rick_h__ | morning | 05:52 |
huwshimi | rick_h__: Morning | 06:07 |
rick_h__ | huwshimi: hey, funny running into you there | 06:14 |
huwshimi | rick_h__: Yeah, strange to see you at this time :) | 06:14 |
huwshimi | rick_h__: How was the travel? | 06:14 |
rick_h__ | huwshimi: you know, time in a tin can flying through the sky | 06:17 |
huwshimi | hehe | 06:17 |
rick_h__ | working on catching up on sleep | 06:17 |
rogpeppe | mornin' all | 07:10 |
huwshimi | Morning | 07:14 |
urulama | morning all | 07:21 |
rogpeppe | urulama: hiya | 07:35 |
rogpeppe | anyone with good http-fu know what's going on at line 1503 here? http://golang.org/src/pkg/net/http/server.go#L1503 | 13:19 |
jcsackett | Makyo: do you know if a unit would ever *not* have a state outside of being uncommitted? | 14:45 |
Makyo | jcsackett, units should always have a state, I believe. Is something going wrong? | 14:46 |
jcsackett | Makyo: no, not at all. that's a good answer. :) | 14:46 |
jcsackett | uncommitted units don't have agent_state, which makes sense. | 14:46 |
rogpeppe | urulama, jrwren: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/52 | 14:46 |
jcsackett | the QA issue you found was b/c the condition for identifying uncommitted units isn't correct once the service is deployed. | 14:47 |
rogpeppe | anyone know if frankban is around today? | 14:47 |
jcsackett | but since they don't have state, we can use that. | 14:47 |
jcsackett | and that's always accurate. | 14:47 |
rogpeppe | or bac | 14:47 |
Makyo | rogpeppe, frankban is out today on swap. | 14:47 |
rogpeppe | Makyo: ah, thanks | 14:47 |
Makyo | jcsackett, ah, yeah, that makes sense | 14:47 |
jcsackett | rogpeppe: bac is in nuremburg. | 14:48 |
Makyo | Boo, forgot about that., | 14:48 |
Makyo | CI doesn't seem to be working for me. | 14:48 |
rogpeppe | jcsackett: ah, i'd forgotten about that | 14:48 |
Makyo | Maybe jenkins needs a kick in the pants | 14:48 |
rogpeppe | i guess i'm just not gonna land anything today | 14:49 |
* rogpeppe goes to the pub :-) | 14:49 | |
* jcsackett laughs | 14:50 | |
jcsackett | rogpeppe: starved for reviews, or jenkins issues? | 14:50 |
rogpeppe | jcsackett: reviews | 14:50 |
rogpeppe | jcsackett: i think there's only one person around ( jrwren ) that can review the code, but i need two reviews for landing | 14:51 |
jcsackett | rogpeppe: can Makyo or hatch sub in for today, or do you need deep knowledge of the code base? they're both go-literate, if memory serves. | 14:52 |
jcsackett | (it's not ideal, but better than blocking) | 14:52 |
Makyo | jujugui call in 6 | 14:54 |
urulama | rogpeppe: i'll try to do it | 14:55 |
urulama | rogpeppe: but it's a huge one and with interruptions, it might take a while :) | 14:55 |
rogpeppe | urulama: if you could, that would be great. unfortunately, it's a bit of a bad of bits. | 14:55 |
rogpeppe | perhaps i should try to split it up | 14:56 |
rogpeppe | anyone know of a good tool for splitting up branches? | 14:56 |
* urulama suggests an axe | 14:57 | |
rogpeppe | lol | 14:57 |
Makyo | jujugui call now. | 15:00 |
jrwren | http://ci.jujugui.org:8080 its up | 15:18 |
jrwren | I have no answers for why it wasn't up. | 15:18 |
Makyo | jrwren, awesome, thanks | 15:19 |
kadams54 | jcsackett: finished QAing your PR | 15:34 |
kadams54 | Makyo: you mentioned running debug logging while setting the juju-gui-sourceā¦ how do I do that? | 15:35 |
Makyo | juju debug-log | 15:35 |
kadams54 | This is what I get: http://pastie.org/private/8kodvcgaorziu7fq9evxa | 15:38 |
kadams54 | Seems to be an error right off the bat, maybe in fetching the new source from git? | 15:39 |
kadams54 | guihelp: ^ | 15:44 |
jcsackett | kadams54: thanks. | 15:45 |
