
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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pittihallyn: thanks for teh lxc patch reviews; for those which you "acked-by"'ed, is there anything further for me to do, or will you just git am them to trunk? (they don't have particular dependencies on each other)04:57
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pittihallyn: cgmanager uploaded to Debian, thanks! But I have a question about integrating the remaining Ubuntu delta in https://mentors.debian.net/package/cgmanager05:48
pitti@pilot in05:52
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: pitti
pittihalfie: I also uploaded an Ubuntu merge05:53
pittihalfie: sorry, tab error; I meant hallyn05:54
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dholbachgood morning06:36
ptmanHi! Is there a reason why http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts doesn't advertise trusty? I thought do-release-upgrade should suggest trusty after 14.04.1 is released06:37
ptmanI can't view the bug reports related to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/meta-release/ubuntu06:37
sarnoldptman: I heard there was a pretty severe upgrade bug ...06:37
pittihey dholbach06:37
pittiinfinity: does this make sense? https://code.launchpad.net/~braiampe/ubuntu/trusty/overlay-scrollbar/fix-for-1262022/+merge/21889906:38
ptmansarnold, that would be a valid reason. Where should I be able to find out more?06:38
pittiinfinity: i. e. does an Arch: all package really need to be marked as M-A: foreign to satisfy non-native arch dependencies?06:38
pittiinfinity: that sounds wrong for arch: all, that should be implicit?06:38
dholbachhey pitti06:38
sarnoldptman: hmmm, this says 'fix released', maybe this wasn't the reason after all: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/134796406:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 1347964 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Trusty) "Precise w/Trusty HWE -> Trusty release upgrade fails : ubuntu-desktop fails to configure" [High,Fix released]06:39
dholbachNoskcaj, looks like doko fixed jquery06:39
dholbachNoskcaj, did you have a chance to look at python-wsme or libgtop2?06:39
TribaalHi all, silly question - my updated pacakge was pushed into trusty-proposed a while back (good), but I don't understand what it takes to land in the "real" archives. Could somebody shed light on the process?07:07
sarnoldTribaal: you might find it on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html07:08
Tribaalsarnold: nope, not on there07:08
sarnoldoh, trusty, not utopic.. probably wrong place..07:09
RAOFTribaal: It needs to be tested to work, marked as such, and then one of the SRU team will release it on the regular sweeps.07:09
Tribaaloh no sorry07:09
* Tribaal blames coffee07:09
TribaalI tested trusty, but it should have landed in *utopic*07:10
Tribaalnevermind :/07:10
LocutusOfBorg1sorry for bothering07:22
pittihey LocutusOfBorg107:22
TribaalRAOF: so, it might actually make sense to backport the package that is in utopic now to trusty. Where should I start for an SRU?07:22
LocutusOfBorg1Hi, did you notice the build failure of libvncserver?07:22
RAOFTribaal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates ?07:22
LocutusOfBorg1thanks for the other merges BTW07:22
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: err yes, just saw the FTBFS mail coming in; apparently some uninstallability in -proposed?07:23
TribaalRAOF: thanks :)07:23
LocutusOfBorg1pitti, the new package build-conflicts with libpng1207:23
LocutusOfBorg1because it wrongly links png stuff when available07:23
LocutusOfBorg1the problem is that I cannot reproduce on a clean pbuilder-dist utopic environment07:24
Tribaalah, maybe I should target trusty-proposed instead07:24
* Tribaal is a bit confused as to where the bits should ideally go07:24
LocutusOfBorg1BTW I don't know why the hell the debian people but a build conflict on png instead of a simple "--without-png" in rules07:24
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: so perhaps we should do that ^ ?07:25
LocutusOfBorg1don't know pitti07:26
LocutusOfBorg1I should talk with jcristau and luca about https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=72548007:26
ubottuDebian bug 725480 in libvncserver "libvncserver: don't link against libpng" [Normal,Fixed]07:26
LocutusOfBorg1I'm working on the package, will report back07:27
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: right, so if there's a --without-png and that works, that seems better than a build-conflicts07:28
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: cheers!07:28
