
elopiocgoldberg, nuclearbob: I'm going to merge the change that landed into archive for autopilot yesterday.16:33
elopioand then update the merge proposal for new new landing on the silo.16:33
nuclearbobelopio: seems reasonable to me16:33
cgoldbergsounds greek to me :)16:33
elopioping veebers21:12
elopioI was trying to push the autopilot release, but it got complicated.21:13
veeberselopio: hey sorry was OTP, what's the issue, doesn't sound good :-\21:15
elopioveebers: it's not bad. It's just that a changeset that's not on trunk or on the 1.5 branch is on the archive.21:16
elopioso we need to merge it before landing. But when I was going to do it I got confused, I'm not sure how you are using trunk so I didn't know in what branch to do the merge.21:17
elopiothis is the changeset: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/181532211/autopilot_1.5.0%2B14.10.20140716-0ubuntu1_1.5.0%2B14.10.20140716-0ubuntu2.diff.gz21:17
veeberselopio: ugh, that happened last time too :-( we use lp:trunk as our development branch (i.e. day to day changes reviewed and merged to it) and then release into lp:autopilot/1.521:18
veebersit's not a perfect system as we have a branch or two that are bottom approved but can't top approved as they will be merged into trunk and thus released without meaning to21:18
* veebers looks21:18
veeberselopio: as that's already in archive, I would just merge it directly (I'm pretty sure that's what I did last time)21:19
elopioveebers: yes, it already has results on the dashboard, so we don't need to test again.21:19
veeberselopio: So I'm pretty sure what I need to do is merge that changeset into trunk, push it and rebuild the silo, yes?21:21
elopioveebers: I think merge that change into 1.521:21
elopiobecause the changelog shows one more entry that's only on 1.5, not on trunk.21:21
elopiothat's where I get stuck and prefered to wait for you.21:22
veeberselopio: rats, I'm not sure then because then that change won't be in trunk21:22
veeberselopio: let me ask someone21:24
elopioI thought that if you merged it with the one you are landing, it would get to trunk at some point.21:26
elopiobut yeah, sounds problematic.21:26
thomiveebers: just push to both21:37
thomior push to 1.5, and merge back to trunk21:37
thomiand then go ask Steve nicely if next time he could please prepare a MP for any changes to the AP packaging21:37
veebersthomi: sweet, merging back to trunk sounds easiest, cheers21:44
veeberselopio: right, that changeset now exists in trunk and 1.5, what needs to happen now to proceed the release work you were doing?21:59
elopioveebers: somebody from ci needs to publish the package.22:04
elopiooh, wait, you need to rebuild the silo I think22:04
veeberselopio: cool, I can rebuild now22:07
elopiothanks veebers.22:08
veeberselopio: rats, now I have to sort out a changelog of my own for it to proceed22:16

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