
jean-vvvGreetings, I'm having trouble setting the fr_CH.UTF-8 locale in Kubuntu 14.04, I have selected the correct language in the KDE system settings, the translation packages are there AFAIK but the interface is still mostly in english10:30
jean-vvvhere is the ouput of the locale command http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7959969/10:31
jean-vvvI had to install 14.04 in english due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/118278410:31
Tribaaljean-vvv: it looks like your locale is set to fr_US.UFT810:33
Tribaaljean-vvv: note: US10:33
Tribaalshoudl be "fr_CH.UTF8"10:33
Tribaalthat might be a first setp10:34
jean-vvvyep indeed I've noticed, sorry I should have been clearer :)10:35
jean-vvv/etc/default/locale is correct though, I've edited it manually10:36
jean-vvvTribaal: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7960034/ would you know the command to correct the perl warnings?10:39
Tribaaljean-vvv: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue ?10:40
Tribaal(sorry, I use US english and a US keyboard for everything :/)10:40
jean-vvvok nvm I might have found something!10:41
jean-vvvhttp://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/wiki/Perl_warning_Setting_locale_failed_unter_Debian the old "google your own question"-trick :D10:42
jean-vvvnope :/10:48
jean-vvvsolved! there was a typo... in the locale file10:59
jean-vvvthanks for the help11:01
Tribaalwell... that's... that's what I told you11:05
Tribaalah well11:05

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