
pleia2adding a2 announcement to fridge17:49
josepleia2: I'll get to summaries tomorrow anyways :)22:06
jose(but yeah, I could use a hand)22:07
pleia2you wrote them all last week, I felt bad!22:07
pleia2and I wrote them all a couple weeks ago22:07
pleia2we're going to burnselves out22:07
josewell, it's something I could do when not playing Portal 2 :P22:08
pleia2I keep saying I'll do a blog post to get new contributors, but I need to keep an eye on the news mailbox when I do that, and with travel+sick lately I haven't found a nice chunk of time that I'd be home and not ill22:08
* pleia2 sneaks off to recovery naptime22:10
joseget better soon!22:24

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