dholbach | good morning | 06:56 |
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach | ||
PabloRubianes | wxl: hello I just saw you ping | 19:27 |
PabloRubianes | do you still need help=? | 19:27 |
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=== geochr is now known as Guest19188 | ||
wxl | hi PabloRubianes i sent an email to the council if that's what you mean | 19:29 |
PabloRubianes | I saw a ping in here with the bot | 19:29 |
PabloRubianes | i did not get any email :S | 19:30 |
wxl | oh argh | 19:30 |
wxl | sent to loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com friday aug 1 929pm utc-7 | 19:31 |
wxl | subject: Ubuntu Oregon needs some love | 19:31 |
PabloRubianes | checking | 19:31 |
wxl | PabloRubianes: ping me if you figure it out XD | 19:34 |
PabloRubianes | wxl: I looking but I can't find it | 19:34 |
wxl | PabloRubianes: good golly i could paste the whole long thing here if that would be better? | 19:34 |
jose | wxl: can you re-send it please? | 20:14 |
wxl | jose: 1s | 20:14 |
wxl | jose: btw i did communicate to PabloRubianes and he's answered all my needs except for one question | 20:15 |
jose | wxl: you can PM me if you still need any help | 20:15 |
wxl | re-sent | 20:15 |
wxl | jose: just need to know about getting booth fees taken care of | 20:15 |
jose | booth fees? | 20:16 |
wxl | like if i wanted to have a booth for my loco at a local event | 20:16 |
wxl | (in fact there's a linuxfest northwest coming up, but i'd like to have something at oscon next year too) | 20:16 |
jose | I haven't got any emails on my inbox | 20:18 |
wxl | that's some weird stuff | 20:18 |
wxl | i could send it directly to you and i'm sure it would come through | 20:18 |
jose | wxl: can you directly send ti to jose@ubuntu.com? | 20:18 |
jose | yeah | 20:18 |
wxl | sent jose | 20:20 |
jose | ok, let me quickly grab lunch and I'll get back to you | 20:20 |
* jose is starving | 20:20 | |
wxl | ok just ping me | 20:20 |
wxl | another thing: can anyone answer why the event tool asks for local time but then says it's utc? http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/2863-euglug-josh-marinacci-speaks-on-electron-ide-for-arduino-development/ | 20:37 |
jose | wxl: no idea on that one. reading your email nos | 20:45 |
jose | now* | 20:45 |
wxl | jose: know who to speak with about that | 20:45 |
jose | ourselves | 20:45 |
jose | I don't think you need to pay for booths | 20:45 |
wxl | hhahahah | 20:45 |
jose | I have never paid for a booth myself | 20:45 |
wxl | oh okies | 20:45 |
wxl | well i'll burn that bridge when i get to it then | 20:46 |
wxl | bkerensa had mentioned it so i just assumed he knew what he was talking about | 20:47 |
wxl | as far as the event thing being messed up time zone wise, who do i chat with about that? | 20:47 |
jose | #ubuntu-website, ping daker or mhall119 | 20:49 |
daker | yo | 20:50 |
wxl | daker: jose mentioned you as potentially being able to help with a website issue | 20:50 |
daker | wxl: yes | 20:51 |
wxl | daker: our team's time zone is set to pacific and when we enter an event we're instructed to use local time, but the end result shows that time as utc | 20:51 |
wxl | daker: it doesn't convert it, but just shows utc at the end | 20:51 |
daker | wxl: i see | 20:51 |
wxl | daker: see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/2863-euglug-josh-marinacci-speaks-on-electron-ide-for-arduino-development/ | 20:52 |
daker | wxl: ok let me looking at another issue first | 20:53 |
jose | daker: we're still waiting on the merge I told you about a couple days ago :) | 20:53 |
daker | jose: that's the issue i am looking at it rightnow | 20:54 |
jose | \o/ | 20:54 |
wxl | ping me when you get to it daker :) | 20:59 |
daker | wxl: ok | 20:59 |
mhall119 | daker: wxl: it looks like it's using the venue's timezone, which is UTC | 21:13 |
mhall119 | that would be my guess anyway | 21:13 |
wxl | mhall119: hm i added the venue and it didn't ask for a timezone that i remember | 21:14 |
daker | i don't think since the team TZ is also UTC | 21:14 |
wxl | oooh | 21:14 |
wxl | my bad :) | 21:14 |
wxl | fixed now | 21:14 |
wxl | thanks for the insight mh | 21:14 |
wxl | uh | 21:14 |
wxl | mhall119: | 21:14 |
mhall119 | np | 21:15 |
daker | and i remember someone has also reported that to me | 21:15 |
wxl | i guess it's possible a loco could have an event in a different time zone | 21:15 |
wxl | so it kind of makes sense | 21:15 |
mhall119 | yup | 21:15 |
daker | wxl: try to set the TZ again to see it works | 21:15 |
wxl | daker: diud it's fixed | 21:16 |
daker | wxl: ok | 21:16 |
wxl | it would be nice if the cms would say that local means local to the location | 21:16 |
wxl | (when you're adding an event) | 21:16 |
wxl | ok i think i got everything i need for now | 21:16 |
wxl | thanks all :) | 21:17 |
mhall119 | happy to help | 21:17 |
daker | yw | 21:17 |
daker | jose: does the greek team have meetings in LTP ? | 21:44 |
jose | daker: they used to in ubuntu-greek-users | 21:44 |
jose | they changed LP names to ubuntu-gr and lost everything | 21:44 |
daker | ok | 21:45 |
daker | mhall119: can you please take a look at this https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.1273491/+merge/229522 | 21:45 |
mhall119 | daker: looks good, are there test cases for the meeting and feed merging? | 22:24 |
daker | mhall119: their is no test cas for the merge functionality at all | 22:24 |
daker | case | 22:24 |
daker | i need to add that | 22:25 |
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