
elfyochosi: re the request to join -qa , the guy is not in -testers yet :) no mention of them on trackers, am rejecting09:12
ochosiyou can also send him a message09:15
ochosii usually do that with people who apply for xubuntu-art09:15
elfyI did :)09:21
ochosiok cool09:29
elfyyou should see that in mail - you're an sdmin of the lp group too09:30
ochosiyeah, i received an email, but didn't read it :>09:46
ochosibluesabre: whenever you're around, care to take a quick peek at a tabwin tweak in utopic? (i can send you the diff)09:54
elfyochosi: that's why I never get answers from you then :p09:54
ochosiheh, well i just read the title of the mail and felt you've taken care of it09:58
ochosiafter all you're the team lead and i'm supposed to trust you with that09:58
knomethe automatic launchpad emails can be taunting in quantity and boring to read in quality :P09:59
elfytbf - the same can be said for just about anything you care to mention :D10:00
knomei guess.. but that happens a lot with LP emails10:00
knomewhen i was the XPL, i filtered out a lot of stuff10:00
elfyI don't doubt it :)10:03
ochosisoo, xchat is +5 / -6 currently10:04
knomedropping or keeping is winning?10:05
knomeyou're a bit ambiguous...10:05
ochosinot really, the vote is about the proposal to drop it10:05
ochosiso if you'd remember the email, it'd be clear :)10:05
ochosianyway, lderan's voting was a bit ambiguous10:05
ochosiso i asked to be sure10:06
knomeyeah, but you said "xchat", not "the xchat vote" :P10:06
ochosii guess he likes to be the tip on the scale10:06
ochosieither way, the vote is pretty close to a tie10:10
ochosiseems to be a controversial issue10:10
bluesabreUnit193: I'm listed as a maintainer for it, not sure why svn hates me10:10
bluesabreochosi: I'll check it out now10:10
bluesabredidn't feel well last night when I got home, so I went to bed10:11
ochosiit's a rather subtle change, so i'm partly wondering how it'll come across on a different screen10:11
ochosioh, sorry to hear10:11
ochosibad nachos?10:11
ochosibluesabre: diff for greybird: http://dpaste.com/0W60Q6810:13
bluesabreok, looks good10:20
bluesabretook forever to spot the change10:20
ochosiyeah, i know it's rather subtle10:21
elfydon't expect me to see it then ;)10:22
ochosiwell actually it adds a little more contrast to the currently selected window10:23
ochosiif anything, it should help you to see *that* better ;)10:23
elfyyou mean the alt+tab switchy thing? 10:24
elfymine has name in the 'selected' one - seems blunt enough for me :)10:24
ochosiyeah, i know, took me a while to come up with that actually10:25
elfythat's good - elfy approves of that one :)10:25
elfyanything subtle I am likely to miss unless someone shows me :D10:25
bluesabrethat's how we can sneak new features past elfy10:26
bluesabreintroduce them a bit at a time10:26
elfyyep - my kids do it all the time ;)10:26
ochosibtw, i have another suggestion10:27
ochosiapptitle bold, appdescription normal font10:27
bluesabreapptitle = bottom?10:28
ochosilike this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-08-03-122819.php10:28
ochosihaving both bold looks.... bad :)10:29
bluesabrelooks good to me10:29
elfyand me ... 10:29
elfyI think :p10:29
bluesabrealso, you clearly do not use application menus10:30
elfyanyway - have a good day - I'm off to see what Sunday does to me this week 10:30
ochosihf elfy 10:30
bluesabreseeya elfy10:30
ochosiapplication menus?10:30
ochosiyou mean like whisker?10:30
bluesabrehas so many icons10:30
ochosiyeah, but my screen is sooo wide :)10:31
elfya cornucopia of icons that is bluesabre :)10:31
ochosiwell it helps me to keep a focus on which icons need improvement ;)10:31
bluesabrefair enough10:31
bluesabrebut in that case, you should set your plank to 96px10:31
ochosibtw, have any of you tried the list mode of alt-tab?10:31
bluesabrenot recently10:32
ochositweaks -> cycle through windows in a list10:32
ochosithe iconsize is currently defined in the theme10:32
ochosiso in greybird it's 1610:32
ochosiwith the patch for bold apptitle, that's all bold too now10:32
bluesabre16 = too small10:33
* bluesabre experiments10:33
bluesabrethat looks ok to me10:35
ochosibluesabre: http://dpaste.com/238CTFH10:41
bluesabremuch easier to read10:44
ochosiok cool, i'll go ahead and push that then10:46
bluesabreNoskcaj: got svn-inject to work10:49
ochosioddly, i can't pin chrome to plank10:49
ochosi(and it is such an incredible cpu hogger)10:49
bluesabrefix for that10:52
ochosiother than not using chrome you mean? :)10:52
bluesabrethats one10:52
