
=== Guest20720 is now known as dk
philipballewYesterday while I was at the mall, someone walked up to me and said "I really like your Ubuntu shirt, Ubuntu makes great vegetarian food."16:38
elkyapparently there was a restaurant called ubuntu in napa16:41
elkyin like 201116:42
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey
philipballewYeah, she said something like that, but I was just more confused than anything. Apparently it is "The best Vegetarian food in all of Northern California"16:49
rwwelky: want to go eat Ubuntu some time17:18
elkyit closed tho17:20
rwwit was Michelin starred and everything T_T17:21
darthrobot`[403] Title: [403 Forbidden]17:25
philipballewLooks like it was expensive.17:26
philipballewelky, rww  do you two like coffee? http://www.yelp.com/biz/the-ubuntu-coffee-cooperative-emeryville17:29
darthrobot`[403] Title: [403 Forbidden]17:29
elkywe've seen that, it's sold at wholefoods iirc17:31
philipballew"Whole Foods, The rich persons Trader Joes"17:33
elkyor, the trader-joes like place that has frozen gluten free pizza that isn't crap17:37
elkythe trader joes one is so crappy that even after cooking the tomato sauce peels off in a jelly-like layer17:40
philipballewYeah, people with Celiacs disease always have a hard time with finding the right food.17:42
rwwmeanwhile TJ glutenous pizza is awesome17:45
elkywhich is why it's such a disappointment17:46
elkyi'll just stick with the udi's pizzas. they're pretty good17:47
elkyrww: next time we're in concord, can we try Pizza My Way? :317:48
rwwwe go to concord? :P17:51
* philipballew eats Papa Murphy's.17:51
* ianorlin wants to go to food 4 less to get the kroger granola bars18:17
philipballewianorlin, where in CA do you live?18:18
philipballewas it what city in the area is the best way to ask that18:19
blitzwhat is a concord18:23
blitzoh it's like a pleasanton18:23
ianorlinit is close to scale so I just drive there and don't get hotel room18:23
ianorlinlike just take the 405 for a few miles18:24
philipballewI know Torrance :)18:25
* kdub abandoned socal20:30
=== EureCA is now known as Eureka

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