
wilsonjl3uh...i cant see my mouse anymore00:00
wilsonjl3cursor i mean00:00
wilsonjl3oh its back00:00
wilsonjl3this comp is buggy :P00:00
ObrienDavethere is a ppa-purge command you'll have to install00:01
wilsonjl3i got it :) thanks though, Dave00:04
ObrienDavenot a problem wilsonjl300:05
wilsonjl3i ggotta sleep now though, work in the morning, thanks again :P and thank you too, trevjburns00:05
wilsonjl3have good evening all00:05
ObrienDavec ya00:06
ObrienDavejesse__, greetings and welcome00:43
itsmrgomezHello all!03:35
itsmrgomezI'm currently installin xububuntu 14 for the first time03:35
itsmrgomezI've dabbled in linux but I've decided to take the plunge to a full time user03:36
* itsmrgomez hears crickets03:38
xubuntu197hi, I'd like some help fixing my clock. It always stays 5 hours ahead.05:03
xubuntu197I run this but to no avail: sudo ntpdate -u us.pool.ntp.org05:04
ObrienDavehang on05:06
ObrienDaverun time-admin, set your time zone and sync with internet servers05:07
ObrienDaveyou might have to install ntp support05:08
xubuntu197thee time zone is correctly set - it is also set to synchronized with server.So I am confused why it doesn't set the proper time.05:08
ObrienDavemaybe your BIOS clock is off by 5 hours05:10
ObrienDaveUEFI, whatever05:10
xubuntu197i am on relatively old laptop so i don't have any option in bios.05:10
Unit193xubuntu197: 1. Did you logout and back in?  2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata05:11
ObrienDaveyou always have the option to set system time in BIOS. been like that for 30 years05:11
xubuntu197yes agree, but this compaq n410c laptop doesn't seem to have that option05:11
xubuntu197is there any file i could check to set the time in CST?05:13
ObrienDaveoption #2 ^^^05:13
xubuntu197the time-admin does not show time zone, it shows Country/city.05:14
ObrienDavesudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata05:14
xubuntu197dpkg shows correct time in terminal05:15
xubuntu197but i still see the clock 5 hours ahead05:15
ObrienDavewhere do you live?05:16
xubuntu197I may have installed incorrect package earlier. In my Settings, I see Time and Date and Date and Time - two different apps, but only one of them works.05:17
ObrienDavethat might do it05:17
xubuntu197which one should I uninstall?05:18
ObrienDavecouldn't tell you, maybe the one that doesn't work?05:19
ObrienDavehmm, try uninstalling the one that does work05:19
ObrienDavehere are manuals; http://h20566.www2.hp.com/portal/site/hpsc/public/psi/manualsResults/?sp4ts.oid=31665205:31
xubuntu197i removed the other app. I guess my problem is that my clock is showing me universal UTC time and not local CDT time. This i see after running dpkg05:34
ObrienDavethat would make sense05:37
=== trevjburns is now known as trev`zZzZzZz
svetlanaI have some ~/scratchbox (http://dpaste.com/3WEYH4R) and I am not sure which package it's from; dpkg -S on it shows no matches...08:21
naklovIs there someone here?08:35
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
svetlanaI have trouble removing gcj-4.6-jre-headless from my system, the package manager insists that I need some sort of Java installed10:33
baizonsvetlana: well install then openjdk10:39
svetlanawhy do I need it?10:44
ObrienDavesvetlana, just out of curiosity, what OS are you running?10:59
svetlanaXubuntu at the moment11:02
ObrienDaveoh great, i can't login normally. using guest account. grrrrrr12:04
ggabkdllyObrienDave: Just a guess, did you change your keyboard layout ?12:10
ObrienDavenaw, when i enter password it loops back to logon screen12:11
ggabkdllyObrienDave: Can you log in using virtual terminals ? ( For example Ctrl-Alt-F1 )12:14
ObrienDavefrom where?12:14
