
cmaloneyGood morning14:32
cmaloneyAnd Good afternoon19:51
cmaloneyMan, this place gets really quiet on weekends. :)19:51
cmaloneyMay I never ever tire of bands who pun off of smoking weed: http://tornfleshrecords4.bandcamp.com/album/abandon-all-dope20:42
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/4sSBvC - Abandon All Dope | Torn Flesh Records20:42
gamerchick02http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/08/op-ed-tables-really-are-pcsbecause-theres-no-point-in-buying-new-ones/ this is interesting21:39
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/3CUN3D - Op-Ed: Tablets really are the new PCs; nobody needs to buy them any more | Ars Technica21:39

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