
slangasekthomi: hi there06:49
slangasekthomi: I'm working on splitting the autopilot-qt packages in an orderly fashion, in order to get Qt4 off the phone images, and I had a question about how the libqttestability.so is being loaded06:52
slangasekthomi: to make sure that I'm shipping the right filenames to match the way it's being invoked06:52
slangasekthomi: it appears, based on inspection of the Qt libs, that it's probably looking for libqttestability.so when -testability is passed?  (Contrary to the Internet's claims that it looks for 'libtestability.so')07:00
sil2100Mirv: Timo! You're back! :)07:10
thomislangasek: I'm not really here, but that sounds about right07:11
slangasekthomi: if you're not really here, then I'll go ahead and push https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/autopilot-qt/split-qt4-qt5-binaries/+merge/229378 to the archive :)07:12
thomislangasek: I can take a look in a bit07:13
slangasekthomi: ok07:13
slangasekthomi: unrelated, why does libautopilot-qt-autopilot have a hard-coded dependency on the obsolete python-support?07:16
Mirvsil2100: hey! and yes! :)07:22
Mirvsil2100: I've just read through all your status reports among else, very helpful07:22
thomislangasek: veebers is the person to talk to about that. I'm not sure, I can take a look tomorrow07:23
slangasekthomi: ok.  It seems to have been part of the packaging since mzanetti first added the libautopilot-qt-autopilot packages07:24
thomislangasek: we can probably remove that dep07:25
thomislangasek: you don't have a problem shipping shared libs in a package that doesn't start with 'lib' ?07:31
slangasekthomi: they're not really shared libs, they're all plugins07:32
slangasekthomi: it would be just fine to build these without any SONAME at all07:33
thomislangasek: OK, LGTM07:33
slangasekthomi: ok, cool07:34
slangasekthomi: should I upload direct to the archive, or do you want this in a silo?07:34
thomislangasek: Given that we can't release anything at the moment, uploading it directly might be the best thing07:34
thomiDo you still want Adam Conrad to review it as well? If so, just make sure it gets top-approved and CI will merge it into our trunk07:35
slangasekthomi: if I upload it directly, I can pester the archive admins to review it in the queue07:43
slangasekthomi: the MP review request was because silos buggily bypass the NEW queue07:43
thomiok, cool - I'll top-approve it now then07:43
slangasekthomi: great, thanks :)07:43
slangasekthomi: now, what's this about being unable to release things at the moment?  TRAINCON-0?07:44
thomino worries - thanks for sorting that out for us - it's been on my TODO list for a while07:44
slangasekyes, it's been on mine for a while too ;)07:44
thomislangasek: no, just that we can't get consistent test run results due to problems in the image, so we can't release anything autopilot-related until they clear up (which they should, soon)07:44
slangasekah, ok07:45
slangaseksil2100: ^^ hi, you probably want to be aware of this - I'm splitting the autopilot-qt package so we can get qt4 off the images; this should be a complete no-op, but just in case it isn't07:50
sil2100slangasek: ACK! :)08:11
Mirvyay for no more Qt4 on the images, I noticed it at some point08:17
pete-woodstrainguards: hi, could I get silo  17 upgraded to a 'full' not for testing silo? alecu's silo has landed now (and I've merged from his trunk)08:30
popeydavmor2: brendand looks like both my devel and devel-proposed phones are unable to connect, so yeah you might be right, a giffgaff change somewhere. My iphone (also giffgaff) can connect fine.08:37
brendandpopey, didn't you configure the ap on the iphone manually?08:37
mhr3pete-woods, there's no such distinction, you just drop the comment and talk to others that have the component in their silo08:37
mhr3pete-woods, plus you rebuild the components of course08:38
davmor2popey: try checking online what the 3g setting should be and then have a look at /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems & list-contexts and see if they match08:39
dbarth_not sure who's the current vanguard08:43
pete-woodsmhr3: okay, cool. well I've already done the rebuild08:46
pete-woodsjust need to ping the right people08:46
dbarth_i have a silo which may need some manual care: 01308:59
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bzoltanMirv:  it is so cool that you are back and I can ask for silo even from you :)09:14
brendandpopey, what did you edit to get it to work?09:14
popeybrendand: bug 1352247  cc davmor2 sil210009:18
ubot5bug 1352247 in ofono (Ubuntu) "3g stopped working on giffgaff (o2) on mako" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135224709:18
piiramarpopey: a change to oFono's Access Point provisioning landed ca. two weeks ago https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/ofono/mbpi-nettime-plus-oem-fixes , would that roughly fit the timeframe of your observations? Usually oFono does not re-provision (even on reboot) until the SIM card has changed.09:23
popeybut I did change the sim09:24
popeyand it didnt reprovision correctly09:25
popeyalthough I changed the sim for another on the same network, it was a sim change nonetheless09:26
piiramarpopey: could indeed be fallout from that change, I'll comment in the bug soon09:26
