perlmonkey | hello all, I am running Lubuntu 14.04 and loving it, but I get system errors daily (Toshiba R400) they don't affect the machine or OS or apps, just pop up announcements, anyone else experiencing or any suggestions? | 00:05 |
perlmonkey | I don't know what is causing the errors, but I send the reports to Ubuntu when asked to | 00:05 |
anarkhos | what errors exactly? | 00:06 |
perlmonkey | it just says "experienced a serious system error" or similar | 00:06 |
perlmonkey | a small window | 00:06 |
perlmonkey | maybe its related to my laptop, the Toshiba R400 is not exactly standard PC architecture, its a hybrid laptop tablet | 00:07 |
perlmonkey | im amazed that Lubuntu even supports the touch screen at all | 00:07 |
rena_ | I get those also sometimes :p | 00:07 |
perlmonkey | oh | 00:07 |
perlmonkey | well the system seems stable on mine, so i guess other than clicking them, its not an issue | 00:08 |
rena_ | But I have a standard laptop. But ancient xD | 00:08 |
perlmonkey | maybe it slows start up a bit | 00:08 |
perlmonkey | im running xfce4 | 00:08 |
perlmonkey | 2GB RAM, Centrino Duo, this laptop is SLOW compared to my Toshiba netbook Atom 1,6Ghz 1GB ram | 00:09 |
perlmonkey | but fastest of all is my Quad Core tablet with 1GB ram again, but that can't run Lubuntu (yet) Android is faster tho | 00:10 |
perlmonkey | Windows 7.... | 00:11 |
perlmonkey | sheesh, that's on my netbook, and every day nearly, I get "critical/important sys updates in progress 1/5 etc" not asked, told.. and my sys is unusable for an hour or so, im sure MS has re-installed Windows 7 3x over already | 00:12 |
perlmonkey | heh | 00:12 |
perlmonkey | if you have an old laptop, run Linux on a ram disk if goes real fast then | 00:13 |
perlmonkey | i booted off USB and loaded into a ramdisk | 00:14 |
perlmonkey | on a diskless machine and it ran real fast | 00:14 |
perlmonkey | i tried several micro Linux distros designed for USB and ramdisk | 00:14 |
perlmonkey | rena_ I guarantee you my laptop is more ancient | 00:15 |
perlmonkey | i have a laptop made in 1984 by Apricot, which has a mono matrix LCD, infrared keyboard, voice recognition | 00:16 |
perlmonkey | no HDD, only dual 720kb floppy | 00:16 |
perlmonkey | also a Toshiba lugable from 1980's with a pleasing orange plasma display EGA and MS-DOS 5 | 00:17 |
perlmonkey | and a Casio palm PC EM-500 running Windows CE and an A10 mini palm-top laptop style with green backlight LCD and full querty kb | 00:19 |
perlmonkey | heh | 00:19 |
* perlmonkey collects old puters, got a Compaq laptop too, advanced for its day, 1990s, 3-tone LCD (odd size) with super-thin lid, nice kb and 20GB HDD/640kb ram, DOS 3 | 00:21 | |
* perlmonkey has the most laptop the world ever saw, the Toshiba R500 | 00:21 | |
perlmonkey | thinnest and lightest, until Mac Air came | 00:22 |
perlmonkey | *advanced | 00:22 |
phillw | !paste | 00:22 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:22 |
* perlmonkey never pastes | 00:22 | |
perlmonkey | thats why do many spelling errors xD | 00:23 |
perlmonkey | why did they call it Lubuntu and not Ubuntu? | 00:23 |
phillw | perlmonkey: then consider a blog? | 00:23 |
wxl | perlmonkey: because it's not ubuntu? :) | 00:23 |
perlmonkey | oh i have one somewhere, i guess I should update it | 00:24 |
perlmonkey | what is different to Lubuntu and Ubuntu? | 00:24 |
phillw | perlmonkey: go for the blog!! | 00:24 |
perlmonkey | is the org different or the software | 00:24 |
wxl | perlmonkey: both | 00:24 |
perlmonkey | oh | 00:24 |
perlmonkey | so why did you guys break off from the main Ubuntu | 00:24 |
perlmonkey | don't like that corp | 00:25 |
wxl | perlmonkey: the core and repos are the same but lubuntu is focused on lightweight usage, so it has a much simpler desktop environment, etc | 00:25 |
perlmonkey | ahh i see | 00:25 |
phillw | perlmonkey: | 00:25 |
perlmonkey | thanks | 00:25 |
wxl | perlmonkey: well, that's where it gets confusing. lubuntu IS ubuntu. or at least it's a official canonical flavor of ubuntu. | 00:25 |
