
=== NastyNaz is now known as Summerbreeze
Bashing-om!ask | zacwalls00:01
ubottuzacwalls: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:01
guzzi_jonesmd0 is sda1 and sdb1 nieither of which have the bootable flag set.  i think i could just go into gparted and set that?00:02
guzzi_jonesthen uncheck the bootable falg for sda2 and sdb2 for md1 which is my original install00:03
guzzi_jonesi thought i could set bootable on md0 and md1, but it won't allow that in gparted.00:03
_TJ_guzzi_jones: did you clone the md arrays, or create the new one fresh using "mdadm --create ..." ?00:05
guzzi_jonesit was an array that was created on installation.00:23
guzzi_jonesit used to be swap00:23
guzzi_jonesi reformated it to ext400:23
guzzi_joneson copied over from md1 to md0 preserving permissions00:23
alfonsojonHi, it seems Ubuntu 14.04 is running much slower in VirtualBox than it did in 12.0400:25
alfonsojonI have 3D acceleration enabled and 2048MB RAM allocated to it, yet it still takes over three minutes to boot.00:26
alfonsojonAny suggestions?00:26
rick68does anyone know how to remove these printer desklets from the desktop?00:26
SachiruDid you install guest additions for 14.04?00:26
alfonsojonSachiru: Yes.00:27
SachiruAlso is 14.04 a clean install?00:27
SachiruOr an in-place upgrade?00:27
alfonsojonClean install.00:27
TJ-guzzi_jones: OK, so you don't have clashing MD GUIDs, so changing fstab and doing "update-grub" should be sufficient00:27
alfonsojonHost system is Elementary OS Luna (based on Precise), but I don't think that should matter much.00:27
koellHod do I enable 256 colors in xterm? I already have the export xterm-256colors in my settings00:28
rick68how did you get 2G of ram, i thought 256M was the limit00:28
alfonsojonrick68: this is not 1994 ;)00:28
rick68for virtualbox00:28
alfonsojonIt depends on the amount of RAM available to the host system00:28
ObrienDavethat would be 1995 ;P00:28
alfonsojonI have 8GB RAM, so I can give it up to 6 GB safely, but it doesn't need that much00:28
alfonsojonPlus, I have the 32 bit version, so anything above 4GB wouldn't matter anyways00:29
rick68guess i havent used it in a while00:29
alfonsojonwell, nevermind00:29
alfonsojonPAE fixes that00:29
rick68o wait, im thinking of gpu00:30
alfonsojonrick68: ah00:30
rick68thats still the limit, right?00:30
rick68too bad00:30
alfonsojonIt can go higher, but you need to give it something like 6 monitors00:30
alfonsojonright now, I'm using it with dual monitor00:31
alfonsojonpretty neat00:31
alfonsojonif it weren't slow as molasses fresh out of the freezer00:31
rick68i used to run androidx86 on it, and 256 was not enough00:32
TJ-alfonsojon: probably because with 12.04 there was an option of "unity-2d" for non opengl hardware accelerated systems, but with 14.04 there is no such fall-back option?00:32
rick68so do you get 256 for each monitor?00:33
alfonsojonrick68: unfortunately not00:33
TJ-alfonsojon: Also, by "boot" do you to reach the logged-in user's desktop, or to reach the greeter?00:33
alfonsojonTJ-: Boot sequence is extremely slow, lightdm is slow (takes seconds to load), session is even slower (takes around 30 - 45 seconds to load gnome-session-flashback)00:33
alfonsojonusing metacity, not compiz00:34
alfonsojonmeaning it shouldn't be affected by opengl00:34
TJ-alfonsojon: is the underlying VM image a file, or a host block device (e.g. an LV) ?00:34
rick68so i got to admit, im still kind of green to linux, whats the best distro for handling video?00:34
rick68or does it matter00:34
TJ-alfonsojon: I'd boot it in Recovery mode and/or examine the dmesg and kern.log files00:34
alfonsojonrick68: not really00:35
alfonsojonrick68: just get something based on debian or fedora, the others out there may not work with the software00:35
rick68ya i started with ubuntu, but liked the eye candy of kde, so i switched to kubuntu00:36
alfonsojonTJ-: It looks like I can get a speed boost by allocating the full storage rather than dynamically expanding it00:37
guzzi_jonesTJ- thanks yes it looks like i need to just set the boot flag on the corresponding sdb1 and sda1 and undo sda2 and sdb200:37
alfonsojonNot a fair comparison, but Windows XP boots in around 15 seconds in VirtualBox.00:38
alfonsojonWhereas Ubuntu takes around three minutes to reach the desktop00:38
rick68so does anyone know hot to remove these printer desklets? (i think thats what theyre called)00:38
alfonsojonrick68: what distribution?00:39
alfonsojonon the desktop or taskbar?00:39
alfonsojonyou should be able to hover it, then a little drawer will slide out00:39
rick68they magically appeared00:39
alfonsojonclick the "X" on the drawer00:39
alfonsojondo you see a little button in the top right?00:39
rick68no drawer00:39
alfonsojonkind of looks like a cashew?00:39
rick68i know what youre talking about00:40
alfonsojonalright, do you have that button or no?00:40
WACOMalthey folks. I am looking for how to manually add a public GPG key for a repo I added00:40
rick68oh the one that says desktop00:40
WACOMaltI think the Release.gpg in this folder is what I need to add http://archive.zentyal.org/zentyal/dists/3.5/00:40
rick68alfonsojon yes i do00:42
alfonsojonWACOMalt: Not sure, sorry.00:42
alfonsojonrick68: click that00:42
alfonsojonthen the drawers should (not sure, not a kubuntu user) appear00:42
rick68let me try00:42
rick68alfonsojon nope, just a drop down menu00:43
alfonsojonwhat are the options?00:43
rick68alfonsojon and its the same menu as a right click00:43
alfonsojonI'm not sure then, sorry.00:43
alfonsojonI haven't used Kubuntu in a few months, I switched to Elementary.00:44
alfonsojonSorry :(00:44
rick68np thanks anyways00:44
rick68whats that00:44
alfonsojonIt's another distro based on Ubuntu 12.0400:45
rick68looking at it now....nice00:45
alfonsojonIt looks snazzy.00:45
alfonsojonAnd it's fast.00:45
rick68any tearing issues on video?00:46
rick68that took a while to fix00:46
alfonsojonwell, none that I know of00:46
rick68nvidia card?00:46
rick68with nvidia drivers?00:46
alfonsojonnvidia-331 + GTX 550 Ti00:46
rick68same one00:47
alfonsojonI get tearing in some games though00:47
rick68i found a way to disable effects on full screnn video, it helped00:47
rick68does it have the same eye candy that kde has?00:48
rick68i love this magic lamp00:48
alfonsojonnot really00:48
alfonsojonElementary is more professional-looking00:48
alfonsojonBe back shortly, walking the dog00:49
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jellowHi I cannot use down arrow keys, When I press down arrow key a notification appears here is a screenshot http://imgur.com/FuK6yFq. Thanks00:57
jellowI don't think ctrl works either00:58
daftykinslooks like your down arrow key is enacting the 'disable touchpad' function00:59
rick68jellow doesnt that mean your trackpad is not enabled <-guessing00:59
alfonsojonjellow: it seems your FN key is toggled on for some reason01:00
rick68i would almost try your hotkey settings01:01
daftykins^no an Fn combo would be very unlikely to be placed on cursor down01:01
rick68alfonsojon thanks for that distro, btw01:03
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rick68i think that might be waht im looking for for my office pc01:03
rick68i was looking at mint as a possibility01:04
Guest78040hi im having an issue setting up multiple monitors . . . i recompiled a kernel as instructed and now the monitors are detected in arandr but i get the following error when i hit enable:01:04
Guest78040XRandR returned error code 1: xrandr: Configure crtc 1 failed01:05
Guest78040where can i see where it failed?  That message is not very details01:06
rick68Guest78040 i had a bunch of multiple monitor problems, what worked for me was a fresh install with both monitors connected, i know it sounds bad, but it worked01:08
rick68i had a problem dragging windows from one to the other01:08
Guest78040i followed this wiki on mine01:09
rick68sorry, above my head01:10
jellowMy right arrow is mapped to keycode 156 XF86Launch1 and down arrow is mapped to keycode 21 XF86TouchpadOff , Is there a gui to help remap keys?01:11
rick68jellow on kubuntu theres a system setting for shortcuts and gestures, dont remember if i saw it on ubuntu01:12
guzzi_joneswell i got the sda2 and sdb2 to have the boot flag but how do i set the boot flag on a software raid device?01:16
daftykinswhat was your issue and what are you trying to achieve?01:17
rick68night everyon01:17
OERIASgood night rick68 switch over to Debian01:18
daftykinstroll alert01:19
guzzi_jonesi suppose i could load up the ubuntu-server installation iso and set it in there?01:19
daftykinsguzzi_jones: got a desktop liveCD handy?01:19
guzzi_jonesdaftykins - yes i do01:21
daftykinsguzzi_jones: use a disk partitioner in that01:22
daftykinsyou didn't really state the general challenge though so i can't be sure that's apt01:22
guzzi_jonesi tried gparted.  it won't see both md0 and md1 raid devices01:22
guzzi_jonesit only sees the physical devices and then the NON boot raid device01:22
daftykinshow rude, some CLI tools might be more relevant then01:23
TJ-guzzi_jones: did you ensure both MD devices are assembled ("cat /proc/mdstat") ?01:23
guzzi_jonesno.  i quit for the night.  the device it did see md0p1 or some wierd naming convention was the device i wanted to set boot on, but i went to manage flags it just said "flags"01:24
guzzi_joneslike the programmer didn't get to that part of the code01:25
guzzi_jonesthanks for all your help.01:26
guzzi_jonesit seems to be impossible to change to boot flags on software riad drives.  I will try this weekend with the ubuntu-server cd.  maybe i can do it through that.01:27
TJ-guzzi_jones: md0p1 is partition 1 on /dev/md001:28
guzzi_jonesahh ok that makes sense01:29
guzzi_jonesTJ-: why couldn't it see md1p1 then?01:29
TJ-guzzi_jones: if the md devices aren't whole-disks they don't contain partition tables, so there is no boot flag to set01:30
TJ-guzzi_jones: and if the md devices are whole-disks, and are hosted in partitions, then the boot flags are in the partition table(s) of the two underlying whole disks01:31
guzzi_jonesok so i went and changed the boot flags to the smaller disks sda1 and sdb1 which are part of md001:32
TJ-guzzi_jones: If mdadm hadn't assembled md1 there would be no partitions to find.01:32
guzzi_jonesi then restarted.01:32
guzzi_jonesand it still booted to md101:32
guzzi_jonesoh ok so check to see that md1 is assembled01:33
guzzi_jonesstill doesn't explain how i changed the boot flags and it booted to the wrong partition?01:33
TJ-guzzi_jones: how do you mean "booted to" ? you mean the root file-system was mounted via /dev/md1 ?01:33
guzzi_jonesboot flag was set on sda1 and sdb1 ....01:33
guzzi_jonesthese are part of md001:34
guzzi_jonesmd0 contained an exact copy of my os.01:34
guzzi_jonesfrom md101:34
guzzi_jonesi edited fstab and grub to use md0 UUId01:34
guzzi_jonesi rebooted01:35
guzzi_jonesdf -h returned file size of md1 NOT md001:35
TJ-guzzi_jones: the boot-flag in the partition table has nothing to do with which file-system is used as root. To set the root file-system requires the grub configuration to be updated so it writes a revised /boot/grub/grub.cfg which uses the UUID of the replacement root file-system01:35
guzzi_jonesok.  so on md1 i have a grub.cfg with UUID for md101:36
guzzi_joneson md0 i have a grub.cfg with UUID for md001:36
Churchguzzi: do i understand right that you simply want to increase size of root fs that is placed on md mirror on partitions?01:36
TJ-guzzi_jones: and have you "grub-install /dev/sda /dev/sdb" to update grub's core.img so it knows which File-system contains /boot/ ?01:37
guzzi_jonesi want to transfer my OS from md1 to md001:37
Churchdo you have separate /boot ?01:37
guzzi_jonesi did not do grub-install01:38
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guzzi_jonesi do not have separate boot01:38
guzzi_joneswhat is core.img?01:40
Churchbtw, for future setup of mirrored server fs layout on two disks i'd suggest doing it this way: md0 mirror of 512MB partition0 on both disks with /boot on it, then md1 mirror of both disks partition1 (on all the rest disk capacity) on which then use LVM to dynamically change diskspace allocation as you need.01:40
TJ-guzzi_jones: BIOS > valid boot disk (sector 0, offset 254=0x55AA) ? > read sector #0 and write to address 7C00 (this is GRUB MBR boot-strap) > MBR uses BIOS to read core.img from sector #1 onwards, which is the grub core.img > core.img 'mounts' the grub root (fiile-system containing /boot/grub/), reads grub.cfg, loads modules, does "normal" and displays the GRUB menu01:40
TJ-guzzi_jones: So this may be down to the hard disk you've got selected in BIOS boot order *if* you did "grub-install /dev/sdb" but not also "grub-install /dev/sda", for example01:41
cliff1245Hello Everyone, I am trying to get a Ubuntu Server 12.04 network up and running. It is a new build. It is installed as a VM on ESXi on a server.  The ESXi server is also running pfsense inline as my firewall. I wanted to connect the Ubuntu server to my LAN side of the firewall. Everytime I run if Config, the eth0 doesn't show a IP address or a gateway as if it's not getting an address from the dhcp server.  The primary network inter01:41
TJ-Church: I simply RAID1 the entire disks, much easier01:42
daftykinscliff1245: you got cut off at 'The primary network inter...'01:42
cliff1245The primary network interface in the /etc/network/interfaces file says "auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp" If my understanding is correct, I should be requesting my IP address from the DHCP server, is that correct? I have pfsense also running as a DHCP server. It is connected to a linksys switch/router that this machine that I'm using is connected to, so It should be working. Any suggestions as to how to get my ubuntu server connected 01:43
ChurchTJ: LVM gives much much better flexibility .. with enabling doing most of needed reconfiguring later on online01:43
raul782Hi guys, what is the difference between ln -s and ln -nfs ?01:43
daftykinscliff1245: it obviously isn't attached to the right interface DHCP is running on01:44
daftykinscliff1245: you do see an interface yes?01:44
Churchraul782: i'm too lazy to read manpage, but all i ever needed is to use -s or without it for ln, to make soft or hard links that is.01:44
raul782I normally use ln -s, but when using capistrano I c they use ln -nfs01:45
guzzi_jonesTJ-: why would i do grub install /dev/sdb?  and grub-install /dev/sda?01:45
raul782f as force that I understand01:45
guzzi_joneseach of those have two partitions.01:45
guzzi_jonesdoes that write the bootable drive to the mbr?01:45
ChurchTJ: and according to setup above which i employ everywhere, i simply drop MD usage, if there is HW raid or it's LUN from already raid-ed SAN. LVM simply imho is must have tool for any sysadmin01:45
raul782I guess the ln  -n option is the one I don't understand completely01:45
cliff1245boy am I glad I didn't enter in my password!01:46
guzzi_jonesChurch: yes i am going to a smaller parition so i can eventually go to lvm01:47
guzzi_jonesChurch: i am attempting to use my swap space as a temp area.01:47
cliff1245daftykins: thanks, I just realized I never rebooted after connecting the lan. :(01:47
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daftykinscliff1245: whoops!01:48
daftykinscliff1245: fwiw though a server should never be DHCP01:48
cliff1245daftykins: how would you set the server up?01:49
Churchguzzi_jones: btw, to that "ideal" setup of mine only one correction. It's best to start "small", as it's always easy to grow size, but much more hassle to reduce.01:49
cliff1245go into /etc/network/interfaces and change auto to static?01:49
cliff1245sorry, not auto, i meant dhcp01:49
daftykinscliff1245: yep then specify address, netmask, gateway - then remove resolvconf and hardcode DNS into /etc/resolv.conf01:49
guzzi_jonesok so i am reading on grub-install01:52
guzzi_jones"This will rewrite the MBR information to point to the current installation and rewrite some GRUB 2 files"01:53
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guzzi_jonesif i mount my NEW md0 at /media/new/01:53
guzzi_jonesmount -B /proc /media/new/proc01:54
guzzi_jonesmount -B /sys /media/new/sys01:54
guzzi_jonesmount -B /dev /media/new/dev01:54
hopesinerhello all!01:54
guzzi_joneschroot /media/new01:54
guzzi_jonesthen run grub-install /dev/sda /dev/sdb01:54
guzzi_jonesTJ-: ??01:54
TJ-sorry was making drinks ... Church I put md raid1 in first, then LVM01:54
guzzi_jonesthen i am "IN" my new system01:55
tmTimI am wondering why my router model number is showing at the end of my local hostname when I commit to git. any ideas?01:55
TJ-guzzi_jones: no, you want "mount --rbind /dev /media/new/dev" because you need the devpts at /dev/pts too01:55
BeldarTJ-, Can we order one?01:55
guzzi_jonesTJ-: Drinks.. i need one.01:55
tmTimlike tim@host.add211321301:55
* TJ- DCCs a coffee to Beldar01:55
Beldarmmmm caffeine01:56
daftykinsi'd say me too but it's 3am01:56
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hopesineri have a quick question, im looking at installing ubuntu on my old xp machine what i was using it for netflix but as support has ended for xp... i know pipelight doesn't work anymore towards netflix and chrome but is there another way?01:57
guzzi_jonesTJ-: ok thanks.  i took some notes.  i will try that Sat.01:58
Beldarhopesiner, Ubuntu has a bit more draw on the hardware you sure it's what you need?01:58
TJ-daftykins: indeed it is... I promised myself early night at 10pm :p01:58
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Beldarhopesiner, Both OS use the same repos01:59
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hopesinerBeldar... i ran ubuntu with unity about a year or two ago then re-purposed it as a netflix device which xp was easier and the intel graphics are not supported for vista or 702:00
Beldarhopesiner, Just trying to understand your end goal here, can you say it without the history?02:01
hopesinerbeldar, ok sorry02:01
ChurchTJ-: of course LVM on MD raid if there is no HW raid beneath. But i avoid using plain partitions with just MD raid. In my sysadmin experience needed to reconfigure layout way too often to NOT use LVM.02:01
TJ-Church: Agreed entirely, /boot/ on a RAID1 primary partition, the rest LVM02:02
hopesinerBeldar, is it still possible iv heard theirs a netflix desktop app?02:02
Beldarhopesiner, The netflix ppa is releasing up to utopic02:02
Beldarhopesiner, I thought that was the only netflix  choice, were you using wine?02:03
Beldarthat is the netflix desktop so to speak02:04
hopesinerBeldar, ahhh ok just wanted to make sure before doing anything to the desktop thank you!02:05
Beldarhopesiner, no prob there are eol upgrades as well, if you need.02:05
Beldarlaspahr, making your own channel02:07
laspahrnah I already have one, I was seeing if there was one heh..02:08
Beldar!alis | laspahr02:08
ubottulaspahr: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:08
sydneyHi,i am running into this issue when i backup. dejadup says i dont have the permissions to back up a certain file,and i dont know what to do. :(02:14
Beldarsydney, Root files?02:14
Beldarwhat is the file in other words?02:14
sydneyyes,in the home directory. :s /home/sydney/.cache/dconf02:15
somsipsydney: everything in there should be owned and grouped for the user. Is it?02:15
sydneyeverything except that one file :s02:16
somsipsydney: what is the file name?02:16
Eric^^the folder dconf is owned by root02:17
sydneyBut why is it in my home directory!!??02:17
yoda_question what is the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server downloads there is also ubuntu cloud02:18
somsipsydney: I've got it in .config too, and it's owned and grouped for the user. I'd say fix it02:18
yoda_in terms of packages or what the look and feel is02:18
TJ-yoda_: different collection of packages on the install image, different installation result02:18
sydneysomsip: how?02:18
Beldaryoda_, One has a desktop one does not02:18
TJ-yoda_: cloud image doesn't need a lot of different support for varying hardware since it is targeted at virtual machines02:19
flepinesudo chown -R sydney:sydney /home/sydney/02:19
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somsipsydney: chown -R sydney:sydney ~/.config/dconf (replace sydney with your real username)02:19
TJ-yoda_: server has the typical server packages, and can handle more complex disk organisation02:19
sydneysomsip: sydney is my real user name :P02:19
somsipsydney: sorry, put a sudo on that and make it /home/user/sydney..etc02:20
sydneysomsip: in other words,it will delete the file?02:20
somsipsydney: no, it makes it owned and grouped for the sydney user02:20
somsipsydney: and the contents (of the directory)02:20
sydneysomsip: what if i just tell dejadup to ignore that file? ;) (just a thought) ;)02:21
yoda_ok but the all uses the same repo so one can be converted into the other by installing uninstalling packages correct so there was no real need to do it. Only for the fact that most people want to chose from those 3 standard builds in the general case02:21
somsipsydney: then you wont have a backup of it02:22
sydneysomsip: so 'sudo chown -R sydney:sydney /home/sydney/.cashe/dconf'?02:24
sydneydaftykins: i just realized that :P does that look right?02:25
daftykinsyes, though when user is the same as group, there's no need to do more than "user:"02:25
daftykinsbut that'll work fine yeah02:25
daftykinseeee: wb02:25
yoda_when did ubuntu first start having seperate downloads for desktop or server os's was that starting of some version of 1202:25
daftykinsyoda_: no, years and years ago02:26
yoda_because 10 seemed to be all one distro for a few different archs02:26
Beldaryoda_, probably since forst release02:26
daftykinsyoda_: nope even then it was server and desktop separate02:26
yoda_approx what year / version was that02:26
Beldarversion -
TJ-yoda_: Dapper Drake 6.0602:30
sydneysomsip: thanks!!Wow,hiding an empty folder...02:31
Beldaryoda_, language please, all this info you can get from the web, this is support for serious matters not your wimsies.02:31
yoda_real so the info I read in this chain is the top info / current what people are studying / understanding02:33
zacwallsfirefox crashed my pc. i want to prevent another crash. how can i do this?02:34
TJ-zacwalls: start Firefox in Safe mode, and then disable extensions02:40
tonytanyone know if there is a way to paste in putty?02:45
daftykinsyes, right click02:46
daftykinsinside the main body of the window02:46
tonyttried that. its not working02:46
ClickbuzzWhat is a .sh file?02:47
somsipClickbuzz: usually, a bash script02:47
yoda_so then I am see sort of a trend on the number of actual in products to the number of products that just change there names ebox, zentyal ,   landscape ,...etc02:47
ObrienDaveyoda_, do you have an actual Ubuntu support question?02:49
Clickbuzzsomsip so I can write commands in a text editor, save the file as a .sh file. Give it executable permissions. and then execute it like a script?02:49
jay__is anyone experienced in dual booting with a natively linux computer?02:50
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jay__anyone online?02:56
somsipClickbuzz: basically, yes. Though best to add a shebang to it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%2902:57
daftykinsjay__: yes you disappeared when i was replying... do you want to put Windows on after the fact? is that the idea?02:57
Clickbuzzsomsip: lol I like the way that sounds...add a "SHEBANG!"02:57
jay__my internet disconnected, my bad02:57
jay__and i wanted to dual boot possibly. but i need to know fi my windows xp recovery disc works for dual booting, of if i need to get a windows xp disc from a store or online02:58
somsipClickbuzz: you could add a kerpow, but that would just be silly ;)02:58
LoshkiClickbuzz: a shebang (also called a sha-bang, hashbang, pound-bang, hash-exclam, or hash-pling)...02:59
daftykinsjay__: XP is dead now, nobody should be installing it for anything. ever.02:59
jay__im asking if something like that would work though,. i also have a vista recovery and win 7 recovery02:59
daftykinsjay__: but in a dualboot plan you should really be putting Windows on first to make life easy02:59
Clickbuzzsomsip: so the shebang #!/bin/sh basically passes the rest of my script to a specific program/interpreter for the script?03:00
Clickbuzzsomsip well !# not the other one03:01
Clickbuzzsomsip err #!03:01
somsipClickbuzz: basically, yes...#! (the ! is the bang!)03:01
jay__daftykins: i needed to know is a recovery disc works for dual booting.03:02
daftykinsjay__: it really depends what you define as being a recovery disc, i'd consider it standard Windows install media.03:02
daftykinsjay__: if that's just some packaged up way of putting back on all the cruft that came with a system, then it'll work in a way.03:03
jay__daftykins: it's the factory reset disc's i got when i bought my various computers in the past.03:03
Clickbuzzsomsip: so if I were making a script to configure ufw  #! /bin/sh would let me run the script? Its just a series of ufw commands03:04
daftykinsjay__: you know you can only use those on the ones they came with?03:04
