
cmaloneyYeah, we were mentioning this at CHC00:46
cmaloneyWe'll get started in a few minutes01:00
cmaloneyso let's do a quick roll-call to see who all is here?01:00
cmaloneyWell, not much has changed since last month01:06
cmaloneyother than we're closer to Ohio Linuxfest than we were last month.01:06
cmaloneyStill need to send a note to the Ohio group to coordinate if we're going to do OLF together01:07
cmaloneyAside: Anyone going to OLF01:07
gamerchick02i'm here01:10
gamerchick02wasn't planning on it....01:10
gamerchick02sorry. Poirot is on01:10
cmaloneyWell, I can't compete with the Belgian Detective01:10
cmaloneyI guess we'll just leave it as "more details forthcoming" and "hope y'all have a great summer. :)01:11
cmaloneyI think ther'es  Global Jam in the works for September01:12
cmaloneyMore info as it comes available.01:12
cmaloneyOther than that I've got nothing01:12
cmaloneyand unless someone has anything elase we'll call the meeting adjourned. :)01:12
cmaloneyFeel free to post anything that might be meeting-related here or on the mailing list. :)01:13
gamerchick02i have nothing, sorry01:16
wafanyone know of someone who'd be interested in part-time sysadmin (Amazon EC2, linux/windows) work? It'd basically be "emergency-only" work during the daytime (no night-time work) like restarting a service if it goes down.02:50
cmaloneydefine "daytime" ;)02:56
wafprobably 10am to 8pm or so? though that's negotiable. my company (jetabroad) is in UTC+7, so anything that's "late night" for the US would be mid-day for UTC+7, so the US sysadmin wouldn't have to worry about it.03:20
wafand vice versa, which is why we're looking for someone in the US :)03:21
cmaloneyGood morning11:44
cmaloneybrousch: You're the first video I've seen from PyOhio12:54
brouschThey sat in draft mode for almost a week12:57
cmaloneyCan you see the non-published videos?12:57
brouschIf you have the URL12:58
brouschHm, still not announced on nextdayvideo's twitter12:58
brouschStill not on pyvideo.org either12:58
cmaloneyI found your kivy talk on Pyvideo12:59
brouschYeah, but it's not listed on recent videos and neither is PyOhio12:59
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/jdqKNs - pyvideo.org - PyOhio 201413:00
brouschAnd if they're not up now, it's gonna be a while since nextdayvideo is doing australia's pycon13:01
brouschHeh, I'm all alone!13:01
nullspacewell it looks I'll have an extra ticket to derbycon this year13:49
cmaloneynullspace: Cool13:55
cmaloneyAlso: Welcome back. :)13:55
nullspacegood to be back14:03
ColonelPanic001Damnit cmaloney I just looked at your profile on dgs for the first time, accidently clicked16:58
ColonelPanic001saw your photo and laughed in a cube farm16:58
brouschWhat's so funny?16:59
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Xn5y4b - image/jpeg17:00
greg-git is a good photo17:01
ColonelPanic001it is17:01
ColonelPanic001I just didn't expect any photo, I misclicked meaning to read a message from him17:01
ColonelPanic001instead, BAM17:01
brouschI don't see the humor. Is there something in the background I'm missing?17:01
ColonelPanic001mustache Craig17:01
greg-gdense brousch is dense17:01
brouschThat is his normal face17:01
ColonelPanic001or he just thinks cmaloney normally looks kinda funny and is desensitized17:01
ColonelPanic001also cmaloney kicked my ass in this last go game17:03
ColonelPanic001I do not like seeing all these books about how to play go on his goodreads list17:03
brouschHm, maybe I am ready for you now17:05
cmaloneyHeh. :)17:10
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: orly?17:10
cmaloneyI didn't think I did terribly well in that game.17:10
ColonelPanic001you won, and really after I started losing the advantage, I thought it just went continuously downhill for me17:11
cmaloneyI have at least a few dead stones in there17:12
cmaloneyI'd consider d6 dead, as well as j9 and h917:12
ColonelPanic001or maybe I just think that because I lost - I'm still pretty new in terms of skill, maybe I'm not a great judge17:12
cmaloneyAnd the right corner was likely open season on me. ;)17:13
