
=== notzopsi is now known as zopsi
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CHR0N0Slordievader: short nap mate!02:59
CHR0N0SCan anybody please help, still having shutdown issue on kubuntu 14.04?03:04
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VerndogI keep getting "Error 503 : Service Temporarily Unavailable" from the kubuntuforums. Any reasons?05:27
VerndogI keep getting "Error 503 : Service Temporarily Unavailable" from the kubuntuforums. Any reasons?05:37
Unit193Can you give a precise link?  I tried checking it out, was all fine for me.05:38
Verndoghttps://www.kubuntuforums.net/forum.php is what I entered. What ip info would I use?05:39
VerndogI'm trying to contact there admin user to see if he can find out  if I've been banned by accident. I never abuse their forum.05:42
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mparilloVerndog: When I have seen that error on https://www.kubuntuforums.net (and it has been a couple of weeks now), I notice an extra string at the end of the URL. I delete that, hit enter, and I can always enter the thread. Repeat every time you get the 503.08:34
BluesKajHiyas all10:10
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jjeronimoanyone know how to fix a duplex problem on a usb headset device?12:02
jjeronimo@ubuntu 13.0412:03
jjeronimocant enable my mic while sound works12:03
bipulHello, I am not able to connect with my internet via wifi connetion, in my ubuntu 14.04. I am able to connect with router but not internet. Please help.12:04
jjeronimonot necassary a ubuntu problem12:06
jjeronimodit you try rebooting your router?12:06
bipuljjeronimo: Yes. when i try to get inside the router it shows me that 'x"mark on internet connection. I am using a Netgear router12:07
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BluesKajbipul, how do you know the wifi is connecting to the router, if the network manager shows an X then the wifi is not connected12:12
bipulBluesKaj: See,  i am able to access my rotuer via wifi, what i did was simply put my router ip that is on my browser and access it.12:14
dragnadhI need some help. I installed steam but when I launch a game nothing happends after ¨preparing to launch game¨. How do I fix this?12:17
BluesKajbipul, so network manager shows the wifi as connected ?12:20
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=== me is now known as Guest41643
Guest41643I am using KUBUNTU ver 12. The browser is rekonq. Where is the search box?12:24
Guest41643anyone about12:25
BluesKajGuest41643, best to use a different browser12:25
soeei havent been using rekonq for a long time now12:25
soeeBluesKaj: +112:26
Guest41643I might, but for the time being vcan I activate the search box?12:26
soeeChromium, Firefox, Qupzilla12:26
Guest41643I am running live cd at present12:26
BluesKajGuest41643, just type your query into the addressbar thre12:27
Guest41643assume that search box not available - right12:27
Guest41643can I put some icons on the desktop12:28
hateballGuest41643: Like launchers for applications or what?12:29
Guest41643application icons12:29
BluesKajtry dragging them from the kmenu apps, never tried that on a live cd12:29
Guest41643seems to work12:31
hateballyou can also set the plasma desktop to "folder view" for a more... windows like desktop12:32
hateballor just use krunner (alt+f2) to launch stuff12:32
Guest41643plasma desktop. I am new12:32
hateballwell, the default desktop style12:32
hateballGuest41643: if you rightlick and go into settings you can change layout12:33
Guest41643Is kde like windows12:33
BluesKajGuest41643, no, forget windows12:34
Guest41643Why is kde popular12:34
BluesKajthat's not a kubuntu question12:35
Guest41643ok. Am I right that kde uses less ram that unity12:36
hateballProbably not12:36
Guest41643I have both on cd's KUBUNTU seems faster - assumed less ram12:37
BluesKajdepends, apple and oranges cpomparison12:37
BluesKajunity is chaotic , just to be different12:37
Guest41643I need to decide whether to install ubuntu or kubuntu. I have ver 12, less Ram cos I only have 1GB and dont like to ligher versions12:38
BluesKajtry both live cds, then decide12:39
hateball1GB is enough for KDE. The problem is when you start running other things as well, but that goes for anything12:39
