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diego7319hi guys02:12
gerlowskija_homeballoons: I see "revised-fix-for-bug1334883" got merged.  Pretty pumped!...now for the bug that was holding it up...03:07
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karninik90: pong ;P06:33
karninik90: about the bug you mentioned06:33
dholbachgood morning06:36
mihirpopey_: ping !!07:13
nik90karni: hi, can you update that bug with more details07:33
karninik90: done :)07:41
dholbachnik90, popey_: I pushed some changes to lp:~dholbach/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging07:56
dholbachnik90, popey_: it still won't build, as the tests are not run in the chrooted build07:56
nik90dholbach: Hi, I will take a look now07:56
dholbachnik90, popey_: it looks to me like something in the cmake logic needs to be changed to run the autopilot tests properly...if we want to run them during the build07:57
nik90dholbach: I am guessing the custom target for autopilot in the cmake file needs to be revisited.07:58
dholbachyeah, I had a look at gallery-app - not sure if that's the best example though - they seem to use some magic from "include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/autopilot.cmake)"07:58
nik90dholbach: but do the c++ plugins get built properly according to the arch?07:59
nik90dholbach: that's one primary diff w.r.t to the old clock app and where I was not sure how to do it07:59
dholbachnik90, if I get past this point, should I be fine?07:59
dholbachLinking CXX shared module Timezone/libtimezone.so07:59
nik90dholbach: I would assume so so yes :) there are 2 other libraries (AlarmSettings.so and DateTime.so)08:00
nik90yup that's good then08:00
dholbachnik90, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7921784/ ← this is where I fail now08:01
nik90dholbach: can you propose a MR, the code diff will be more visible then08:01
nik90dholbach: I will investigate how to fix the autopilot issue08:01
dholbachnik90, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/22917308:01
dholbachnik90, to replicate what I'm trying to do, you could run this once:  "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools; pbuilder-dist utopic create; bzr branch lp:~dholbach/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging; cd reboot-packaging" - and then every time you want to test the build in semi-real-life build conditions:  "bzr bd -- -S -us -uc; cd ..; pbuilder-dist utopic build ubuntu-clock-app_1.2.dsc"08:04
nik90dholbach: thnx08:05
dholbachnik90, this way, a utopic chroot is created and it will attempt to build the created source package (that's the 'bzr bd' step), in this chroot - it's all automated and the packages will be cached, so building it the second time will be quicker08:05
dholbachbut yeah... if we could figure out what the de-facto way is of running autopilot tests in build scenarios, that'd be great08:05
dholbachnik90, if you attempt the build locally, are the autopilot tests run just fine?08:08
nik90dholbach: I didn't try yet, I was looking through reminder app's cmake files to see if they did anything different08:09
dholbachoh ok08:09
nik90also the chroot is being created atm08:10
dholbachrock and roll08:10
dholbachnik90, ok... what I just tried locally (without a chroot) was: cmake .; make; make test08:10
dholbachand it fails the same way08:10
dholbachso I guess if we can make the above workflow work, then it might also work in the chroot08:11
nik90so that's how you use it..I was wondering how to use the custom targets in the cmake file08:11
dholbachno idea08:13
dholbachnik90, it looks like it tries to run something like this "qmltestrunner -input app/tests/unit/ -import backend/"08:14
dholbachdoes that work for you?08:14
dpmdholbach, I'm not sure if the autopilot tests are run at all during the build. I think they are just packaged as a separate package08:14
dholbachdpm, right08:14
nik90dholbach: I tried "make autopilot" and that started to run some tests although they did fail due to missing dependency on trusty08:14
dholbachdpm, right now it looks like they don't run at all :)08:14
dholbachnik90, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7921868/08:15
nik90dholbach: yup08:15
nik90dholbach: let me try merging https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-clock-app/add-alarm-test which adds the first working ap test for the new clock app08:16
dholbachnik90, "ubuntu-clock-app" → "ubuntu_clock_app"08:18
dholbachok.. look like that's what Carla did as well08:18
nik90dholbach: so isn't that enough for our debian packaging?08:18
