
bluesabreochosi, Unit193: sounds like a package02:26
bluesabreabout a tagged release, and medium importance02:28
Unit193Ah, it wasn't tagged exactly, just had utopic rather than UNRELEASED.02:29
bluesabreah, right02:30
Unit193Is Andrew still interested in helping out Xubuntu in Debian?03:36
xubuntu688Can anyone in here help me ? I'm having a lightdm problem.04:48
ochosiNoskcaj: what's the status of upower0.99 in xubuntu utopic? i've seen you've set session to fix released, so we're carrying that patch from bugzilla and it works?07:56
Noskcajochosi, Session doesn't use upower really.08:38
Noskcajbut the actual transition will be this month08:38
ochosihm ok08:39
ochosii thought that for suspend/hibernate it used to use it08:39
Noskcajochosi, One of our patches changed that to logind08:54
ochosiah right, we're using the logind patch08:55
ochosiin that case yeah, no more upower08:55
ochosibluesabre: i presume you never received a reply from nick about a settings release?09:01
bluesabreochosi: correct10:05
ochosiplanning to do the release anyway at some point or do you wanna wait?10:06
bluesabrenot sure what would be "right"10:07
brainwashochosi: mark bug 1306898 as invalid (works as intended) or wishlist?10:55
ubottubug 1306898 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "xfce4-settings-manager: session and startup: search field inactive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130689810:55
brainwashlooks like it's time again to do some cleanup on launchpad =S10:56
brainwashor maybe mark as incomplete? damn, what to do.. what to do..10:56
knomeit is not incomplete at least11:00
brainwashye, only an upstream report is "missing" :P11:00
brainwashI thought that cleaning up stuff might help with the bug bounty idea11:04
brainwashsadly I lost track of the current progress :/11:05
ochosibrainwash: that one can be closed as invalid11:16
ochosiyou already pointed the person upstream, but it really is fine that way11:16
brainwashochosi: alright, done11:45
brainwashnext one bug 129789311:46
ubottubug 1297893 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Giant text and (some) giant icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129789311:46
brainwashxubuntu-default-settings overrides the dpi setting for the xubuntu session (96 dpi)11:46
brainwashbut the normal Xfce session relies on proper auto detection11:47
brainwashshould the Xfce session also just use 96 dpi?11:47
brainwashit's an upstream thing, but I'm not sure yet if we should redirect it11:49
brainwash.. or simply patch the xfce4-settings package downstream11:52
brainwashochosi: do you feel like fixing this bug 1309466 ?11:57
ubottubug 1309466 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "power information window changing its width every few seconds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130946611:57
brainwashmaybe it's not even an issue anymore in the new release 1.3.011:58
ochosibrainwash: that xfpm bug shouldn't be an issue anymore, and we don't plan on doing a 1.2.0 maintenance release12:33
brainwashochosi: ok, can you please close this report12:35
brainwashany thoughts on the dpi bug?12:36
brainwashXubuntu uses 96 dpi by default, so why not use it as default for Xfce? could it cause any trouble?12:39
ochosican't set it to wontfix as usual12:45
ochosiadded a comment, that should be enough12:45
ochosinot sure about the dpi, gotta work now, ttyl12:45
brainwashthanks, I'll file an upstream report for the dpi one :)12:46
brainwashso it can be discussed somewhere else and not here :D12:47
bluesabrerelated: http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2014/07/fonts-in-current-era.html12:50
bluesabreheading to work, bbl12:50
ochosiwb ali1234 17:00
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