
=== ben_nabiy is now known as bennabiy
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Kad--hey there08:45
Kad--I want to open a bug on Launchpad but when I access here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug08:45
Kad--Cannot open one08:45
tsimpsonwhat happens?08:57
tsimpsonKad--: ^08:57
Kad--I got this whole documentation about if the bug is a real bug, etc.08:58
tsimpsonthe page explains how to file a bug against a package in ubuntu, but it has a section telling you how to file a bug manually too09:00
tsimpsonmost of the time bugs are filed with the ubuntu-bug command as it collects required information about the system and package etc09:01
Kad--Ok I see09:01
Kad--but here, it's some compilation problem using gcc (4.8) and libemu09:01
Kad--Anyway, thanks tsimpson09:05
tsimpsonno problem :)09:05

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