
wallyworldthumper: yo00:18
wwitzel3thumper: you were helping a guy who had his juju upgraded from 1.18 to 1.19. Trying to get him to 1.20. I've been trying to replicate things locally00:18
wwitzel3thumper: I've got 1.19.3 bootstrapped .. but how do I make it think it is 1.18 so the juju upgrade-juju of 1.20 will proceed?00:19
wallyworldwwitzel3: i don't think you can - the version number is obtained via version.Current which is compiled into the executable00:26
wallyworldoh, wait, the db agent-version needs to be updated i think00:26
wallyworldbut doing that will trigger downgrade00:27
wallyworldthe version.Current and agent-version in db need to match, or else juju willtryand make them match00:27
wallyworldso you may need to hack 1.20 to run upgrade steps for 1.19 rather than 1.1800:28
jcw4axw: thumper suggested I ask you to review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/45000:31
jcw4axw: It's one half of the issue raised in https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/135108900:32
_mup_Bug #1351089: Isolation failure in sshstorage test <juju-core:New for johnweldon4> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1351089>00:32
jcw4axw: I have another PR coming soon that addresses this specific isolation error, and a handful of others too, by supressing the load of a users custom BASH_ENV file00:32
jcw4axw: but I thought that this PR was a valid change on it's own merits00:33
wallyworldsinzui: i remember why the lock dir is not removed - i read that removing the file could potentially cause issues (i think if other processes held the lock, not sure now). so that's why it is left behind. so i've made it so that bootstrap and destroy remove any lock files at that point00:39
axwjcw4: will take a look in a bit, thanks01:15
thumperwwitzel3: hey01:28
thumperwwitzel3: I *think* you just need to do the upgrade, then change the agent version in the agent configuration files on the various machines01:28
thumperwallyworld: hey01:28
thumperdavecheney: care to look at https://github.com/juju/names/pull/2201:33
thumperwallyworld: around?01:33
davecheneythumper: /me looks01:38
jcw4thanks axw02:01
jcw4general question... how do I know when CI is ready to start accepting normal merges again?02:01
=== Beret- is now known as Beret
axwjcw4: you'd have to check the bugs I'm afraid02:04
axwthey're tagged with "regression"02:04
davecheneyjcw4: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.importance%3Alist=CRITICAL&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.structural_sub02:05
jcw4awesome, thanks axw and davecheney02:07
davecheneythumper: I cannot see an item on the N sprint for addressing the rquirements to support Trusty's 1.18 client02:11
thumperdavecheney: I'll add one02:12
davecheneythumper: thanks02:12
davecheneythumper: for example, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/449#issuecomment-5082536702:12
axwdavecheney: does 1.18 CLI still dial mongo directly? I thought 1.16 was the last to do so02:18
axwlooking at the 1.18 branch, looks like they all use API02:20
davecheneyaxw: cool02:20
davecheneyi don't know the answer, that is why I asked02:20
hazmathow long are state tests supposed to take?02:23
* hazmat realizes its been a while 02:23
axwhazmat: I think it takes 60s-80s on my laptop with SSD02:23
axwscratch that, with tmpfs02:24
davecheneyhazmat: yup, that is how long it takes02:25
davecheneyapiserver also take ~70 s for me02:25
hazmathmm.. i haven't hit a failure but i am hitting timeouts with tokumx on ssd.. was running with extra verbose those (-gocheck.vv -v)02:26
davecheneyaxw: are all the build blockers related ?02:26
hazmat10m and the test gets killed02:26
davecheneyhazmat: then the test fuked up02:26
davecheneyit happens02:27
axwdavecheney: nfi02:27
davecheneyaxw: someone suggested at the team meeting they were all the same underlying cause; mongo startup failures02:27
axwhazmat: is tokumx cleanroom, or based on some version of mongo? if the latter, which version?02:27
axwdavecheney: the azure one certainly is mongo02:27
hazmataxw, current release is against 2.402:27
hazmataxw, but its a mvcc db under the hood.. ie. always journaled02:28
axwok, just asking cos I've been trying to get things working with 2.6 and have had a bunch of issues02:28
hazmati'm wondering if the mvcc stuff is causing some additional time consumption due to write flushes02:29
axwI would hope it wouldn't add *that* much02:29
axwhow do you control transaction isolation?02:30
hazmataxw, db.beginTransaction(); db.commitTransaction(); db.rollbackTransaction()02:30
hazmataxw, http://docs.tokutek.com/tokumx/tokumx-transactions.html02:31
hazmataxw, actually better http://docs.tokutek.com/tokumx/tokumx-commands.html#tokumx-new-commands-transactions02:32
hazmatare folks using go 1.3 for dev ?02:33
axwI am02:33
davecheneyi use trunk02:33
hazmatcool, i am as well, just wanted to double check i had some issues with the rcs and juju02:33
davecheneyrsc ?02:34
davecheneyrcs ?02:34
hazmatdavecheney, release candidates.. http client errors on writes to s302:34
hazmatwhen uploading tools, i would get  EOF often02:35
stokachuanyone know if work has been committed on the api servers not being added to .jenv files until running juju status the first time?02:36
stokachui looked through the commit logs but didnt see anything02:36
stokachuthe state server i should say02:36
davecheneystokachu: it's waiting to land now02:36
stokachudavecheney, ok cool, thanks02:36
axwdavecheney: they'll be stored by the bootstrap command?02:37
davecheneyaxw: waigini knows02:37
davecheneybut yes02:37
davecheneyaxw: I think the failure on precise is because the cloud archive isn't being added02:37
davecheneySetting up rsyslog-gnutls (5.8.6-1ubuntu8.6) ...02:38
davecheneySetting up libsnappy1 (1.0.4-1build1) ...02:38
davecheneySetting up mongodb-clients (1:2.4.6-0ubuntu5~ubuntu12.04.1~juju1) ...02:38
davecheneySetting up mongodb-server (1:2.4.6-0ubuntu5~ubuntu12.04.1~juju1) ...02:38
davecheneyAdding system user `mongodb' (UID 107) ...02:38
davecheney^ this isn't the juju mongo02:38
davecheneyit's the system one02:38
axwI don't think we use juju-mongodb on precise02:38
davecheneyit _is_ the juju one02:38
davecheneyaxw: we _have_ to02:38
davecheneyprecise is ooooooooooooold sauce02:38
davecheneythere is logic in cloudinit that does the switch02:38
davecheneysomething like mongo.*Series02:38
axwI don't think it *exists* in precise. I can't remember the logic... will have to dig. but anywya, that hasn't changed AFAIK02:39
axwtrusty+ uses juju-mongodb, everything else uses mongodb-server. it may be that it's meant to come from cloud-tools tho02:39
davecheney2.0 is in precise02:39
davecheneyprobably a red herring02:40
davecheneyjust looking for somehting I can help02:40
rick_h__davecheney: wonder if your email is due to https://github.com/juju/txn/pull/602:43
davecheneyrick_h__: nope02:43
rick_h__davecheney: ok, nvm then02:43
davecheneythis is something stupid we did to ourselves back in LV02:43
davecheneyjuju-local depends on juju02:44
davecheneyand you can't run the tests without juju-local02:44
