
Kiloshi captine  bushtech  inetpro  and others05:50
Kiloshi theblazehen  05:50
mazalMorning everyone06:09
Kiloshi mazal  06:10
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: figured out what was wrong with my sorting tube06:13
ThatGraemeGuythe side that comes FROM the quarry must be set "Off", otherwise it is also considered a valid direction for stuff to go in06:13
ThatGraemeGuyi wouldn't have expected that, but now i know06:13
mazalugh , looks like gonna have to drag a broken server to PTA today :(06:43
mazalMicrosoft &^$^&$06:43
Kilosi go sort sheep06:50
mazalCheers for now everyone06:54
charlguten morgen07:15
charlMaaz: coffee on07:15
* Maaz washes some mugs07:15
charlhi Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy, Spekko 07:15
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!07:19
ThatGraemeGuyhey charl07:22
Kiloshi charl  07:23
Kilosspekko too07:23
* Kilos cries07:34
Kilosoh i wanted to ask, does running something like minetest use more data if fullscreen is used not the small window from default07:37
Kilosah ty07:44
charlMaaz: thanks08:28
Maazcharl: No problem08:28
nuvolarihrrrr! :-/12:13
* nuvolari snipes Chrome on Mac12:13
nuvolariChrome on Mac won't let AngularJS play with it12:14
mazalBye everyone , have a nice weekend12:44
charlanyone using bittorrent bleep ?14:10
bdukAfternoon everyone14:15
charlhi bduk 14:16
Symmetriahahaha I love my company15:00
Symmetriaour noc (typical of all nocs) lets lotsa crap slide15:00
Symmetriamy house power goes down for a few minutes15:00
Symmetriaand I see this appear in the ticketting system15:00
SymmetriaANDREW_ALSTON switch down15:00
charlhi Symmetria 15:01
Kiloshi smile16:34
smilehi :p16:37
charlhi smile 16:43
charlhow's the weather, warm there too ?16:45
charlit's quite nice outside but too warm inside16:46
charlhi psychicist 16:50
psychicisthi charl 16:50
charlhow's it going16:51
psychicistI am doing well, thanks16:53
psychicisthow are you doing?16:53
charli'm good thanks16:53
psychicistI have been thinking of moving back to the Netherlands16:54
psychicistbut I still don't know, it depends on the situation at my current job and if I can get another position in a few months16:55
charlslowly the economy is picking up here now16:57
charlwe came out of a bad few years in the job market16:57
charli myself am considering moving to germany16:58
charli'm going on holiday in a week, want to do some touring and check out some nice places to live16:59
psychicistyeah, that's a good idea17:00
psychicistwell, I got some offers in Germany and Poland17:00
psychicistfor programming jobs17:00
psychicistbut I feel I lack knowledge for them17:00
charlwell that's what i'm going for, programming17:01
psychicistthose job ads are always a bit intimidating in terms of requirements17:01
charli know, i have that too17:01
charli ignore it, there are always one or two things that i don't have experience with either17:01
psychicistgoedenavond inetpro17:01
charlbut i find that rarely holds you back in practice17:01
charlhi inetpro 17:01
psychicistI mean I know Java, C/C++ and some x86 and MIPS assembly17:02
psychicistbut there is always something else that they want you to know so it becomes a bit of a daunting task to keep up with it all17:02
charlit is all about practical experience working in a development team though17:02
charlcompanies might hire you not only for your technical skill but also your so-called "soft skills"17:03
psychicistthat's what I think too and I don't really have that so how should I get it?17:03
charlthings like teamwork ability, communication ability, etc17:03
psychicistI have very good soft skills17:03
charlyeah i took a job as a junior developer a long time ago17:03
charland then just worked my way up17:03
charlbut the first job is the hardest17:03
psychicistand I really don't feel like staying in support for much longer17:04
charlmaybe you could even work on some open source projects in your free time17:04
charlyeah support you quickly outgrow17:04
psychicistespecially if I have been programming most of my adult life but just don't have a degree yet17:04
charlyeah there is a very big fixation on hbo level education in NL and from what i've heard in DE as well17:05
charlpractically any job says minimum required hbo level17:05
psychicistwell, I went to Delft but just couldn't continue17:05
charldoesn't mean to say you can do your job17:05
charli mean i see some people i worked with in the past, good people but didn't have a clue about practical software development17:06
psychicisteven during the physics curriculum we learned to program Pascal, MIPS and M68K assembly and things like Matlab/Maple etc.17:06
charlall hbo people, just lack the practical experience17:06
psychicistI see17:06
charlah matlab17:06
