
=== fluter_ is now known as fluter
xnoxjhford: probably nowhere, given I don't believe upstart as shipped in centos had stdout/stderr log collection feature.11:06
pwelchHi everyone. Is it possble to get the status of all services that subscribe to an upstart command when running a status check? Example: service Bar subscribes to serivce Foo. When I run initctl status Foo Id like to see the status of service Bar as well13:35
xnoxpwelch: i'm not sure what you mean by "subscribes"13:40
xnoxpwelch: you can use $ initctl list13:40
xnoxpwelch: which gives you status for all known jobs.13:40
pwelchso Service Bar has: start on starting Foo13:40
pwelchso when Service Foo start Service Bar starts13:41
xnoxpwelch: there is $ inictl show-config13:41
xnoxpwelch: there is no command that combines/interconnects the two13:41
pwelch:/ bummer13:42
pwelchon Centos 6.5 I get initctl: invalid command: show-config13:42
xnoxpwelch: sorry, i don't know when it was introduced.13:42
pwelchwhich is weird because upstart is for sure working13:42
pwelchno worries13:42
xnoxe.g. i have13:42
xnox$ initctl show-config unity813:42
xnox  emits scope-ui-starting13:42
xnox  emits indicator-services-start13:42
xnox  start on ((xsession SESSION=ubuntu-touch or xsession SESSION=ubuntu-touch-surfaceflinger) and started dbus)13:42
xnox  stop on desktop-end13:42
xnoxand then i can do status on each thing i want.13:43
pwelchdo you know which version of upstart you have?13:43
xnoxpwelch: and it's not "subsribes" in any way or form. All conditions are events. "e.g. starting foo" is event "starting" with args JOB=foo13:43
xnoxpwelch: and there is no way to check if any of the events are emitted manually or actually are a job as such.13:44
xnoxpwelch: e.g. runlevel is not a job13:44
pwelchthat makes sense that its an event and not a subscription 13:44
xnoxpwelch: i'm running upstart 1.13.1, you can check your version with $ initctl version13:45
pwelchyikes, centos ships with an older version: init (upstart 0.6.5)13:45
pwelchfirst time on CentOS in a long time. Looks like the default in 12.04 (what I normally use) is 1.513:46
pwelchxnox: thanks for your help13:46
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=== pwelch_ is now known as pwelch
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