
deltoh btw, my midi keyboard doesn't show in qjackctl under connections -> midi ... only under connections -> alsa02:15
deltjust noticed that, when trying to use it with some (jack)-midi software :(02:16
deltand my sb-live's midi also does not, just also noticed :(02:17
holsteindelt: for "midi keyboard only shows", i use, a2jmidid02:31
holstein!info a2jmidid02:31
ubottua2jmidid (source: a2jmidid): Daemon for exposing legacy ALSA MIDI in JACK MIDI systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 8~dfsg0-1 (trusty), package size 32 kB, installed size 118 kB02:31
deltAh, thanks! :D i was just wondering if such a software existed. :D02:32
holsteinthere are other ways to deal with it..02:33
deltoh just a small detail, but the volume icon in the upper right is dark grey instead of white, which makes it very difficult to see.....02:56
delt(regular audio mixer, not pavucontrol)02:57
holsteindelt: i dont use thats02:59
holsteindelt: i use pavucontrol if i want pulse.. otherwise, in "studio", im using jack, and external equipment02:59
deltright now i have the "normal" mixer applet, the one you get by adding to the panel items... but a while ago, the icon became dark grey... no idea why. it makes it hard to see, but it's still usable/functional03:01
holsteindelt: jack can kill your pulse sources.. or break that03:02
holsteindelt: pretty much, jack is just not casual, or trivial03:02
deltlooks like this: http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/volume-icon.png03:02
holsteindelt: right..03:07
holsteindelt: i get it.. its grey, and you cant use it.. im suggesting jack killed or broke it..03:07
deltwell, it's still usable/functional ...but i'm just wondering why it's grey03:08
holsteindelt: jack killed or broke it03:08
deltuh.. how? and why?03:09
deltis jack jealous of pulseaudio? :D03:09
holsteindelt: thats just what im suggesting..03:09
delteven if i remove it and re-add it, it still stays grey03:10
deltanyway.. not important. at least it works03:11
tristanStrangehey all. I'm running plain ubuntu and want to try a realtime kernel10:20
tristanStrangecan you chaps point me in the right direction?10:20
zequencetristanStrange: you have linux-lowlatency in the repo, which is close enough for most needs. What do you need it for?10:32
tristanStrangejust want to reduce latency. I've got about 48ms at the minute10:38
tristanStrangeso the lowlatency should improve things?10:38
tristanStrangeI'll give it a go10:39
zequencetristanStrange: For jack, you mean?10:39
zequencelinux-lowlatency should give you less than 10, if your HW allows it10:39
tristanStrangemarvellous thanks. I'll give it a blast10:40
zequencelinux-lowlatency is really more of a desktop kernel than linux-generic (which is more of a server kernel)10:40
tristanStrangeright time for a reboot!10:43
deltuhhhhhhh.... anyone know how come there's HALF A GIGABYTE of updates all of a sudden???12:40
deltbecause i enabled the kxstudio repo maybe? but i only installed one app from that repo12:43
deltok, disabled all the kxstudio stuff in synaptic... we'll see next time that "updates" thing pops up...12:51
delti noticed 14.04.1 is out. Did that laptop bug ever get fixed finally?18:46
delt(the bug where closing the laptop leaves the screen in an unusable state)18:49
deltis it fixed? (it's pretty serious....)18:49
deltyesssss "Bug fixes for the first point release" -- "Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid. (1303736)"22:16
delt(from http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-14-04-1-released/ )22:16
deltoh, after updating, i had a problem with most programs segfaulting when i started it, which was fixed by rebooting. just mentioning for the record.22:39

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