
ShalokShalomhi there00:49
ShalokShalomplease, can anybody help us ?01:05
ShalokShalomhow remove kubuntu this touchpad kcm from kde ? where is it placed ?01:05
ShalokShalomOctopii Fan Club ? :D ;) great01:06
sgclarkShalokShalom: most of the devs are asleep, you might try #kubuntu for support01:09
ShalokShalomwhy octopi fan club ?01:10
ShalokShalomthe pacman GUI ? :)01:10
sgclarkSome inside joke I missed sorry : /01:10
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
ShalokShalomsgclark: :) thanks :)01:40
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: it's a proposition04:06
ovidiu-florinSince we don't ship with multiple virtual desktops anymore, the button to keep a window on all of them is useless, so why not remove it?05:29
valoriebut what if people use multiple virt. desktops?05:36
valoriethen they may very well need the button05:36
ovidiu-florinif they use them, they have to add them, and that assumes they know how to do that05:37
ovidiu-florinif they know how to do that, the are a bit more advanced of a user05:37
ovidiu-florinso I would assume they would know how to add that button05:37
ovidiu-florinfor most users, that is a useless button05:37
ovidiu-florinthat "does nothing"05:38
valoriei have known for a long time how to add virt desktops05:38
valoriebut I have no clue how to add such a button05:38
ovidiu-florinI've just installed Kubuntu to a friend and asked me" what is this button? it doesn't do anything."05:38
ovidiu-florinSystem Settings -> Windows decorration -> Configure buttons05:39
ovidiu-florinsorry, Workspace appearance -> window decoration05:40
ovidiu-florinI hope my translation is accurate05:40
valoriewell, I disagree that the button should be removed, since all the KDE screenshots will show it05:40
valorieand yes, it took me some time to figure out what it does05:41
ovidiu-florinyes, and you use it05:41
ovidiu-florinbut I believe most of the users don't05:41
ovidiu-florinso for them it's an annoyance05:41
ovidiu-florina useless button, a button that does nothing05:41
valorieactually, I don't often use it, since I very rarely use virt desktops05:42
ovidiu-florinPersonnaly I use it a lot05:42
ovidiu-florinbut because I use it it does not mean that everyone has to05:43
valorieof course05:43
ovidiu-florinthere was supposed to be a comma in ther, between the its. sorry for that.05:43
valorieit's ok, I speak IRC05:44
ovidiu-florinI keep forgetting this is not skype, and I cannot edit my messages. :D05:44
valoriein this chan, you can use /s/something05:45
valorieI dunno how though05:45
ovidiu-florinI know about it, but I have no ideea on how to use it05:45
valorieme either05:46
ovidiu-florinhave you guys seen this interview? http://www.themukt.com/2014/07/31/never-use-microsofts-ooxml-format/05:46
soeegood morning06:18
ovidiu-florinmonin' soee06:21
ovidiu-florinand a wonderfull morning it is :D06:22
soeegood morning ovidiu-florin, its nice indeed, though storms are announced here in Poland06:28
ovidiu-florinit was the same the past few days in Romania06:28
ovidiu-florinnow it's sunny :D06:28
soeeyeah we had lik 35* last few days here06:30
yofelvalorie: old download page axed06:37
lordievaderGood morning.07:00
* apachelogger gets too much email -.-07:39
* soee thinks users should more use activities than virtual desktops07:44
Riddellsoee: what's the advantage for you?07:47
soeeRiddell: i like to have activities like Work (bind apps i work on to it), Default (web, music and also bind apps), Video and Music etc. I also like to have only 2 of them active so i can easily switch with CMD+TAB to prev/next (so others are stopped than) that way when on one activity i work on an app with fullscreen mode i have ultra fast access to to webbrowser on second etc07:55
soeethan if i need to work a bit on different activities i can stop those im not using and again i can move first,second ultrafast :)07:56
soeebasiacly 2 active actifities + apps bind to then = win07:56
yofelsure, I have multiple activities too, doesn't change my use of virtual desktops07:58
yofelI don't always have more than one screen, and the environment capsuling of activities does get in the way sometimes07:59
RiddellI feel like I need a demonstration of why they complement virtual desktops, a video cast would be ideal08:00
valoriethere are some old ones08:01
valoriebut I have to say, I feel like everything I do is one activity08:02
valorieand I like it all on one desktop08:02
Riddellhaving separate desktops can be useful but I've not used them since I got a second monitor08:02
