
raubOn http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/fixing-a-bug.html#work-on-a-fix, how do you use edit-patch to edit a file and create appropriate patch?03:16
raubopenssh-server and -client are packages derived from the ssh source. If I wanted to create a ppa for, say openssh-client, how would I do that starting from the ssh source package?04:04
RAOFraub: Take the ssh source package, upload it to your PPA.04:06
raubRAOF: the entire thing? What if I want to use the ppa to get just the client?04:33
RAOFraub: You could change the ssh source package to not build the -server package (that'd be editing debian/control)04:34
Unit193Or d/rules.04:36
dholbachgood morning07:17
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Unit193asomething: Howdy.  Still interested in Xubuntu some, or was that someone else?13:43
asomethingMust be someone else... I've sponsored a few Xubuntu related packages in the past, but I don't run it myself13:44
Unit193Ah, I'll blame bad memory.  Thanks.13:47
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
raubFor those who answered my questions yesterday, I need a bit of help putting sudo-ldap in PPA15:06
raubI understand (sort of) how to do the deed with the original package, sudo, but still do not understand for the derivative work 9sudo-ldap)15:06
raubRAOF said to edit the debian/control file, but if there is a sudo-ldap package already, shouldn't it have that done?15:10
=== med_ is now known as Guest26240
sn33zyim looking on the website for ways to contribute but I do not know where to start.  can someone point me somewhere to start?21:15
Noskcajsn33zy, What would you like to do?21:30
NoskcajAnd do you know any programming languages?21:30
sn33zyI know Java and C++... Im kindof bored right now and was curious if anyone wanted help with something (trying to see if I can help out)21:31
Noskcajbugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu has a list of all the bugs that need fixing21:33
NoskcajSee if a program you use has any bugs21:33
NoskcajAlso, what DE do you use? (gnome, xfce, etc.21:33
Noskcaj#ubuntu-unity is it's channel, although it might not be the best thing to start on21:34
sn33zyNoskcaj, i dont know enough to fix the bugs that I am finding.... is there a channel i can find any devs that I could offer my assistance to?22:10
Noskcajmaybe #ubuntu-bugs22:10
NoskcajWe also have a testing team in #ubuntu-quality22:10
Noskcajhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize should have some easier to fix bugs22:11
ScottKsn33zy: If we knew more specifically what bugs, we could probably provide better advice about where to find help.22:16
sn33zyok... heres a bitesize bug... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-settings/+bug/723432 .... ScottK  but I really dont know where to start...22:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 723432 in nvidia-settings (Ubuntu) "We need a way to translate the nvidia-settings tool" [High,Confirmed]22:23
ScottKThat's probably not a good choice.  It requires knowing a fair amount about how translations work in Ubuntu (which is not like anything else on the planet).22:25
ScottK(unless you really want to learn about how translations work)_22:25
ScottKIf so, dpm, who does not seem to be online right now, can probably point you in the right direction.22:26
sn33zyScottK, okay so lets say I want to checkout code.... is the best way to do it is through apt-get source <packagename> ?22:32
sn33zybecause i know another is through git...22:33
rbasakpull-lp-source <packagename> is better. It'll give you the latest development version, which might not necessarily be the same as the version you have available to apt on your system.22:35
ScottKRight.  I generally point the deb-src line in my sources.list to the development release to solve that problem, but pull-lp-source does it as well.22:50
sn33zyScottK, grr.... downloaded the source code for a package but the code is over my head lol23:14

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