perlmonkey | but you just scaled it down for lightweight, like packaged it as a separate distro | 00:26 |
perlmonkey | if i understand correct, and its got all separate maintainers etc | 00:26 |
perlmonkey | but the same core/code base | 00:26 |
perlmonkey | L for lightweight | 00:26 |
perlmonkey | I chose it for my laptop hoping it would perform better | 00:27 |
perlmonkey | and it does, as well as can be expected on this Centrino which is never fast with any OS | 00:27 |
wxl | well it doesn't HAVE to have separate maintainers | 00:27 |
wxl | it happens to, but doesn't have to | 00:27 |
perlmonkey | but it runs cool and quiet, so you can't have everything eh | 00:27 |
perlmonkey | i see | 00:27 |
perlmonkey | its better to keep it decentralised I think if you branch off distros | 00:28 |
perlmonkey | else it gets too complicated for the people | 00:28 |
wxl | well, it's not necessarily a branch | 00:28 |
perlmonkey | like a corporation | 00:28 |
perlmonkey | but you're pitching it for a different type of hardware and user almost? | 00:29 |
wxl | technically, you could take ubuntu and remove stuff and add stuff from the standard repo and end up with lubuntu | 00:29 |
perlmonkey | than the standard Ubuntu | 00:29 |
perlmonkey | so that needs different people who understand that maybe, i dunno | 00:29 |
wxl | well let's ask the question as to why kubuntu and xubuntu exist | 00:29 |
phillw | or you could use 'core' | 00:30 |
wxl | they don't try to be lighter weight than ubuntu | 00:30 |
perlmonkey | is that the Chinese one? | 00:30 |
phillw | and then add stuff | 00:30 |
wxl | (they sort of end up being as such) | 00:30 |
wxl | but they're different UIs really | 00:30 |
perlmonkey | I know why there's a Chinese version, so their gov can censor it :P | 00:30 |
wxl | it's a matter of preference | 00:30 |
wxl | lubuntu takes that and runs with it, with a particular goal in mind | 00:31 |
perlmonkey | put all the allowed apps or sites in and its ubuntu with the red star seal of approval | 00:31 |
phillw | perlmonkey: kylin (The Chinese one) has a different base point. It expects chinese language and key board etc. | 00:31 |
perlmonkey | I have like 10 wdm/desktops on my login options | 00:31 |
wxl | if we take the entirety of the canonical repos, you can make ubutnu, lubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu, and ubuntu server out of it | 00:31 |
perlmonkey | I wanted to try them all | 00:31 |
wxl | they're all ubuntus | 00:32 |
perlmonkey | i found some faster, but xfce4 has the balance, it feels like a full desktop, but runs fast like a wm | 00:32 |
perlmonkey | its perfect | 00:32 |
wxl | furthermore all of those flavors are supported by the same canonical infasturcture | 00:32 |
perlmonkey | phillw can you guarantee the kylin has no censorship features or limitations imposed by Chinese gov? | 00:33 |
wxl | now mint is basically some variation of ubuntu (just like the canonical flavors are; it even pulls from the same repos), plus a few extra little things that are mint specific | 00:33 |
perlmonkey | i heard of mint | 00:34 |
wxl | however, you can't get it from canonical and though lots of wiki pages can apply to it, the canonical community does not provide support for it | 00:34 |
perlmonkey | i was very tempted to go with that for my laptop | 00:34 |
perlmonkey | but i decided it was a step too far and i wanted to stay with | 00:34 |
wxl | the thing is most people aren't going to go playing with different window managers, let alone try figuring out a whole completely different working system | 00:34 |
perlmonkey | true | 00:35 |
wxl | thus the reason for the different flavors | 00:35 |
wxl | it's a distro within a distro is probably the best way to look at it | 00:35 |
perlmonkey | it can be a very difficult task to configure | 00:35 |
wxl | mint has them, too | 00:35 |
perlmonkey | that's why Ubuntu is so good, its better than Windows even, supporting hw windows has trouble with in my case | 00:35 |
