
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.00:00
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).00:00
WACOMaltvirtualmin/webmin supports 14.04 though?00:03
WACOMaltPatrickdk, does zentray offer plenty of options? Aka can I host say, 5 separate domains on it, each using a different IP etc etc00:04
WACOMaltmail server, FTP, mysql, postgre00:05
Patrickdkhow should I know?00:05
WACOMaltoh... you recommended it so I figured maybe you used it00:05
PatrickdkI didn't recommend anything00:06
PatrickdkI just listed *options*00:06
WACOMaltok, sorry then00:06
Patrickdkthere might be more options00:06
Patrickdkbut those are the ones that I know of00:06
SachiruAlso can anyone recommend a shared web host or cloud email provider? The shared web hosting will be used strictly for IMAP/email purposes (we need custom branding for email for 15 users, but we create and delete users a lot due to the nature of the nonprofit, so if we'll go by created users a month it will be more like 30 users)00:09
WACOMaltI need to manually add a public key for a repo I think.. but I have no idea how to do that. This is the repo: http://archive.zentyal.org/zentyal/dists/3.5/00:37
WACOMaltthere is a Release.gpg file there. I assume this is the key I need to add00:38
jak2000how to restart a ububtu server? sudo shutdown -g0 -r     ? or?00:58
Patrickdkreboot? :)00:58
jak2000yes reboot00:58
sarnoldWACOMalt: you need something like: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key E23F477701:05
sarnoldWACOMalt: (I found the keyid by downloading the Release and Release.gpg file, and running "gpg Release.gpg"01:05
WACOMaltI wound up figureing it out from this https://wiki.zentyal.org/index.php/Daily_Builds#Installing_from_APT_repository01:05
jak2000how to restart/reboot a ububtu server? sudo shutdown -g0 -r     ? or?02:02
sarnoldjak2000: what does -g0 do? I don't see it in my shutdown(8) manpage02:03
jak2000sarnold :) bad practice other linux02:03
jak2000the: sudo shutdown -r   its ok?02:03
sarnoldjak2000: I always use sudo shutdown -r now02:04
rena_sudo reboot02:07
sarnoldI don't recommend reboot since some unix systems instantly reset the CPU on 'reboot': no dirty buffer flushing, no filesystem umounts, no process killing..02:08
TJ-sarnold: reboot calls shutdown unless runlevel is {0,6}02:11
jak2000sarnold wich VPS reccomend me? cheaper, good speed, good processors, and much hard drive? :)02:25
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fraqif I want to download all the dependencies for a package (which may already have been downloaded)03:20
fraqwhat is the recommended way to go about that?03:21
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mechamjosephhey all05:44
mechamjosephmy server is running quite slow. when i run “top” i see quite a large number of “sendmail-mta” processes. is this normal?05:45
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RoyKmechamjoseph: check the mail logs - also - why on earth are you running sendmail?06:05
mechamjosephthank you Royk06:05
mechamjosephi didn’t set this server up, i’m just helping out with a company, and i’m not really familiar with running a server06:05
mechamjosephwhat should i do instead of sendmail?06:06
RoyKpostfix or exim - I prefer postfix - but anyway - if it works, don't fix it06:06
mechamjosephhaha it doesn't06:06
mechamjosephit’s totally busted06:06
RoyKbut then - I can't recall ever seeing a process called sendmail-mta06:06
RoyKit should be just sendmail06:07
RoyKpastebin "ps axfwww" please06:07
RoyK!pastebin | mechamjoseph06:08
ubottumechamjoseph: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:08
histoRoyK: is that like super wide output? www?06:09
RoyKhisto: mhm06:09
RoyKhisto: ps tends to cut lines06:09
histoRoyK: one w would be sufficient, is what I was trying to say. www does nothing vs. w06:28
sarnoldhisto: have you tried?06:28
histosarnold: tried what?06:29
sarnoldhisto: ps auxw vs ps auxwww ?06:29
histosarnold: yes06:29
RoyKhisto: no, one w alone doesn't do what two does. three was perhaps a bit overkill06:30
RoyK       w               Wide output. Use this option twice for unlimited width.06:30
sarnoldhisto: note one w:06:30
