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RaginBajin | Does anyone know if Cloud-init works with Freebsd? in particular with cloudDrive. I saw that there were some changes made to it | 17:26 |
harmw | there is some preliminry support, though I should realy take some time to get on par with linux :) | 17:26 |
harmw | plus, thre is no pkg yet | 17:27 |
RaginBajin | Totally understand. At this point, what we have is suffient, (keys, and users creation). | 17:34 |
RaginBajin | I looked at the bsd-cloudinit that is recommended by the openstack people, but that is only support the HTTP metadata service, and I really need clouddrive as well to work | 17:34 |
RaginBajin | I guess, one thing is that I am having an issue in getting it built on FreeBSD 10. I cloned out the repo, ran python setup.py build and python setup.py install | 17:35 |
RaginBajin | but it seems to have installed for ubuntu and not recognizing freebsd | 17:35 |
RaginBajin | I'm wondering if I am missing a trick or a setting when I did all this | 17:36 |
harmw | bsd-cloudinit? whats that :) | 17:45 |
harmw | and you mean configdrive, right? | 17:46 |
harmw | and the default config file asumes ubuntu, so you'll need to change it to 'distro: freebsd' | 17:47 |
harmw | ah: http://pellaeon.github.io/bsd-cloudinit/ | 17:49 |
RaginBajin | Ok, and there isn't anything special during the setup.py install that I have to do to reflect freebsd? | 18:02 |
RaginBajin | and yes I meant configDrive, sorry | 18:06 |
harmw | you need to tell cloud-init which distro it should configure, which in this case would be freebsd | 18:09 |
RaginBajin | Maybe I missed that. I did change it in the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg file | 18:09 |
RaginBajin | but not during the install or build. | 18:09 |
RaginBajin | when I try to run /etc/rc.d/init.d/cloud-init it just brings me back to the prompt. Doesn't look like it actually run anything. | 18:10 |
RaginBajin | So I'm wondering if it maybe installed the wrong scripts. (ubuntu instead of freebsd) | 18:10 |
harmw | it should just install everything it knows :) | 18:13 |
harmw | I'm sorry, I've just nuked my fbsd testvm so I can't verify anything at the moment :( | 18:13 |
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RaginBajin | Hmm ok. I'm not sure how it knows that it's Freebsd. It is a custom build and kernel, but that's the only thing thats really different. Uname still says freebsd. | 18:16 |
RaginBajin | So, I'm definitely closer. I can now run it manually /usr/local/bin/cloud-init (which by the way doesn't get set right in the install, it sets it to /usr/bin/cloud-init). | 18:34 |
RaginBajin | NOw it's trying to run ubuntu based commands. | 18:34 |
RaginBajin | util.py[WARNING]: Failed to run debconf-set-selections for grub-dpkg | 18:34 |
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