bluesabrecopy the launcher to ~/.local/share/applications and 10:52
bluesabre$ diff /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop 10:52
bluesabre> StartupWMClass=Google-chrome-stable10:52
ochosihmm, i see10:56
ochosiwell that's not very nice of chrome10:59
bluesabreand if you don't change it locally, it gets overwritten on update11:13
ochosibluesabre: hm, shimmer daily ppa hasn't built for trusty in a while, what's up with that?12:20
ochosii mean the shimmer-themes package12:20
ochosithe icon theme has built fine12:20
bluesabresatya disabled it since he was starting gtk 3.12 builds12:23
bluesabreI can reenable it for trusty just as easily12:24
ochosiright, well as soon as he really starts with the gtk3.12 port, we can do that .)12:35
ochosifor now it'd be nice to get the theme updates12:35
bluesabreenabling now12:35
ochosii'll quickly inform him12:35
bluesabrehe can re-disable when he sees fit :)12:36
ochosiso this is how the soundmenu by matias looks now: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/733715/3773756/e4d51188-1916-11e4-9ee9-8c65220b294f.png12:40
ochosilotsa buttons in the panel :)12:40
ochosior in fact: lotsa buttons in the panel :s12:40
bluesabreI feel like the old screenshot he had showed while we were developing was very reminiscent of the sound indicator or gnome extension12:43
ochosiyeah, we can suggest a redesign12:47
ochosinot sure how much luck we'll have with that12:48
satyaochosi, hola!12:49
ochosibluesabre showed me a screenshot of the dialog buttons not being connected12:49
ochosithat is one of the issues12:49
ochosiand i guess tabs are the other issue12:49
bluesabreand you mentioned menu separators?12:49
ochosialthough i dunno, bluesabre do you have your utopic box handy?12:49
ochosiyeah, those looked too black12:49
satyayeah, the dialog buttons thing is a mystery for me right now12:49
bluesabrejust updated my vm, restarting it now12:50
satyaI expect to fic it in the SASS port12:50
ochosithey look really crappy though atm12:50
satyaI cannot gurrantee it will be fixed in this release12:50
ochosiso we should try to at least find a workaround for 14.1012:50
satyayeah, they do12:50
ochosimaybe make them look disconnected, separate buttons?12:50
ochosiat least if we can't remove the padding between them12:51
satyaI tried using gtkparasite, but doesn't help12:51
satyaI mean it behaves weird12:51
satyasometimes it is connected, sometimes not12:51
satyayeah, I have already tried a lot to fix it12:52
ochosii thought it was just a consistent problem12:52
satyaI'll try to complete the SASS port soon. when is the UI freeze12:53
satyaso I have a month12:53
bluesabreDo you think we can have these ready a week in advance (9/4)?12:54
ochosiyeah, that'd be ideal12:54
satyaI'll try, but I cannot gurrantee12:54
satyayou know, I get tired with office work and all12:54
ochosii presume it's not a lot of work to just fix the tabs in utopic12:54
ochosiyeah, sure, don't worry12:54
ochosii mean we can do the sass port for 15.04 too12:55
satyayup. so, for now, ignore the dialog box buttons12:55
satyawhat other bug is there?12:55
satyatabs, right?12:55
ochosii guess, bluesabre ^ ?12:55
ochosithe menu separators also looked odd12:55
ochosiat least in greybird12:55
ochosii only had a chance to look at utopic yesterday very briefly, but i'll take another look tomorrow @office12:56
satyahmm... screenshot?12:56
satyathe menu separators look fine here!12:57
ochosii can only show you the screenshot tomorrow :/12:57
ochosiyou can show me your screen though12:57
ochosi(i looked at abiword, but i assume that they use standard gtk3 menus)12:58
bluesabreabiword does look bad12:58
bluesabrethey're fine everywhere else12:58
* ochosi dislikes abiword12:58
satyaI'll install abiwords tomorrow and have a look12:59
ochosiyeah, don't waste too much time on it though, it has a few theming oddities that are unsolveable12:59
ochosiso the menus might be their fault too12:59
ochosibluesabre: how do the tabs look?12:59
ochosisatya: i guess if it's only the tabs, there's no rush with the sass port ;)13:00
bluesabre(also, parole libxfce4ui fixed itself, it seems)13:01
satyaso, we need to redesign tabs13:01
satyabrb in a min13:01
satyasearch for adwaita tabs13:01
satyaand have a look at their design13:02
ochosisatya: actually what bluesabre posted looks ok13:02
ochosiso no need to redesign anything if you ask me13:02
ochosii saw how they look in adwaita (blue stripe at the bottom for active tab)13:02
bluesabreochosi: numix, for comparison https://imgur.com/4ylFVnj13:03
