
mappshiall - anyone checked the free linux course daftykins said abot before05:34
daftykinsshould be starting today, that :>05:34
mappsis it launched ow or like later on US time05:35
daftykinsUS time i think, so probably fire up tonight05:35
daftykinsi haven't even chosen a target system to do it with yet05:35
mappsyea i should really use a diff machine05:36
daftykinsVM makes sense05:36
mappsi was thinking old laptop05:37
mappsnot started yet05:43
mappsseen sharknado?05:56
MyrttiI wish I hadn't even heard of it06:03
mappsso that means yes and it sucks?06:05
mappspeople been saying its good;p06:05
DJonesmapps: I saw the scify channel retweeting people saying it was good last night, wonder how many tweets they got saying it was rubbish & didn't retweet them07:48
=== msm is now known as Guest61761
=== popey_ is now known as popey
popeyhehe, still getting nagged on steam to sell my earbuds08:29
popey€30 is the offer now08:29
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy World Wide Web Day! :-D08:38
MyrttiHappy Mailman day08:42
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:47
brobostigonmorning dutchie08:52
dutchiehow's things08:53
brobostigon<---- hangover central,08:58
davmor2JamesTait: finally you come out with something worth celebrating09:35
Laneyanyone know how to push a DNS server over openvpn?09:54
Laneypush "dhcp-option DNS a.b.c.d" is what the internets says but that doesn't update resolv.conf for me09:54
knightwiseplaying around on a windows pro tablet here . ssh into machine in canada using ssh client in chrome09:55
knightwiseslider bonus points :)09:55
knightwiseamazed at how well this works09:56
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
* popey wonders if Laney is behind some kind of firewall ㋛10:06
LaneyI'm at GUADEC in Strasbourg :-)10:06
diploLaney, I can't say how to do it per se, but I remember when we had our Cisco boxes for customers we have to use a forwarder to pass all the info across ( you've probably already that )10:06
diploGetting DHCP ok, just not the DNS?10:07
MyrttiLaney: :| envious10:07
Laneyyeah I blame dnsmasq currently10:07
diploTried restarting dnsmasq ?10:07
diploClears out the cache10:07
Laneycurrently trying to go through NM, seems the path of least resistance if it works10:07
diploWe had that issue with DNS where dnsmasq just wasn't refereshing, a restart kills the cache10:08
Laneythat solution seems irritating if you're reconnecting a lot10:08
diploYep, have it in a cron on our boxes till I can find a proper solution10:09
Laneyyep NM works10:09
* Laney declars this problem Worked Around™10:09
czajkowskibigcalm: AlanBell popey what is the plan before RAT ?11:23
popeyno clue11:29
czajkowskiwe're going sky diving that morning11:30
czajkowskibusy day11:30
czajkowskiwe/jon :)11:30
* Azelphur is playing with ownCloud, it's awesome.12:05
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)12:46
bigcalmShall we all meet at the William Cobbert(sp?) tomorrow afternoon about 4.30/5pm?12:49
bigcalmpopey: czajkowski: AlanBell: ^^12:49
bigcalmDave2: you too12:50
Dave2The William Cobbett??12:55
Dave2or is that before going to the mulberry?12:55
Dave2I have a pretty packed day tomorrow, we're getting to Farnham at about 5:3012:56
Dave2(I have 12 events in my calendar to keep track of all of the various journeys I'm doing)12:57
Dave2(Reading->Paddington->Liverpool Street or Fenchurch Street->Southend->West Ham->Waterloo->Woking->Farnham is what I'll've done before burger time)12:57
popeyi dont think we're going to the mulberry12:58
popeyas it has an event on12:59
Dave2ah, OK13:00
popeyalan posted to the list suggesting meeting at the waverly arms13:01
popeynext to the station13:02
Dave2THE LIST13:05
Dave2Find Cash Advance, Debt Consolidation and more at Thewaverleyarms.co.uk. Get the best of Insurance or Free Credit Report, browse our section on Cell ...13:08