perlmonkey | i never needed to mess with drivers with Ubuntu ever, with windows, its routine to install half a dozen | 00:36 |
phillw | perlmonkey: the code is crawled over by people around the world. Any attempt to put in a 'back door' would be found. It would also embaress the Chinese government who have stated that no such back doors will be permissable and that they want a system that does not have NSA backdoors... As it happens, I trust the Chinese on this one. | 00:36 |
wxl | that's pretty much the linux kernel at work | 00:37 |
perlmonkey | i think the only think which can't work on my laptops is the Toshiba fingerprint login scannner | 00:37 |
wxl | oh you can make them work :) | 00:37 |
perlmonkey | hehe | 00:37 |
phillw | wxl: we did say not to chop off peoples fingers for that work around was not the best? :P | 00:38 |
perlmonkey | phillw no I mean, is the Chinese ubuntu totally the same as our Western ones, language aside, or is it geared for a limited usage, that allows the Chinese gov to censor how people access the web, what they view and download? | 00:38 |
wxl | hahahah | 00:39 |
wxl | perlmonkey: technically the source code is there. go see for yourself. | 00:39 |
perlmonkey | ok | 00:39 |
wxl | perlmonkey: now in regards to your issues, it would be interesting to know what these were | 00:40 |
perlmonkey | i don't know about these things at that level, i was just curious | 00:40 |
perlmonkey | yeah it would indeed, i will try to check syslog and report back when it happens again tmw | 00:40 |
phillw | perlmonkey: it is simply set to be chinese from start up. I did have the pleasure of chatting with the TL's of Kylin, I assure you that it is 100% ubuntu :) | 00:40 |
perlmonkey | these are daily occurances at boot time, but Ubuntu somehow fixes it quickly | 00:40 |
perlmonkey | phillw cool | 00:41 |
perlmonkey | so I guess the "great wall of China" is doing its work then beyond any OS | 00:41 |
wxl | perlmonkey: a lot of the crashes are mentioned in /var/log/apport.log | 00:41 |
phillw | perlmonkey: they're kicking out M$ :) | 00:42 |
perlmonkey | heh | 00:42 |
perlmonkey | MS is losing market share by the day, i think their biz model is coming to an end, or product life cycle, for consumer market anyways, biz market they will retain | 00:42 |
perlmonkey | they do hw in win8, but too late in the day against a free mobile OS from Google, and tons of apps, plus cheaper hw | 00:43 |
perlmonkey | they dont have a viable proposition | 00:43 |
wxl | "free" | 00:43 |
perlmonkey | same on smartphones | 00:44 |
wxl | android ain't really open source | 00:44 |
perlmonkey | but its free eh | 00:44 |
perlmonkey | thats all that matters really | 00:44 |
wxl | it'd be better if it were free-er :) | 00:44 |
perlmonkey | yeah that is true, but Google is behind this one | 00:44 |
perlmonkey | they purchased it eh | 00:44 |
wxl | yes, google | 00:45 |
perlmonkey | so they have a vested interest | 00:45 |
wxl | those theoretically not-evil guys | 00:45 |
perlmonkey | yeah, they will take over the world i think | 00:45 |
perlmonkey | and MS will be in their shadow | 00:45 |
perlmonkey | the ironic thing is.. Bill Gates was right on ball about internet and its future use in 1990s when nobody used it | 00:45 |
perlmonkey | yet MS did nothing towards internet diversifying, except hotmail, and let Google go unchecked | 00:46 |
phillw | perlmonkey: bill gates said that internet would never happen :) | 00:46 |
wxl | ahhh | 00:46 |
perlmonkey | he said it would be superhighway of the future | 00:46 |
wxl | see also /var/crash perlmonkey | 00:46 |
perlmonkey | but i dont think he realised how commercial it would become | 00:46 |
perlmonkey | he thought it would be info orientated | 00:46 |
phillw | but, before the irc police arrive, can we move to #lubuntu-offtopic ? | 00:47 |
perlmonkey | wxl ok thanks will check | 00:47 |
perlmonkey | sure | 00:47 |
wxl | perlmonkey | 00:47 |
wxl | a little more info than you wanted to know but hey it helps | 00:48 |