sarnoldsarnold  24919  0.0  0.0  11564   736 ?        Ss   Jul18   0:00 cscope -dl -f /home/sarnold/ubuntu/security/audits/librevenge/utopi06:30
sarnoldhisto: two ww:06:31
sarnoldsarnold  24919  0.0  0.0  11564   736 ?        Ss   Jul18   0:00 cscope -dl -f /home/sarnold/ubuntu/security/audits/librevenge/utopic/librevenge-0.0.1/cscope.out06:31
sarnoldhunh. where'd that terminal go anyway?06:34
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lordievaderGood morning.07:00
lordievaderHey RoyK, how are you?07:11
RoyKlordievader: fine, thanks07:11
histoNow wait a sec, sarnold when I tested diff <(ps auxw) <(ps auxwww) no difference here. I assume that depends heavily on output so I'll take your word for it.07:37
histos/output/running pids/07:41
user123321http://pastebin.com/EghdcWfA <--- this in the interfaces file. I tried pinging but the responses are way too slow. I'm getting like only 3 responses within 15-20 seconds. The problem came after adding CARP setting. Any ideas?07:41
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lordievaderuser123321: Default route timeout?07:48
user123321lordievader, Each response came with time around 70 ms. Would installing traceroute be helpful?07:51
lordievaderuser123321: Check your routes: ip route/route07:52
user123321lordievader, ip route gives, default via dev eth007:53
user123321192.168.1.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
lordievaderuser123321: Judging from your interfaces file I'd say that is correct, however I have no experience with a carp device and I do not know the influence of such a thing.07:55
user123321Yep, problem comes only after CARP, lol.07:59
user123321If I remove the CARP setting, then it will work. hmm.08:00
user123321What's a good HA and LB method for Ubuntu?08:02
user123321At least for, 2 servers. Main server + Backup server08:03
user123321They would have, for example, an Apache.08:03
user123321Is HAProxy good?08:20
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user123321Hello, I would appreciate some advice regarding the possibility to install this in VM's --> http://support.severalnines.com/entries/23612682-Install-HAProxy-and-Keepalived-Virtual-IP-08:27
user123321For example, without getting actual physical machines, is it alright to install some of the parts in VM's, any recommendations?08:28
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mephxcan a xfs filesystem be mounted during ubuntu setup in an alternative console? mount doesn't support -t xfs in the current 14.04 setup.10:03
user123321Any comments for this network design? Load Balancer 1 and Web server 1, both in one physical machine (LB1 in a VM), Load Balancer 2 and Web Server 2 in another physical machine (LB2 in a VM). The web servers and load balancers are identical. Both the load balancers will have one virtual IP.10:06
user123321So basically, there's a reduction from 4 machines to 2 machines. Any ideas?10:06
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weeb1e_Apparently, someone managed to remove the kernel entirely from an ubuntu server11:25
weeb1e_And grub is not showing any previous kernel to load11:26
weeb1e_What are the steps to recover the system and reinstall a kernel? I need to provide them via email as I have no direct access to the machine11:26
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peetaur2weeb1e_: :D12:01
peetaur2weeb1e_: boot rescue/live cd, chroot into root, make sure boot is mounted, apt-get install linux-image-...12:01
peetaur2weeb1e_: and then:    optional, not required unless you also lost /boot:  grub-install /dev/sdX          then maybe optional:  update-initramfs -u          and important:  update-grub12:02
peetaur2I have also written this which has the same chroot and grub install steps:  http://pastebin.com/4NLFkdzQ12:03
peetaur2and I wrote this answer for even if you rm -rf /boot: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117027/cannot-recover-grub-due-to-missing-vmlinuz-and-intrd-img/134278#comment181504_13427812:05
weeb1e_peetaur2: Yeah I found instructions online and passed them on12:05
weeb1e_I saw the box respond to pings while live booted, but it has not come back up since rebooting12:05
