
AskNickFI'm having a very frustrating problem. Is this the right place to ask?02:41
xubuntu718hi guys, i was wondering if you could give a hand with an issue with my wifi driver on ubunutu 14.0405:20
xubuntu718I got a Lonevo B5400 and the wifi connection drops eventually and I only can solve it rebooting the computer05:20
xubuntu718thanks in advance05:20
xubuntu718None of the solutions on Internet that I have tested fixed the issue05:21
nosoundWhy is it thunar moves files at 9MBps and Dolphin 100MBps... it's like thunar does things sector by sector, no caching, drive sounds more busy05:59
nosoundhmm it's some sort of scheduling problem, if i stop all other disk IO it speeds up to 50-90MBps, inconsistent06:04
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pimperlehi. update-manager still doesn't detect xUbuntu 14.04.1 and won't do the upgrade. Do I have to use -d or should I wait because its a known issue?08:10
pimperlecoming from 12.04.4 that is08:10
baizonpimperle: use -d :)08:14
aetherixHow do I write an iso to usb in Xubuntu? Is there a utility that I can use?09:10
aetherixNevermind, found package usb-creator-gtk.09:13
schlongHello everyone09:43
schlongSo recently I bought an HP chromebook 14 and I cant get the shortcut keys for volume working. Can anybody work out a solution? I only managed to fix the brightness keys09:44
EldunarHello, can u tell me how to turn on 2nd graphic card? Here is pastebin http://pastebin.com/uC76dLrn . I want to switch between cards with switchero. echo On is not working. And when i opened this file with mousepad it apeared to be empty.10:16
baizonmy desktop got zoomed, how can i revert this? What is the shortcut for deskop-zoom?10:42
baizonok got it10:44
satyahey ochosi12:44
ochosihey satya :)12:48
satyaochosi, hello?12:48
satyaso, let's fix the 3.12 issues12:48
ochosisounds good12:48
satyafirst, what are the issues?12:48
ochosilet's move this over to #xubuntu-devel though, so our testers can read it too12:48
satyaI assume they are only the tab related issues?12:48
innocent95how can i create a hotspot12:54
deshipuinnocent95: right-click on the network icon, select 'create wifi network'12:55
innocent95deshipu, then ?12:55
deshipuinnocent95: enter the name and the password you want it to have, and click 'create'12:56
innocent95deshipu, It works :) thanks12:56
derek-ghow can I upgrade 11.10 to 14.04?16:37
derek-gWhn I try do-release-upgrade it just says: "not supported anymore"....16:37
HedgeMagederek-g: You *can* do that, but it requires at least one intermediate upgrade and may introduce hard to troubleshoot issues.  I highly recommend backing up your data, doing a clean 14.04 install, and then putting the data back instead.16:38
derek-gHedgeMage, its's not for me  - it's for a family member and we're an ocean apart.16:39
HedgeMagederek-g: ouch.  BTDT.16:39
HedgeMagederek-g: What is the family member's level of computing ability?  Can they follow clear instructions re: backing up and installing with you on the phone or similar?16:40
derek-gHedgeMage, 0%. can open browser and click on links.16:40
HedgeMagederek-g: I assume you have remote SSH access to the machine currently?16:40
derek-gHedgeMage, yes. ssh and vnc16:40
derek-gHedgeMage, do I need to update to 12.04 first?16:41
HedgeMagederek-g: So, here is what I would do in your place (it's worked for me before, but it may involve assumptions that don't apply to your situation so use common sense)...16:41
derek-gHedgeMage, ok. go on:)16:42
HedgeMagederek-g: The basic idea is to facilitate a clean install (because those are easiest to troubleshoot, especially remotely) without the end user having to know anything more than how to plug in hardware.16:42
derek-gHedgeMage, ok..16:43
HedgeMagederek-g: Step 0: You mail them a custom-ish install disk (DVD or USB media, doesn't matter) and either mail them or have them purchase an external HDD.  The custom install image is just the normal one with SSHD started by default and your public ssh key in root's .ssh/authorized_keys file so you can ssh in and do the dirty work.16:44
HedgeMagederek-g: Step 1: Have them put in the install media, plug in the external drive, and reboot the machine.16:44
HedgeMagederek-g: Step  2: You ssh in, back up everything important to the external USB drive.16:44
HedgeMagederek-g: Step 3: You do a clean Xubuntu 14.04 install, making sure to copy /root/.ssh/authorized_keys to the new install before rebooting.16:45
HedgeMagederek-g: Step 4: You SSH in again and copy all the important stuff over from the external HDD and configure anything that needs configuring.16:45
HedgeMagederek-g: Step 5: As long as they now have a nice external HDD, you set up automated back-ups so you have something to work from if/when they break the system in the future.16:46
HedgeMageDone. :)16:46
derek-gHedgeMage, well....16:48
HedgeMagederek-g: You can go 11.04 --> 12.04 --> 13.04 --> 14.04 (possibly skipping either 12.04 or 13.04, not sure you'd have to check) but it's been my experience that that causes config creep in a way that can make a remote machine harder to troubleshoot.16:50
derek-gThanks for this guide. I'm probably gonna ask them to hire someone local to simply come, backup and install 14.04...16:50
HedgeMagethat works, too :)16:50
HedgeMagederek-g: When I'm dealing with nontechnical end-users, I tend to go the easiest-to-troubleshoot path regardless of it taking more initial set-up work.16:51
mpx!s der hundert17:14
ubottumpx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:14
mpxsorry, wrong channel17:14
manaar333bonjour and hello all::!!18:23
marandihi guys , im planning to schedule open  software and shutdown with gnome-schedule in xubuntu 14.04 .. but i got this error ( Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -1 ) any idea what should i do ?!20:05
xubuntu408I am having a problem to creat a boot disk21:34
xubuntu408I have never used it before and want to try on a old windows xp machine21:34
xubuntu408i downloaded the desktop i386 iso file, but whe I try to burn as image my windows (windows 7 in a different machine) gives me the error message21:36
xubuntu408"the selected disc image fle isn't valid"21:36
xubuntu408Can anyone help me out?21:36
HedgeMagexubuntu408: you can try re-downloading, but apart from that I'm not of much help...I last used Windows in 1999 or so.21:37
patateswarning says it all21:37
patateswhich app did you use ?21:38
patatesto burn21:38
xubuntu408I tried re-downloading a few times alread. Am I doing anything wrong? Isn't desktop i386 the proper disk image file?21:38
patateschecked md5?21:39
xubuntu408I am using the windows disc image burner, built in in windows 721:39
patatescheck the md5 of the file21:39
xubuntu408No, I haven't checked md5. I saw the prcedure on the site. I will give it a try.21:39
patatesor download it with torrent21:40
patatestorrents have file integrity checks21:41
xubuntu408i've never use torrent. I am assuming that I need a program to do it.21:41
patatesyeah, might not be a good idead if you are in hurry to to try xubuntu21:42
patatesto learn now21:42
xubuntu408Any suggestion of a good torrent download program?21:42
xubuntu408I will give it a shot. Thanks.21:43
craigbass1976I'm streaming (with vlc) out of my xubuntu 14.04 box.  When the screen saver pops up, I can still see the video that's streaming (from another box) but the audio goes away.  Where do I stop this, other than to stop the computer from going to sleep in the first place21:51
patatesI don't know if it helps but my audio doesn't sleep while I am playing flash based online radio21:56
patateswhile my display sleeps21:57
xubuntu123Hi! I'm on precise (LTS); should I be getting a release upgrade thing yet? do-release-upgrade sees nothing.23:50

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