perlmonkey | thanks wxl you're very helpful I bookmarked it | 00:48 |
wxl | so i hear that you have a bunch of low end machines lubuntu would be good for perlmonkey ? | 00:48 |
perlmonkey | oh yeah, very low end ;-) | 00:48 |
wxl | well if you've got so many machines to test on, we should recruit you into the testing team | 00:49 |
perlmonkey | what I can't wait for is someone to make a tablet compatible Lubuntu | 00:49 |
perlmonkey | then I will root my tablet | 00:49 |
perlmonkey | hehe some of my machines are from different eras tho, like dinasaurs ;-) | 00:50 |
perlmonkey | if your Lubuntu will run on those, it will run on just about anything | 00:50 |
deitarion | How do I get back the tray icon from 12.04 that showed a log of missed notifications? I never even figured out what produced it so I have no clue what to search for. | 02:02 |
phillw | deitarion: update notifier? | 02:04 |
deitarion | phillw: I'm not even sure what you're asking me. | 02:05 |
phillw | deitarion: there may have a been a bug, are you okay with issuing commands at terminal or do you want step by step? | 02:09 |
deitarion | phillw: Terminal is fine. At the moment, I'm rewriting a Python script which depends on notify-send and udisks because I forgot to add "does the command exist" error handling. | 02:10 |
phillw | deitarion: always an easy one... from terminal | 02:13 |
phillw | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 02:13 |
phillw | That will pull everything in, assuming you are running a supported release | 02:13 |
deitarion | phillw: Aside from a new Firefox Aurora update that just came out, I'm already up to date. | 02:14 |
phillw | deitarion: what release are you on? | 02:15 |
deitarion | 14.04, installed a couple of days ago. | 02:15 |
phillw | deitarion: then why would you expect a list of missed notifications? | 02:16 |
deitarion | phillw: I'm asking what I have to install or downgrade to get it back. | 02:16 |
phillw | deitarion: there are no missed notifications | 02:17 |
perlmonkey | so you installed it, and then has notifications for updates and ignored? | 02:17 |
perlmonkey | but yet your sys is up to date? | 02:17 |
perlmonkey | how can this be? | 02:17 |
perlmonkey | the list is gone eh | 02:18 |
perlmonkey | you did the updates at some stage? | 02:18 |
deitarion | So you're saying I have to grab some Python code I know I can use as reference and write my own notification daemon? (or at least a proxy) | 02:18 |
phillw | deitarion: how do you expect an up to date system complain that it is not? I've just asked you to a manual check | 02:19 |
deitarion | phillw: Ugh! I'll use small, clear phrases. | 02:19 |
perlmonkey | yeah i mean, ubuntu is functioning normal eh, its not a feature i dont think? | 02:19 |
phillw | deitarion: update runs as cron | 02:19 |
perlmonkey | you're asking for a feature it don't have, maybe check log? | 02:19 |
* deitarion tears hair out. | 02:19 | |
deitarion | Give me a sec to see if I can make one screenshot and find another so I can clear up whatever misunderstanding you have. | 02:20 |
perlmonkey | sorry maybe I misunderstand you but it seems that feature only comes into play if you have pending updates you ignored? | 02:20 |
perlmonkey | if you updated, its gone | 02:20 |
* phillw relaxes as deitarion has fully up to date system | 02:20 | |
perlmonkey | when your next update comes, it will return? | 02:20 |
perlmonkey | if you dont update immediately | 02:20 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: Not the update manager. I'm looking to regain the tray icon which appears when you failed to click X on a notification-daemon popup notification in Lubuntu 12.04. | 02:21 |
perlmonkey | oh | 02:21 |
phillw | oh, it will nag you to death if you do not update | 02:21 |
perlmonkey | but won't that only come when the situation arises? | 02:21 |
perlmonkey | like if you do the same again, ignore an update | 02:21 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: Open up your terminal and paste this "sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin; notify-send 'Testing 123'" | 02:21 |