weeb1e_So I assume it did not go well12:06
sdferFor some reason my laptop just *wont* boot grub after having installed ubuntu. It just keep booting Windows13:44
sdferI've tried with and without secure boot enabled13:44
pds_corphi guys, is there a tutorial regarding on how to renew a certificate for an apache server13:53
peetaur2pds_corp: as long as you know where the files are, should be easy...13:56
peetaur2pds_corp: the trouble is just finding the files. eg. someone in ##proxmox changed their cert and found that they had to also open a .jar file to replace the one for the VNC client too.13:56
pds_corppeetaur2: nope guess staring with .csr file13:56
peetaur2to find the old certs, just find the config that points there13:56
peetaur2and you also change the key, not just cert13:57
peetaur2client needs cert, but server needs key13:57
gnuoyjamespage, I'm looking at a package which has a change log entry that says "Rebuild to drop files installed into /usr/share/pyshared". But deb diff shows nothing relating to /usr/share/pyshared.14:08
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rharperjamespage: last time I sent you some diffs for etc_keeper,  you had some comments on them, but I wasn't what needed done next.14:11
gnuoyjamespage, would that be a change in the code tarball then ?14:11
lutostaganyone want a autofs debdiff?14:12
rbasak2Sorry I'm late14:16
rbasak2So I have access to not very much, but I can do web, Launchpad and a shell on an Ubuntu system.14:19
rbasak2So I can look at stuff as needed I hope, but I have no overlayfs, schroot or sbuild (awkward armhf system running on a vendor non-Ubuntu kernel)14:20
rbasak2I will help as much as I can!14:20
rbasak2Does anyone have the pad link from last time?14:20
rbasak2(no IRC logs here either :(14:20
jamespagegnuoy, is it a python package?14:21
rharperrbasak2: what was the domain ?14:21
rbasak2Like ubuntu-server or something14:21
rbasak2That's it. Thanks!14:21
gnuoyjamespage, no. I have it for pacemaker and moin14:21
rharperlutostag: has it14:22
jamespagegnuoy, pacemaker is python14:22
jamespagegnuoy, basically prior to droppnig py 2.6 python got installed to /usr/share/pyshared and then symlinked to 2.6 and 2.7 install locations14:22
jamespagewhen 2.6 got dropped things just got installed direct to 2.714:23
lutostagdo sponsors here prefer debdiffs or lp branches?14:23
coreycb_I wasn't here last fri, do we just pick a pkg at random?14:24
rbasak2I prefer debdiffs, but am happy to work with a LP branch14:24
rbasak2Though right now I don't have my gpg key to sign uploads :-/14:24
lutostagthats ok, doesnt need to go thru right now; but now I'll create a bug14:24
jamespagelutostag, I prefer a branch personally14:25
rbasak2coreycb_: yes, please pick a package at random. We're managing a list of what people are working on in http://pad.ubuntu.com/server-team-merges to avoid duplicate work.14:25
jamespagerharper, can't remember - that was last week!14:25
rharperlemme find the pastes14:25
coreycb_rbasak2, will diddly do.  if you know of an easy one for a first timer, let me know.14:26
rharperJul 25 11:22:38 <rharper>jamespage: debian_1.12_to_1.12ubuntu1.debdiff -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7857095/  ; ubuntu_1.11ubuntu1_to_ubuntu_1.12ubuntu1.debdiff -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7857097/14:26
rbasak2coreycb_: I only just did exim4, and it's been updated in Debian already! I know it's fairly trivial. Probably mostly educational though - we don't need it merged again as a priority, but it might be a good one to start with.14:28
coreycb_rbasak2, great thanks, I'll take a look at that14:30
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lutostagah so you guys want both debian(new)->ubuntu(new) and ubuntu(old)->ubuntu(new) for debdiffs?14:48
rbasak2lutostag: yes, that's what sponsors generally tend to want.14:50
rbasak2rbasak2: I never understood that though. I want to see debian(old) -> ubuntu(old) and compare that to debian(new) -> ubuntu(new) personally. But I can generate what I need.14:51