davecheneyso even in an isolated environment you need to install juju02:44
davecheneythen carefully ignore it02:44
rick_h__davecheney: ah, gotcha. Ok, just saw testing/dep and juju after seeing this pr today so wondered02:44
davecheneyrick_h__: -ENAMEINGOVERLOAD02:44
=== menn0-afk is now known as menn0
katcowallyworld: hey, i just pushed up a new round of changes. also exporatory. some tests aren't passing, but i'm not sure if they're transient. don't have time to verify tonight.02:49
thumperdavecheney: added a sprint session to talk 1.18 support, see the bottom of the list03:16
davecheneythumper: thanks03:17
* davecheney lunch03:17
menn0thumper: can I get your advice on something03:32
wwitzel3wallyworld: thanks for the followup email03:41
thumpermenn0: sure03:43
menn0thumper: I'm working on adding the ability to roll back the agent version to force a downgrade03:44
menn0the upgrader had to be changed because it doesn't normally allow downgrades - that's done03:44
menn0but now I'm at the part where I need to set the actual agent version back in state03:44
* thumper tries not to be distracted by the thought of coffee03:45
menn0and state.SetEnvironmentAgentVersion checks to make sure the new version makes sense03:45
menn0hang on...03:46
menn0so one of the checks is that all the machines and agents are starting out at the same version03:46
menn0and in this case they might not be and that's actually ok03:47
menn0we want to roll back to last good version anyway03:47
thumpercan I suggest that I make my coffee and then we have a hangout?03:48
menn0ok sounds good03:48
menn0coffee wins :)03:48
thumperwhat we should identify is all the places in state where we record the agent version03:48
thumperand also where on disk this is stored03:48
thumperand at which part of the process the various places change03:48
thumperso we know what is considered a valid rollback version03:48
* thumper goes to make coffee03:49
menn0looking more closely I actually think I don't need to worry. would be good to discuss quickly anyway.03:50
jcw4so, should I not even try to $$merge$$ until the regressions are fixed?03:55
thumperjcw4: correct03:56
jcw4axw: this is the other half of the test isolation fix: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/45403:56
jcw4thumper: thanks03:56
axwjcw4: can we just use IsolationSuite instead?03:57
axwor OsEnvSuite03:58
jcw4axw: I actually did that first, but it didn't fix the issue and the test I was testing on needed more refactoring to use it, which I wasn't 100% sure on... I can try again03:58
jcw4axw: I'll do that again and bug you with questions if I have them :)03:59
axwno worries03:59
* axw wanders off to get some lunch03:59
thumpermenn0: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/upgrades?authuser=104:00
menn0"could not start because of an error"04:00
menn0thumper: ^^04:00
* thumper sighs04:01
thumpermenn0: you start one then04:01
* thumper closes the hangout04:01
menn0thumper: k04:01
jcw4axw: one point, this one line fix to suppress BASH_ENV in the tests fixes 4 or 5 tests for me.  It seems helpful to merge this change *and* refactor the specific test we initially discussed04:01
menn0thumper: happened again as soon as you answered. killing my chrome now.04:02
* thumper didn't answer04:02
menn0thumper: ok. well it keeps happening. even after restarting chrome.04:02
* menn0 sighs04:03
davecheneymenn0: do you have two google identies ?04:03
davecheneyi often have to add &authuser=1 to any link I open to make it use the right identify04:03
menn0(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ︵ ╯(°□° ╯)04:03
menn0davecheney: i have 2 identity but it usually "just works"04:04
* menn0 tries firefox04:04
davecheneymenn0: maybe this is a time when it doesn't04:04
stokachudid the separate logs for each machine go away in juju 1.20.x?04:05
* menn0 goes to retrieve his phone from child04:05
thumperstokachu: no...04:06
thumperstokachu: local provider?04:06
stokachuinteresting, only machine-0.log is being created04:06
stokachuthumper, yea local provider04:06
thumperstokachu: multiple local provider environments?04:06
stokachumachine-0.log shows all the logs from each machine correctly04:06
* thumper recalled a bug04:06
stokachuthumper, nah a single local provider with kvm as the container04:06
thumperkvm log files aren't mounted like the lxc ones because they can't04:07
thumpershould still be an all-machines.log though04:07
stokachuyea there is, but the nested lxc machines aren't having their logs created either04:07
stokachui guess is that what you meant by 'multiple' providers04:08
thumperno... they don't04:08
stokachukvm machines used to create machine-x.log files04:08
stokachuthe unit logs aren't being created either if that helps04:08
davecheneystokachu: what does juju status say ?04:09
menn0thumper: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqu6sqg3xlszyfsl2u4blczvuaa?hl=en-GB04:09
davecheneyhave any units/services been deployed ?04:09
thumpermenn0: I get the party is over :-|04:09
stokachuyea, a bunch04:09
menn0thumper: trying again... at least it ain't crashing in FF04:10
menn0thumper: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqu6sqg3xlszyfsl2u4blczvuaa?hl=en-GB04:10
stokachuall-machines.log  ca-cert.pem  machine-0.log  rsyslog-cert.pem  rsyslog-key.pem04:10
stokachuthose are the only files in .juju/local/log04:10
wallyworldmenn0: july 28 is 2 days ago, not 2 weeks ago :-P04:10
thumperstokachu: yes, that is right04:10
thumpermenn0: try this one https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gvvbftptty735axcajn45l2efia?hl=en-GB04:11
thumpernow I get error04:11
stokachuyea but there should be more of them :)04:11
thumperstokachu: no04:11
thumperstokachu: there shouldn't04:11
menn0wallyworld: 4-5 ish days, but yes04:11
thumperstokachu: it doesn't work that way04:11
menn0wallyworld: I screwed that up04:11
stokachuthen why the did logs used to be there04:11
thumperfor lxc they were04:12
thumperbut kvm, never were04:12
thumperlxc containers share a log mount point04:12
axwjcw4: yeah, seems like it'll be too error prone to get everyone to use IsolationSuite - and it may not be viable in some cases04:12
* menn0 needs more sleep04:12
thumperkvm can't04:12
menn0thumper: try calling me when you're ready04:12
stokachubut i have lxc containers deployed and there aren't logs04:12
thumperbut you lxc containers are inside the kvm containers04:12
thumpernot sure what you are expecting there04:12
stokachuand im pretty sure i had multiple machine logs with kvm04:12
thumperif you look inside all-machines.log, you should see both machine and unit logs04:13
thumperif you don't you have a problem04:13
stokachuall i know is juju used to create unit-x.logs and machine-x.logs with this same setup04:13
thumperalso visible with 'juju debug-log'04:13
stokachuand now they dont04:13
thumperit didn't04:13
thumpernever with kvm04:13
thumpertrust me on this04:13
thumperI wrote it04:13
thumperkvm can't04:14
thumperotherwise it would04:14
thumperI talked with robbie basak about it04:14
axwjcw4: reviewed your original change04:14