perlmonkey | ok | 02:22 |
deitarion | Don't click the notification that appears. Let it fade on its own. | 02:22 |
Unit193 | deitarion: lp 1246364 | 02:22 |
deitarion | Under Lubuntu 12.04, there will be a tray icon showing a log of notifications you didn't dismiss by clicking on them. Under Lubuntu 14.04, there's no indication whatsoever that I missed a notification while I was away. | 02:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1246364 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier does not show a tray icon in xubuntu" [Low,Confirmed] | 02:22 |
perlmonkey | says it already newest version | 02:22 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: Then run the second half. | 02:23 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: The "notify-send 'Testing 123'" part. | 02:23 |
perlmonkey | you can't do that | 02:23 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: Can't do what? | 02:23 |
perlmonkey | add on "testing 123" | 02:23 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: You obviously know a LOT less about how the command line works than I do. | 02:24 |
perlmonkey | ok it came up Testing 123 | 02:24 |
perlmonkey | in a black window for a few seconds | 02:24 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: Did you click on it? (You shouldn't have) | 02:24 |
perlmonkey | no | 02:24 |
deitarion | Under Lubuntu 12.04, there would also be a tray icon which you could click to get a list of "missed" notifications. | 02:25 |
phillw | greetings Unit193 perlmonkey is a new tester, please assist him. | 02:25 |
deitarion | Under Lubuntu 14.04, I can find no way to get a list of notification I missed while away from the PC, so my only options are to either rewrite every applications which can't display its own internal "missed notifications" indication to ask that notifications never expire or write my own notification daemon. | 02:26 |
perlmonkey |!topic/chrome/Jl7vQAYbUEQ | 02:27 |
perlmonkey | might this help indirectly? | 02:27 |
perlmonkey | since its related to system tray notifications | 02:27 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: No. It's talking about how Unity stopped supporting XEmbed tray icons. | 02:28 |
Unit193 | phillw: I don't see a question, hard to assist if there's no question asked. | 02:33 |
phillw | Unit193: (03:02:22) deitarion: How do I get back the tray icon from 12.04 that showed a log of missed notifications? I never even figured out what produced it so I have no clue what to search for. | 02:34 |
Unit193 | That's not perlmonkey. :P | 02:34 |
phillw | Unit193: as 12.04 is well past EoL I've asked the chat to be re-located | 02:36 |
perlmonkey | | 02:45 |
perlmonkey | this suggests a desktop specific approach to notifications, and a change from 12 to 14 | 02:46 |
perlmonkey | but as for the icon on tray, that remains elusive eh | 02:46 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: I tried reinstalling notification-daemon and confirmed that it's part of it... and that notification-daemon crashes on hiding a message in 14.04. | 02:47 |
perlmonkey | ok | 02:47 |
perlmonkey | "Just make sure the libnotify plugin is active! With Ubuntu 12.10 (and previous) and the whitelist for system tray icons you/the user may have deactivated the libnotify plugin on purpose." | 02:50 |
perlmonkey | that guy wanted Pidgin to keep its announcements/notices in the tray with icon | 02:52 |
perlmonkey | he was advised to add: X-MessagingMenu-UsesChatSection=true to /usr/share/applications/pidgin.desktop | 02:52 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: Irrelevant for multiple reasons I won't go into to avoid cluttering the channel. | 02:52 |
perlmonkey | ok sorry couldnt be more help, hope you solve it | 02:54 |
deitarion | perlmonkey: I did. `sudo apt-get purge xfce4-notifyd && sudo apt-get install notification-daemon` would fix the problem if notification-daemon weren't so broken on 14.04. | 02:56 |
perlmonkey | ah | 02:56 |