Dave2Still, my friend and I will be wherever at 17:30, unless we miss our train13:09
Dave2(I'm assuming that's plenty of time to get food before catching the train to catch the train)13:16
bigcalmI tweeted a link to the thread yesterday, one moment13:17
bigcalmThe train we want to get from Farnham is at 18:2x13:18
Dave2that's a rather early train13:18
bigcalmTrains from Farnham to Alton at 18:26 or 18:56. (the earlier one is13:18
bigcalmpreferable so we can then grab seating near to the beer carriage)13:18
bigcalmTo quote Alan Lord13:18
Dave2We'll be getting in at 16:25, that leaves almost an hour to get food, I'm sure it'll be fine13:20
Dave2over an hour, in fact13:20
Dave2we would get there earlier if it wasn't for the fact that we're already getting up at stupid o'clock to get a reasonable amount of time in Southend13:23
Double-eweAfternoons all . Anything happening on Kickstarter recently ?13:36
bigcalmAlan Lord has responded to his email and said we'll meet at The Waverley Arms13:38
diddledanDouble-ewe: anything you were hoping for in particular?13:38
Double-eweNah, just the next super-cool thingy , I might get my Dad for christmas.13:39
diddledandonno then :-)13:40
Double-eweWats with all the linebreaks ?13:40
Double-eweAnyway .. How r you doing ? I'm running out of reddit-gold rapidly.13:41
bigcalmDave2: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2014-August/037791.html13:42
Dave2so they do have a web site13:43
* bigcalm eyes the menu13:44
diddledanDouble-ewe: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/onetesla/tinytesla-the-little-singing-tesla-coil-anyone-can?ref=discovery13:45
diddledanthat'll suit, no? :-p13:45
Double-eweIs it just me -- Or is it quite muggy and slow today ?13:45
diddledanno, it's not muggy, it's friday13:45
diddledanmuggy is the other end of the working-week13:46
Double-ewe:) Hehe  ..Looks like plasma active is going go Prime-time in 2016 http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/2cbgpi/oled_lighting_panels_to_be_competitive_with_leds/13:47
Double-eweHope the tv team doesn't get too sidelined for the touch-screen engineers. [I'm thinking there are Engineers, right.]13:48
diddledan"pulling an arc with your finger will result in a nasty burn and is not recommended!"13:49
diddledanbased on that statement, would it be a good idea to embed the tesla unit into my chest like iron-man?13:52
shaunoheh, french chap at work just got back from a week in newcastle.  He wants to know what language that is :)13:57
diddledanwhy aye13:58
diddledando they have dual-language signs in newcastle for the english numpties to be able to know where the heck they're going?13:59
shaunoI think they just label the required routes "M1 South"14:00
DJonesCan dialup modems connect through cat 5 cabling? There's just been a move round in the offices here and one computer that needs a dialup modem is now about 50 feet from the nearest standard phone socket. I wondered whether an adapter for a phone connector could be used to connect to the existing cat 5 cabling and then one at the other end to connect from the switch to another double ended phone cable14:03
DJonesThe other option is a 50" phone extension cable & drilling through a couple of walls14:03
shaunoas I understand it, it should work fine14:04
diddledanDJones: you don't want an ethernet switch in there14:05
shaunoyou don't want to run ethernet over the same cable at all, that doesn't work anymore (it used to, but not with gig-e onwards)14:06
DJonesdiddledan: WOuld that scramble the signal? I was only thinking about using modem to wall socket number 16, then a cable from socket 16 on the switch to a cable & adapter to plug into the phone socket14:06
diddledanDJones: the switch won't know what to do with the "noise"14:07
