
jrwrenhttps://www.openstack.org/vote-paris/Presentation/astrologer  <- better than yours smoser. Sorry :]01:03
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/sIS4Pj - astrologer01:03
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho11:45
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Endless Endeavors by Cynic11:45
cmaloneyGuten Hello11:46
rick_h__heh, not until tomorrow11:47
brouschGuten-free hello11:54
cmaloneySo I ordered a print from Imagekind, and tried to find a frame for it last night11:55
cmaloneyand found out that the print they generate is jjjuuuussstt a little too big for the frame I bought11:55
cmaloneyWhich bums me out a bit.11:55
cmaloneythat said, this place makes some awesome artwork11:56
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/4vZW9W - Fall Outing by Eric Joyner11:56
cmaloneyThat's not what I picked up, but I saw that and had to share.11:56
smoserjrwren, that one does seem pretty good.12:45
jrwrensmoser: lol12:46
jrwrensmoser: There are A LOT of submissions. I've been voting during offtime ever since you linked.12:47
smoseryeah, its crazy how many.12:47
smoserto the point where most pepole that vote will not see even a small portion of the available.12:48
smosermaking the algorithm that selects which entry to show probably more important than the people voting.12:48
rick_h__yea, it was brought up in irc yesterday how finding ones to vote on is so bad that it'll just lead to only voting for those you know to search for12:49
cmaloneyThey need to do a runoff election. ;)12:52
cmaloneySort of how the ENNies do it.12:52
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/osLIzD - 40312:52
cmaloneyBah, that link won't tell you anything interesting12:53
cmaloneybut basically you ranked your preferences from 1-n12:54
cmaloneyAnyone looking for some Python / web work?13:22
brouschcmaloney: I know someone who is looking13:25
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/1fOVoa - application/pdf13:26
brouschYou leaving, or growing the team?13:26
cmaloneyI'm not leaving that I'm aware of.13:26
brouschNice way to put it13:27
brouschHow much on-site is required?13:27
cmaloneyNot entirely sure. My case was negotiable.13:29
rick_h__some travel required?13:29
rick_h__I guess some folks have been on site in the past13:29
cmaloneyYeah, I'm not sure if this is directly with my team or another team13:30
brouschI'll send it on13:30
brouschToo bad I couldn't get him to PyOhio13:31
=== StoneTable is now known as aisrael
jrwrenwith ssh, isn't a config command of RemoteForward 8331 localhost:8331 the same as -R 8331:localhost:8331 ?  The former is not working for me.21:30
cmaloneyjrwren: Never tried it23:32
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/E4JKn4 - TENNESSEE 15 STRING BASS GUITAR | eBay23:44
cmaloneyWhat. The.Fuck.23:44
gamerchick02hallo fellow hoomans. :)23:48
gamerchick02how's it shaken?23:48
gamerchick02it's friday wahoo. i can sleep in tomorrow23:49
cmaloneyDoing an interview related to Open Metalcast in an hour.23:51
greg-gsleep in? Rowan woke up at 5am today :/23:52

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