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: should be easy to check, it shouldn't generate a libpng dependency07:28
LocutusOfBorg1yes I'm already doing that ;)07:29
LocutusOfBorg1I removed the conflict, rebuilding07:29
LocutusOfBorg1yes, ldd shows a libjpeg07:31
LocutusOfBorg1rebuilding with the autoconf flag07:31
TribaalRAOF: so apparently an SRU is not what is appropriate in this case. Is it possible to put a package in -proposed instead? What is the policy there? (Sorry, I'm a new contributor as you can tell)07:32
RAOFTribaal: -proposed is the staging ground that we test things to go into -updates. You might be looking for backports?07:33
TribaalRAOF: ah, yes, probably07:33
infinitypitti: It's not implicit for arch:all, no.  arch:all is implicitly mapped to the native arch for sane backward compatibility.07:53
pittiinfinity: hm; strange; why wouldn't it satisfy a dependency of e. g. an :i386 on amd64 to an arch:all package?07:53
pittiit seems weird having to change all arch:all packages for that07:53
infinitypitti: There were Good Reasons, but I can't think of that they are right now.07:54
infinitypitti: slangasek probably remembers better, he drove a lot of this.07:54
pittiinfinity: ok, thanks; so this is good to sponsor (to utopic for now)07:55
infinitypitti: I didn't read the MP, but if the reasoning otherwise makes sense, and the syntax is correct, sure.  If there's an all->any->all sort of chain in play, one needs to make sure that whatever combinations can be installed will actually make sense and work.07:56
pittiah, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec#Dependencies_involving_Architecture:_all_packages07:56
pittiinfinity: argh, can't sponsor; daily PS landing..07:58
Noskcajdholbach, I can't get wsme to work locally still, and i think it's best to wait for debian for libgtop208:07
dholbachNoskcaj, can't get to work in which way?08:07
Noskcajdholbach, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7921912/08:23
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dholbachNoskcaj, as I said yesterday: install all the build deps first, then start with -3 - it should work08:25
dholbachif you don't have the build-deps, it'll try to download them08:25
dholbachwhich will then look like a diff to be applied08:25
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Laneypitti: hey, can you moderate u-d-a?08:58
pittiLaney: doing08:58
dokoricotz, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cogl/1.18.2-1/+build/6176965 please fix, this is a regression, please use dh-autoreconf08:58
pittiLaney: congrats for alpha-2!08:59
LaneyI hacked $TZ to make it happen on the correct day. ;-)08:59
dokoLocutusOfBorg1, libvncserver ftbfs on all archs09:03
pittisee IRC scrollback 1.5 hours ago, he's on it09:03
pittiLaney: yup, blame it on me for slow moderation :)09:05
LocutusOfBorg1doko, ready above09:05
dokoahh, thanks09:06
LocutusOfBorg1I subscribed you to lp 134938609:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1349386 in libvncserver (Ubuntu) "please merge libvncserver from debian" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134938609:08
LocutusOfBorg1since it is your patch :)09:08
LocutusOfBorg1you can still take the first one and upload if you care ;)09:08
LocutusOfBorg1there is also a git commit waiting for upload on debian, so maybe fixing first there is better, but I don't know, it is up to you09:09
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: ah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvncserver/+bug/1349386/comments/6 looks good, thanks; will upload09:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 1349386 in libvncserver (Ubuntu) "please merge libvncserver from debian" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:09
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: we can still sync later (much appreciated)09:09
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: err, shouldn't --without-png be appended to dh_auto_configure insted of to dh?09:10
* pitti does that09:11
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: uploaded with that change, thanks!09:14
LocutusOfBorg1yes pitti that was a mistake09:17
LocutusOfBorg1damn copy paste09:17
dokopitti, this test result looks ok to me: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Utopic/view/AutoPkgTest/job/utopic-adt-gem2deb/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/09:30
pittidoko: it's timing out; supposedly the new version is trying to download something from the network, or is just stuck in an infinite loop or something?09:31
pittidoko: the unit tests succeeded, but the first integration test is stuck09:31