nik90instead of make test we run make autopilot08:19
dholbachsure, I can do that08:19
dholbachhang on08:19
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dholbachnik90, does add_custom_target pass through a return code?08:33
dholbachnik90, it looks like "make autopilot" will return 0 no matter what08:33
dholbachso stopping the build on failed tests is a bit hard :-D08:33
nik90dholbach: sry not sure since it was there with the cmake template as part of qtC08:33
nik90dholbach: but wouldn't jenkins do that? Stop merge if tests fail08:34
dholbachI don't know how this works in jenkins - I was just talking about the package build right now08:34
dholbachbut yeah, I guess that a pre-merge test-run would stop the merge if a test failed - if that's the question08:34
nik90in the old clock app, does the build fail if a test fails?08:35
nik90hey also I have a utopic vm. So I tried building in that. I did bzr bd -- -S -us -uc; cd .. to get the .dsc file. How do I proceed from that?08:36
nik90build filename.dsc doesnt seem to work08:36
nik90it cannot find the build command08:36
dholbachnik90, pbuilder-dist utopic build <bla.dsc>08:36
dholbachnik90, I updated http://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging - what I get now is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7922007/08:38
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy World Wide Web Day! :-D08:38
nik90dholbach: in the app/tests/autopilot/ubuntu-clock-app/main.py file, could you comment the self.assertThat() statement. That should make the test pass for now08:40
nik90dholbach: we have full ap tests in another branch which anyway removes this test08:40
dholbachnik90, am I correct in assuming there's nothing to be installed into usr/bin?08:46
nik90dholbach: yes, we don't have an executable08:46
nik90dholbach: although that looks bad since the old clock had a executable08:48
dholbachwas it just a quick shell script?08:48
nik90dholbach: yeah, it eseentially called "qmlscene ubuntu-clock-app.qml"08:49
dholbachok, I guess we can re-add that08:49
nik90dholbach: btw, I think this should help you https://code.launchpad.net/~jpakkane/ubuntu-clock-app/utopiccmake/+merge/22569408:53
dholbachnik90, brilliant - I was just trying to do this on my own (without knowing much about cmake... ;-))08:54
nik90dholbach: it was proposed a long time back by Jussi, but we couldn't merge it completely. So we took the cmake fixes from the MP but left behind the debian packaging since he said it wasn't fully working yet08:55
dholbachnik90, with Jussi's changes, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7922204/09:07
dholbachlp:~dholbach/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging updated with the latest09:08
nik90dholbach: that is weird...the alarmsettings.so builds fine otherwise09:10
dholbachI applied Jussi's changes09:10
nik90dholbach: I think that's because you also did 1=== modified file 'CMakeLists.txt'09:12
nik90dholbach: which removes links to libraries we use09:12
dholbachnik90, that was Jussi's changes09:12
nik90dholbach: yeah as I said jussi's changes were done some time back after which we added these libraries. That's why jussi's changes remove them09:13
dholbachah ok - let me see if I can repair this09:13
nik90dholbach: can you do bzr revert CMakeList.txt alone. the rest of the files seem okay09:13
dholbachno no09:13
dholbachthere are other changes which look like we need them09:13
dholbachfiles were installed into the wrong place09:13
dholbachie debian/tmp/share09:13
dholbachwhen it should have been debian/tmp/usr/share09:14
nik90dholbach: okay in that case let me ask sergieusens to do one final check of our cmake file. It seems like if we fix the cmake files, then the debian packaging will also fall in line properly09:15
nik90I feel like we are searching in the dark due to the cmake stugg09:15
dholbachnik90, right... I'm just not sure... which changes were you expecting to get from Jussi's branch09:17
dholbachit was mostly just the CMakeLists.txt stuff, right?09:18
nik90dholbach: no actually it was the debian/rules file09:18
nik90dholbach: I already implemented what was necessary from his Cmakelist.txt file few weeks back09:18
dholbachok ok09:18
dholbachin that case, I'll back out the change again09:19
kalikiananik90: thx09:26
dholbachnik90, all changes pushed - if you could have a chat with sergiusens later on, that'd be great09:31
dholbachas I said: debian/tmp/share/ should be debian/tmp/usr/share/09:31
dholbachnik90, if you need anything else from me, let me know09:31