lutostagrbasak2: ok, I'll get the first half of it into bug 1351337 then; thanks14:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1351337 in autofs "Please merge autofs 5.0.8-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135133714:51
rbasak2It is pretty awkward when you need sponsoring. I remember it well. Different sponsors tend to want different things. I think sponsors understand this difficulty though, and are generally quite flexible, and I try to be the same.14:52
lutostagyeah I figure for next merge I'll do a branch with 2 commits first is debian updates, second is ubuntu fixes14:53
jamespagegnuoy, OK _ pacemaker uploaded - I tweaked the changelog a bit14:55
jamespagetake a look14:55
arrrghhhNivex, still nothing official that I can really find on "why" has 14.04.1 not been made available...14:59
jamespagerharper, looking now15:00
rharperjamespage: sure15:00
gnuoyjamespage, where can I see it ?15:01
jamespagegnuoy, you should have an email15:01
rbasak2arrrghhh: it is available. It's just not automatically being recommended if anything.15:02
arrrghhhrbasak2, semantics, but it's not here http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts15:02
arrrghhhI realize I can get a image from the release site... that's not what I'm after :)15:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1344762 in update-notifier "update-notifier tells me to upgrade from 12.04.4 LTS to 14.04 LTS (because of HWE), but that release is not found" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:03
Nivexrbasak2: ^^15:03
jamespagerharper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7924702/15:04
jamespageI'd expect a copy-paste of the previous merge comments15:04
jamespageand a validation that they are needed15:04
jamespagerharper, also note that if you are the sole change author, no need for [ Ryan Harper ]15:04
gnuoyjamespage, I see no email (well I see lots of email but I'm guessing you don't mean the one about the Muppet movie being available on Netflix)15:05
gnuoyjust got it15:06
rharperjamespage: not following the first one -- the only patch applied is the conversion of bzr to git and the tutorial -- I don't really have a justification for that;  that's just what was already done...15:06
jamespagerharper, that debdiff I pasted is the full diff, which includes all of the changes in the changelog15:06
jamespagerharper, merging is normally just about doing what we did last time and resolving any conflicts or drops15:07
rharperjamespage: ok -- so I posted the wrong thing ?  I mean for etc keeper, the merge change just looked to me like we kept the same "use bzr by default" patch between versions15:11
rharperjamespage: not sure how to express that in debdiffs15:11
jamespagerharper, the debdiff was just fine - but your changelog entry needed updating - that's all I changed15:11
rharperoh -- the cut-n-paste of the previous ubuntu patch changelog15:12
jamespagerharper, indeed15:13
jamespagerharper, that's where I normally start15:13
jamespagecopy-and-paste and then check each comment15:13
rharperjamespage: so, let me update it and send you new debdiffs?15:13
rharperthat way I know I got it right this time?15:14
jamespagerharper, sure15:17
jamespagerharper, redo the process and check against my debdiff15:17
gnuoyjamespage, I've thrown Bug #1351331 up as well15:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1351331 in moin "Please merge moin 1.9.7-2  (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135133115:18
rharperjamespage: thanks!15:19
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coreycb_rbasak2, so for exim4 the only conflict is that ubuntu has additional patches in debian/patches/series15:31
coreycb_rbasak2, which is kind of odd actually b/c I don't see the patches in debian/patches15:32
gnuoyjamespage, rbasak2, I think I'll just unassign Bug #1351331 from myself and subscribe ~ubuntu-sponsor . I don't think it's controversial15:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1351331 in moin "Please merge moin 1.9.7-2  (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135133115:33
rharperjamespage: ok, if my debdiff is the same as yours on the etckeeper (with the email updated as well) -- what's next?  the merge bug and attach the two debdiffs ?15:49