ggabkdllyObrienDave: Do you know what I mean by Ctrl-Alt-F1 ?12:16
ObrienDaveyea, i can get in by ctrl-alt-f112:22
ObrienDavewhen i try to start hexchat i get GTK error can't start display. or something like that12:22
ggabkdllyObrienDave: You probably have already tried rebooting ?12:24
ObrienDaveseveral times, yes12:24
ObrienDavesame loop back to logon12:24
ggabkdllyObrienDave: My guess would be that you could find a clue in the logs.12:25
ObrienDavei can't get into anything under the guest account. afaik12:25
ObrienDavesudo -i does not let me into the file system12:26
ggabkdllyObrienDave: I don't know whether you can access them as a guest user, but you should be able to in virtual terminal.12:26
ggabkdllyObrienDave: Do you have any experiance with the command line ?12:27
ObrienDavenot too much under Xubuntu. i can screw it up pretty easily LOL12:27
ggabkdllyObrienDave: Do you know basic commands like ls and cd ?12:29
ggabkdllyObrienDave: I think the logs are stored in /var/log/12:32
ggabkdllyObrienDave: You will probably be interested in logs that Xorg is generating.  But I am no expert.12:33
ObrienDavetrying to get android irc client going12:37
ObrienDaveok, brb12:45
ObrienDaveOk. Did sudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop. No joy12:51
brainwashObrienDave: tried to start the guest session?12:53
ObrienDaveGuest works12:54
brainwashdelete your ~/.Xauthority and try to login again12:55
brainwashif this does not help, you should take a look at /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log12:57
ObrienDaveLs in home directory shows nothing12:58
brainwashls -a12:58
ObrienDave. ..12:58
brainwashto display hidden files like .Xauthority12:58
brainwashand ls -la ?13:00
brainwashto get a list view13:00
ObrienDaveTotal 813:00
brainwashthe important part is to run "rm ~/.Xauthority"13:01
ObrienDaveDrwxr-rx-x 2 root root 4096 aug q 04:55 .13:02
brainwashpasting random lines isn't really helpful :/13:03
ObrienDaveNo such file13:03
ObrienDaveHome partition seems gone13:03
ObrienDaveHome is in root. Nothing in home13:04
brainwash/home/<user> ?13:05
ObrienDaveNo such file or directory13:06
brainwashand the output of "mount"? is /home mounted?13:06
ObrienDaveDon't think so13:07
brainwashthat's odd13:08
ObrienDaveYes. /dev/sda6 is already mounted on /home13:08
GridCubeObrienDave, type cd and press enter13:09
GridCubethat should send you directly to ~/13:09
ObrienDaveNo at root13:09
GridCubeyes at root13:10
GridCube~/ for root is /root/13:10
ObrienDave Have 2 sda613:10
GridCubebut you aint root13:10
GridCubeif you are you did something wrong13:10
ObrienDave /mnt/timeshift and /home13:11
ObrienDaveAm root now. Sudo -s13:12
ObrienDaveSame thing. Nothing in home directory13:13
ObrienDaveCan I unmount timeshift?13:15
ObrienDaveUmount /mnt/timeshift worked. Still nothing in /home13:17
GridCubeObrienDave, what is fstab saying about your home mountpoint?13:19
GridCubeare you sure your home is not encrypted?13:19
ObrienDaveYes am sure13:20
ObrienDaveWhere is fstab?13:20
ObrienDaveFstab shows 2 sda6 /home and /mnt/timeshift13:22
ObrienDaveOh no. Have idea. Sec13:23
ObrienDaveI have nothing in either /home i13:25
ObrienDaveOr /mnt/timeshift. I was in the middle of deleting timeshift when I got a write error. Could not find log file for hexchat13:27
ObrienDaveNot getting what I did. Grrrrr13:28
ObrienDaveThinking it got confused about where home was13:29
ObrienDaveI have recent backup of home. Could I copy that?13:34
ggabkdllyObrienDave: we might be talking past each other, but if you are sure that home is gone, then you might as well reinstall and then restore from your backup.13:38
ggabkdllyObrienDave: I don't know how the encrytion works.13:39