nik90dholbach: ok, I will check with sergiusens about this09:33
nik90dholbach: thxn09:33
popeydpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/debian-copyright/+merge/225646 looks like it needs a little love10:09
victorpanyone knows how to get a qml app running full screen (no indicators)?10:10
popeyooh, good question. i want to know this.10:11
dpmpopey, indeed. I've not had the time to look at this and the other branch I've got on the list. I'll have some hacking time this weekend and I'll fix them10:11
dpmpopey, shall we get on a hangout and do the branch review?10:12
victorpKaleo, ?10:12
Kaleovictorp, sir10:13
Kaleovictorp, (I should not be up so early!)10:13
victorppopey, I see people do it on c++10:13
victorpKaleo, ouch, forgot you moved10:13
popeyyeah, camera and gallery do10:13
Kaleovictorp, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-window-window.html#visibility-prop10:13
victorpKaleo,  I was wondering if I can go fullscreen with qml, with no indicators10:13
victorpKaleo, ? set the visibility prop and that makes it fullscreen?10:15
Kaleovictorp, with the right value of course10:15
Kaleovictorp, if that does not work it sounds like something in qtubuntu is broken10:16
victorpi shall try :)10:17
KaleooSoMoN, I recall you might have tried to make an app fullscreen before no?10:17
KaleooSoMoN, was there an issue like, it would only go fullscreen if you make it fullscreen before showing the window?10:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1328839 in Unity 8 "Toggling fullscreen causes wrong window behaviour" [High,New]10:18
Kaleovictorp, you are going to hit that bug I believe10:19
Kaleoloicm, do you know if this bug requires just a fix in qtubuntu or also in other places by any chance? https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtubuntu/+bug/132883910:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1328839 in qtubuntu "Toggling fullscreen causes wrong window behaviour" [High,Confirmed]10:19
Kaleoloicm, or maybe it's just an issue in Unity?10:20
Kaleoit looks like the code in qtubuntu is about correct but I'm not sure10:22
karniKaleo: hey brolo, I'm trying to make anchorToKeyboard: true work from MainView, but no luck. Any other requirements in my QML code I need to have?10:28
karniuhh, 7:30 AM for you d'oh10:28
karnianyone else might know why anchorToKeyboard: true would not work? nik90, maybe you? :)10:29
karniI pop the keyboard, and nothing changes in the UI. I'd expect bottom of my chat window to surface above the top edge of the keyboard.10:30
Kaleokarni, not that I know10:31
Kaleokarni, I need breakfast and all now :)10:31
karniKaleo: yeah :)10:31
Kaleokarni, ask timp10:32
Kaleot1mp rather10:32
karnit1mp: hey buddy, would you happen to know why anchorToKeyboard: true might not be working as expected? any other requirements on my QML code for it to work?10:32
karnit1mp: I removed the fixed height property thinkin it could be it, but no luck there10:32
t1mpkarni: are you using a PageStack?10:33
karnit1mp: yes I am10:33
karnias a child of MainView10:33
victorpKaleo: result!!!10:33
karnidon't tell me I can't do that :D10:33
karnivictorp: \o/10:33
victorpas I am not toggleing I think is ok10:34
t1mpkarni: I think you are running into this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/134936610:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1349366 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[PageStack] Pages does not get correct anchored in the PageStack area" [High,Confirmed]10:34
victorppopey, wrap the app on a window component and do  Component.onCompleted: {10:34
victorp        this.visibility = Window.FullScreen10:34
victorp    }10:34
victorp works for me10:34
* karni looks10:34
t1mpkarni: I think there was a workaround where you can put the PageStack inside an Item, but I still need to start working on that bug10:35
karnit1mp: I thought I'd try that, yes10:35
karnit1mp: subscribed, thank you10:35
t1mpkarni: something like MainView { Item { anchors.fill: parent { PageStack { ... } } }10:36
loicmKaleo: it used to work at the time I wrote it, but shell and new fullscreen decisions might have changed all that10:36
Kaleoloicm, ok, greyback is on the case to check all the other parts10:37
Kaleovictorp, :D10:37
t1mpkarni: if it works (or doesn't), please leave a comment on the bug. I try to work on a real fix next week10:37
Kaleovictorp, why in the onCompleted?10:37
Kaleovictorp, why not Window {visibility: Window.FullScreen}10:38
victorpKaleo, why not indeed10:39