jamespagerharper, nah - I'll just upload it15:50
rharperjamespage: ok15:53
qmanI'm having an issue with zfs on ubuntu server, where after a reboot, my pool has devices missing or corrupted. I'm pretty sure that zfs is just loading too quickly and my drives aren't ready, because if I export and import again, it's fine. How can I introduce some boot delay here to try and fix it?15:55
hallyngnuoy: I didn't test-build or anything, but moin debdiff lgtm15:56
jkyleanyone have a working example of a working kickstart file for trusty/14.04 with lvm partitioning?16:13
jkylethe one I have keeps failing to create the volume groups16:14
jkyleor a working preseed expert_string, though the kickstart is way cleaner if I can get it to work16:16
hallynjkyle: I don't, but pls post if you get one :)  we should really have a wiki page for various preseed segments17:01
hallynper-iso, probably17:01
hallyn(well, per-iso-style - i.e. netbookt, server iso, desktop iso)17:01
med_is zul still in transit?17:15
zulno hes trying to recover from being in transit17:15
jkylehallyn: I'm working on one. currently, I've given up on doing anything remotely not vanilla. just trying to get a standard atomic partition going.17:33
jkyleit'd be nice if they just ditched current installer and ported over anaconda17:35
sarnoldhisto: ah. perhaps ps is determining what to do whether or not the output is a terminal or not! that'd explain both of our experiences very quickly :)17:39
LarsNis there a script/utility that generates preseed configurations based on an existing system?17:46
hallynjkyle: in that case, I'17:47
hallynI'm using http://people.canonical.com/~serge/uquick17:47
hallyngives me standard ubuntu user/password and simple disk layout17:47
jkyleLarsN: you can get it going with debconf-get-selections17:54
jkyleLarsN: but they rarely work without tweaking and usually include a whole lot of extra, unneeded (or unwanted) options17:55
jkylehallyn: let me try that one, I just want a running system at this point.17:56
hallynjkyle: it's based on kirkland's that he used to ship at uquick.ly or somesuch.  should we create a wiki page wiki.ubuntu.com/preseeds?17:57
jkylehallyn: I think they have some in ubuntu community documentaiton. just need to update with a working. this canned preseed will probably work, I was just hoping ot get it going with a kickstart18:00
jkylehallyn: that preseed stops at language selection18:03
jkylefor me18:03
hallynjkyle: the very last time i tried it just ddnt work at all, but not too long ago it was working 100% for me with a server iso18:04
hallyn(my machien is hammered right now, can't try atm)18:04
LarsNjkyle, hallyn Thanks to both of you18:05
jkylethere's a lot to like about debian, but it's installer isn't one. what's frustrating is this has been a trivial process for ages in most distros18:06
hallynjkyle: in principle it should be nice to use;  i don't know why it's so hit-or-miss, and yes it's horribly frustrating :(18:07
inv3nt0rI'm attempting to upgrade my Ubuntu 12 server to Ubuntu 14 using the do-release-upgrade method, and getting 404 errors for the 'Upgrade tool signature' and the 'Upgrade tool'18:20
inv3nt0rAny thoughts?18:20
mov_agn_ntrli just got here myself a min ago - looks like none here18:24
mov_agn_ntrli just found this inv3nt0r  http://askubuntu.com/questions/65911/how-can-i-fix-a-404-error-when-updating-packages18:26
mov_agn_ntrland this inv3nt0r   http://askubuntu.com/questions/462326/upgrade-ubuntu-server-11-04-signature-error18:26
patdk-wkwhy post something about 11.04? that has been unsupported for years18:27
mov_agn_ntrlyeah inv3nt0r it's what i thought - you could write a list of your manual upgrades you have done - and then i think you could also make a boot disk with al you r current settings just in case you need to go back to 12 for some reason, but looks lik einstalling a new version of 14 might be your best bet18:28
mov_agn_ntrldoes this help inv3nt0r https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+question/25185318:29
mov_agn_ntrlI found this one - it looks prmiosing, that's all i got inv3nt0r  best of luck  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-upgrade-to-ubuntu-14-04-from-ubuntu-13-10-or-12-04/18:29