jcw4axw: great thanks... will add that comment04:16
thumpermenn0: trying again: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqu6sqg3xlszyfsl2u4blczvuaa?authuser=1&hl=en04:16
* jcw4 is sad; can't seem to find any of the blocking bugs that he can easily fix to clear the CI pipeline04:16
thumperalso issues with couldn't start04:16
menn0thumper: wondering if it's actually something wrong with hangouts at the moment04:17
menn0thumper: try calling me one more time04:17
thumperjust did, it starts then crashes04:17
thumpermenn0: ok, so back to previous statement, you have it sorted now?04:18
menn0thumper: it looks like changing the env agent version is allowed as long as all the machines in the env are on either the current or next version04:19
menn0thumper: which they should be for what I'm looking at04:19
menn0thumper: so it might all be fine.04:19
thumperok, that's good then04:20
menn0thumper: I'll be doing some extensive manual testing before trying to merge this04:20
* thumper nods04:20
menn0thumper: thanks rubber duck / teddy bear :)04:20
thumperhow are you going to make it fail?04:20
menn0thumper: hack the code I think04:20
menn0make one of the state agents not upgrade04:21
thumpermenn0: I know04:21
thumperadd an upgrade step04:21
thumperthat checks for some random file on disk04:21
thumpersay /var/lib/juju/kill-upgrade04:21
thumperand if it is there, the upgrade fails04:21
menn0that's a nice idea but this is just before the upgrade steps run04:21
thumperwhat if the steps fail?04:22
thumperdon't we want to go back?04:22
menn0this is for the case where one of the state servers fails to come up with the new agent version04:22
thumperor are we going forwards?04:22
menn0that depends04:22
menn0if it's the master, we roll back using the backup04:22
thumperok, instead of an upgrade step04:22
menn0unless there is no backup... then we go in to an error state04:22
thumpermake it something at the start of the machine agent04:23
menn0if it's the secondary it marks itself as broken but the upgrade continues04:23
thumperI'm half considering that we should always have something that looks for a file in order to die04:23
thumperthink the chaos monkey stuff04:23
jcw4thumper: +104:24
thumperso we can have CI tests that controllably cause things to fail04:24
* thumper goes to add another agenda item to next week's meeting04:24
menn0thumper: that's not a silly idea04:25
thumpersinzui: you there next week?04:26
menn0thumper: i'll see if I can leave something permanent and extensible in place for testing this stuff04:26
thumpermenn0: I suggest $datadir/chaos/machine-agent04:26
menn0thumper: I like it04:26
jcw4so we have 6 blocking regression bugs, but only two are assigned and in progress... since no-one can land anything til these are resolved, shouldn't everyone be working on these?04:27
thumperjcw4: and yes04:27
* thumper is prepping for a trip away leaving tomorrow04:27
* jcw4 bravely looks at installing precise on a virtualbox instance04:27
davecheneyjcw4: you don't need to install precise04:40
davecheneyset your default series to precise04:40
davecheneyand bootstrap ec204:40
jcw4davecheney: I haven't done that yet... do I need to provide ec2 tokens in my env. or something?04:42
jcw4i.e. do I use my own ec2 credentials04:42
davecheneyjcw4: yes04:42
davecheneyjust set the usual ec2 env vars and it works (majic)!04:42
jcw4davecheney: okay... I want to try that04:42
davecheneyjcw4: you can use any provider04:44
davecheneywell, not aszure, that is properly borken04:44
jcw4 hehe04:44
davecheneybut openstack if you use rackspace or hp cloud04:44
jcw4I'm most familiar with ec2, but I've got a couple rackspace accounts too04:45
axwwallyworld: I've got some changes to hopefully make bootstrap/mongo more robust, but unit tests on 1.20 are not happy04:45
axwwallyworld: I can't run 1.20 tests without something mongo related failing04:45
axwwith or without my changes04:45
wallyworldaxw: did you want a quick chat04:45
axwehrm, what's up with hangouts04:46
wallyworldi'm in 1:104:46
axwwallyworld: it's dying on me04:47
wallyworldaxw: yeah, you joined and then keft, we can try standup one04:47
axwwallyworld: same thing04:47
axwthumper: did you get hangouts to work? I'm getting the same thing04:47
davecheneyjcw4: protip: do a bootstrap without default-series set04:47
davecheneyso it _should_ choose trusty (dunno)04:47
davecheneyand maybe will work before you start trying to debug why it doesn't04:48
wallyworldaxw: hmmm, restart chromium?04:48
jcw4davecheney: I see, so do a pass through on trusty using ec2, and then change my series to precise?04:48
axwwallyworld: didn't help :/04:48
axwI'll try firefox04:49
axwmay have to install the plugin04:49
jcw4davecheney: and to make sure I'm clear... I initiate the tests on my local trusty box, and if my ~/.juju/... config is pointed at ec2 it should "just work" ?04:49
davecheneyjuju switch "the name of your ec2 environment"04:50
davecheneyjuju bootstrap --upload-tools04:50
davecheneyjcw4: i am concerned that bootstraping an environment is not second nature to you04:50
davecheneygiven the number of bugs we have that are not caught in CI04:50
* jcw4 blushes04:50
davecheneyyou shouldn't just assume "works on my machine" == "ship it"04:50
jcw4davecheney: almost all of my work has been in areas that don't seem as susceptible to environmental issues04:51
jcw4davecheney: and my testing has been 100% via unit tests.04:51
jcw4davecheney: my first real dogfood testing of actions on the command line was yesterday04:52
* jcw4 slinks off and hides04:52
axwoh wtf04:52
davecheneyjcw4: better late than never04:52
axwfirefox doesn't like it either04:52
wallyworldaxw: how about you try and start one?04:53
axwyeah trying now04:53
axwwallyworld: nope.04:54
davecheneyaxw: wallyworld menn0 why not use skype ?04:54
* wallyworld doesn't have skype installed04:55
* axw has never used skype before04:55
wallyworldaxw: so do the trunk tests pass? is it just 1.20?04:56
axwwallyworld: I'll try now04:56
menn0axw, wallyworld: if you guys are having trouble too then hangouts is broken right now04:56
axwmenn0: I am, dunno about wallyworld04:57
menn0thumper and I were unable to get a call up despite many attempts in chrome and firefox04:57
axwyeah, I guess it's busted04:57
wallyworldseems to work for me04:57
menn0it was crashing for us while the call rang04:57
axwwallyworld: I did get an error on master just now05:02
axwPanic: not authorized for query on presence.presence.beings (PC=0x40EF7D)05:02
wallyworldthe precise failures on CI were uniter related05:03
jcw4davecheney: so after juju bootstrap --upload-tools... I do "go test ./..." locally and it'll magically connect to ec2?  Or do I need to first ssh into ec2 and then somehow initiate the tests?05:04
davecheneyjcw4: nope05:05
davecheneyjcw4: deploy some charms and see if your environment works05:05
jcw4davecheney: oh... I see.  What if I want to reproduce the test errors that are blocking CI?05:05
davecheneythe error is "can't bootstrap a precise image"05:06
davecheneythis isn't tested in the unit tests05:06