daftykinsClickbuzz: that's how shell scripting works, sure03:05
somsipClickbuzz: yes. Though you would eiter need to sudo {myscript} or have sudo prefix each command in the script (no space in #!/bin/bash)03:05
jay__daftykins: thats what i needed to know lol03:05
Clickbuzzdaftykins: its just kinda confusing picking the right thing to use. there bash, sh when look to point to dash03:06
daftykinsand he left, just like that03:06
daftykinsnot realising he should've been in ##windows this whole time =|03:06
Clickbuzzdaftykins: I never know what runs what03:06
daftykinsstick to bash. also, go to a channel relevant for this topic, such as #bash03:06
Shadow}}Hey daftykins: Can you help me out?03:07
Clickbuzzdaftykins: will do. didnt know it existed03:07
daftykinsdepends if i know anything about your question, Shadow}}03:07
Shadow}}You do as much as I do so greater I presumed. I'm curious which version of Ubuntu is the most user friendly for complete linux newbies.03:08
daftykinsuuuuuh, i don't typically run desktop so i can't really comment on that one03:08
Shadow}}daftykins: Its for my mother's computer so all that is required is easy networking, firefox, and if possible Solitaire... Like windows version of it. Does any Ubuntu version come with that?03:09
daftykinspersonally i'd say unity is horrible for a new user to get to grips with, it makes no sense to me!03:09
daftykinswhat's the spec?03:09
Shadow}}Its a 1.7 APU all-in-one win8 machine.03:09
Shadow}}I intend on disabling the UEFI chipset then allowing Legacy and disabling SafeBoot, Then allow Ubuntu's nifty networking driver/updates during installion to do the work for me.03:11
daftykinsShadow}}: no need to disable UEFI or secure boot03:12
daftykinsupdates during install can bite your ass03:12
Shadow}}You positive? That UEFI in that thing causes alot of unwanted blockage.03:12
grache28Hi - After installing grub was configured with /dev/sda1 as the windows boot loader, sda1 is Windows recovery partition, and sda2 is the actual Windows partition. I've tried editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom with an entry for /dev/sda2, but when I do sudo update-grub it doesn't seem to accept/see that entry03:12
daftykinsi'm pretty confident i can make UEFI installs work on any setup now03:12
TJ-Shadow}}: The issues with UEFI are mostly buggy implementations by the motherboard manufacturers03:13
Shadow}}You may! But I'll be using a simple live cd to do so with networking. I'm not linux savvy by any means.03:13
daftykinsgrache28: sounds like you're attempting to use GRUB v1 methodology to resolve GRUBv203:13
Shadow}}Agreed TJ-03:13
daftykinsShadow}}: right, we all install from simple live media - so that'd be fine yes ;)03:13
daftykinsShadow}}: you just need to know the difference between booting in UEFI mode and not03:13
Shadow}}Alrighty. So its safe to assume that even being a all-in-one machine if I wipe the drives then I can install Ubuntu from Live-CD?03:14
daftykinswell why don't you dualboot to start with? if your mums use-case is as you say, then it's not like disk space will be an issue03:15
Shadow}}Oh? Can Grub be coded to boot in non uefi mode?03:15
Shadow}}It won't.03:15
daftykinsso keep both \o/03:15
Shadow}}Wait, DualBOOT?03:15
daftykinsdo a 50/50 split maybe03:15
TJ-Shadow}}: If you boot the ISO in EFI mode, then you can install alongside Windows. Both Windows and Ubuntu will have entries in the UEFI boot menu03:16
Shadow}}I tried instaling Mythbuntu alongside win8 a year ago but it blocks the os from starting and i can't even find the menu.lst to remove the mythbuntu..03:16
daftykinsyeah you too are trying to use GRUBv1 methods03:16
TJ-Shadow}}: The default will be Ubuntu, but by pressing, at boot-time, the key that brings up the manual boot menu, you'll be able to choose which OS ... no need for GRUB to deal with Windows chainloader when using UEFI03:16
daftykinsanyway, that was mythbuntu, not normal ubuntu03:17
grache28daftykins: oh, i thought that was grub 2 - http://ubuntuguide.net/manually-addingremoving-entries-to-grub-2-menu03:17
Shadow}}Truetrue. Alright. So, What do ya'll say Ubuntu or a specific version of ubuntu?03:17
daftykinsknowing the spec would still be nice03:18
grache28daftykins: do you have any info on the grub2 methodology?03:18
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:18
Shadow}}1.7GZ APU, AMD..Erm what else..03:18
daftykinsShadow}}: why not boot live media then see which she likes? at the end of the day you're going to have to support it ;)03:18
daftykinswell the intended network interface would be important to get it online :>03:18
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daftykinsactually i think a lot of the AMD APUs still give graphics issues, not sure if they've all been ironed out yet03:19
Shadow}}Trust me. I despise that machine, Thus why its hers.03:19
Shadow}}But she can't take Windows 8's bullcrap anymore either. And I'm sick of wifi intruders.03:20
daftykinswifi what now?03:20
Shadow}}I really don't know, Some dude has been jacking into any desktops with built-in wifi adapters for years now. That win8 is like..A cess pool every day anew.03:21
grache28daftykins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup#Configuring_GRUB_203:21
daftykinsShadow}}: you have proof of this 0o03:22
Shadow}}I have his mac address but thats beside the point.03:22
grache28According to that it seems I used the correct methodology, which part specificly was grub1?03:22
daftykinsShadow}}: well it's quite interesting because i somewhat doubt that's going on to a patched system (:03:23
daftykinsor if it is, i'd get the guy convicted03:23
Shadow}}Anyway I'm off to bed, Was just checking what to download to install tomorrow. Hm?03:23
daftykinsthey're free, download them all... try them all...03:24
daftykinsgot a 4GB flash drive? that's 3 or 4 on one drive to try ;)03:24
Shadow}}Oh. I'm not concerned about it, Doesn't leave any tracks and doesn't get into MY terminal only that win8 crud maker.03:24
daftykinshating on Windows is just a sign you can't make it work :)03:24
Shadow}}You sound like microsoft trying to dispute my case of flash in IE having builtin whitelisting/blacklisting(s). -Rolls eyes-03:25
RajviHi Guys, My system time is wrong.. both manaul & time server.. I am not able to correct the time03:26
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RajviI am on UTC+5:30 GMT, however i can't seem to figure a way to get this right03:27
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Guest4269hello guys03:30
Bashing-omRajvi: ^^. Also dual booting with Windows? Such that Windows is controlling the hard ware clock ?03:30
RajviI am not dual booting.. its a fresh installof 14.01 which update to 14.04.1 automactically03:32
Rajvi14.04 work fine for me ! Dunno if they reintroduce some bugs03:33
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daftykinsjust because your clock is wonky doesn't mean the entire OS is at fault03:34
Guest4269installed ubuntu first time, it went well apart from the prob i had with my 2 intel 520 ssd drives being in RAID 0 mode which i had disable03:34
Guest4269to disable*03:35
Rajvii also did nt server update, no go03:35
Guest4269can someone help me figure out why my mouse arrow is shivering? tia03:37
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napster.msg alist list reg03:41
napstersorry guys03:41
napstermissed a slash03:41
ObrienDaveGuest4269, optical or mechanical mouse?03:41
daftykinsyou'll be missing more than that if you don't move to your status window, napster03:41
napsterdaftykins not sure I understand :-?03:42
ObrienDaveGuest4269, have you cleaned the lens lately?03:42
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daftykinsnapster: nevermind.03:42
Guest4269the arrow is shivering like crazy03:42
ObrienDavedaftykins, your team ;P03:43
Guest4269it works fine under windows03:43
Guest4269yup constantly03:43
* napster is thinking what exactly is a status window :S :)03:43
ObrienDavenapster, the one that says freenode03:44
daftykinsObrienDave: team 0o03:44
ObrienDaverofl ;P03:44
Guest4269the arrow doesn't shake but its kinda pulsating very fast03:44
* napster feeling completely alienated. where in the world am I?03:45
ObrienDaveGuest4269, just for fun, unplug and replug the mouse03:45
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ObrienDavenapster, daftykins was trying to explain that your command only works in the status window, not the channel window03:46
daftykinsnah i was hinting they should be run there only03:47
daftykinsfor safety03:47
ObrienDaveyea, and that too LOL03:47
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napsterObrienDave ah! this is a mac client guys. Textual.03:47
Guest4269i unplugged and plugged it in and it's the same =(03:47
napsterit works fine even if I use the channel window.03:47
ObrienDaveok, my mistake03:48
daftykinsyeah see i didn't mean that ;)03:48
Jeffrey_fRajvi: what are you dual booting03:48
ObrienDaveGuest4269, i have no idea why that is happening03:48
napsterby the way I was looking out for regular expression channels. #regex has everybody sleeping. wanna discuss some regex stuff?03:48
napsterlinux users are supposed to be regex experts :D03:49
ObrienDaveright, i don't even know all of the IRC commands LOL03:50
Jeffrey_fnapster: did you try #ubuntu-offtopic?03:50
Guest4269also i have nvidia gtx 680 card, do i need to install nvidia drivers?03:50
napsternot yet, let me see03:50
ObrienDaveGuest4269, probably won't hurt, can't guarantee it will fix the cursor issue03:51
editionI have a document of entries, separated with "#end"... how to create HTML from a Shell script?03:51
somsipedition: try in #bash03:51
ObrienDaveGuest4269, does cursor shake when slowly moving the mouse?03:52
peterrooneyI see a headache in your future03:52
somsipedition: they should be able to help on parsing the file anyway. You'll have to look more for the HTML ouput you want03:52
Guest4269cos at the graphics kinda tear when i move a video window or play flash games03:52
Guest4269the cursor is pulsating like mad03:53
DanaGSay, do any of you have a 1280x720 display?  I need to EDID-override a system, so it would be a massive help if somebody with such a display would run 'read-edid > somefilename', then either upload the file somewhere, or pastebin the output of 'xxd somefile'.03:54
ObrienDaveGuest4269, try changing cursor sets03:55
daftykinsDanaG: does your display fail to give a correct EDID? is it VGA?03:56
DanaGActually, it's an IPMI device, with no monitor attached.  The device is capable of up to 1920x1080, but running 1280x720 gives me the best balance of real estate and not filling the viewer's screen.03:57
meganerdDanaG: I have a TV that is annoying like that.  Advertises 1024x768 even though it is 720p03:57
Guest4269obrien, where do i look for cursor sets?03:57
daftykinsIPMI 0o03:57
DanaGIf I use drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=<some edid.bin>, the "ast" KMS driver gives a better resolution.  Default is 1024x768.03:58
DanaGThankfuly, llvmpipe on Haswell is fast enough that the network connection is usually the limit, even with Gnome Shell.  Gnome Shell is actually better for it, because the viewer doesn't pass alt-tab.03:59
Guest4269obrien, just noticed if i stop streaming from bbc iplayer the cursor calms down04:00
ObrienDavehmm, interesting04:02
Guest4269im using latest ubuntu04:02
Guest4269it updated itself04:02
ObrienDavei'm on Xubuntu. you might find cursor sets under mouse settings, not sure04:03
Guest4269cool i'll have a look04:03
Guest4269i searched in Unity for 'mouse', can't see any cursor settings, its very basic04:06
BSODInTheSkyChanServ: How did you do that in nanoseconds?04:09
ObrienDaveGuest4269, i don;t know where your mouse cursors are. try appearance04:10
Guest4269no luck under appearence04:13
AwokenGuest4269: sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool04:18
Awokenalways seconds too late :p04:18
lowlandingbrap brap04:22
Sir_Letoanyone able to figure out why I only have stero audio through HDMI?04:23
Sir_Letoand not 5.1?04:23
DanaGsir_leto: Is your video card one of the models that can do true multichannel digital audio?  For example, any Radeon older than HD5xxx can't do it.04:24
Sir_LetoI've used it for years04:24
Sir_LetoI have a radeon hd 467004:25
DanaGhmm, that one might do it, after all...04:25
daftykinsSir_Leto: you can't ask xbmc things in here04:26
Sir_LetoI wasn't asking about xbmc in particular04:26
DanaGDoes the gnome audio control panel offer 7.1?04:26
Sir_LetoI was asking about system wide audio04:26
Sir_LetoI'm using xubuntu, and no04:26
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Sir_LetoI'm running 14.0404:27
DanaGwaitaminute... I seem to recall reading that the Radeon open-source drivers didn't have multichannel LPCM.  Though, last time I checked was about a year ago.04:27
DanaGIs this a sudden change, or has it never worked in Ubuntu?  (with open-source drivers, that is)04:28
Sir_LetoI haven't used linux in a long time, but I'm pretty sure it used to work.04:28
DanaGhmm, you might want to ask in #alsa and #radeon, as well.04:30
Sir_LetoI think it's using pulse04:31
Sir_LetoI'll try using asla04:31
meganerdpulse is just a layer on top of alsa04:31
DanaGPulseAudio is fanciness on top of ALSA; ALSA is the actual drivers.  Plus a bit from the video driver, since HDMI mixes audio and video.04:32
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bruceleetrying to set up my preseed file, running into some confusion, hopefully one of you experts can clear it up for me :)04:57
bruceleeif i want to make a preseed file ask me for network information, how do i do?04:57
bruceleefrom what im reading here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-contents.html, seems like i have to uncomment the "Static network configuration" lines04:57
bruceleecan someone confirm :)04:59
deitarionHow do I craft an apt-get command that means "just install/purge the packages which DO exist" without the sluggishness and clutter of going package-by-package using a shellscript for loop?05:01
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supaplexI need a 802.11gn usb adapter that can use master (AP) mode (eg, hostapd) for more than 7 clients. Firmware/SoC ram limitations on the ath9k_htc (AR9271) cannot run more than 7 associated clients at once. TIA.05:16
bluegoonHi guys05:20
bluegoonMy system keeps locking up05:20
bluegoontotal freeze, cant switch TTY, nothing.05:20
bluegoonChecked temps, all fine05:20
bluegoonNVIDIA card05:21
bruceleefound the answer to my question...05:22
bruceleehave another question now... what does the mirror suite in the preseed file mean05:22
bruceleei guess thats the package05:23
bluegoonIt just keeps locking up05:24
bluegoonThink I should re-install everything05:24
bruceleeactually my main question is how can i set my preseed file to go through installation without having to download anything05:24
ObrienDavebluegoo.... sheesh05:27
bluegoonI dont think these Nvidia drivers are OK05:55
bluegoonWith 14.0405:55
nikolam_I dunno what to do with this .deb/apt it asks me to run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' and then sits down saying "RSetting up libgempc430 (1.0.7-2) , estarting PCSC Lite resource manager pcscd" forever06:01
histonikolam_: are you using a ppa?06:03
hanumanI am trying to install java on Ubuntu but I couldn't.Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. :Depends: default-jre-headless (= 1:1.6-43ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed                Depends: openjdk-6-jre (>= 6b23~pre11-1ubuntu1~) but it is not going to be installed06:07
nikolam_histo, yup and what about it. want me to disable them to see if it gets better?06:10
nikolam_dpkg was interrupted while installing something06:10
nikolam_and he was interrupted because he was active for a long time doing nothing06:11
histo!info libgempc43006:11
ubottulibgempc430 (source: ifd-gempc): PC/SC driver for the GemPC 430, 432, 435 smart card readers. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.7-2 (trusty), package size 23 kB, installed size 91 kB06:11
nikolam_I guess problem is that he can not restart pcscd06:11
histo!info pcscd06:11
ubottupcscd (source: pcsc-lite): Middleware to access a smart card using PC/SC (daemon side). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.10-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 51 kB, installed size 204 kB06:11
nikolam_so what about it06:11
histonikolam_: who is he?06:11
nikolam_histo, dpkg06:12
histonikolam_: you could stop pcscd manually06:13
hanumanI am trying to install java on Ubuntu but I couldn't. Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.06:14
histonikolam_: sudo stop pcscd06:14
nikolam_yes i tried it keeps restarting and have no affect to dpkg command. it just fails then06:14
nikolam_Errors were encountered while processing: libgempc430 libgempc41006:15
histonikolam_: are you even using smart cards?06:15
nikolam_and there are 3 processes named pcscd . I tried and it obviously does not work. Even smart card reader is now not attached06:15
nikolam_I went and installed everything regarding smart cards i was thinking should make it work and obviously something of that is in collision06:16
nikolam_and it keeps displaying this on every sudo command, but that is there since 13.10->14.04 update: "no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory"06:18
histonikolam_: do you use any of the packages that apt is complaining about?06:19
user123321http://pastebin.com/RkKpsNsf <----  This is the interfaces file of an LUbuntu VM that cannot connect to internet nor access to router's page. Any ideas?06:19
user123321I've used CARP06:19
histowth is carp06:20
user123321Common Address Redundancy Protocol06:20
histouser123321: why?06:20
user123321histo, for servers :)06:20
user123321for example, backup taking in charge when main fails.06:21
histouser123321: anyhoot what kind of output do you get with route06:21
histouser123321: like bonded interface okay06:21
user123321Kernel IP routing table06:21
user123321Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface06:21
user123321192.168.1.0     *        U     0      0        0 eth006:21
user123321does it make sense?06:22
MoundBobIs there a keyring app installed on ubuntu by default?06:22
histouser123321: is ther interface up?06:23
user123321histo, iface is up, I restarted eth006:24
user123321MoundBob, keyring?06:24
user123321btw, the gateway is * over there, right? o.O06:24
user123321in my host, I have as gateway06:24
user123321not in VM06:24
histouser123321: why are you using lubuntu for server stuff in the first place?  Just curious06:25
user123321histo, it's the same as ubuntu right?06:25
histouser123321: Do you need the desktop environment for some reason?06:25
user123321histo, I'd prefer a GUI atm :D06:26
histouser123321: ip route   shows what?06:26
histouser123321: also make sure their network manager isn't running wild with your connections06:26
histouser123321: and have you tried pinging by ip and seeing if it's a DNS issue?06:26
user123321histo, dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
user123321I can ping to my VM06:28
histouser123321: then what is the issue?06:28
user123321VM cannot connect to internet06:28
histouser123321: can the vm ping
user123321histo, connect: Network is unreachable06:29
user123321but my host can06:29
histouser123321: can the vm ping the gateway?06:29
user123321histo, no06:30
dadaaloha! what's the status with 14.04 LTS? why Update Manager (currently on 12.04, set to "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version: For long-term support versions") still doesn't offer me to upgrade?06:30
nikolam_histo, your questions are normal but not helping, thanks.06:30
user123321histo, It seems that the VM with UCARP currently active cannot ping
nikolam_no those are libraries not applications, and i am not using them06:31
nikolam_problem is with apt / dpkg that has a problem with restarting service that would not restart and then fails to fix state of packages06:31
histonikolam_: I'm trying to figure out if you even need the service. If not just remove it.06:32
user123321histo, Is it a must that the gateway's IP be shown in route command?06:32
nikolam_histo, well to remove it, i need working apt/dpkg, right. and it is not working06:33
histouser123321: no the * is correct06:33
user123321histo, I see, but my host shows
user123321as gateway06:33
histouser123321: ahh you don't have a gateway defined in your interfaces06:34
histouser123321: define gate udner your netmask line06:35
user123321histo, I did try to define, but it didn't work. Shall I try defining again?06:35
histouser123321: Also I would try commenting otu the ucarp stuff just to make sure networking is workign first.06:35
mal10chello world06:37
histo!test | mal10c06:38
ubottumal10c: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:38
histouser123321: any luck?06:40
hanumanI am trying to install java on Ubuntu but I couldn't. Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.06:42
user123321histo, with gateway, can't still ping I commented CARP stuff, then I could ping, but browser cannot access the internet. DHCP pool summary of my router did not have an IP assigned for my VM, is it because of static ip in interfaces file?06:42
histouser123321: yes, and you can't reach a website because of no nameservers06:42
user123321histo, let me remove static part.06:43
histouser123321: no you can leave it06:43
histouser123321: just define nameservers06:43
histouser123321: do you have the resolvconf package installed?06:44
MoundBobWhen I use this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7921302/ how does the data in the loop device synchronize the file that was attached to it?06:44
histouser123321: if you do just add a line dns-nameservers  or use your ISPs06:45
ahinsingh1140 /msg nickserv help identify06:46
ahinsingh1140 /msg nickserv help identify06:46
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histoMoundBob: the loop device is the file06:46
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histoMoundBob: why are you doing it that way?06:47
histoyou could just dd tot he file.  Don't quite understand the need for the loop device int he first place.06:47
histoMoundBob: nvm just saw you want to write to the filesystem06:50
Vampir3hi everyone, i create a OpenVPN connection, but when i click on it nothing happen, is there any solution to fix that? (Ubuntu 14.04)06:50
user123321histo, this is surprising, I now have only "auto lo06:50
user123321iface lo inet loopback06:50
user123321auto eth0" in interfaces, still cannot connect to internet with browser.06:50
user123321shall I get resolveconf06:51
poobutthi i have just run update / upgrade on ubuntu server running on hypervisor and am asked for grub location please help as i am not sure http://imgur.com/wxCUpp406:51
histouser123321: dpkg -l | grep resolvconf06:52
trijntjeHi all, I'm trying to make a backup of all the files on an external harddrive. I've used 'rsync -avr --delete source/ dest', but after completion the dest is 15 GB bigger then the source. What could be going on?06:53
Vampir3hi everyone, i create a OpenVPN connection, but when i click on it nothing happen, is there any solution to fix that? (Ubuntu 14.04)06:54
histopoobutt: /dev/sda should be it06:54
poobuttthanks histo06:54
user123321histo, I remove auto eth0 as well, because I don't have it in my host that can connect to internet, and rebooting VM to check its effect.06:55
histotrijntje: different filesystems?06:55
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trijntjehisto: no, both are ext406:55
histouser123321: I thought you wanted static ip?06:55
histotrijntje: have you tried diff'ng the directories?06:55
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trijntjehisto: I tried, but both are 1TB disks, so dirdiff runs out of memory. Is there another tool I should use?06:56
histotrijntje: diff dir1 dir206:56
user123321histo, oh phew, now it works. But now it's with no CARP. So I'll put back the settings back to make it CARP enabled.06:56
trijntjehisto: I also tried that, but it just ran for hours at 5% cpu without any output, so I closed it06:57
histouser123321: If you would stop... The issue is your DNS for not resolving web addresses06:57
histotrijntje: trying to think of a way to hash it06:57
histotrijntje: how are you checking the size?06:57
trijntjehisto: df -h06:58
histotrijntje: try sync06:58
histothen check06:58
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user123321histo, oh ok06:58
trijntjehisto: I already rebooted after running rsync06:58
DanaGtrintje: did you specify an argument that makes rsync follow symlinks?  If so, it would copy files rather than linking them.06:59
histotrijntje: and if you run rsync again?06:59
DanaGhandy tool: 'ncdu'.06:59
histothat could be06:59
user123321histo, I got a respose for resolve06:59
user123321 dpkg -l | grep resolvconf06:59
user123321ii  resolvconf                               1.69ubuntu1.1                        all          name server information handler06:59
trijntjehisto: running now, it will take some time though07:00
histotrijntje: it shouldn't as files should match07:00