Mirvbzoltan: :D09:28
Mirvbzoltan: landing-00509:29
popeypiiramar: thanks09:30
dbarth_Mirv: hi, can i ask for help for 2 of my silos?09:34
dbarth_Mirv: i have both 11 and 13 which are stuck in publishing09:35
dbarth_the packages wee validated, but publication failed because some branches didn't have the approve flag on the merge09:35
Mirvdbarth_: I published 11, but 13 is not marked as tested yet? also the build has seemingly been aborted for that one.09:42
tvosstrainguards, could someone reconfigure silo 10 for me?09:42
sil2100tvoss: sure :)09:42
Mirvdbarth_: I ran watch_only build for 13 so that its status would be correct, but it seems the silo status is cleared/empty or something09:44
Mirvdbarth_: I'm afraid you may need to rebuild landing-013 since the build does not recognize there would have been packages built in there, but sil2100 might know better (seems similar to the issues there were before my vac)09:45
cjwatsonThat wasn't a watch-only build.09:46
tvosssil2100, could use some help: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-010-1-build/79/console09:46
cjwatsondbarth_: ^-09:46
sil2100tvoss: yeah, so you'll have to upload the qtmir-gles package with qtmir as well :) rsalveti and Saviq have some well known easy method of doing that09:48
Saviqtvoss, you need a merge like this one https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/qtmir/gles-sync-20140716/+merge/22700009:49
dbarth_Mirv, cjwatson: thanks!09:52
tvossSaviq, thanks. So we would only need the changelog entry, right?09:56
Saviqtvoss, the watch change as well09:57
Saviqtvoss, it needs to point at the correct silo09:57
tvossSaviq, ah okay09:57
tvossSaviq, dednick https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/qtmir/gles-sync-20140804/+merge/22942410:02
dednicktvoss: targetting lp:qtmir ?10:04
tvossdednick, just resubmitted10:04
tvosssil2100, could you reconfigure silo10 again?10:06
tvosssil2100, just added the gles twin10:06
brendandsil2100, i get all the same failures locally as in ci10:09
Saviqtvoss, you did something wrong10:09
SaviqConflict adding file debian.  Moved existing file to debian.moved.10:09
Saviq2=== renamed directory 'debian' => 'debian.moved'10:10
tvossSaviq, already resubmitted10:10
Saviqtvoss, ah k10:10
tvossSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/qtmir/gles-sync-20140804/+merge/22942510:10
Saviqtvoss, that's wrong10:10
Saviqtvoss, the version in changelog needs to be the same as you got in silo10:10
Saviqtvoss, it builds from the tarball built from the main (non -gles) package, so versions need to be the same10:11
tvossSaviq, okay ... so how do I get the silo version? need to explicitly set that for the qtmir mp?10:11
Saviqtvoss, you build it in silp10:11
Saviqtvoss, only then you build qtmir-gles10:11
Saviqtvoss, you need the non-gles package to be built first10:12
tvossSaviq, ah, but I still need the silo to be reconfigured now10:12
Saviqtvoss, it can be reconfigured whenever10:12
Saviqtvoss, if you didn't have qtmir there yet, then yes10:12
Saviqtvoss, and then just build qtmir alone, update the qtmir-gles MP and then build that one10:13
tvossSaviq, ack10:13
sil2100tvoss: ok, reconfiguring10:16
brendandsil2100, if someone could file a bug in address-book-app that would be a good idea10:22
sil2100brendand: ok, thanks! I'll try doing that, and if not I'll just directly poke Bill or someone from the telephony team10:23
sil2100I might have to modify the twin check a little bit10:24
tvosssil2100, is that for: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-010-1-build/80/console10:30
sil2100tvoss: yeah, I guess Saviq is simply overriding the error for now when using this method he told you to use10:31
sil2100Saviq: you're normally overriding the error, right? ^10:31
sil2100Saviq, tvoss: I'll modify it to take the source package name, not the name of the branch10:31
tvossSaviq, ack10:31
Saviqsil2100, we didn't need twins for build until now, so yeah, we'll be overriding it10:32
sil2100I'll change it so that it won't be needed in a moment10:32
SaviqMirv, o/10:42
SaviqMirv, re bug #1349705 if you can just take the patch with you to the upload you're preparing10:42
ubot5bug 1349705 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Flickable gets confused when there's other flickables on top" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134970510:42
SaviqMirv, no point it being in a rather unrelated silo...10:42
Chipacais the x86 emulator terminally broken at this point?10:46
MirvSaviq: o/ oh, ok, I was thinking it was tightly bound to the rest of the landing. what's the ETA for landing-007? if you're already being testing the silo with your changes, then it'd be still maybe better to release it first. I can actually even prepare the next upload in another silo at the same time, just taking the changelog entry.10:47
SaviqMirv, no, we're still fixing two issues on the silo10:48
MirvSaviq: ok, I'll prepare 'ubuntu8' in another silo instead of 'ubuntu9', with the idea that 007's ubuntu8 won't be landing.10:50
SaviqMirv, yup, I'll scrap it from that silo already10:51
SaviqMirv, can you please del the package from silo 7 then? already reconfiguring10:52
SaviqMirv, oh actually looks like recon deals with that now :)10:52
SaviqMirv, so done10:52