mov_agn_ntrlanything ring a bell or help you see whats wrong inv3nt0r ?18:32
inv3nt0rI'm jhaving mixed results18:32
mov_agn_ntrlwell best of luck man :)18:33
mov_agn_ntrlor woman - idk what kind of inv3nt0r you are :P18:33
* inv3nt0r = man18:34
mov_agn_ntrlsame here dude18:34
inv3nt0rMaybe I don't need to upgrade18:34
inv3nt0rThis server won't be my problem after 5 more work days18:34
inv3nt0rI hate to leave something broken behind though...18:35
inv3nt0rRight now I cant even apt-get install zip18:35
inv3nt0rI guess I can do a deb install18:35
mov_agn_ntrlyou could always do the complete download and install on a partitioned area of disk - so if soehting goes wrong, you can go back? but isnt 12 almost out of service?18:35
inv3nt0rIt appears that way, thus why I cant even install zip support :)18:37
mov_agn_ntrlwhat is zip support?18:41
mov_agn_ntrlthe only reason i ever use zip files anymore is to compress a folder and send it by email, but most people that receive it still dont know what to do18:42
patdk-wkoh? you can send zip via email without it being rejected? :)18:43
user123321What kind of settings might I need to check for HAProxy and Keepalived for reducing the delay in case of an IP fail over?18:47
andoluser123321: If nothing else the healthchecker interval matters.18:47
* inv3nt0r gives himself a pat on the back18:48
user123321andol, cool.18:48
inv3nt0rLooks like zip_3.0-6 is not in the repository, but luckily 3.0-4 was so I installed it via dpkg18:48
andoluser123321: Well, except that I might have answered the wrong question :) The healthchecker is really about detecting broken backends, no for failing over the actual HA frontend.18:50
patdk-wkkeepalived can failover the frontend easily18:52
andolpatdk-wk: Yes, but were refering to the keepalived healthchecker specifially, which might not have been relevant gives user123321's question.18:52
patdk-wkwell, if he is using haproxy, keepalived shouldn't be checking backends18:53
patdk-wkbut only the haproxy frontend18:53
patdk-wkand failingover based on that18:53
andolAnother point in favor of my answering the wrong quetsion :)18:54
user123321Right now, I have Keepalived1+Haproxy+web server in one VM, and Keepalived2+Haproxy2+web server in another VM. If I fail one VM, my browser waits some seconds.18:54
patdk-wkit takes time18:55
patdk-wkyou have many issues there18:55
patdk-wkyou have how long it takes for haproxy to detect a bad backend18:55
patdk-wkyou have the mount of time it takes keepalive to detect a bad haproxy18:55
patdk-wkand you have the time it takes for move the ip to the good one18:55
patdk-wkand it doesn't sound like you have the time for it takes to enact stonith/fencing18:56
user123321Any ideas to reduce?18:56
patdk-wkthat would require me to learn keepalived, not something I have ever liked18:56
patdk-wkI'll stick with corosync18:56
patdk-wkbut still, no matter what, it will be a few seconds :)18:57
patdk-wkat best, likely 2seconds18:57
inv3nt0rmov_agn_ntrl: I needed to create a .zip file for a Windows user who would never in a million years figured out how to open a .tar.gz18:57
patdk-wkuse 7zip :)18:58
mov_agn_ntrloh. .tar.gz? i never heard of it but i would probably get a non-malware program to open in in a few mionutes form a download site like download.com etc18:58
mov_agn_ntrlidk though, i just dont zip files anymore18:58
user123321patdk-wk, is it really impossible to make it like, 0.1 seconds? I'm thinking like, "just ping and if no response, redirect to the other or something" :p18:58
inv3nt0rBelieve me, I'd have them use something more advanced but they would eff up, and install scumware from CNET18:59
patdk-wkheh? how is that going work?18:59
patdk-wkhow can you redirect, if it's dead18:59
patdk-wkyou have to bring the ip up online19:00
user123321redirect to the live server.19:00
patdk-wkand you have to update the mac caches on everything upstream19:00
patdk-wkyou can't redirect19:00
patdk-wkthis is ip, not http19:00
patdk-wkthere is no redirect19:00
patdk-wkhow would a dead server redirect?19:00
user123321umm I mean, something like redirect :d19:00
