
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
rogpeppe1mornin' all06:50
urulamarobbiew: morning07:33
urulamarobbiew: sorry ... meant rogpeppe107:33
rogpeppe1urulama: yo!07:33
urulamarogpeppe1: i might have empty slot and continue reviewing your PR so that you're not blocked07:34
rogpeppe1urulama: thank you v much. if it's too much, i will split it up like i should have done in the first place :-)07:34
urulamarogpeppe1: i just have internal/v4/stats.go and tests, no problem07:35
rogpeppe1frankban: hiya07:59
rogpeppe1urulama, bac, jrwren, frankban: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/5307:59
frankbanrogpeppe1: morning, on it08:01
rogpeppe1frankban: thanks08:15
rogpeppe1"Nice! It's great that go stdlib supports this out of the box."08:16
rogpeppe1frankban: it wasn't immediately obvious how to take advantage of it for our use case...08:16
frankbanrogpeppe1: yeah, I see you required to mimic a FileSystem (and a File)08:19
rogpeppe1frankban: yeah.08:19
frankbanrogpeppe1: done08:22
rogpeppe1frankban: ta!08:22
rogpeppe1frankban: and os.FileInfo...08:25
frankbanrogpeppe1: indeed08:26
rogpeppe1frankban: fancy pairing on some charmstore stuff?09:28
frankbanrogpeppe1: sounds good, IIRC this week I will be working on the charmstore09:30
rogpeppe1frankban: cool09:30
rogpeppe1frankban: also, i'd quite like a review of https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/52 but i realise it's more sprawling than it should be09:30
rogpeppe1frankban: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/gogogo?authuser=1 ?09:30
frankbanrogpeppe1: I'm there09:32
urulamarogpeppe1: sorry, got sucked up in meetings ... no time for review till evening :(10:03
rogpeppe1urulama: np. frankban is on it.10:03
urulamarogpeppe1: ok, great, it can proceed! *happy now*10:03
rogpeppe1urulama: :-)10:03
rogpeppe1urulama: how's it going?10:03
urulamabut progress being made10:04
urulamaidentity, authorization, different core parts, billing ... a lot of issues at least being started on and documented and agreed on initial plan10:04
frankbanrogpeppe1: review done10:30
rogpeppe1frankban: brill, thanks10:30
rogpeppe1frankban: am just making the changes10:31
frankbanrogpeppe1: cool10:31
* frankban lunches11:28
jrwrenrogpeppe1: I'll rev you if you rev me: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/charmstore-charm/pull/112:30
jrwrenrogpeppe1: j/k, I'll rev you either way.12:30
rogpeppe1jrwren: looking12:38
frankbanrogpeppe1: ready when you are12:44
rogpeppe1frankban: just reviewing jrwren's PR12:44
frankbanrogpeppe1, jrwren: I also need reviews for https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/5412:45
rogpeppe1jrwren: reviewed12:59
jrwrenIs +1 an alias for LGTM ?13:04
rogpeppe1jrwren: i think so13:10
rogpeppe1frankban: reviewed13:11
rogpeppe1frankban: hmm, the 'bot doesn't look too happy: http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/charmstore-merge/13:20
kadams54rick_h__: so… are there any exceptions to having two reviews? I just finished QAing a PR from huw that is just an updated image file…13:46
rogpeppe1kadams54, rick_h__: i also have a bit of a problem with the two review thing. when i've been pairing with frankban, obviously i can't get a review from him, but then there's only one other available reviewer.14:10
rogpeppe1jrwren: https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/3514:10
rogpeppe1well, with jenkins off line, i guess we can't land anything anyway, so it doesn't make much difference14:13
jrwrenjenkins is down again?14:17
rogpeppe1jrwren: yeah14:20
jrwrenrogpeppe1 and all: jenkins it building again14:40
rogpeppe1jrwren: lol. we've just bypassed it :-)14:40
jrwrenHopefully your bypass doesn't crash the lander.14:41
frankbanrogpeppe1: http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/charmstore/60/14:41
Makyojujugui call in 914:51
hatchjujugui call now14:59
Makyojcsackett, you in today?15:01
hatchI think that huws cards in landing have landed15:10
frankbanrogpeppe1: gogogo in a minute15:10
rogpeppe1frankban: am back in gogogo15:10
hatchfrankban there is a card in Project 1 with my head on it about adding a 'deleted' flag to machines and containers.....didn't you already do this?15:11
frankbanhatch: no15:13
hatchfrankban you just did services and units? 15:14
hatchI'm trying to decide what card to pick up next15:14
frankbanhatch: I didn't add a deleted flag to anything15:14
hatchwasn't there something you did about removing services? 15:14
frankbanhatch: if you are going to do that, I'd suggest to also add a isGhost flag15:15
frankbanhatch: it was about renaming services, not removing them15:15
frankbanhatch: we discussed about a possible solution for entities removal, and we agree don the db flags15:15