histotrijntje: what types of files are you copying?07:01
s4kk4tI have the script pasted at https://dpaste.de/X4nn/07:02
s4kk4tThe variable FFMPEG_PROC_RUNNING_CNT is always being set to 2 and the script is failing.07:02
s4kk4tWhen i run the relevant part of the snippet in a shell as shown at https://dpaste.de/w3aY/07:02
s4kk4tit is returning a valid value. Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong ?07:02
trijntjehisto: music, a lot of pictures, documents, iso's, disk images, its a lot of stuf07:02
s4kk4tI am running ubuntu 14.04 IIRC07:03
trijntjehisto: rsync is done, no output, but still a 15GB difference in usage07:03
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histotrijntje: I still suspect one of the filesystems needs to be fsck'd your files should all match though.07:03
anandcse2009hi what is the difference b/w ssh and rsh07:03
s4kk4tanandcse2009: ssh is more secure07:04
s4kk4tmodern alternative07:04
s4kk4tbecause its encrypted07:04
anandcse2009thanks s4kk4t07:05
trijntjehisto: what do you mean? there are no complaints about fs damage in dmesg for either harddisk07:05
histotrijntje: That's the only thing I can think off. Unless you have sparse files or something.07:05
trijntjehisto: hmm, thats a good point, but how to check for that?07:06
histotrijntje: well you can just fsck each FS and then compare size07:07
histotrijntje: if you created sparse files then that's definately an issue. If you don't know what sparse files are or how to create them then that's not it.07:08
rivl44hi im reformatting my windows 7 so that i can dual boot with xubuntu, how much space should i dedicate to linux if I have a 120 gig ssd?07:08
trijntjehisto: maybe I'm confused, isn't fsck just to see if the filesystem is damaged?07:08
trijntjehisto: ah, no, I didn't manually create sparse files. I do have a ~100 GB torrent dir, but the size is equal to about 1kb on both harddisks07:08
historivl44: why not just split the drive in half.  If not you can go as minimal within reason as you want. I'd say atleast 10GB to be safe07:08
rivl44histo:  thanks someone said 10 gig as well, so 10 gig it is.07:09
rivl44i was worried that iwndows 7 will be eating the bigger chunk of it07:09
damian-is it common to have 'no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory' when doing a sudo?!07:10
geirhadamian-: definitely not07:10
damian-i have it on both of my systems (one upgraded, another fresh install)07:10
histodamian-: no07:11
histodamian-: what command are you running with sudo?07:11
damian-both on different physical machines, on different OS's as virtualmachines, too. strange that they have exactly the same error come up :\07:11
damian-sudo -s07:11
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histodamian-: sudo -i07:11
awaadI have an empty database and when I try to drop it, it gives the following error "Lost connection to MySQL server during query"07:12
histodamian-: does that work?07:12
damian-yeah, works perfectly. what's the different between -s(hell) and -l(ogin) ?07:12
awaadIn the error log it says: "InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 140191159224064 in file row0mysql.cc line 4516"07:12
damian-i rather07:12
awaadAny one can help?07:13
damian-awaad, shouldn't that be a #mysql question? :P07:13
s4kk4tcan any one help me ?07:13
s4kk4tmy question has scrolled off .. should i repost it ?07:14
user123321histo, Am I supposed to add dns-nameservers using resolvconf07:14
s4kk4tuser123321: echo "nameserver " >> /etc/resolv.conf ?07:15
histouser123321: no in your interfaces file07:15
histos4kk4t: that doesn't work07:15
s4kk4thisto: why does it not work ?07:15
histodamian-: -i reads the .profile and .login files etc... for root07:16
user123321histo, ok, I added "dns-nameservers" above "auto eth0", is that ok?07:16
histodamian-: that's odd though -s should work fine.07:16
Beldars4kk4t, Off the screen is not lost here, generally we ask for 10 min time to repost, you were having a conversation with someone.07:16
histodamian-: something in your users environment could be messing with it.07:16
user123321histo, I'm connected to the internet using my ADSL router.07:16
histouser123321: no add dns-nameservers ....   under your netmask etc...07:17
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s4kk4tBeldar: its been close to 20 minutes07:17
damian-yeah, that's what i figured histo. i was having issues with one of my servers yesterday and this started coming up .. so i installed a brand new server on a new vm and it has the same issue. this is a *BRAND* new install07:17
damian-literally after installation, i logged on as a standard user and did sudo -s and it came up with that07:17
Beldars4kk4t, Go for it I was just giving info. ;)07:17
histodamian-: did you copy over any files to the users home on the 'new server' ?07:17
user123321histo, Ok, I added "dns-nameservers" under netmask.07:18
damian-i'm assuming more something to do with the OS than the configuration (as it's all default configuration from my end)07:18
s4kk4tI have the script pasted at https://dpaste.de/X4nn/07:18
s4kk4tThe variable FFMPEG_PROC_RUNNING_CNT is always being set to 2 and the script is failing.07:18
s4kk4tWhen i run the relevant part of the snippet in a shell as shown at https://dpaste.de/w3aY/07:18
s4kk4tit is returning a valid value. Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong ?07:18
histodamian-: well it works here and for countless others perfectly fine so I doubt it's the OS07:18
Beldars4kk4t, Key though is some description to get interest.07:18
histos4kk4t: join the bash channel and ask07:18
damian-nope, i haven't done anything to the new server yet, like i said.. literally only logged on and did sudo haha07:18
s4kk4thisto: #bash ?07:19
histos4kk4t: yes07:19
s4kk4thisto: thanks07:19
user123321histo,  ping network unreachable07:20
histos4kk4t: you may want to try $()  vs. `07:20
s4kk4tuser123321: traceroute ?07:21
user123321histo,  either with or without dns name server, it says network unreachable o.O07:21
s4kk4thisto: tried it same result07:21
histouser123321: please pastebin your interfaces file07:21
user123321s4kk4t, oops, traceroute isn't installed, and not internet to install.07:21
user123321histo, ok07:21
user123321I could revert the interfaces and get internet back, if wanted. but let me upload interface file now.07:22
histouser123321: you could just copy and paste from the vm07:22
histowell depending on the virtualization solution you are using07:23
user123321histo, as a sidenote, ping just gave one response with about 70 ms, only once o.O07:24
user123321just now07:24
user123321I added gateway
histothat's odd07:25
histouser123321: does dpkg -l | grep resolvconf  return anything?07:25
user123321histo, ii  resolvconf                               1.69ubuntu1.1                        all          name server information handler07:27
user123321histo, http://pastebin.com/EghdcWfA <---interfaces07:27
MoundBobIm really stumped. Im trying to learn how to make my own boot disk, not download one. Not use a physical floppy. I need to put some assembly in a boot sector on a floppy disk image. Anyone have any ideas how?07:28
* Abhijit checks date.07:29
AbhijitMoundBob, "floppy"??07:29
Abhijitdont you mean cd /dvd/bluray/usbdrive and the latest nasas motion in space invention?07:30
DanaGbah, I no longer use boot sectors, wherever possible.  EFI for the win!  No more start-of-disk magic; instead, you just run proper compiled executables.07:31
histouser123321: comment out the carp stuff and under gateway 192... put dns-nameservers    then restart networking and rejoice07:31
Abhijithisto, doesnt restarting networknig overwrites resolve.conf and hence errasing google dns?07:32
histoMoundBob: why are you working with floppies?07:32
histoAbhijit: not if he puts them in interfaces file as instructed.07:32
MoundBobAbhijit: This is what im trying to do. Essentially write some assembly to a floppy disk image's boot sector. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7921625/07:32
Abhijithisto, okey07:33
AbhijitMoundBob, why floppy?07:33
* Abhijit recently got a id card in form of real floppy disk at on tech conf!07:34
histoMoundBob: and what's the problem with those commands?07:34
user123321histo, oh, that worked. Now I can connect to internet.07:34
histouser123321: now add your carp stuff and break it.07:34
user123321histo, by keeping the dns name server ip?07:35
histouser123321: yes07:35
MoundBobAbhijit: because I read that it was easier to make a boot disk from.07:35
histouser123321: you need those to resolve URLs to IPs07:36
marcmaecan you give command for ubuntu update07:36
MoundBobAbhijit: I dont think this was the right channel to ask in. Its not a boot disk for ubuntu07:36
Abhijitmarcmae, sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade07:36
AbhijitMoundBob, ##linux-india07:36
AbhijitMoundBob, ##linux07:36
user123321histo, back to the same problem07:36
user123321cannot connect to internet07:36
user123321histo, I tried pinging, one response so far.07:37
user123321histo, second one came.07:37
user123321slow? o.O07:37
user123321just 3 responses like in 15 seconds07:38
user1233215 responses07:38
histouser123321: Your carp settings are the issue now. I have no idea how to set that stuff up.  If you comment them out so you have working internet and perhaps ask in #ubuntu-server theymay have more info for you on carp07:39
user123321Cool, thanks. :)07:39
trijntjeHi all, I'm trying to make a backup of all the files on a 1TB external harddrive. I've used 'rsync -avr --delete source/ dest', but after completion the dest is 15 GB bigger then the source. What could be going on?07:39
histotrijntje: fsck the fiel systems07:40
histotrijntje: also -r is not needed with -a07:40
user123321histo, So, if I configure a static IP, I must add a nameserver?07:42
histouser123321: yes07:42
histouser123321: if you want to resolv urls07:43
user123321histo, because, my host doesn't have static ip configured, and it works without adding dns07:43
user123321ah I see07:43
user123321histo, I can see "primary DNS" and "secondary DNS" IP's in my ADSL router. Are those from my ISP?07:44
trijntjehisto: both filesystems are clean07:45
histotrijntje: did you run fsck?07:46
trijntjehisto: yes07:46
histotrijntje: now compare size07:46
trijntjehisto: still 15GB difference in usage07:47
histotrijntje: is sector size different on the drives?07:47
histotrijntje: parted -l   on both drives07:48
infolinuxHi all, I have a site running with ssl. If I do a check on ssllabs, I get a B rate. Message: The server supports only older protocols, but not the current best TLS 1.2. Grade capped to B.07:48
infolinuxhow can i fix that? Running 12.04 with apache 2.2 and OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.0e 6 Sep 2011)07:48
histoinfolinux: apt-get upgrade07:49
infolinuxapache version: Installed: 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.407:49
trijntjehisto: both external disks have 512B sector size07:49
infolinuxhisto: What does that fix then?07:49
histoinfolinux: You need to upgrade openssl07:50
bookiesis there a way to upgrade from 12.10 to 14.04(LTS)?07:50
histotrijntje: double check that both are ext407:50
marcmaehey guys07:51
histotrijntje: do you have virtual machines in this backup?07:51
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trijntjehisto: both are ext4, parted -l also shows this. I don't have virtual machines in the backup as far as I remember07:53
histotrijntje: did you ever play with virtualbox or anything on the source that would have created vmdk or sparse files for the virtual machine drives07:53
trijntjeif I have they are in some tar.gz of my whole home dir, what effect would that have?07:54
trijntjehisto: no, I keep my virtualbox images on the internal harddrive07:54
histotrijntje: It shouldn't be an issue if they are tar.gz'd but if they were just there in theopen then you would see the behavior you are reporting.07:55
histotrijntje: you could try rsync -avS  and see if that has different behavior07:55
histotrijntje: the other thing that could cause it is a bad directory that wasn't deleted properly and the inode is hanging on the source. So the destination would have that different size data.07:56
histotrijntje: but your fsck would have fixed that, if you fsck'd source and dest and rsync'd again.07:57
alfonsojonbookies: Officially, it's best to upgrade to 13.04, then 13.10, then 14.04. I suggest a clean install, or you can risk it and do a manual upgrade.07:57
bookiesalfonsojon, thanks07:57
histo!eol | bookies07:57
ubottubookies: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:57
bookieshisto, cheers07:58
alfonsojonI'll keep the !eol command in mind.07:58
trijntjehisto: I ran rsync -avS, but the difference remains08:02
histotrijntje: did you still ahve the --delete in there?08:04
histotrijntje: try cmp <(ls -R /dir1) <(ls -R /dir2)    it will take awhile if there are tons of files08:05
trijntjehisto: yeah, I still had the --delete, sorry08:08
trijntjehisto: I get a syntax error, and I'm not sure what the correct syntax should be08:10
histotrijntje: just like a typed but substitute /dir1  for your source and /dir2  for your destination08:13
histotrijntje: that will list both directories recursively and compare all the file names looking for differences08:13
trijntjehisto: yeah, it looks like I made typo somewhere, sorry. The output is here http://pastebin.com/1L2FN91H08:14
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trijntjebut I'm confused, why does it say /dev/fd is different?08:14
histotrijntje: byte 1 should be different because of the directory names line08:15
histotrijntje: is it showing others different?08:15
trijntjehisto: no, thats all output. And it runs really fast, within a second08:16
OERIASFucking Ubuntu ruined everything!08:16
histotrijntje: then you are good08:16
histotrijntje: well atleast the filenames match.. If the data is really critical you could create an md5sum of every file and compare that.08:16
trijntjehisto: are you sure. Running just ls -R $BACUP > /dev/null takes a lot longer than the whole cmp command08:17
histotrijntje: what output did you get from the cmp command?08:17
histotrijntje: and what did you type08:17
trijntjehisto: I've put the output on pastebin, thats all the output I get. I'm thinking maybe there is a permissions problem, it shouldn't run so fast08:18
histotrijntje: what's the link to the pastebin?08:19
trijntjehisto: http://pastebin.com/1L2FN91H08:19
histotrijntje: pastebin the output of rsync -avn --delete /source /backup08:20
trijntjehisto: http://pastebin.com/Dfn65wZe08:23
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histotrijntje: all those files match I have no idea why the size is reporting different08:24
trijntjehisto: are you sure the cmp command you gave is correct. Because08:25
trijntjecmp <(ls -R $RASPI ) <(ls -R $BACKUP)08:25
trijntjeruns faster then08:25
trijntjels -R $RASPI > /dev/null08:25
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OERIASFuck it! I am moving to debian..08:27
histo!language | OERIAS08:27
ubottuOERIAS: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:27
svetlanaOERIAS: OK, have fun; I hope you like it and contribute something upstream :)08:27
histoOERIAS: how exactly did 'ubuntu' ruin everything?08:27
OERIASPrivacy issues08:27
histoOERIAS: Can you elaborate a little bit?08:28
histoOERIAS: disable it08:28
OERIASI would, but 600 production machines were shipped with it enabled08:28
histo!shopping | OERIAS08:28
ubottuOERIAS: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ08:28
OERIAShisto, like i said before i am getting calls from a tax firm regarding this,08:30
OERIAS600 machines08:30
histoOERIAS: Who loaded the machines?08:30
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OERIASA few novices08:31
svetlanaIncompetent argument number 45908:31
svetlanaDefaults of a distro are "worrying", you see; that Firefox has a lot of whatever-ware along the same lines somehow is not worrying people :P08:31
Ben64OERIAS: do you have an actual support question? this is not the correct channel for complaints08:31
OERIASThey were help me.08:31
histoOERIAS: this is not new to ubuntu08:31
OERIAShisto, they were running the previous distro..08:32
trijntjeOERIAS: I don't understand why this is your or our problem. Let the tax firm take it up with the people who installed it08:33
trijntjeor pay you or someone else to fix the problem08:33
histoOERIAS: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses disabled-scopes "['more_suggestions-amazon.scope', 'more_suggestions-u1ms.scope', 'more_suggestions-populartracks.scope', 'music-musicstore.scope', 'more_suggestions-ebay.scope', 'more_suggestions-ubuntushop.scope', 'more_suggestions-skimlinks.scope']   will remove it if you have a way to remote issue commands08:34
master_Hi, what is the best bug tracking system now? still bugzilla?08:35
Guest63459apt-get install language-support-zh08:36
Mr-Newbiehi guys i have installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a vmware and now i am tring to Install required packages08:36
Mr-Newbieut i cant seem to get libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 installed08:36
Mr-Newbiei get this error http://pastebin.com/AMe5Fbuz08:37
Grillehey, i want to upgrade my system but get some errors on aptitude safe-upgrade. os-release: 12.04.4  http://pastebin.com/5hQDejVn08:38
histo!info libglapi-mesa:i386 precise08:39
ubottuPackage libglapi-mesai386 does not exist in precise08:39
histo!info libglapi-mesa precise08:39
ubottulibglapi-mesa (source: mesa): free implementation of the GL API -- shared library. In component main, is optional. Version 8.0.4-0ubuntu0.7 (precise), package size 20 kB, installed size 172 kB08:39
histoMr-Newbie: what's output of uname -a08:40
Mr-Newbiehisto: Linux ubuntu 3.11.0-15-generic #25~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 30 17:39:31 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:41
histoMr-Newbie: is there a reason you are trying to instal the i386 variants?08:41
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Mr-Newbiei am following this http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html so i can compile AOSP08:42
Mr-Newbiehisto: i am following this http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html so i can compile AOSP08:42
izaberahey guys, can you help me? i'm trying to install ubuntu on my notebook08:43
Mr-Newbiehisto: i found this http://bit.ly/1uNRx4Z08:43
histoMr-Newbie: did you try that?08:44
Mr-Newbiehisto: yes it worked :)08:44
histoMr-Newbie: k08:45
secstackDo you have any suggestion for books about the culture and history of Linux/Unix/Open-Source?08:45
histo!ot | secstack08:45
ubottusecstack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:45
izaberai made a usb pendrive and booted ubuntu from that, edited my partitions, installed ubuntu in a ext4-journaling partition with mbr in sda08:47
izaberaso i was expecting to see grub when i restarted08:47
histoGrille: do you have ppa's enabled?08:47
izaberainstead, windows started08:47
histoizabera: did you install grub?08:48
izaberaidk... did i have to install it separately?08:48
histoizabera: you shouldn't depends on your method of install though.08:48
histoizabera: if you used the graphical installer it will take care of that. If you used a text based installer it's the last step, it asks you where you want to install grub.08:49
Grillehisto: no, not that i know08:49
izaberai used the graphical installer08:49
izaberanothing asked me to install grub or not08:49
evgheniiHi 2 all, question: where should I report, if I found a problem in Ubuntu Software Center? (Some app isn't updated in Store)08:50
izaberacan i install it now?08:50
histo!grub2 | izabera08:50
ubottuizabera: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:50
histoevghenii: apps aren't updated after a release like that.08:50
izaberahisto: i shouldn't have to fix anything since i didn't break it and just followed the instructions -.-08:52
Grillehisto: last time i had this problem on an other system, i had a wrong parameter in sysctl/iscsi config…. but iscsi i have not installed on this system ..  so sysctl look like default … http://pastebin.com/Jf8AjYhC08:52
evgheniihisto: I've found an IDE (Intellij IDEa). and it's of 13.0 version08:52
evgheniihisto: and the actual version is 13.1.408:52
histoevghenii: You mean it installs 13.1.4 but displays 13.0?08:55
x9what's a fast DNS server that's not Google's?08:58
evgheniihisto: no, the official new version is 13.1, but Software Center offers only the 13.008:58
histoevghenii: official to whom?  their website?08:59
evgheniihisto: yew08:59
Ben64!latest | evghenii08:59
ubottuevghenii: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.08:59
gewoonmquick non-Ubuntu question: is bash.org down for everybody?09:00
svetlanagewoonm, isitup.org says?09:00
Ben64gewoonm: if its non ubuntu, it doesn't belong in this channel09:00
* svetlana nom09:01
histogewoonm: http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/bash.org.html09:02
gewoonmBen64: sorry, I won't do it again09:02
gewoonmhisto, svetlana: thanks, apparently down for everybody. Another part of my internet history gone for ever (long live archive.org ;) )09:02
evgheniiThank you guys, for your help! BUY!09:03
svetlanaThey may re-appear, depending on the kind of event causing the downtime ...09:03
svetlanaevghenii, See you later09:03
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=== ffio is now known as fifo
gewoonmsvetlana: let's hope so, but bash.org has a very unstable history :)09:04
FredddyTomi have a gimp window which is overflowing beyond the bottom of the screen09:12
FredddyTomhow can i resize it so it fits09:13
FredddyTomdragging from top left and top right corners won't work09:13
bcveryFredddyTom, select the window, hit Alt F8 which will put you into resize mode09:14
FredddyTomthe vertical height seems to be fixed of the main editing window09:15
FredddyTomgot it09:16
FredddyTomthe stupid toolbar was stretching it out09:16
trijntjehisto: I also asked in #rsync and it turns out that rsync doesnt copy hardlinks by default. Running rsync with -H solved the size difference between the two harddisks09:16
nikolam_does Canonical sell desktop Ubuntu support anymore?09:21
histotrijntje: -a doesn't do -HAX09:22
nikolam_and there is no ubuntu.com/services anymore...09:22
nikolam_it seems to be called "ubuntu advantage" and sold only in packs of 5... and is very costly09:24
histo │05:04    gewoonm | svetlana: let's hope so, but bash.org has a very unstable history :)09:24
histo │05:04    gewoonm | svetlana: let's hope so, but bash.org has a very unstable history :)09:24
histo │05:04    gewoonm | svetlana: let's hope so, but bash.org has a very unstable history :)09:24
histo │05:04    gewoonm | svetlana: let's hope so, but bash.org has a very unstable history :)09:24
histo │05:04    gewoonm | svetlana: let's hope so, but bash.org has a very unstable history :)09:24
histo │05:04    gewoonm | svetlana: let's hope so, but bash.org has a very unstable history :)09:24
unopastehisto you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:24
nikolam_no longer price for one desktop support., ha?09:24
nikolam_"for less then 5 desktops support is already free for you.." HA.09:27
nikolam_why would I buy support for 5 of them, then?09:27
histoSorry was leaning on touchpad09:28
nikolam_or 5509:28
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abailarrihello. When I try to install truecrypt on my ubuntu 14 I see this on the terminal: This pachages will be removed:09:45
abailarri  google-chrome-stable:i386 libappindicator1:i386 libindicator7:i38609:45
abailarriwhy google chrome will be removed?09:45
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izaberai installed boot-repair09:55
izaberai got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7922452/ and when i restarted my system it booted windows without loading grub09:56
izaberaany help?09:59
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pdo_fn14izabera: You need to disable secure boot.10:06
izaberapdo_fn14: i have no idea how to do it10:07
izaberapdo_fn14: when i boot i don't even see "press f2 to config boot" or something, it just start windows10:07
pdo_fn14izabera: Can you tell me what your mainboard?.10:08
pdo_fn14izabera: found this for you http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn481258.aspx10:09
izaberapdo_fn14: http://www.acer.com.au/ac/en/AU/content/model/NX.M81SA.00210:09
izabera"from Windows, hold the Shift key while selecting Restart" wtf10:10
izaberalemme try10:10
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nick___hi, anyone know why my usb ethernet dongle is only detected on                  plugging in, and not on boot10:27
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bosnjakhi al11:07
ObrienDavebosnjak, greetings and welcome11:08
bosnjaki am on 13.04 and it is not supported anymore. I would like to upgrade to 14.04LTS but I'm afraid to mess up my PC since I need it for work. What are the chances I mess it up by do-dist-upgrade? My /home is on a separate partition... Is that enough to be secure?11:09