MirvSaviq: yes it does :)10:53
psivaasil2100: just an update.. as you might have seen the reruns on different devices came back with most of the failed tests passing.10:53
psivaanow digging why they failed in that one device10:53
Mirvdbarth_: back to the 013, cjwatson commented on the earlier aborted build run by you that wasn't a watch only build (maybe it was the one that cleared data), so the issue with the silo is not resolved as a watch only build gives no packages https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-013-1-build/94/console10:56
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cjwatsonMirv: probably needs a full rebuild at this point11:02
Chipacasil2100: question for you sir, can you top-approve a system settings merge?11:17
sil2100Chipaca: hello! I think I could, show me teh merge11:17
Chipacasil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntu-system-settings/notification-plugin/+merge/22734411:18
Chipacasil2100: it's related to https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/just-the-touch-settings/+merge/22831711:18
Chipacasil2100: where we addressed all of seb's concerns11:19
sil2100Oh my god, that's a big merge11:19
sil2100Chipaca: could we get someone to review the current version of the branch?11:19
Chipacasil2100: yes, yes we could.11:20
Chipacasil2100: asking mardy. Could you check if there's anything further needed to land silo #6?11:22
Chipacasil2100: did you just add the comment about schema changes still being discussed, or did I only just notice it?11:27
sil2100Chipaca: I didn't add it, I just saw it a few moments ago11:32
sil2100I thought it's a known thing11:32
sil2100Maybe seb added it?11:32
Chipacasil2100: nah, if it's older, that's fine11:33
sil2100brb, lunch12:21
Mirvdbarth__: landing-013 has now rebuilt (no change rebuilds), and would need at least quick rechecking that it's still good for publishing. set testing to yes for it when ready.12:24
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psivaaogra_: sil2100: for the apparmor denials related failures during the first run on smoke, i ran gallery_app test on the same failed device again a couple of times12:31
psivaaand the issue is not reproducible12:31
ogra_oh my12:31
psivaaI dont see much difference in the old failed syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7951407/12:32
psivaaand the new passed one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7951406/12:32
psivaai mean not any obvious differences. except on the failed one, i do not see this dbus message: "Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1' is not in the failed job"12:33
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slangaseksil2100: so I've landed the autopilot-qt package split in the archive; are you ok for me to update the seed at the same time, to drop the qt4 stuff?13:13
sil2100slangasek: feel free do to that, we don't have any promotion candidate right now so no need to build anything before13:14
sil2100slangasek: so please update the seed, we can kick an image once that's done to make sure everything is ok13:15
slangaseksil2100: ok, uploading - and that was my next question.  Thanks13:15
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dbarth__Mirv: ack13:17
bzoltan1cjwatson: would it be possible to get this MR to the click package? https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/click/extend_1410_fw/+merge/22767513:36
t1mpbzoltan1: ^l.83 on that seems to be a duplicate13:41
t1mpbzoltan2: ^l.83 on that seems to be a duplicate13:41
popeysil2100: can you find someone to assign bug 1351024 to?13:45
ubot5bug 1351024 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Date & Time picker is not working on device." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135102413:45
sil2100popey: let me try that...13:59
sil2100jdstrand: hey! We have some new issues related to apparmor, a re-run made them go away - but the syslog for many of the tests included a lot of denials during autopilot tests14:04
sil2100jdstrand: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/643/artifact/clientlogs/ubuntu_calculator_app/syslog/*view*/ <- for instance the syslog here has most of them14:05
ogra_jdstrand, i really think there is something systemic broken and apparmor is just the fallout14:09
jdstrandsil2100: Aug  4 05:04:04 ubuntu-phablet dbus[1462]: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call"  bus="session" path="/com/canonical/Autopilot/Introspection" interface="com.canonical.Autopilot.Introspection" member="GetVersion" name=":1.98" mask="receive" pid=6298 profile="com.ubuntu.calculator_calculator_1.3.291" peer_pid=3516 peer_profile="unconfined"14:09
jdstrandthat is the same thing we discussed last week14:09
ogra_didnt you fix that too ?14:09
jdstrandthat is something in the ci infrastructure14:09
jdstrandplars and I looked at it, but couldn't see what the issue was14:10
jdstrandwhat I suggested was to add a test to see if the rules were applied, and abort14:10
jdstrandso it is clear what happened14:10
plarsjdstrand: I haven't gotten a chance to hook in that extra check just yet, but I don't see how this can happen really14:11
jdstrandthen I suggested to add instrumentation to the CI infrastructure to see why the rules weren't applied. I suggested two places to add the above check/abort wich might help see what is happening14:11