DJonesdiddledan: Thanks, thats what I thought could be an issue14:07
shaunomore than likely you'll just pop the switch.  phonelines carry some surprising voltages14:07
DJonesok, cheers, extension lead it is then14:08
shaunothe wires being used for the phone pair don't want to reach the switch at all.  you can re-use the cable, but not piggy-back the connection14:08
Double-eweI'm getting back onto the network (Manxtelecom) this week with 4G .. I want to use my friends a/c .. but they say that I have to be a guarantor to pay for it. How can I pay and use my friends sim ? Also I need to change the number in 2 weeks.14:08
diddledanyeah, you really don't want to connect into any ethernet equipment14:08
Double-eweThe laws are good here .. but is there any mate-use-of-sim -card advantage ?14:09
diddledanDouble-ewe: no, get your own sim14:09
* Double-ewe steps away from the computer to avoid the nay-sayers from over the sea .. yeah, thought so.14:10
Double-eweWhat about Stallmans idea of using a 'shared computer' Doesn't that apply here ?14:10
diddledanthat would depend on what stallman says about "using a 'shared computer'"14:11
shaunoif stallman wrote Manxtelecom's ToS, you may be in luck14:11
* Double-ewe listens to his Lunduke-overLord .. http://bit.ly/1ogDTxJ14:13
shauno(trivia, since you dropped the reference .. rms recommends not owning a phone; https://stallman.org/rms-lifestyle.html )14:16
Double-eweNay-sayers from both sides .. Oh great to be Manx !14:16
Double-ewebut, seriusly, we will be the last one's standing ;)14:17
MartijnVdSon three feet...14:20
diddledanMartijnVdS: they're that tall?14:20
MartijnVdSdiddledan: just look at their flag14:20
diddledanMartijnVdS: I don't know what flag "manx" uses?14:21
MartijnVdSdiddledan: isle o'man14:22
MartijnVdSdiddledan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Man14:22
diddledangotcha, the three-legged idiot14:22
popey"Delivery estimate: Friday, 1 August 2014 - Wednesday, 20 August 2014"14:23
diddledanwhy can't they just call it "isle of man" rather than using "manx"?14:23
MartijnVdSdiddledan: It's the adjective14:23
shaunoit's not an idiot, it's just someone falling off a motorcycle14:24
MartijnVdSshauno: .. and who rides motorcycles?14:24
diddledanshauno: and trying to run?14:24
davmor2shauno: IDIOTS right MooDoo14:24
shaunoorgan donors aren't idiots - they're a useful contribution to the health system :)14:24
MartijnVdSdiddledan: like the bicycle guy? :)14:25
diddledanI tried running when I fell off my bicycle. it doesn't work.14:25
MartijnVdSdiddledan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctsDl7g6a1w14:26
shaunooh dear.  it seems I have to go to gosport.  that's ... unfortunate14:28
diddledanshauno: I thought you were a fugitive never to set foot in blighty for fear of arrest?14:28
=== Guest48283 is now known as NET||abuse
bigcalmReally not feeling it this afternoon, knowing I have a long drive tomorrow15:06
* bigcalm day dreams about snoozing at his desk15:06
daftykinswhere are we going? :)15:07
daftykinsthis pic from another channel is amazing O_O - http://i.imgur.com/zDq5z5z.jpg15:09
bigcalm!rat | daftykins15:10
lubotu3daftykins: rat is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 2nd August 2014 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2745-real-ale-train-2014/15:10
daftykinsah, that15:11
shaunodaftykins: that's pretty awesome. I can assume the moat is due to zombie outbreak?15:19
daftykinswell there appears to be kanji on shopfronts sir, so i can only assume it's Gawdzirra15:20
daftykinswell well, the Linux course from edX starts now15:35
bigcalmLinux Voice mag came today with a cover DVD saying Mint is the most popular distro. Wonder what their source is15:36
popeydirecthex_: you touched f-spot building ever? bug 135136015:42