bosnjakalso, if i would do a clean install, would i be able to just re-use my /home partition again and mount it, and everything would be preserved?11:09
Grillehisto: oookay … i think there is a broken dependency … i have solved my error messages by manually downloading and installing initramfs-tools-bin_0.99ubuntu13.5_amd64.deb because apt-get and aptitude were not able to do so. here again my now solved problem http://pastebin.com/5hQDejVn11:09
Grillebut in february ’14 the same issue was known vice versa … there some people need to manually install initramfs-tools_0.99ubuntu13.4_all.deb but i have to install the -bin11:11
izaberacan you please help me? someone linked me this http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn481258.aspx , i restarted my system, entered the bios setup, found that "secure boot" option and it was enabled but i couldn't disable it. instead i disabled efi  and that made the secure boot option disappear, but now i can't boot anything11:12
izaberanow my pc is in legacy mode, i tried to run boot-repair but it complains and won't finish the job11:13
ZelvarHi, can some1 help with ubuntu server install recuring mirror problem pls11:13
bosnjakok, i don't undestand this. why is 12.04 not supported and i need to upgrade, if it says that LTS has 5 years support, according to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS11:16
ObrienDavebosnjak, you said you're on 13.04. that version is EOL11:17
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bosnjakObrienDave: i don't quite get it. First, I installed 12.04 and that was it. And then with time, some stuff got updated and I got to 13.04. I didn't do dist-upgrade. Is this possible, or did I had to do it at some time manually?11:18
bosnjakObrienDave: I am on 13.04 atm, but not sure how that happened ://11:19
bosnjakObrienDave: so you are saying that if I were on 12.04, i would have no problems with repose?11:19
ubuntu-studiou should upgrade to 12.1011:20
ObrienDavecan't guarantee it bosnjak. 12.04 is LTS and still supported11:20
ZelvarPls help to install server, always got stuch on checking mirror, shows only purple screen, dhcp config succeeded11:21
ubuntu-studiothatis should u do11:21
DJonesubuntu-studio: That would be very bad advice since 12.10 is end of life11:21
ubuntu-studiomust be upgraded in sequence11:21
ubuntu-studioi recomend to reinstal11:22
bosnjakObrienDave: if I would want to go to 14.04 now, i would first have to upgrade to 13.10 and then 14.04, right?11:22
bosnjakubuntu-studio: i see11:22
bosnjakif I do a clean install of 14.04, and my /home partition is separate, will I have any issues or can I just continue use the /home as is?11:23
ObrienDavebosnjak, i can't give you an honest answer. someone with more experience should advise you on the proper method11:23
bosnjakin theory I always say this works like that, but I never tried it11:23
bosnjakObrienDave: ok, thanks for the effort anyway :)11:23
ubuntu-studiou must back up all data before reinstalling11:24
ubuntu-studiodon't be reckless11:24
bosnjakubuntu-studio: i appreciate the advice11:26
bosnjakubuntu-studio: but in theory, this should work as described, right?11:26
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ubuntu-studiohi did u know how to make fake webcam in ubuntu?11:28
ZelvarLibc6udev package doesnt exist11:28
ubuntu-studioi was tried but not work11:29
micromin 12.04 cups fails to upgrade, and I think it's because file /etc/init.d/cups gives /etc/init.d/cups: broken symbolic link to `/lib/init/upstart-job'11:30
ubuntu-studioi didn't try in old version yet11:31
izaberai'm restating my problem since it's pretty bad and i followed what some of you said and it destroyed my computer11:31
izaberacan you please help me? someone linked me this http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn481258.aspx , i restarted my system, entered the bios setup, found that "secure boot" option and it was enabled but i couldn't disable it. instead i disabled efi  and that made the secure boot option disappear, but now i can't boot anything11:31
izaberanow my pc is in legacy mode, i tried to run boot-repair but it complains and won't finish the job11:31
ubuntu-studiou have screenshoot?11:32
izaberascreenshot of what?11:32
ubuntu-studiowhat pc/laptop?11:34
karab44after latest system update I can't... log to facebook11:34
karab44this is weird because all other sites are working11:35
izaberaubuntu-studio: acer e1-52211:35
svetlanawhat does it say11:35
karab44fb works on all other android devices as well11:35
ubuntu-studiohi izebra u should try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreUbuntu/XP/Vista/7Bootloader11:35
svetlanakarab44, what does it say ?11:35
svetlanawhen you try to log in ?11:35
svetlanadoes it work with another web browser ?11:35
karab44nothing, I enter my password and screen is blank11:36
svetlanayeppers, please try with another web browser on your Ubuntu computer11:36
karab44it is like https://facebook.com and nothing happenes11:36
izaberaubuntu-studio: i said i can't log into windows and boot-repair fails11:36
karab44I tried with Ubuntu Web Browser and nothing11:37
svetlanaTry chromium-browser11:38
karab44I cleaned FF cache and history and it didn't help11:38
svetlanaHeard that. If anything on fx itself, you need to clear cookies..... but only after you see it work under other browser to rule out Install/Hardware issues11:38
karab44it doesn't work on chromium11:46
karab44it hangs with "Redirecting..." and blank screen11:46
ObrienDavesome sites don't like chromium, try it with firefox11:47
karab44Do you read?11:48
ubuntu-studioany mypaint user?11:48
karab44I can't access facebook, I use FF11:48
karab44any other sites work11:48
svetlanakarab44, you must've checked with chromium or another fresh OS user, otherwise I'm stuck helping11:48
svetlanaAH, it doesn't work on chromium11:49
Grillehmmm, my system is 12.04.4 LTS and i want to upgrade to 14.04 LTS, but do-release-upgrade say „No new release found“ although in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is Prompt=lts11:49
karab4413:46:22] <karab44> it doesn't work on chromium11:49
karab44it was just fine yesterday and today's morning11:49
karab44and updates came up, with ubuntu base and security11:49
svetlanaThat side is being special..... I would try under a guest session -- click switch user and try using that to test11:49
svetlanaTheir site*11:50
svetlanaI see your concern11:50
ubuntu-studiojust using ubuntu 14.04 has no problem11:50
Grilleubuntu-studio: but it is not found by do-release-upgrade command ..11:51
karab44no, guest session doesn't help here11:51
karab44I can try to create new fb account and see what happen11:52
karab44it doesn't work11:55
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karab44is it something wrong with DNS?12:00
alinmearhey guys! any ideas what's going on with my kdenlive; when i wanna add some effects to a clip (e.g. pan and zoom) the whole clip lags like hell and isn't playable in the compositor window; i have a i7 q4900m with nvidia quadro2100k and priop nvidia drivers installed! ... thx in advance12:07
ObrienDaveoh great, i can't login normally. using guest account. grrrrrr12:07
karab44this is kinda weird... I reseted my router and now it works12:09
gdfdI find myself unable to install Ubuntu on a lenovo laptop12:11
gdfdThe install itself is no problem, problem is that UEFI boots Windows instead of grub after install12:11
bipulHello, I would like to know the logs generated by ubuntu. Is it in /var/log ?12:12
bipulIf it is there then i can see the compressed file inside that directory.12:12
Dartellumquick (hopefully) question. Should I do a fresh install or upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04? I have three desktops and one server running 12.04. I have read reviews for either option and seems mixed opinions on it.12:20
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karab44oh schnapps! Problem appeared again12:21
IdleOneDartellum: I would do fresh installs. Takes about the same amount of time.12:22
matty_rgood evening12:22
matty_ris it possible to flip the top bar so the time is on the left?12:23
DartellumOkay. Guess I would need to do a package backup and then restore. I did that when I switched my one son's computer. However, for the server, I am running DNS and DHCP and had some challenges getting that to work. These easier under 14.04?12:24
hakimhello all12:27
hakimim having issues mounting a drive now ..i added another sata drive, they both worked fine for a few minutes. then i set both drives to automount on start up rebooted to test and now i cant get one drive to mount anywhere.12:29
compdocautomount how?12:30
hakimvia disk12:30
hakimi went into disks and settings12:30
hakimi get an error when attempting to mount one of the drives12:31
HiMaXhello, is there a way when viewing a project in netbeans to only show the opened files and folders of that project, instead of a mix of files from other open projects ?12:36
ses1984i'm having a performance problem between two systems...i'm trying to figure out why my i7 with 16GB ram performs much worse than my i3 with 4GB RAM. firefox and chrome are both super slow on the i7/16GB RAM12:37
HiMaXI just wana click on a project and only have its files show in the files tab menu. Then when clicking another project have only its files showing in the files tab window.12:37
HiMaXIts an IDE for goodness sakes! Surely it cannot be that hard to do such a feature in java for the netbeans devs.12:37
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hakimim having issues mounting a drive now ..i added another sata drive, they both worked fine for a few minutes. then i set both drives to automount on start up rebooted to test and now i cant get one drive to mount anywhere.12:39
DevDaemonHi, I need help in displaylink adapter12:39
DevDaemonI am using ubuntu 14.0412:39
ChaseTrainsanyone else getting a weird 5MB update?12:39
ChaseTrainswith malformated description of weird characters?12:40
GrilleChaseTrains: where you get it?12:40
kostkonChaseTrains, which package12:40
ChaseTrainsthe software update thing showed up. Couldn't see anything about it12:40
ChaseTrainsno info, nothing.. just a bunch of ... encoding messup12:41
ChaseTrainssomething something.12:41
PiciVery descriptive.12:41
ChaseTrainshow do you get the update manger to show up? I can't find it12:41
kostkon!paste | hakim, for starters, paste the errors you are getting12:41
ubottuhakim, for starters, paste the errors you are getting: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:41
ChaseTrainsoh it's fixed now.. probably some gtk problems. The Software Updater looks normal now12:43
dohzerDoes anyone here have good knowledge on the /etc/udev/rules.d configurations?12:46
ovrflw0xsometimes when i wakeup laptop from sleep (suspend), laptop "hangs"! giving this message : 'ERROR @wl_wowl_ind_wake_reason : Unable to get wake reason, err = -95' Now, how to fix this? which channel i should join to resolve this issue?12:49
beaneeHello guys girls, if you have something to report to re update team where do you do it?12:50
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linuxgirlbeanee: What do you mean?12:52
hakimkostkon: http://pastebin.com/kLY29gRJ12:52
linuxgirlovrflw0x: Does the system work normally?12:52
linuxgirlovrflw0x: Its seems like a wirless adapter issue12:53
linuxgirlovrflw0x: What Wireless adapter do you use?12:53
beaneelinuxgirl see.. my wifi dosnt connect automaticly because of vpn12:54
hakimhere is the pastbin error i get when i now try to mount a drive that worked fine before adding another sata drive http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923767/12:56
linuxgirlbeanee: What wireless adapter do you have?12:56
eatyourgreeneryI'm trying to record stuff going across my soundcard.13:00
linuxabcwhy do many startup commands are setted up with an delay (sleep 5s) ?13:00
kstengerhello, today one of the pc's at the office ran an update and suddenly the menu that appears at the top right corner (the one with the configuration options and the shutdown button) plus the volume icon and some others altogether, disappeared from the screen. using gnome metacity in this case, but i don't know if this has something to do with it. Any clues of what could happen?13:01
kstengerlinuxabc: because sometimes the necesary services are still not up for the command to run sucessfully too early at the bootup process13:02
linuxabcah okay so this could be the problem why my guake is not transparent if i use it at startup, but is transparent if i start it manually?13:03
kstengerI don't know what guake is, but it sounds like this could be a cause, yes13:04
sasdsAnyone else had problems getting a computer to boot grub after installing ubuntu? It just keeps going to Windows/BitLocker prompt13:05
kostkonkstenger, you can put them back by alt+right clicking on the panel and selecitng add to panel13:05
sasdsubuntu files are present in the EFI part13:05
sasdstried both with and without secure boot enabled13:05
kstengerkostkon: thank's for the hint, let's try it13:05
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timm0eHey Guys, can somebody help me to add LID0 to my /proc/acpi/wakeup file?13:09
bnghi, I am experiencing problems with my mouse, it behaves like it hits invisible borders or maybe like it would snap to some imaginary edges in the middle of the screen13:09
bngI ma not 100% sure but it is probably happening only with my BT adapter attached, is that possible, what do you think?13:09
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kstengerkostkon: that solved the menu, even when it's not the same pretty menu that used to appear, but I could not find how to add the volume. I thought it was part of the notification area, but the notification area is showing and the volume is not. where should the volume icon be found?13:13
kostkonkstenger, i believe there are two notification areas in gnome fallback, one for the gtk tray and one for indicators. i might be wrong though13:15
rimai have problems downloading and installing software. can anyone help?13:16
kstengerkostkon: oh, what if some is not showing in the options to add to the bar whan you Alt+Right Click on it?13:16
hyderima: at irc, you should usually just ask about your problem. IOW, do not ask to ask, just ask.13:18
rimamy software center is missing13:18
rimaand when i try to download it from terminal, it says i have help broken packages13:18
rimaand i cant install or download anything13:18
codeROOTshi there13:19
kostkonkstenger, some info here. you could try reinstalling the packages mentioned in this post: http://askubuntu.com/a/72764/165113:19
hyderima: try running apt-get update and apt-get upgrade13:19
whiskers75if I move around partitions, how do I get GRUB to realize the new position of /boot?13:20
rimahyde still does not work13:20
mzazaI have dual graphics laptop, I had nVidia card working fine and I could switch between them untill suddenly my Ubuntu doesn't see my nVidia card anymore in restricted drivers, any ideas?13:20
pbxin the launcher, software updater is wiggling.  when i click it, i see no window. where might it be hiding? other apps acting normally.13:21
hyderima: then read the error message, and google with that :)13:21
rimahyde this is what i get when i try to install http://pastebin.com/Zqr7Dpq213:21
rimahyde i have, i cant find a solution13:21
rimai was hoping you guys could help13:21
rimai have done everything any site i could find has told me13:22
codeROOTstry to reinstall ubuntu-sso-client-gtk13:22
hydeyeah, when you do that, it should say why it can't be installed13:22
hydethere's probably some strange conflict13:23
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hydeso it may suggest to remove something and install that, in which case look what it is going to uninstall before accepting...13:23
hydebtw, how did you create the situation?13:23
hakimhaving issues mounting a drive that worked previously with no issues... can anyone help here is the error i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923767/13:24
rimai had a problem installing software so i followed instructoins online on how to fix it. then 1 problem lead to another13:24
rimawhat is the command for reinstalling that thing?13:25
hydeapt-get install ...13:25
rturHey. In the Build-Depends section of a control file I want to specify libboost-dev(=1.49), the current Version is 1.49.0.ubuntu1 but to me only the 1.49 matters. I try to build the package with sbuild and it somehow doesn't find the package, what is the right syntax for it ?13:25
hyderima: one thing you can try is apt-get dist-upgrade13:26
whiskers75GRUB question: if I shift around partitions (including the /boot partition), will update-grub notify GRUB of the new locations or will I need to run grub-install again?13:26
rimahyde the dist-upgrade gave an error saying could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock etc.13:26
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hydedid you remember to run it as root13:27
hydeor so that no other program was using the pacakage information13:27
rturwhiskers75: update-grub regenerates the menu file, so I guess yes it should work13:27
whiskers75rtur: but will update-grub notify grub that the /boot partition moved?13:28
rimaok im tyring again13:28
hakimhaving issues mounting a drive that worked previously with no issues... can anyone help here is the error i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923767/13:28
rimaok i ran as root, 0 upgraded, 0 not upgraded, etc13:29
rimaall 013:29
IronwaveQuestion, invalid operation.13:29
rturwhiskers75: Oh.. probably not. Since update-grub only calls grub-mkconfig -o path13:29
hyderima: so what does it say when you sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sso-client-gtk13:30
whiskers75rtur: I'm worried about deleting two partitions and creating a new partition before the ubuntu etended partion13:30
codeROOTsCan you install Appgrid?13:31
codeROOTsor you get errors there to?13:31
IronwaveQuestion, invalid operation.  Hi, I ran sudo apt-get apache2 - pc answers password - I type it in, response- E: Invalid operation apache2.  How can I install apache2? Im a newby.13:32
rimafor some reason its not pasting in the irc chat13:33
rturwhisker75: Sorry, I'm really no expert on grub :) . I guess you will have to run grubinstall after moving the boot partition.13:33
rimahyde http://pastebin.com/kxR9vX0Z13:33
rimathats the error i get13:33
hyderima: also, search for "ubuntu held broken packages", at least for me the first google hit looks relevant13:34
kstengerthanks kostkon, I found this on the way http://askubuntu.com/questions/363354/the-sound-volume-indicator-disappeard-ubuntu-13-10 and it did the trick perfectly. it's something very close to what your other link sugested13:34
rimai have already gone to that site :/ it dint help much. ill do their process again though13:35
kostkonkstenger, :)13:35
hyderima, which Ubuntu version you actually have?13:35
IronwaveQuestion, invalid operation.  Hi, I ran sudo apt-get apache2 - pc answers password - I type it in, response- E: Invalid operation apache2.  How can I install apache2? I downloaded it via browser.13:36
rimahyde i have ununtu 12.1013:36
hyderima: if unsure: cat /etc/issue13:37
rimathats another problem, it doesnt upgrade to the newer version13:37
hydewell, that's not supported any more I think.13:37
hydeI think you can only upgrade it to 13.0413:37
rimai've tried to upgrade it i couldnt, should i uninstall ubuntu and install the latest version?13:38
hyde(and then 13.10 and 14.04... then you can stay with 14.04 until 16.04 comes out, because you can upgrade from LTS to LTS)13:38
hyderima: if reinstall is reasonable, then that's probably the easiest way to get a working system13:38
rimaok thank you very much for your support13:39
hydeit should be possible to fix the issue, then go through those upgrades to latest version, but... probably more hassle than reinstall13:39
rimayes, i dont have any important files or programs, i can just reinstall13:40
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rimabye :)13:41
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deronnaxhi, UI have a problem with uwsgi13:41
whiskers75Can someone check if this system will boot? (output from boot info script) http://sprunge.us/UXEW13:42
deronnaxI use the uwsgi from a third-party repo, and I don't want it to start automaticaly, because I already manage him with supervisord13:42
whiskers75I don't have a LiveCD handy, and can't make one, so I need to be careful here13:42
hakimhaving issues mounting a drive that worked previously with no issues... can anyone help here is the error i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923767/13:43
acetakwas_I need help with using golden Dict offline, pls?13:43
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deronnaxbut it keeps popping and running, nothing work to stop/disable it (service uwsgi stop, update-rc.d uwsgi disable)13:43
deronnaxnow I have about 15 running uwsgi ; each time I try to stop, there is more pooping13:43
sdfer For some reason my laptop just *wont* boot grub after having installed ubuntu. It just keep booting Windows13:45
sdferive tried with secure boot on and off, nothing13:45
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acetakwas_ Help with offline GoldenDict on Ubuntu please?13:55
mzazaI had nVidia working probably with Ubuntu, and now all of a sudden when I open the nVidia control panel I find it not detected. I have played with some laptop battery saving modules could it have done the problem?13:56
acetakwas_How do I save word definitions?13:56
streulmathe mouse on my Macbook Pro 13 inch 2012 is heavy under Ubuntu, is there a fix without using xserver xorg mtrack?13:56
mzazaI have installed PowerTop before, could it have caused the problems?13:57
AlexPortablewhat was the software called to make photo's with webcam?13:59
streulmaAlexPortable cheese13:59
streulmaAlexPortable default installed in 14.0414:00
boltWhat could cause /etc/shells to be missing? I logged in to troubleshoot vsftpd on an Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS VPS and it's complaining about that file not being there.14:00
RalfJhi - is it possible to install ruby2 without ruby1.9? for some reason, the first seems to depend on the latter. which doesnt make much sense to me... Im not 14.04.14:02
RalfJ*Im on 14.0414:02
TeraJLi've been having this bug almost since ubuntu 12.04, and it's one of my most used shortcuts, can somone test it and mark it if it affetcts you, so you help me get fixed14:03
pbxRalfJ, what have you tried?14:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 1349436 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) ""Move window to workspace #" shortcut is not working" [Undecided,New]14:06
RalfJpbx: I apt-get installed ruby2.014:06
RalfJbut that depends on ruby which depends on ruby1.914:06
whiskers75help, I broke my grub14:09
whiskers75running bootrepair14:09
whiskers75says unknown filesystem14:10
joe-w-bimedinaCan someone show me how I can add a hotkey that uses the f3 and f4 keys in gedit I have tried many things but those 2 keys(actually reassigning all f* keys) won't work.14:10
whiskers75when I boot it from a vmdk14:10
hakimhaving issues mounting a drive that worked previously with no issues... can anyone help here is the error i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923767/14:12
tolbertm14041how do you change the motd, it keeps getting reset right after i reboot14:13
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jayarlooking for something like Android Device Manager for Ubuntu14:15
simpleuserHi there. How to use bluetooth ? I’m using Xubuntu with i3 (instead of Xubuntu session).14:15
Kacohello ty vole14:16
roddHi, is there a tool where I can change keys in my keyboard? ex. replace pageUp with Home14:18
Nightlinghello, anyone tried to comple grsecurity patched kernels on a laptop thats uses legacy nvidia driver?14:19
Nightlingit compiled successfuly but when i boot it up its generating errors for the nvdia module and stuff that uses it crashes14:20
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samthewildoneOh boy, I don't know what ubuntu did but, 14.04.1 works like a charm.14:27
hakimhaving issues mounting a drive that worked previously with no issues... can anyone help here is the error i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923767/14:27
samthewildoneEverything runs amazingly smooth for the first time and works.14:27
samthewildoneSo far I had one system crash but, nothing is perfect.14:28
samthewildoneneilmalk, hey14:28
neilmalkdoes anyone know where "nautilus-actions" stores the scripts? i want to have a copy of that but i can't find it14:29
samthewildoneI would believe that would be in the ~./username folder.14:29
Eduardo_Hi, i have problems with GRUB instalation, "cant install the pakage GRUB-PC in /target/ the install system cant run without manager GRUB"14:30
samthewildonesomeone else will correct me if I am wrong.14:30
Eduardo_:'( Sorry my bad english14:30
neilmalkhi samthewildone, i was reading it stores it in gconf but i still can't find it. Also i tried under .config but no luck14:30
neilmalkEduardo_ google for "ubuntu boot-repair", i used that method with livecd and it works fine14:31