sil2100Ok, so this is the same as last week14:11
jdstrandsil2100: yes14:11
jdstrandplars: right, me either. it is a bit of a mystery atm with the available information14:12
jdstrandplars: it is entirely possible that the rules got applied and then unapplied at some later point (which is why I suggested to checks-- one immediately after the aa-clickhook --include... to see if there is a bug in aa-clickhook, and one just before the tests are run to see if the rules got unapplied in between aa-clickhook and the test start)14:14
jdstrands/to checks/two checks/14:14
plars'phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable' runs (and appears to exit normally) every time we run a test, and should set up all the aa-clickhook stuff14:14
plarsjdstrand: from that point, the very next thing that appears to actually do anything, is phablet-test-run14:15
jdstrandI compared the two logs-- there is nothing significantly different. need to have more debugging info14:15
ogra_it secretly turned into a toggle :)14:15
ogra_everey second time you run it it unapplies ;)14:15
plarsogra_: we thought of that actually :)14:16
jdstrandI suspect something may be triggering an aa-clickhook, which would unapply the rules14:16
plarsjdstrand: if that's the case, it would almost have to be in the test itself14:16
plarswhich doesn't make any sense14:16
jdstrandif the test is installing a click, that would do it14:17
plarswe could ask someone in QA to be sure, but I seriously doubt ubuntu_calculator_app is installing a click package14:18
plarsjdstrand: is there anything else other than just running the check that would yield more debug data too while I'm at it?14:18
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plarsjdstrand: also, another question: if running 'aa-clickhook -f --include=/usr/share/autopilot-touch/apparmor/click.rules' ran into some problem, would it fail silently? or would it print something and exit with status?14:21
jdstrandplars: I really think aa-clickhook is being run without arguments after it is being run with --include. you could move /usr/bin/aa-clickhook to /usr/bin/aa-clickhook.orig, then create a /usr/bin/aa-clickhook shellscript that logs the timestamp and arguments called, then calls aa-clickhook with those args14:21
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plarsjdstrand: ahh, hang on14:22
jdstrandplars: that shell script could also redirect aa-clickhook output to the logfile for your last question14:22
plarsjdstrand: I suspect it's possible that aa-clickhook is giving some error and phablet-config could be swallowing it14:22
plars def shell(self, command, ignore_errors=True)14:22
jdstrandaa-clickhook should fail with error or traceback14:22
plarsthe default is to ignore errors, and that's not getting overridden in phablet-config14:22
jdstrandif it isn't, I think that would be a bug14:22
plarsI would think we should still see anything it prints though14:23
jdstrandwould that include a traceback on stderr?14:23
jdstrandit does print a warning on stderr in the normal case14:23
jdstrandthe normal case of using --include that is14:24
jdstrandit will error out if the --include doesn't exist, if it does, it prints a warning:14:24
jdstrandwarn("--include specified, including '%s' in all profiles" % include)14:25
plarsjdstrand: all this is coming over adb, so it's having to do some tricks to get the return code and determine if it passed or failed, but stderr vs. stdout should be a problem14:25
plarsI don't see that14:25
plarsI didn't see any output from phablet-config when it ran that14:25
plarslet me play with it some more today and see what I can find out14:25
jdstrandcool, thanks14:26
plarsjdstrand: so, phablet-config is, indeed eating all output from that command14:31
cjwatsonbzoltan: OK, I'll look at that along with the click deployment I'll need to do this week for signing.  Perhaps you could remove the duplicated line 83 that t1mp pointed out and save me doing it by hand (since that renders the file syntactically invalid, I think, so can't have passed tests ...)14:31
plarsand ignoring failures14:31
cjwatsonsil2100: hm, did you consider renaming that to ubuntu-rtm/landing-000 as I suggested by mail?14:32
sil2100cjwatson: sure, this is all temporary for testing, I don't want to change it now as it would require rebuilding14:32
sil2100cjwatson: so for now it's on the old naming scheme14:33
sil2100cjwatson: but no worries, it doesn't force anything on the PPA naming14:33
cjwatsonsil2100: hm, not seeing an upload corresponding to that queuebot message14:35
cjwatsonwhere are the jenkins jobs?14:36
cjwatsonoh, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-000-2-publish/, huh, no separate jobs for RTM?14:36
sil2100Let me check what could have happened14:36
sil2100It's that for now, I'm using the preprod jobs for now14:36
sil2100Only the name is the same, the silo itself is landing-000.rtm14:37
jdstrandplars: oh!14:37
bzoltancjwatson:  OK, done. The last addition (UITK docs) is specially important, because I just changed the SDK to show the API docs of the currently selected target fw and not the local one... what is an old crap on LTS14:37
