
=== valorie is now known as valorie_
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (I5)05:30
Beldarnote the OP call on #ubuntu05:35
zacwallsits a madhouse in #ubuntu05:49
DJonesIs it right that Ubuntu 12.04.5 is due for release on 7th August 2014 (as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule ) Surely thats just a mistake on the schedule page08:33
DJonesForget that its 12.04.5 not 14.04 I misread that08:34
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangperhaps he's running debain16:47
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey
bazhangzacwalls wants to crack a wpa2 network?17:18
Piciwithout a wifi card?17:18
bazhangnever knew the pw was on the side of a modem, either17:19
bazhang<zacwalls> understanding if i can access my wpa2 from eth0 network17:22
bazhangfor a nook17:22
pipeworkCan someone convey to me what I did that made our John feel like a ban was necessitated?21:58
pipeworkOr is an op disliking someone perfectly nicely talking to them in a public channel a bannable offense?21:58
pipeworkHis kick message was also out of line with the channel's guidelines.21:59
pipework"[14:57:23]  pipework (~pipework@unaffiliated/spaceghostc2c) left the channel. (requested by IdleOne (Get the fuck out))" to quote.21:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:36
rwwpipework: Trying to figure out how to handle this one. I'll poke you when I can.22:41
rwwpipework: (feel free to sit here for a bit)22:41
rwwpipework: Unless you're planning on complaining to the IRCC about this anyway, in which case just do that now and have them mediate the ban too.22:41
pipeworkrww: Thank you sir. I don't expect to elevate, just not sure since I didn't even intend to poke him in a way as to cause him any grief.22:43
rwwpipework: Alrighty. I've removed the ban from #ubuntu-offtopic and talked to IdleOne. In future, I think it's best if you both just ignore each other (and I have strongly suggested the same thing to him). Sound good?22:44
pipeworkrww: Works perfectly fine for me. Thank you for mediating.22:44
rwwAlrighty. Apologies for the drama, and have a good rest of your day :)22:45
rww@mark #ubuntu-ops pipework ban #63393 resolved22:52
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:52
k1l_!guidelines > Dinosaurio23:32

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