
dr_jklmy brightness keys do not work. if i add 'acpi_osi=!' to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, the buttons work because I see the OSD for the brightness slider, but it doesn't actually _do_ anything...00:07
* dr_jkl considers where to go from here00:08
dr_jklaha, i know why it doesn't work. i just don't know what to do about it00:27
dr_jkli was able to get my machine's brightness keys working by passing 'acpi_osi=' via grub but now, on my system i have acpi_video0 and intel_backlight in /sys/class/backlight. and the brightness keys are trying to manipulate acpi_video0 and not intel_backlight...00:46
dr_jklif i use acpi_backlight=video i get the same thing, acpi_backlight=vendor gives me a totally new additional path instead of acpi_video0 *and* the brightness keys don't work...00:48
dr_jkli have a feeling i am missing something silly.00:48
zacwallstrying to connect a nook 1.7.0 to xubuntu 13.04 and it doesn't recognize nook as a device. what do you suggest i do?01:03
dr_jkllsusb doesnt see it?01:03
dr_jklit does?01:04
dr_jklor it doesn't01:04
zacwallsit will charge01:05
dr_jklthis may sound silly but have you tried a different usb cable?01:05
dr_jkltry that first01:05
zacwallsokay i will be back soon01:05
zacwallshi i try and same01:11
dr_jkldoes dmsg show you trying to plug in the device?01:12
dr_jklyou using the front usb ports on your machine or the rear?01:12
dr_jkltry a rear port01:13
dr_jklthen check lsusb01:13
zacwallsand usb is intact01:14
dr_jklis your nook in usb mode?01:15
dr_jkli know on my old nook it had to be in usb storage mode to be seen01:15
zacwalls---___--- how would i do that?01:15
dr_jkl-i'm not sure01:15
dr_jkldepends on the nook and i don't have one handy01:15
zacwallsthat must be it01:16
dr_jklits probably going to be under settings in your nook somewhere01:18
zacwallsi been looking there01:20
zacwallshow do i access administrator on a user through terminal i need updates02:14
zacwallsi still boot 13.0402:14
xangua!eol | zacwalls02:19
ubottuzacwalls: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:19
xanguait would be faster a clean install of 14.04 or 12.0402:20
zacwallsxangua please explain02:26
xanguazacwalls: how what? explain what?02:27
xangua13.04 es EOL, End Of Life, no updates no support02:27
zacwallsxangua can i use a cd-R?02:32
xanguazacwalls: xubuntu iso doesn't fit on a CD, use either a DVD or USB stick02:33
* dr_jkl grumbles and puts her faith in askubuntu02:55
cycloI'm having an issue with audio over HDMI, it crackles and stutters constantly. Been googling for a full day trying different suggestions but nothing seems to work.03:20
KekaiI purged a progra off my PC, then reinstalled it, but it's not showing up where my programs show up.03:21
KekaiI have to type the full name and click "Run Quassel"03:21
KekaiHow can I have it show up in my menu so I can favorite it03:22
xubuntu688Buongiorno, qualcuno mi può aiutare?08:05
elfy!it | xubuntu68808:09
ubottuxubuntu688: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:09
xubuntu450I would like to know how for the mouse single clic on xubuntu , thanks  8-)08:11
wulong710hello. My laptop always disconnect internet , with error "ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x18f!". My  network adapter is AR9287. Anyone had met with this situation?08:29
xubuntu429I have a question regarding Xubuntu 14.04...    after upgrading09:48
xubuntu429from 10.04 to 12.04  I can't creat a USB Stick with a casper-rw file09:48
gabkdllyxubuntu429: hi09:49
gabkdllyxubuntu429: I have often had trouble with the startup disk creator, so I have taken to using unetbootin.09:50
gabkdllyxubuntu429: I don't know how much difference it makes, but I also usually erase my USB stick with gparted before installing the live system.09:51
xubuntu429Startup Disk Creator... enables persistance if i select the 10.04 iso, but not the 14.04 iso...       UNETbootin09:52
xubuntu429the "preserve files" option will create a persistance file... yes?09:53
gabkdllyAnother thing I have observed: you don't want to update a live system, because if the kernel gets updated, strange things happen.09:54
xubuntu429trying that now.  Thanks for the unetbootin tip...  had not used that since I switched from SAM Linux to (x)Ubuntu 9.0409:54
xubuntu429have a good day!  thanks for the great help09:55
xubuntu429yeah, cheers... think I will go pour myself a belgian black ale, great idea09:55
xubuntu429it worked!09:57
xubuntu429nothing like starting the day early!09:58
xubuntu429ten four09:58
mediatombhi people, i just have installed the latest xubuntu onto my htcp along with xbmc. my question is how do I land straight into xbmc other than starting xbmc from xfce10:26
ochosieasiest way is probably a session autostart item10:28
