
seb128could somebody review unity-gtk-module in the trusty SRU queue? it was uploaded with gtk, which got approved, but they would need to go together for the fix to be fully functionnal02:00
seb128until then nothing is buggy, but the bugfix can't be verified02:00
seb128(need to go to the office, bbiab)02:00
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Riddellanyone care enough about ppc64el to investigate okteta build failure? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/okteta upstream disclaims liability https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33803208:26
ubot93KDE bug 338032 in general "compile failure on ppc64el" [Normal,Unconfirmed]08:26
xnoxRiddell: a bit cryptic =) why would ld exit 1, if it only issued a warning and not an error. I think infinity and/or doko might find ^ interesting08:40
dokoRiddell, where is the error? apparently it did build09:46
Riddelldoko: launchpad says it didn't https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/okteta/4:4.13.97-0ubuntu1/+build/623332009:48
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dokoahh, latest upload was trusty09:51
dokoRiddell, please can you address upstream, that explicit linking with -lc on linux is not necessary?09:54
popeyinfinity: when should 12.04 users expect to get a prompt to go to 14.04? (.1)10:09
mlankhorstI thought the EOL notification was already there10:12
mlankhorstor do you mean 12.04.1 or below?10:13
elfymlankhorst: I think popey refers to the upgrade to 14.04.1 notification from 12.0410:14
popeyi am talking about people running 12.04 on their machines, update manager not offering an upgrade to 14.04*10:16
popeyi have seen multiple reports over the last few days people saying they're not getting offered the upgrade10:16
Riddelldoko: is that the cause of the problem?10:23
dokoRiddell, I don't think so, but explicit libc linking is almost always wrong on linux10:24
infinitypopey: Soon.10:43
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dokoRiddell, workaround uploaded11:11
RiddellI see it, thanks doko11:13
bluesabreSince 14.04.1 is now out and we're not doing any more respins, can we release this one to trusty now?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/133187111:49
ubot93Launchpad bug 1331871 in lightdm-gtk-greeter "[SRU] Please backport lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8.5 to trusty" [High,Fix committed]11:49
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shadeslayercjwatson: any luck with parted?13:28
shadeslayercjwatson: live-build needs this patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/7961448/14:11
shadeslayeroh, apparently happens in 2 placess14:19
shadeslayerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7961528/ seems more appropriate14:21
Riddellunless anyone objects I plan to force override the ubuntu-release-upgrader test in pykde4 since I've no idea where it comes from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#pykde414:26
shadeslayerRiddell: comes from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-release-upgrader/utopic/files/head:/debian/tests/14:30
Riddellyeah, what the heck is nose-test ?14:31
shadeslayerchecks if ubuntu-release-upgrade has a nose14:32
shadeslayerpresumably that's why it fails14:32
Riddellbut how does it smell?14:32
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cjwatsonshadeslayer: out of meetings now and resuming debugging.  it's proving annoyingly annoying to extract debug info15:03
cjwatsonand I had to start by fixing parted builds from git15:04
* shadeslayer fixed live build meanwhile15:04
shadeslayersilly variables I tell you15:04
cjwatsonI think I have to fix something else for you to have it use live-build from your PPA15:04
cjwatsonoh, but you're using your own imager15:05
cjwatsonmeh, whatever15:05
shadeslayerworked around for now15:05
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RiddellI've removed kubuntu-active from the crontab file in ubuntu-cdimage, can someone update the crontab accordingly on the cdimage builder?16:04
cjwatsonRiddell: done16:08
Riddellthanks cjwatson16:13
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stgraberany SRU team member around for a very quick review that's critical for 12.04.5?18:20
stgraber(the ltsp kernel enablement patch had to be updated again, I really need to add that to whatever procedure we have for HWE kernels...)18:21
jibelmlankhorst, could you have a look at bug 1351262 ? it's blocking 12.04.5 alternate18:21
ubot93bug 1351262 in xorg-lts-transitional "precise alternate installations fail with unmet deps due to the conflict ' xserver-xorg-lts-trusty : Conflicts: libgl1-mesa-dri (>= 0~)'" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135126218:21
jibelstgraber, ^ RC bug18:22
stgraberjibel: ah great, another one...18:22
stgraberinfinity, bdmurray, arges, SpamapS, ScottK: any of you around for a quick review of ltsp in the precise unapproved queue?18:23