Eduardo_Believe me i try all the posible solutions in web, but cant repair grub, the only way to run an Operating System is with Hirens Boo CD14:33
hakimhaving issues mounting a drive that worked previously with no issues... can anyone help here is the error i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7923767/14:34
hakimcan anyne help please14:34
neilmalkEduardo_ try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVx86VbRJkQ14:35
Guest92804What's the output of  dmesg | tail ?14:35
ActionParsniphakim: is it USB based?14:35
hakimno sata14:35
hakimi tried something i found online to get it to work and now the terminal is flashing a bunch of numbers and taking a very long time14:36
neilmalkhakim, what did you try?14:36
hakimlet me find the link14:36
codeROOTsEduardo_ try this one to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajs9rO5upZA14:36
Eduardo_i will see :)14:37
neilmalkgood luck Eduardo_ :)14:37
hakimi tried matty's answer14:37
hakimlast bit of it14:37
hakimwell i did it in order14:37
hakimso now my terminal is doing something with the drive and its taking a long time14:38
neilmalkhakim, that's a proably a ton of work.14:39
Guest92804Wait for it to complete hakim14:39
hakimdont want to stop it as it might make things worst14:39
neilmalkhakim, as Guest92804 says, don't stop it14:39
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hakimokit stopped now its back to this14:39
hakimhold on14:39
dd__le wifi ne fonctionne pas avec xubuntu 14.04 que j'ai installé je suis totalement débutant merci de votre aide14:40
hakimthats where i am now on the terminal14:40
hakimi have been hitting "yes" for a very long time14:40
Guest92804Keep hitting yes14:40
hakimwas holing it14:41
rypervenche!fr | dd__14:41
ubottudd__: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:41
hakimand i think one of them may have been a very long one14:41
ActionParsniphakim: probably easier to wipe clean and restore from backups14:42
hakimokay it seems to be done14:42
hakimassuming i have back ups14:42
hakimdata on the drive wasnt critcal14:42
hakimso i didnt back it up14:42
hakimbut i would still like to get it back14:42
hakimactionparsnip: you think its corrupted data andi should just write it off?14:43
hakimwell that didnt work14:44
hakimstill get the same error code when trying to access the drive14:44
hakimwell when trying to mount it14:44
daftykinshakim: how many superblocks have you tried?14:44
ikoniatry them all14:44
daftykinskeep going.14:44
ikoniathe last guy I helped got luck on the last one14:44
hakimwill all of them take that long daftykins: ?14:45
daftykinshakim: how long is a piece of string?14:45
hakimill keep going14:45
hakimare ssd's more reliable than regular HDD's?14:50
compdochakim, they are pretty reliable, but they can fail, just like hdds14:52
Kacoreliability improved in past few years, and ssds are now comparable to hdds14:52
hakimso they were not as reliable in the past14:53
ChaosTheoryhi all14:53
tonytcan someone tell me what the terninal command is to see the current path?14:53
hakimbut now reliability is about the same14:53
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rwwtonyt: pwd14:55
rwwtonyt: unless you meant "path" as in the list of directories searched when you type in a command, in which case echo $PATH14:56
tonytk ill try14:56
ChaosTheorythe unity desktop isn't loading after i login, i logged into a guest session and everything is working fine. i did install an update to unity yesterday so i'm guessing that's what has broken it, what do people suggest to fix this?14:56
ChaosTheorythese are the packages that broke unity http://paste.ubuntu.com/7924664/14:58
daftykinsChaosTheory: try - http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html14:59
hakimis there a faster way to fix the superblocks? one that doesnt require me to hold y down?15:00
rwwhakim: add the -y parameter to your fsck command15:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 1344762 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier tells me to upgrade from 12.04.4 LTS to 14.04 LTS (because of HWE), but that release is not found" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:02
gerepHi all. I'm trying to run this on my bash: for i in {1..10} mkdir "dir_$i", so it will create 10 folders (dir_1, dir_2, etc) I ran this on my ArchLinux and on a CentOS but when I run this on ubuntu, it creates a directory like this: dir_{1..10}, what am I doing wrong?15:02
NivexThe silence is deafening.15:02
ChaosTheorydaftykins, i tried the script method and that has done the trick, thank you very much!15:03
hakimrww: sorry bud im a total noob at this15:03
hakimdont know how to do that15:03
Theorygerep: is this a script file with #!/bin/sh at the top, rather than #!/bin/bash ?15:03
gerepTheory: #!/bin/bash15:03
hakimrww: e2fsck -y -b SUPERBLOCK_NUMBER_HERE /dev/sda1 ???? is that what i use?15:05
simpleuserHow to use bluetooth ? I’m using Xubuntu with i3 (instead of Xubuntu session).15:05
IronwaveHi, I ran sudo apt-get apache2 - pc answers password - I type it in, response- E: Invalid operation apache2.  How can I install apache2? I downloaded it via browser.15:06
MacroManI'm struggling to understand cron syntax at the moment.15:06
rwwIronwave: sudo apt-get install apache215:06
jagat_i am unable to locate the openstack icehouse packages on ubuntu 12.O4 even after installing and updating all the required packages.please help15:06
MacroManI want to run every five minutes, so I'm thinking "1/5 * * * * script.sh". Will that work?15:07
Ironwaverww: Thanks, worked instantly!15:07
rwwMacroMan: change the 1 at the start to *15:08
rwwMacroMan: otherwise, yes, that'll work15:08
MacroManIronwave, it may be easier to install a lamp stack if you want a web server: sudo apt-get install lamp-server15:08
MacroManWhich will install Apache, MySQL and PHP15:09
daftykinswell guys, a certain free Linux course starts today so we might get more users doing their homework15:09
MacroManrww, thanks15:09
IronwaveMacroMan: Im following a tutorial, im completely new at all of this, so I wont know what to do. Thanks for the sugestion, Ill read a bit up on LAMP15:09
TheBlindOwlHello . Noob here. i have an issue. i'm running Lubuntu right now but i need to install Windows(need of some windows-only programs in work) and dual boot. I dont exactly know the hardware inside my pc. i need help from a more advanced user who can help me find out what hardware exactly i have so that i can download the needed windows drivers for them. any help will be appreciated15:10
MacroManWell, if you install them seperately, you'll have to configure them all manually to work together. This may be what you want as you are learning, but in any real world situation, I wouldn't waste my time and just install lamp15:10
daftykinsTheBlindOwl: this is not Windows support.15:11
daftykinsTheBlindOwl: go and try ##hardware15:11
MacroManTheBlindOwl, Just run a virtual machine. Install VirtualBox15:11
IronwaveMacroMan: Thanks for the sugestion, Ill do as you say!15:11
jagat_ i am unable to locate the openstack icehouse packages on ubuntu 12.O4 even after installing and updating all the required packages.please help15:11
TheBlindOwldaftykins, I know . and i told you that i'm already on lubuntu. i need tools to detect my hardware my friend. no need to act like that15:11
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daftykinsTheBlindOwl: your issue pertains to Windows, thus it isn't appropriate here.15:12
daftykinsTheBlindOwl: if it's a factory system, look it up online - if it's a custom build, remove the side panel and read model numbers. all this and more, available in ##hardware15:13
MacroManTheBlindOwl, or try Wine if you just want to run a couple of Window$ programs15:13
TheBlindOwldaftykins, So this operating system has no tool to find out what hardware is exactly the OS installed on?15:13
basketballwhen i go to addictinggames.com to play a game in chromium it says No Plugin to display content15:13
MacroManbasketball, That's because chromium doesn't have Flash installed15:13
MacroManUse Chrome instead15:13
daftykinsTheBlindOwl: that's beside the point15:13
TheBlindOwlMacroMan, Both Wine and Virtualbox were unable to run my applications properly.15:13
IronwaveMacroMan: command sudo apt-get install lamp-server gives the following error. E:Unable to locate package lamp-server15:13
MacroManIronwave, Sorry, out a hat on the end: sudo apt-get install lamp-server^15:14
AzerTheBlindOwl, /proc/15:14
IronwaveMacroMan: Thanks, worked instantly!15:14
MacroManIronwave, np15:15
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leionafter you are on windows i would have a MS software for you:TheBlindOwl15:15
topkek32juanhi ubuntu seem slow for me15:15
leionand aida6415:16
topkek32juani7 3770, 8 gb ddr3 ram, 256 gb samsung 840 pro ssd15:16
topkek32juanshouldnt b slow???15:16
topkek32juanGTX 660 TI15:16
MacroManTheBlindOwl, There are tools in Ubuntu to find out hardware info. Try hardinfo: sudo apt-get install hardinfo15:17
leionare you slow in x-window?15:17
Azertopkek32juan, slow is a relative term15:17
topkek32juanAzer: graphix15:17
topkek32juanand it tear rly bad15:17
leionmaybe you should have a Nvidia driver15:17
TheBlindOwlMacroMan,  thanks alot15:18
topkek32juani do15:18
Azertopkek32juan, have you run glxgears?15:18
topkek32juannvidia binary driver version 331.38 from nviai-33115:18
leiondownload it on Nvidia official website15:18
topkek32juanyes it work15:19
topkek32juan303 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.462 FPS15:19
topkek32juan300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.995 FPS15:19
daftykinsleion: that's not what we advise around here.15:19
hakimwill this keep me from having to hold down y while fixing superblocks sudo e2fsck -y -b 163840 /dev/sdb115:19
Azertopkek32juan,  301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.191 FPS15:19
hakimyup it worked15:19
topkek32juando u have tear problem Azer15:20
Azertopkek32juan, i do not.15:20
topkek32juanhow u fix15:20
hakimis there a way i can use my computer as a cloud without needing hosting or a domain name?15:21
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MacroManhakim, What do you mean by cloud? A web server? File server?15:25
topkek32juanhakim: maybe owncloud?15:26
hakimlike dropbox...but using my own pc @ MacroMan15:26
hakimtopkek32juan: im trying owncloud but dont i need https for that?15:27
LordDoskiashello, i'm using ubuntu 12.04 and just installed linux-tools but i still can't use perf. I have /usr/bin/perf and i get: perf not found for kernel 3.2.0-6515:28
LordDoskiasoh, linux-tools has installed perf for kernel -67 and I'm running -65 ..15:28
arif-alihakim, no, you don't need https for owncloud15:28
topkek32juanhakim: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/3-self-hosted-dropbox-alternatives-tested/15:28
arif-aliI use owncloud myself15:28
hakimhow do you access it with your mobile device @arif-ali15:29
arif-alihakim: using the owncloud client for android15:30
hakimhow do i connect it to my desktop..it says cant establish connection server took too long to respond15:30
hakimandorid client is saying that15:30
arif-aliare you on the same network, and then you need to know the IP of your machine to connect15:31
hakimim using my mobile network15:33
hakimi want to be able to connect from anywhere15:33
arif-aliif you are not on the same network, or the machine is not routable then it won't work15:33
topkek32juanport foward15:34
hakimohh i see15:34
hakimyeah i want access from anywhere15:34
arif-alihakim: I tend to NAT port 80 from my router to my server, and then have NAT reflection from internally done15:35
arif-aliand then you should be able to access the server from the external IP15:35
techie_pshey guys i am getting an error while extracting a zip file on my ubuntu os.....it consists of so many pics..I setup a password..even though i enter correct password its giving same error15:35
fridaynextI'm having some trouble creating a RAID5 array with four disks I've just formatted/partitioned15:38
fridaynextI'm getting the message "mdadm: super1.x cannot open /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy" - but it's not busy.  Any ideas?15:38
fridaynextI'm not sure what this output means, but I'm guessing it has something to do with why sdb1 is 'busy' - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=hRfEHjYm15:42
daftykinsfridaynext: what kind of NAS is this?15:42
fridaynextdaftykins: home built.15:43
fridaynextrunning ubuntu 14.04.115:43
daftykinsok so it is actually a PC, good stuff15:43
daftykinsyeah inactive doesn't sound good. i have no experience with that though15:43
jayarlooking for something like Android Device Manager for Ubuntu15:43
fridaynextdaftykins: I just 'stopped' the array, now i'll try to rebuild it again (doesn't show up in mdstat this time)15:44
daftykinsjayar: 'like' ? what about it itself? :P15:44
jayartrack your device when lost15:44
fridaynextThese four drives were used in a previous RAID5 array, and it seems there's still data 'stuck' to them.15:45
fridaynextAh, I just tried to recreate it, and I think it worked...15:45
fridaynextwow, the 'recovery' is going incredibly slow.  Why does it take so long to build a RAID5 array with nothing on it?15:47
ActionParsnipfridaynext: its writing and reading data. Depends on drive speeds etc15:47
fridaynextActionParsnip: but what is it writing/reading?15:48
ActionParsnipfridaynext: its rebuilding the array. Never worked in a server environment?15:48
fridaynextActionParsnip: yes, I set this server up about a year ago, and I'm now migrating it, but I deleted all the data on the drives, so they're all empty15:48
ActionParsnipfridaynext: no, as in a data centre or similar?15:48
fridaynextI guess I haven't totally wrapped my head around what creating a RAID array entails.15:48
fridaynextActionParsnip: nope, haven't ever worked in a DC.15:48
ActionParsnipfridaynext: a drive fails, you pull it out, replace it then the data has to be rebuilt on the new drive15:49
fridaynextActionParsnip: I understand that - I just don't understand why the initial setup - with no data on it whatsoever, would take more than a couple moments.15:49
jayarnever mind. i'll just it from my windows machine15:49
ActionParsnipfridaynext: it still needs to recalculate stuff and setup the array-ness on each drive15:50
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wulong710hello. When i use "nemo ./" . xubuntu show me warning "Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-...: Connection refused".  I google for this error, but can't resolve it. Anyone had met with this situation?15:53
ActionParsnipWujiheng: try:     nemo `pwd`15:56
ActionParsnip!info nemo15:56
ubottunemo (source: nemo): File manager and graphical shell for Cinnamon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.4-1.1 (trusty), package size 572 kB, installed size 2180 kB15:56
Piciwulong710: does it still open?15:58
IronwaveHi, Installed lamp. run apache2 successfully, but when I invoke mysql it says Unknown job.  ex. service mysql start16:02
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MacroManIronwave, You may need to start via init.d: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start16:04
IronwaveMacroMan: Ill play with that thanks16:05
seanh_Anyone else having a problem with Unity stopping responding to mouse clicks or scrolls?16:08
seanh_On 14.0416:09
seanh_Running 'unity' in a terminal fixes it, but it keeps breaking every few seconds16:09
seanh_Just started happening today, so I'm wondering if it's due to a recent update16:09
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tsuyoshi_is for xubuntu opera better or firefox?16:10
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dd13hello i installed ubunutu on my asus g75 laptop when ever i close the laptop screen  it goes to sleep when i open it the keyboard stop working and i cant use it to enter my password16:11
ikoniait's whatever one you like best / meets your needs best16:11
dd13any help please ?16:14
dd13hello i installed ubunutu on my asus g75 laptop when ever i close the laptop screen it goes to sleep when i open it the keyboard stop working and i cant use it to enter my password16:14
ActionParsnipseanh_: have you tried a non-compoziting session like XFCE (installable with: sudo apt-get install xfce4)16:14
ActionParsnipdd13: let me search the web....16:15
seanh_ActionParsnip: I may have to try changing window managers, yes16:15
seanh_I'm kind of surprised that Unity is this broken though16:15
dd13actionparsnip Yes or atleast give me keywords i can use in my serach16:15
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ActionParsnipdd13: have you tried adding the boot option: atkbd.reset16:17
ActionParsnipdd13: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133500716:17
ActionParsnipdd13: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1238194 may help16:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238194 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Saucy) "keyboard doesn't work to enter password with encrypted partitions ubuntu 13.10 saucy" [Critical,Fix released]16:20
cuddylierAnyone know how to bring up all interfaces on ubuntu 14.04 instead of manually bringing up each one using ifup eth0:5 as an example.16:23
dd13actionparsnip thx ill check them now16:23
sakhreMy VirtualBox stopped working after the recent kernel update. I tried everything I found in duckduckgo.16:23
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ActionParsnipsakhre: can you boot the old kernel?16:28
sakhreActionParsnip, yes, already tried that. Didn't work.16:28
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sakhreIt booted, but still VB had the same message.16:28
TJ-cuddylier: See "man interfaces" and the description of the keyword "auto"16:29
ActionParsnipsakhre: ask in #vbox too16:31
cuddylierAnyone know how to bring up all interfaces on ubuntu 14.04 instead of manually bringing up each one using ifup eth0:5 as an example.16:31
weueyi you may be  watched16:31
weueyido usa&israel use the internet(facebook,youtube,twitter, chat rooms ..ect)to spy??16:31
weueyido usa&israel use the internet 2 collect informations,,can we call that spying??16:31
weueyido they record&analyse everything we do on the internet,,can they harm you using these informations??16:31
unopasteweueyi you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted16:31
matty_rdoes ifup --all work?16:33
matty_rcuddylier http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/ifup.8.html16:33
IronwaveMacroMan: e:sudo/etc/init.e/mysql start    and  d:sudo/etc/init.e/mysql start   Both answer   No such file or directory.       whereis mysql     mysql: /usr/bin/mysql/etc/mysql/usr/lib/     (and so on, thus I do hae it on my machiene.)16:36
patrick_im sorry that this is off topic but does anybody have a wikipedia acount i can use?16:41
ActionParsnippatrick_: try in #ubuntu-offtopic16:42
crazysheephi, im a linux/ubuntu noob16:42
crazysheepcan someone briefly explain udisks and /etc/fstab16:42
crazysheephow they interact and how they are related?16:42
ActionParsnipcrazysheep: udisks is an abstraction for enumerating block devices and performing operations on them, such as creating file systems or mounting. Any application can access the org.freedesktop.UDisks service on the system message bus. Some operations (such as formatting disks etc.) are restricted using PolicyKit.16:43
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ActionParsnipcrazysheep: https://launchpad.net/udisks16:43
ActionParsnipcrazysheep: first link when I searched the web16:43
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ActionParsnipcrazysheep: when a new disk is added, if there is an entry for it in /etc/fstab it will be used16:44
crazysheepActionParsnip: sure but thats a lot of jargon when i dont know all that much atm16:44
ActionParsnipcrazysheep: time to go find out what the jargon means....16:44
crazysheepActionParsnip: so can i think of /etc/fstab as a passive file that automounts while udisks is a higher level interface for something like the 'mount' command?16:45
ActionParsnipcrazysheep: yes but fstab is used to mount partitions at boot too16:46
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crazysheepActionParsnip: ok thanks16:46
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=== altitude is now known as altitude_
crazysheepActionParsnip: i have an issue where i can't change permissions of files on an ntfs windows partition16:47
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ActionParsnipcrazysheep: NTFS cant hold Linux ACLs16:47
crazysheepActionParsnip: i've found a few links that suggest changing the /etc/fstab file to have a few options such as exec16:47
ActionParsnipcrazysheep: you can only set the access for the whole partition at mount and it applies to all datas16:47
crazysheepActionParsnip: is there such a [set of] option[s] when using udisks?16:48
ActionParsnipcrazysheep: you wont be able to run your Windows games in Wine if they are installed in Windows16:48
crazysheepActionParsnip: just trying to execute some scripts/compiled c/cpp programs atm16:48
vroomfondelhow comes that the shell commands lag behind the file system state? I 'ls -l'ed and the files which were generated there a minute ago didn't show up. After a while they did.16:49
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ActionParsnipcrazysheep: it will need to be mounted and allow execution16:50
crazysheepActionParsnip: is there an option when running udisks to allow that? or do i have to give it an entry in /etc/fstab with the appropriate options?16:50
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ActionParsnipcrazysheep: I'd use fstab personally but I dont use NTFS, maybe there is a more graceful method16:51
jimi_Where can I see a list of touchscreen supported laptops laptop mode, tablet mode, tent / stand modes etc16:51
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:51
crazysheepActionParsnip: okay, thanks for your help!16:52
IronwaveHi, How can I run mysql?  e:sudo/etc/init.e/mysql start and d:sudo/etc/init.e/mysql start Both answer No such file or directory. whereis mysql mysql: /usr/bin/mysql/etc/mysql/usr/lib/ (and so on, thus I do have it on my machiene.)16:52
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mantazeri updated ubuntu, when i get to login screen, when i enter my credentials, it becomes unresponsive. i just want to get to a terminal. how do?16:53
mantazerctrl-alt-f1 doesnt work16:53
ActionParsnipIronwave: you need a space after the word 'sudo'16:53
mantazerbrings me to a black screen16:53
ActionParsnipIronwave: sudo /etc/init.e/mysql start     not    sudo/etc/init.e/mysql start16:53
topkek32juanhow do i monitor my cpu frequency16:53
mantazerf1-f6 does the same thing16:53
mantazerhow to i boot into terminal16:53
IronwaveActionParsnip: Ill check it, Thanks for giving the correct command.16:54
ActionParsnipmantazer: add the boot option "text"16:55
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IronwaveActionParsnip: It says its starting the database. When I invoke    service mysql status      it answers    Unknown job: mysql       Am I giving the command wrong?16:57
redviperHi all, I am trying to install google earth on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS but its not installing because ia32-libs package is not installed, where can I download it from?17:00
ActionParsnipredviper: how are you installing it?17:01
ActionParsnipredviper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth#Using_make-googleearth-package17:01
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redviperActionParsnip: I downloaded the google package off the google earth site, a .deb. It's telling me I need ia32-libs in the software centre?17:03
ActionParsnipredviper: there is a package in the ubuntu repos to make the package for yoiu......17:04
redviperActionParsnip: That's by doing it with the site you gave me?17:05
TJ-Last time I tested GoogleEarth, it fails on both 32-bit and 64-bit17:05
redviperI got it working on Mint 1417:06
nemoSo. Just wondering... This is like the second computer I've upgraded to 14.04 from 13.10 that has run into errors on upgrade that completely blow up17:07
talin1Does anyone have any hints as to how the F#¤% to get a F&!"(/# lenovo laptop to boot GRUB and not Windows in UEFI mode?17:07
nemolike, dpkg complaining that python 2.7 doesn't exist, samba install failing...17:07
nemoHas anyone else noticed a higher than usual level of upgrade SNAFUs with 14.04 ?17:07
talin1im starting to loose my mind here, been trying umptheen different solutions in the last 24 hours17:07
nemobtw, by 2nd commputer, that's 2nd I've tried period, so, so far every upgrade has failed17:08
nemodpkg fix time, but still…17:08
TJ-talin1: Does Ubuntu have an entry in the system's UEFI boot menu?17:08
xanguanemo: did you have third party repositories in your 13.10 install before distro upgrade¿17:09
nemoxangua: yep. MATE, which is now official I believe.17:09
nemoon both machines17:09
nemoxangua: but the errors don't seem to be linked to the desktop install17:09