Guest41643Yes, difficullt decision. Kubuntu seems more configurable12:40
BluesKajbarely enough to be honest12:40
BluesKajGuest41643, it's very configurable12:41
Guest41643seems to work for me. I statef fiirefox, writer and system monitor. Still had bags of ram left. More that when using unity12:41
Guest41643how can I disconnect kubunty for the internet without logging ouyt12:46
BluesKajclick on the network manager icon in panel, then choose disconnect12:47
Guest41643where is the panel12:49
BluesKajalong the bottom of your screen, usually12:50
BluesKajthe network manager should right beside the time clock12:51
Guest41643i am using wifi and have wlan interface12:53
BluesKajsame place12:54
Guest41643cant see a disconnect button12:55
hateballuncheck the interface12:55
hateballyou're on 12.x, may look a bit different then I guess... can't quite recall12:55
Guest41643i can uncheck enable wireless - seems a bit odd12:57
Guest41643got it interface disconnect. thank you12:59
BluesKajGuest41643, why 12 . whynot use 14.04?13:00
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rberghmm looks like kate is broken since the kubuntu ppa updates yesterday14:55
rbergkontact no longer starts  after it tried to open kate14:56
BluesKajppa's aren't really a support area in #kubuntu chat14:58
BluesKajdid you install plasma5?14:59
rbergahh well consider it a warning then :)14:59
rbergno plasma5 is not installed.. but it had been14:59
BluesKaji had kubunt-plasma5 installed and it broke my system so i had reinstall15:01
BluesKajto reinstall that is15:01
rbergouch.. I downgraded my install with (and dont try this at home!) 'dpkg -i /var/apt/cache/archive/*ppa1*.deb'15:02
rbergas the packages that borked my system were all ppa215:02
BluesKajwell I just reinstalled 14.10 to /15:04
BluesKajtook a whole 20 mins and <i was back on track15:04
rbergreinstalling is no fun though :)15:05
BluesKajdon't think I'm going to install plasma5 'til I'm forced to ...the look isn't appealing at all so far15:05
rbergI owe whoever wrote ppa-purge a beer :)15:09
AvihayAny of you gold folks happen to know how can I get the grid layout and grouping desktop layout in 14.04?  default desktop and folder view don't do it for me15:35
shadeslayerAvihay: plasma-widgets-addons maybe15:38
AvihayI think I installed it and it didn't help, I should realy have asked infront of the target computer15:39
shadeslayer!find grid15:39
ubottuFound: python-gridfs, python3-gridfs, autogrid, autogrid-test, gfal2-plugin-gridftp, globus-gridftp-server-dbg, globus-gridftp-server-progs, grid-packaging-tools, gridengine-client, gridengine-common (and 75 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=grid&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all15:39
shadeslayerhm, don't really remember15:40
Avihay plasma-widgets-addons description doesn't mention the alternative layouts15:41
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derek-gso I'm loooking at all those KDE5 plasma screenshots and they all look pretty nice - when is that gonna be available in some mainstream distro?16:59
AtaxieLooks like October (14.10)17:00
derek-gAtaxie, ahh. already in 14.10 - that's kewwl17:00
Ataxie:/ too late17:01
shadeslayerderek-g: what's KDE5?17:03
derek-gshadeslayer, plasma 5?17:03
shadeslayerthere's no such thing as KDE517:03
derek-gshadeslayer, what-ever17:04
AtaxieKde Framework 5 = Kde5 , isnt it?17:04
shadeslayerthere's no such thing as KDE517:04
derek-gshadeslayer, sue me17:04
derek-gKDE5  -there I said it. :)17:04
tsimpsonKF5 a short way of saying it17:05
tsimpsonexcept that Plasma 5 is built on top of KF517:05
AtaxieDid somebody has the kubuntu-backports ppa activated?17:07
|xk05|BluesKaj, you can also run kde on a smaller backend17:12
|xk05|BluesKaj, for instance, in 'Default Applications' you can choose a window manager that you have installed that uses less resources than kwin.17:16
BluesKaj|xk05|, yes of course, like openbox rtc17:16
suncokretdoes somebody here use double commander?18:08
guest11buen dia!, tengo un problema con kubuntu 12.04 no puedo iniciar sesion, me dice que ay un error fatal y que tengo que checar los kdm logfiles20:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:46
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