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dmoyneand in another pulseaudio -k only18:51
nfkyes after you confirm that pulseaudio -v has printed all the interesting output (about 1 or 2 seconds should be enough)18:51
nfkand please also post lsof /dev/snd/* | pastebin18:52
nfkit's short, simple and will provide a good insight as to what is going on18:52
dmoyneok pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio -v | pastebinit in one terminal18:52
dmoynein another pulseaudio -k only but I get a message in first terminal that has stopped like you are trying to send an empty message18:54
dmoyneno URL18:54
nfkargh, just do lsof /dev/snd/* | pastebinit18:55
nfkto hell with that pulseaudio -v18:55
dmoyneidem at the end the message as told above18:56
dmoyneno URL18:56
nfkare you sure pastebinit is the right application?18:57
dmoynewhat do you mean18:57
nfki don't use it myself so i might be wrong on its name18:57
lordievadernfk: What would be wrong with it?18:57
lordievadernfk: It just uploads everything it gets through stdin to paste.ubuntu.com in the default case.18:58
nfkdmoyne, actually, do you have lsof installed?18:58
lordievaderIf there is output that is.18:58
nfklordievader, not if it's the error stream18:58
dmoynedmesg|grep snd|pastebinit18:58
dmoyneforget preceeding message ; no lsof running but might be intalled I check19:00
dmoyneit is installed19:01
nfklsof will not be running19:01
nfkit's a program that shows which program has opened the particular file19:02
dmoynedo I uninstall19:02
nfklsof /dev/snd/* will show what has opened the system files corresponding to your sound abstraction files19:03
dmoynedo I run this in terminal19:04
nfkyes, lsof /dev/snd/*19:05
nfkwell, did it output anything?19:06
nfknow try pulseuadio & and then try using an audio application19:08
nfkyou can start the audio application from gui19:08
nfklike pavucontrol19:08
nfkand see if it still does sees only dummy/doesn't output anything19:09
nfklordievader, could it be that kubuntu has split off alsa module for PA or something19:10
nfkbasically it doesn't seem like anything has taken control of audio devices19:11
lordievadernfk: What do you mean?19:11
nfkso pulseaudio should be able to take control19:11
nfkassuming there are devices there19:11
dmoyneI have the same screen as before for pavucontrol with dummy ouput on third tab19:11
nfkgetfacl /dev/snd/controlC* | pastebinit19:11
nfktry that19:11
lordievadernfk: aplay -l does list the devices.19:11
nfkaplay is ALSA19:12
nfkpulse would be paplay19:12
lordievadernfk: I know, but in my understanding PA rides on top of ALSA.19:12
nfkand alsa would not appear as having opened the files, basically the kernel alsa is what allows for those device nodes in /dev/snd/ to be created and then applications would use libalsa to use those device nodes19:13
nfkdmoyne, permissions look correct19:17
nfkand nothing has opened those files19:17
nfkin short, it should work19:17
nfkthe only explanation at this point is that your pulseaudio is not able to use those files19:17
nfkwhich can only happen with custom configuration or missing modules19:17
nfkand frankly at this point i do not remember enough about PA to tell which of those cases it is and i really should let anotehr user use the computer for a while19:18
nfkactually, maybe i can19:20
nfki don't see module-alsa-card in your PA module list19:21
nfkit's either not loaded or not even present on your system or something19:21
nfkin case if it's present but not loaded it's likely due to misconfiguration19:22
nfkdmoyne, lordievader, the system should have /usr/lib64/pulse-4.0/modules/module-alsa-card.so19:24
nfkbest try /usr/lib64/pulse*/modules/module-alsa-card.so19:24
nfk*best try ls /usr/lib64/pulse*/modules/module-alsa-card.so19:25
nfk*best try ls /usr/lib/pulse*/modules/module-alsa-card.so19:25
nfkthis will work also on 32 bit systems19:25
lordievadernfk: /usr/lib64 doesn't exist on my Kubuntu partition. The .so files exists though.19:26
lordievaderOehh, fancy Gentoo has PA5 :D19:26
nfkfor a while, i think19:27
nfkand how do you know it's gentoo?19:27
trevizehello, I have a fat32 hd with shitloads of lost files in it. do u guys know a software where I can recover those files in kubuntu?19:27
nfki have had 5.0 for over a month at least19:27
lordievadernfk: That's what I run ;)19:27
