
CajunTechieHello again everyone. It looks like I dropped off last time before anyone could answer my question so i'll ask again: do locoteams need to be statewide?01:08
skellatCajunTechie: Under current protocols, yes.  What part of the USA are you located in?01:08
CajunTechieSkellat I'm in Oklahoma. I have a state LoCo but they seem fairly inactive and far away from a lot of the population I want to focus on.01:09
skellatWhat area in Oklahoma do you want to focus on?01:10
CajunTechieWell, I specifically want to focus on extreme NE Oklahoma. But I'd like to focus on most of the rural areas. Many residents can't get to Tulsa or OKC because they are too far away.01:11
CajunTechieSpecifically, I'd like to create a virtual LoCo and perhaps a LUG to service those people.01:12
belkinsaBah, internet connection died on me.01:14
skellatCajunTechie: The best thing to do at this point is to write your idea up as an e-mail and send it to LoCo Council at loco-council@ubuntu.com so that we can help you find a way to make it happen01:15
CajunTechieSkellat: Excellent! Thank you very much. I'll do that tonight or tomorrow after I get some hard ideas down.01:15
skellatThank you CajunTechie 01:16
CajunTechieThank you!01:16
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dholbachgood morning06:57
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renemanassewho can hel me??12:18
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