
dholbachgood morning07:17
popeydholbach: need to move our meeting because I need to relocate shortly08:34
dholbachpopey, ok, WFM... where do you want to move it to?08:34
popeyalready moved08:34
dholbachpopey, ok, I'll have lunch a bit earlier then, no worries08:38
popeymove it to any time later, its no bother, not critical08:38
* popey relocates, back in ~30 or so09:11
popeydholbach: want me to move that meeting or do you want to it now (in 5 mins)?10:53
dholbachpopey, should be fine to do it now10:56
dholbachpopey, about the xda:devcon talk summary!11:22
popeywill mail you after lunch11:24
dholbachpopey, about the xda:devcon talk summary! :)13:59
dholbachpopey, brilliant - thanks14:18
popeythat okay?14:18
dholbachit is :)14:19
dpmI keep getting notifications from the new phone notifications daemon14:38
popeywelcome to my world14:38
dpmfor the same e-mails I received months ago14:38
dpmeither that or dholbach keeps sending me the same message over and over14:38
dholbachdpm, what?14:40
dholbachdpm, what?14:40
dholbachdpm, what?14:40
dholbachdpm, what?14:40
dholbachdpm, what?14:40
dholbachdpm, what?14:40
dholbachdpm, what?14:40
dpmany channel ops here? we might need to ban someone14:40
dholbachfinally :)14:41
dholbachI thought ASCII art would get me kicked out of here14:42
dholbachI guess I didn't try hard enough :)14:42
* Pici lurks14:42
popeydpm: dholbach https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/135260414:52
popeyfeel free to confirm and lobby ☻14:52
popeyfiled those last night after getting pissed off at the notification bing telling me about 6 month old mail ☻14:52
* dpm joins the mute all the notifications lobby14:56
* dpm hugs dholbach14:57
* dholbach hugs dpm back :)14:57
* czajkowski passes the jaffa cakes around 15:07
dpmpopey, when testing file manager I've noticed this: could you confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1352941 ?15:13
* popey looks15:15
dpmI can no longer reproduce15:15
dpmI think notifications brought back the screen lock to life15:15
popeyyeah, works here15:18
dholbachhave a great rest of your day everyone - see you tomorrow!16:08

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