rick_h__ | hey all, anyone know what's the status of hatch's card and potential gui release? | 16:08 |
rick_h__ | jujugui ^ | 16:09 |
Makyo | rick_h__, working on QAing now, then checking on some problems with the charm, then I'll see about starting release prep. | 16:14 |
rick_h__ | Makyo: awesome thanks. | 16:14 |
rick_h__ | Makyo: what's up with the charm? | 16:14 |
urulama | rogpeppe: i've looked your PR ... it's huge, for last parts /v4/stats.go and stats_test.go i need more time ... | 16:15 |
Makyo | rick_h__, some folks are having trouble setting juju-gui-source - looks like it fails to start back up. | 16:16 |
Makyo | Going to research that. | 16:16 |
rogpeppe | urulama: yes, i'm sorry about that | 16:16 |
rogpeppe | urulama: i fixed lots of things in an organic way when trying to make the tests pass | 16:16 |
rick_h__ | Makyo: note that only works in trusty and not precise due to git changes | 16:16 |
urulama | rogpeppe: yes, that's what i'm worried about | 16:16 |
urulama | need to go to dinner | 16:17 |
rogpeppe | urulama: i could spend a few hours splitting it up | 16:17 |
Makyo | rick_h__, Aha! Good to note. kadams54 ^ | 16:18 |
rick_h__ | Makyo: yea, would love to get details on the series and the string used for that field to make sure it's supposed to work | 16:19 |
rick_h__ | Makyo: so trusty + 'develop' should be trunk and be good to test with | 16:19 |
rick_h__ | and should come up, if not there's a log file to check in /var/log/juju/all-? | 16:19 |
kadams54 | rick_h__, Makyo: alas, I'm in trusty. | 17:16 |
kadams54 | I didn't see anything obvious in the all-machines.log file, but I'm going to give it another go, this time tailing both that and running debug-log | 17:16 |
* rogpeppe is done for the day | 17:20 | |
rogpeppe | g'night all | 17:20 |
Makyo | Can't seem to deploy the charm at all, hmm. | 17:38 |
kadams54 | rick_h__, Makyo: And of course, this time, it appears to have worked for me. FWIW, I confirmed that my card, bug #1341653, seems to be fixed. | 17:40 |
Makyo | kadams54, Woo! | 17:40 |
Makyo | I might be running into a juju bug, not sure. Trying on other computer. | 17:40 |
kadams54 | I'm going to see if I can clear a few more cards out of the QA queue. | 17:42 |
Makyo | Yeah, seems to be something weird going on in tip, up and QAing juju-gui-source now. | 17:51 |
hatch | Makyo juju-core is failing CI atm so you'd best to use a stable release | 18:09 |
Makyo | hatch, so I found. | 18:09 |
Makyo | Now go back to not working. | 18:09 |
Makyo | It's a holiday :) | 18:10 |
hatch | haha I am not working :) I have to do html's and css's for my dads website....bleh, I wonder if I could convince huw to do this for me lol | 18:10 |
hatch | right Monday Holiday | 18:10 |
kadams54 | Provincial Day! | 18:10 |
tvansteenburgh | anyone in here familiar with the charmhelpers.contrib.jujugui python module? | 18:10 |
hatch | jujugui https://twitter.com/FromAnEgg/status/496158671710466049 hahaha | 18:11 |
tvansteenburgh | i have a MR to remove it, wondering if anyone here cares | 18:11 |
hatch | tvansteenburgh I've never even heard of it :) what does it do? | 18:11 |
tvansteenburgh | nothing any more! muwhahaha | 18:12 |
hatch | lol w00t | 18:12 |
urulama | hi there, jujugui | 21:09 |
* urulama hears pings go all over the world ;) | 21:10 | |
hatch | haha hey urulama how goes ze Germans? | 21:10 |
hatch | (little Top Gear reference there) | 21:10 |
urulama | ze Germanz are fine ... at least their bear and pork products are ;) | 21:11 |
urulama | s/bear/beer | 21:11 |
* urulama now wonders what a bear tastes like | 21:12 | |
hatch | haha | 21:12 |
hatch | tastes pretty gamey | 21:12 |