kbroulikyofel: ping :)08:03
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik_
Riddellone problem in plasma 4 is that activities don't have any graphical feedback, if you press win+tab your windows just disappear with no indication of what's happened08:03
RiddellI believe that's changing in plasma 508:03
apacheloggerRiddell: unless you feel that you have too many things going on or you regularly have to start a set of apps you'd want a vdesktop or activity08:04
apacheloggerif not, then they are really very useless08:04
apacheloggerthey are orgranization instruments, so unless you have something to organize there's not much to be gained08:05
Riddellmaybe it's binding apps to activities that I don't get08:09
Riddellwhat does that mean?08:09
apacheloggerRiddell: when you go to activity $app starts, in theory even when you go to activity $app starts and switches into a specific setup for this activity08:13
soeeRiddell: this one demonstatrs hpow activities will be present in plasma 5.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxaDaXW67Oo08:21
soeeit also shows how easily you can bind app to activity  :)08:22
Riddellsoee: see that, just look like desktops to me there08:23
=== popey_ is now known as popey
soeethe main diff is i tink taht you can't turn off desktop without loosing apps assigned ot it ?08:23
yofelkbroulik_: hm?08:31
kbroulik_yofel: do you need any other information regarding the kwallet issue?08:31
yofela way to reproduce it would be nice... I installed trusty in a VM yesterday and with 4.13.2 from trusty-updates everything kwallet related that I tested worked fine08:32
yofelshadeslayer wanted to test it in mint I believe08:33
tsdgeosRiddell: remember to pacakge kactivities 4.13.3 since there's no kactivities 4.14 and utopic is still at 4.13.208:35
Riddelltsdgeos: gotcha, thanks08:36
Riddellapachelogger: any idea why I get apt in spanish when my first langauge is en? http://paste.kde.org/pgch0yy7v08:36
Riddellprobably because there's no en translation files but it is the default08:37
apacheloggerbecause eglibc is shit and we like to use shit a lot08:39
Riddellisn't it part of gettext?08:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1247802 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "en is ignored as first value in LANGUAGE" [Medium,Confirmed]08:43
Riddellor are the two the same thing?08:43
apacheloggerwe are not the only ones who don't read their bug reports08:43
apacheloggerRiddell: gettext uses libc (like everything else in the world) to find out which langauges to actually translate to08:44
* Riddell publishes http://www.kubuntu.org/news/14.10-alpha-209:23
yofelIsn't this done? https://trello.com/c/JH9j9mH5/51-remove-implicit-linking-to-baloo-from-libbaloo-packages-and-figure-out-proper-dep-tree09:26
kubotu[14.10 :: To Do :: Remove implicit linking to baloo from libbaloo* packages and figure out proper dep tree ++ ]09:26
Riddellkubotu: damn you're fast09:28
kubotuhello Riddell09:28
Riddellremoved kdesudo from port, added new card to epics for "Port away from kdesudo to kdesu"09:33
sgclarkRiddell: any luck with kdepimlibs?09:45
Riddellsgclark: yeah I think I got it now, ppa4 up in ninjas building away09:45
Riddellpykde4 is the next blocker I'm working on09:46
sgclarkRiddell: woot, thanks, seems the thunder and lightening has me awake09:46
sgclarkRiddell: ok great, having issues with quilt here09:46
apacheloggerwhere does the package list for that come from?09:51
Riddellin lp:~kubuntu-members/%2Bjunk/qa.kubuntu.co.uk09:54
apacheloggerRiddell: what do we do with virtuoso btw09:55
apacheloggerI guess we have no use for it anymore09:55
Riddellabandon it :)09:55
apacheloggerdon't see it on merges.ubuntu09:56
* apachelogger never finds anything on merges.ubuntu -.-09:56
apacheloggerRiddell: debian has greater revision so we could simply sync away our delta09:57
apacheloggerand stop caring09:57
Riddellplease do09:58
apacheloggerLength: 108854321 (104M) [application/x-gzip]10:00
apacheloggerdo they put prn in their release tars or something10:00
Riddellit's a nutty package10:00
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
apacheloggerand it's a repack 10:03
apacheloggerRiddell: guess that would have to be a fakesync10:03
apacheloggerRiddell: our repacks even differ10:08
Riddellbloody non free bits10:10
apacheloggeryofel: you know, I am looking at a merge where in fact wrap-sort maked more diff than it would have  had without it :P10:18