lubotu3bug 1351360 in f-spot (Ubuntu) "f-spot crashes (segfault) when any Export method is chosen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135136015:42
popeyseems to build an exporter called FSpot.Exporters.Zip.dll but the program is looking for FSpot.Exporters.Zip.dll.so15:42
mapps'Debian Family Systems (such as Ubuntu)15:46
mappsSUSE Family Systems (such as OpenSUSE)15:46
mappsFedora Family Systems (such as CentOS)'15:46
mappsanyone else gonna take the linux course?15:46
mappsi feel i should use openSuse , already use Ubuntu quite a bit15:47
daftykinstime to login and see what we have15:48
mappsthats what it said on the site theyre using daftykins15:49
daftykinsyeah i mean i haven't looked yet is all15:49
mappsi just recall thinking openSuse was a pain15:50
daftykinsstill $250 for the certificate :S15:50
mappsi chose just audit15:51
mapps250 seemed a bit pricey to me?15:51
daftykinssure seems that way15:52
daftykinsheh this neighbour has been banging on her own front door for the last 30 mins odd trying to rouse her parents who are staying apparently 0o15:54
daftykinsseems she got in eventually16:01
daftykinsok reading the intro now16:02
daftykinsmapps: just going through the intro, already interrupted by the cat at the window though XD possibly she's asking to be let back in16:13
mappsuse the fancy cat flap?16:14
daftykinsshe still doesn't use it :/16:14
mappsdid she use the old one?16:15
daftykinsyeah, but out only16:15
daftykinsnow she doesn't go either way without assistance16:15
daftykinsi think i need to just be cruel or something16:15
mappsmake her a house cat?16:15
daftykinsnah i don't like that idea16:15
daftykinsa moggy must be free :D16:15
mappsthey roam around16:16
mappsand its dangerous with busy roads16:16
daftykinsi'm in the town centre, she has no way to reach those16:17
mappsah nice16:17
daftykinsbut yeah i need some way to tempt her in, perhaps tuna would work16:17
daftykinsi need to know what cats like ;D16:17
daftykinsi can hear her sometimes scratching at the back door or flap possibly, but when i get there she's moved off so i can't tell if she's attempting to push it open16:18
mappswonder why16:19
daftykinsjust now she stares at me through the flap but won't attempt to come near it16:22
daftykinsin fairness before she couldn't get in, so now maybe she just doesn't think to try16:22
daftykinsfirst day i had it, she put her head in and it read her tag so made the loudish *click* to unlock, she kinda got scared off at that time16:22
daftykinsbut i've been letting her in and out through it to get her used to the sound16:23
directhex_popey: that's a red herring. mono will look for a .so and .config to match every .dll - the former includes AOT-compiled machine-specific assembly, the latter contains C lib mappings e.g. from "gdiplus.dll" to "libgdiplus.so"16:24
shaunoeh, it's a cat.  most likely it just doesn't see the point in openning a door when it employs a perfectly good human for such tasks.16:25
daftykinsshauno: indeed ;) i think i need to stop assisting16:25
daftykinsin fact she never went through the flap until i just stopped and eventually she wanted to get inside bad enough that she just had to do it16:26
mappsonly thing with pets is dont you get hairs everywhere daftykins16:26
daftykinsyeah, but i have long hair so half is mine ;)16:26
daftykinsit is a bit of a pain, i just keep a sheet over the top of my bad that all her fur gets on, since she sleeps beside me16:32
daftykinssomething's up with my brain <-> hand connection of late16:32
jsmwell919I need help bady. So i am running ubuntu 13.04 and at some point in time i lost my root password. There is only access to guest account and i have no way of changing it. I have tried going to the boot menu and done just about everything there is to be done to change a password. nothing has worked. someone please help16:35