ochosisettings manager > sessions and startup > autostart10:28
mediatombokchosi: ok, but does that bring me straight from the xubuntu boot splash into xbmc?10:29
ochosiwell straight, there might be a bit of delay, but it should work10:29
mediatombokchosi: is there a method of achieving that?10:30
ochosii guess you could create a separate xbmc session if that's the only thing you wanna run10:30
ochosiat least i think that can be done, google is your friend, i haven't tried myself10:30
mediatombokchosi: ok thanks. I'll try out your method first10:30
ochosibtw, no need to misspell my nick10:31
mediatombochosi: sry, everything is waaayy smaller when you have a 40" screen :)10:31
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xubuntu447hello everyone!14:34
xubuntu447 I tried to install xubuntu wit existing win xp, but on the screen that I supposed to choose the assigned partition to xubuntu, the "install now" button is inactive14:36
ochosixubuntu447: can you post a screenshot?14:37
Kageexubuntu447: i suspect you have not selected / as the mountpoint for the xubuntu partition, but a screenshot/photo would be nice.14:37
xubuntu447I'm using the machine right now, unfortunatly I didn't think of making a photo, I could try again, and come back later14:39
ochosisounds good14:40
xubuntu447ok, I will be back. thx14:41
manishHP ProBook 4540s --- Xubuntu 14.04 --- brightness is always max, cannot change ---- searched whole net, xrandr works, but xbacklight doesn't --- is it a bug or a fault of the laptop?14:53
holsteinmanish: i wouldnt think it was a hardware failure, unless i loaded up an officially supported operating system, and the brightness controls didnt work.. could be grahpics driver support related, since the manufacturer likely doesnt promise you can use linux on the machine.. i would start there, and even experiement with live CD's using different kernels.. (12.04, for example)14:55
manishit is my friend's problem, and i was telling him to wait for 14.10 :p14:58
holsteinmanish: well, hp doesnt promise *any* linux support, so you cant assume a newer kernel will be able to support it either.. but, 14.10 is available to download and test14:59
manishum... and i have a lenovo thinkpad and i also have a "similar-but-smaller" problem... my birghtness is always reset to max on reboot15:00
holsteinlive CD's are handy way to try other kernels and drivers on particular hardware, but, for that case, i would expect to load a proprietary driver.. and if the user is not using a proprietary driver (assuming one is available) i would try that15:01
manishhe did install a proprietary driver, but to no improvement15:01
manishholstein: Which manufacturers have a very good support for linux?15:02
holsteinthere are many versions of that driver, plus, versions of the open driver.. basically, when you buy a machine like that, a team of profesionals work to make sure a supported operating system (usually windows in this case) works.. when one decides to run *any* operating system the manufacturer doesnt support, one is taking on that burden of support15:03
xanguamore like the other way around15:03
holsteinmanish: *any* manufacturer is welcome, and encouraged.. and able to support linux15:03
holsteinits all open..15:03
holsteini would suggest, if linux support is a goal, to go with something like system76, where, they will provide and guarantee linux support..15:04
manishsystem76.... never heard of it15:05
holsteinmanish: there are many linux resellers.. im just saying, if linux support is the main goal, i personally suggest buying with that in mind15:05
xubuntu333hello, I'm the one who had problems installing xubuntu. I'm uploading the screenshots to dropbox now15:06
holsteinxubuntu333: i usually start by testing hardware.. test the memory and the hard drive.. and go from there.. sometimes, i'll see xp era machine with "issues" that are related to hardware failure, that installing linux cant address.. can that be the case for you?15:07
manishI see many Dell laptops come with Ubuntu default. Does that mean they support ubuntu fully?15:07
holsteinmanish: ask them15:07
holsteinmanish: to ask ubuntu "do you support dell?" is a little backwards, i feel.. ubuntu is completely open, and dell, or anyone can support it15:08
manishholstein: thanks15:08
xubuntu333holstein, xubuntu runs on it as a live cd, could it still be a hardware issue? If so, why does not say something the installer?15:09
xubuntu333here are the screenshots https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5mo8o1ak6ixk4dw/AAAPJvVypNBT9JFBe-Tvmdg4a15:10
holsteinxubuntu333: running from the live CD bypasses the internal hard drive, so, yes.. the hard drive could still be broken, or breaking.. have you tested for that?15:10