deitarion | Now I'm just trying to determine whether it's easier to debug and patch notification-daemon or spend an afternoon writing a clone using PyGTK. | 02:57 |
perlmonkey | can't you file a bug report and revert to 12.04 or is that not an option? | 02:57 |
perlmonkey | i see | 02:57 |
deitarion | Reverting to 12.04 isn't an option because some of the stuff I want to run needs a newer glibc. | 02:57 |
ianorlin | deitarion: make sure you due all updates as some notification icons weren't showing up without upgrades | 03:41 |
deitarion | ianorlin: Again, irrelevant. The problem was caused by the switch from notification-daemon to xfce4-notifyd, which doesn't implement a missed notifications log. | 03:41 |
deitarion | Tomorrow, I'll either debug and patch notification-daemon so it doesn't crash or write a clone in Python. | 03:42 |
Unit193 | deitarion: Ah, I wasn't aware notification-daemon had that, not bad. it sounds like. | 03:45 |
ubottu | bug 7437 in general "[RFE] Adding support for persistent notifications" [Enhancement,New] | 03:45 |
deitarion | Unit193: "the idea is piling up any *non-transient* notifications" | 03:49 |
deitarion | I can already patch all my apps to request that notifications stick around until explicitly dismissed. | 03:49 |
Unit193 | Right, but the rest of the spec goes on to say a log of them which you can bring up. Anyway, as to notification-daemon, I don't suppose there's any crash info in /var/crash/ on it? | 03:51 |
Unit193 | But yeah, getting some debugging symbols and gdb should help. | 03:52 |
deitarion | There is... but it's trivial to trigger the crash within gdb without needing a separate core dump. | 03:53 |
deitarion | Just run it, `notify-send ...` and wait for it to expire the notification. | 03:53 |
deitarion | ...though you might have to remove xfce4-notifyd to stop bus activation from usurping things. | 03:56 |
* perlmonkey will make a list of all his technology and systems later on blog | 08:40 | |
perlmonkey | its considerable, and it includes a HP workstation designed for Unix | 08:41 |
perlmonkey | I have an entire room full of PC's and tech | 08:41 |
perlmonkey | HP workstation = 3 x 18GB SCSI drives, Pentium III, 1.44mb floppy drive, CDROM drive | 08:43 |
perlmonkey | RAM limited, prolly 1GB maybe 2 | 08:43 |
perlmonkey | that thing has a shit load of memory banks and would have been a very poweful sys in its day | 08:44 |
perlmonkey | its still a fast runner now | 08:44 |
perlmonkey | it weighs 50kg approx | 08:45 |
perlmonkey | I also have a Toshiba Magnia 3020 Server | 08:45 |
perlmonkey | *30kg | 08:45 |
perlmonkey | the Magnia is about 40+ kg | 08:45 |
perlmonkey | then coming to the present, I has Raspberry Pi B, various tablets, and all manner of mobile PC's but these are flash/ROM, and running CE embedded, if it's possible to root them tho I f'kin will, and most take CF media or SD media | 08:47 |
ikonia | why are you listing your hardware into space ? | 08:47 |
ikonia | your language isn't very nice either | 08:48 |
marc_ | hey people, two days ago i re-installed 14.04. everything went well, except for the restricted extras. i'm in indonesia right now and can only use a shitty usb modem. the install process crashed... now i sometimes get a pop up window asking me if i want to reinstall. only problem is, it usually comes quite randomly and when i'm not connected to the internet. is there another way to do it? | 09:14 |
marc_ | it crashed during the installation of the microsoft fonts... and flashplugin, i guess | 09:15 |
marc_ | there has to be some terminal commands i'm overlooking | 09:17 |
yz3pD | marc_, just purge lubuntu-restricted-extras and install it again | 09:18 |
yz3pD | and -addons | 09:18 |
marc_ | how to purge the addons? | 09:18 |
yz3pD | sudo apt-get purge lubuntu-restriced-* && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-* | 09:19 |
marc_ | alright | 09:19 |
marc_ | thanks so much | 09:19 |
yz3pD | and you can install linux-firmware and linux-firmware-nonfree | 09:20 |