charlor you get some real autists, they might be technically brilliant but completely lack the feeling for people17:07
charlmaybe they are not real autists but that's what we call them where i work17:07
charlwe have a few of them :)17:07
charlfortunately not in our department though17:07
psychicistI have noticed more of those in CS curricula indeed :)17:07
psychicistor maybe in engineering in general17:08
charlspeaking about delft, they do a lot of robotics stuff there17:10
charlor was that eindhoven17:10
charlah this was eindhoven http://tweakers.net/video/8663/roboearth-een-internet-voor-robots.html17:12
charlthis is also pretty cool, haven't seen this before http://tweakers.net/nieuws/93210/tu-delft-bouwt-autonoom-vliegende-robotlibelle-delfly-explorer.html17:13
psychicistI wish I had the money to go back and study there17:14
charlyes me too !17:14
psychicistbut I'll see if I can get a job and do CS at open university and then move to some place where I can work on cool stuff17:15
charlah there is always open university as well yes17:15
charli am now starting to think i should further my studies17:15
charlespecially into hardware and electronics17:15
charli did my previous qualifications in software only17:16
charlonly electronics experience i have is breadboarding as a kid17:16
psychicistah, I like hardware and electronics too17:16
charlbut i really want to go and do something cool now17:17
charli'm bored of just writing more web applications etc17:17
charlbeen doing it for too long, want to go and do something cool now17:17
psychicistI understand17:18
psychicistI don't know that much about web programming really17:18
charlmy ultimate job would be to build the software for advanced home automation17:25
charlbut i don't know where even to apply for a job in that direction17:25
charlafaik there isn't much money in that at the moment17:25
psychicistthat's what I think too17:25
charlit doens't have to be a full-out AI but something into that direction would be cool17:26
psychicistI would love to go back to my applied physics and computer engineering studies and think of all kinds of crazy stuff17:26
psychicistyes, I feel current systems are still far too primitive17:26
charlin some places i feel we've made a lot of progress over the last 10 years17:27
charlwe have really powerful and low-cost low-power computers now17:27
charlbut we don't yet have the right software to run on it17:27
psychicistthat is true17:27
charlwhat the software can do is just too limiting17:27
charland let's face it most mobile interfaces suck17:27
psychicistbut who is going to rethink/reinvent the entire software stack?17:28
charlbesides, a phone is not going to do the dishes and make the coffee17:28
charlyou don't really have to reinvent the wheel, you just need to build on top of what's already there17:28
charlbut what's already there is also somewhat limiting still17:29
psychicistbut it may be able to control those devices using whatever softwareor firmware runs on them17:29
psychicistsoftware or*17:29
charlah yeah of course, well i was thinking along the lines of full out domestic robots17:29
charlbut with most devices you also have closed source firmware which is just plain evil17:30
psychicistthat do everything related to the household for you?17:30
charlwell, at lot of stuff at least17:30
psychicistyes, that's the current situation17:30
charlat the moment i only have a robot vacuming my floor17:30
psychicistwow, really?17:30
psychicistat home?17:30
charlstandard roomba17:30
charlhad it for almost a year now17:30
psychicistand how does it work?17:30
charlawesome :)17:30
charlprobably does a better clean than what i can do myself17:31
charlit's thin so it gets in under the tables, chairs, etc17:31
charland it has a brush which cleans the sides nicely against the wall17:31
psychicistthat's quite advanced then17:31
charlit's pretty decent but admittedly robot vacume cleaners have been around for a while17:32
charland it isn't that hard a thing to program17:32
psychicistwhat would be harder to program?17:32
psychicistwe are just in the beginning stages, though17:33
psychicistand it's a good start, I think17:33
charlnatural language processing etc is always quite tough but not that bad if you limit what can be processed to simple commands17:33
charlbut yeah a full out maid robot that would do all the house chores would be great17:33
psychicistI would also be very interested in that aspect, also considering the fact that I speak so many languages and also learn new ones pretty fast17:34
psychicistso maybe a robot that could replace your wife or girlfriend wouldn't be too bad either17:34
charlnah you see that's the plan17:35
charlthen my wife/girlfriend is there only for me :D17:36
charlhi cocooncrash 17:36
ThatGraemeGuy'lo peeps18:47

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