daftykinsdoes that include the recovery boot options?16:35
jsmwell919Yes i have went into recovery and it just tells me i do not have permission to change anything16:35
daftykinsdid you select the recovery entry beside your newest kernel, then select to give a root shell?16:36
daftykinsand what did you run from there?16:36
daftykinsalso when you say root password that's a little concerning, because root doesn't have a password.16:36
daftykinsare you saying you manually overrode it to create one?16:36
jsmwell919well super user password..16:37
jsmwell919but from there i have done passwd username16:37
jsmwell919that didnt work16:37
daftykinsare you typing from this system now?16:37
jsmwell919then i unmounted and used sudo which alos didnt work16:37
jsmwell919yes i am16:37
daftykinsso you can't even log in with your username's account right now?16:38
jsmwell919nope i cant. only guest16:38
daftykinsnasty, can you get it back to that root shell prompt? then come back here from another device?16:38
jsmwell919Yes i can16:38
jsmwell919im going to set up my laptop and make sure i have you first16:39
daftykinsas an aside however, your distro is unsupported now. and 13.10 is as well - so really even if you fix this you need to switch to either 12.04 LTS or 14.04 LTS16:39
daftykinsi'd give serious thought to backing up and reinstalling instead16:39
jsmwell919will it allow me to reinstall without the passwd?16:39
* daftykins waits16:39
daftykinsyou'd install from bootable media which would bypass the whole install entirely16:40
jsmwell919Can you explain how to do that? im not concerned with saving anything on here at al;.16:40
daftykinsare you sure?16:40
daftykinswhat kind of system is it?16:41
mappshttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2713043/Pensioner-79-fined-hiding-plates-tuna-laced-anti-freeze-five-cats-neighbourhood-died.html thats not nice daftykins16:41
jsmwell919Intel® Pentium(R) CPU G630 @ 2.70GHz × 2  DEll One16:41
daftykinsmapps: >_<16:41
daftykinsjsmwell919: ok can you write to DVDs or do you have a USB flash drive you can wipe for the purposes of installing ubuntu fresh?16:42
jsmwell919lol its trash i know16:42
jsmwell919i have the iso file on my usb16:42
daftykinsof which version?16:43
jsmwell919but the problem it is .exe so it wont read16:43
daftykinsyou're probably just seeing wubi.exe - we won't be touching that. that's evil.16:43
daftykinsjsmwell919: do you know how much RAM this computer has?16:44
jadskjasdfkf<daftykins> you there?16:46
jadskjasdfkfokay cool16:47
jadskjasdfkfso how do i wipe the system?16:47
daftykinsjadskjasdfkf: do you know how much RAM this computer has?16:47
jadskjasdfkfI can look now16:47
daftykinsgood stuff16:47
daftykinsmapps: onto chapter1 ;)16:48
jadskjasdfkf4gb memory is all i could find16:48
jadskjasdfkfid assume its really standard16:48
daftykinshow did you check?16:48
jadskjasdfkfsystem settings16:48
daftykinshitting F2 at power on when the Dell logo shows should let you see in the BIOS16:48
daftykinsjadskjasdfkf: ok so what version is on your flash drive right now?16:49
daftykinsjust FYI, i'd have suggested to install from http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04.1/ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso16:49
jadskjasdfkfI tried having it boot from the usb before and it just opened my current version16:49
daftykinsit's got some updates on now, so it wouldn't hurt to re-download that and put that on the flash drive instead16:49
jadskjasdfkfok ill download16:49
daftykinshopefully you have a good speed to grab that in short order :)16:50
jadskjasdfkfok now what16:50
daftykinswhat is the host OS of your laptop for creating the USB flash drive? are you ok with doing that or do you need guidance?16:50
jadskjasdfkfneed guidance please16:51
daftykinsso, OS?16:51
