
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
trijntjehi all, I noticed that ubottu doesnt have a factoid for !dd like it has for !rm, what is the best way to add a factoid?11:26
IdleOnetrijntje: you can tell ubottu in PM. !dd is <reply> What you want the output of !dd to be.11:34
IdleOnethat will get sent to the ops team who will review the factoid and apply it or not11:35
IdleOnetrijntje: that warning could apply to almost all commands really :)11:36
IdleOnetrijntje: maybe add a link to a wiki page for instructions at the end11:37
trijntjeIdleOne: well, sure, but rm has a similar warning. And like rm, there aren't a lot of uses of dd that aren't potentially dangerous11:37
trijntjeI mean you can cat stuf to /dev/sda as root, but you'll mostly use it to view files11:38
IdleOnetrijntje: if you can also add a link to a good wiki page with examples/instructions on using dd I will gladly add the factoid :)11:41
trijntjemy google-fu is weak today, I cant really find any usefull pages about dd.11:41
trijntjedebian has http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/ddcommand.htm, but thats rather light on warnings ;)11:42
IdleOneyeah, I can't seem to find anything either11:42
IdleOneI vaguely remember seeing something on wiki.ubuntu.com once, maybe it was on help.ubuntu.com11:43
cprofittmorning all11:44
IdleOnemorning cprofitt11:45
trijntjeIdleOne: I cant find a wiki/docs page for dd, sorry. Its not that critical to add a factoid for dd, I don't think I've ever seen a user paste a dangerous dd command in the chat11:47
IdleOneif it does ever happen there is !danger11:47
trijntjeI didn't know that, thats also nice11:55

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