xanguanemo: next time remove all third party repositories then17:09
nemoI mean, MATE doesn't mess around with samba or python17:09
nemoxangua: well, the update does disable repos…17:10
talin1TJ-: the UEFI/BIOS does not have any detailed view17:10
ActionParsnipredviper: yes, there is a package that wil build you a deb, you can then install that17:10
TJ-redviper: I've just installed the latest 32-bit Google Earth, on 64-bit Trusty, and it works so far... even manages to render its client area - which was the bug last time I checked17:10
talin1TJ-: but bcdedit /enum firmware from windows shows an entry17:10
talin1TJ-: for some reason that entry is not shown when trying "boot from other device" in winpe17:11
TJ-talin1: Shows an entry for Ubuntu? But you don't see that at the system's boot menu choice ?17:11
talin1TJ-: the bios lets me choose which drives to have in my boot order. period17:11
redviperActionParsnip: I'm not too sure what I am doing, putting in the commands in the terminal and following the steps?17:12
TJ-talin1: This is strange - I was helping someone else earlier this week and they had the same issue, efibootmgr showed the Ubuntu boot entry was there and set as default but the firmware refused to show it or use it17:12
talin1TJ-: is efibootmgr installed during 14.04 server install17:12
TJ-talin1: For UEFI, alongside the drives, there should be entries for each installed operating system that is UEFI aware, so you should have "Windows" and "Ubuntu"17:12
ActionParsnipredviper: yes those are terminal commands.17:12
buharinhello guys if I installed some app with make install hwo I can remove it just remove folders?17:12
buharindirectories mean17:12
ActionParsnipredviper: you will then get a deb and you can instal that17:12
nemoTJ-: so, I know very little about UEFI, but could that be related to a locked bootloader, one that requires signing?17:13
nemoTJ-: 'cause.. sometimes BIOS let you turn that off.17:13
redviperActionParsnip: Does it make a difference as I already downloaded a .deb file from the Google Earth site?17:13
TJ-talin1: efibootmgr is a core part of an EFI install, it comes in with grub-efi, and it is the interface the OS has with the UEFI firmware for adding/removing/modifying boot entries that the UEFI firmware keeps in its Non-volatile RAM17:13
talin1TJ-: i could try a re-re-re-re-re-re-re-reinstall and see what efibootmgr says before i reboot17:14
ActionParsnipredviper: no, as the commands will do what is needed17:14
TJ-nemo It could be, but in theory, no, since the Ubuntu/GRUB EFI boot-loader is signed by the Microsoft signing key that is shipped in "Windows 8 ready" PCs17:14
talin1TJ-: is it available from the boot medium?17:14
talin1TJ-: the CD boots just fine in UEFI mode both with and without secure boot enabled17:15
redviperActionParsnip: okay well I have put in the commands and it is now downloading the package.17:15
talin1TJ-: but is efibootmgr available from the install medium?17:15
TJ-talin1: If the installer did boot in EFI mode, then yes. You can quickly check which mode the OS booted from by doing "ls /sys/firmware/efi/" and making sure there is the directory "efivars"17:16
talin1TJ-: it is not availabe pre "Install to disk"17:16
redviperActionParsnip: Point 5 says I must Install the created .deb package, where from?17:16
ActionParsnipredviper: always check for documentation like that if you are unsure.17:16
TJ-talin1: and you can read the current boot-menu contents with "sudo efibootmgr -v"17:16
ActionParsnipredviper: i believe it is generated where your terminal is now. Run:   ls17:17
TJ-talin1: If the installer boots in EFI mode, you can install the package with "sudo apt-get install efibootmgr"17:17
ActionParsnipredviper: do you see the file?17:17
TJ-redviper: Are you using Trusty 64-bit? If you are you can simply download the 32-bit .deb file directly from Google - that works (on my system at least) - I just did that to test.17:17
talin1TJ-: ill try17:18
redviperActionParsnip, It's still downloading, slow internet - 9kbps17:18
ActionParsnipredviper: and you wnat to run google earth??17:19
lordjancsohi, i'm a beginner ubuntu user and i have some problem with thunderbird... if i start it from dash, i can not create profile, because thunderbird can not write into my /home directory. if i as administrator, i can connect to my mail accounts, but i can not run it in background and there is no indicator in top right corner... how should i use thunderbird correctly?17:19
redviperTJ- :I'm using Trusty 64 bit on a 32 computer if I am not wrong17:19
TJ-redviper: No, you're not - that is impossible :)17:20
ActionParsnipredviper: you cannot install 64bit OS on a 32bit CPU17:20
ActionParsnipredviper: you can however run a 32bit OS on a 64bit CPU17:20
redviperActionParsnip, Yeah, internet is being a pain now. It has its moments\17:20
Eduardo_If I delete the partitions with Disk Utility, can I undo this action?17:20
redviperActionParsnip, Well I am running a 64 bit operating system of this laptop17:21
ActionParsnipEduardo_: you can recreate the partition and fsck it, theer is a command for extending partitions but I forget its name, might make it ok17:21
ActionParsnipEduardo_: resize2fs17:21
belkinsaDoes the Remote Desktop from Guest Account using Ubuntu SSO work on 14.04.1?17:21
redviperTJ-, Okay then perhaps this machine is a 64 bit, struggles with Trusty17:21
Eduardo_ActionParsnip: But, I delete my Windows partitios jajaja17:22
ActionParsnipredviper: try using LXDE, its a lot lighter and will give a smoother desktop experience17:22
ActionParsnipEduardo_: then I have no idea. I'd just break out the backups17:22
Eduardo_I men, accidentalli delete all my HDD :S17:24
redviperActionParsnip, Have not heard of it, was thinking of Debian. I need a stable system, user friendly, good hardware/software support and Customizable. I'm struggling a bit with Ubuntu.17:25
julian-delphikiEduardo_: sounds like you need to restore from a backup then17:25
Eduardo_jajaja julian-delphiki I have not backup17:25
julian-delphikiEduardo_: sounds like it's time to reinstall and forget all that data then :)17:26
ActionParsnipredviper: its a desktop environment, you can run LXDE in Debian if you like17:27
ActionParsnipredviper: it replaces the Gnome + Compiz you have now, it uses LXDE and OpenBox by default17:27
TJ-redviper: "uname -p" will tell you which architecture the machine is, slowness on GUI systems is generally caused by the desktop environment demanding a good 3D accelerated GPU with drivers - default Ubuntu with the Unity DE is one-such, and makes use of lots of fancy transitions and blends that unless accelerated in hardware, make the machine feel slow and unresponsive17:28
Eduardo_forget windows, jajaja, julian-delphiki tks17:28
Eduardo_anyway its only Windows17:29
redviperActionParsnip, You know that is a main problem with my Ubuntu, but whats also annoying me is that it is so buggy. I also don't have the knowledge to fix it and someone would get frustrated trying to help.17:31
redviperTJ-, I will check when this download is finished, its taking forever.17:32
redviperActionParsnip, I did try installing a .bin for Google and the .bin did not want to open or run?\17:43
redviperActionParsnip, This internet is moving at snails, I have the .deb file already. Is there no other way I can get the ia32-libs package to then run the .deb?17:45
ActionParsnipredviper: its deprecated because your OS is multiarch17:45
redviperActionParsnip, Ah multiarch?17:46
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LarsNis there a script/utility that generates preseed configurations based on an existing system?17:46
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ActionParsnipredviper: yes, you can run 32bit OS in 64bit Ubuntu17:46
redviperActionParsnip, But, what are the down sides?17:47
ActionParsnipredviper: you will need all the 32bit deps for the 32bit apps you install, so drive space17:49
redviperActionParsnip, The system weight is not the all bugging thing, my main issue is the bugs and not being able to customize my OS. Ubuntu used to be like that with compiz17:51
ActionParsnipredviper: I cant comment there, I dont use Compiz17:51
cliov6ciao ragazzi17:53
ubottucliov6: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:53
redviperActionParsnip, I don't claim to use it, I used to use it but its not serious. Unity is stiff right?17:54
ActionParsnipredviper: Unity is a plugin for Compiz17:54
Dickensif by stiff you mean crappy... yes17:54
redviperActionParsnip, yeah and I don't know enough. Still fighting with this package.17:56
redviperActionParsnip, What do I do exactly when I get to the 3rd point of the site you gave me?18:01
Dickensone thing that would be nice in Nautilus is the ability to copy and paste the current directory path18:05
Dickensfrom and address bar in the window18:05
OERIASUbuntu repos fucked up everything!18:06
IdleOneOERIAS: No swearing please18:06
Dickensfor example  in the newer versions of windows there are links the be able to click back a directory (at the top of the window where the address bar is)... if you double click this it shows the entire path which you can copy and paste18:06
v2zzhi! anybody aware of skype connection problem? 'can't establish connection' for about 1hour18:06
v2zzwhat's that shit?18:06
Dickens!language v2zz18:06
Dickensno problems here18:07
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:07
sakhreWhy when I do $ modprobe vboxdrv  I get a  FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.  ?18:11
daftykinssakhre: hasn't been built for your running kernel i suspect.18:15
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inv3nt0rI'm attempting to upgrade my Ubuntu 12 server to Ubuntu 14 using the do-release-upgrade method, and getting 404 errors for the 'Upgrade tool signature' and the 'Upgrade tool'18:18
inv3nt0rAny thoughts18:18
Artemis3inv3nt0r, i'd say change the mirror18:20
Squarepyinv3nt0r, unrelated, but for reliability I would use a home partition and update underneath18:21
inv3nt0rSquarespy: The server is not super high value, it is basically a NAS box for the office that we can do without for short periods of time18:23
inv3nt0rArtemis3: So you recommend I change repositories?18:23
sakhredaftykins, what can I do?18:23
Artemis3inv3nt0r, yes, i would try main archive.ubuntu.com or such18:24
inv3nt0rArtemis3: Something like http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu should do?18:24
daftykinssakhre: how did you install virtualbox?18:24
daftykinssakhre: also, which version of ubuntu is this?18:24
Artemis3try and see inv3nt0r18:24
sakhredaftykins, software center. ubuntu 12.04. i updated the kernel and it stopped wroking.18:24
sakhre(virtual bx)18:25
daftykinssakhre: try "ls /var/lib/initramfs-tools | sudo xargs -n1 /usr/lib/dkms/dkms_autoinstaller start"18:27
scumdogmoneydaftykins: Yo!18:27
daftykinsscumdogmoney: do you have a support question?18:28
scumdogmoneyIs legalizing marijuana a good thing daftykins18:28
ldleworkget. out.18:28
coventry`sakhre: Try reinstalling virtualbox-dkms.  If that doesn't work, you might try asking on #vbox.  They will probably scold you if you're not using the official virtualbox packages, they deal with this kind of problem often.18:29
rwwscumdogmoney: let's stick to Ubuntu support, please.18:29
coventry`s/they deal/but they deal/18:29
sakhreproblem occurred while installing software. package: virtualbox-dkms18:30
daftykinscoventry`: there's no need to respond again to someone i already have done.18:30
daftykinssakhre: did you run my suggestion yet?18:30
sakhredaftykins, yes18:30
daftykinsdid you see it regenerate modules?18:30
coventry`daftykins: Sorry, read things out of order.18:31
sakhredaftykins, yes, but an error window popped up ^18:31
daftykinssakhre: oh so that error came from that command, not coventry`'s suggestion18:31
daftykinssakhre: in a terminal can you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms" and then pastebin the output to share to us via paste.ubuntu.com ?18:32
deltwhat is the command that pops up the "software updates" window periodicallyÃ?18:33
deltie. how can i make it appear right now?18:33
sakhredaftykins, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7926302/18:34
redviperWhere do I find and download ia32-libs package to install?18:34
rwwredviper: You don't. Modern Ubuntu releases use multiarch instead, where you identify which library/ies you actually need and then install the i386 version of them18:35
daftykinssakhre: can you now do "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox" please18:36
redviperrww: Well how do I do that then as I need that package, there is a dependency on my OS for that file18:36
zacgI am using ubuntu 14.04 lts as a guest os inside virtualbox. After a recent update I can no longer use virtual boxes auto-resize guest display feature, it is disabled in the view menu. I have tried reinstalling guest additions but that didn't fix it. Any ideas?18:36
rwwredviper: what are you trying to install?18:36
sakhredaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7926316/18:36
redviperrww: Google Earth on a 64 bit OS. I don't quite know what to do or how to do it18:37
daftykinszacg: that'd be virtualbox support, not us so much18:37
MiltonHi, could someone help me?18:37
daftykinsMilton: ask a question first18:37
daftykinssakhre: try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox*"18:37
MiltonMy Nokia Lumia 520 changed file-permissions on my MicroSDHC to read-only filesystem somehow. After digging a lot of forums I found that this is typical Windowsoid, and even that I found for Linux is not helpful for me. I formatted SD on Lumia, but still have WPSystem folder, in which I got WPSettings.dat. Unable to cut them, and to paste something over there. Of course, using GParted I see "Unable to format, read-only filesystem".18:37
deltwhat is the command that pops up the "software updates" window periodically? ie. how can i make it appear right now?18:37
=== jeevan is now known as g1
coventry`delt: Try update-manager.18:38
deltcoventry`: thanks18:39
sakhredaftykins, * No suitable module for running kernel found [fail]18:39
daftykinsMilton: plug the phone in via USB, *after* unlocking the screen and transfer files that way?18:40
redviperrww: ?18:41
MiltonWhile on USB it is failed to mount. Using card-reader18:41
daftykinsMilton: you don't mount, it should use MTP automatically18:41
rwwredviper: sorry, got distracted. one sec.18:41
redviperrww: No problem18:42
daftykinssakhre: try "ls /usr/src/linux-headers-* -d | sed -e 's/.*linux-headers-//' | \ sort -V | tac | sudo xargs -n1 /usr/lib/dkms/dkms_autoinstaller start18:42
Picidaftykins: +1 for use of tac.18:42
daftykinsPici: i'm cheating pasting from askubuntu ;_;18:43
Miltondaftykins:  while plugging via USB, a loading circle appears, then stops moving and freezing my file manager until unplugging18:43
Picidaftykins: awww18:43
rwwredviper: download the 32-bit package instead of the 64-bit one, and use multiarch18:43
ardan_uh,, so if i run 'free -g' the integer under Mem: total is the total RAM my computer has?18:43
rwwredviper: it may install the 32-bit depends automatically when you install the 32-bit version, I can't remember18:43
daftykinsMilton: what distro, version and desktop is that with? or, what file manager? 0o18:43
rwwardan_: yes, minus any used for e.g. video card shared memory18:43
daftykinsardan_: that shows 0's for me :D free -m works however18:44
daftykins(in a VM here though)18:44
redviperrww: So its worth the try, from the official Google Earth site?18:44
rwwredviper: with the 32-bit version, yes. the 64-bit version is not properly packaged for current Ubuntu18:44
Milton<daftykins> Xubuntu 14.04, Thunar is my favourite, Dell Inspiron18:44
ardan_damn, but that means my server has 5 GB free, but i'm on  VPS, and am limitied to 500ish MB.18:44
redviperrww okay I will try now, internet is slow18:45
daftykinsMilton: i don't think that has MTP support built in18:45
ardan_how the hell do i use swap memory on a vps ?18:45
daftykinsardan_: talk to your provider18:46
ardan_they are gointg to tell me to upgrade my account for $20 a month!18:46
daftykinsto answer one question?18:46
daftykinssounds like you need to change provider.18:46
ardan_no, i need to increase the available ram i have.18:46
ikoniathen buy more ram18:46
ardan_sounds like a waste of money for 1 task.18:47
Miltondaftykins: in the past I'd installed gmtp manually, but actually not needed it. Everything was loading just fine18:47
ardan_eh, i'll figure something out.18:47
sakhredaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7926405/18:47
redviperrww: Thanks, I will give it a go with the 32 bit a go18:47
MiltonWinPhone? It always does something without my help18:48
daftykinssakhre: ok, for some reason your module compilation is failing... i'd direct you to virtualbox's channel now18:48
sakhredaftykins, ok ty18:48
indn1234testing IRC in Pidgin...18:49
ikoniaindn1234: it works18:49
daftykinsindn1234: do so in #ubuntu-offtopic please18:49
indn1234daftykins: yeah sorry.18:49
Miltondaftykins: thank ye, gonna find answers on the forum. The topic is not for chat18:50
daftykinsMilton: good luck18:51
Miltondaftykins: plugged after unlocking the screen. Works just fine:)18:57
daftykinsi've been solving a lot of windows phone woes through that of late18:57
LartzaDoes rsyncing to a remote server not need any server running on the receiving end?18:59
daftykinsdepends how you access it18:59
daftykinsSSH, yes, samba share - yes19:00
daftykinsbut not a representation of rsync, no19:00
TrueNherohi, i have a problem about one partion ext4 that automount but read only19:00
zCoderHi. Can someone please help me out? I cant seem to get my php mail to work? seems like postfix is installed in listening to port 25   i have sent test emails via mail () function in php and nothing is coming through. Any ideas?19:01
daftykinszCoder: #ubuntu-server would be more relevant, as would a postfix channel if it exists19:01
ikoniazCoder: what do the postfix logs say19:01
ikoniazCoder: are they leaving the queue ?19:01
daftykinsTrueNhero: what's the problem then?19:02
TrueNheroi need write on an ext4 partition19:02
TrueNherodaftykins: it automounts as readonly19:03
TrueNherodaftykins: how could i change the permissions?19:03
daftykinsTrueNhero: "df -h" in terminal, spot the mount point... "sudo mount -o remount,rw /mount/point"19:04
rwwin before it's mounted read write already and needs a chmod/chown19:04
TrueNherodaftykins: but i need that happens at boot19:04
daftykinsTrueNhero: can you pastebin the output of "mount" first?19:05
daftykinsTrueNhero: i'm sure you do, but baby steps.19:05
daftykinswow - major deja vu19:05
zCoderikonia: doesnt see to say much at all..  some errors from before but nohting from today19:05
youngboyhello, can someone help me with ubuntu installation, doesnt work. I can run ubuntu demo, but it refuses to install with usb-stick or dvd. I goes to the point where you choose if you wish to install mpeg stuff and when I click next then it thinks awhile and terminates and reboots19:07
TrueNherodaftykins: i execute "sudo mount -o remount,rw /mount/point" yet, it works19:07
TrueNherobut i need at boot19:07
daftykinsok, so create an entry in /etc/fstab19:08
g1youngboy: may be the installation files are corrupt19:08
youngboyyoungboy: I dont know, but ive downloaded them from ubuntu website19:09
youngboysorry I meant19:09
TrueNherodaftykins: $mount http://paste.ubuntu.com/7926534/19:09
youngboygl: I dont know, but ive downloaded them from ubuntu website19:09
g1youngboy: try making the bootable disk again  and retry19:10
bpromptyoungboy:    how about if you skip the "mpeg" install stuff?19:10
youngboyI have had a previous ubuntu 12version, which i uninstalled, and had a ubuntu boot haunting with windows. Then I manually deleted the boot through windows, I suspect it may have something to do with it19:10
bpromptyoungboy:     or even maybe turn off a few things before starting up the boot usb/dvd   like some of the boot features, usually accessible through F619:10
youngboybprompt:  I tried skipping but didnt help19:10
bpromptallo shndns19:10
daftykinsTrueNhero: which device are we looking at? line 19 sdc?19:11
TrueNherodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7926549/19:11
youngboygl: ive tried 2 disks and 3 usbsticks with differnt software19:11
daftykinsTrueNhero: yeah i know what fstab looks like, you need to create an entry in there now.19:11
youngboybprompt:  so when I get to install screen after boot, where I choose language, then I press f6 and turn off stuff?19:11
MarcGuayHi folks.  Say I'm in the file browser and select a .png and choose "open with gimp".  Is there a way to make the gimp window come to the front automatically instead of having the dock icon jiggle?19:11
TrueNherodaftykins: line 19 sdc1 is usb kingston 4gb19:12
bpromptyoungboy:    right.....19:12
daftykinsTrueNhero: right, so tell me which *IS* the right one...19:13
jessejazzajoin oftc19:13
youngboybprompt:  Is that an agreement, or a statement? I am really a mega noob in this, so I appreciate the support you can give.19:13
mikeg3I forgot my password; how do I reset it in Ubuntu 14.04?19:14
TrueNherodaftykins: the problem is sdb119:14
jessejazzajoin /oftc19:14
daftykinsTrueNhero: ok so set it up in /etc/fstab , you can mount by UUID by getting the UUID from "sudo blkid"19:14
daftykinsjessejazza: the command you're grasping for is "/join #channelname"19:14
bpromptyoungboy:     hehe, is an ok.. yes... turn off a few things there, maybe is just hardware incompatibility with loading drivers19:15
g1jessejazza: lol19:15
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords19:15
TrueNherodaftykins: what happens if change: errors=remount-ro to remount-rw?19:15
youngboybprompt:  but I have had ubuntu 12 before, like I wrote jsust now: [19:10] <youngboy> I have had a previous ubuntu 12version, which i uninstalled, and had a ubuntu boot haunting with windows. Then I manually deleted the boot through windows, I suspect it may have something to do with it19:15
daftykinsTrueNhero: that is nothing to do with what i'm telling you to do.19:15
daftykinsTrueNhero: perhaps you should join a channel for your language, you obviously don't understand me.19:16
derek-gwhy is my chromium of version 34? while version 37 was already released.... Why is the delay?19:16
g1youngboy: does it reboot or goes to black screen?19:16
TrueNherodaftykins: wait i understand you19:16
bpromptyoungboy:    shouldn't choke at that stage I'd think though19:16
jessejazzadaftykins: I'm using chatzilla and theres a way of typing the irc and the channel19:16
daftykinsjessejazza: ok, don't do it here anymore though.19:16
LartzaCan I really not set port with rsync?19:16
LartzaSSH port19:16
jessejazzadidn't mean to!19:17
cisshi, you're probably getting hammered with this question, but i couldn't dig up an answer on my own:19:17
bubbaroonyderek-g install the repo19:17
daftykinsLartza: yes, someone did it here the other day - don't remember the answer though. dig in the man page19:17
youngboygl: bprompt: it loads up an ubuntu termination screen and tells me to eject my installation and press enter. I can get the whole error if it helps19:17
g1jessejazza: /server "server name", then /join #channelname19:17
cisswhy does http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts still not list 14.04, even though the point release has been published?19:17
youngboyeject cd19:17
LartzaFound it yeah19:18
daftykinsciss: perhaps that's the wrong doc.19:18
TrueNherodaftykins: the UUID is ok19:18
bpromptyoungboy:     hmm.... usually when the GUI starts off something in the background... you can press ESC to remove the UI and check processing lines on the background19:18
daftykinsTrueNhero: you need to *create* a *new line* in fstab with the UUID and options for sdb119:18
jessejazzag1: thanks... of course it is19:18
cissdaftykins: it's the one queried by update manager in ubuntu server 12.04 lts19:18
CarlFKwhat is the package that replaced ffmpeg?   libav something...19:19
g1youngboy: bprompt:or press upper arrow.19:19
daftykinsciss: are you running "do-release-upgrade -p" ?19:19
jgcampbell300I am looking for a admin gui for my linux servers and desktops .. i have been testing out webmin and was wondering if there was something better ?19:19
youngboygl: bprompt:  okay, well I try the installation with f6 and log the error so I can tell you better19:20
daftykinsCarlFK: avconv ?19:20
DJones!webmin | jgcampbell30019:20
ubottujgcampbell300: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.19:20
DJones!ebox | jgcampbell30019:20
ubottujgcampbell300: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).19:20
jgcampbell300ahh .. ya thats a problem19:20
cissdaftykins: nope, i'm running it without parameters19:20
CarlFKdaftykins: looks like it.  thanks.19:20
daftykinsciss: then run the above.19:20
trap_exitis there a way to get "sudo /sbin/dhclient eth1" every time the machine boots up ?19:20
bubbaroonyCarlFKyou can find the wiki on the web19:21
TrueNherodaftykins: and erase the old line?19:21
jgcampbell300nice thanks much19:21