jadskjasdfkfwindows 7816:51
daftykinsok grab that program there, run it after you plug your flash drive in and follow the steps to put the downloaded ISO, once it's done obviously, onto the drive16:52
daftykinsi'd suggest ticking to format it, if you're sure there's no personal data on it that you need16:52
jadskjasdfkfokay then what16:53
daftykinsany luck on checking the RAM with entering the BIOS?16:53
jadskjasdfkfone sec16:54
jadskjasdfkf2 Gb16:56
daftykinshmm, well it'll be fine running 64-bit.16:57
daftykinsso once you've made up the flash drive with Universal USB Installer, power off the target machine... plug the USB drive in... power on and press F12 repeatedly at the Dell logo to get a one-time boot menu16:57
daftykinsyou should see a menu with a list of devices including your USB flash drive - and so then you can select it and boot up the live session16:58
daftykinshow does this system connect to the internet? wired or wireless?16:58
daftykinsexcellent, that makes life easier16:59
jadskjasdfkfWhy is that?17:00
daftykinswhen you first see the boot menu, let me know if you see two entries for each device17:00
daftykinssetting up wireless can be a pain in the posterior if the device isn't supported out of the box17:00
jadskjasdfkfokay  going to restart17:01
daftykinsyou'll need the flash drive finished and plugged in, for the above17:02
jadskjasdfkfyup i have it in17:03
daftykinsoh, that copied quickly17:03
nfjfjfbxjdok im rebotting my pc now17:03
jadskjasdfkf35 mbps17:03
daftykinsbut the ISO -> USB17:04
nfjfjfbxjdobly took like 5 mibues17:04
nfjfjfbxjdok im on the f12 screen17:05
daftykinswhat do you see?17:05
nfjfjfbxjdhard disc17:05
nfjfjfbxjdusb storage device17:05
nfjfjfbxjdand bios setup17:05
daftykinscool - and only one entry for each? nothing saying EFI/UEFI ?17:06
daftykinsgo ahead and select the USB storage device then, and you should see a screen with a little logo at the bottom centre... press a key again to see a menu17:06
daftykinsit'll come up with a big language select menu to start with17:06
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
nfjfjfbxjdit just booted up my original versuon :/17:07
daftykinsthat's odd. power off and try again17:07
nfjfjfbxjddid it again ..17:09
daftykinsas in it failed again?17:09
daftykinsjust to be sure, if this is a desktop - i would be using USB ports right on the motherboard, so at the back beside all the other main connections17:10
daftykinsit might be worth hitting F2 to enter the BIOS and looking at your boot options too17:10
daftykinsjust to make sure that it's allowed to boot USB devices17:10
daftykinsit wouldn't hurt to test that flash drive on your laptop too, see if boots there to confirm it's working17:11
nfjfjfbxjdok going i ti f2 now17:11
nfjfjfbxjdok im ib f217:11
daftykinsshould be a Boot page along the top?17:11
nfjfjfbxjdon it17:12
daftykinsany way you can share a picture at all? if you have a phone/camera17:12
nfjfjfbxjdits just asking about boot priority17:13
nfjfjfbxjdi have hard disk as prio 117:13
nfjfjfbxjdand usb as prio 217:13
daftykinsyeah, that doesn't matter because the F12 menu is used as a one-time bypass17:13
daftykinsthere's no marking beside USB to disable it, is there?17:14
daftykinsor is there an option to select which hard disk is the primary?17:14
daftykinsyour flash drive might emulate a hard disk17:14
nfjfjfbxjdno sir17:14
nfjfjfbxjdshoukd i try booting jarf disc?17:14
nfjfjfbxjdhard disc17:14
nfjfjfbxjdfrom f12, that is17:15
daftykinswell that's what it does as standard17:15
daftykinsyou'd need to find a page where it might allow selecting a different hard disk for the primary boot device17:15
daftykinsa picture of that screen would be very handy17:15
nfjfjfbxjdill try and sebd one17:15
daftykinsthere are free upload sites like imgur.com17:16
nfjfjfbxjdok doibg it now17:16
