
z1hazewhere does one go to get help with a ubuntu-server? im apparently in the wrong place00:22
lifelessz1haze: here, or stack overflow00:44
z1hazei get no help here00:44
lifelessz1haze: whats your question?00:45
z1hazeim trying to setup virtualization on a dedicated server00:45
z1hazebut i dont really know how00:45
z1hazeive been following the tutorial but a much im not sure about00:46
rbasakz1haze: maybe try the server guide? https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/cloud-images-and-uvtool.html has some steps.00:46
rbasakz1haze: but you'll still need to sort out networking to those VMs if you want your users to have access externally.00:46
z1hazei was following the tutorial for linux-kvm00:46
rbasakThere are a number of different ways of setting up VMs.00:46
z1hazeim following this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/virtualization-with-kvm-on-ubuntu-12.04-lts00:46
z1hazeim down to the reboot step now its currently restarting00:47
z1hazecan someone plz help me with that? creating an image-based vm00:53
z1hazecan someone please tell me what is a good size for partitioning a vps?01:13
z1hazelike for root/ swap, and /var?01:13
lifelessdepends on your worklaod01:18
lifelessI wouldn't make it less than 1G01:18
maxbI'd question whether you actually derive any benefit from a separate /var too, but again that's dependent on your use cases01:19
z1hazewhen using the vm builder, the --cpus flag is that for how many cores you wanna let the vm use?01:41
z1hazelike is my cpu has 6 cores i say 6?01:41
z1hazecrap, i messed up somewhere, something about the root user already exists?01:52
z1hazewhen setting up a vm the --user isnt that the default login for the vm?01:53
z1hazeisnt that typically root?01:53
chronoshello folks. someone know a packaged version of supervisor 3.1 for ubuntu (precise if possible)02:11
buriedalivehowto install supervisor chronos?02:24
buriedaliveas like that > pip install supervisor02:25
chronosburiedalive: I was wanting for init scripts actually02:25
chronosfind it in github02:26
buriedalivemaybe see in conf file?02:26
buriedaliveor supervisor --version02:28
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
phunyguyhey folks... got a weird thing going on with my new libvirt setup and ubuntu machines... seems to be a race condition between dhclient and nfs trying to mount shares before the interface has an IP, causing the system to get confused.   This happens in 14.04 and 12.04.03:21
phunyguyany ideas?03:21
PinchiukasCan anybody explain to me why ubuntu-server base installation is several times larger than Debian?05:00
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=== arrrghhhAWAY is now known as arrrghhh
SierraARJust realised I sent this in the wrong channel before.. Oops07:09
SierraARSo I'm having an odd issue with my ubuntu server 12.04. When I SSH into it, I'm just sitting at this screen, without any ability to send any commans to the server. I know the ssh connection is up and working, as SSH tunneling is functioning normally: http://bts.sierrabrown.me/ubuntuserverssh.png07:09
SierraARThe last thing I did before this issue came up was run 'exit' from a tmux to return to ubuntu proper instead of using a tmux window07:09
SierraAROh, hey it suddenly worked and I'm back in a shell, after sitting for ~10 minutes. Any ideas what could have caused that?07:10
riz0nHello, I have Ubuntu 12.04 Server LTS running on my server. I want to upgrade to 14.04.1 Server LTS. When I enter "do-release-upgrade" from the console, it tells me there is "No release found" ... how can I upgrade my server to 14.04.1?07:11
SierraARriz0n: This was given to me earlier when I asked the same thing: [11:24] <TJ->  SierraAR: We are waiting for http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts to have Trusty added. If you have precise-proposed enabled on 12.04, you should have an updated update-manager-core, and can do "do-release-upgrade --proposed"07:12
SierraARI didn't get a chance to ask anything more about it, though07:12
riz0nI know they have released two new versions of the update-manager-core, I assumed so we could do the update, but nothing :(07:14
