
ShalokShalomplease, can anybody help us ?01:09
ShalokShalomhow remove kubuntu this touchpad kcm from kde ? where is it placed ?01:09
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest94111
=== d is now known as Guest70257
Guest70257je suis driss de maroc j'ai utilise system ubuntu03:47
valorie!fr > Guest7025703:48
ubottuGuest70257, please see my private message03:48
Guest70257pour quoi ??03:48
valorie!fr | Guest7025703:49
ubottuGuest70257: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.03:49
lordievaderGood morning.07:00
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik_
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HailJohnis it possible to install the aur on kubuntu? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository11:27
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BluesKajHiyas all13:28
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FlashDelhi folks! i upgraded to the current kubuntu version and now i got a problem: its connected to ldap, but i can only login with local user, because on the default start screen i have to choose between the local users, but i cannot see the ldap users. Is there a possibility to change this start screen to type in a username and not just select it?15:04
zhaois everyone here15:23
=== jubo is now known as jubolog2
weymmonndalguem on?16:06
weymmonndnaum sei mexer nesse troço16:07
weymmonndalguem pod dar uma força?16:07
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:08
weymmonndanyone speak ennglish?16:12
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
naklov67is anyone there? I need help16:54
naklov67At first, excuse me for my english, I'm not a native speaker. I want to know how to boot a program in kubuntu startup. I made some searches, but I not able to dot it.16:55
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ScottyKGreetings! I've shared the Public Folder in my /home, and my Win7 computer can access it and read files no problem. I then shared another folder on a separate drive. Win7 found the directory, but can't access it further. Did I miss a setting somewhere? Thanks!17:11
daedaluz_could someone explain what is happening here http://i.imgur.com/g5Xbq7b.jpg17:45
daedaluz_fresh 14.04 kubuntu, installed chinese and german language supports17:46
daedaluz_and now those languages are all over the place17:48
vbgunzI keep getting a time out using smb when trying to open up a Windows share. It used to just work, now it just doesn't, how can I troubleshoot this?17:55
vbgunzwhat the hell is kblockd?18:02
vbgunzI think that's stopping me18:02
ALS-IT-NET-PCall right, okay here.........18:15
ALS-IT-NET-PCgoodbye here.....18:15
=== sajal_ is now known as sajal
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pepeehi. in my system, magic sysrq keys don't work. should they work in kubuntu? if so, what could be the reason for my case?19:10
xk05what are the advantages of using Software Updates (Moun) over 'apt-get upgrade'?19:10
xk05kernel update, bbiam19:13
rberg_pepee: some sysrq features are disabled in /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf20:45
rberg_you are goin to need math to determin what ones are enabled :)20:46
pepeerberg_, 128+32+1620:51
pepeebut it doesn't work anyways...20:51
pepeecould it also be a problem with my keyboard?20:51
pepee(laptop kb)20:52
rberg_not sure how to test that, xev and keyscan here just show a shift and prntscreen key presses20:56
pepeeyeah, xev is what I needed...21:00
pepeeuhm, xev shows "Insert" instead of sysrq..21:04
rberg_do you have a 'funny' keyboard layout enabled?21:05
rberg_when I try it here with xev I get a keycode 50 (keysym 0xffe1, Shift_L) and a keycode 107 (keysym 0xff61, Print)21:07
pepeenah, the layout of my keyboard itself is funny :(21:07
pepeeI hate this kb...21:07
rberg_fyi I never see a sysrq key21:08
rberg_yeah, just the 2 keyy presses shift and printscreen21:08
rberg_so I think you need to find the printscreen on that keyboard21:10
pepeeyeah, mine is "printscreen", and "fn"+"printscreen" = "insert"21:10
pepeebut it should be sysrq, afaik21:10
rberg_try without the fn shift-printscreen shoudl do it21:11
pepeehmm, I got it: keysym 0xff15, Sys_Req21:14
pepeebut I don't know how :/21:14
rberg_you can also echo "" >/proc/sysrq-trigger but that wont help you recover a broken system21:18
=== gianni is now known as Guest60047
keithzgDoes anyone know how to regain OS integration with more recent ie. non-GTK versions of Chrome? I mean like the ability to just click-drag images and downloaded files into a Dolphin window so as to copy them, for example.23:27
pepeerberg_, found it, it was fn+del...23:40

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