* pitti runs it locally09:32
pittidoko: works locally, so I suppose it's trying to download stuff from the internet?09:34
dokowell, it's gem2deb ...09:45
dokomitya57, want to have a look at a sphinx issue? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/heat/2014.2~b2-0ubuntu1/+build/621225309:53
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pittistgraber: I have a question for you in bug 134673410:20
ubottubug 1346734 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Unprivileged LXC containers don't work under systemd" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134673410:20
darkxstpitti, hey, what are the systemd plans for this cycle? sticking with 208?10:25
pittidarkxst: no, I hope 214 will land soon in Debian, then I'll update Ubuntu too10:27
pittidarkxst: but I want to stay in sync with Debian10:27
pittii. e. same version (not literally the same source package)10:27
darkxstpitti, ok that would be good, can't build any gnome until we have 210+10:34
darkxstI fear everything is just broken again now ;(10:34
darkxstpitti, though I did have 214 running from unit's packages, its pretty broken since the cgmanager/shim changes landed10:35
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pittidarkxst: oh, how's that?11:30
pittidarkxst: 208 and 214 shouldn't be fundamentally different wrt. cgroups handling?11:30
darkxstpitti, I see lots of cgroups failed, file not found messages11:31
darkxstand drm fails11:31
darkxstlightdm loads, but not mouse/keyboard ;(11:31
pittidarkxst: oh, wait -- you probably still have cgmanager 0.27-0ubuntu811:31
pittidarkxst: try 0.28-3ubuntu1 (landed in utopic today)11:32
pittidarkxst: that stops running cgmanager under systemd (indeed they fight)11:32
darkxstpitti, could be mirror lag11:32
pittidarkxst: yes, it really was just a few hours ago11:33
pittidarkxst: in the meantime, try if "sudo /etc/init.d/cgmanager stop" helps11:33
pittidarkxst: that's needed for e. g. making LXC work, too11:33
darkxstpitti, I can't even get to a working VT or ssh11:34
pittidarkxst: hmm; that sounds more like the symptom of having systemd 204 with cgmanager11:34
pittii. e. bug 134258611:34
ubottubug 1342586 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[utopic] [proposed] cgmanager breaks lightdm login" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134258611:34
darkxstpitti, no 20411:34
darkxst208 works, 214 breaks11:35
darkxstI see cgmanager update on mirror now, will try that11:35
darkxstpitti, boom! I am in ;)11:38
pittidarkxst: \o/11:38
pitti@pilot out12:10
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
didrocksstupid question, but with a local sbuild installation, is there any hook to log inside the chroot on build failure?12:42
didrocksgoogle isn't my friend :/12:43
xnoxdidrocks: yes.12:43
xnoxdidrocks: you can set the option to preserve chroot session on build failures, and then use schroot to enter that session id12:43
didrocksxnox: that would be perfect! do you have a handy pointer to that option?12:44
xnoxdidrocks:        --purge-session=purge-mode12:44
xnox              Purge the schroot session following a build.  This is useful in conjunction with the --purge-build and --purge-deps options when using snapshot chroots, since12:44
xnox              by default the snapshot will be deleted.  Possible values are always (default), never, and successful.12:44
xnoxdidrocks: so i think you want "--purge-session=successful", and then list sessions in chroot (and or look up the session UUID from the failed buildlog) and enter it with schroot.12:44
didrocksxnox: let give me it a try :)12:45
* xnox assumes you are using snapshots of some kind (overlayfs, lvm, btrfs...)12:45
xnoxbarry`: i've re-ported lazr.authentication to python3, cause i didn't notice your port. I think it's mostly equivalent, apart from your port being more resiliant to accepting either bytes or strings in the middleware.12:46
xnoxbarry`: or maybe not, cause e.g. i think autorization header is always string, yet in your code it's assumed to be bytes. Not sure.12:48
xnoxbarry`: and i wouldn't want distribute to be commited =)12:48
didrocksxnox: looking good! thanks a bunch :)12:50
pittiinfinity: I'm stunned by bug 1351295 -- I can't see how this makes sense; does that ring a bell per chance?12:56
ubottubug 1351295 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Boot fails if /sbin/init is an absolute symlink" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135129512:56
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* dholbach hugs pitti13:07
* pitti hugs dholback13:07
stgraberpitti: hi13:28