apacheloggerRiddell: there is some minor divergence in patches and architectures on of the packages is built on, but I am reasonable certain that is a result of not having been merged in a while it appears10:22
apacheloggereitherway if it was broken we wouldn't care anyway, so fakesync it is10:23
yofelmight be, I went for the general case as I'm used to see sorting at the debian side10:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: ping10:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: ack10:48
shadeslayermoment, checking something10:51
sgclarkRiddell: also gwenview bzr source doesn't match archive. I can't seem to find what is causing this error.10:53
Riddellsgclark: oh that's cos it got deleted from the archivve10:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: ah nvm10:53
Riddellit was getting the way of a library transition10:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: parser is slightly buggy 10:53
Riddellsgclark: just pick one and go with it to sync them up10:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: seems to not work on a few patches in kdelibs10:54
apacheloggersee, you should have used mine10:54
apacheloggerbut no10:54
apacheloggeryou had to go and use a gem :P10:55
shadeslayerwhere's your10:55
apacheloggerI pasted it10:57
shadeslayergot it11:01
shadeslayerit's so slow11:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7922976/11:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7922977/11:02
apacheloggerbrunch brunch brunch11:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: show patch11:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7922990/11:04
sgclarkRiddell: got it, thanks11:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: patch11:05
apacheloggeru parse patch11:05
apacheloggerwhat is patch :P11:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: "kconf_update_migrate_from_kde3_icon_theme.diff"11:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell are you guys aware of any bug fixes that have gone in for Plasma 511:08
apachelogger!find cli.pm11:08
ubottuFile cli.pm found in cli-common-dev, fusioninventory-agent11:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: the ones I reported are the ones I am aware of11:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: but those are all packaging fixes right?11:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: can't reproduce the exception11:09
Riddellshadeslayer: I've not looked yet, ask me next Thursday11:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: I dunno, check bugs.kde11:10
apacheloggerI certainly did file a bunch of crap all over the place, no clue if it is fixed yet11:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: I can reproduce it with your script11:11
apacheloggerI blame u11:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: no, I meant, anything important from your side that got fixed in the PPA that would warrant a ISO build11:11
apacheloggerah no11:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think your version is outdated11:11
apacheloggersee my paste11:11
apacheloggeroh no11:12
apacheloggerthere it is again11:12
apacheloggerthis is fun11:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: constantly branching seems a bit inefficient fwiw :P11:12
shadeslayerI need to fix that11:13
shadeslayerexport and shit11:13
shadeslayerhistory not required11:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: for me it fails ./kdelibs/debian/patches/kfreebsd_acl.diff11:13
apacheloggerwhich is really not very legit dep3 xD11:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think you'll want to rescue parse!11:16
apacheloggeror maybe dep3 should11:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: the question is11:18
apacheloggershould one care about malformed headers and no headers11:18
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
shadeslayerapachelogger: from a application POV, Dep3 should just set the validity as false and move on11:22
shadeslayerthen up to the application developer to check validity11:22
shadeslayerand do stuff accordingly11:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: in ruby the app developer would then have to rescue parse!11:23
apacheloggerbecause it's not the same thing, validity qualifies whether the dep3 data is valid, parse! would throw an exception if the data doesn't qualify as dep3 data at all11:24
