
wxlhopefully this is not too late but i just marked lubuntu alternate amd64/i386 as ready for alpha203:06
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pittiinfinity: I just uploaded an SRU for bitcoin in precise; any idea why it landed in NEW?06:21
pittiwgrant: ^06:21
pitti bitcoin  | 0.3.24~dfsg-1 | precise/universe | source06:21
pitti bitcoind | 0.3.24~dfsg-1 | precise/universe | amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc06:21
pittiis that because it doesn't exist in any other release?06:21
pittibut I suppose accepting it in NEW won't put it into UNAPPROVED, like that it's just not visible to the SRU team06:22
wgrantpitti: Totally new override code was deployed a few hours ago, so probably a regression there. Investigating now -- please don't touch it just yet.06:23
pittiwgrant: thanks; no, I won't -- if I would accept it it would already go into -proposed, and I'm not in ~ubuntu-sru any more06:23
infinityDefinitely a regression.06:25
infinitywgrant: HEY, YOUR CODE HAS A REGRESSION.06:25
infinitywgrant: YOU WANTED ME TO TELL YOU.06:25
infinitywgrant: THIS IS ME NOTICING.06:25
wgrantIt's the resurrections-must-hit-NEW case going wrong.06:26
wgrantThe most recent precise pub is a rejected SRU that is now Deleted.06:27
wgrantSo it sees the most recent pub is Deleted and decides it needs NEWing again.06:27
wgrantI guess in this case I should look for non-Deleted ones first.06:27
wgrantinfinity: Opinions on precedence for binaries? We need to fall back to other archs and also to deleted pubs, but in which order should the combinations be tried?06:32
wgrantLike, should an amd64 binary fall back to i386's overrides before a deleted amd64 pub?06:33
pittiI think "yes", from my POV06:34
pittiin general it's really awkward to have builds for different arches be in different components06:34
pittiand I'm inclined to say that every such case is queue pilot error instead of deliberate06:34
infinitywgrant: arch-before-deleted, I'd say.  Since arches should match in the Ubuntu case anyway.06:35
infinitywgrant: We don't tend to mismatch.06:35
infinitywgrant: We *can*, but we don't, cause it breaks our tiny little AA minds (and some of our tools).06:35
infinityWe should probably revisit that some day, so we can do different arch priorities, but yeah, we don't today.  Today, we override the tools instead of the pubs.06:36
wgrantinfinity: That's where I was leaning to as well, yeah.06:36
wgrantThe only thing that can sanely differ is priority, I guess.06:37
wgrantAnd who cares if that goes slightly wrong.06:37
RiddellLaney: did alpha 2 get released? I see nothing on ubuntu-devel-announce?07:17
LaneyRiddell: no, kylin hadn't readied before I had to leave08:15
Laneylet me check on it now08:15
Laneyyes, looks good, doing it08:16
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Laneyjamespage: do you know if anyone other than utlemming can publish cloud images?08:32
jamespageLaney, rcj can as well but they are both not around until later08:32
jamespageLaney, prob smoser as well08:33
jamespageagain +3 hrs or so08:33
Laneysure, don't really want to wait for that08:33
LaneyI'll just say "will shortly be available"08:33
Laneysyncing out now08:37
jamespageLaney, ack08:41
Laneyjamespage: ah, maybe they're already done: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/utopic/alpha-2/09:02
jamespageLaney, awesome09:08
jamespagethat does look to be the case09:09
Laneyso all good09:09
Laneymove along people, nothing to see here09:09
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty Final, Utopic Alpha 2 | Archive: Open | Utopic Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
pittithe new debhelper is being held back in -proposed by the new broken gem2deb version in -proposed, but it's not the new debhelper's fault; can you please hint this?09:22
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smoserLaney, i can.12:48
smoserand, yeah, rcj.12:49
Laneysmoser: It'd be good to have someone in the eu who can do it too13:32
smoserLaney, talk to utlemming to get someone on that team.13:33
Laneyutlemming: consider yourself talked to :-)13:34
Chipacaseb128: please re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/just-the-touch-settings/+merge/22831714:31
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seb128Chipaca, k14:45
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NivexCuriosity is getting the better of me. What's the blocker for do-release-upgrade from 12.04.4 to 14.04.1 ?15:12
wgrantpitti, infinity: That NEW bug is fixed on prod now.15:58
utlemmingLaney: working on that question today, incidently.17:14

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