
shay_shayinstalling right now05:14
shay_shayfedora refugee05:14
shay_shayquestion... gnome 3.10 requires systemd, correct?05:15
shay_shayor thats at least what gentoo and fedora claim05:16
darkxstshay_shay, it only requires part of systemd05:18
darkxstand Ubuntu does have those parts05:18
shay_shayfedora is pissing me off so... going to give up btrfs for less bugs overall and nicer fonts :D05:19
shay_shayis this a sleepy channel most of the time?05:20
shay_shayok heres a good question: can i safely remove software-center?05:21
shay_shayo kay. its loading05:31
* shay_shay sips yerba maté05:35
hdrvshay_shay: we like the sound of crickets here, yes ;)06:10
shay_shayi am very confused by this driver selector hdrv ... i am used to debian where driver installs are more manual... what is the difference between nvidia-331 and nvidia-331-updates?06:12
hdrvim aware that nvidia-331 installs the 331st version of the nvidia driver, where 331-updates installs any extra updates or patches to it06:13
shay_shayso i should have the -update one selected06:15
shay_shaydo people usually recommend the edgers PPA?06:15
shay_shayor is that crazy unstable and only used if your video card is so new you cant live without it06:15
darkxstshay_shay, I run nvidia from edgers, but I use apt pinning so as to not pull in the other crazy stuff06:16
shay_shayyeah it was trying to pull in half of middle earth so i ppa-purged it06:17
shay_shaynot trying to mess with apt-pinning right now06:17
darkxstshay_shay, put http://pastebin.com/wkKsiEV9 into /etc/apt/preferences06:17
shay_shaylike sweet brown, i aint got time for that06:17
shay_shayi see06:18
shay_shayso its on a "only when i say so" basis06:18
darkxstshay_shay, with that file, nvidia drivers get picked up automatically06:18
darkxstanything else will only be installed if you force it06:19
darkxstwith apt-get install package=version06:19
shay_shaythanks darkxst06:24
shay_shayman my fonts look so good06:24
georgelappieshi all17:50
georgelappieshi I am looking for a shell theme that looks like the default one, accept that it uses square buttons where the default one uses the buttons with the round edges, any suggestions please?18:57

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