
balloonselopio, yea my earlier ping was about reminders. elopio I was pretty sure there was a reason we stayed on the sandbox, thanks for reminding me :-) So I'm confused why evernote works, but not evernote-sandbox02:43
elopioballoons: oh the phone, do you have the sandbox backend installed?13:36
balloonselopio, morning :-)13:37
balloonselopio, I was thinking / hoping it might be something so simple but account-console will create an account13:38
balloonselopio, that said, indeed it was not installed.. let's see what happens now13:39
balloonsas expected, it works13:39
balloonselopio, hmm.. so I suppose since reminders only runs with the hook, I can propose an MP and simply add it to the manifest and we should be good to go13:40
balloonssorry, I meant only runs in CI with adt-run13:40
elopioawesome :)13:40
elopioballoons: maybe add some info about how to run it on the README13:41
balloonsit just means the fancy tricks to doing it manually won't work out so well13:41
balloonselopio, while I have you though, I have one other question for you. So do you know a way for me to add a contact to the addressbook easily?13:42
balloonsI need to have a contact in the addressbook for a test13:43
elopioballoons: I think there are two ways, a dummy backend if you are only testing address book and the testability package that the address book service provides.13:44
elopiobrendand and om26er will be able to explain it to you better.13:44
elopioI'm not sure if the testability package has landed.13:44
om26erelopio, balloons testability package makes use of dummy backend and its not landed. still stands 'Approved'13:45
balloonsmm.. which approach should I look to use if I'm not directly testing address-book?13:46
elopioballoons: om26er is your man and this is the branch13:48
om26erballoons, its as easy as just import the fixture and use in your setUp() nothing else to do13:49
om26erballoons, look line 278 on the diff.13:50
balloonsom26er, awesome :-)13:51
balloonsI'll give it a try13:52
elopioballoons: are we meeting with mardy today?14:04
balloonselopio, nope, I canceled it now.. We should be goo14:11
elopioI still need to talk to him about other things but he never replies. balloons: did you get a reply?14:11
balloonselopio, that's the other piece.. I wasn't expecting him to be around14:11
balloonsso it's just as well we solved it. I did not get a reply14:12
elopiobarry: please ping when you are around. re: dialer15:57
barryelopio: hi.  gonna break for lunch soon, but i have time.  what's up?16:02
elopiobarry: your branch with the port to py3 fails because of some errors on trunk.16:03
elopioI have fixed them, so can you please use my branch as a prerequisite and merge with it?16:03
barryelopio: yepper!16:04
barryelopio: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/dialer-app/py3autopilot/+merge/22889216:06
elopiothanks barry.16:06
barryelopio: crossing my fingers again :)16:06
barrywow, the mp diff oops lp16:08
josharensonHey all, getting an interesting error. Could be a unity "bug" but do you have any thoughts? Here is a trace http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7906740/17:42
balloonsjosharenson, you would need to share the full log to be of more use. But the link should help you17:48
josharensonballoons, i just fixed it... was a dependency issue...17:49
josharensonthanks though17:49
barryelopio: dang, looks like we're still getting failures.  do you have any thoughts?  (i haven't had time to look at it in detail yet)18:55
elopiobarry: I'll look at it as soon as I finish all the new tasks they have put on me for this week.18:55
elopiohopefully, tomorrow.18:55
barryelopio: cool. i should have time tomorrow too18:55
elopiobarry: ok, I'll let you know if I find something useful.18:56
barryelopio: thanks!18:56
elopiothanks to you18:56
barrywe'll get it landed eventually ;)18:56

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