ochosiyeah, that's close to adwaita13:03
ochosibut i'm not sure we have to go there13:03
ochosiwith greybird that is13:03
ochosidon't think there's a reasonable way to reproduce this look with gtk213:04
ochosi(other than using tons of pixmaps probably)13:04
bluesabreI think Moka got their gtk2 tabs to look like that13:04
ochosithey did?13:04
ochosihm, snwh isn't around13:05
ochosibut i could ask him i gues13:05
bluesabreI think i remember seeing them when testing a few weeks ago13:05
ochosii'm not sure though i even like that look 100513:05
ochosii think ambiance had an interesting look for tabs in gtk3, at least in 14.0413:06
satyawe don't need to have the blue highlight13:06
satyacan you gimme a screenie of ambiance?13:06
ochosibut they don't have a matching style for gtk213:07
ochosiso that's also a bit sucky13:07
satyaochosi, Gnome completely rewrote the tabs13:07
bluesabreOrchis ^13:07
satyawe can always have a look at the code and see what snwh did13:08
bluesabredoesn't quite match their gtk313:08
satyayeah, gtk2 is very limited13:08
ochosiyeah, but in xubuntu most of what we have is gtk213:09
ochosifrankly, i don't mind the current look of greybird's tabs13:09
satyabut the thing is, gtk redesigned and rewrote their tabs13:09
satyathe issue with the current look is, it has a border at the top13:09
ochosisure, but it looks ok (which is the main thing that matters to me atm)13:09
ochosiyeah, maybe we can make that border transparent13:09
ochosithen it'd be like before13:10
satyaand with apps which have a toolbar above the tabs, there will be two borders13:10
ochosiso i guess that tab bar that spans the whole width is a separate widget that we can simply set to not have a border13:10
satyathat border is from GtkBox widget13:11
satyaand it's the parent of GtkNotebook13:11
ochosithat's also quite a new gtk3 feat then that boxes can have borders13:12
ochosithat used to be impossible (and one of the reasons for frames i think)13:12
satyano, wait13:12
bluesabregedit https://imgur.com/kB8OZps13:12
ochosithat looks ok13:12
ochosithere might be a 2px line now, but that's really just a minor nuisance i'd say13:13
bluesabrev 3.10.4, might be different with actual 3.1213:13
satyabluesabre, that's a old version of gedit13:13
satyanot gtk3.1213:13
ochosiwell depends on whatever they decide to ship in 14.1013:13
bluesabreubuntu picks and chooses :)13:13
* bluesabre tries to get latest13:13
ochosiyeah, and ubuntu-gnome has ppas :>13:13
satyathe new gnome apps don't look good with current design IMO13:13
satyaso, I would suggest to go with gnome's new tabs design, and change what we don't like13:14
ochosii presume the tabs design is mostly about the code, right?13:15
ochosii mean we can still draw borders for the active notebook tab13:15
satyawhich code?13:15
ochosiso the looks can remain mostly what they are13:15
* satya is copying tabs code from numix13:16
ochosior maybe i don't get what the difference really is (apart from the box that holds all tabs and the visual redesign of adwaita to only use those colored stripes for active tabs)13:16
satyathe tabs now span the full width13:18
ochosiah right13:18
satyaso, the current design looks really ugly for those13:18
ochosicould you show me how greybird looks with those?13:18
ochosiiirc in gtk2 there is no way to really have different looks for active/inactive tabs (apart from the colors)13:19
* ochosi waits13:20
* bluesabre breaks vm13:21
ochosithis is with the current code?13:23
satyano, with the new one13:23
ochosiand how does it look with the current code?13:23
bluesabrescreenshot coming13:23
ochosiapart from the shadow around the close button, that's actually not really too bad13:25
ochosiso let's just fix that border around the close button and be done with it13:25
satyastill, doesn't fit with the whole minimal design13:26
satyaas you wish @ochosi13:26
ochosii know, it looks like gtk2 and all, but remember, the main target desktop of greybird is xubuntu atm13:26
ochosiyeah, i agree with you there13:26
ochosii just don't wanna end up with a visually highly inconsistent desktop for our users13:26
ochosiwhen xfce is ported to gtk3, we can go crazy cause gtk2 won't matter that much anymore...13:27
bluesabregtk4 will be out then13:27
ochosihehe, that's likely13:27
ochosisatya: for numix and orion it's up to you, but if orion isn't updated in general, even there i'd go with the minimal solution13:28
ochosiunless you want it to be used in more gnomey contexts13:28