daftykinsTrueNhero: if you just plugged that hard disk in, it shouldn't be in there at all. you're going to need to show me a pastebin of fstab together with blkid, i can't guess your UUIDs to know :)19:21
TrueNherodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7926645/19:23
jgcampbell300I tryed Zentyal about 5 months ago ... it seemed like it had quite a bit of over head ... anyone had same problem19:23
nazrechHi, I'm experiencing screen tearing on 14.04 using proprietary nvidia drivers - is there a fix for this? :)19:25
Guest92804Is vsync enabled nazrech?19:26
daftykinsTrueNhero: reboot and pastebin "mount" again please19:26
nazrechGuest92804: Sync to V-blank is enabled if that's what you mean19:27
daftykinsnazrech: we don't support nvidia drivers.19:27
Guest92804Try disabling it and see if it changes anything nazrech19:28
daftykinswhere are you seeing tearing though?19:28
cissdaftykins: thanks, that would work, but i guess i'll just wait a bit longer until it becomes available per default19:28
nazrechDaftykins: When scrolling. Happens in both i3 and xfce.   Guest92804: Didn't help :(19:29
FaboFabiFabinOHello body, body. There is a error with fingerprint in the official site, with version ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso and ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso, them i ask pepoal go in the lunhpad for report this bug in help the community: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/1349715 . For to found if it's broked file or error Fingerprint. Good look !19:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1349715 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu hashes for 14.04.1 missing on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes" [Medium,Triaged]19:29
Guest92804Scrolling in a web browser or scrolling in general?19:29
daftykinsciss: it is - there's just some quirks around right now. running what i suggested is fine :) of course, you have nice working backups anyway so there's no problem!19:29
nazrechGuest92804: In general. Also when moving windows around fast. It's quite noticeable19:30
cissdaftykins: it's actually a vm, so backups aren't a problem. i'm just not in the mood of discovering errors much too late - but i'll give it a try :)19:30
daftykinsciss: even better \o/19:31
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TrueNherodaftykins: ok im back19:31
Guest92804nazrech https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1278012/comments/1219:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1280665 in libsdl1.2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1278012 libsdl1.2 always uses backingstore which causes tearing in modern X servers" [Medium,Fix released]19:32
daftykinsah the backing store thing!19:32
nazrechGuest92804: Okay, I added -bs to the config file. Do I just need to restart x now?19:33
LartzaWhy is ubuntu refusing my root password??19:33
FaboFabiFabinOBonjour tout le monde, l'image CD la version ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso19:33
FaboFabiFabinOet la version ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso ne correspond pas a la version MD5 officiel19:33
FaboFabiFabinODonc j'invites tout ceux qui on un pc 64 bits de venir sur : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/134971519:33
FaboFabiFabinOpour laisser un commentaire. Car plus nous serons nombreux a signaler cette érreur. Nous pourrons savoir si les image iso son corrompu ou si c'est une érreur dans le fingerprint. Bonne journée  a tous !19:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 1349715 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu hashes for 14.04.1 missing on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes" [Medium,Triaged]19:33
Guest92804Yeah restart x now nazrech19:33
Lartzassh is giving access denied19:34
genii!fr | FaboFabiFabinO19:34
ubottuFaboFabiFabinO: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:34
nicolai_Guest92804: It didn't work unfortunately19:35
daftykinsLartza: root doesn't have a password.19:36
Guest92804Hm I'm not sure19:36
Lartzadaftykins, sure does when I've set one19:36
daftykinsLartza: you bad bad man19:36
ikoniaLartza: then you should have a clue what you are doing19:37
Lartzai've never had ssh refuse a login -.-19:37
ikoniaLartza: if you know better than ubuntu and change the default security model - you should know what you are doing19:37
ikoniaLartza: you should be able to debug it though if you know better than ubuntu's security model19:37
LartzaHow is it on19:37
x42you usuall should not allow permitrootlogin19:38
x42only maybe temporarly for maintanance19:38
LartzaI need it, it's not for general use19:38
ikoniait is dsiabled by default due to sensible security model19:38
ikoniathere are almost no situations to "need it"19:38
Lartzaalso with keys it's relatively safe19:38
ikoniayou do not need it19:38
LartzaI don't have a regular user :P19:38
ikoniaLartza: it is not safe19:38
x42you also shoul disable password login - and allow only keyfile login on a different port19:38
ikoniaLartza: you do have a regular user19:38
ikoniaLartza: one is created by default when you install ubuntu19:39
Lartzaikonia, I know what I'm doing here19:39
LartzaFor once19:39
ikoniaLartza: clearly you don't19:39
ikoniaLartza: hence why you are asking what's going on with ssh rejecting your login19:39
Lartzaoh wait I did create a user19:39
LartzaI'm confused19:39
ikoniabecause you don't know what you're doing19:40
Lartzaikonia, Maybe I did a minimal install?19:40
ikoniathere is no such thing19:40
LartzaI'm used to Arch19:40
LartzaAll well now19:40
ikoniathat means nothing19:40
ikoniaarch ssh is the same as ubuntu and fedora and redhat and all the other distros19:40
ikoniaas is the permissions model and user model19:40
theadminLartza: The minimal install CD is like 30MB19:40
LartzaThough arch only has a root when you start19:41
theadminLartza: If that's what you used19:41
theadminLartza: Yeah, in Ubuntu sudo is used and the root account is locked19:41
LartzaI know, that's fine usually19:42
etronikhi all, is evolution mail client being evolved or... being left behind ?19:52
ikoniaetronik: by who ?19:55
etronikikonia, I dunno, I'm just contemplating Evolution vs Thunderbird...19:55
ikoniause what you like19:55
etronikI was trying to get some feedback from here19:55
etronikI haven't kept up with evolution for quite a long time now, so was wondering19:56
bakhtiyaHey, anyone have valid sources list still hosted (but frozen) for 13.04? Links? Made the mistake of thinking this was LTS on one of my boxes, and don't want to upgrade it yet.19:56
ikoniaetronik: feedback on what ?19:56
ikoniabakhtiya: the repos have been move to oldrepos.ubuntu.com19:57
etronikikonia, on Evolutions errrm evolution over the recent past... nevermind... I'm reading up on it19:57
bakhtiyaikonia: thank you19:57
MoProductionsHello.  I keep having to reboot my ubuntu machine because it loses connections to network folders often enough that I eventually can’t even connect to them at all (broken pipe, “unknown file type” when i’m just trying to open a folder, etc). Is there some sort of universal “disconnect from ALL shared folders and refresh” I could call so I don’t have to reboot every 5 minutes?19:59
sidney_I recently installed lxde,and i install xfce4-power-manager,but exce4 power managers standby and hibernate functions are disabled,even though i can manually standby.19:59
sidney_xfce* :P19:59
bakhtiyaikonia: oldrepos.ubuntu.com doesn't resolve dns wise20:00
bakhtiyaah, I think it's old-releases.ubuntu.com20:00
ikoniabakhtiya: old-releases, sorry20:00
SlaSanyone using ubuntu 14.04 with optimus working ?20:00
EldunarHello, is it possible to scroll websites by clicing middle mouse button?20:01
g1Eldunar: yes!20:01
sidney_Is there any other power managers?20:01
Eldunarcan u lead me how todo?20:01
g1Eldunar: It should be available by default? Isn't it working?20:02
FourFirehey is there a Mint channel or will this one answer mint questions?20:02
Eldunarunfortunately not;/20:03
Eldunarscrolling is working, but clicking npt20:03
DJones!mint | FourFire20:03
ubottuFourFire: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:03
g1Eldunar: Check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129967720:04
Eldunarbig cold beer for u:) than u:)20:05
g1Eldunar: :D20:06
a_runanyone having trouble connecting to skype?20:06
Eldunarmy another question is how to check which of my graphic card is used? ( i hae intel i3 4600 graphic and radeon 8750) i can not install CCC ( i think it is not supported yet) only x.org20:06
a_runanyone having trouble connecting to skype?20:08
Bashing-omEldunar: Try -> sudo lshw -C display <- ..20:08
OerHeksa_run, no, do you ?20:08
Eldunarok, i have now i3 integrated. How to switch between them?20:09
etronikoh BTW, what the best hmm packaging of xAMP stack currently for Ubuntu ? short of installing each one separately ?20:11
etronikLAMP stack in this case20:12
daftykinsyou can use tasksel to install all the required roles20:12
daftykinsbut i prefer to apt each component separately from its' main metapackage in the repos20:12
daftykinsetronik: ^20:12
etronikhmm tasksel ?20:13
daftykinstry it. it's the menu you often get confronted with to pick software at the end of a server install20:13
etronikk got it20:13
a_runok new skype worked20:13
a_run4.3 is out20:13
etronika_run, how to upgrade ?20:14
lovesfreenodewants info on system d20:14
rwwlovesfreenode: what would you like to know?20:14
Eldunaris there any gui or sth for switching graphic cards ( instead of CCC ( i have unsupported 8750m radeon))?20:14
etronika_run, oh forget I was already running 4.320:15
lovesfreenodeevery thing20:15
a_runi just removed the older version and installed the new version20:15
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Cr0nus`I'm having trouble being able to create/delete files/folders via ftp.  vsftpd/apache.  i created my own user account, added it to the www-data group.  the www-data group has control over /var/www but i cannot create files/folders with my user unless i sudo20:20
ikoniaCr0nus`: look at the permission the file you're trying to remove20:21
ikoniaCr0nus`: also keep in mind, depending on your ftp setup, the ftp account "may" use the user account running the ftp daemon for permissions20:21
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Cr0nus`directorys show drwxr-sr-x and files show -rw-r--r--20:22
ikoniaCr0nus`: so group has no ability to delete them then20:23
theadminCr0nus`: Uh, group has no write access from this20:23
etronikdaftykins, re lamp-server, if I wanna move Apache's root folder, and MySQL database away from the SSD.... I'd better install stuff individually no ?20:23
Eldunaris there any gui or sth for switching graphic cards ( instead of CCC ( i have unsupported 8750m radeon))?20:24
Cr0nus`I need to give www-data more permissions/power?20:24
ikoniaetronik: why would installing it seperately change the install location20:24
ikoniaCr0nus`: no, the group20:24
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Cr0nus`it shows www-data.www-data20:25
etronikikonia, You didn't read carefully ;-) I don't want to change install location, just the data20:25
ikoniaCr0nus`: yes ?20:25
ikoniaetronik: again - why would installing them seperately change the location ?20:25
daftykinsetronik: no, just symlink apache's documentroot20:25
ikoniado not symlink the doc root20:25
ikoniachange it in the config file to the place you want20:26
daftykinsi don't see any reason not to.20:26
daftykinsyou could have /var live on another disk20:26
etronikikonia, because I think that integrated install might set everything up ready to play in default locations, where individual install might allow for better configuration - I don't know that's why I'm asking20:26
ikonianot everything can follow symlinks and the apache internal permissions20:26
daftykins(benefitial for the logging fill up aspect)20:26
ikoniaetronik: it doesn't ask you any questions at install time20:26
etronikdaftykins, that's an idea yeah20:26
ikoniaetronik: so there is zero difference20:26
etronikwell then, here goes20:27
daftykinsetronik: no, i as thrown by your question too... it's all auto.20:27
etronikdaftykins, but at least for Apache I can move stuff afterwards20:27
etronikdunno about MySQL20:27
ikoniaetronik: you can move anything afterwards20:28
ikoniaetronik: it's just a config file20:28
ubuntu__1whois ddv20:29
youngboydid anyone see the link i pasted just now? crashed20:31
g1ubuntu_1: it's /whois20:31
Eldunaris there any gui or sth for switching graphic cards ( instead of CCC ( i have unsupported 8750m radeon))? Or some sort of command to switch graphic ?20:32
g1Eldunar: http://askubuntu.com/questions/391002/13-10-switching-graphics-cards20:33
youngboygl: bprompt: it keeps crashing after I select install with windows. this is crash report http://i58.tinypic.com/xbxzq8.jpg20:33
youngboyif that is the report o_o20:34
youngboyI click continue after choosing with windows, and then it terminates like that20:34
youngboybut demo works fine20:34
youngboyI can run demo fine i mean, but terminates like that when I try to install20:35
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FilipeSilva_Hi, i have a barcode scanner here, its usb and works fine on ubuntu, but when i read some barcodes eventually the scanner stops working and i need to take off the usb plug and then plug it again to start working again... Does any1 knows what is the problem?20:37
daftykinsFilipeSilva_: does the device state official Linux support?20:38
flubby_nanaboSo, If I wanna run a script on startup, but it's supposed to run only once, and exit, should I put it on rc.local, or make it a service on /etc/init (or init.d)?20:38
Beldar youngboy Just joined the channel are you getting help?20:38
FilipeSilva_daftykins, i dont think so20:39
daftykinsFilipeSilva_: then it's probably a bonus it works at all20:40
FilipeSilva_daftykins, on the manufacter website there's no drive, not even for windows20:40
daftykinscontact them20:40
FilipeSilva_daftykins, i will, thanks.20:41
R13osehow do I fix this message in terminal: "x-directory" is an old media type that should be replaced with a modern equivalent?20:43
youngboyBeldar: hey, I cant install ubuntu for some reason20:45
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youngboyBeldar: it keeps crashing after I select install with windows. this is crash report http://i58.tinypic.com/xbxzq8.jpg  I click continue after choosing with windows, and then it terminates like that20:45
youngboyI can run demo fine, but crashes at install20:46
youngboyor should I say terminates20:46
vasya54hello, I have a  problem with my hibernation in ubuntu 14.04. I want to set the hibernation menu to use s2disk instead of the default method, but all the answers tell me to modify a file that does not exist. What do I do?20:50
vasya54this person has the same problem as I do http://askubuntu.com/questions/75357/replacing-default-hibernate-method-to-s2disk20:50
Beldaryoungboy, If this is a live desktop boot to the try ubuntu and see if the install from there does this, you example is from where? Have you checked the sum on the download? several questions here.20:55
Eldunari hae problem z vga swithcero. this program do not want to switch my  graphic20:57
Eldunari hae problem z vga swithcero. this program do not want to switch my  graphic: ( pastebin : http://pastebin.com/mejA308G )20:59
Beldaryoungboy, If you are not going to watch the answers we are done.21:00
IRA___Why I can not just create new directory within /var/www/html place there files and access them?21:02
youngboyBeldar:  I tried with 3 different usb-stick and usb boots, and with 2 different dvds. the picture is from dvd. I tried installing both just by install, and second through demo and then install21:04
IdleOneIRA___: are you in the www group21:05
IRA___IdleOne, yes, I am.21:06
youngboyHello, I m unable to install ubuntu on my computer. it keeps crashing after I select install with windows. this is crash report http://i58.tinypic.com/xbxzq8.jpg  I click continue after choosing with windows, and then it terminates like that. Same problem by installation through live, ive tried with usb stick and DVD. I suspect my old ubuntu install v12 that i uninstalled might cause problems im not sure. But after I uninstalled ubu21:07
youngboyyed so I had to manually delete it through windows21:07
KeyboardNotFoundWhy can't I edit this file ?sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward21:07
KeyboardNotFoundbash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied21:07
puffThe screen size is wrong, the bottom edge of windows and etc keep appearing too low, so I can only see the top edges of the buttons.21:08
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puffThe screen size is wrong, the bottom edge of windows and etc keep appearing too low, so I can only see the top edges of the buttons.  How do I fix this?  The monitor (dell U 420) menu has a setting for adjusting vertical position, but if I change that, it slides the gnome menu up off the top of the screen.21:09
Eldunari hae problem z vga swithcero. this program do not want to switch my  graphic: ( pastebin : http://pastebin.com/mejA308G )21:09
puffThis is ubuntu 14.04 on a thinkpad t520, using an external monitor (dell usharp 420)21:09
IRA___youngboy, not enough info.21:10
youngboyIRA___: what more can I provide?21:10
bilde2910Hello! I have a laptop with Ubuntu 14.04 server, as the main server for my website. Earlier today, the server got disconnected, seemingly without reason. I tried restarting the machine, but the network does not go up. Running ifconfig only shows loopback interface lo, `sudo lshw -C network' lists the interface em1 (the ethernet interface) as "*-network DISABLED". Card is an RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet Controller".21:12
bilde2910Any help resolving this? I need to get the machine online as fast as possible because thousands of users of my web services are unable to connect to the website21:12
IRA___youngboy, do not know. My best guess: launch installation program from terminal emulator, so you can see what it printing.21:12
bilde2910The switch shows activity on the port the server is connected to.21:13
bilde2910Also, the file /etc/network/interfaces does NOT exist21:14
IRA___youngboy, you can try manually repartition your HDD to create separate partition for Ubuntu.21:14
youngboyIRA___:  okay I will have to try that21:16
bilde2910On startup, "configure network interface" fails twice21:17
platzhirschWhich compression allows to encrypt file names as well?21:25
bilde2910"configure virtual network devices" also fails.21:25
Beldarbilde2910, #ubuntu-server may be better21:38
bilde2910Okay, thanks21:38
Beldarbilde2910, Try to encompass your info in single post it can get convoluted when you spread it out21:40
BAMbandacan someone kindly advise me on how I should upgrade my ubuntu studio 12.04 to the latest version of regular ubuntu?21:42
malkaunsBAMbanda: reinstall from scratch21:43
BeldarBAMbanda, Just info but there is a #ubuntu-studio channel as well21:43
Beldarmalkauns, Can you give a reasoning on that?21:44
MoPacHello, I am installing on a fresh drive, and I will be putting Ubuntu in a LUKS container. Question: Do I need to create an EFI boot partition *and* a separate partition that has the actual kernel on it and should be mounted at /boot? Or does the new "EFI boot partition" do everything that the old boot partitions did?21:47
BeldarMoPac, Ubuntu has a auto efi install I would assume this is the same eith a luks install21:48
MoPacBeldar: Well, I'm also leaving some space at the end of the disk for a different OS, so I didn't want to do the auto install, even though it could include LUKS21:48
hakimhello all.. i am having issues with automounting 2 extra harddrives..when i boot it says "the disk for /mnt/xxxxx" is not ready yet or not present" continue to wait or press s to skip mounting... it wont boot until i press s.. then it will eventually mount by itself.21:49
BeldarMoPac, Have an image/clone and backups of the others OS's to cover any contigency, and recover discs.21:49
feldoh2gohello!  I have finally got ubuntu to load on a dell vostro 200.  only it is 10.04.    can i upgrade to 12.04 (I have the live cd)  from within ubuntu?21:49
MoPacBeldar: This is a fresh drive -- there's nothing at all on it at the moment. I just don't want to have to resize partitions later21:49
Beldar!eol | feldoh2go read the eol upgrade21:50
ubottufeldoh2go read the eol upgrade: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:50
BeldarMoPac, Sure, I'm not up on efi manual installs is all.21:50
MoPacWhat I'm wondering is: will the stuff that a legacy system writes to "/boot" now be written to the EFI boot partition? Or is the EFI boot partition just a new object in the cascade, so it will point to a /boot partition, and then the decryption will happen?21:51
feldoh2gomy issue is i really want to get to 14, but nothing would install directly on to the computer...untill i went way back to a live 10.04 that i had from years back.21:51
BeldarMoPac, legacy would be mbr21:51
feldoh2go12 will not load....nor will mint 14, 17, 1521:52
Beldarfeldoh2go, Will not load means?21:52
feldoh2gohoping to inch up from 10 to 14...can that work?21:52
feldoh2goit means they lock up and go nowhere.  12.04 says cold plug something or other21:53
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MoPacBeldar: So the efi partition replaces the MBR but doesn't replace /boot ?21:53
Beldarfeldoh2go, You need to know generalizing here does not help you, be exact.21:53
hakimhello all.. i am having issues with automounting 2 extra harddrives..when i boot it says "the disk for /mnt/xxxxx" is not ready yet or not present" continue to wait or press s to skip mounting... it wont boot until i press s.. then it will eventually mount by itself.21:53
BeldarMoPac, Can't say other than a legacy is a mbr boot, I would just go msdos if it were me,21:54
feldoh2gofinally gave up on mint....   cold plug device line fails...two times seems like, every time i try to boot up21:54
feldoh2goseems like 12 is cooking right along to install....then stops ....up the list is the cold plug devices (fail)21:55
lodahuHi ! Do anybody know how I can set my age, gender and town with xchat ?21:55
mawmawHi guys, how can I make gnome shell search for files? Somehow it's not working now21:56
Beldarfeldoh2go, seems that error is you project than eh.21:57
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Beldarlodahu, Try #xchat21:57
feldoh2gook....but i have no idea what 'cold plug device' means21:57
lodahuBeldar, I did :(21:58
eeeemawmaw: sudo find <directory> -name <filename> , e.g sudo find / -name myfile21:58
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Beldarlodahu, Honestly I would not have that info there.21:58
mawmaweeee: yeah man thanks for that but I'm talking about the search bar you get when you go to activities21:58
lodahuBeldar : ok thank you very much for answering :)21:59
hakimcan anyone help me with my hdd auto mount issues?21:59
Beldarhakim, NOt without a decription21:59
eeeemawmaw: well, im using unity, in nautilus there's a magnifier icon you click to search fo files21:59
mawmaweeee: thanks man21:59
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feldoh2gois there some way to scroll back up the data rolling accross the screen while setting up...look for other trouble?22:00
dw1whats the best way to unlock another user on the same machine's home folder, knowing the password & passphrase?22:00
hakimwhen i restart is says "the disk for /mnt/xxxx is not ready or present press s to skip or m for manual @Beldar22:00
Beldardw1, Not supported here.22:00
Beldarhakim, Have you added it to fstab?22:01
hakimthen when i restart i get drive error22:01
hakimon both drives that i tried to automount22:01
hakimim doing my editing via Disks GUI22:01
Beldarhakim, Automount easily done with fstab use it.22:02
hakimim not a coder22:02
Beldarhakim, Neither am I.22:02
dw1Beldar: k. basically i want a separate user/folder to copy backups from a server using passwordless publickey (so my main account isnt compromised if my server is), and to access them from my main user. nothing nefarious. :)22:02
hakimhow do i use fstab22:02
Beldar!fstab | hakim22:02
ubottuhakim: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:02
hakimso in other words the GUI in Ubuntu is broken!22:03
Beldardw1, Sure, however your description entails getting in with the users info, ask them for it.22:03
dw1Beldar: as mentioned, I have the password and passphrase. i made the account22:03
Guest78826skype is no longer supported via the partners repo?22:04
dw1Beldar: I just want to mount it gracefully from my main user22:04
Beldarhakim, Not necessarily, it seems you have limited understanding, from what I can tell.22:04
Beldardw1, I can't help you.22:04
hakimthere are options in the Disks GUI to do what i want...however when using the GUI it doesnt work22:04
hakimsound broken22:05
hakimsounds broken to me22:05
Beldarhakim, If you refuse to just learn you will be stuck, relying on the channel for such basic stuff is not a good start, I gave you a link this info is all over the web.22:05
Beldargoogle fstab automount ubuntu22:06