pittisalut stgraber, ça va ?13:28
stgraberpitti: oui, très bien et toi?13:28
pittistgraber: je vais bien aussi, merci; mais j'attends avec impatience le week-end :)13:28
highvoltagebon week-end à tous13:29
pittistgraber: so I have a question for you in bug 134673413:31
ubottubug 1346734 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Unprivileged LXC containers don't work under systemd" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134673413:31
hallynpitti: stgraber normally applies the patchset after it's fully acked.13:35
pittihallyn: ah, thanks; so nothing left to do for me for those13:35
pittihallyn: I sent a fixed patch for the missing "git add", and had some questions about the first one13:35
stgraberpitti: ah right, I saw your patches but since hallyn asked for some changes I didn't push them yet. I'll look at the mailing-list in a bit and process what's there.13:36
stgraberpitti: I also plan to tag alpha2 early next week (Monday or Tuesday) so unless you're in a big hurry, you'll get the change in the distro then13:37
pittistgraber: that sounds perfect13:37
pittistgraber: there's still bug 1350947 (but that has an easy workaround) anyway13:37
ubottubug 1350947 in lxc (Ubuntu) "apparmor: no working rule to allow making a mount private" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135094713:37
pittistgraber: but I'm not in such a hurry; I have my changes to trunk installed locally, so I'm a happy camper :)13:37
hallynyeah that one has to wait on apparmor iiuc right?13:40
pittihallyn: not sure whether it's in the parser (appamor) or in the kernel, but either way; jjohansen kindly said he'd look into it13:41
pittihallyn: but for testing it's an one-line addition to the policy (I put the workaround in the bug)13:41
hallynpitti: reagrding the apparmor load patch,13:41
pittiso doesn't block development/testing13:41
pittihallyn: btw, new cgmanager working well; you also made darkxst happy :)13:42
hallynhm, i guess it's ok.  it'll just do nothing if that prog doesn't exist13:42
hallynpitti: I don't know who that is, but thanks :)13:42
pittihallyn: ah, if you want to keep that in the distro for now, that's ok for me13:42
hallynno, it' sok, i just wanted to make sure it won't break fedora etc13:42
pittihallyn: once we have systemd 210+, we can probably just replace that with an ApparmorProfile= in the .service13:42
pittihallyn: there's probably a more elegant way for Fedora ^13:43
hallyn210+ has apparmor suport built-in?13:43
pittiyes, apparently13:43
pittiprofile loading13:43
pittihallyn: but anyway, it's all protected by test's, and no apparmor (by default at least) on Fedora, so I believe it should be reasonably safe13:44
hallynso i'm back on my 4 year old sony.  it's like an old, i dunno, what do you put on, an old shoe?  and old glove?  my idioms fail me13:46
stgraberpitti: can you send your sign-off for the batch?13:47
stgraber(unless I missed it)13:47
mdeslaurpitti, hallyn: systemd only has profile _switching_, not loading...we need to create a proper apparmor parser library so we can get systemd to load apparmor profiles properly at boot13:48
michagogopitti: thanks!13:49
xnoxmdeslaur: and upstart?13:49
xnoxmdeslaur: is that switching only as well?13:49
mdeslaurxnox: upstart has loading, and switching13:49
xnoxmdeslaur: excellent. I wonder if I can do archive wide massacare of /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load usage13:50
mdeslaurxnox: but we call the parser in upstart, and it was made clear on the systemd list that we shouldn't do that, but link to a library13:50
hallynmdeslaur: and does someone have time to do that?13:50
pittistgraber: you mean self sign-off all the patches and re-send them all?13:50
pittimdeslaur: ah, thanks; so we'll still need that script13:51
mdeslaurhallyn: we know we need to do it soon...it's planned, we just haven't gotten to it yet13:51
pittimichagogo: err - you're welcome (for whatever :) )13:51
michagogopitti: 131461613:52
stgraberpitti: or just reply to Serge's last e-mail asking for a single sign-off for the whole series13:55
pittimichagogo: ah :)13:55
pittistgraber: ok; I never understood the purpose of Author: having to sign off himself, but sure :)13:56
xnoxpitti: it's a declaration that you own copyright, and/or have appropriate permission to open source it.13:56
stgraberpitti: it means that you confirm you have the right to give that to the project (as in, your employer allows you to)13:56
xnox*snap* =)13:56
pittiI'm sure sabdfl doesn't mind me contributing to LXC :)13:57
xnoxpitti: without consulting colicitor first?! =)))))) https://code.launchpad.net/~harmoney/upstart/manpage-fixes/+merge/2087813:58