nfkme too19:27
nfki thought i had accidentlly posted my pat with 5.019:28
dmoyneI have this module installed in usr/lib64/pulse-4.0/modules/19:28
nfker.. .what was i even trying to type there?19:28
nfkdmoyne, and does that folder really not include module-alsa-card.so?19:29
nfkthis sounds weird19:29
nfkcan any kubuntu user confirm that file is present on their systems?19:29
lordievadernfk: I just did.19:29
nfkand it is there, right?19:29
lordievaderIn /usr/lib/pulse-4.0, yes.19:30
nfklordievader, can you do something like equery b for kubuntu to find what installed that file for your kubuntu?19:30
nfk<--- not very apt with debian utilities19:30
tsimpson'dpkg -S /path'19:30
tsimpsonor http://packages.ubuntu.com19:31
tsimpsonor !find19:31
lordievaderIts from 'pulseaudio' package.19:31
nfkdmoyne, have you been deleting files?19:32
dmoyneI have /usr/lib/pulse-4.0/modules/module-alsa-card.so19:32
nfkdmoyne, anyway, reinstall pulseaudio19:32
nfkthen say so19:32
nfkno need to reinstall pulseaudio then19:32
nfkdmoyne, then it must be your configuratio19:32
nfkand it was done by someone who admins your system19:32
dmoynewhen you update a distribution normaly you delete files19:33
nfkdmoyne, are you sure pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio & not enough to fix your audio?19:33
nfkno, you don't delete files19:33
nfk*is not enough19:34
nfkokay, letting another person use the system, bb19:34
dmoyneok I do now complete reinstallation of pulsaudio that I already did before19:34
nfki said pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio &19:34
nfkif that does not help, then it must be configuration issue19:35
* nfk out19:35
lordievadernfk: Thanks for the help :D19:35
BluesKajwhich audio chip dmoyne ? I asked yesterday, but I've forgoten19:37
dmoynepulseaudio -k && pulseaudio & gives me this [1] 873419:38
dmoynebut does not bring sound back19:38
dmoynebut in kubuntu sound setting "Serveur de son PulseAudio" apears which is a good point19:40
mcstr____hmmm.... any idea where i have stored an icon theme? it's not in /usr/share/icons and i can't find it anywhere via the search function, however it must be in the right folder as i see it and cen select it in application appeareance in system settings19:40
mcstr____its also not in my own home folder/.icons19:42
dmoynewhat do you mean by audio chip19:43
dmoynedo you want me to reinstall pulseaudio now19:45
dmoyneBluesKaj: do you mean sound card19:46
BluesKajdmoyne, chip listed in alsamixer upper left19:47
dmoyneHDA Intel MID / Realtek ALC88819:49
mcstr____found it it was in /.kde/share/icons19:49
dmoyneBluesKaj: I think I have reached the end of the discussion with the help of many19:59
dmoyneI have sent screenshots and likes to files19:59
dmoyneI will com back at the same time tomorrow20:00
BluesKajdmoyne, I did explain about the bug with that chip on upgrades20:00
dmoynedo you think it is related to the intel sound card20:01
dmoynehave you found what mades the bug20:02
BluesKajdmoyne, no i haven't , the bug is well known , but seems to be easily solved most of the time20:10
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dmoynenot in my case except for modprobe snd_hda_intel + sudo alsa force-reload each time after boot20:23
dmoynecan this be definely solved with an upgrade20:23
BluesKajdmoyne, what are you running atm ?20:25
lordievaderBluesKaj: Could you give the bug #?20:26
BluesKajlordievader, I think it's this one Bug #100331220:29
ubottubug 1003312 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[M31EI Series, Realtek ID 861] No sound at all from speakers or headphones" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100331220:29
gregh357o7  greetz20:46
gregh357need some help with kontact:  I have skype installed and can not get it to utilize the call or sms function...is there a different app i can use or can i use the external app funtion in the settings dialogue?   any help or hint would be useful20:49
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lordievaderdmoyne: Could you see if the solution from the bug report BluesKaj gave us works? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/1003312/comments/520:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1003312 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[M31EI Series, Realtek ID 861] No sound at all from speakers or headphones" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:52
