
jerrytI can not stop the new 14.04 Lubuntu from locking my screen and blacking it out.  Light Locker is set to never on everything, and Power Management is set to never too.04:13
jerrytAny suggestions?04:13
deitarionDoes anyone have a list of the commands that used to be in /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart? I have a user profile that I brought from 12.04 and was nothing more than Openbox until I added lxpanel and pcmanfm to ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart.04:23
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deitarionSince I upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04, lxsession appears to be broken. With or without the @ prefix, it ignores "Manual autostarted applications".16:02
phillwdeitarion: in 14.04, have a look at16:05
phillwMenu --> Preferences --> Default Applications for LXSession16:05
deitarionThat's what it's ignoring.16:05
deitarion...and given how other parts of it are broken too (eg. I set Leafpad as "Text editor" and LibreOffice as "Documents"... .TXT files open in LibreOffice), I'm in the process of migrating off lxsession for as much functionality as possible.16:06
phillwThe AutoStart tab we know works, as it was used as a workaround for the nm-applet bug16:06
deitarionThe "Known applications" part of it does, the "Manual autostarted applications" part doesn't.16:07
deitarionI'm in the process of moving all my autostarted applications to .xsessionrc16:07
yz3pDdeitarion, the mime type function doenst work fine, so don't change extensions in Default Applications for LXSession16:07
deitarionyz3pD: Yes, I noticed that it's quite broken. Listing applications that aren't installed like Ardour3, ignoring ones that are like K3b, displaying long unsorted lists in More, etc.16:08
yz3pDdeitarion, yes it's a quite new tool, but autostart works fine for me16:08
deitarionI was actually left with what, for most people, would be an unusable desktop when I upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 because no migration was provided for expecting PCManFM, LXPanel, etc. to be started from /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart.16:09
phillwdeitarion: for the nm-applet bug, it was added as a manual entry. It worked fine.16:10
yz3pDdeitarion, reinstall?16:10
yz3pDphillw, for me it also worked fine to add nm-applet manual16:10
deitarionyz3pD: "Upgrade" on the LiveCD after my boot partition fsck'd things like /bin/ls into nonexistence.16:11
phillwdeitarion: you cannot upgrade from cd, it has not been supported since 12.04.16:11
deitarionphillw: Then the Lubuntu 14.04 CD shouldn't offer that as an option.16:12
phillwplease raise it as a bug against ubiquity (that the installer common to all flavours).16:12
phillwyou *used* to be able to use alternate, but that was also dropped16:13
deitarionGot a URL? I rarely go on Launchpad and I'm not familiar with how the projects are laid out.16:13
yz3pDdeitarion, so download lubuntu 14.04.1 and install it again16:13
phillwdeitarion: go to terminal and issue command 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity' it pull all the details in and then you can your comments.16:14
phillwI'm a fan of seperate /home for any re-installs.16:14
deitarionyz3pD: No thanks. Aside from having to manually fix some config files that were left untouched in my /home partition, everything seems to work fine. My main problems are figuring out how to migrate more into /home so that I'm insulated from bugs like "Upgrading didn't ask me before switching away from Elementary icons"16:14
yz3pDphillw, why seperate /home ?16:15
yz3pDi only got 1 partition on hd and it works fine16:15
deitarionyz3pD: Means you can nuke your root and reinstall without losing anything.16:16
yz3pDdeitarion, cool, i always copied my files to extra hd16:16
phillwyz3pD: for if you need to completely re-install because you find out that the install CD was actually corrupt and things like /bin/ls vanish16:16
phillwthat effect is typical of a corrupt CD16:17
yz3pDso i only have to say to the installer: use this partiton as /home ?16:17