karnit1mp: so, sadly, it doesn't work. do you think it's the same problem with the keyboard? even if the page didn't overlap the example red rectangle anchored at the bottom, there's no quarantee when you pop a keyboard all of the UI is shifted to accomodate space for the input method. should I file a separate bug?10:44
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karnit1mp: Can I detect if a keyboard is popped from QML? Is there a callback?10:46
popeyvictorp: nice!10:46
t1mpkarni: there is a Qt.inputMethod.keyboardRectangle that gives (or should give) the keyboard rectangle10:48
karnit1mp: thank you10:48
t1mpbut I'm not very familiar with it either, I need to figure out how it works before I can fix the bug10:48
t1mpkarni: I think renato had the same problem with anchoring to the keyboard and after investigating he reported this bug, so I thought it is the same10:49
karnit1mp: ACK, thanks a bundle10:49
t1mpkarni: can you add your findings with the keyboard to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1349366 and I will try to figure out if they are the same or separate bugs10:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1349366 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[PageStack] Pages does not get correct anchored in the PageStack area" [Critical,Confirmed]10:49
karnit1mp: ok10:50
karnit1mp: just FYI, I did a clean package build, and it started working. (anchorToKeyboard: true, that is). not sure what was wrong before, but I have no further feedback on the problem (which seemed to be 'Invalid' on my end)11:16
t1mpkarni: oh that is weird. Can you still get a diff that shows what you changed?11:20
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karnit1mp: not really :/ but I think it was one of those dumb situations when the stuff you push to the phone wasn't really the thing you wanted to push (read: I may have not been updating it properly).11:21
karnit1mp: althouh I can say I removed "other" stuff that I tried, like anchors.bottom: keyboard.top, etc11:21
karniwhich may have played a role here (and breaking rather than helping)11:22
t1mpkarni: okay11:22
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seb128Kaleo, thanks for the pointer to the palette, that doesn't seem to cover colors for e.g action buttons though?11:56
seb128do you know if that's planned?11:56
t1mpseb128: we have more colors for the buttons now than we have slots in the palette, so we need to evaluate if we add more properties to the palette or solve it in a different way11:57
t1mpgventuri: ^ are there online docs already giving guidance when to use which color for buttons?11:58
seb128t1mp, we got a mp on settings to set the color of a button to blue11:58
seb128the issue is that it codes the color in our source11:58
t1mpseb128: basically it is now UbuntuColors.green for positive actions, UbuntuColors.red for negative actions11:58
t1mpseb128: I haven't seen cases yet where it should be blue11:58
seb128which means the day the designer decide to change the color, we need to go through every application to change them then11:59
seb128could be green, sorry11:59
seb128still same issue11:59
t1mpseb128: yes, that's true. Maybe we need to add property color positiveAction: UbuntuColors.green to the palette11:59
seb128t1mp, right, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/135091512:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1350915 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Colors should have symbolic names" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:00
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dakerKaleo: yo, Question: why on the "share/delete" menu present on the camera app the icons are on the right ?12:22
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Kaleoseb128, the buttons used to use the color palette12:42
Kaleoseb128, t1mp would know more12:42
Kaleoseb128, (in general the palette is restricted to a limited set of colours as to ensure visual consistency)12:43
Kaleodaker, not sure, it looks better? :)12:43
seb128Kaleo, well, in that case it's to make an action button green without coding the "green" in our source12:43
Kaleoseb128, I see12:44
dakerKaleo: inconsistent, the browser have them on the left (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--f9KYJ8C4gI/U9rT2g9D-tI/AAAAAAAADII/UNlLyhH4A94/w435-h725-no/browser1.png)12:46
Kaleodaker, agreed12:46
Kaleodaker, I forwarded the question to design12:47
t1mpKaleo, daker icons for the actions overflow will be on the left also in UITK, see https://www.dropbox.com/s/355g7jptmxtzt0b/Screenshot%202014-08-01%2014.50.24.png12:51