holsteinxubuntu333: the reason im suggesting it may not be a problem with the installer is simply because the installer does work for most.. and has worked for me.. and in cases where it hasnt, it has been failing hardware..15:11
xubuntu333no, i haven't tested. How should I do that? Are the screenshots any help15:11
holsteinxubuntu333: first thing.. i would have backups of *any* and *all* data that is "important" to me on the drive.. then, i would use the live CD to run a few tests on the hard drive.. gsmartcontrol is what i usually use15:12
xubuntu333also, the select drive select control at the last screen does not allow me to select anything else.15:13
holsteinxubuntu333: then, i would use gparted to resize my window partition (to be more specific, i would at this point remove XP, personally, since its EOL)15:13
holsteinxubuntu333: sure.. i understand.. have you tried testing the hard drive? have you tried manually resizing with gparted?15:14
holsteinat this point, assuming the hard drive is "ok" and the partition resized, i would then use the live installer to specify the empty space on the disk to install to.. or manually partition with gparted if that fails and install manually15:15
=== james is now known as Guest46908
xubuntu333no, i haven't tested anything. I have tried to create the partitions with the installer earlyer, but when I tried to create a 3GB swap partition, it showd the "loading" mouse symbol for more then an hour, so I switched my computer off and restarted the install, this time i wanted to leave everything to the installer15:17
holsteinxubuntu333: sure.. that sounds, personally, indicitive of hardware failure.. please test the hard drive, and try following the loose outline above15:18
xubuntu333ok. I will do the tests. (I don't want to get rid of win xp, until i get linux working.)15:19
holsteinxubuntu333: you need to have xp backed up, regardless.. and should be planning for failure15:20
xubuntu333fortunatly i don't have any valuable files on this computer. My current computer is dieing, until I can afford to buy a new one, I'm planning to use this old machine.15:23
holsteinxubuntu333: you will backup what you need from that drive, if that is the xp install, then  back that up.. image it, with something like clonezilla15:24
holsteinxubuntu333: its not a question if "if" the drive will fail.. it may or may not be that the drive has failed, or is failing, but it *will* fail at some point, so backup what you need15:24
xubuntu333ok, thanks15:25
=== Guest46908 is now known as james0r
abanabee7if you have an LVM, and you split the drive into to logical volumes,m how do you get it so the 2nd logical volume shows a real name?16:11
nikolameven Firefox is defaut browser everywhere, apport-gtk opens google chrome I have installed, when it wants to report bug and log in launchpad16:59
nikolamI am reporting Thunerbird crashing for some reason16:59
nikolamalso Right click on link - open in new tab in Firefox, does not work every other time. It started doing that in recent Firefox update17:00
Churchabanabee7: can you rephrase your question a bit more clearly?17:03
Churchas to what is real name - logical volume's name? or you wish to list what logical volumes are created on drive (physical volume that is)?17:04
abanabee7Church: sure. I installed xubuntu using LVM, Logical Volume Management. Thunar shows it's name just as 351 GB Volume, but it's real name is Stranger17:05
abanabee7I would like Thunar  to display "Stranger" in the DEVICES list on the side17:05
Churchi see. that probably is that thunar app specific, what it chooses to display17:06
abanabee7Where would I go, or what should I change to get it to display the name I want17:06
abanabee7If I click properties it shows it's proper name, but the name in the side panel is still that 351 GB Volume. When more devices are attached it gets confusing. Any ideas?17:08
Churchyou should ask thunar developers on fs display code or submit feature request17:24
xubuntu824hi everyone17:30
Funkerhi ! im install now xubuntu17:35
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest57879
Guest57879what's a good memory monitor for xubuntu?17:37
abanabee7Guest57879: Personally i use the xfce4-systemload-plugin 1.1.1 to monitor my memory, RAM18:49
Guido1hello, soon I will be in a network which supports gigabit ethernet. Are there specific requirements needed to use it like a minimum amount of RAM or processor speed?19:27
luke-xubuntuCan anyone give me some help? I'm running Xubuntu 14.04.1 on my MacBook 6,1 (Nvidia GeForce 9400m graphics card), and while everything seems to be okay, every time I close my laptop lid, and come back later and open the laptop, it allows me to log in, but then once I log in, the screen appears to show a graphics crash (i think so anyway), and the screen is just covered in glitches, and I have to reset the computer to get it back19:50