davecheneyit's done in some intergration test build that curtis runs05:06
davecheneywhich is roughtly the steps you just did05:06
davecheneythere might be some juiggery pokery we need to do to make sure that boostraps a 32bit environment (getting pretty rare in ec2 these days)05:07
jcw4davecheney: oh, ok.05:07
* jcw4 scrambles to keep up05:07
jcw4I have a friend who always says "Don't judge me Weldon"05:08
jcw4I know how he feels :)05:08
axwwallyworld: I think a lot of the mongo errors we get in tests are to do with how we reuse Mongo databases05:09
wallyworldaxw: you mean in the test setup?05:10
axwwallyworld: MgoTestPackage creates a single Mongo database and then MgoSuite reuses it05:10
axwrestarting it only on authorisation errors05:11
axwsometimes those errors don't get caught in the right place tho05:11
wallyworldyeah, that has bothered me05:11
* thumper eagerly awaits daylight savings time so the team lead calls are at a sane time05:11
* thumper is brain dead05:12
wallyworldthumper is soft05:12
wallyworldaxw: i've tried removing the lock file and it ran into various issues, so easiest for now just to leave it but use a different name to previously05:18
wallyworldso diff is 1 line05:19
axwwallyworld: cool, I think that'll be fine05:19
wallyworldyep,for now05:19
wallyworldgotta get this release out05:19
axwwallyworld: the change I'm trying to do is to add the admin user to mongo before initialising state05:21
axwthat way we can always open state authenticated, and use session.Copy05:22
wallyworldaxw: is that the cause of some issues?05:22
axwwallyworld: I couldn't reproduce the i/o timeout, but it's the only thing I can think of05:22
axwwallyworld: sorry, this is for azure05:23
wallyworldhmm, i would hope that this sort of bug would at least be consistent across providers05:23
axwbootstrap fails because the mgo socket gets a timeout05:23
axwwell it's timing related05:23
wallyworldbut adminuser first,then a consistent way to open state is good05:24
wallyworldthen that leaves precise tests :-(05:24
axwwell I need to get tests running for 1.20 on my trusty machine too...05:25
wallyworldsigh, at least it fails for both series then05:25
wallyworldaxw: i'll gotta go and do some packing for the flight tomorrow, how far away is the io timeout fix?05:28
axwwallyworld: it's done, but I can't verify that the tests are unaffected05:28
wallyworldah right05:28
jcw4davecheney: it's aliiive :)05:28
axwso, however long it takes to get the unit tests to run, which could be quite a while at this rate05:28
wallyworlddoes it bootstrap ok?05:29
wallyworldcould you see the azure issue?05:29
axwwallyworld: it bootstraps fine. I couldn't reproduce the error in the first place.05:29
wallyworldaxw: i'm wondering if it's worth pushing up the fix - do the relevant state tests pass?05:30
axwI'll try them in isolation05:30
wallyworldat least CI can have a go then05:30
davecheneyjcw4: ok, so the next thing is to ensure you're bootstrapping a 386 environment05:31
davecheneyjuju destroy-environment -y $(juju switch)05:31
davecheneythen juju bootstrap --constraints="arch=386" --upload-tools05:32
davecheneythis may work05:32
davecheneyor it might fail horribly05:32
davecheneyi'm not sure --upload-tools will work05:32
jcw4davecheney: where do I change the series?05:32
jcw4I didn't see it in environments.yaml05:33
davecheneyjcw4: lets leave that for the moment05:33
davecheneychanging the architacture might be a showstopper05:33
jcw4(I saw default series)05:33
jcw4bad arch constraint?05:34
jcw4juju bootstrap --constraints="arch=386" --upload-tools05:34
jcw4error: invalid value "arch=386" for flag --constraints: bad "arch" constraint: "386" not recognized05:34
davecheneytry i38605:34
davecheneywe have to translate between debian nouns and go nouns05:35
jcw4better... but:05:35
jcw4juju bootstrap --constraints="arch=i386" --upload-tools05:35
jcw4Bootstrap failed, destroying environment05:35
jcw4ERROR cannot build tools for "i386" using a machine running on "amd64"05:35
davecheneyso, this is going to be tricky to reproduce05:36
davecheneyi would recommend not contining with this issue05:36
jcw4:) Okay.. it's approaching bedtime, but now my interest is piqued05:36
axwwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/45605:36
jcw4I assume the error is because I first bootstrapped with amd6405:37
jcw4and my terminated machines are configured for amd6405:37
jcw4and I'm guessing juju tries to re-use them?05:37
axwwallyworld: the only production code I changed was in agent.InitializeState; only tests in "cmd/jujud" and "agent" call that, and both those packages pass in isolation05:37
davecheneyjcw4: nope, it's because --upload-tools can only generate tools for your curent machine05:38
davecheneywhich is amd6405:38
jcw4davecheney: well I *could* fire up a 386 vbox machine05:39
davecheneyjcw4: if you want to try05:40
davecheneyyou need to get your juju environment up and running05:40
davecheneywhich is roughtly05:40
jcw4davecheney: I do want to try; I've gotten my env up a few times on different 64 bit machines05:40
davecheneysudo apt-get install golang-go mercurial bzr git && go get github.com/juju/juju/...05:40
jcw4davecheney: yeah (plus GOPATH=~/go or something)05:41
jcw4davecheney: fun for tomorrow though, if someone doesn't fix it first05:42
jcw4davecheney: it doesn't attempt to re-use terminated instances?05:45
jcw4davecheney: I suppose I have to clean those up manually05:45
davecheneyjcw4: destroy-environment removes all machines05:47
jcw4davecheney: and if it doesn't that's a bug?05:47
jcw4'cause it terminated them, but didn't remove them (unless the -y switch is what kept them around)05:47
davecheneywhat is it ?05:48
davecheneyand how can you tell they aren't removed ?05:48
jcw4juju destroy-environment <== "it"05:48
jcw4https://console.aws.amazon.com is how I could tell05:48
davecheneydid the command complete sucessfully ?05:48
jcw4I'll do it again to verify05:49
davecheneybe carefully05:49
davecheneyjuju will delete _ANYTHING_ connected to those ec2 credentials05:49
jcw4now you tell me05:50
jcw4my production web site hosting is in that account05:50
jcw4but no, I know have three new terminated instances05:51
jcw4and juju didn't seem to touch my running production instance05:51
davecheneydon't do that again05:51
jcw4I should know better05:51
davecheneysorry, should have said that juju will do that05:51
jcw4I think if I create additional keys it'll firewall them05:52
davecheneyyup, different account that cannot see the running machines will be fine05:52
jcw4(metaphorically speaking)05:52
jcw4k... now it's bedtime for real.  Thanks again davecheney05:52
=== jcw4 is now known as jcw4_zzz
voidspacemorning all06:34
menn0voidspace: morning'07:06
voidspaceTheMue: does the 1.18 client rely on direct mongo access?08:09
TheMuevoidspace: very good question. I would expect that there are still parts, yes.08:10
voidspaceTheMue: if we need to support 1.18 (LTS client) does that mean we *can't* shut off direct mongo access08:10
TheMuevoidspace: oh, eh, indeed. software would cry. :’(08:12
voidspaceI have a bootstrapped environment on amazon created with direct mongo access shut off08:12