t1mp(those changes did not land yet)12:51
dakert1mp: nice12:52
t1mpoh, and I see the browser screenshot doesn't have divider lines inbetween the itesm12:52
t1mpKaleo, seb128 buttons now use a unique grey color that is not in the palette or UbuntColors.. and there are more cases like that with new designs from last week12:52
dakert1mp: it's a custom implementation12:52
t1mpKaleo, seb128 so some components are not using the palette for all colors now, we need to fix that by extending the palettes12:53
Kaleot1mp, just a note, we have to avoid extending the palettes at most (all) cost12:56
t1mpKaleo: I don't know yet what is the "real" solution12:57
Kaleot1mp, yeah I don't know the current colors12:57
t1mpKaleo: but for example, there is no place now to put the colors for positive and negative action buttons (green and red)12:57
t1mpKaleo: all buttons used to be orange, now we have grey, red, green. And text selection became blue12:57
Kaleot1mp, ok, well, yes, the palette is the right place12:58
t1mpthe palette is a bit confusing right now with all the new colors. It is not always clear which color needs to be picked for each part of each component12:58
Kaleot1mp, if there is no color in the palette corresponding to these values it's annoying12:58
Kaleot1mp, visual designers need to rationalize it I think12:58
t1mpmaybe after rtm we have to re-think the palette12:59
Kaleot1mp, and really own the palette definition12:59
t1mpKaleo: I added ubuntu-ux to the bug because of that12:59
Kaleot1mp, ok12:59
Kaleot1mp, who is giving all the new colors?12:59
t1mpI get them from jouni13:00
Kaleot1mp, ok so he has to be systematic about using and defining the palette13:00
Kaleot1mp, not just giving colors13:00
Kaleot1mp, let's let him know13:00
t1mphe's not online now. We briefly discussed it last week but since we were in a hurry to get other stuff done for rtm we postponed it13:01
t1mpif we decide to simply add more colors to the palette it should not be too much work13:02
t1mpbut the visual designers need to re-think which colors we need in the palette13:02
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Kaleot1mp, yes that's the thing13:03
Kaleot1mp, taking that easy solution of extending the palette is not good in the long term13:03
Kaleot1mp, it needs to be done only if strictly necessary13:03
Kaleot1mp, good luck!13:04
t1mpKaleo: do you see a different way of getting red (negative), green (positive) and blue (text selection) in the palette?13:04
Kaleot1mp, there are only 2 possibilities:13:05
Kaleot1mp, either one existing palette value has the right color (or is made to have the right color)13:05
Kaleot1mp, or extension13:05
t1mpthose all used to be selected.foreground (orange)13:05
Kaleot1mp, by rationalizing the color usage the first possibility might work13:05
dpmdear $DEITY, please someone change that alarms sound!13:12
dpmI've got it going on on my phone and laptop now13:12
nik90dpm: ?13:13
* nik90 pretends to not have read it :P13:14
SnipesIs the list of the icons available for Ubuntu touch online somewhere?13:15
dpmthe thing is, it does not stop13:15
dpmyou're in a hangout, your phone out of reach, and it keeps ringing the alarm tone forever! :)13:15
nik90dpm: well it rings for a default of 30 mins13:15
nik90dpm: unless you change that default value in the alarm settings to a minimum of 10 mins13:16
nik90dpm: and also that's what will make you wake up in the morning :D (atleast in my case)13:16
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om26ert1mp, Hi! I didn't find much clear documentation on head.actions, I am using this code in an app http://paste.ubuntu.com/7924024/13:33
om26erwhenever the app starts the search field and backbutton are visible.13:33
nik90om26er: check out http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.PageHeadState/13:46
nik90om26er: it has exactly what you want to implement13:46
nik90om26er: basically you need to use PageHeadState to switch between the search and normal mode13:47
SnipesIs there any way to know what icons are available to use in the header?13:50
nik90Snipes: yeah, open the Ubuntu SDK Gallery where there is a section "icons" which shows all the available icons13:50
SnipesIn the SDK itself?13:51
nik90Snipes: yes. Qtcreator -> Tools -> Ubuntu -> Showcase Gallery13:53
SnipesOh nice. Of course I'm on my android phone and away from the computer. Is this online somewhere also?13:53
nik90Snipes: not that I know of .. sry13:54
SnipesThat's alright. As long as its somewhere.13:54