ochosi(i'm mostly concerned that the default look, in our case greybird, is kinda consistent, if people switch themes, that's up to them then)13:29
satyaochosi, ok13:29
satyagreybird is pushed13:29
ochosiwould be awesome if we could fix the close button in a backward compatible way13:29
ochosibluesabre: wanna test satya's push?13:29
satyait shouldn't affect backward compatibility I guess13:30
ochosiyeah, looks fine in 14.04 / gtk3.1013:30
ochosijust a tiny border on hover13:30
ochosibut nothing drastic13:30
bluesabregedit 3.12 looks good13:31
bluesabreparole looks fine (no difference there)13:32
satyaochosi, yeah, I think the tiny border should be there on hover13:32
satyaI'll push some tweaks to popover13:33
satyabe here to test13:33
bluesabreyeesh, gedit's menu is bad with everything in a single popup13:33
bluesabre(in general, not greybird)13:33
satyayeah, I agree13:34
ochosiwhat's the problem with it?13:34
ochosisatya: thanks for the notebook fixes then, it's also a nice benefit having the theme work with gtk3.8->gtk3.12 practically13:35
ochosibluesabre: oh dear...13:35
ochosithat's a good example of those singular menus *not* working well13:35
ochosithe title color of the headerbar window title seems a bit too pronounced btw13:36
ochosibut since we don't even have those in ubuntu normally, i don't worry about that too much for the moment13:36
* satya will tweak that13:37
ochosiso i guess we can releases for the themes today and then upload them to utopic13:37
ochosibluesabre: now that you've split the themes into separate packages, should all themes still have releases at once?13:37
bluesabrethey're all built from the same source package13:38
ochosithanks satya! (actually it's both the title and its shadow that are too pronounced)13:38
bluesabreso they will all carry the same debian version number13:38
ochosiah ok13:38
ochosiso better all at once thenn13:38
ochosigotta cook some dinner, bbabl13:39
* bluesabre has breakfast13:39
satyadudes, who will test?13:41
satyaochosi, the title and shadow are same as the greybird window decoration13:42
satyaI reduced the shadow a bit13:42
satyabut the titlebar text color is still the same13:42
bluesabreI'll check it out13:42
bluesabre"has breakfast" means "eats cereal in front of computer"13:43
bluesabreso, what changed?13:44
satyachanging the popover to match the menu13:45
satyawill push in a min13:45
bluesabreI think that might be what ochosi was referring to13:47
satyabluesabre, hmm... will check13:47
satyapushed the popover13:47
satyaalso check the menu separator13:47
bluesabreabiword separator is the same13:49
bluesabrepopover..?  which app?13:50
satyabluesabre, :(13:52
satyayou can test popover in the gtk3-demo package13:52
satyabluesabre, can you give me screenshots of the greybird focused and non-focused window in xfce?13:53
bluesabreparole preferences is the focused one https://i.imgur.com/BdfA8Bz.png13:56
bluesabrepopover is grey14:06
bluesabrealso, thanks for this tool... I think I'll use it to bug you and ochosi more14:07
satyabluesabre, which tool ?14:12
satyabluesabre, pushed fixes to all themes14:13
satyajust need to fix the titlebar color in greybird and we are good to go14:13
bluesabrecool, thanks Satya!14:14
satyawelcome :D\14:14
satyabluesabre, ochosi, everything pushed. we're ready to go14:23
bluesabreexcellent.  We'll bug you again when we need something else ;)14:24
bluesabreThanks a lot!14:24
satyasure :D14:24
knomewell, albatross needs a gtk3-remake ;)14:25
bluesabreI think we're dropping that one for 14.1014:25
knomeyou soulless monsters14:26
bluesabreI'll prepare the package in such a way that it's not pulled for new installs, but is carried with an upgrade14:26
bluesabresince I think I know how, now :)14:26
satya164btw ochosi, I think the unfocused title color is too light14:27
ochosiknome: i've actually mentioned that a few times in this channel already14:41
ochosieven pinged you once about it :)14:41
ochosibluesabre: i guess i'll do releases of the themes tonight then14:44
ochosihave to ask satya whether a point release for numix is ok too14:44
ochosioh, and if you look at the appmenu again and notice borked icons, that'd be great, cause then i'd fix those prior to the release14:45
ochosii'd also push updates to the icons tonight then14:45
bluesabreok, currently working on catfish, but will try to also do that14:54
ochosino rush to do that *tonight* ;)15:01
ochosibut i wanna get the themes ready, so i can tick off one of the few blueprint workitems i got going ;)15:02
knomeochosi, i know, and i've replied to you, but apparently you don't read my replies either :)15:05