ObrienDave99% sure. Could I just copy backup to /home?13:40
ggabkdllyObrienDave: for all that I know, it could store the data somewhere else and mount it at login.13:40
ObrienDaveNo encryption. Rsych13:40
ObrienDaveSo reinstall is best?13:40
ggabkdllyDid you opt for any encryption when you installed ?13:41
ObrienDaveNo. Never. Learned that the hard way. Lol13:42
ggabkdllyThe current installers I think give you the option to either encrypt everything, or just encrypt home, or encryt nothing ( appart from data that individual applications will encrypt ).13:43
ObrienDaveNothing is encrypted13:43
ObrienDaveWant to try a straight copy from backup. Am in backup golder now13:44
ObrienDaveGive me a command to /home13:45
ggabkdllyit kind of depends on how you did your backup13:45
ggabkdllydo you mean rsync ?13:46
ObrienDaveStraight file backup13:46
ggabkdllyI don't know whether that would work, might have a conflict with permissions, but if all you have is the backup, I guess you don't have much to lose by trying. You want to make a second backup before proceeding.13:49
ObrienDaversync -r . /home13:49
ObrienDaveLook right?13:50
ggabkdllyit depends, do you have a folder with your username in . or are you in the folder of your username now ?13:52
ObrienDaveI have a user name folder that I want to send13:53
ObrienDaveNow just above that name13:53
ggabkdllyalso, you have to be carefull with rsync, because a trailing / is meaningfull, check the man page.13:53
ObrienDaveTrying rsync -rn . /home13:56
ggabkdllyyou might have to run chown with appropriate options after copying13:56
ObrienDaveRunning rsync -rvn . /home     looking good so far13:58
ggabkdllyI am going offline soon.13:58
ObrienDaveUser name at front of path13:58
ObrienDaveK. Thank you13:58
ObrienDaveGoing for it. Thanks14:00
simpleuserI replace xfwm by i3. Now I want to use bluetooth but I don’t know how.14:02
=== trev`zZzZzZz is now known as trevjburns
brainwashsimpleuser: so you aren't using the Xfce desktop anymore?14:11
simpleuserNope, I’m using i3 when it is asked by lightdm (instead of Xubuntu session)14:12
simpleuserbrainwash: ^14:12
brainwashwell, in this case you should ask your question in #ubuntu :)14:12
simpleuserOk :)14:13
ObrienDaveGridcube working on restoring from yesterday's backup14:25
ObrienDaveAppreciate your help14:25
wulong710 hello. When i use "nemo ./" . xubuntu show me warning "Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-...: Connection refused".  I google for this error, but can't resolve it. Anyone had met with this situation?15:57
sergio-br2menulibre is having a problem to open, in 14.0416:38
sergio-br2ERROR:/build/buildd/gnome-menus-3.10.1/./libmenu/gmenu-tree.c:4022:preprocess_layout_info: assertion failed: (!directory->preprocessed)16:38
sergio-br2Aborted (core dumped)16:38
JustPlayingHardHowdy All.16:51
kj4hello Xubies17:38
kj4I'm so full of xubishness today17:45
delti noticed 14.04.1 is out. Did that laptop bug ever get fixed finally?18:49
delt(the bug where closing the laptop leaves the screen in an unusable state)18:49
deltis it fixed? (it's pretty serious....)18:49
deshipudelt: I would look for it at launchpad and see the status19:01
knomereading the release announcement on the website (http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-14-04-1-released/) is always also highly recommended, since it saves your and our time.19:02
EDinNYcant seem to get Emacs bindings to work. I configured it, it worked, then, after reboot it is broken19:10
bazhangasked in #emacs yet?19:13
David-AEDinNY: did you edit an emacs config file? try start with the option --no-init-file19:13
EDinNYSettings Editor->xfce4->xsettings->KeyThemName emacs19:13