deitarionphillw: The install CD wasn't corrupt. I encountered ext4 filesystem corruption that confused 12.04's fsck into removing half the OS. The Install CD fixed it.16:18
deitarionyz3pD: Exactly.16:18
deitarionWell, that and make sure "Format" is unchecked.16:18
deitarionI couple that with a manually-maintained script which re-runs apt-get commands and copies a few config files like my TwinView-tweaking xorg.conf back into place.16:19
yz3pDcool thing!16:19
yz3pDi'm not a fan of update system from one version to an other, so i always fromat my hd nd install the new system, but in future i will create a /home parti and keep it thx16:21
deitarionYeah. Upgrades can still be a bit iffy as a result of things like "forgot to copy Elementary icons into my homedir before choosing the theme", but I can reinstall an existing desktop version without issue in under an hour and have it almost completely unattended.16:21
deitarion...and I share your reasoning. My brother's computer didn't take well to upgrading 12.04 -> 13.04 -> 13.10, so we had to reinstall.16:23
deitarionUgh. I think I'm just going to dump lxsession entirely and use something that does exactly what it's told and no more like openbox-session. There appears to be no options to opt out of nm-applet and the IBus tray icon.16:25
deitarion...and this new version of Chrome is a piece of garbage. Most of the time, it ignores my keystrokes. (Guess I'll have to use something like Midori or Aurora for the two sites that break because of my Firefox "No 3rd-party cookies" policy.)16:30
deitarionWait, I can't until I find a replacement for lxsession's built-in XSettings manager. Grr.16:37
yz3pDdeitarion, you can disable 3rd-party cookies in firefox (i have a whitelist)16:37
wxldeitarion: that problem with chrome will go away if you remove ibus, btw.16:38
yz3pDdeitarion, chromium also doesn't works for me, i press a key and it happens nothing..16:38
wxlyz3pD: then remove ibus16:39
yz3pDwxl, what does ibus exactly? ... i don't want to loose funcions16:39
wxl!info ibus | yz3pD16:39
ubottuyz3pD: ibus (source: ibus): Intelligent Input Bus - core. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.5-1ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 176 kB, installed size 1204 kB16:39
wxlibus is problematic anyways and we're discussing removing it entirely from lubuntu.16:40
wxl…which is the way xubuntu has gone.16:40
yz3pDso if don't use ibus i same cpu/ram and chromium works ... cool application ibus xD16:40
yz3pD*i can save cpu/ram16:41
deitarionIf you don't write languages like Japanese which need more than simply a keyboard layout, you don't need iBus.16:41
yz3pDand if want to change my keyboard layout from de to en ?16:42
deitarionyz3pD: I forget the names but, for simple keyboard layout switching, there are other utilities which do that.16:42
deitarion(I just manually use the `setxkbmap` command in a terminal on the rare occasions I need to fiddle with my layout, hence why I don't remember the names of the GUIs.)16:43
yz3pDok i killed ibus and chromium works, how to remove from autostart?`16:44
deitarionsudo apt-get purge ibus16:44
yz3pDok the hardcore solution :)16:45
yz3pDno i can't do that if i remove ibus he also removes lubuntu-desktop*16:47
deitarionyz3pD: Harmless.16:47
deitarionlubuntu-desktop only exists to pull in everything that comes with a default Lubuntu desktop. You'll also have it removed if you remove things like Gnumeric, Sylpheed, or Transmission.16:48
deitarion(See `apt-get install kubuntu-desktop` for comparison)16:49
yz3pDso when i remove lubuntu-desktop he wouldn't remove the lubuntu desktop, does it make sense?16:49
deitarionyz3pD: Once lubuntu-desktop has pulled things in, they stay until you remove them.16:50
wxl!metapackage | yz3pD: this is what lubuntu-desktop is:16:50
ubottuyz3pD: this is what lubuntu-desktop is:: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.16:50
yz3pDok why didn't you told me directly that it's a metapackage ... good bye lubuntu-desktop16:51
deitarionyz3pD: I didn't know if you knew what a metapackage was.16:51