kmoral | Greetings Lubuntu ppl! | 10:12 |
kmoral | I'm having this stupid screen lock problem. | 10:12 |
kmoral | Asked here: | 10:12 |
kmoral | got some help, but nothing I do fixes it... | 10:13 |
kmoral | And I simply just want to disable this lxlock and never see it again. | 10:13 |
kmoral | I even tried modifying the .config/autostart/light-locker.desktop file. | 10:14 |
kmoral | no luck.. the screen still goes to lock every time I leave it for 10 minutes or something.. | 10:15 |
kmoral | is this channel a ghost town?? | 11:08 |
hateball | Well, it's rather idle. | 11:11 |
hateball | And perhaps no one knew the answer to your question | 11:11 |
phillw | !patience | kmoral | 11:32 |
ubottu | kmoral: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 11:32 |
user123321 | Could someone let me know if this script is the best way to do cleanup? I badly need to free-up space :/ any advice is appreciated. | 11:57 |
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kmoral | ubottu, I'm dealing with this for days.. already searched everything.. | 12:23 |
ubottu | kmoral: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:23 |
kmoral | ubottu, really? | 12:23 |
ubottu | kmoral: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:23 |
kmoral | oh.. nice :) | 12:23 |
kmoral | phillw, you also a bot? | 12:24 |
phillw | kmoral: some times :) | 12:25 |
kmoral | :) | 12:25 |
kmoral | I'm screwed.. this is the last place I was hoping to get help.. | 12:25 |
phillw | kmoral: | 12:26 |
kmoral | you really think I haven't been through that? :) | 12:26 |
kmoral | It bothers me why lubuntu have these settings in three different places.. | 12:27 |
kmoral | and all get ignored. | 12:28 |
phillw | it is because different apps are doing the some of the same tasks. simply removing xscreensaver should stop it, but that is a sledge hammer approach. | 12:28 |
kmoral | I don't care... I just want this stupid lock removed.. | 12:28 |
kmoral | but I think I already tried that, but can't locate the xscreensaver package | 12:29 |
kmoral | yes.. that's correct: Package 'xscreensaver' is not installed, so not removed | 12:29 |
phillw | kmoral: type | 12:30 |
phillw | locate xscreensaver | 12:30 |
phillw | into a terminal | 12:30 |
kmoral | ok | 12:30 |
kmoral | /home/user/.xscreensaver | 12:30 |
kmoral | /usr/share/lubuntu/xscreensaver | 12:31 |
kmoral | /usr/share/lubuntu/xscreensaver/xscreensaver | 12:31 |
phillw | kmoral: have a read of bug 1193716 | 12:34 |
ubottu | bug 1193716 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Xfce Power Manager does not override the screen saver timeout (X11 Screen Saver extension)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 12:34 |
phillw | kmoral: comment #50 may help | 12:37 |
kmoral | how do you locate comment #50? | 12:42 |
kmoral | oh.. just saw on the top right.. nevermind | 12:42 |
kmoral | ok.. I did that.. now I have to wait 10 minutes.. | 12:44 |
phillw | indeed :) | 12:52 |
phillw | it's a very annoying bug, but I don't let it get me disheartned :) | 12:53 |
=== AntiSpamMeta2 is now known as AntiSpamMeta | ||
kalib | Hello guys. I´m having trouble trying to use authentication (proxy) on lubuntu. When using my browser (firefox) I can set my proxy: with port 3128. Fine, when I try to run, firefox asks me for my user and password (proxy). Works fine.. BUT... | 14:17 |
kalib | when trying to run the update manager for softwares.. or apt-get.. my proxy doesn´t work. | 14:17 |
kalib | Already tried to run: | 14:17 |
kalib | export http_proxy=http:\\ | 14:18 |
kalib | export https_proxy=http:\\ | 14:18 |
kalib | and | 14:18 |
kalib | export ftp_proxy=http:\\ | 14:18 |
kalib | but it still not working from console.. | 14:18 |
kalib | I can´t even ping google through terminal. | 14:18 |
kalib | any tip? | 14:18 |
phillw | kalib: have you tied squid? | 14:29 |
phillw | | 14:29 |
kalib | phillw,should I? I mean, my squid is working on my network.. but on this machine, I can´t configure the proxy for the terminal. | 14:33 |