patdk-wknothing like a redirect!19:00
user123321dead server doesn't do anything, right? So, if the live server could see that the other server is dead, can't it become active quickly?19:01
patdk-wkthe issue is, detecting if it is dead in .1 second isn't normally trivial19:02
patdk-wkand if you ACTIVATE it19:02
patdk-wkand the other server is not dead, you have issues19:02
user123321if the live server pings the dead server, if the response isn't received within 0.05 seconds?19:03
user123321I'm actually thinking about whatever the settings that could do it quickly ;)19:04
patdk-wkyou really think that *dead server* is never going be overloaded19:04
patdk-wkdue to like *php* load19:04
patdk-wkor a disk going bad19:04
user123321I see, so, during the transition period, let's assume, 2 seconds. If, during this time, if 1000 new connections are requested by clients, what would happen?19:05
user123321will they get no connection error in any case19:06
user123321or just getting response in 2 seconds?19:06
user123321let's make it maximum, 1 million etc.19:07
patdk-wkit's tcp19:07
patdk-wkand it will depend on many things19:07
user123321what if both http and tcp19:07
patdk-wklikely, it will just wait 2seconds before it connects19:07
user123321I see19:08
patdk-wkif it was keepalive, they will get a connection reset, and maybe it tries again19:08
patdk-wkwhat od you mean both http and tcp19:08
patdk-wkthere is only TCP/ip19:08
patdk-wkhttp is not a transit layer protocol19:08
user123321Oh I meant, apache etc.19:08
patdk-wkuser123321, before attempting ANY of this19:09
patdk-wklearn about the iso model, and about ip/tcp19:09
patdk-wkwhat does apache have to do with it? that is even LESS than http does19:09
patdk-wkand http has NOTHING to do with it19:09
user123321umm, there's layer 7 LB.19:09
patdk-wkhaproxy is a layter 7 lb19:09
patdk-wkbut we aren't talking about that19:09
patdk-wkwe are talkg about BEFORE haproxy19:10
patdk-wklast I knew, keepalive was not a layer 7 lb19:10
patdk-wkor even ANY lb at all19:10
user123321that i'm not sure, I thought keepalived just made the 2 LB's highly available.19:11
patdk-wkand if we are attempting to make the lb high available, how can we do that using a layer 7 lb?19:12
user123321regarding apache, during the fail over, my browser says "connecting" and eventually connected.19:12
patdk-wkyou can't protect something using itself19:12
patdk-wkwhy does apache matter?19:12
patdk-wkyou -> internet -> isp -> keepalived -> haproxy -> apache19:13
patdk-wkif it's broken at the keepalived layer (server died, ip broken, ...)19:13
patdk-wkhow does apache matter at all?19:13
user123321Well I didn't get a connection reset.19:14
patdk-wkyou sure?19:14
patdk-wkthat would happen i nthe background19:14
patdk-wkand depend on EXACT TIMING19:14
user123321yeah, tried many times.19:14
patdk-wkif you are already connected to the first server19:14
patdk-wkand it dies19:14
patdk-wkyou failover ip to second one19:14
patdk-wksecond one will see packet but won't have session state for it, and respond with a reset/denied19:15
user123321Oh, the failover while downloading data. I suspect that would reset.19:15
user123321btw, any suggestions for haproxy settings that would reduce delay?19:16
patdk-wkI don't use haproxy19:16
patdk-wkI don't see a need to use to double up like that19:16
user123321what do you use?19:17
user123321I see19:17
user123321What's the failover delay in your case?19:18
patdk-wkaround 15seconds19:18
patdk-wkif the balancer where to die19:18
patdk-wkit takes a long time to bring up that many ip addresses19:19
patdk-wkif a backend dies? <1second19:19
patdk-wkI have only had the balancer die once in 4 years19:19
=== Guest75987 is now known as Pest
user123321how many balancers you've got?19:20
patdk-wkone active, one passive19:21
user123321patdk-wk, Is it sensible to install servers in the load balancing machine? Is it usually the practice to dedicate a separate computer only for a load balancer?19:27
patdk-wkthat depends on scale19:29
patdk-wkusing the same machine, makes it slower to failover19:30
patdk-wkbut using dedicated onces takes more resources19:30