yz3pDdeitarion, sorry my mistake, thx for the advise16:52
yz3pDif i remove lubuntu-desktop he will also remove unity-control-center and install gnome-controlcenter, but that doesn't make a difference or?16:54
deitarionIt shouldn't do that but, since I can't reproduce the problem, I can't tell you why it does.16:57
yz3pDok so i will risc it16:58
deitarionWorst case scenario, you manually change it back by reinstalling unity-control-center and removing gnome-controlcenter.16:58
yz3pDdon't care, i did an update today ;)16:59
yz3pDnot update16:59
yz3pDok i rebooted and everything looks fine17:16
phillwyz3pD: you will find bad things only happen to good computers when you do not have a backup :)17:17
phillwbut, a separate /home partition? Yeah, handy - if only to make so that you can do two different types of back up.. system and your own stuff.17:18
yz3pDphillw, yes absolutly, many people (often windows users) say, no i don't need a backup and then their hd crashes and they cry "my data" xD17:19
yz3pDphillw, i backup all modified config files in my home dir17:19
anarkhosis it totally unproblematic to open files which are stored on an NTFS partition in lubuntu programs? for instance using some text editor to read text from the NTFS partition17:25
anarkhosperfectly fine?17:25
yz3pDlubuntu supports ntfs rw17:26
anarkhosso it doesn't harm the NTFS data in any way?17:28
anarkhosi had that impression for some reason17:28
anarkhosit's probably something i read a long time ago17:28
yz3pDlong time ago linux didn't supported ntfs a really long time ago17:30
anarkhos15 years ago?17:31
yz3pDno idea17:31
yz3pDwhen i came to linux it already supported ntfs :D17:33
anarkhosalso, there was a problem the first time i tried to boot lubuntu today. the screen was black, but there was the green light by  the power button. could it be some real problem, or is it more likely i was too impatient? i just hit the power button in order to restart, but maybe it would have booted if i had waited longer.17:34
anarkhosit's just that it seemed very dead17:34
anarkhosand when did you start using linux?17:34
yz3pDi don't know some years ago17:35
yz3pDwhen you press F1 to F12 while lubuntu boots up, it shows you what happens in he background17:35
anarkhosok ill try that if the problem arises again17:36
anarkhoswait... F1 to F12?17:36
anarkhosthat's 12 buttons17:36
yz3pDF1 or F2 or F3 ...17:36
anarkhosisn't there ONE i could press rather?17:37
yz3pDe.g. F517:37
anarkhosso F5 it is?17:37
anarkhosor it doesn' t matter which one?17:37
yz3pDit doesn't matter17:37
anarkhosok thanks17:37
yz3pDif your screen is always black after boot up, then try nomodeset grup parameter17:40
deitarionUgh. Now I'm getting that "unwanted screen locker" problem my brother was getting. How do I kill that? (He was even getting it after switching to Kubuntu, so my solution for him was switching from LightDM to KDM)17:41
wxlunwanted screen locker? be more specific17:41
deitarionwxl: 14.04's "screensaver" is throwing up the LightDM login screen without logging me out.17:42
wxldeitarion: interesting. is this a standard lubuntu install?17:43
deitarionwxl: Yes. Happened on my brother's fresh Lubuntu 14.04 install (even when he was logged into a Kubuntu session) and now it happens on my 12.04 -> 14.04 upgrade with my Lubuntu session.17:43
wxldeitarion: you have other sessions?17:44
deitarionwxl: He'd used `apt-get install kubuntu-desktop` but I only have Lubuntu, Lubuntu-netbook, and whatever that third one I'm forgetting is. Neither of us use "Switch User".17:45
anarkhosdeitarion: what happens if you enter user/pass? any errors?17:47
deitarionNope. It's a fully functional screen locker... it's just an unwelcome guest.17:47
anarkhosor does the login box disappear and everything seems normal again?17:47
anarkhosjust a redundancy?17:47
deitarionI don't want a screen locker.17:47
deitarionGiven that LightDM's "two processes, one unprivileged" design also fails catastrophically when it encounters a full /home partition while LXDM's single process design takes advantage of the "reserved for root" emergency space, maybe I should just remove LightDM like I did for my mother.17:48