urulama | you had one? | 21:12 |
hatch | of course | 21:12 |
hatch | elk deer, etc etc | 21:12 |
hatch | I live in the North remember | 21:13 |
hatch | north of the wall ;) | 21:13 |
urulama | survival of the fittest :) | 21:13 |
urulama | i had deer and boar and whatnot, but not bears ... and we have a lot of them, just not allowed to eat them | 21:14 |
urulama | so how's it going? CI working now? | 21:14 |
hatch | no idea, I'm off today | 21:15 |
* kadams54 is going to start referring to hatch at "that wilder". | 21:15 | |
rick_h__ | howdy all | 21:16 |
kadams54 | urulama: I just landed a branch for juju-gui, so that CI seems to be working | 21:16 |
kadams54 | rick_h__: hey there | 21:16 |
urulama | hatch: remember the talk about being away from computer ... now's probably the time then :) | 21:17 |
urulama | kadams54: ok, good news | 21:18 |
rick_h__ | Makyo: issues? no release it sounds like? | 21:19 |
hatch | hey rick_h__ | 21:20 |
hatch | urulama haha, I'm sitting in the back yard on the swingy chair with a beer working on my dads website.....it's pretty day-ofish :) | 21:21 |
rick_h__ | hey hatch | 21:21 |
Makyo | rick_h__, I think release is a go, pulling together changelog now. May actually go out tomorrow. | 21:35 |
Makyo | (was on the patio, sorry) | 21:35 |
hatch | to submit forms on this vps I have to write a PHP script.... | 22:15 |
hatch | I don't even think I remember how to write a form submission script in PHP any longer lol | 22:16 |
hatch | I can't even write it in python.... | 22:17 |
hatch | what kind of vps restricts to ONLY php | 22:17 |
hatch | haha | 22:17 |
Makyo | Someone landed a branch while I was writing the change log and now there's a conflict >:/ | 22:38 |
huwshimi | Morning | 23:02 |
huwshimi | hatch: Morning, in a test I have a beforeEach that sets "placeUnit: utils.makeStubFunction()". How would I go about having one test that has the real function there? | 23:24 |
Makyo | jujugui GUI release is done. Going to get dinner prepped, then work on charm release. | 23:24 |
huwshimi | Makyo: Yay! | 23:24 |
Makyo | On going through the change log, decided on 1.1.1, since much of our work was done behind a feature flag meant for a larger release. | 23:25 |
hatch | huwshimi have a code sample? From that one there it looks like you're just passing in a fake stub not the actual ecs object? | 23:25 |
hatch | Makyo +1 Thanks for doing the release! | 23:25 |
huwshimi | hatch: Yeah, so it's stubbed out for all the tests, but it one test I don't want to stub it out... | 23:26 |
hatch | huwshimi well it looks like your not stubbing it out but passing a mock ecs in? | 23:26 |
huwshimi | hatch: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/test/test_machine_view_panel.js#L223 | 23:27 |
hatch | huwshimi ok yeah you're passing a mock in, you'll need to set the ecs to a real ecs object if you want to use the real placeUnit | 23:28 |
huwshimi | hatch: Ah ok, so any ideas on how to do that? | 23:28 |
huwshimi | Do we do this anywhere else? | 23:28 |
hatch | you can't really 'just' use placeUnit because it relies on the ecs instance in a lot of places | 23:28 |
hatch | well what are you testing? | 23:28 |
huwshimi | hatch: OK, so I'm trying to test that a container token is created when placeUnit occurs | 23:29 |
huwshimi | I'll push up my code | 23:30 |
hatch | well you don't really need to do that | 23:31 |
hatch | you just need to test that placeUnit is called with the proper data | 23:31 |
hatch | then there should be a test which takes said data and makes sure placeUnit does the proper stuff with it | 23:31 |
hatch | ^ huwshimi | 23:31 |
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