hatchohh ok so the removal stuff wrt the ecs is still all not done15:15
frankbanhatch: AFAICT yes15:16
hatchfrankban ok thanks15:28
hatchMakyo Did you forget to add a release tag?15:42
hatchhi luca 15:42
lucahi hatch 15:42
Makyohatch, https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/releases/tag/1.1.115:43
hatchinteresting, I don't have that tag.....hmmm15:43
lucahatch: sup15:43
hatchdoh I forgot to fetch15:43
hatchcarryon....sorry :)15:43
hatchluca oh just workin away on this darn machine view.....wish it would just be done already15:44
lucahatch: me and you both bud15:44
lucahatch: me and you both15:44
hatchwish the designs would stop changing for a day or so....15:44
lucahatch: rofl15:44
lucahatch: don’t make me send another revision!15:44
hatchhahaha, "make you"? You mean you don't already HAVE another ready to go?15:45
hatchjcsackett didn't you do something wrt the uncommitted units recently? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1352973 If you're still in that area you might want to see this bug15:49
jcsacketthatch: i've moved on, but i can tackle that next--can you assign me to the card?15:52
hatchsure will do15:52
jcsacketthatch: thansk.15:53
jcsacketter, thanks.15:53
hatchjcsackett there is a util method for taking that id and getting the real name 15:53
jcsacketthatch: cool.15:53
hatchso should be easyish to do15:53
hatchhey fabulous 16:26
hatch1 more mo :)16:26
fabulousStill waiting for my exact end date :(16:27
fabuloushi everyone16:27
rogpeppe1jrwren, Makyo: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/5516:55
kadams54guihelp: where did things land on the uncommitted indicators? We're using text characters for those now, right?17:22
kadams54hatch: ^17:22
hatchkadams54 I think some are using png and some is a character17:23
kadams54What's the character being used?17:23
hatchlook at the mv stuff it's a character there17:23
kadams54hatch: Well that's what it is in machine-token.handlebars :-)17:26
hatchhmm check in the css 17:27
hatchkadams54                     content: "\00B0";17:28
hatchfrom juju-inspector.less17:28
hatchit might be that we have to use one one place and one ther other17:28
kadams54That's likely the hex equivalent of °17:28
kadams54I also found a .uncommitted-circle in mixins.less17:28
hatchahh right it s17:29
kadams54Makyo: The ticket I'm working on means truncating long names. Trying to figure out if that needs to happen in the JS or if it can happen via CSS in the charm SVG.17:29
hatchkadams54 css has an elipsis overflow property17:29
Makyokadams54, hatch if that works well with SVG, then we should be good.17:30
kadams54Makyo: as best I can tell, text-overflow: ellipsis doesn't work in SVG-land. Unless I'm missing something?17:30
hatchwell it's container needs a defined width for sure17:30
hatchdoes it?17:30
kadams54Yeah, I set a width on the container17:30
kadams54width, overflow: hidden, and text-overflow: ellipsis17:30
kadams54But they didn't seem to take. I noticed that some CSS stuff works for SVG elements, others do not.17:30
kadams54border: 1px solid red, for example, does not work.17:31
Makyokadams54, hatch It might not, unfortunately.  May need to truncate the actual name, add an ellipsis (and then the pending indicator if necessary down the line)17:31
kadams54But changing the font-size doese17:31
MakyoYeah, not everything's applicable with svg elements.17:31
MakyoThere isn't really a concept of inline/block for example.17:32
hatchcalculating the width of the text is going to be a pita17:32
kadams54I think that's a bad route.17:32
MakyoMay just need to pick a number of characters to fit on the name of a service.17:32
kadams54If we can't truncate in CSS, the next best option, IMO, is to truncate at a certain character count17:32
kadams54hatch: "Guidelines from UX were to truncate names with ellipses but keep the indicator at the end whether or not truncated."17:33
hatchso it'll always be ...? even if it's not truncated?17:33
kadams54That's from the ticket. Does that mean they want the indicator moved to the end of the service name, or can I leave it at the beginning, where it currently is?17:33
MakyoYeah, calculating the width of the text wouldn't really work with variable-width text.17:33
Makyohatch, no, only when it's truncated.  If it's eg: 15 or more characters, truncate to 13, add ellipsis.17:33
kadams54hatch: No, it'll only have the ellipsis if we truncate, which would happen after X characters17:33
hatchI suppose we would then need to err on the side of caution and do at least a single extra character because of the variable width char set17:34
MakyoJust need to find a good threshold.17:35
hatchyeah might be tough cross browser/os hah17:35
Makyom is always going to be the widest character, so a service named mmmmmmmmmmm is a good place to start.17:35