nfjfjfbxjda picture of the boot page on f2 or f1217:17
daftykinsdoes pressing enter on it do anything?17:21
nfjfjfbxjdthat was after i pressed ented17:23
nfjfjfbxjdcoukd i disable all but usb?17:24
daftykinsyeah, you could try setting USB first but i don't think it'll make a difference17:24
nfjfjfbxjdi dont either but ilk try it17:24
daftykinsafter setting it, you'd need to save and exit either by going to the page at the end, or hitting F1017:24
nfjfjfbxjdsrill booted 13.04 up17:25
daftykinsright, is the USB in the motherboard ports?17:25
nfjfjfbxjdI havd a question17:25
nfjfjfbxjdthis may help17:25
nfjfjfbxjdill send a picture17:25
nfjfjfbxjdsorry about all this17:26
daftykinsnot at all, this is all part of the fun :)17:26
nfjfjfbxjdyiu ate really helpibg me out17:26
nfjfjfbxjdim typing in my ohone so sorry about this spelling17:26
daftykinsah i thought you had the target computer and a laptop beside17:27
nfjfjfbxjdi do but dont have this on my laptop for some reason lol17:28
daftykinsah you'd been running it wrong17:31
daftykinsnfjfjfbxjd: just type "passwd <username"17:32
daftykinsthen it'll prompt for the new password to be entered17:32
nfjfjfbxjdwait so how do i tyoe it17:33
daftykins"passwd brenden"17:33
daftykinsyou might not know that you need to remount the file system read-write first17:33
lubotu3If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode17:33
daftykins"mount -o remount,rw /"17:33
nfjfjfbxjdi did that mount and it opened up something like my last inage showed17:34
daftykinsnfjfjfbxjd: you must make sure you're typing it perfectly17:36
nfjfjfbxjdthis came up17:37
daftykinsyou're definitely including that last forward slash?17:38
nfjfjfbxjdill show yiu what i type in17:38
daftykinsyeah you can go back up with shift+ page-up17:39
daftykinsor press cursor up to repeat commands17:39
nfjfjfbxjdwait i did it again17:39
nfjfjfbxjdand nothibg showed uo17:40
nfjfjfbxjdnothing showed up17:40
daftykinsit worked then17:41
daftykinsok now go back to the "passwd brenden"17:41
daftykinswhen you run it, it should say something like "Enter new UNIX password:"17:41
nfjfjfbxjdbreden cassie ot just brenden17:41
daftykinsjust your username17:42
daftykinsif you intended for 'cassie' to be your password, it's not gonna work like that17:42
daftykinsnfjfjfbxjd: note as well that when you type your password to create one, you won't see asterisks or anything to suggest you're typing something - this is for security reasons17:42
nfjfjfbxjdi did17:43
nfjfjfbxjdpasswd root17:43
nfjfjfbxjdand changwd that17:43
nfjfjfbxjdit didnt work for my username17:43
daftykinsugh you really don't want to create a password for root XD17:43
nfjfjfbxjddam it17:43
daftykinswhat're those cables on the left hand side? is there other USB crap plugged in?17:43
nfjfjfbxjda mouse and key board17:44
nfjfjfbxjdit worked17:46
daftykinswhat did?17:46
nfjfjfbxjdreset my user password17:46
nfjfjfbxjdyou are awesome17:46
daftykinsah so you were able to login as your username?17:47
daftykinsok, but you're still on an outdated ubuntu right now even still17:47
daftykinsit'd be good to get that USB flash drive booting correctly17:48
nfjfjfbxjdlets see17:48
daftykinsmapps: chapter 1 section 1 right! ;)17:49
nfjfjfbxjdhaha o man17:50
nfjfjfbxjdok so17:54
nfjfjfbxjdlets get this update working17:55
daftykinsit might be worth going back to Universal USB Installer and recreating that drive, make sure it's the correct drive letter for the flash drive and make sure it formats it17:55
daftykinsit also wouldn't hurt if you took a page of every BIOS screen (F2 setup) and upload them in a single album just to have a glance17:56
directhex_aptio is definitely uefi17:57
nfjfjfbxjdit showing the boot screen now... lol18:00
daftykinshit try18:00
directhex_aptio without a fancy gui is pretty old though18:01