cjwatsonsil2100: I bet snakefruit tries to do the copy on production14:37
jdstrandplars: it is possible that is enough debugging, however those extra checks may still be worthwhile14:37
cjwatsonunless you've taken steps there ...14:37
plarsjdstrand: agree14:38
* jdstrand hates intermittent failures14:38
plarsjdstrand: going to try to see if I can reproduce them here14:38
cjwatsonsil2100: I think copy2distro probably needs work14:38
sil2100Right, hm, I must say that I wasn't sure if copy2distro is used at all14:39
plarsjdstrand: at the very least I'll have it do that check and put up some big warnings - it seems like it already generates quite a bit of failures14:39
cjwatsonsil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7952411/14:39
cjwatsonnot sure if that's checked in14:39
sil2100So it's used on snakefriut then14:40
jdstrandplars: ok, cool14:40
sil2100hm, ok, then it's a problem, I'll have to change it in such a way that it won't break the current train usage14:40
cjwatsonsil2100: you'd probably need to have the rsynced control file say which LP instance to use14:40
cjwatsonsil2100: and default to production14:40
sil2100cjwatson: thanks for the code snippet, now at least I know how it's being called14:41
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oSoMoNsil2100: can I have a silo for line 36 ?14:56
bzoltansil2100: Mirv: I need a silo to land a critical bugfix of the QtC plugin14:57
sil2100bzoltan, oSoMoN: assigning!14:58
bzoltansil2100:  thanks a lot14:58
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks!15:00
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | CI Train support: trainguards | Vanguard (general help): plars | CI Train Status: #157 promoted | CI Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | Known issues: -
Chipacacould i plz have a landing for silo 6?15:15
sil2100slangasek: btw. did the seed change land?15:18
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sil2100slangasek: if yes, I'll kick a new image then (due to all this I forgot about it)15:18
sil2100cjwatson: do you know if snakefruit is using anything else from cu2d than copy2distro?15:21
cjwatsonsil2100: that's all I know of15:22
sil2100Since temporarily we'll have to switch it to use the RTM development branch then, in a moment15:24
cjwatsonsil2100: Uh, why switch?15:26
cjwatsonShouldn't it gain the ability to do either?15:26
cjwatsonrolling builder downtime for launchpad-buildd upgrades15:27
sil2100cjwatson: by this I mean snakefruit will have to use a different branch for cupstream2distro than lp:cupstream2distro, as to get this working for ubuntu-rtm I need many changes from this branch which are not safe for production15:32
Chipacasil2100: if you were looking to package silo 6, hold it, fixing something that just came up15:32
cjwatsonsil2100: oh, uh, we could add a separate checkout and a separate copy of run.sh, and run both15:33
* Chipaca wonders where the +x bit got lost15:33
cjwatsonsil2100: if they were looking at different incoming directories15:33
cjwatsonsil2100: but if the same branch can do both safely, I guess that would be fine15:33
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sil2100The cu2d-rtm branch should be able to do both old and new copy2distro safely, but only the other parts are not safe (which are not used on snakefruit)15:35
cjwatsonsil2100: OK, I can certainly switch it, just give me a URL when you're ready15:36
sil2100Let me redeploy it in ci-train first maybe15:37
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* ogra_ glares at his inbox and wonders why he got two acceptance mails for the last lxc-android-config upload15:42
pete-woodstrainguards: hey guys. just wanted to check if there was anything else I needed to do to get silo 17 landed? if I just need be more patient, that's fine! :)15:43
ogra_and the second one has an empty changelog15:43
sil2100pete-woods: all is fine :) We'll land it as soon as the image that I just kicked fetches all packages15:47
pete-woodscool, if I just need to wait for build to finish then great! :)15:47
ogra_sil2100, did you consider building an image for slangasek's changes ? (though i would like to have my recent lxc-android-config changes in too)15:48
sil2100ogra_: yeah, it's building now15:48
ogra_bah :(15:48
sil2100ogra_: is it too early? :<15:48
ogra_i would have liked the fixes yeah, so a certain device doesnt drain its battery over night :)15:49
sil2100Oh oh!15:49
ogra_but well, next will do (have to) then15:49
sil2100cjwatson: anyway, I guess could you temporarily use lp:~sil2100/cupstream2distro/cu2d-rtm as the cupstream2distro source on snakefruit?15:51
sil2100We had guests here at home and I hope I didn't make any mistakes15:53
sil2100Love all those distractions15:53
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 170 building (started: 20140804 15:55) ===15:55
bzoltansil2100:  Sorry folks :) I keep you busy. The UITK could use a silo ^15:56
bzoltansil2100:  an dthe QtC in sil11 is good to go15:56
sil2100bzoltan: please approve branches for QtC ;) And I'll try assigning a silo for you15:56
Chipacaxnox: ping16:00
slangaseksil2100: yes, seed change landed, thanks for having kicked off the image16:01
xnoxChipaca: hey!16:01
Chipacaxnox: hiya!16:02
Chipacaxnox: so, is the dbus machine id usable?16:02