kalib | but works fine if I set the proxy to the navigator.. | 14:33 |
phillw | kalib: I've never used proxy, so that is all i can find for you. | 14:34 |
kalib | ok | 14:34 |
phillw | you can also ask on #ubuntu or ask on | 14:35 |
kalib | ok, thanks.. ;] | 14:35 |
kmoral | phillw, anoying bug indeed. It might be gone now.. I'll restart and see.. will come back here later. | 14:46 |
SubSonicGroove | hi, need some help, I installed a couple 4 port nic cards in my lubuntu box, an intell pro100 (that's working just fine) and an Adaptec starfire ANA620xx/ANA69011A (which is recognized but, is stil coming up with "*-network 1-4 UNCLAIMED even after running the starfire-diag). | 16:14 |
SubSonicGroove | kind of at a stopping point, not sure what to do to get this card running. | 16:14 |
holstein | SubSonicGroove: does the vendor support linux? | 16:15 |
yz3pD | is it a specific lubuntu problem? maybe somebody in #ubuntu can help you | 16:16 |
holstein | that too.. since its lower level hardware support, i might try a larger support channel or mailing list | 16:17 |
SubSonicGroove | yeah, there's a little bit of documentation from several years ago and the starfire-diag is supposed to fix it, maybe there's more to it than just running the diag... | 16:17 |
holstein | SubSonicGroove: who says what is supposed to do what, though? | 16:17 |
holstein | SubSonicGroove: and what specifically? and for what kernel? etc.. | 16:17 |
SubSonicGroove | Most of the problems seemed to be from ubuntu so wasn't sure who to go to... | 16:19 |
SubSonicGroove | running 3.13.0-24-generic | 16:20 |
holstein | SubSonicGroove: well, ideally, the vendor would say "we support ubuntu" or "we support linux".. if they do, then you can ask them what kernel they expect you to be using, or how to conform to the support they provide | 16:20 |
SubSonicGroove | I'll dig a bit at the adaptec site and see what I can find on this issue, didn't think to check there first... thanks! | 16:22 |
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi | ||
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel | ||
rena_ | Hello. I've been googling for this and haven't found anything that fits my wishes. Does anyone know of a panel applet to monitor the CPU, Mem and Network activity? I had one in Gnome Ubuntu but I don't think it would work in LXDE | 20:03 |
rafaellaguna | there's an applet | 20:03 |
rafaellaguna | right click on the panel and select "properties" | 20:04 |
rafaellaguna | sorry, panel settings | 20:05 |
rafaellaguna | then you can add applets at the "panel applets" tab | 20:05 |
rena_ | Yes, I've been there, I've done that. But there is none that fits exactly my specifications. I would like to have a CPU graph+percentage, Memory used/Free, Network activity showing in (k,M)B/s. I dindn't find any like this. | 20:08 |
rena_ | Thank you for trying to help rafaellaguna :) | 20:09 |
rafaellaguna | there're no more, sorry | 20:09 |
rafaellaguna | you have another separate applet for the network | 20:09 |
rena_ | I guess I will have to code it myself then :p | 20:16 |
rafaellaguna | I'd like to use it :D | 20:17 |
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest60745 | ||
yz3pD2 | you can use multiload indicator in lxpanel | 20:20 |
rena_ | I think that's what I used in Ubuntu. If it does work on lxpanel that's great news. Thanks so much yz3pD2 | 20:22 |
yz3pD2 | i think it should work | 20:22 |
yz3pD2 | after installation i think you find it under application indicators | 20:23 |
yz3pD2 | in config gui of lxpanel | 20:23 |
rena_ | Crashed lxpanel :p | 20:32 |
rafaellaguna | O_o | 20:32 |
rena_ | I guess it's not compatible with lxpanel after all :D | 20:33 |
rena_ | Oh no, my bad. It wasn't that that caused the crash sorry | 20:35 |
rafaellaguna | I supposed, lxpanel works fine :) | 20:37 |
rena_ | It doesn't work well at all. After all it wasn't built for this kind of panel. I will have to dig more if it can be fixed | 21:25 |
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