hakimits not that i refuse to learn.. its that the GUI should just work22:06
hakimill probably have to start with a fresh fstab file?22:07
hakimseems as if mine is screwed up22:07
Beldarhakim, that is a hardheaded response, we do not know if you are correctly even doing it. The fstab option is the most common used method.22:07
Beldarno fresh fstab22:08
Beldarhakim, fstab mount what mounts now like the OS, swap, etc22:09
hakimim going to put a pastbin up22:10
hakimim sure my file is messed up becasue i have been trying to get it correct all day22:11
lorenxhey, anyone having problems with skype lately? i cannot login, it's keep on saying "skype can't connect" but i could till yesterday and i can connect from my phone anyway. i've also tryed to purge and install again, ubuntu 14.04. thanks22:11
Beldarhakim, It is not hard just a little study of it and some questions if needed, you will figure it out with help if needed. ;)22:11
feldoh2go12.-04 loading hangs at:  stopping save kernel messages   (ok)22:11
hakimsudo gedit fstab?22:11
Beldarfeldoh2go, I would look on the web and at askubuntu on installs on this exact computer, there may a fix known.22:12
TJ-hakim: "pastebinit /etc/fstab"22:12
feldoh2gosearch at askubuntu  i have not tried.  many times have googled22:13
feldoh2gosomeone said a controller would not accept the kernel22:13
Beldarlorenx, This skype from their website or the ubuntu repos, there is a skype wiki.22:13
Beldarfeldoh2go, What is the chip you have?22:14
lorenxBeldar: ubuntu repo22:14
Beldar!skype | lorenx just a link22:14
ubottulorenx just a link: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga22:14
hakimhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7927779/  i have 3 hard drives 2 of which i want to automount other than the obvious OS harddrive.22:14
feldoh2gopentium dual core e2200 baldar22:15
Beldarhakim, Be sure to preface your info to the user who asks.22:15
hakimgood idea22:15
hakimtj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927779/  i have 3 hard drives 2 of which i want to automount other than the obvious OS harddrive22:16
Beldarfeldoh2go, Just wondered if it was a pae kernel issue, should not be, you can tab complete nicks so they are correct.22:16
lorenxBeldar: thanks but i guess it's something weird, i used it quietly yesterday. i've thought about the firewall but it's not... maybe it may help to know i'm not the only one today, maybe a server error...22:17
TJ-hakim: I see 1 problem already; you have two file-systems both set to auto-mount at /media/hakim22:17
TrueNherodaftykins: hi, my "mount" after reboot http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927798/22:17
lorenxBeldar: i don't think it has been updated tonite, right?22:17
feldoh2goi can tab complete nicks....?22:17
Beldarlorenx, In what release?22:18
hakimwhat do i do to fix that TJ22:18
Beldarfeldoh2go, yes22:18
daftykinsTrueNhero: "ls -al /media/sea60a/" pastebin please22:18
lorenxi'm on 14.0422:18
feldoh2go...hmm.   i have no idea what that means, I mean....22:19
hakimTJ: what do i do to fix that?22:19
Beldarlorenx, Running a update now to see, however that would be an unusual anomaly.22:19
TJ-hakim: make the mountpoint directory unique. The problem you have though, is you're trying to have the additional file-systems mount on pass 0.... that is reserved for the kernel file-systems like /proc. You need to change the pass numbers to 2, so they mount *after* the root file-system (which is mounted on pass 1)22:19
TJ-hakim: Look at line #7 - that shows the 'column' titles .... change the numbers under the "<pass>" column for your additional file-systems from "0" to "2"22:20
hakimTJ: sorry dude... i understand what your saying but i dont know what to edit to fix that22:21
lorenxBeldar: yeah, i think so... i've also tryed the from http://goo.gl/CjhtzJ but it seems it has some problems :)22:21
TJ-hakim: Also, you've deleted the root file-system mount entry entirely, so I'm not sure how the system can start!22:21
lorenxBeldar: you are running fine a skype version on 14.04?22:21
TrueNherodaftykins:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927869/22:21
TJ-hakim: If you do an "update-grub" the system could become unbootable as a result22:22
hakimi didnt edit this file at all @TJ22:22
TJ-hakim: Well, whatever did... throw it away ... as *far* as possible because it has seriously broken the fstab22:23
hakimi did my changes from the GUI .. so in other words the gUI is broken22:23
TJ-hakim: do you mean this? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/gnome-disk-utility/22:24
Bashing-omlorenx: Others are also haveing difficulities .. see : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2237373 .. these (re)installed to resolve.22:24
hakimits hard for me to see this in column format @TJ can this be opened in calc22:24
TJ-hakim: Insert additional spaces if you need to, to make the columns align better. Tabs or spaces are allowed as separators.22:24
daftykinsTrueNhero: assuming that's your username, "truenhero", you have read-write access and permissions look ok.22:24
hakimi have it opened in gedit22:25
Beldarlorenx, I have the one from the skype site however never use it I use it in windows, either install does not pull up my 3rd part cam.22:25
hakimi used the stock disks program.. whatever ubuntu 14.04 comes with22:25
daftykinsTrueNhero: try "touch /media/sea60a/testfile"22:25
Beldarlorenx,Logs in normally however. I would go to home unhide files and go to .config and remove it and set up skype again IE name and password.22:26
=== front is now known as Guest56303
TJ-hakim: I can't help you with that, I don't use Unity and I tend to stay away from GUI tools for system-critical configuration22:27
hakimi would just like to start from fresh looks like there is 9 lines for 3 drives.. do you know which lines can be deleted @TJ22:27
hakimBTW i really appreciate your help22:27
Beldarhakim, type tj than hit tab to complete the nick so it is correct22:28
hakimnice! @ Beldar22:28
Beldarno prob hakim22:29
TJ-hakim: Let's find out what the proper entry for the root file-system should be. do "pastebinit /proc/cmdline"22:29
=== Prince is now known as Guest28362
BeldarGuest28362, lets party like it's 199922:29
hakimterminal sudo gedit /proc/cmdline? @ TJ-22:29
TJ-hakim: no, just type the command I showed you in the terminal shell and tell me the pastebin URL it gives you22:30
lorenxBashing-om, Beldar: hey, it's seems now apt get make me install the 4.3 version? you too or i did some weird things with gdebi and the deb new version...22:30
Beldarlorenx, I think mine is from skype like I said I never use just happens to be installed, the wiki says use the repos.22:31
hakiminstalling pastbin give me a sec..22:31
koellis it possible to encrypt a partition after installation?22:31
Bashing-omlorenx: Sorry, I do not run skype, can not confirm .. ( seems skype is having a problem, though) .22:31
hakim@ TJ-22:31
Beldarskype logs in here fine22:32
hakimTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927954/22:32
OerHekslorenx, just update, update should show you 1 hold back package, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:33
lorenxOerHeks: everything's fine for apt-get update22:34
Beldarlorenx, pastebin that apt-get update22:34
Beldarlorenx, Did you try removing the config and setting it up again?22:35
lorenxBeldar: yeah, many times :)22:35
OerHeksafter install, logout/login again?22:36
TJ-hakim: thanks, I'm rewriting a corrected fstab for you. Can you tell me what this reports? "sudo blkid -o value -s TYPE /dev/disk/by-uuid/87abac01-516f-4367-8109-f25fd04c0042"  ?22:36
lorenxOerHeks: i just cannot login, it always answers with a red writing "Skype con't connect"22:36
hakimext4 @ TJ-22:37
TJ-hakim thanks22:37
hakimno thank you22:38
hellohey folks22:38
TrueNherodaftykins: touch: cannot touch `/media/sea60a/testfile': Read-only file system22:39
Beldarlorenx, What is after "Reading package lists... Done" in the apt-get?22:39
helloI use grep -r "text" its a bit slow is there a faster command?22:39
lorenxi've tried to enable the log but it doens't log plain text22:39
lorenxBeldar: nothing22:39
reisiohello: not really22:39
reisiohello: unless you know more22:39
lorenxprompt is back22:39
daftykinsTrueNhero: on more "ls -al /media/"22:39
Beldarlorenx, How long did you wait?22:40
lorenxabout 1 second, 1 and half22:40
Beldarlorenx, Let it finish, not long enough at times22:40
TJ-hakim: This should be the correct minimal fstab. I suggest you try a reboot using it first to ensure it doesn't cause problems, then you can add in the additional mounts. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927992/22:41
lorenxBeldar: what do you mean :)22:41
TrueNherodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7928012/22:42
BeldarBeldar> lorenx, Let it finish, not a long enough wait at times22:42
hakimthank you very much @ TJ-22:42
hakimi will try rebooting with it22:42
helloreisio what more?22:43
helloI might know which files to check22:43
Beldarlorenx, should give more info or return to how the cli starts, try sudo apt-get -f install  I wonder if you have a broken install.22:43
helloso it wont check all22:43
hellosaves time22:43
reisiohello: yes, that would save time22:43
helloreisio are u good with regex?22:44
lorenxBeldar: i don't have any broken thing, apt is fine... it just propose the 4.3 version now... and this sounds weird22:44
Beldarlorenx, How do you know you do not?22:44
helloI am using sudo find -type f -name "*.*" -exec sed -i 's/Votes//g' {} \; to erase Votes text string, however for next step I want to erase text string only from specific files22:44
helloand keep it in da rest22:45
lorenxcause all command run fine, update, install, purge, autoremove, autoclean...22:45
daftykinsTrueNhero: it definitely matches your username, yes?22:45
reisiohello: you can 'find' specific files22:45
TrueNherodaftykins: yes it is22:46
hellothing is many files share same string22:46
Beldarlorenx, I have had broken installs and all those run fine, it is if you are reading the cli correctly, the command I gave you is just a check, worth running.22:46
daftykinsreisio / Beldar i could definitely use a second opinion on this one if you could22:46
helloits required to remove it only from a specific type of files22:46
TJ-hello: it might be safer to use "-execdir" instead of "-exec"22:46
helloTJ how come?22:46
lorenxoh, you mean sudo apt-get -f install? yeah, i've already run it also, sorry ;)22:47
hellolinux overload here lol22:47
Beldardaftykins, Heh outside my pay scale. ;)22:47
TJ-hello: "man find" then "/-execdir"22:47
reisiosafe is having a backup22:47
Beldarlorenx, Cool, thanks.22:47
helloyes @ backup22:47
hakimit works @ TJ- ...now i just need help adding the automount lines.22:47
TJ-hakim: OK, let me re-add in all those you had before22:47
mikemikemikeI'm planning on installing Ubuntu using only 1 partition. It is easy later on to say, add a swap and home partition?22:47
daftykinsreisio or TJ- - /dev/sdb1 has write issues - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927798/ - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7927869/ - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7928012/ <-- path is non-writable by user with 'touch /media/sea60a/testfile' - ?22:48
hakimnot all just 2 @ TJ-22:48
daftykinsi see nothing wrong.22:48
TrueNherodaftykins: the strange part is that when i delete or do something with files, the permission change22:48
Beldarmikemikemike, You can separate out home yes and make a swap, just be sure you have an understanding of tyoes of partitions and the limitations on a single HD.22:48
reisiodaftykins: what user?22:48
mikemikemikeBeldar:Thanks! :)22:49
daftykinsreisio: the one the path is owned by22:49
Beldarmikemikemike,If that makes no sense say so. ;)22:49
reisiodaftykins: that's no kind of answer :p22:49
mikemikemikeIt does. I have 16GB RAM, so figure it's not really needed.22:50
daftykinsreisio: lol, sure it is - "truenhero"22:50
TJ-hakim: OK, well I've added them in ... you can either comment-them out with a "#" at the start of each line, or delete them, as needed. Also, read the comment I've left for the last 2 lines: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7928076/22:50
hakimok thanks22:50
reisiodaftykins: you try unmounting it and remounting it?22:50
Beldarmikemikemike, Generally I set the swappiness to 10, but I have only 3 gigs.22:51
mikemikemikeSwappieness being the size of the swap partition>22:51
daftykinsTrueNhero: they change? how?22:51
reisiomikemikemike: what?22:51
bekksmikemikemike: Swapiness has nothing to do with the size of the swap partition.22:51
Beldarmikemikemike, No when it starts to swap.22:51
daftykinsreisio: the user in here is TrueNhero - we did do a remount rw before, not sure if we tested it22:52
Beldar!swap | mikemikemike look here22:52
ubottumikemikemike look here: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:52
mikemikemikeAlright. then I don't understand what swappiness. means.22:52
reisiodaftykins: how about a 'umount', followed by an explicit 'mount'22:52
mikemikemikeThabnks for the link.22:52
Beldarno prob22:52
mikemikemikeWill read that FAQ.22:52
daftykinsreisio: roger that, TrueNhero try the above ^22:53
TJ-daftykins: TrueNhero I'd be checking "cat /proc/mounts" in case the file system was remounted read-only, and I'd be checking the device hasn't slipped its write-protect switch on22:53
mikemikemikeAlso, I have a spare partition with 20GB~. If I install Ubuntu on there, will dual boot with my Windows partition automatically be configures where I'll see the Grub screen?22:53
daftykinsTJ-: ty sir22:53
Beldarmikemikemike, Grub should show all bootable partitions.22:54
mikemikemikeAlright. Just checking.22:55
al1oI have a USB Soundcard which is perfectly recognized on my first physical USB port, however on the second USB port it is not recognized. How can I make Ubuntu recognize always my usb soundcard?22:55
mikemikemikeGoing to read that FAQ now.22:55
TrueNherodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7928119/22:55
Beldaral1o, Check the ports info on that computer some have specific uses and limitations at times.22:55
reisioal1o: it might get power only from one, for example22:56
al1onot that I know... device is a Banana Pi22:56
TrueNherodaftykins: i do umount/mount before22:56
daftykinsTrueNhero: and the touch testfile has the same effect?22:56
Beldaral1o, Is Ubuntu even related here?22:58
TrueNherodaftykins: nothing happens22:58
al1osure, running Lubuntu on the device22:58
daftykinsTrueNhero: it should run and complete with no output, bbs22:58
zartooshhi I am using ubuntu 14.04. I keep observing this in my /var/log/messages init: upstart-file-bridge main process ended, respawning22:59
TrueNherodaftykins: bbs?22:59
daftykinsbe back soon22:59
Beldaral1o, My guess is just limitations on the usb ports, a lsusb might tell if it shows.22:59
TrueNherodaftykins:(touch)it run and complete with no output23:00
TJ-TrueNhero: "strace -o /tmp/touch-strace.log -e trace=file touch /media/sea60a/testfile && pastebinit /tmp/touch-strace.log"23:00
TrueNheroTJ-:  wait please i dont have pastebinit23:02
svetlanaroot_, hi! this OS is in many languages, which ones are you chasing?23:02
TrueNheroTJ-: daftykins:  http://pastebin.com/Y60Xj7WK23:02
=== root_ is now known as user1
svetlanauser1: prepend a /23:03
unopasteuser1 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:03
svetlanaclose the darn thing using [X] button?23:03
Beldar!root > user123:04
ubottuuser1, please see my private message23:04
al1oBeldar, reisio tnx... I can't detect anything strange23:04
reisioal1o: you could try using udev to give it a unique /dev/ name23:05
reisioit's possible for an OS to trick itself into thinking a device only lives on one particular port23:06
al1oreisio that's a valid point.. I'll try it23:06
TJ-TrueNhero: now do "stat touch /media/sea60a/testfile" and see if it gives details of the file23:06
Beldaroh know the banana slips on its peel23:06
eeeeuser1: try adding a "/" before the commands23:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:07
hellooki solved23:07
eeee!mysql > samthewildone23:08
TJ-TrueNhero: typo correction: do "stat /media/sea60a/testfile" and see if it gives details of the file23:08
* samthewildone goes to google23:08
hakimso edited the fstab again for the 2 drives i want to auto mount and this is what i have http://paste.ubuntu.com/7928213/ @ TJ-  ..... im guessing that i may need to add 3 to one of the two drives in the pass column.. because i am now getting that failed to mount message at boot23:08
TJ-select * from samthewildone  where question = 'help';23:08
BlasterHey all of the sudden I am getting "Skype can't connect".   How can I diagnose the issue?  I replaced my modem today but it still works on other devices so it's frustrating.23:09
=== paulo is now known as user1
BlasterThis happens when I simply try to sign in to Skype.23:09
reisioBlaster: you could try mv'ing ~/.skype (or whatever) and let it make a new one23:10
TJ-hakim: No. If you get failed to mount it is because the storage devices haven't been found, *or* the directories you've defined as the mount points do *not* exist. Have you previously created those directories ("ls /mnt/" will show what is there) ?23:10
svetlanaBlaster, what reisio said, and probably start it from terminal so that it logs something ... iirc they don't have a 14.04 release yet tho23:10
BlasterMoving ~/.Skype didn't fix it.   I will try starting from terminal23:11
user1how to install the firefox at windows?23:11
user1how to install the firefox at windows 9x?23:11
BeldarBlaster, try removing /.config/skype23:11
hakimhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7928253/ @ TJ-23:11
BlasterNothing logged to console when trying to sign in after launching from console.23:11
BlasterSame error message.23:11
BlasterBeldar:  I will try that.23:11
svetlanauser1, ask ##windows please, i dunno ... thought they'd have an installer, or if they don't then you need to compile ...23:11
Blaster Still no go after removing ~/.config/Skype.  :(23:13
BlasterWhat else can I try?23:13
BlasterI already tried uninstalling and reinstalling.23:13
hakimif they are there should i delete them and reboot to try again? @ TJ-23:13
BeldarBlaster, Di you have to relaod the name and password?23:13
BlasterBeldar:  Yeah.23:13
Guest63296Hi there!There is question.Can the absence of drivers cause overheating of laptop?23:14
=== DavidChute is now known as high_fiver
BeldarBlaster, WE saw another user with same issue if it was not you, works fine here.23:14
TJ-hakim: No. They *need* to be there. "mount" does not create mount points... if they are missing, mount fails23:14
BeldarGuest63296, theoretically yes23:15
BlasterThis just started today for me.  Although I have been experiencing other issues with Skype, like not receiving certain group chat messages.23:15
TrueNheroTJ-: http://pastebin.com/w0N4vSJr23:15
hakimthey are there23:15
usr13Guest63296: Actually, the absence of drivers will usually only result in not having access to the particular device, nothing more usually.23:17
hakimthey are there but i still get that message saying press s to skip or m for manual at start up @ TJ-23:17
Guest63296:Beldar how to check presence of drivers, is there some kind of terminal comands?23:17
samthewildonewow there is so much more in sql23:17
samthewildoneRelational Algebra23:17
usr13Guest63296: lspci  #To see what devices you may have to check on.23:18
samthewildone... guess I better brush up on some skills23:18
TJ-TrueNhero: so it works, the file is there23:18
usr13Guest63296: lsmod  #To show a list of most of the driver modules you have loaded now23:18
TJ-hakim: are you sure you haven't listed a UUID in the fstab that is *not* connected at boot time?23:18
TrueNheroTJ-: im going to tell u what happens if i delete one file23:19
usr13Guest63296: Most modern Operating Systems (like Ubuntu), will automatically load pretty much all the driver modules you need.23:19
usr13Guest63296: So do you have an issue with an overheating laptop?23:19
usr13Guest63296: Or what?23:20
Guest63296usr13: yes23:20
TJ-hakim: try "sudo blkid" and compare all the UUIDs of the connected devices with the fstab entries. If you have an fstab UUID that isn't reported by blkid, that'll be your problem. Either have that device connected, or remove/comment it in fstab23:20
usr13Guest63296: And what makes you think it is overheating?23:20
TrueNheroi have the dl.exe problem on wine...23:20
Guest63296Temperature of left side is too damn high23:21
usr13Guest63296: The bottom line is that the harder you work a computer, the more heat it will generate.23:21
Guest63296usr13 I know ,its obvious23:22
usr13Guest63296: So if you were to set it to go to sleep or hybernate pretty quickly when not in use, then you'll have less heat issues23:22
OerHeksGuest63296, what laptop?23:22
Guest63296lenovo think pad 1523:22
usr13Guest63296: That is not to say that you don't have a problem that needs to be solved...23:22
usr13Guest63296: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?23:22
Guest63296I am actualy using elementary os based on ubuntu/23:24
usr13Guest63296: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/75168923:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 751689 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "[Lenovo Thinkpad x201s] Overheat due to slow fans when on 'auto'" [Critical,Confirmed]23:24
hakimshould the fstab file system be like this? /dev/disk/by-uuid/bf6137fa-90e3-444d-a344-6b8af2252b34 @ TJ-23:24
usr13Guest63296: Elementary is based on 12.04, but there is an IRC channel for elementary23:24
usr13!elementary | Guest6329623:24
ubottuGuest63296: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.23:24
Guest63296thanks a lot23:24
Guest63296for help23:25
Guest63296will go there23:25
=== sergio is now known as Guest13491
usr13Guest63296: Try the elementary channel.  (Although it is based on Ubuntu 12.04, it is *not* ubuntu and has it's own set of issues.)23:25
usr13Guest63296: So /join #elementary  #And ask there...23:26
hakimblkid shows a label and a uuid.. should i put the label in the fstab aswell @ TJ-23:27
hakimfor the drives i want to auto start23:27
reisiohakim: one or the other, not both23:27
reisioif the label is unique, then it's easier for a human to deal with23:27
OerHeksGuest63296, sudo apt-get install thinkfan  http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Thinkpad_ACPI23:27
reisioLABEL=foo vs UUID=bar23:27
hakimthe mount point has the label in its name will that cause issues ?23:29
hakimthe uuid matches23:29
noobatronAny C compiler support for Ubuntu23:30
TJ-hakim: No, use only one of them. The reason we use UUID is they are supposed to be Universally Unique IDentifiers23:30
reisionoobatron: sure23:31
eeeenoobatron: sudo apt-get install gcc23:31
reisionoobatron: I'd recommend here, #friendly-coders, or #gcc23:31
hakimok the mount folder has folders in it with the uuid as its name.. should i delete those folders?23:31
TJ-hakim: You could replace the "/dev/disk/by-uudi/" part with just "UUID=" ... see the entry I added for the root file-system for an example23:31
hakimok i will give that a try23:32
noobatronIs there a way to save IRC channels?23:32
reisionoobatron: to "log"23:32
usr13noobatron: Depends on your client23:32
reisionoobatron: use a dedicated client instead of a web client23:32
reisionoobatron: http://hexchat.org/23:32
usr13noobatron: Short answer is "yes"23:32
reisionoobatron: (and toggle logging in prefs)23:33
usr13noobatron: www.irssi.org/23:33
usr13noobatron: www.irssi.org/documentation23:33
reisiohexchat'll be a better fit for a Windows user23:33
usr13reisio: Agreed.  (But is noobatron a Windows user, (or is he a Linux user)?23:34
usr13reisio: ;)23:34
reisiousr13: he's a windows user23:35
reisio's'why I said23:35
hakimunder type column it says auto.. should it be ext4 instead? @ TJ-  @ reisio23:35
usr13reisio: I'm going to assume you know more about noobatron than I do.23:35
Beldarreisio, knows everything they are in the ether. ;)23:36
reisioI know '/ctcp noobatron version' more23:37
TJ-hakim: If you know it will be that is fine, the "auto" option tells mount to try to figure it out for itself23:38
hakimso it doesnt matter23:38
hakimi dont get it... the UUID matches so it should not be giving an error.. going to try another reboot23:40
=== remi is now known as Guest42640
hakiman error occured while mounting mnt/media ....23:43
hakimvery frustrating23:43
koellwhy isn't aptik already in the package sources? must have!23:53
Beldar!info aptik23:55
ubottuPackage aptik does not exist in trusty23:55
Beldarkoell, In a ppa, and honestly like ppa's probably more harm than good and unneeded23:56
=== icecube45[Away] is now known as icecube45
Beldarand not supported23:56
TJ-hakim: did you type that accurately "mnt/media" ... because it is missing the leading "/"23:57
hakimit is accurate on fstab23:57
hakimim just about ready to give up on auto mounting23:58
hakimand just manually do it23:58
hakimnot worth all this hassle23:58
koelli think do it by hand will save battery on a notebook23:59

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