apacheloggerdoesn't really matter to me though, since only you use it right now you can span the rescue either inside parse! or outside parse :P11:25
apacheloggerI am not sure the parser actually should fail on this patch11:27
apacheloggerthere is a deeper problem here11:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think I fixed it11:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923305/11:48
apacheloggerthis version shouldn't throw anything anymore11:49
apacheloggerwhat will happen is: according to the spec anything that isn't a header and doesn't come after a ---- will eventually start a freeform style comment block which is appended to description11:49
apacheloggerso in essence at least partially the patch will end up in the parsed description if it does not have a proper dep311:50
apacheloggersince origin or author/from need to be !nil I expect most if not all bogus patches to be discarded, there is however the ever so faint chance that someone has a patch like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923320/ which will screw the parser into contianing half the patch and as description and still considering it valid11:52
apacheloggerso... what we could do to reduce this problem is to consider freeform stuff only as description at the very end ... so we check is the actual description field not null? is the origin or from field not null? if so, then append freeform to description and set valid11:53
apacheloggerraise your opinion good sir11:54
apacheloggernah, I think that'd be best11:56
apacheloggerbecause the spec literally says that the fields themselves are required, so not having an actual field Description: yolo is in fact constituting an invalid dep311:56
* apachelogger adjusts11:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923423/ et voila12:08
apacheloggerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7923433/ fixed a comment12:09
apacheloggerthis is like a version control in the 90's i tell ya12:10
Riddellhi ShalokShalom 12:18
ShalokShalomRiddell: 12:18
ShalokShalomi already solve that issue from yesterday :)12:18
Riddellcan anyone spot the build error? https://i181313599.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/181313599/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.kate_4%3A4.13.97-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz?token=96a470f4eb540c4d48f253a7cf2b833312:58
apacheloggerI can't it's restricted13:01
Riddellso log in?13:01
Riddellit's from ninjas13:01
yofelplease link to the build, not to the log. The link includes an auth hash that's restricted to you13:02
apachelogger-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -o CMakeFiles/katepateplugin.dir/plugin.o -c ../../../../../addons/kate/pate/src/plugin.cpp13:02
apacheloggersip: Unable to find file "pykde_config.sip"13:02
apacheloggeraddons/kate/pate/sip/CMakeFiles/python_module_PyKate4_kate.dir/build.make:56: recipe for target 'addons/kate/pate/sip/./kate/sipkatepart0.cpp' failed13:02
apacheloggermake[4]: *** [addons/kate/pate/sip/./kate/sipkatepart0.cpp] Error 113:02
apacheloggermake[4]: Leaving directory '/build/buildd/kate-4.13.97/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'13:02
apacheloggerit's a python13:02
Riddelloh sheesh13:03
sgclarkRiddell: it is possible pykde4 was not yet built?13:08
Riddellnope pykde4 installs fine in the build log13:09
Riddelltrying in a chroot13:13
Riddelluh, a heisencompile, it failed here for when I then ran make manually compiled13:22
BluesKajHiyas all13:28
Riddellhmm, I can get kate to build by running dh_auto_build twice13:43
Riddelldo I really want to put that hack into the packaging?13:43
Riddellspose I have to since so much build-deps on kate13:43
Riddellsgclark: so you're on korundum, I uploaded kate, perlkde is rebuilding, and I think it's all good13:51
Riddellsgclark: I don't think there's any issues with smokekde, I just tried to add some output saying "list-missing" so it'll get picked up by our scripts13:54
Riddellbut my makefile knowledge failed13:54
Riddellsame for smokeqt13:54
Riddellsmokegen on the other hand I've no idea why our scripts pick that up since it's in not-installed13:55
sgclarkRiddell: actually I have a series of fails due to missing depend on soprano ruby in smokekde13:55
sgclarkI thinkk13:55
Riddellsgclark: right soprano went away with nepomuk13:55
yofelnot-installed is a dhmk feature. So rather delete the file in override_dh_install or so13:55
Riddellsgclark: what fails?13:56
Riddellhmm perlkde not happy13:56
Riddellprobably due to soprano13:56