elopiojgdx: here are the changes I mentioned for your branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-system-settings/1219793-reset-page_object/+merge/22914813:54
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popeyballoons: here?14:03
balloonspopey, lol, sure14:03
popeyballoons: I'm buzzing through http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/14:03
popeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/listitem-actions/+merge/220290 for example14:03
popeyseems to be failing spectacularly14:03
balloonswow, that is STILL in progress?14:06
jgdxelopio, I saw, great stuff. Will review in a bit14:06
balloonsand yea, I've been chattering with andrew about the rewrite for music app14:07
* balloons builds new calendar click14:07
elopiojgdx: thanks. Let me know if you want me to correct something, because I'll keep sending some refactors and I'll just copy the style we agree on.14:07
popeyballoons: any ideas?14:08
balloonspopey, none off the top.. likely he's changed much of the UI14:09
balloonspopey, the music app tests are pretty custom and inflexible, so they need to be brought in line with the rest14:09
balloonsI'll pull it14:09
popeyballoons: the merge updates the tests too14:10
balloonsyea, but it suffers from the same problem..14:10
balloonsthe new tests are in the same style14:10
balloonsanyways, I'll ping ahayzen when he gets on again.. I assume you want to land the branch asap yes?14:12
balloonspopey, anything else you are concerned about?14:13
popeyyeah, its been outstanding for a while.14:14
balloonsI've been working a lot with the calendar guys trying to land some massive branches and clean up bugs.. We filed some more bugs, but I think there's progress14:14
popeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/def-calendar/+merge/228837 that one14:14
balloonsyea, that's the last one I was wanting to land. Well, I wanted to land mihir's https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1338956/+merge/226362 as well, but we discovered https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/135102414:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1351024 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Date & Time picker is not working on device." [High,Triaged]14:15
SnipesHas the bottom edge for the dialer app been implemented and is this code available to view somewhere?14:17
t1mpSnipes: bzr branch lp:dialer-app14:17
balloonspopey, so what else? For clock, I've been watching https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-clock-app/add-alarm-test/+merge/22908414:19
popeythose were the main ones14:22
popeymusic & calendar14:22
balloonsok, I'll be pushing calendar once the build finishes14:27
popeythanks balloons !14:31
balloonspopey, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/156/changerequest/14:42
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Guest65944Bom dia!14:47
Guest65944Good morning!14:48
popeybeuno: will we have a "whats new" category in the click scope do you know?15:03
beunopopey, I can't tell anymore15:03
beunothose designs have been chaotic and unpredictable to me15:04
beunowe certainly have the data15:04
beunoalecu may be able to answer15:04
alecupopey: the designs include a category of "new apps": point 3 here: https://sites.google.com/a/canonical.com/unity8dash/scopes/store/store-home15:12
alecubeuno: if we have that data, then it's a matter of adding a highlight with it. It should be a highlight without a department, like we discussed recently, if it needs to be shown on the store home.15:14
alecupopey: also, we are working on having department landing pages contain *every app* in the department: point 2 here: https://sites.google.com/a/canonical.com/unity8dash/scopes/store/store-home15:15
alecuthat's the next big task for the apps scope, and it's bug #133786415:16
ubot5bug 1337864 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Apps missing in some store categories" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133786415:16
elopioping pmcgowan: dobey has replied to bug 1332629. The abort doesn't come from u1 credentials. Do you know who from system settings could look at it?15:18
ubot5bug 1332629 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "lrt test found crash file _usr_bin_system-settings.32011.crash" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133262915:18
nik90balloons: found a small issue with the locale stuff. I see carla did self.useFixture(fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('LC_ALL', newvalue='C')) as you recommended. However when I open the clock app, the time shown is 17:19:00 while normally only 17:19 is shown. Why does it show the seconds while the Qt locale doesn't?15:19