yz3pDlight-locker ?17:50
deitarionWell, "Enable light-locker" is on, but "Automatically lock the session" is set to "Never".17:51
deitarionCouldn't hurt to `apt-get purge` it though.17:51
anarkhoshmm, seems im using lubuntu 14.04 too. i think the source of the confusion is that i downloaded the, what 12.02 (?) ISO, but then i installed it on the HD, and since i had established a network connection, it was able to install the newest lubuntu version17:57
anarkhosbut act /proc/version suggests it's
anarkhosthat's the kernel i reckon, but it's still called lubuntu 14.0417:58
anarkhosok, kernel vs. distribution, that's the distinction.17:59
anarkhosi never get any login box when pressing a key to stop the screensaver18:00
anarkhosenable light-locker is ON here as well, and "auto. lock..." = Never18:01
yz3pDwhy not disable it?18:01
anarkhosLock on suspend is OFF18:01
anarkhosyeah that's an idea18:02
deitarionYeah. Just checked. Killing and purging it fixed the problem.18:12
wxlphillw: that's what i'm asking. i'm pretty sure the nm-applet bug is fixed, no?18:13
phillwwxl: that was fixed in a1?18:17
wxlphillw: nope.18:17
silverlionnm-applet is confirmed18:18
wxlsilverlion: confirmed fixed in a2?18:18
silverlionthat is settled18:18
phillwwxl: most odd that it was not noted at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu#Update_for_Lubuntu_14.04.118:18
silverlioni did sudo apt-get upgrade and had two icons afterwards18:18
wxlphillw: well that came after a1 and before a218:19
wxlare those a1, a2, 14.04.1, daily, ??? :)18:21
wxlok i removed it18:24
wxli'm going to go with it as is. did you see my comment about ppc, phillw ?18:24
phillwI also saw your views as to questioning why no announcement was made that a2 was up for testing.18:25
wxlwell that's me griping18:25
phillwwxl: the person to ask of that is balloons18:25
wxlit's a personal problem really ;)18:25
wxlah ok i'll talk to balloons. thx phillw18:26
phillwwxl: I also subscribe to mailing list and saw nothing.18:26
wxlphillw: come to think of it, that's true too18:26
yz3pDare here only lubuntu users in this chat or also lubuntu developers?18:28
phillwyz3pD: good question, well presented, deserves an answer... lXDE has merged with RazorQT, thus lubuntu is only receiving bug fixes. The 14.04 LTS will be supported, but rolling back bug fixes requires SRU's to be raised (the devs cannot simply release a bug).18:34
phillwyz3pD: hopefully this will help explain... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/14.1018:35
yz3pDso lubuntu will use lxqt in lubuntu 14.10 in place of lxde ?18:36
phillwyz3pD: no, it will not18:36
yz3pDwill they make a new distr lxqtbuntu ?18:36
phillwyz3pD: nope, lubuntu will quietly switch. gtk is becoming more of an issue from what the people who make lubuntu tell us testers.18:37
yz3pDphillw, so lubuntu with gtk only gets bugfixes and lxqt is the future of lubuntu ?18:40
phillwyz3pD: that is what the boss tells us :)18:41
yz3pDthe boss, so you are a developer or tester or user ?18:41
phillwI'm  a tester and also support users18:42
yz3pDand if lubuntu uses qt, will it uses more cpu/ram/gpu (i only know qt lib from kde) than gtk ?18:43
phillwyz3pD: th jury is still out, but it seems from tests so far, very little difference.18:43
yz3pDphillw, ok that are good news18:44
phillwit is nothing like as hungry as kubuntu-qt uses. That would be a complete blocker and something the devs are acutely aware of.18:44
yz3pDcan you send me a download link for lubuntu with qt or are only lxqt packagesa avaible?18:45
phillwif you're familiar with using Virtual Machines, you can fire up the machine i a VM... Last time I checked, it was not suggested as a 'machine', simply because a lot of dev work going on. That  means the system *will* get out of sync with itself and may then need a r-install.18:47
wxlthere. nice long mailing list message for the ppcers18:47
wxloops wrong channel :)18:47