sgclarkRiddell: konumdrum linked by target "rubysoprano" = fail13:57
Riddellsgclark: yes perlkde is needing soprano removed from .install files13:57
shadeslayergod, parsing all of the stuff from ~kubuntu-packagers will take ages13:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: I wonder if we can do use bzr blame to figure out patch authors if the dep3 headers are invalid13:58
sgclarkRiddell: ok, konundrum won't be quite so easy, as cmake files are looking for it13:58
Riddellsgclark: korundum is just needing .install files fixed for no soprano too13:58
sgclarkit does not get to install files :)13:58
Riddellsgclark: the build log on ninjas for korundum shows it all compiles fine just not installs13:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: that will yield more false positives than true positives13:58
sgclarkRiddell: oh hmm, my local got messed somehow, ok fixing install files13:59
shadeslayerI wonder how long it will take to run it over all of ubuntu13:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: fwiw I also get funky stuff like : "INFO: parsing juk"/ 14:00
shadeslayerwith the extra /14:00
shadeslayer"INFO: parsing qt5"- 14:00
Riddellsgclark: I'll look at kde-l10n and also start prepping for upload to archive14:00
Riddellsgclark: if you'll take perlkde too that would be lovely14:00
sgclarkRiddell: yep14:01
shadeslayerquite like how python takes 30 MB's just for fetching all the branches, but ruby takes 3 MB's to branch and parse files14:01
shadeslayer-> falling in love with ruby14:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: that's not from me is it?14:10
shadeslayerthat would be me14:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: u saying you get any random garbage?14:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: sometimes14:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: which is weird14:11
apacheloggeryou should drink less14:11
shadeslayerno reason to14:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: I don't see how to be honest14:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah me neither14:11
apacheloggerI think you are imagining things :P14:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: could be python fucking up shit14:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7924318/14:12
apacheloggerputs makes a newline14:12
apacheloggerso it would be weird14:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: line 18914:13
shadeslayerI think I'm using pp14:13
shadeslayer    pp "INFO: parsing #{package}"14:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: you run the ruby thing through a python thing?14:13
apacheloggeryeah, I'll blame python then14:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: how so btw14:14
apacheloggergetting branch list?14:14
shadeslayerdon't want to use static list14:14
apacheloggerI always wondered if I have enough motivation to clone launchpadlib :P14:14
apacheloggerI never do14:14
shadeslayerI'd love that :314:14
shadeslayerlaunchpadlib in ruby would be 1 bazillion times faster14:14
apacheloggerat least use less mem14:15
apacheloggeranywho,  it probably wouldn't be hard, just a matter of finding the right gem for the job14:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u64q/ruby.php disagrees though14:15
apacheloggeryeah don't use debian ruby, it's no good :P14:15
shadeslayeroh gosh14:16
shadeslayerthey're on 1.214:16
apacheloggerwut, nono14:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: 2.1 you mean?14:17
shadeslayeroh 14:17
shadeslayerepoch fucked with my brain14:17
apachelogger1.2 would have been a bit weird xD14:17
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 614:43
sgclarkRiddell: umm, this something to be concerned about? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7924529/14:44
shadeslayerthis is not14:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7924550/14:44
shadeslayerthat's all I have14:44
shadeslayerfrom parsing all our branches14:44
shadeslayerwhich looks wrong14:44
shadeslayerseems a bit busted if you ask me14:45
Riddellsgclark: nah, perlkde always does that, I've never considered it important enough to care14:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: that's your code still :P14:45
apacheloggerI can tell you for sure certain that kdelibs and kde-workspace parse and they contain more than that14:46
apacheloggerso it must be a problem outside the class14:46