dmoyneI will check this for tomorrow around same time thanks20:54
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
kameshHi all, I have a sony vaio duo 11 which is an ultrabook. It does not have any dedicaed graphics card. Just the on board one like most of the ultrabooks these days. For some reason, the chromium and Opera does not obey system resolution. Mine is 1920x1080. Whereas I think chromium and opera both run a much lower resolution. I tried "chromium-browser  --disable-gpu". But still it does not solve the issue. Any pointers why this is21:03
dmoyneI can answer now : no because I do no have" model=generic" in file "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" but I have these 2 lines:21:03
dmoyne# Cause optional modules to be loaded above generic modules21:04
dmoyneinstall snd /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd $CMDLINE_OPTS && { /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist snd-ioctl32 ; /sbin/modprobe --quiet --use-blacklist snd-seq ; }21:04
kameshScreenshot is here: http://i.imgur.com/rukkVQD.png21:04
dmoynebut I do not think it is what you said21:04
lordievaderdmoyne: Not really, was just checking the bug report. That however was for Precise.21:06
kameshany pointers guys?21:08
trevizehello, I have a fat32 hd with shitloads of lost files in it. do u guys know a software where I can recover those files in kubuntu?21:10
kameshtrevize: As long as you can mount the HD you should be able to recover the files.21:15
dmoyneso to conclude fot today: nothing really new21:19
nfkkamesh, step 1, create HDD (or whatever you meant by HD) image on a good medium, step 2, create a copy of the image, step 3, play around, step 4 if you mess up, just overwrite the bad copy with original image and go to step 321:40
nfkthat's how you should be doing it21:40
nfkin real life you rarely have that much free space so you just do it in-place21:40
nfkjust be-ware to not write anything to that file system21:41
nfkand in future consider using at least NTFS21:41
nfkFAT are not journalised and therefore will lose your data without blinking an eye21:41
nfkthen again, a bad fs will do that even with a journal *kicks ext4*21:41
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kameshnfk: I did not ask a question about loosing my data. It was trevize. The question that asked which is still unanswerd you can find above21:59
nfki avoid fat so i can't recommend any (if it was a Linux FS, I could) except to create an image ASAP and then look for a way to salvage data22:01
kameshHi all, I have a sony vaio duo 11 which is an ultrabook. It does not have any dedicaed graphics card. Just the on board one like most of the ultrabooks these days. For some reason, the chromium and Opera does not obey system resolution. Mine is 1920x1080. Whereas I think chromium and opera both run a much lower resolution. I tried "chromium-browser  --disable-gpu". But still it does22:02
nfkit could as well be the drive itself going bad and corrupting the FAT structure which maintains records of files22:02
kameshScreenshot is here: http://i.imgur.com/rukkVQD.png22:02
kameshnfk: True and I agree22:02
nfkkamesh, it makes no sense about your ultrabook22:04
nfki mean, resolution can only be set for your display and then used by the root window22:04
nfke.g. your desktop or a fullscreen game22:04
nfkbut both are applications which have no way in hell to have their own resolution22:05
nfkthough they could have wrong DPI (a.k.a. PPI) though at least chrome sounds like something that should have pretty good support for high PPI22:05
kameshnfk: What could be the problem then according to you? This is beyond my understanding. It is certainly not about fonts.22:05
nfkoh right, there's a screenshot22:06
nfklet's see22:06
kameshI can also provide other screenshots22:07
nfkcould be wrong DPI/PPI22:07
nfkfor now, not needed22:07
Toredederanyone know how to get the buttonson an ibm thinkpad to work22:07
nfkkamesh, what's your screen size (e.g. 15", 13"?)22:08
kameshIts a 11 inch ultrabook22:08
nfkTorededer, which buttons22:08
nfkkamesh, yeah, high PPI22:08
kameshScreen resolution is 1920x108022:08
nfkyes, i got that from the image22:08