sil2100cjwatson: just give me a sign once the branch is on snakefruit, I'll re run the publish job then16:02
xnoxChipaca: yes.16:02
Chipacaxnox: it wasn't on the image itself?16:02
xnoxChipaca: no, it is not.16:02
Chipacaxnox: what is it on?16:03
cjwatsonsil2100: done16:03
sil2100cjwatson: thanks!16:03
xnoxChipaca: it's generated first boot / first time dbus is started.16:03
cjwatsonbzoltan: buildd upgrades in progress, so might take a while16:03
xnoxChipaca: and saved.16:03
cjwatson(since I know you tend to notice such things)16:03
Chipacaxnox: on the phone?16:03
xnoxChipaca: yes.16:03
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
xnoxChipaca: /var/lib/dbus/machine-id -> on all platforms.16:04
Chipacaxnox: ah! not /etc/machine-id ?16:04
bzoltancjwatson: :)16:04
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
xnoxChipaca: no, not /etc/machine-id, that one is broken on ubuntu at the moment.16:04
Chipacaah, ok16:04
xnoxChipaca: as in, it's unique per batch of install media =)))))16:04
Chipacagood enough16:05
Chipacaeverybody on the team should know everybody else's emails by heart already anyway16:05
xnoxChipaca: nah, uterly pointless =)16:05
Chipacaxnox: sorry, i forgot to include the sarcasm signs. Consider them sprinkled over all of the above from 'yeah' on down.16:06
bzoltansil2100: sorry! I top approved the MR16:12
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Chipacayes. yes you can.16:20
oSoMoNsil2100, can silo 5 be published, please?16:20
sil2100oSoMoN: sure! We just finished the meeting, publishing16:21
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks!16:21
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
Chipacasil2100: can silo 6 be published, please?16:27
sil2100Chipaca: sure thing :)16:33
Chipacawhee :)16:34
sil2100Chipaca: all +1ed, approved and accepted by the overall community ;p?16:35
Chipacasil2100: yep16:35
Chipacasil2100: 1 sec, let me get you a link16:36
Chipacasil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/just-the-touch-settings/+merge/228317/comments/55637216:36
Chipacathat includes both seb's "ok, let's do this thing", and laney's parting "beware"16:37
Chipacaominous :)16:37
sil2100Chipaca: ok, last one thing - do you know why mediumtests are failing for the system-settings branch all the time?16:43
sil2100Is that normal?16:43
Chipacasil2100: I don't know, no16:43
Chipacasil2100: it's not even all the time, is it?16:43
sil2100Chipaca: I don't know, but I saw at least the last 2 CI runs failing there16:44
Chipacasil2100: can you poke jenkins to do them again?16:44
Chipacai can't, otherwise i would've16:45
sil2100Chipaca: from what I'm seeing from the test failure logs, all cellular tests are failing, hmmm16:45
sil2100https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-utopic/1954/testReport/ <- is this normal?16:46
Chipacasil2100: i don't know16:47
sil2100Chipaca: let me just poke someone from system settings about that to make sure all is ok16:47
sil2100Chipaca: let me re-run the CI tests again16:51
pmcgowansil2100, CI runs have been inconsistent, not sure if kenvandine ever learned anything about it16:55
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=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | CI Train support: trainguards | Vanguard (general help): cihelp | CI Train Status: #157 promoted | CI Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | Known issues: -
=== retoad changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | CI Train support: trainguards | Vanguard (general help): retoaded | CI Train Status: #157 promoted | CI Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | Known issues: -
* ogra_ wonders why slangasek only changed the seeds for x86 based arches17:10
bzoltansil2100:  would you please reconfigure the silo16, i have added there the -gles package17:11
bzoltanrsalveti: I put the MR for the UITK gles -> https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/sync_landing_0804/+merge/22949417:14
sil2100bzoltan: sure thing, one moment :)17:26
sil2100bzoltan: reconfiguring17:28
kgunnsil2100: mmm robru is out, sorry to pester... i got a build that seems stuck on armhf17:28
sil2100kgunn: hmm... powerpc also seems stuck17:30
bzoltansil2100:  thanks17:30
sil2100cjwatson: ^ do you know by any chance why it's taking so long to pick up the armhf/powerpc builds?17:31
popeysil2100: you'll be pleased to see someone has made a nice 3rd party note taking app which should be published in the store soon. It looks really nice.17:51
bzoltanpopey: wow.... I want that tooo17:52
popeypublished, look for "quickmemo"17:53
* ogra_ wonders what happened to the image build ...17:54
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
ogra_sil2100, hmm, looks to me like there was no image build triggered at all18:17
sil2100ogra_: the bot reacted, didn't it?18:17
ogra_yeah, it definitely did18:17
ogra_but i dont see a new rootfs on cdimage.u.c18:17
ogra_which should be there by now18:17
ogra_last one is from 2:56 UTC this morning18:18
ogra_cjwatson, err ... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-touch/+build/327118:19
ogra_"Start in 7 hours"18:19
ogra_"Started 2 hours ago"18:19
ogra_oh my18:20