bzoltanmitya57:  we have new fix for the same topic -> https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/kubuntu-packaging/qtcreator-ubuntudevice-qmlprojects2/+merge/229237 would you be kind to merge it in?14:46
shadeslayermy screen is currently glitching14:46
shadeslayeroh huh14:46
shadeslayerrunning krunner fixed it14:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: kde-workspace doesn't parse at all for me14:48
shadeslayerI know why14:49
shadeslayerI iz stupid14:49
bzoltanRiddell: we have new fix for the same topic -> https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/kubuntu-packaging/qtcreator-ubuntudevice-qmlprojects2/+merge/229237 would you be kind to merge it in?14:49
Riddellbzoltan: looking14:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: pft :P14:50
bzoltanRiddell:  thank you14:50
shadeslayerkde-workspace 0001-kwin-glx-Avoid-MSAA-configs-in-initDrawableConfigs.patch true =?UTF-8?q?Fredrik=20H=C3=B6glund?= 14:50
apacheloggerthat's from the patch actually14:51
shadeslayerfun stuff14:51
apacheloggermust have been a bad export from git or smth14:51
Riddellbzoltan: merged!14:51
bzoltanRiddell: sweet! Thank you.14:52
Riddellbzoltan: note it's common pactice in kubuntu to have the name of the patch in the changelog for easy greppability, I don't think that practice has spread elsewhere in ubuntu though14:53
bzoltanRiddell:  that is a smart practice. I will start using it14:55
shadeslayerkio is at 5.0.0-1ubuntu215:05
shadeslayerthat looks very wrong15:05
shadeslayerer 5.0.0a-1ubuntu215:05
sgclarkRiddell: those two are done, gonna head out for a few. If you need me for anything email me.15:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: fails to run on kdepim-runtime-13.1015:29
shadeslayerubuntu-patch-parser.rb:59:in `strip': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)15:29
shadeslayer GenericName[zh_CN]=Akonadi æ<89><98>ç<9b><98>å·¥å<85>·15:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: non-utf8 you'll likely need to rescue to take note of 15:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah, but non-utf8 is only in content15:41
shadeslayerI don't know why it even crashes at strip when it should have exited the loop before parsing the content15:41
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 615:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: it wouldn't exit if the patch is malformed that's what I detailed earlier, dep3 only asserts ---- as end of parser, so with silly patch formats it can entirely happen that the entire patch more or less is parsed as a freeform description and subsequently discarded as not valid because it had no subject/description header15:50
shadeslayeranyone want to fix kio15:52
shadeslayermy head hurts15:52
shadeslayerwhere is the polkit packaging branch15:54
shadeslayerit doesn't exit15:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: enobranch IIRC15:54
Riddell4.13.97 uploading to utopic15:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: upload to utopic directly?15:55
RiddellI'm away for the weekend, someone else will need to poke it through15:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah15:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7925134/16:03
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
xnoxapachelogger: oh, usb-creator ported to qt5? Where is it? I'll merge it upstream =)16:25
xnoxapachelogger: also are you working on ubiquity port? =))))))16:25
soeeapachelogger: when all this stuff you showd with Porting to KDE Frameworks 5 post will land in utopic ?19:31
yofelwhat am I doing wrong o.O?21:53
yofel$ qdbus --system com.ubuntu.Upstart /com/ubuntu/Upstart com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.version21:53
yofelError: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied21:53
yofelRejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.224" (uid=1000 pid=30639 comm="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qdbus --system c") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6" member="version" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init ")21:53
tsimpsonapparently one needs system administrative privileges to call that method22:03
yofelshadeslayer: ok, I'm not sure how that upower version check you added to powerdevil is supposed to work but it doesn't work for me22:18
yofelpowerdevil does use the login interface, but as the version check fails, the only reason why suspend works with upower 0.9 is that the upower capability check is successful22:19

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