phillwyz3pD: if you're used to dual booting, you can also do it that way. But if your machine has ~ 2GB RAM you can run lubuntu and then LXQt in Virtual Mode18:56
yz3pDphillw, so there is a lubuntu lxqt iso avaible?18:57
phillwyz3pD: you install lubuntu and then add on the lxqt meta-package onto it.18:58
phillwyz3pD: there is no ISO yet for LXQt18:59
yz3pDphillw, ok so i will test lxqt later18:59
yz3pDwhen iso avaible18:59
GlorfindelI was installing lubuntu on a low ram laptop, and left it sitting there. When I came back later it was showing the desktop of the live boot system, what did I do wrong and why didn't it install right?19:00
phillw15.04 I would guess. I use 14.10 as my daily machine since alpha 1 as 14.10 is purely a bug fix.19:00
wxlGlorfindel: are you sure you were in the middle of the boot process?19:01
yz3pDphillw, i saw some photos with lxqt using kwin, but lxqt will use openbox like normal or?19:01
phillwGlorfindel: if you do not tell it what to do, it will go into Live - Also, on low RAM machine, do not use Desktopp - Use Alternate19:01
GlorfindelI selected the 'install lubuntu' option, went through all the steps and it was installing when I left it19:02
yz3pDGlorfindel, when installation is done he ask: test lubuntu or reboot19:03
wxlGlorfindel: try removing the install media and reboot19:03
GlorfindelI did, it wouldn't boot lubuntu19:03
wxlwhat did it do?19:04
Glorfindelbooted windows19:05
Glorfindelwhen I tried to boot from the partition it wouldn't either19:05
yz3pDso boot loader doesn't work19:05
phillwGlorfindel: aletrnate ISO19:05
deitarionyz3pD: I believe they currently use Openbox but the goal is to use KWin because it's too much work to reinvent Openbox as yet another Wayland compositor and the KWin devs are working on slimming it down.19:05
GlorfindelI will try it19:06
phillwGlorfindel: have a read of why.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO19:07
phillwIt should explain why lubuntu is the flavour left who supports them.19:07
yz3pDphillw, so kwin cpu/ram/gpu usage will be about openbox cpu/ram/gpu usage ?19:07
deitarionyz3pD: Not sure they can get it down that far, given what a compositor inherently must do.19:08
phillwA lot of stuff is still in dev. They are very mindful of cpu / ram usage.19:09
yz3pDphillw, if lubuntu will use more cpu/ram/gpu than xubuntu then they do something wrong ;)19:10
phillwActually, the update manager is out for testing and we hope to have the lubuntu software center out in next few weeks for testing.19:11
yz3pDi will see what happened when lubuntu qt is stable19:12
phillwI only know that, as it was me who asked the guy who had helped out in the past if he fancied rolling his sleeves up and getting both re-coded for Qt :)19:13
ismayjavircHola a todos desde España19:20
ismayjavircHay soporte en español?19:20
yz3pDde que tema ?19:29
yz3pDphillw, i have xdm in place of lightdm so light locker doesn't but i need lock-screen function, do you know a good lock-screen application or should i use xscreensaver?19:32
phillwyz3pD: you would need to ask others, but I know people have used xscreensaver. I'm just quietly waiting for light locker to have a rocket up it for utopic.19:34
yz3pDphillw, "to have a rocket up it for utopic." sry english is not my native language what does it mean?19:42
phillwyz3pD: for a fix to be made, a rocket up it may mean a totally new approach19:43
yz3pDah ok19:44
koellI've 2 notebooks and would like to install lubuntu on my older one. How do i boot from network so I can install there? My old notebook's usb isnt working.20:09
koelloh there is a wiki article :D20:10
phillwkoell: yes, it network install.20:15
koellphillw: do you know if it is possible to use lvm and disk encryption on a pentium M?20:16
phillwkoell: I see no reason not to be. you need 2 GB RAM if you want to run a base install and a VM, but it can be done on lower20:18
phillwif you are using lubuntu... you'd get away with a lot lower20:18
rafaella-hello suncokret21:00
suncokretis that laguna? :)21:00
rafaella-yes, something's wrong on my IRC :D21:00
suncokreti use 14.04 and it is good21:01