voidspacegoing to switch to 1.18 and see if I can interact with it08:12
voidspacebut I suspect not....08:12
fwereadevoidspace, I'm pretty sure that 1.18 had switched to the API everywhere -- but it still needed direct-mongo-access code to interact with 1.16 installations08:15
fwereadevoidspace, if we *hadn't* switched by then we screwed up royally by releasing it -- waiting for API everywhere was one of the big reasons we waited so long to release it08:15
voidspacefwereade: ok, I hope that's the case08:16
voidspacefwereade: I have an mp closing the mongo ports08:16
voidspaceor rather, not opening them...08:16
fwereadevoidspace, awesome08:19
voidspacehmm... internet here not as good as I remember it being last year08:49
voidspaceI lost an hour or so at the end of the day yesterday. But that was ok, I had insomnia and ended up working at 1am. :-/08:50
voidspaceso, when I try to interact with a 1.21-alpha1.1 juju state server from a 1.18 client I get: ERROR invalid agent version in environment configuration: "1.21-alpha1.1"08:56
voidspaceI can't find a reference to agent in the jenv (nor in environments.yaml)08:56
axwI thought we stopped building jujud in our tests?08:57
* axw witnesses tests take 10s longer than they need to08:57
voidspace"juju get-env" reports the agent version08:58
voidspaceah, the 1.18 client probably doesn't like the "alpha" in the agent version08:58
voidspaceso I can't really test this without faking the version number08:59
voidspacebut "juju status" works fine without direct mongo access :-D08:59
axwugh. I guess that's not a problem since we'd only do that for pre-release versions...08:59
voidspaceaxw: right, but it makes testing that the 1.18 client still works with pre-release servers tricky...09:00
* voidspace lurches09:06
fwereademattyw, oops, forgot -- does the meeting have a video call?09:09
mattywfwereade, there should be one on the meeting thing - otherwise: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/initial-metrics09:09
mattywfwereade, an no problem - it's still early09:09
rogpeppetrivial change to the charm.v3 package: https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/3209:25
TheMuerogpeppe: *click*09:32
TheMuerogpeppe: done09:39
rogpeppeTheMue: thanks09:39
voidspacewho is OCR?10:35
TheMuevoidspace: o/ and fwereade10:36
* fwereade should probably go and do some reviewing10:37
* TheMue is happy about VM snapshotting. otherwise his test environment would have had hard network troubles now.10:43
voidspaceTheMue: heh, yeah - messing with networking configuration is a recipe for pain10:44
voidspaceTheMue: fwereade: a simple one if you have time https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/44910:44
* perrito666 has been working 1h without glasses and finally realises why is this screen so bright10:44
voidspacethis is the one that shuts off the StatePort10:44
fwereadevoidspace, looking at that one right now10:44
voidspaceperrito666: heh10:44
voidspacefwereade: there is a comment removed, it's not entirely clear just from the mp why that comment is removed10:45
voidspacefwereade: and the answer is "because axw asked me to remove the TODO"...10:45
fwereadevoidspace, haha, cheers10:45
voidspaceas I was touching that code (in the azure changes)10:45
TheMuevoidspace: quick hangout?10:47
voidspaceTheMue: sure10:47
voidspaceTheMue: let me grab a shirt10:47
voidspacefor your sake...10:47
TheMuevoidspace: hehe10:47
fwereadevoidspace, LGTM, but I think we need followups to close the port in upgraded-from environments10:49
fwereadevoidspace, I would plausibly accept bugs for the cases that's not actually possible, because there probably is some uncooperative provider10:49
voidspacefwereade: cool10:50
voidspacefwereade: I'll look at a port closing upgrade step10:51
voidspacefwereade: not needed for azure10:51
voidspacefwereade: as we no longer mask the state-port the firewaller will close it for us10:51
fwereadevoidspace, ah, ok, cool -- don't follow how that's azure-specific though10:52
TheMuevoidspace: seems I lost you10:53
voidspaceTheMue: sorry connection went down, back now - will re-enter hangout if you're still around10:58
voidspacefwereade: I'm not sure why it was azure specific either, but that was the only provider where I ended up touching masking code10:59
voidspacefwereade: with luck it may apply to all the providers - I'll look into it10:59
TheMuevoidspace: no problem, only said I found another problem in my setup due to copying the VMs. will notify you about the next result.11:01
voidspaceTheMue: ok, cool11:01
voidspaceTheMue: did you manage to get onto atanga?11:01
voidspaceTheMue: I would like to know how to do that, I can file an rt about it though11:02
voidspaceI don't have ipv6 routing from here to the outside world, so I'd need to vpn it as well (like jam )11:02
voidspacecould be fiddly11:02
voidspacebut then we can experiment with ipv6 routing without killing our own network configurations...11:02
TheMuevoidspace: not yet, would be the next step11:02
voidspaceif I get upgrades completed today I'll look at that11:03
TheMuevoidspace: me neither, my provider currently doesn’t support it :(11:03
voidspacevpn will be fine, it's just another stage of setup11:03
mattywfwereade, quick question?11:21
mattywfwereade, (2 including that one)11:22
fwereademattyw, sure, ofc11:22
mattywfwereade, if meterstatus changes we want to fire the meter-changed (or config-changed) hook, my question: We probably want to add some rate limiting on that - so we don't call the hook too many times in quick sucession - yes or no?11:23
fwereademattyw, I think it naturally limits itself, doesn't it?11:24
fwereademattyw, if there's little enough going on that we have time to run a hook for every change we detect, that's fine11:25
rick_h__mattyw: fwereade is this convo for another channel?11:25
fwereademattyw, otherwise we'll deal with them by coalescing as usual -- we never get config-changes queued up, we just make them available until they're acted on11:26
mattywfwereade, I was just thinking if there was some bug and it got updated 1k times in 1 second we probably would only want to fire the hook once for the last value?11:36
mattywfwereade, or is that optimising too soon?11:36
fwereademattyw, no, that's correct, and it should fall naturally out of an implementation that conforms to what we already do11:38
fwereademattyw, look at uniter.filter, that's basically its job11:38
mattywfwereade, awesome, having it already there makes me happy11:38
mattywfwereade, noted, thanks11:38
* fwereade lunch for a bit11:39
axwwallyworld mgz_ : https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/45812:28
wallyworldsinzui: you online yet?13:07
sinzuiI am13:12
sinzuiwallyworld, I am13:17
wallyworldsinzui: so,the CI errors seem to be related to juju not talking to mongo when everything is first starting. i have deployed many ec2 environments today with no problem. but a change has been made to force juju to ignore repliasets when first connecting and that is landing now. hopefully it will help13:19