=== retoad changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | CI Train support: trainguards | Vanguard (general help): cihelp | CI Train Status: #157 promoted | CI Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | Known issues: -
rsalvetibzoltan: looks fine18:21
jibelthere are only 2 armhf builders up according to LP18:22
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ogra_well,i have no clue how to bump the score (or if that would help at all)18:23
ogra_sil2100, so that looks like we wont have any images til someone sorts this18:30
ogra_https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-touch is the LP rootfs build page btw18:31
sil210017:27 < cjwatson> rolling builder downtime for launchpad-buildd upgrades <- can this be related?18:31
ogra_oh, yeah !18:31
sil2100Not sure what Colin had in mind here18:31
ogra_well, you made me look at the backlog :)18:32
ogra_looks like we just badly hit the maintenance window18:32
ogra_sadly the emulator image got even more out of sync now18:33
ogra_since i386 could build before that started18:33
rsalvetilet's just do a few armhf only builds18:33
rsalvetione every day18:33
rsalvetiuntil it's in sync18:33
ogra_until building fails on one of the arches again :)18:34
ogra_and we get out of sync again18:34
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, that's a by design issue18:36
Chipacasil2100: any news for me?18:37
sil2100Chipaca: did you test the whole landing? Since we seem to be lacking armhf builders right now so CI couldn't finish the testing18:41
Chipacasil2100: I did, yes, on mako18:43
sil2100Chipaca: ok, then I will publish it in hopes we have all under control ;) o/18:44
Chipacasil2100: much appreciated18:45
jgdxhave anyone seen this before https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-utopic/1963/consoleFull ?19:13
jgdxrelevant parts? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7954523/19:13
sil2100slangasek: hi! You have access to snakefruit, yes?19:23
sil2100Ah, crap19:25
sil2100stgraber: are you around by any chance? :)19:27
stgrabersil2100: yeah19:28
sil2100stgraber: could you log into snakefruit and branch lp:cupstream2distro back to $HOME/cupstream2distro/ ?19:28
sil2100stgraber: right now it's a different, experimental branch which I need to work at a bit19:28
sil2100stgraber: where I need to revert it back to trunk to be able to safely publish some landings now19:29
sil2100stgraber: I would be very grateful :)19:30
stgrabersure, will do in a minute19:30
sil2100Thanks :)19:31
sil2100btw. how is cu2d/run.sh called on snakefruit? Is it like a timed run? Do you know?19:31
stgraberthrough cron I believe19:34
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pete-woodssil2100: sorry to nag again. do you have time to go through the packaging changes for the unity-scopes-api silo? basically it's bumping the so version to 3, and making all the dependent packages depend on the new 0.6.0 package version19:40
stgrabersil2100: ok, I've moved the current cu2d aside and branched the one from lp:cupstream2distro19:40
pete-woodsI really want to give the PES guys time to update their broken click packaged scopes well in advance of RTM19:40
sil2100stgraber: excellent, thanks, that should do it :)19:40
stgrabersil2100: I doubt it19:40
stgrabersil2100: cron is calling a script which doesn't exist in lp:cupstream2distro19:40
sil2100stgraber: which one?19:40
sil2100hm, from what I see here:19:41
sil2100There's the cu2d directory which is supposed to have run.sh, and in the same directory there is the cupstream2distro directory19:42
sil2100stgraber: so from the contents of the pastebin that I got from cjwatson, it seems that run.sh is supposed to be outside of the cupstream2distro19:42
sil2100stgraber: ah, you said you moved the cu2d directory aside? I guess you can move it back and simply branch lp:cupstream2distro inside cu2d/19:43
stgrabersil2100: fixed19:43
* sil2100 only has a vague idea of how things look there as he never had access there19:43
sil2100pete-woods: will do, just wanted to bring back sanity to CI Train19:44
pete-woodsah, okay19:44
pete-woodsthat's okay :) I'm just pretty desperate to get this out the door19:44
sil2100pete-woods: sorry for all this but today we're a bit under-staffed in the train ;D19:44
pete-woodsI totally understand19:44
sil2100Especially with all the RTM test-work19:44
pete-woodssil2100: it seems like you pretty much run the thing at the moment19:44
pete-woodsat least it's always you running my jobs, allocating silos, etc19:45
slangasekogra_: mmm! only changed for x86-based arches?  must have been a caching bug on the network here, sigh19:53
slangasekogra_: and I was distracted so didn't notice :/19:53
sil2100stgraber: just a quick question - how often is this run.sh script being called by cron?19:56
stgrabersil2100: every 5 minutes19:56
sil2100ACK, thanks19:56
sil2100pete-woods: hmm, looking at the packaging diff right now...19:59
sil2100Aw, crap ;|19:59
popeysil2100: did you speak to thostr about bug 1350529 ?20:06
ubot5bug 1350529 in Ubuntu Music App "[music-app] Trunk fails autopilot tests on jenkins" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135052920:06
ogra_slangasek, ah, well, i wasnt sure if this wasnt wanted20:06
sil2100popey: I poked jamesh who is responsible for mediascanner - he didn't answer on IRC, but I saw him looking at the bug20:06