xnox( i loved that merge proposal comments )13:59
pittihallyn: replied to both now14:04
pittixnox: colic.. WHAT? get a room!14:04
* pitti hugs xnox, TGIF14:04
pittixnox: oh argh; yay bureaucracy14:05
xnoxpitti: i mean a lawyer =)14:05
xnoxpitti: TGIF - T.G.I. Friday's?!14:05
xnoxpitti: re: systemd-sysv, can't it just install real files and do dpkg-divert and not conflict with upstart?14:06
pittihallyn: ooh, sorry, I understand now14:06
xnoxpitti: imho, at the moment we want to be able to install systemd-sysv and be able to uninstall it to go back to upstart.14:06
pittihallyn: git-email converts Author: to the email From:; I'm too used to attaching patches to mails, instead of sending ptaches *as* mails14:06
pittisee, I can even learn stuff on a Friday afternoon!14:07
* pitti needs an ice cream now to cool down his brain after this enormous exercise (and also go for some errands)14:07
xnoxpitti: as i new comer to VCS systems - git was my first one ever. And it all made sense until I was asked to setup mta for the first time and somehow learn that the "format-patch" thing it generates doubles up as an email was a complete mystery to me.14:08
pittiwow, you are young!14:09
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hallynpitti: regarding full paths, my point was precisely that by pulling a part of the init script into a script elsewhere on the system, you're encouraging use by something other init, where paths are *not* sanitized.14:15
hallynof course all setuid-root binaries *should* be sanitiziing paths, but this is a favorite exploit in capture-the-flag contests at least :)14:16
tseliotpitti: thinking of nvidia-persistenced, I think I've found a udev rule that could work to start the nvidia-persistenced daemon. I also have to stop the daemon using udev. Is there a recommended way to do it?14:26
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barrybdmurray: ping me when you're online14:45
bdmurraybarry: I'm online14:47
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tseliotpitti: never mind, problem solved15:08
jpds$ sudo apt-get install rtpproxy15:34
jpds$ grep DAEMON /etc/init.d/rtpproxy15:34
jpds$ ls -l /usr/sbin/rtpproxy15:34
jpdsls: cannot access /usr/sbin/rtpproxy: No such file or directory15:34
jpdsAh, quality.15:34
stgraberbarry: system-image-cli is missing a depend on python3-dbus and python3-xdg15:36
barrystgraber: dang.  i think both should be added to system-image-common.  i can do that for 2.3.2 which is in the citrain now15:38
stgraberbarry: do you ever still test system-image-cli without udm?15:44
stgraberbarry: I'm testing an ubuntu core image with system-image and it appears to hang on downloading the indices15:44
barrystgraber: no.  it's currently non-functional without udm.  i have a stalled branch that adds an asyncio internal downloader alternative but haven't had time to finish that yet15:48
barrystgraber: and yes, there are occasional "weird" things happening with udm ;)15:49
stgraberbarry: hmm, ok, it's going to become pretty critical seeing how we need this to make progress on the ubuntu core system image stuff15:49
stgraberslangasek, jodh_: ^15:49
stgraberhmm, hold on, udm is actually installed15:50
stgraber(which we probably don't want in this case, but still, things should kinda work then...)15:50
slangasekyes... using udm for server images may not make the most sense, but it should be functional for a first cut :)15:51
stgraberyeah, trying to figure out why it doesn't... no errors in the log...15:52
stgraberok, so the target dir didn't exist (we need to set this to something else than /android/cache/recovery ...), creating it and killing udm did the trick15:53
barrystgraber: oh jeez, i just got a crash of udm doing a local test build of si 2.3.2.  this is after this morning's dist-upgrade15:55
barryso i think that's a new problem15:55
barry(existing known problems w/o resolution: it occasionally downloads files to the wrong place, and there are intermittent timeouts)15:55
barrylooks like the crash was in passing a pause signal to udm15:56
slangasekpitti: fwiw these dependencies on upstart can mostly be dropped not because the packages support systemd as an alternative, but because they're versioned deps that are no-ops post-14.0415:56
jcastrois `do-release-upgrade` from 12.04 supposed to prompt for 14.04.1 yet?16:24
jcastroaka. did we flip the switch?16:24
TJ-jcastro: I think the update to meta-release-lts has been delayed by a 12.04 update-manager bug-fix in precise-proposed16:31
TJ-jcastro: Not 100% since no-one has admitted responsibility for a finger on the switch :)16:31