wallyworldsinzui: also, the name of the lock file for 1.20.3 has been altered slightly so as to not confuse 1.20.2 or earlier13:19
sinzuiwallyworld, I don't recall an ec2 problem13:20
wallyworldthere's lots of failures in the aws-deploy-precise-amd64 job13:20
wallyworldthe same ones as for azure13:20
sinzuiI saw your comment. I updated tests to not cleanup so that we can verify this version under test13:20
sinzuioh, sorry I did not see that13:20
wallyworldnp, azure was most affected13:21
wallyworldi just fucking hope we can get a build out today13:21
wallyworldalso, andrew is landing a number of changes in trunk which will hopefully make the mongo related tests more reliable13:22
wallyworldsinzui: anyway, i have to leave for the airport in 7 hours and need sleep. so i'm going, but just wanted to let you know what is happening13:23
sinzuiwallyworld, Do we want to ask for testing of 1.20.3 even if azure fails?13:23
wallyworldi'm think we could13:24
mgz_wallyworld: where's our guide for setting up simplestreams on openstack?13:24
wallyworldi didn't try maas though13:24
sinzuiAs we will both be flying, this is our only chance to get something to testers13:24
bigjoolsyou're up late wallyworld13:24
wallyworldbigjools: yeah :-( trying ti get a juju version out13:24
wallyworldmgz_: juju docs somewhere, can't recall exact url, let me check13:25
bigjoolsyou get to Deutschland Sunday?13:25
wallyworldmgz_: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/howto-privatecloud.html13:25
wallyworldbigjools: i leave in 7 hours13:25
wallyworldfor the airport13:26
wallyworldstill need to finish packing13:26
wallyworldbigjools: FO13:26
wallyworldbigjools: how is the sprint?13:26
mgz_wallyworld: thanks!13:26
bigjoolswallyworld: productive13:26
bigjoolssome nice improvements13:27
wallyworldi has lunch with steve k today13:27
wallyworldhe's in brisbane for pycon13:27
bigjoolsthat's thre people in Bris while I've been away... .ffs13:27
wallyworldhe said he didn't want to see you anyway13:27
wallyworldhe also said HP is investing $2 BILLION in openstack next year13:28
wwitzel3that's it?13:28
wallyworldthat's heat and iron.io as well13:29
wallyworldor was it 1 billion13:29
wallyworldbut a lot of money, so we had better get our shit sorted13:29
katcowallyworld: holy moly13:29
katcothat is a lot of money13:30
wallyworldyeah :-( deep pockets13:30
wallyworldthey employ so many good openstack people13:30
katcoopenstack is good for juju, yes?13:30
wallyworldand there's lots of buy in for heat and iron.io since a lot of peole want just an openstack solution13:31
perrito666natefinch: we seem to have a meeting13:31
wallyworldkatco: well it is supposed to be, but it has a juju comptitor called heat13:31
katcowallyworld: yeah reading up on that now13:31
wallyworldand maas competitor iron.io13:32
wallyworldi think it's called that13:32
wallyworldso lots of people just want one technology stack, and built in products integrate much better than generic 3rd party ones13:32
wallyworldso we need to make juju/maas compelling in other ways13:33
natefinchiron.io is a competitor of MaaS?13:33
hazmatnatefinch, fwiw. the binaries compiled fine for me. i can put a copy up somewhere (dropbox, chinstrap) if that would be helpful. i used a pristine trusty container, and this is my extracted bash_history for the compile http://paste.ubuntu.com/7924025/13:33
bigjoolsI thought it was called Ironic13:33
hazmatnatefinch, huh13:33
wallyworldnatefinch: AH YES13:33
wallyworldsorry, i got the name wrong13:34
wallyworldi'm tired13:34
bigjoolsgo to bed13:34
hazmatiron.io is a golang shop using mgo for queues, and stuff13:34
hazmatsass style13:34
hazmatsaas even ;-)13:34
wallyworldyeah, i got the name mixed up13:34
hazmathow ironic ;-)13:34
natefinchhazmat: yes please put it somewhere so I can grab it13:34
natefinchperrito666: coming13:34
wwitzel3this channel is on a roll today13:35
natefinchyeah, ok... I was going to say, I thought I sorta understood what iron.io did, and it's nothing like maas13:35
bigjoolsthe only irony is that Americans don't understand irony :)13:35
wallyworldespecially alanis morrisette13:35
wallyworldalthough see is canadian13:35
natefinchI thought Alanis Morrisette was Canadian13:36
natefinchyeah, see?13:36
wwitzel3same thing, americas hat13:36
wallyworldright i'm off, catch you guys later, hope the build passes CI finally, i'll wake up and check the computer straight away :-/13:36
katcowallyworld: travel salfe, sleep welel.13:36
wwitzel3wallyworld: see ya13:36
hazmatnatefinch, uploading it to dropbox, so all state tests pass minus apiservers afaics.. i've got quite a few notes in the activity log section of the ACID doc.13:38
hazmatthe api server failures are around concurrency issues (doc level lock contention)13:38
hazmatin a few of the tests, worth investigating more.. we've done quite a lot of hot spot creation on docs to work around various definiciencies of not having txns and isolation (various ref counts)13:39
natefinchperrito666: you still there?13:40
natefinchhazmat: very interesting13:40
hazmatnatefinch, https://www.dropbox.com/s/dbcrgahxxyt8buv/tokumx-1.5.0-linux-x86_64.tgz13:41
natefinchhazmat: awesome, thanks.   No idea why the build failed for me13:42
hazmatnatefinch, yeah.. rather curious.. using pristine containers for builds is a good rule of thumb, and also isolates build crap from the host13:42
hazmatnatefinch, added my build notes/recipe to the doc as well13:42
natefinchhazmat: maybe I just need to clean before I build... haven't done that13:43
hazmatnatefinch, i have some requests out to tokutek re info on how to speed up dropdb equiv.. there's alot of time it seems like in setup/teardown  that's causing the tests to go slower overall even though actual test times look normal13:44
hazmatnatefinch, instrumenting that to isolate would be useful, as would investigating the doc level conflicts we're doing with concurrent mods13:45
* hazmat wanders off to pre-sales meetings13:46
fwereadeericsnow, ping14:05
ericsnowfwereade: o/14:06
fwereadeericsnow, just wanted to check quickly -- what is the Status going to be used for, and why do we need to have the id matching the timestamp?14:06
ericsnowfwereade: Status is just part of my enums compulsion :)14:07
ericsnowfwereade: the timestamp thing is just me overthinking14:07
fwereadeericsnow, I'm questioning the very existence of everything connected with status -- I'm fine with the *code* but I don;t quite see what it's for14:08
fwereadeericsnow, I'd imagined we could just create the backup, and record the complete metadata just once when we know the backup is safely stored elsewhere14:08
fwereadeericsnow, no need for status at all afaics14:08
ericsnowfwereade: 2 things14:09
ericsnowfwereade: if storing the archive succeeds but the metadata fails, I didn't want to leave the archive without metadata14:10
ericsnowfwereade: the other thing is I was thinking about restore, where I expect we will add the info without an archive (when uploading an archive for restore)...now obviously to me a premature optimization :)14:11
cmarsjam, thanks for the review on login v214:13