user123321patdk-wk, what's your suggestion for load balancing and making highly available between, let's say, only 2 servers? Should I get 2 separate LB's or..?20:08
user123321What would be my options?20:09
flubby_nanaboSo, If I wanna run a script on startup, but it's supposed to run only once, and exit, should I put it on rc.local, or make it a service on /etc/init (or init.d)?20:56
sarnoldflubby_nanabo: I'd do an upstart service, might as well make it integrate easily with the other tools. cron's @reboot might be handy if it is a user-script instead of system-script21:17
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Patrickdksarnold, please :)21:23
Patrickdkat this point, I wouldn't recommend upstart anymore, but systemd21:23
Patrickdkconsidering upstart is being removed21:23
sarnoldPatrickdk: except he isn't running systemd today, and he isn't running systemd tomorrow.21:24
* Patrickdk still needs to redo his21:24
Patrickdkwell then :)21:24
Patrickdkif he has 14.04 he could be running systemd today21:24
sarnoldPatrickdk: maybe if he upgrades to 14.10 and if pitti goes bonkers, -maybe-....21:24
rberg_this is how I do a first boot scrip in rc.local http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927450/21:24
flubby_nanaboI do have 14.04, but I am using the ubuntu-upstart docker image, so, I guess I'm sort of stuck with upstart for now21:26
flubby_nanaboPatrickdk, upstart is being deprecated? I thought it was the new shinny thing ...21:27
PatrickdkI just hate to write something, that I will have to rewrite21:27
Patrickdkitwas, back in 12.04?21:27
Patrickdkbut debian went systemd, and ubuntu opted to not fight it21:27
flubby_nanaboPatrickdk, I need a docker image with a init system that the puppetlabs-mysql puppet module understands, and the ubuntu-upstart was the only one I could find, so, I don't see myself rewriting it any time soon21:28
Patrickdkactually, you should be able to in a few months21:29
Patrickdkwith rhel7 out, using systemd21:29
Patrickdkand debian too21:29
Patrickdkthat should be around soon21:29
Patrickdkno worries though21:29
flubby_nanaboPatrickdk, I'm not planning on ditching ubuntu, with works pretty well, and I don't have experience with rpm distros.21:30
flubby_nanabo*it owrks21:30
flubby_nanabo*it works21:30
flubby_nanabodamn fingers!21:30
PatrickdkI mean, the pupplet-mysql-for-systemd should be out soon21:30
flubby_nanaboPatrickdk, Oh, that.21:30
flubby_nanaboI should probably take a look at the code, see if there's any changes in some new release21:31
flubby_nanaboIIRC, last time I checked it just either used upstart, or just failed when starting the services21:31
bilde2910Hello! I have a laptop with Ubuntu 14.04 server, as the main server for my website. Earlier today, the server got disconnected, seemingly without reason. I tried restarting the machine, but the network does not go up. Running ifconfig only shows loopback interface lo, `sudo lshw -C network' lists the interface em1 (the ethernet interface) as "*-network DISABLED". Card is an RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet21:39
bilde2910Controller". Any help resolving this? I need to get the machine online as fast as possible because thousands of users of my web services are unable to connect to the website21:39
bilde2910I furthermore tried to sudo dhclient em1, which brought the interface up with DHCP. It gives the wrong IP, therefore breaking port forwarding rules. sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't output anything, `sudo ifdown em0 && sudo ifup em1' gives errors: "ifdown: interface em1 not configured", "RTNETLINK answers: File exists" and "Failed to bring up em1".21:41
markthomasDoes anyone know if it's possible to configure network bonding via preseed?21:45
zartooshhi I am using ubuntu 14.04. I keep observing this in my /var/log/messages init: upstart-file-bridge main process ended, respawning22:51
jaawerthzartoosh: does it coincide with wifi connectivity problems by any chance?23:05
jaawerthzartoosh: if so, this may be relevant http://askubuntu.com/questions/259530/why-does-my-wifi-internet-intermittently-disappear23:08

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