jcastroTJ, thanks17:46
venturai wish to deploy deb packages to my ppa, however i need that during the install processes the 'terms of service' be displayed to the user18:18
venturahow is it done according to ubuntu policies? preinst scripts?18:18
dobeywhat are you packaging that would require a terms of service be displayed at install time?18:19
dobeyand do you have a commercial support contract on launchpad? because its terms do not allow you to put non-redistributable software in a PPA unless you have a commercial agreement and own the rights to that software18:22
venturafor example, a oracle java 7. if i wish to create a debian package of it.18:36
ventura1. does is respect launchpad terms?18:36
rwwOracle Java isn't allowed in Launchpad.18:37
rwwOracle changed the licensing terms, so...18:37
venturarww: uhm18:37
rwwI think webupd8 has a PPA which packages it similar to Flash where they download it from Oracle's site, though18:38
rww(i.e., there's no actual Oracle property in the PPA)18:38
dobeyventura: yeah, you can't ship the binaries, oracle's license doesn't allow redistribution18:39
venturadobey, oracle was an example. however the point is extremely valid, thus i have to read if the terms of the binaries i wish to ship allow it too.18:40
dobeyventura: if you don't have a commercial agreement with launchpad, and own the rights to the code, you can't put the binaries on launchpad. and there are almost no proprietary things that allow binary redistribution18:43
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dobeyif you want to make proprietary things installable, you're going to have to do it by writing an open source installer app and shipping that and/or doing an install in the same way that the flash plug-in does18:49
venturadobey: thx19:32
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xnoxev: slangasek: why do we care about getting the same whoopsie id across re-installs? Full reinstall -> new encornation thus should be new id.23:43
xnoxit doesn't affect any stats, as we only count active/relecently seen ids, and reinstalled machine with new id, is one for one trade.23:44
xnoxwe should use file cache / machine-id, and only if all fails doing the mac/imei guessing.23:45
xnox(i.e. stateless case)23:45
xnoxit's not scalable that all launched emulators with same MAC and same IMEI have same whoopsie id.23:46
xnoxroot vs non-root user has different whoopsie ids =)23:48
slangasekxnox: we do care about being able to identify a device across reinstalls, for associating on errors.ubuntu.com23:51
xnoxslangasek: no, we don't. =)23:51
xnoxslangasek: i do factory reset, and sell my phone. I don't expect for new user to see my crashes =)23:51
xnoxslangasek: and we have changed ID implementation at least 3 times now, and thus broke machine association.23:52
xnox(for typical machines)23:52
xnoxusing /etc/machine-id or even /var/lib/dbus/machine-id would have preserved association.23:53
slangasekxnox: there are reasons to prefer they not be visible, but for testing, where the device will be regularly reinstalled, not having a persistent id that they can use for locating the device is problematic23:53
slangaseknow, if we were to use machine-id as the basis, maybe the answer would be for the test environment to update that id23:54
xnoxslangasek: testing things should set CRASH_DB_IDENTIFIER environment variable, which can be passed e.g. on kernel command line.23:55
xnoxslangasek: which overrides internal whoopsie identifier generator.23:55
xnox, if that fails and we have a machine-id, i think that should be used.23:55
slangasekediting the kernel commandline is hardly the most convenient interface on the phone23:55
xnoxand only last case scenario - completly read-only stateless system -> use the generator.23:56
xnoxslangasek: then we should extend both upstart and systemd units to source the /etc/default/whoopsie such that one can specify ID there.23:57
xnoxslangasek: is that file RW on the phone?23:57
xnox(i'm not sure the current state of affairs around how to enable/disable it)23:57
slangasekno, it's not, and there's no particular reason to put it in that file23:57
xnoxslangasek: well, i need to introduce a stable / persistant storage for the id, make it world readable, and make sure it's used by default.23:58
slangasekI'd rather we modify /etc/machine-id as part of the provisioning and make whoopsie honor that, than push it anywhere else23:59
xnoxIMHO it's redicilous that whoopsie_identifier_generate() call is returning different value for root and non-root user.23:59
slangasekhah, does it?23:59

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