directhex_hope it's not a gigabyte18:01
daftykinsOEM in a Dell all in one?18:01
directhex_oh, yeah, that fits18:01
daftykinsnfjfjfbxjd: was it a black screen with white text or a purple menu?18:04
daftykinsnfjfjfbxjd: so make sure everything works from the live session18:07
directhex_daftykins: ooh, spotting the difference between grub and isolinux. good call18:09
daftykins;) ty sir - just things i've picked up from assisting in #ubuntu though really18:09
daftykinsso more just the info from the...18:10
lubotu3UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:10
nfjfjfbxjdits only 1gb iso18:19
nfjfjfbxjdthts wrong isnt it?18:19
daftykinsthat's how big it is18:20
diddledannoooo, the remote host killed hexie!18:20
nfjfjfbxjdtheb what do i do18:20
diddledan[19:20:18] directhex_ (~smuxi@host86-182-92-111.range86-182.btcentralplus.com) left IRC. (Remote host closed the connection)18:21
nfjfjfbxjdits not booting18:21
diddledanevil remote host!18:21
nfjfjfbxjdshould i change where the usb is?18:21
daftykinsnfjfjfbxjd: what's the current state of the flash drive? does it have 14.04.1 on it right now?18:22
daftykinsi thought you said a moment ago that it booted fine18:22
nfjfjfbxjdi thought it did18:22
nfjfjfbxjdbut no18:22
daftykinswhy, what happened?18:22
nfjfjfbxjdit just stopped and booted 13.04 again18:24
daftykinsi see18:27
nfjfjfbxjdi downloaded the file on ubuntu18:34
nfjfjfbxjdmaybe thats rhw issue18:34
nfjfjfbxjdim going to diwbload it on windows and folliw your steps again18:35
diddledana-gentoo-ing I will go18:40
diddledana-gentoo-ing I will go18:40
diddledanee aye the adio18:40
diddledana-gentoo-ing I will go18:40
daftykinsyou fiend.18:42
daftykinshaven't you weeded them all out yet? ;)18:42
diddledanI wouldn't mind them if I had the leeway to bring them all up-to-date en-masse18:43
diddledaninstead I'm bringing them up-to-date via a piecemeal method18:43
daftykinslong and tedious eh18:44
skinnsI am suddenly not able to write any files as root user on my server. Has anyone heard of this?20:47
skinnsjust today I tried to save a file and it wont let me20:48
skinnsso odd20:48
daftykinscan you pastebin the output of "mount" ?20:48
daftykinspaste.ubuntu.com \o/20:48
daftykinswell that error doesn't sound happy20:50
daftykinsso although everything shows as rw, as it says they could be lies20:51
skinnsso odd that it just decided to break on me20:51
daftykinsi take it it persists across reboots?20:51
daftykinsand permissions look normal?20:52
skinnsas far as I know20:52
skinnsI dont know much about linux20:52
skinnsis there something I can check to see the permissions20:52
daftykins"ls -al /"20:54
daftykinsalthough if you're trying to write as root, that should never be a problem20:54
daftykinsthen again - you shouldn't really run as root20:54
skinnshmmm well I really hope this doesnt mean I need to rebuild the server20:56
diddledanit might be that your filesystem needs fscking20:57
skinnsdoes that require a reboot?20:57
diddledanpotentially, yes20:57
daftykinsyeah wouldn't hurt to boot a desktop liveCD and fsck then skinns20:59
daftykinsi gotta go get some food on, bbl20:59
skinnsprob is that this is a live web server20:59
skinnsand i dont have access  to it20:59
skinnsjust ssh20:59
diddledanthis is why we do everything in virtual land where I work with the host-systems barely ever touched http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927286/21:02
diddledanthe host-systems 50/50 chance of a reboot actually working21:02
diddledanhence the large uptime21:03
diddledanhave a**21:03
skinnsis it a bad thing to try and change ownership of everything to root?21:08
skinnshaha ok21:11
maps|wrkhello aall23:00
maps|wrkdaftykins:  did you do any of the edx course? ive read upto and including chapter323:01

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