Makyohatch, we're loading webfonts.17:35
hatchyeah good point17:35
hatchright, but osx/ubuntu render fonts very differently :)17:35
MakyoThey shouldn't in SVG-land, otherwise they wouldn't pass W3C spec.17:36
hatchhuw and I ran into that when doing the deg icon for uncommitted17:36
MakyoRight, but in dom land.17:36
hatchpoint to point in svg will be the same, but I'm pretty sure fonts are a separate case17:36
kadams54Opera-specific, but still…17:37
kadams54Not only does SVG not support all HTML CSS properties, but in SVG land some are different.17:37
kadams54background-color becomes fill17:37
MakyoYes, because fill works differently.17:37
MakyoIf you have a non-flat polygon, there are fill-rules you have to worry about.17:38
kadams54It looks like there's an overflow property, but it only applies to certain elements (i.e., not text or tspan).17:39
kadams54And it's still not text-overflow: ellipsis17:39
kadams54Looks like I'll have to truncate in JS17:40
hatchboo urns!17:40
kadams54Wow, with an all-m service name… truncate after 7 characters.17:41
Makyokadams54, maybe hunt around for something that's a bit more intelligent about truncating in JS?  Like, a library of wide/narrow characters that can help?17:42
hatchkadams54 yikes....17:42
hatchMakyo that would be pretty highly dependant on the font17:42
hatchkadams54 you COULD render it to the dom, measure it, then truncate really fast :)17:43
kadams54Yeah, that's the standard workaround if you absolutely *must* have character width.17:43
kadams54Make in hidden div, populate it with the text, get the width, then delete it.17:44
kadams54But I hate that.17:44
hatchhave to be a hidden svg in this point :) because of scaling haha17:44
kadams54Like I said…17:44
MakyoLets not get too in the weeds here.  Can we come up with a prototype or two along different lines of functionality?17:45
MakyoJust a smash-and-bash here's-what-we-could-do thing.17:45
kadams54Yeah, I'll see what I can hack up shortly.17:45
hatchoh cool little script there17:49
hatchstill falls into what you 'dont' want to do :)17:50
hatchkadams54 hey how goes the battle?19:02
kadams54Truncation on character count works fine. Playing with that d3-measure-text plugin now to see how easy/hard it is to get something going with that.19:02
hatchright - but doesn't that turn wordpress into wordpre.. ? :)19:04
kadams54Yes, it does. I think that's the intent?19:05
kadams54Well, actually, I went with a character limit of 10. So wordpress is untruncated19:06
jcsackettwhen did we stop showing "new" in the charm results in GUI?19:06
kadams54But "ubuntu-mirror" becomes "ubuntu-mi…"19:06
hatchkadams54 yeah imho that's just not acceptable 19:07
hatchI'd be interested to see how the size calculation bit works19:07
kadams54hatch: what's unacceptable?19:07
hatchjcsackett not sure I follow?19:07
hatchkadams54 well maybe if we had it show the real name in an 'alt' on hover ?19:08
jcsacketthatch: in the left hand browser. the editorial view. it used to have "featured", "recommended", and "new".19:08
hatchjcsackett scroll down?19:08
kadams54hatch: it shows the full name in the inspector.19:08
hatchit's showing for me19:08
jcsacketthatch: i have scrolled down. in development, on my machine, i'm not seeing "new".19:09
hatchkadams54 right - but people usually do things like 'mysql-foobar' and 'mysql-baz' so if it truncates off the differentiator then that's no good19:09
hatchknow what i mean?19:09
hatchjcsackett what about on jujucharms? or comingsoon?19:09
kadams54hatch: sounds to me like your issues is more with truncating at all rather than with how it's implemented (char count vs. pixel width) - is that accurate?19:10
jcsackettdoes comingsoon still run the most recent build? don't we have some qa.something.something url for that?19:10
jcsackettor am in conflating juju gui and charmworld urls?19:11
hatchjcsackett conflating :)19:11
jcsackettso, comingsoon i'm seeing the normal thing.19:12
hatchohhh wait a second comingsoon is behind...19:12
jcsackettthat's what i thought.19:12
jcsackettso, i'm assuming this is something someone landed; b/c it's now "recommended" and "other"; i'm just wondering when we did that.19:13
hatchinteresting the version it's on isn't even in the develop tree....19:13
hatchjcsackett I'm just checking locally as well19:14
hatchjcsackett ok on develop I still see featured/popular/new19:14
hatchon both flags19:14
hatchjcsackett are you sure you don't have a search result?19:15
hatch?text= in the addybar19:15
jcsackettoh bloody hell, yes i do.19:16
jcsackettthanks, hatch.19:16
jcsackettwas getting quite confused. :p19:16
hatchahh it happens 19:16
kadams54bbiab; off to pick the kiddos up from school19:20
hatchbrb rebooting19:20