brouschColonelPanic001: I thought you were a master17:13
ColonelPanic001I've been playing for years17:15
ColonelPanic001but sometimes one game per year17:15
cmaloneyyeah, this has been the largest number of games that I've played consecutively.17:32
ColonelPanic001I'm glad we're both learning from the best18:34
ZimdaleHow goes it?18:38
brouschHow goes what?18:40
Zimdaleit brousch18:41
ColonelPanic001don't you know about it, brousch?18:41
brouschSorry, I'm out of it18:41
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: heh18:49
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: We're learning from the best teacher out there: experience.18:50
cmaloneyI'm hoping to get JoDee to play Go, but she really doesn't care for abstract games.18:50
brouschI'm playing a game against some random guy and doing pretty well18:50
brouschcmaloney: Tell her it is stars vs dark matter18:50
ColonelPanic001yeah, I don't think my wife would get into go at all18:50
ColonelPanic001or light side vs dark side of the force18:51
ColonelPanic001winner throws little rocks at the loser18:51
cmaloneyApparently Reversi put such a bad taste in her mouth that she has a hard time with anything that's even remotely close.18:51
cmaloneyI bought GIPF and she wouldn't even touch it18:51
cmaloneyThough she did like DVONN and ZERTZ18:51
cmaloneyYINSH was a similar tale though: as soon as she saw reversible pieces she withdrew.18:52
brouschcmaloney ColonelPanic001 Question: why would this guy pass now? http://www.dragongoserver.net/game.php?gid=91838218:58
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/zWcd65 - DGS - Game #918382,4618:58
brouschIs he giving up?18:58
ColonelPanic001I guess so, weird18:58
ColonelPanic001he shouldn't be passing, afaik18:58
ColonelPanic001passing is basically "There is no move I can do to damage your position or improve mine"18:58
ColonelPanic001and there's plenty to do18:58
ColonelPanic001he even has you in double atari in the bottom middle of that big shape18:59
brouschYeah, it is not close to done18:59
brouschI'll just beat on him some more19:00
ColonelPanic001I would19:00
widoxwow, that's a fugly site19:03
brouschwidox: hehe19:03
cmaloneyI'm not experienced enough to know why he's passing.19:03
cmaloneyThough your positions on the right side of the board are pretty weak19:04
cmaloneyMay want to ask what's up? Plead ignorance. :)19:05
brouschWell the site matched us based on skill level, which is non-existent19:06
cmaloneyYeah, I've never done anything re: the ranking19:07
cmaloneyI honestly have NFC what my ranking would be.19:07
ColonelPanic001I had one on KGS back when I went on there19:15
ColonelPanic001but that was a few years ago at least19:15
ColonelPanic001widox: and yes, DGS is utter crap, except I can have some sort of mobile client19:16
brouschIt's not crap. It's pre-AJAX19:16
cmaloneyThing is it works19:17
cmaloneyeven though it looks like a pre-1999 site.19:18
jrwrenajax was 199719:19
jrwrenerr, 1998, sorry.19:19
brouschYeah, but it doesn't count until Google uses it19:19
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Xmn4iX - Anyone want a game review? (3k or under please) : baduk19:21
cmaloneyIf you guys want to have our games reviewed you have my permission. :)19:21
brouschSo when a player passes, is it proper etiquette to keep beating on them as long as I can?19:45
brouschcmaloney has passed, but the game is very close19:46
brouschMessage from the passing guy: "No, I've already won - all Black groups are dead. But we can play it out if you prefer - I'll be passing as often as I can."20:01
brouschI feel like I am about to take his huge snake, so it seems strange to me20:02
cmaloneybrousch: There is no contention on the left.22:42
cmaloneyThe only thing that will happen is I'll slowly lose liberties.22:44
cmaloneyYou've won. There is no need to continue. :)22:44
cmaloneyI am very tempted to take over this guy's Amazon account that is using my gmail address22:54
cmaloneyand order him something goofy with a gift message of "please change your email address"22:54

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