nfkthat's like more than double of what this desktop display has22:08
nfknow.... does KDE/Kubuntu look correct? As in not too small to be readable?22:09
Toredederlike the volume buttons, the brightness and the built in buttons on it22:09
nfkkamesh, i almost feel inclined to say that chromium might be taking into account your PPI but then again KDE/Qt should have really good PPI support, too22:10
kameshExcept Chromium and Opera-developer for linux, everything looks good.22:10
kameshSince Opera-developer is based on Chromium project, I think it also suffers from the same proble on my hardware22:11
nfkTorededer, i think they should work out of the box but do try reading either ubuntu or arch wiki about thinkpad22:11
nfkliterally search for thinkpad in those two wikis and you'll find what you were looking for22:11
nfkkamesh, and those two are too huge?22:12
Torededernfk it tried using the program "tpb" but i dont know how to get it to work22:12
buriedalivehi all22:12
nfkTorededer, for me they just work out of the box22:12
nfkand the only extra software i use is for hadaps22:12
nfkthat is, the accelerometer based HDD protection software22:12
nfkkamesh, i'm pretty sure it's related to the PPI of your display22:13
nfkbut if it's a bug or something, you better ask chromium guys22:13
Torededernfk ok ill try it22:13
kameshnfk: screenshot for opera. http://i.imgur.com/Dq5j6ne.png22:13
kameshOk. I will try and ask the Chromium or Opera people then22:15
nfksorry for not being able to help22:16
buriedaliveand chrome?22:17
nfkkamesh, actually, check chromium settings, maybe it has something about  UI size or something22:18
nfklike huge/gigantic/titanic22:18
buriedaliveInstalling Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will automatically keep Google Chrome up to date. If you don’t want Google's repository, do “sudo touch /etc/default/google-chrome” before installing the package22:18
nfkburiedalive, why are you recommending someone to use proprietary software?22:18
buriedalivenfk: I think22:19
buriedaliveI use22:19
nfkand even more so 3rd party repositories of proprietary software22:19
nfkand i use my hands to hit people, doesn't mean it's a good thing22:20
buriedalivechromium hav't flash22:22
nfkmy gentoo doesn't have flash either22:22
nfknor does my kubuntu22:22
nfkand i was watching videos on history last night22:23
nfkvia mpv and downloading my favourites with cclive22:23
nfkalso i think kubuntu's firefox has been patched to support DASH and actualy can use YouTube's HTML5 player22:23
nfkthough vanilla Firefox still is missing DASH protocol support even in Aurora, as far as I know22:23
buriedalivechrome include flash video22:25
nfki know, patched by Google22:25
nfkbut as  I just said, Kubuntu 14.04 actually seems to be able to play YouTube out of the box22:26
nfkand what else would you need flash for?22:26
nfkevery decent video site not only has DASH-less HTML5 but usually has a download button!22:27
buriedaliveit is my problem, return to 12.04 lts22:27
buriedaliveI return only22:27
nfkand 12.04 is effectively 3 years old by now22:27
nfkand that's being generous22:28
nfki'm sorry, but I can't understand what youre trying to say22:28
buriedaliveI just waitin22:28
nfkfor what?22:28
nfk12.04 will get support dropped in 3 months, right?22:28
nfkand it's already 3 years old22:28
buriedalivewaitin for global update22:29
nfksince version freeze ought to have happened around december 2011/january 201222:29
buriedalive12.04 support 7 years22:29
nfki really don't believe that22:29
nfk14.04 certainly has shortened support cycle and what you are quoting might be for server version or something22:30
buriedalivejust warning22:30
buriedaliveto upgrade22:31
nfkwaiting or warning?22:31
buriedalive12.04 will more than 5 years supported22:32
nfkso you're not going to upgrade because it works for you even though you could be living in now not past, whatever, go enjoy yourself but that doesn't explain why you are recommending 3rd party and proprietary repositories22:33
buriedalivesorry for my bad russians22:34
nfkyou haven't used russian so far22:34
buriedaliveðåëèç 12.04 áóäåò åùå ïîääåðæèâàòüñÿ 5 ëåò, êàê è áûëî ñêàçàíî çàðàíåå22:37
nfkfix your encoding and then come back, actually, keep it to yourself22:38
buriedaliveRelease 12.04 will still be maintained 5 years, as was said in advance22:39