ogra_ah, seems you just missed the image build20:07
* ogra_ notes https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-touch shows a running build now 20:07
slangasekogra_: well, I don't see that image 170 has finished yet, despite having been started hours ago20:08
slangasekso even on i386, my changes haven't taken effect20:08
ogra_there was buildd maintenance going on20:08
slangasekah, ok20:09
ogra_it was stuck for 2-3h20:09
slangasekwell, I can at least have a look at the i386 build log and see if there's anything else I need to do20:09
ogra_i dont really get why it hasnt been pushed to cdimage (the i386 build)20:10
ogra_there should be a 04.1 build with i38620:10
* ogra_ would have liked to see the size difference20:10
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
plarsjdstrand: I merged the change to the ci scripts we discussed, and future runs will also add an error entry (in addition to the test failures) if it detects the clickhooks were not set up properly20:17
plarsjdstrand: we also need https://code.launchpad.net/~pwlars/phablet-tools/phablet-config-autopilot-errors/+merge/229485 for phablet-config to report errors though20:17
slangasekogra_: anyway, qt4 is still on the image because something is still keeping autopilot-qt4 in the seed20:23
slangasekworking through it now20:23
sil2100mhr3: ok, I'll fix up some of the issues in the staging branch for pete-woods and rebuild it20:24
mhr3sil2100, like what?20:29
sil2100mhr3: changelog was b0rken, I fixed it up quickly20:29
mhr3ah, thx20:30
mhr3wow, pete doesn't read my reviews :/20:31
mhr3sil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-api/staging/+merge/229188/comments/55602920:31
sil2100hah ;)20:32
jdstrandplars: nice!20:32
plarsjdstrand: hopefully between the two, we'll get some more feedback on what's going on. I'm running tests here to try to reproduce but so far no luck20:33
* jdstrand nods20:33
sil2100barry: sorry again for the unapproved check!20:36
barrysil2100: no worries!  at least i can approve it now ;)20:36
barryhey queuebot, i just manually acked them!20:38
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 170 DONE (finished: 20140804 21:25) ===21:25
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/170.changes ===21:25
* popey updates devices21:26
sil2100slangasek, stgraber: if you don't mind, I'll be publishing the new unity-scopes-api silo - theoretically it adds a new binary package, but in practice it's just an soname bump21:44
stgrabersil2100: what should I review?21:45
sil2100Just so you know, I don't want to publish such a thing without the archive admins knowing21:45
sil2100https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-017-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-scopes-api_0.6.0+14.10.20140804.1-0ubuntu1.diff <- this will basically add libunity-scopes321:46
sil2100All rdeps have been rebuilt, I checked the packaging for those and everything seems green for take off21:47
sil2100So if there are no objections, I'll press the publish button21:47
boikohey guys, can I please get a silo assigned to spreadsheet row 30?21:57
sil2100boiko: let me take care of that22:03
boikosil2100: nice! thanks! btw, silo 15 is tested and ready to land22:03
sil2100(we don't have US coverage today, but I'm working late today)22:03
sil2100Oh! Ok :)22:03
sil2100boiko: could you approve https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/address-book-app/rtm-fit-finish/+merge/228529 ?22:09
sil2100(i.e. make sure it's reviewed ;) )22:09
sil2100boiko: oh, and once I publish this, only then build the packages in the silo assigned for row 3022:09
boikosil2100: that's the one on silo 1522:09
sil2100boiko: I know, but it's unapproved - it needs to be approved to be published22:09
sil2100i.e. made sure it's reviewed by someone and accepted ;)22:10
boikosil2100: it was approved (I have the page opened here without refreshing)22:10
sil2100Oh, ok, the status is 'Merged', hm22:10
boikosil2100: and now it says 'Merged'22:10
sil2100Yeah, so it seems that it's target to staging22:11
sil2100Not to trunk?22:11
sil2100boiko: is that what was intended?22:11
boikosil2100: err, ouch, let me talk to Renato, I didn't notice this, sorry22:11
sil2100boiko: no problem, let's just make sure it's the right merge and targetting the right thing - we might need to rebuild it22:11
boikosil2100: yep22:12
boikosil2100: talking to renatu right now22:12
boikosil2100: ok, renatu is doing a new MR against trunk this time, I will change the silo to use that, and build/test it22:13
boikosil2100: sorry for the trouble22:13
sil2100boiko: I'll AFK now for some time, once you build/test and I'm back I'll publish it if it's available22:13
boikosil2100: nice! thanks a lot!22:14
cjwatsonsil2100,ogra_: The upgrade ran into a glitch and webops stopped; unfortunately it was while I was at dinner etc.23:19
sil2100cjwatson: ACK23:19
cjwatsonSince it actually only needed to stop on ia64/sparc23:19
ogra_all fine ... the image cam eout eventually23:19
cjwatsonWell, not fine yet, but yeah23:19
sil2100Ok, I need to go to sleep already23:25
Chipacasil2100: sleep is overrated23:25
sil2100boiko: I'll publish your silo if it's ready in the morning23:25
sil2100Chipaca: ;)23:25

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