nik90balloons: the test still passes, but it is different from real world usage15:20
pmcgowanelopio, not sure, I asked chris to poke at it some more and see if he could reproduce manually based on some theories15:21
elopiook, that sounds good.15:21
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beunoalecu, highlights don't auto-generate atm, they are all manual15:28
beuno(atm, we will in the future)15:29
pmcgowanelopio, dobey analyzed it there its the same as the bug I pointed to - a qfatal call in bluettoh15:32
alecubeuno: I can live with that coming post rtm (but probably before launch!)15:34
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achianghow can i set an environment variable for a click app?16:40
achiangto debug, that is16:41
achiangcan i just set it on the Exec= line in my desktop file?16:41
achiangnope, that doesn't work16:45
=== DanChapman|afk is now known as DanChapman
balloonsnik90, interesting observation. We could choose a different locale. Off the top I would assume the different is the default locale vsalue17:01
balloonsachiang, you need to pass it via upstart app launch17:02
achiangballoons: do you have an example?17:03
dpmpopey, balloons, did you have that chat about all the branches that need QA attention?17:04
balloonsdpm, we did, minus a mic which didn't work on my edn17:05
balloonsdpm, if you have any you'd like to highlight, go for it17:05
balloonscalendar, which got a new version into the store, yay, and music were the bit two17:05
balloonsachiang, I'm thinking17:08
dpmballoons, sounds good. I was just thinking of the two ones that we've got in the sponsoring page:17:10
dpmit'd be good for a QA person to approve them17:10
dpmas I don't feel I have the AP knowledge to review them17:11
balloonsdpm, ahh gotcha17:16
balloonsyes, reminders needs to land, I'll have someone +1 it17:16
dpmthanks balloons17:18
balloons on that note plars is still reviewing the mp for francis to put it on the dash17:18
naxuroqaHello! I am writing a gtk based application in vala/c and wanted to ask if it's possible to use the appindicator library via dbus / without linking to it at compile time17:50
naxuroqaIs this the right channel to ask questions like this?17:52
dpmhi naxuroqa, yes, this is the right channel, but everyone is really focused on the phone and the Ubuntu SDK, so you might not find many vala experts right now18:04
beunoalecu, likely won't be before launch  :/18:06
doflaherty_I'm trying to run on the device from QtC - but instead of my app, i'm just getting "snow"18:30
doflaherty_it seems to have stopped working since QtC got updated18:36
Letozaf_balloons, hello19:23
* popey pokes balloons with ahayzen 19:37
ahayzenpopey, whats up?20:37
popeyahayzen: i think balloons wanted to speak to you about failing music tests20:43
popeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/listitem-actions/+merge/220290 those ones20:43
ahayzenpopey, ah ... most (if not all) are nothing to do with ap and are todo with us/mediascanner220:43
ahayzenpopey, and are the same as the ones failing in CI20:44
ahayzenpopey, jamesh has suggested some ideas...i'm gonna flash the later image and see what is going on...and then either fix/create mini app to show any ms2 problems to jamesh20:44
popeyah okay.20:46
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
romanzonovHello everybody.22:08
romanzonovI have a question about SDK.22:08
romanzonovWhy you cutted possibility to test apps width "Ctrl+F12"?22:08
romanzonovAnd how I can test app now?22:08
nik90romanzonov: hi22:10
nik90romanzonov: what kind of app is yours? Pure QML app? or one with c++ plugins?22:10
romanzonovnik90, hi22:11
romanzonovPure QML22:11
romanzonovAfter last upgrade...22:11
romanzonovI tried to start app with "Build->Ubuntu->something like run on device", but that was cutted too22:12
nik90romanzonov: hmm22:17
nik90romanzonov: I will test this tomorrow to see what happens22:17
nik90romanzonov: have you tried adding a kit and then choosing the device or emulator22:17
nik90romanzonov: I remember they were trying to make it make the execution similar to cmake projects where you just press ctrl+r to run it on device, or emulator or desktop22:20
nik90romanzonov: the update is meant to make it easier22:21
ahayzenHey anyone around with an image <161 that could quickly test an app for me?23:13
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