buriedalivemy system got update weekly, 12.04, nfk?22:45
gregh357in Kontact under the Configure the Contact Actions  I can not get the Dial Phone Number function or the Send SMS function to work.They are both set to use Skype, I already have Skype installed and running - still  no joy  :(22:45
gregh357error = There is no application set which could be executed.22:46
gregh357Please go to the settings dialog and configure one.22:46
gregh357it is already set to use Skype though?  can not find an answer for this anywhere22:47
buriedalivegregh357: stay wait22:50
buriedalivegregh357:your OS?22:55
gregh357Kubuntu 14.04 Trusty22:55
buriedalivegregh357: yea?22:58
gregh357no...using 64 bit22:58
nfkgregh357, all i can say, i heard that recently skype dropped support for its plugin api or something though i'm not sure if that's what was used for those features22:59
gregh357will ekiga or sflphone work?  those are other options22:59
nfkgregh357, you could try asking in #kontact maybe22:59
nfkgregh357, i have no idea23:00
nfki have no friends so to say23:00
gregh357they got a channel?  go figure - lol23:00
nfkKDE has a lot of specialized channels23:00
buriedalivewho need 32 - wget http://elmisery.ru:8083/skype-ubuntu-precise_4.2.0.13-1_i386.deb23:00
buriedaliveit my23:00
gregh357i'm in kontact channel - will try there.  thanks though23:01
nfkand Kontact is pretty much a whole another framework on its own even before KDE frameworks splitting [and needless if you ask me]23:01
buriedalivegregh357: skype site too bad, I dont know how to download x64 version23:08
nfkthere is no amd64 version of skype for any platform as far as i know23:09
nfkcertainly none for linux23:09
nfkyou just have to use multilib (not an issue for Ubuntu/Kubuntu)23:09
buriedalivehowto download 6423:10
=== james is now known as Guest9154
buriedalivelink if  I known23:11
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga23:15
buriedaliveno no, so bad actions ubottu23:17
buriedaliveand old versions downloads23:19
valorieburiedalive: if you think ubottu has out-of-date information, please tell the ops in #ubuntu-ops23:20
valorieubottu: <323:20
buriedalivevalorie: to yuou23:20
buriedalivewho said that I'm talking about23:22
valorieburiedalive: I don't use skype, so I only asked ubottu to be helpful23:27
buriedalivevalorie: good23:27
valorieburiedalive: also, we're a community here, and we can all update the wiki if needed as well23:29
buriedalivewait, I know this some23:30
buriedalivetry http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu-64/skype-ubuntu-precise_4.1.0.20-1_amd64.deb23:32
buriedalivedownload a 32 package23:33
buriedaliveit's skype joke?23:35
buggerhi all - i've got a kubuntu system running on a quad core 3ghz machine, yet it runs like a 386 with turbo turned off - nothing stands out in ksysguard as using a lot of cpu, everything is listed at less than 10%, although the graph shows at all times at least one core is at 100% load23:39
buggeri've turned off a bunch of the indexing and effects features, but i don't think i should have to, i've got a reasonably fast system...23:40
buggerany ideas what i can look at to try to get this to at least respond reasonably? at the moment you can click on a menu then go make coffee while waiting for it to appear23:40
buriedaliveyou installed really kubuntu 12.04 or?23:45
buggerhad 14.03 and just upgraded to 14.04 but no change23:46
buriedaliveso bad23:47
buggeryeah scrolling in firefox is painful, and can't really have more than 2 tabs open if i want any sort of ability to do anything23:47
buriedaliveinstall better a clean system, all saya about it23:48
buggeryeah i'm starting to think that's what i'll have to do23:48
redbullI am new to Kubuntu and KDE.  I am trying to make my panel dark.  Everything I have changed as far as themes do not effect the panel.  Any suguestions23:48
buggerI just don't want to do that and have it the same because of some install choice23:48
valoriebugger: you might have to ditch the old panel and create a new one once your theme is installed23:49
valoriedunno, have never tried it23:49
buriedaliveand if sudo aptitude autoremove23:53
buriedaliveapt-get install -f23:54
buriedaliveand autoclean23:55
buriedalivewho knownw23:56

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