koelllaguna :321:02
suncokretnow i can use it after we solved problem with themes21:02
rafaella-you tell me, now I'm a girl :D21:02
koelli may switch from lubuntu, xterm's 256 color issues suck :/21:02
suncokretcan you tell me how to change mouse pointer in 14.04?21:02
rafaella-ha haa, suncokret, I was trying to do it yesterday21:03
suncokretand did you suceed?21:03
=== rafaella- is now known as rafaellaguna
rafaellagunayou can the pointer only for some apps, but it's known XOrg bug21:04
koellwait, you are both design guys? ^^21:04
koellhello rafaellaguna \o/21:04
rafaellagunaomg, I'm back! :D21:04
suncokretwhich irc client you use?21:04
koelli love rafaellaguna's lubuntu theme! :321:04
rafaellagunathank you, koell :D21:05
suncokreti can not find themes which have gray or blue background so i modify some themes and make my custom theme21:06
suncokretit is not possible to change mouse pointer?21:06
rafaellagunait's difficult to file managers (desktops) to use custom themes, I tried but it's a bug of X21:06
koellrafaellaguna: do you know which files/folders i need to export to bring lubuntu's overall theme to arch? :D21:06
suncokretphill told me that screen lock is bug too21:07
rafaellagunaa few, you'll need /usr/share/themes/Lubuntu-* for gtk21:07
suncokretwhen monitor turn off after inactive for x minutes21:07
suncokretscreen is lock too21:08
suncokretcan i turn off screen lock?21:08
rafaellagunayes, it is, suncokret, it's failing, Ubuntu guys are fixing it21:08
suncokreti don't want screen lock21:08
suncokretthat is fail on all ubuntu?21:08
suncokretso this is lts version21:08
suncokretand it will probably be update fix soon?21:09
rafaellagunakoell, and /usr/share/icons/Lubuntu*21:09
koellrafaellaguna: and that playoyyomouth thing? :D21:09
rafaellagunathat would be more difficult, plymouth is an Ubuntu specific package21:10
rafaellagunanot in the artwork stuff (even it is)21:10
koellthere should be a lubuntu inspired ubuntu theme xD21:11
suncokretrafael, i find on some forum how to fix keyboard problem with double commander if you remember, ibus make problem so it only need to turn off or uninstall ibus21:12
rafaellagunaI use fcitx instead of ibus21:13
koelli just love lubuntu, it is that lightweight & cute. i love the software choices, i mean pcmanfm is just the best file manager ever made :D21:14
suncokretwhat is fcitx?21:14
koelllets cuddle together :321:14
suncokretkoell, best file manager is total comander, and best file manager for linux is double commander21:14
rafaellagunait's an input method, like ibus21:14
suncokretdouble commander is best copy of total commander21:15
suncokretbut total commander is still much better21:15
rafaellagunasuncokret, I preffer pcmanfm :D21:16
suncokretdid you used total comander before?21:16
suncokretdid you try that program?21:17
rafaellagunayes, a few times, and console MC too21:17
suncokrettotal commander is based on norton comander21:17
suncokretand mc is based on nc too21:17
rafaellagunayes, it is21:17
rafaellagunayes, mc is a clone21:17
suncokrettotal commander is best clone of norton commander21:17
suncokretfar best21:17
phillwsuncokret: if you have only one langugage, simply switch iBus off in Language Support, if you need Language support, get the version of Chromium that actually works... Have a read of where the error is... Bug 130764821:17
ubottubug 1307648 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium 34 from proposed does not take input from keyboard in first entry point on several webpages" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130764821:18
suncokretphill i don't understand, which language support?21:18
phillwBTW, lubuntu switched back to FFox at 14.4021:18
suncokretlanguage support for what?21:18
phillwsuncokret: for people who have dual languages... something crazy like English and French (Not to be confused with American and English)21:19
suncokretdual languages21:19
suncokretor dual keyboard layout?21:20
suncokreti still don't understand what ibus do21:20
phillwiBus can switch the keyboard layout along with the language via language support so the screen language also changs21:20