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
hatchjcsackett so do you have any idea what this new comingsoon url is?19:32
jcsackettno idea.19:32
jcsacketti believe there was an email from bac.19:32
jcsacketti am digging for it now.19:32
jcsackettbut i haven't found anything yet.19:32
hatchyeah I just did a quick search as well...no luck19:33
rick_h__kadams54: yes, using a character for uncommitted19:41
rick_h__howdy jujugui how goes?19:42
hatchhey rick_h__ 19:42
hatchtis trucking along well19:42
jrwrengoing, going going...19:42
jcsacketthola rick_h__, how's germany?19:42
rick_h__it's ok, to warm for my tastes19:42
rick_h__but I'm feeling a bit toasty after dinner and drinks19:43
rick_h__so how goes the release plans?19:43
hatchI think it's done...19:45
hatchlast I heard this am Makyo was doing the charm19:45
hatchthe gui release is done for sure...19:45
rick_h__ok, will watch out for a charm update. 19:45
rick_h__how goes things overall?19:46
hatchdoesn't look the charm update is done yet19:46
hatchgood good - found some bugs this morning doing a quick qa19:46
rick_h__bugs in the release?19:46
hatchno in mv stuff19:46
rick_h__or in MV?19:46
rick_h__:/ wheeee19:46
hatchtried to do some testing on a live env with my vagrant image and it was a pita so I switched to a vm which is now lagging and driving me nuts19:47
hatch(can't win today) 19:47
rick_h__heh :(:(19:47
hatchthere are so many possible interactions with mv19:48
hatchwe will need some serious checklist19:48
rick_h__yea, definitely19:49
hatchohhh yeah, you use a synology NAS right?19:49
hatchyou should make sure you update it asap19:49
rick_h__heh, yea it's offline atm19:50
hatchahh ok good19:50
rick_h__I need to put it on the new router and hadn't gotten around to it19:50
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
hatchahh well in this case lazyness? has possibly saved you a big headache :D20:02
hatchThe rosetta spacecraft should be ready to get into orbit around a comet tomorrow 20:03
jcsackettwhat's going on with synology?20:18
hatchjcsackett randsomware20:19
hatchthere apparently is a hole in an old version where some dickheads could hack into the system and would encrypt your drives20:19
hatchthen they would ask for bitcoins to unlock it20:19
hatchrick_h__ jcsackett  figured you'd get a big kick out of this https://twitter.com/pgte/status/49675068703716966420:21
jcsacketthatch: that code is terrifying.20:27
hatchhaha tis20:28
Makyohatch, ping20:40
hatcher pong20:42
MakyoI think I figured it out, but just to be sure, the precise and trusty charms are the same except for their branch, right?20:44
MakyoCool, thanks.20:44
hatchnp 20:44
MakyoTrusty charm is up, getting precise one updated.20:44
hatchthat reminds me, I should make the trusty charm for my ghost charm at some point20:44
urulamajrwren: hi there, how's it going?20:45
hatchguess not well... lol20:51
hatchkadams54 you around?22:32
jrwrenurulama: I missed ya.22:35
hatchI assigned you a card today huwshimi a bug from your auto-place branch22:59
huwshimihatch: Ah right, thanks22:59
hatchblame whomever did the qa23:00
huwshimihatch: Can you give me a bit more on how to reproduce?23:00
huwshimihatch: Never mind23:01
hatchnope that's all the steps23:01
huwshimihatch: It's got an attached bug :)23:01
hatchoh haha, yeah23:01
Makyohatch, can't get functional tests to pass on the precise charm, keeps failing on test_legacy_server.  Any ideas?23:02
Makyo(need to figure out how to run just that one, since a full run takes forever.23:03
hatchMakyo sorry I have no idea, the last release (I think I did) went through without a hitch, is there any details about what the failure is caused by?23:03
hatchlegacy_server sounds like pyjuju which maybe we can just delete for now23:04
MakyoCannot connect to the environment.  Checking again on a fresh env23:04
Makyohatch, yeah, not really sure what's up23:04
Makyohatch, if I don't get this sorted this evening, I'm out tomorrow through Monday.  Can you at the very least delegate finishing it?  GUI is released, trusty charm is released, just the precise charm needs some love23:09
hatchMakyo yeah sure I have to take off shortly so can you send me an email with the outcome23:10
Makyohatch, will do23:10
huwshimihatch: Any ideas on how to list to the changes to units for a particular service? Here we just do a data-bind: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/app/templates/scale-up.handlebars#L8 but I need to display the committed state and be able to pluralise the lable etc.23:14
hatchhuwshimi see service-overview.js23:16
hatcher line 40023:16
hatchwhen the units change this gets called23:17
hatchtry there23:17
huwshimihatch: Ah great!23:17

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