fwereadeericsnow, good thought re orphan archives, wondering if there's a different way to do it, can't think of an obvious one14:14
fwereadeericsnow, anyway I have a few other comments, let me know what you think14:14
ericsnowfwereade: so yeah, the status stuff is overkill and I'll find a simpler way14:14
ericsnowfwereade: thanks for all the help14:14
fwereadeericsnow, a pleasure :)14:15
ericsnowfwereade: do you think having dedicated error values (like the 3 in my patch) is worth the inflexiblity?14:39
ericsnowfwereade:   The idea of checking the error message to decide on what to do really bugs me, but identity checking means you can't customize the error.14:39
ericsnowfwereade: I guess I could have a customizable error type and a helper function that lets you ask if an error is a particular one (kind of like happens in state/api/params/apierror.go), but that's just too much work for what I need14:41
fwereadeericsnow, the code is all already written in juju/errors14:46
ericsnowfwereade: got it14:46
gmb`Guys, from where can I clone a branch of the latest stable version of Juju? I need it to hack up some demo interactions with MAAS.14:51
zirpugmb`: github.com/juju/juju i think. or find it on launchpad also.14:54
mgz_gmb`: what do you mean by latest stable?14:55
mgz_the 1.20 branch on github14:55
gmb`mgz_: Okay, that’s perfick. Ta.14:56
sinzuigmb: there will 1.20.3 tools and debs in a few minutes if you just need a juju that is very current15:07
gmb`sinzui, mgz_ Okay. I can’t get 1.20 (or trunk) to build from source15:10
ericsnowfor our use of mongo in a state collection (e.g. backups), is it okay to use omitempty on an _id field (i.e. forcing auto-generated unique ID)15:11
marcoceppisinzui: for juju-core merges, to all merges have to be target at a bug?15:11
gmb`go install -v github.com/juju/juju/… fails:15:11
sinzuigmb, that's right15:11
gmb`sinzui: Ok…15:11
sinzuigmb, go doesn't support git like that15:11
gmb`sinzui: Shame that the documentation in the branch says to do *exactly* that.15:12
sinzuigmb`, it says that to get stable?15:12
gmb`sinzui, natefinch: Hmm, my env must be screwy, rvba  isn’t haven’t the problem…15:13
sinzuimarcoceppi, no, only when there are regressions. We fix regressions immediately now...we dont wait a few months15:13
marcoceppisinzui: I don't understand this error https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/44715:13
gmb`natefinch: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/README.md#building-juju15:13
gmb`sinzui: ^^15:13
sinzuimarcoceppi, you branch doesn't fix a bug that needs to be fixed now. you cannot land unless you add fixes-<critical-regression>15:14
marcoceppisinzui: oic15:15
sinzuimarcoceppi, you cannot land until the build is fixed15:15
marcoceppithat's pretty cool15:15
marcoceppislightly annoying, but cool15:15
sinzuimarcoceppi, I would hope it is so annoying that regressions wont live for weeks15:17
marcoceppithat's what makes it cool15:17
sinzuigmb`, the instructions are right, did you skip dependencies...https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#dependency-management15:17
gmb`sinzui: No.15:17
sinzuigmb`, This script is very convoluted because it makes a tarball with frozen deps http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-qa/juju-release-tools/trunk/view/head:/make-release-tarball.bash15:18
sinzuiit does go-get, and godeps15:18
natefinchgmb`: what error are you getting?15:19
=== jcw4_zzz is now known as jcw4
katcohey all, having trouble with trunk on my local machine. several panics, first of which is: PANIC: cmd_test.go:54: CmdSuite.TearDownTest16:11
katco... Panic: watcher iteration error: not authorized for query on juju.txns.log (PC=0x40EF8D)16:11
katcoany ideas here?16:11
jcw4katco: not GOMAXPROCS right >16:11
katcojcw4: lol no... that is hard-coded into my script now :)16:11
katcowell, -parallel actually. let me try gomaxprocs just to be sure it's not the same thing16:12
jcw4katco: oh, interesting - I think -parallel is specific to how the tests are structured, vs. GOMAXPROCS which is more general16:12
katcojcw4: yeah, that's true16:13
katcohere we go...16:14
* bodie_ lights a votive candle for katco's dev environment16:19
katcoit felt the good vibes and got past the problem point!16:19
katcoi am totally comfortable with dismissing jcw4's insistance on GOMAXPROCS=1 and attributing it _all_ to bodie_'s candle. thank you so much bodie_. way more helpful than jcw4 :)16:20
bodie_the cargo gods smile on this day16:20
* katco is frustrated. back to coding...16:20
bodie_maybe next they'll get my branch landed :P16:20
katcohey i'm hoping for that too!16:20
katcoin fact, i may need a PR reviewed here in a bit, assuming these tests now pass on my branch16:21
jcw4katco: lol16:32
jcw4and bodie_16:32
ericsnowis there any type in juju that records identifying information for the state server?  something like (unique juju instance ID, environment ID, state machine ID, hostname)16:45
katcoalright, review needed: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/39816:48
axwmgz_: I'm going to crash shortly, just added some comments to the azure i/o timeout bug16:52
axwlooks like mongo is blocking reads/writes during index creation16:53
natefinchaxw: 1am on a Friday night?  Weak  ;)16:53
axwI'm a young old man16:54
mgz_axw: ta, I'll have a look16:54
natefinchaxw: I go to bed at 9:30 most nights.  I'm just an old man :)16:54
TheMuehow to directly merge a PR without CI (it’s only one changed doc file)16:54
TheMuenatefinch: hey, you and old, ha!16:55
* TheMue only laughs about it16:55
TheMuewonna bet?16:57
* TheMue reaches his next decade next year16:58
jcw4TheMue: I was wondering if JFDI meant merge regardless of CI gate?17:02
natefinchTheMue: oh, I know you're older than me ;)17:02
TheMuejcw4: JFDI?17:02
jcw4TheMue: I've seen it in a few $$merge$$ messages... I thought it was an expression of frustration, and then I wondered if it was a secret code to CI :)17:03
TheMuejcw4: ah, hmm, afaik the bot merges with $$.*$$, so regardless the text17:05
jcw4oh well...:)17:05
TheMueI thought there’s an option on the web interface too17:07
jcw4TheMue: I've only seen it on the smaller repos17:11
jcw4TheMue: Unless you're in the smaller "owners" group maybe?17:11
TheMuejcw4: seems to be on option only visible with according access rights17:12
jcw4TheMue: yep17:12
TheMueok, so using the standard way17:12
natefinchTheMue, jcw4:  just so no one is unclear, it's $$\S$$  which is to say, no spaces in the word between the dollar signs17:13
TheMuenatefinch: ok, that’s more precise17:14
katcohey jcw4 had a very good question: is there any reason we can't parallelize machine provisioning? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/398#discussion-diff-1570638217:14
jcw4I was thinking that since we're blocking waiting for the machine to be provisioned anyway it would be a perfect opportunity use goroutines17:15
TheMueeh, now it tells me „does not match ['fixes-1350983', 'fixes-1350911', 'fixes-1347715', 'fixes-1351030', 'fixes-1351019‘]“17:16