suncokretso if i use only one language21:21
phillwit is not needed21:21
suncokretand two keyboard layout21:21
suncokretthen i don't need ibus?21:21
phillwsuncokret: simply go in and turn it off.21:22
suncokretfirst i was turn it off in file21:23
suncokretbut it is better to unistall it21:23
suncokretbecause it is not usefull for me21:23
phillwMenu --> Preferences --> Language Support. then switch input method from iBus to None. It will never bother you again, but has to be enabled for foreign keyboards. Once the Ubuntu team actually get the newer chromium actually installed it will not be a bug.21:24
suncokreti unistaled ibus21:25
phillwTaking sledge hammers to crack a nut is always annoying, as it means those who have complained cannot really help out in checking that the issue has been solved for any new commers.... :(21:26
koellcan i run the lubuntu-iso also on the notebook itself? my usb is really broken =( so what if i copy the iso to the live cd desktop and run from that iso the installation?21:27
rafaellagunakoell, yes, you can21:27
koellhow? just double click?21:28
rafaellagunayou'll see what's inside, but what for?21:28
suncokreti go, i'll be back21:28
MDesignerhey guys, there's a problem downloading Lubuntu 64-bit PC via torrent. i get a tracker error: Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker.22:49
MDesigneroh never mind. the front page link is for 14.04 and that gives a tracker error, but on the downloads page, the 14.04.1 torrent file works22:50
MDesignerwhoever maintains the website may want to update those front page linnkjs22:50
wxlMDesigner: on which?22:50
MDesignerthis gives me a tracker error: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/lubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent22:51
wxlboo that one's outside of my control but i'll pass the word on :)22:51
MDesignerthanks :)22:51
phillwMDesigner: can you tell me which link from lubuntu.net is not working.. As in how you got to click on a bad link22:54
wxlall of them, phillw22:54
MDesignerhttp://lubuntu.net/ right on the front page22:54
wxlnone of the download links point to 14.04.122:54
phillwMDesigner:  wxl no worries, I can see it now...22:55
phillwI only look after the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu areas, no one takes care of lubuntu.net22:56
wxl-!- There is no such nick no one22:58
MDesignercheers, guys. and thanks!23:00
koelllol, i trolled around x times on trying to install lubuntu, now i got the download was corrupted. man, now i ll always check md5 sum before :D23:12
phillwkoell: we all do it the once...23:13
koelli never give a f... on md5 till today :D23:13
phillwkoell: was it you who said who said that after 'ls' had gone as a terminal command you still thought it was an error in lubuntu? :D23:16
koellno idk xD23:17
koellim so happy now :323:25
koellthis is really ugly guys =( http://www.webupd8.org/2014/04/fix-lubuntu-1404-network-manager.html23:34
koellDoes lubuntu has some shortcuts to maximize a window or change the workspace?23:38
koellor do you know a tool? i know xdotool can do that...23:39
phillwkoell: we're just happy that you finally realised it was corrupt. In the future you will be telling others that their's is and they will call you an idiot (or worse)23:40
koellphillw: i like you phil :323:41
phillwkoell: 14.04.1 does not have that bug23:41
koellphillw: but 14.04.1 is not available as download? i just do an upgrade...23:42
phillwkoell:it is avaialble23:42
phillwif you have lubuntu 14.04 you can do an upgrade23:43
koellanyway, im just happy it works now and i got lvm and encryption as well :323:43
koellalright phillw :D23:43
koellyou did your homework ahahah23:43
phillwfor people installing from new, use 14.04.123:43
koellbut it is not on the download page on lubuntu.net i guess...23:43
phillwkoell: the top left corner of Get Lubuntu points to the correct area23:44
koellphillw: does lubuntu/lxde work with 2 screens? how is your expecrience with?23:58

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