luke-xubuntuI have installed most recent graphics drivers for the card I'm using by the way (304.117) so i'm wuite stuck19:50
luke-xubuntuplease sorry for my bad english as well19:50
abanabee7luke-xubuntu: that is a bug that is happeing from the most recent point update from what i can tell20:08
abanabee7darn, he left already, i didnt see that20:09
msevhey guys22:26
msevhaving trouble getting some data from a serial adapter22:26
msevI'm thinking its a baudrate issue22:26
msevsince I get the data in a windows app22:27
msevwhat would u guys suggest22:28
deshiputry a different baud rate?22:28
msevwhen I tried sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 2400 it just closes after I press enter22:29
msev> logfile (I get nothing)22:29
deshipuwhat's the exit code?22:29
msevexit code?22:30
deshipudo the command, then do 'echo $?'22:31
msevphIts a cp2102 adapter22:32
Guido1Computer A and B are conected to a switch. The switch is conected to a rooter wich has internet conection. Does A downloads sneller, if B is off instead of downloading too?22:32
knomeGuido1, that depends.22:37
=== Cobalt is now known as Guest27929
Guido1knome: the conection from the rooter to the internet is glasfiber, but I was thinking about the one cable between the switch and the rooter22:38
Guido1knome: on what does it depend?22:38
knomeGuest27929, please remember this is a family-friendly channel22:38
Guest27929Stupid nickname server22:38
Guest27929does anyone know how to start an IRC sever22:39
Guest27929i fail to see how damn is a bad word22:39
Unit193Guest27929: What do you mean?  Trying to run your own ircd?  Which one?22:39
knomeGuido1, that cable has it's limits; if the computers do not reach that limit while both downloading, then there is no performance issue...22:39
Guest27929I love this IRC client22:40
knomeGuest27929, are you sure you aren't confusing IRC servers and channels?22:40
Guest27929i am22:40
Guest27929its is Zubuntu or X-Ubuntu22:41
Guido1knome: it's a cat 6 cable, gigabit switch and rooter. atleast computer A has gigabit ethernet. (Maybe computer B too). downloading some GB22:41
knomeGuest27929, then please explain me how does the IRC client you are using is relevant to selecting an ircd?22:41
Guest27929are the red names Admins?22:41
Unit193Guest27929: They are the ones saying 'Guest27929'22:42
knomeGuido1, you are asking very theoretical questions. it's like asking whether two persons can share an apple and both get enough to fill their appetite..22:42
Guest27929the answer is yes22:42
FreshInstallerHi :)22:49
FreshInstallerAnyone here with any experience?22:49
XerroIm back22:50
knomeno, we're all inexperienced in everything.22:50
FreshInstallerWell that's a shame22:50
knomeFreshInstaller, ...not really22:50
XerroIm Guest5577 or something22:50
knomeFreshInstaller, just ask your question and let's see if we can help22:50
Xerrothats who i am22:51
knomeXerro, yes?22:51
FreshInstallerI just wonder if there is any decodes that I need to download from a third-party :)22:51
FreshInstallerLike audio or video22:51
knomeFreshInstaller, depends if you need to playback media that requires them... you can get pretty much everything from the repositories though22:52
FreshInstallerI'm literally in the installing phase atm22:52
tolaHi I'm using xubuntu 14,04. I am trying to delete pictures from a camer and I can sometimes delete one or two. But if I try to delete more I get the error message that the file system is in read only. I tried deleting from thunar and nautilus in user, sudo and gksudo. Any suggestions? Thanks!22:53
tolaSorry - I just ran out of battery and had to reboot. So - I was trying to delete pictures from a camera - I could delete a couple at a time sometimes, but sometimes if I tried one or many I would receive the error message that the file system was read only. Any suggestions? Thanks! (and sorry for asking again, I just rebooted)23:00
deshiputola: what does dmesg say?23:08
toladeshipu: Sorry - I'm quite a newbie. What do I do with dmesg?23:10
deshiputola: try to delete the files to get the error, then open a terminal and type 'dmesg' and see the last couple of lines23:10
deshipumy guess is that the sd card (or whatever the camera uses) has corrupted filesystem and your system is remounting it read-only when it encounters errors23:11
deshiputhe solution is usually to backup as much as you can from it and format it23:12
toladeshipu: The odd thing is that I tried deleting a group of three, go the read-only error message. Then ran sudo mount -o remount /media/USER/disk and was able to delete them one by one....23:15

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