natefinchoh yeah.... sorry, the landing bot is locked down because there are bugs breaking CI17:16
katcojcw4: yeah i mean why not provision them in parallel. there could be an underlying reason i'm not aware of17:17
natefinchkatco, jcw4: as long as you aggregate the errors back to the same place where they would go if they were serial, that's probably ok17:17
katcosweet... this could really speed things up. great idea jcw417:17
TheMuenatefinch: thx for info17:17
natefinchkatco, jcw4: actually... I think there's a couple reasons not to do that.... the major one is that we should be making a bulk call to the API.  instead of "Start one machine" x5, we should do "start 5 machines"17:18
katconatefinch: i think i see what you mean... we've tied it to the Machine struct, but it looks like it can take multiple17:19
natefinchkatco, jcw4: we also have to take into account rate limiting, though really that should take care of itself if the code is correct (though I think it's not... I think there's an outstanding bug where if you say deploy 6 and after 4 you hit a rate limit, it won't ever retry)17:19
katconatefinch: well, i'm not going to touch this then. this PR is already 3 weeks old17:20
natefinchI wouldn't do it with your PR17:20
natefinchit should be done separately17:20
katconatefinch: are LGTM from non canonical employees sufficient for landing?17:20
jcw4katco, natefinch : my guess is it's more related to experience on the project and with Go than with employment status?17:22
katcojcw4: i would think that should be the case, but i just don't know.17:22
jcw4I mean if Rob Pike wandered in and said LGTM, I'd be pretty okay with it17:23
natefinchI actually wouldn't, since he doesn't kn ow the project.... but if he said not LGTM, I'd listen, because there is probably a code problem17:23
jcw4good point17:24
katconatefinch: i understand the landing bot is broken; do we still do $$merge$$ and assume it will catch up?17:25
bodie_to be pedantic, there is probably a good argument to be made that if code needs to be special-cased around the project, it's a little bit not-go-ish17:25
bodie_though there are some cool bits and pieces, certainly17:25
jcw4last night thumper indicated I shouldn't $$merge$$ until CI opeend up17:26
katcoah ok.17:26
jcw4I don't get the impression the bot will catch up17:26
katcopoor bot.17:26
jcw4katco: I don't think the bot is broken, I think it's actively rejecting anything that doesn't fix the critical regressions17:26
katcojcw4: ahhh17:27
katcothank you for that adjustment in perception. now some recent email threads make more sense :)17:27
natefinchit's functioning as designed17:27
jcw4it's a feature!17:27
natefinchrejecting everything until someone fixes the bugs17:27
hazmatany body familiar with juju metadata tools17:45
hazmata question came up for generating image stream data with multiple series, and its not clear that the generate-image subcommand has any capability to do that17:45
ericsnowwhat uniquely identifies a juju instance?17:46
natefinchhazmat: unless sinzui knows.... you're on the at the wrong time of day17:46
natefinchericsnow: what do you mean by instance?17:47
hazmatnatefinch, yeah.. i know who to ask when the right time comes.. just curious if this blackbox has other initates17:47
hazmatericsnow, two things.. a machine id from corresponding sequence, and a provider id... for a group when querying provider its the sec group typically. maas scopes by account.17:47
hazmatinternal to juju its all machine id17:48
ericsnowthe juju instance in common between multiple state servers17:48
natefinchericsnow: you're still not defining instance17:48
natefinchericsnow: you mean the environment?17:48
ericsnownatefinch: effectively17:49
ericsnownatefinch: however with multi-env that would not work, right?17:49
natefinchThere's an environment ID17:49
ericsnowright (State.EnvironTag().Id())17:50
natefinchwhen we move to multiple environments per state server, the code will need to change to recognize it's not a 1:1 relationship anymore17:50
ericsnowfair enough...I'm thinking ahead I guess17:51
natefinchdon't think too far ahead :)17:52
ericsnownatefinch: never! :)17:59
sinzuihazmat, natefinch . sorry. I don't have any experience with generate-image18:22
natefinchsinzui: it's ok... I only suggested you because you often seem to know everything ;)18:24
hazmatsinzui, it was for ivoks, looks you already answered, thanks18:26
hazmater. looks like18:26
sinzuinatefinch, I know more than I should and I am bad at explaining why a suggestion make be cry in less than 20 words18:26
sinzuihazmat, I failed I think. I gave him an example for juju tools18:27
hazmatsinzui, he just needed to run the command twice re image metadata once for each series18:27
sinzuiI know jerff (Ben) make the official images18:27
sinzuihazmat, That gives you two files though. I think Ben knows how to make one file18:28
hazmatsinzui, hmm.. bummer i was hoping.. but the params didn't give confidence.. there's a separate simple streams project with py tools for assembly18:35
* hazmat files a bug18:35
sinzuihazmat, yep, I think that is what Ben and Scott use18:36
hazmatfiled as bug 135142618:37
_mup_Bug #1351426: juju metadata generate-image only supports a single series <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1351426>18:37
hazmatericsnow, ah.. ic what you mean.. effectively the state servers of a MES situation aren't part of the environments their hosting (ie not machine 0)... there's been some notion of a special env within mes that they are a part of to support existing management techniques. ops like ensure ha from hosted/guest envs would be no-ops against them though.18:40
perrito666hey ppl, my ISP died on me and my cell phone is not all that great as a modem so Ill be offline while I sort this out, mail me if you need anything I am likely to answer right away from the phone18:50
dpb1There is no option to leave the bootstrap node up, is there?19:02
dpb1(in case of failure)19:02
natefinchnot currently19:03
natefinchwe want to add a flag to do that... and that's probably coming in the near future19:03
natefinchdpb1: one thing you can do is do a kill -stop right before the code does the teardown19:05
natefinchI think anytime after you see the line about bootstrapping juju in the --debug log output, stopping the juju client will prevent it from killing the instance19:06
natefinchit's kind of a hack, but it works19:06
dpb1natefinch: ok, interesting19:09
dpb1natefinch: that indeed will help me I think19:09
* dpb1 tries now19:09
natefinchdpb1: cool.  I think we'll add that flag to bootstrap sometime pretty soon.  I might be able to find time for someone to do it next week if we're lucky.... it plagues the core devs as well as users.19:10
dpb1natefinch: indeed, it's up.  now I can debug why it failed. :)19:12
natefinchdpb1: awesome19:20
=== gmb` is now known as gmb
* perrito666 borrows a neighbor's internet20:21
wallyworldhazmat: you run generate-image more than once, just with a different series and inage id and will append to what's there, that's how you get > 1 series20:56

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