riz0nI would be willing to enable the "precise-proposed" to update to 14.04.1, then disable it once done (as long as I know for sure that's what it would update to)07:14
riz0nI'm only "in town" where my server is at on weekends, and would love to go ahead and knock it out of the way (don't really want to update on the road just in case SHTF i can physically access the machine)07:15
riz0nand would love to do it tonight so that the machine is not down during daylight peak hours.07:16
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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mickkieHi All, I'm trying to upgrade from LTS 12.04.4 to the latest 14.04.1, but all I get when running 'sudo do-release-upgrade' is: "No new release found".  There's no ppa repos listed in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, or anywhere else that I can see.10:53
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
kklimondaI think it hasn't yet been enabled11:11
mickkieThanks kklimonda, I'll try again in a week's time.11:12
Glyndwr1974Anyone awake?11:53
Glyndwr1974Help!! Made a silly mistake and removed mdadm package on server with only raid arrays running, cant boot for obvious reasons :|11:54
Glyndwr1974How can I put it back?11:54
Glyndwr1974My first thought was to use the ubuntu installer on usb, chroot to the installed os then apt-get install it back, cant seem to do that as the shells on the usb installer wont let me11:55
Glyndwr1974I would start again but I've got over 2TB of data on there I dont have a copy of.11:56
Glyndwr1974Yeah..... I found a shell and managed it now, thanks for all the many varied responses to my request for help.12:06
samba35Errors were encountered while processing: (on next line)----  /var/cache/apt/archives/mcollective-service-common_3.1.3-1puppetlabs1_all.deb13:40
samba35E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) i am getting this error with puppet ,13:40
samba35if i want to default installed puppet repo with priority what i should do13:42
Patrickdkthat doesn't even look like a ubuntu package13:42
samba35i did i repo from puppet labs for puppet while ,ubuntu own puppet package are still there13:45
Patrickdkbut that is NOT a ubuntu package13:45
Patrickdkyou will have to ask the people that make it, why it's broken13:46
lutchyI got ban from #ubuntu15:34
lutchyI wonder why I am not ban from this room too15:34
lutchyWell, I am going to take note the people who actually ban me15:35
lutchyEverything I continue to be ban, I would add a 1 too the same people who ban me again15:35
lutchySo, I going am going to make it statisical15:36
NivexI'm gonna go out on a limb and say you haven't read/signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct then.15:36
lutchyI will compare my statistics to Code of Conduct15:37
lutchyI am going to make a formal report15:38
Nivexhave fun with that15:38
lutchyLOL, that's funny15:40
zartooshhi is there a control mechanism such that "apt-get upgrade" does not upgrade certain packages, for example I do not want to install the newer version than already installed on my system? thx15:40
lutchyNivex, we see how that works in the end right15:40
lutchyFor now... I don't think this forum is helpful for me15:43
lutchyI will be back.. stronger..15:43
=== quix_mac is now known as quix
kklimondazartoosh: google apt pinning16:22
zartooshkklimonda, thanks16:23
=== arrrghhhAWAY is now known as arrrghhh
samba35i am trying to boot guest os autoboot right after my os boot but is it possible to  wait for some time guest to start (i have 2 guest on host ) i want after some interval guest should start17:02
Nivexarrrghhh: so, bets on whether they get the upgrade path ready before the HWE expiration on the 7th?17:02
z1hazecan someone please tell me how i would change the ip of an existing vm? i created it with vmbuilder17:05
z1hazeplease, i cant figure out how to modify an existing vm, such as the ip or allocated memory17:13
z1hazeis it not possible to edit the ip of a vm? why won't anyone give me a hint? :(17:24
andolz1haze: /etc/network/interfaces17:25
z1hazewhat about that?17:25
andolWell, you asked for a hint :)17:25
z1hazeoh alright17:26
z1hazewell i know I've modified that file yestyerday when i setup the bridge17:26
andolMeant inside the vm.17:26