EDinNYDavid-A: is this where it goes?19:13
David-AEDinNY: sorry, I was talking about the editor itself. you mean key bindings in the desktop i guess19:14
EDinNY...or I would have gone to #emacs19:15
nazrechHi everyone. I'm experiencing annoying screen tearing in all other DE's than Cinnamon using the newest priorietary nvidia drivers in Xubuntu 14.04. Is it possible to fix?19:15
derek-gwhy is my chromium of version 34? while version 37 was already released.... Why is the delay?19:17
knomederek-g, you should be in touch with the chromium package maintainer, or even volunteer to help with it19:17
knomederek-g, newer versions do not necessarily land in ubuntu releases at all19:19
derek-gknome, i'm not good at packaging. :(19:19
EDinNYI found that the AMD site has better drivers, but you need to compile them19:20
EDinNY...for nvidea19:20
knomeEDinNY, there's no way you can use AMD drivers with an nvidia card.19:20
EDinNYsorry. Mixed it up with ATI vid card19:22
derek-gknome, what would I do if I need the latest version?19:22
derek-gknome, is there a ppa?19:22
knomederek-g, potentially; i don't know19:23
derek-gknome, what do u use?19:23
knomederek-g, firefox, but even if i used chromium, i'd probably be fine with the version in the repository19:24
baizonderek-g: https://launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/+archive/ubuntu/chromium-beta19:27
baizonthere you have 3719:27
derek-gbaizon, ahh nice. thank you.19:28
knomeas always, you use PPA's at your own discretion and risk.19:31
geniiMay kill your cat and burn the house down, etc etc19:32
absk007___is there qalculate-gtk for xubuntu?20:17
baizonabsk007___: yes?20:24
David-Aabsk007___: yes, it is the same for xubuntu as for ubuntu20:24
absk007___baizon, David-A, it's not available in apt-cache search20:25
baizonabsk007___: yes it is20:26
baizon!info qalculate-gtk20:26
ubottuqalculate-gtk (source: qalculate-gtk): Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-5ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1103 kB, installed size 2941 kB20:26
absk007___baizon, David-A, sorry! it's available. I searched for `apt-cache search qalculate`20:27
David-Aabsk007___: isn't apt-cache for the cache only, e.g packages you have installed before20:27
absk007___David-A, apt-cache is the apt index that lists pkgs after apt-update20:27
absk007___isn't it?20:27
=== Linuxer is now known as Guest65727
baizonabsk007___: http://debian-handbook.info/browse/wheezy/sect.apt-cache.html20:29
absk007___baizon, that's what i wrote above. Anyways, thanks.20:33
wilsonjl3Hedgemage / Hedgework, are you here?20:50
wilsonjl3anyone know if i can encrypt my harddrive after i'v installed xubuntu or if i need to encrypt when i first install it20:58
absk007___wilsonjl3, i suppose LVM works before creating the partitions21:06
wilsonjl3what is it?21:08
absk007___!info LVM21:10
ubottuPackage LVM does not exist in trusty21:10
wilsonjl3if i hit run lvm what happens??21:11
absk007___!wiki LVM21:12
Kageewilsonjl3: it is a LOT easier to do it during the installation.21:12
wilsonjl3meh, i dont need t that bad21:13
absk007___Kagee, is there any alternative to trucrypt?21:13
absk007___that might help wilsonjl321:14
Kageeabsk007___: the default install uses dm-crypt/LUKS21:16
Kageewilsonj13 also appears to have left.21:17
absk007___how to use the ubottu bot?21:23
Unit193!bot | absk007___21:25
ubottuabsk007___: Hi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone21:25
deltyesssss "Bug fixes for the first point release" -- "Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid. (1303736)"22:16
delt(and probably will)23:38
deltoops wrong window sry23:38

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