ochosiheh, dunno15:05
ochosii really don't remember seeing a reply15:06
ochosibluesabre: how hard would it be to get the greeter-settings app into the archive?15:08
bluesabreIt's a new app, so we have to create the package, and have two MOTU approve it15:08
ochosiwould going through debian be easier/better?15:10
bluesabreyes and no15:10
bluesabreITP can take a while15:10
bluesabreand debian sync freeze in is in 5 days15:10
bluesabrewe can try to do both though15:10
ochosijust noticed that we have that on our roadmap15:11
ochosii mean it's not critical, we can always postpone it15:11
bluesabre(you put it there)15:11
bluesabreyeah, let's shoot for it15:11
ochosibut maybe we have more things to do next cycle15:11
ochosihehe, i know i put it there :)15:11
ochosibluesabre: also, the corresponding trello card is assigned to you ;)15:14
ochosifolks, as 14.04.1 has been released already, shouldn't we remove some of this from trello?15:16
ochosiwe could keep a 14.04 SRU ToDo or so15:16
ochosibut the 14.04.1 Done cards are all somewhat irrelevant now15:16
knomeremove? what about keeping it for archival reasons?15:18
ochosiyeah, we can "archive this list"15:19
ochosimaybe we should do the same thing with the note15:23
ochosihey sergio-br2 16:15
ochosijust so you know, i'll do a release of the icons soonish16:15
ochosiwell, at least i'll sync them to launchpad so we can do a release of xubuntu-artwork16:15
ochosibut i guess i'll also do a release on github, to keep those things a bit more in sync16:15
ochosibluesabre: just tagged greybird https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/releases16:24
ochosialso, Orion 1.516:25
ochosiand Bluebird 1.2.16:26
ochosisatya will take care of Numix (after a few tweaks, he said)16:26
ochosiasked him to ping you once he's done16:38
bluesabrethanks ochosi16:41
ochosibluesabre: also, i talked matias up about the soundmenu design16:45
ochosihe might do it as a build option16:45
bluesabrekicking butt today16:46
knomebluesabre, does it hurt already?16:46
ochosiknome: i presume he's not kicking his own butt (hard to imagine how that would physically work anyway)16:47
bluesabreit can be done16:47
knomeyep, doable.16:47
knomeit's not too nice16:47
ochosiyou're all contortionists16:47
* ochosi shakes his head and walks away16:48
knomewell, you should see how my finger bends...16:48
knomewith some warming up, i can bend my left index finger 180 degrees so that there is very little space between the finger and the back of the hand..16:49
* bluesabre shakes his head and walks away16:50
knomehaha :)16:50
knomeif i bend my fingers one-handed (without pressing them), they bend ~90° back16:51
knomewell, the tips face 90° ;)16:51
knomesomething like that..16:56
knomei never knew it was a diagnosed syndrome16:58
knome"First, we know that hypermobility in itself is strongly inherited. This is called a ‘dominant’ pattern of inheritance."16:59
knomeright, so that's where it's coming, i heard my grandfather was able to do that as well16:59
* knome decides not to read further but live happily17:00
knomei read far enough to understand it's probably just okay.17:00
ochosibluesabre: refreshed our icon theme in xubuntu-artwork btw17:10
ochosiso i guess for xubuntu-artwork we can do a release anytime17:11
* bluesabre has some packaging to do today17:11
ochosiwell, whenever you have time, feel free to tag the release, the changelog is up to date17:11
bluesabreyou can go ahead and tag it, I'll worry about putting it into xubuntu ;)17:12
ochosioh, i'm actually running out now, i can do it when i'm back17:12
bluesabretaking a break, bbabl17:15
ochosibluesabre: i set up a new trunk for 14.10 now, actually Unit193 already tagged the release (i thought you should keep unreleased until someone actually uploads it, but anyway), not sure why he set the importance to medium. if that's a problem, i can change it. otherwise it's good to go18:28
Unit193ochosi: Right, normal to do so yeah.  Medium is default, I just used what's normal.20:10
ochosiUnit193: right, i don't care much. i was just sticking to the tradition of "low"20:54
pleia2Community Council check-in is on Thursday at 1700 utc, anyone able to go? (I'll be on an airplane again)21:26
Unit193As usual, I'll be unable to attend as well.21:34
pleia2oh, I have a team meeting to schedule21:38
* pleia2 does july report21:39
skellatpleia2: Unless I am running errands, I may be available Thursday23:36

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