z1hazebut im talking about like.. when i ran vmbuilder kvm ubuntu --suite=precise --flavour=virtual --arch=amd64 .... etc17:26
z1hazei used the wrong ip=17:26
z1hazeisnt there like a modify command or a file I can edit to change the ip for it?17:27
=== jhobbs_ is now known as jhobbs
mrnobodyHi! I'm having issues installing GRUB for Ubuntu server 14.04. I use the guided, use entire disk, but no /boot is created from what I can tell17:53
mrnobodyIt exists with error code 1.17:53
mrnobodyI used software raid before I decided to reinstall and only use one disk. Is this cause for my problems?17:54
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
benccWhen I'm trying to login with SSH to my server it asks me for a password instead of using key file21:00
bencchow can I fix it?21:00
sync0pateanyone have opinions on digitalocean?21:42
kklimondasync0pate: it's good enough if you are paying for the cheapest option21:43
sync0patekklimonda, what am I missing out on by not paying more?21:44
kklimondasync0pate: nothing - you'll get less cpu, ram, storage, transfer, and you'll be located with a higher number of oher VMs on the same host server21:44
kklimondasync0pate: what I meant by that, is that for $10 you can buy the cheapest linode21:44
sync0pateOK, so I guess it's good enough until and unless we notice performance problems?21:45
kklimondaand I've always found linode to be better, but more expensive, than DO21:45
sync0pateok, sounds ideal then, got a client who is launching a new site21:45
sync0pateso users are going to be starting at zero21:45
sync0pateplus digitalocean have uk located servers now, which I like21:47
kklimondaah yes, they do21:47
kklimondaalthough, if you are planning on spending $10/month I'd also take a look at linode21:48
kklimondaif you are looking for a $5/mo option though, then DO is probably the safest bet right now21:48
kklimondaI haven't really had any problems with them for a long time21:48
sync0patewell, personally I think their features look nice, they're uk-located (which is quite important)21:50
sync0pateand they're dirt cheap21:50
sync0pateso yeah, seems ok for now, could always switch over to linode if it starts getting slow21:51
sync0pateworking with servint at the moment who I am not happy with at all21:51
sync0pateoh, it says linode have uk location now too..21:52
sync0patewow ok.. i checked very recently and neither of them had it.. and now they both do21:53
Nizumzensync0pate: linode have had a UK datacentre for years22:09
sync0pateweird.. I checked them this year22:09
Nizumzensync0pate: had it since at least 201222:09
sync0patedon't know how I could've missed it22:10
arrrghhhNivex, lol.  sorry, I need to fix my /away situation.  quite often it does not properly show me /away23:00
arrrghhhbut as for your bet... I'm thinking we're both going to bet the same way, which wouldn't be much of a bet :D23:00
Nivexheh. I figure they'll pull it out at the last second and we'll have to scramble to upgrade23:05
NivexI may also just give up and run the -proposed upgrader23:05
zartooshHi using apt-get install <pkgname> , sometimes I get conflict with existing file and I am prompted to what to do. What I like is  apt-get install the maintainer's package and do not prompt me, --force-yes -y does not do it? thx23:08
arrrghhhNivex, if you're concerned about the HWE thing just upgrade your kernel only to trusty23:10
arrrghhhthat's what I did, although I wasn't on any HWE setup so I could've just stayed on 3.223:11
Nivexoh I want to upgrade the whole distro. There are apps I've been wanting23:13
arrrghhhbut if you're concerned about HWE, you can resolve at least that bit ;)23:13
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
NivexI'm mostly curious what the hold up is at this point. I've asked in three IRC channels and Twitter and am still no nearer an answe.r23:13
arrrghhhzartoosh, maybe with -o and some option...?  I'm not sure, sounds dangerous.23:14
arrrghhhNivex, bummer.  I'm curious as well.  You said there was some hangout this week for the engineering team ?23:14
Nivexyep: http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/23:19
arrrghhhoh interesting.  thx23:20
=== arrrghhh is now known as arrrghhhAWAY
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