argesstgraber: i'll take a look18:24
stgraberarges: thanks!18:24
stgraberarges: the diff should basically be s/saucy/trusty/g18:24
SpamapSstgraber: It's probably time for me to lay down my AA/SRU hat. Haven't touched a package in Ubuntu in a year. :-/18:25
argesstgraber: no bug associated with this?18:26
stgraberarges: nope, just copy/paste from last time and apparently we didn't back then :)18:26
stgraberarges: the test case is relatively simple "are the ubuntu alternate images busted? yes/no" :)18:26
argesstgraber: ok accepted...18:27
stgraberarges: and I'll release the update to -updates as soon as it's published in -proposed so I can kick new images (though as jibel said above, those images are also busted for another reason at the moment...)18:27
stgraberarges: thanks!18:27
stgraberjibel: I've got a couple other fires to work on first so hopefully mlankhorst will show up soon enough to take care of this, otherwise I'll look into it when I'm done with the rest :(18:31
stgraberI suspect what we want to figure out is how is this enablement stack different from what we did in saucy and then change whatever's different so things work again18:32
infinitySpamapS: I can drop you from the teams, if you're not using them anymore.18:33
stgraberor maybe I can get infinity to look into bug 1351262 for me? :)18:33
ubot93bug 1351262 in xorg-lts-transitional "precise alternate installations fail with unmet deps due to the conflict ' xserver-xorg-lts-trusty : Conflicts: libgl1-mesa-dri (>= 0~)'" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135126218:33
infinitySpamapS: Dropped from SRU and AA.  If you ever find the time and motivation to come back, let me know.18:35
infinitystgraber: I can look, I make no promises about the result of said looking.18:36
stgraberinfinity: that's already way more than I can do at the moment, so I'll take anything :)18:36
SpamapSinfinity: thanks.18:37
infinityHrm.  So, that should be reproducible on a chroot, one would think.18:37
infinityShouldn't need a full install run to play with that.18:37
ScottKA wild SpamapS appears.18:37
* ScottK waves18:37
SpamapSAye, unfortunately it's just to clear up that I'm not here. ;)18:37
ScottKYes, unfortunately.18:41
stgraberubuntu server is ready for testing18:57
mlankhorststgraber: ??19:15
mlankhorstjibel: not again?19:15
mlankhorstjibel: last time it was due to glamor-egl pulling in the wrong depends can you see what package it is this time?19:16
mlankhorstjibel: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/162352830/glamor-egl-lts-saucy_0.5.1-0ubuntu4.2~precise1_0.5.1-0ubuntu4.2~precise2.diff.gz was the fix for saucy19:18
infinitymlankhorst: Oh good, maybe you have some idea what's going wrong. :P19:20
jibelmlankhorst, I looked at that bug from 6 months ago but it's different19:21
mlankhorstinfinity: probably if you can get me a verbose apt-get log19:21
mlankhorstjibel: maybe looks like a similar theme19:21
jibelinfinity, for reference it was bug 127873719:21
ubot93bug 1278737 in xorg-lts-transitional "Upgrade to trusty fails from precise backported enablement stacks" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127873719:21
jibelmlankhorst, this time it is not an upgrade to trusty but the installation of precise19:21
mlankhorstjibel: yeah but it's not that bug, I've seen it in a saucy seed19:22
* jibel digs deeper into launchpad19:22
mlankhorstunfortunately I don't know if a bug was opened about it, but the fix at the time (really workaround) was for apt-get to see the libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-trusty first, so it would try to use that instead of libgl1-mesa-glx unrenamed19:23
infinitymlankhorst: Do you recall how this magic was done?19:24
infinitycjwatson: Do you have any recollection of... Any of this?19:25
mlankhorstinfinity: no we got lucky that glamor-egl-lts-saucy was the first package to request libgl1-mesa-glx, so we could add the workaround to it19:26
mlankhorstinfinity: but if you can get me a verbose apt-get debug log I should be able to see if we could fix it this time19:30
infinitymlankhorst: Without downloading a CD and trying myself, the verbosity in the d-i log there is the same for you as it is for me.19:35
infinitymlankhorst: And you might have more luck debugging on the fly than I would, if you grab an ISO and play.19:35
mlankhorstinfinity: oh last time it happened when preparing one of the iso's19:38
mlankhorstinfinity: I sit ok if I look at it tomorrow morning?19:39
mlankhorstnear bed time for me19:39
mlankhorstI sit -> is it19:40
stgraberrespinning ubuntu alternate for ltsp now20:06
stgrabereverything else is either already built and ready to test or still building and will show up in the next few minutes20:07
jibelwhat does this version means in a conflict: Conflicts: libgl1-mesa-glx (>= 0~) ?20:11
mlankhorstjibel: non-virtual package20:11
stgraberinfinity: bug 135308620:23
ubot93bug 1353086 in ubiquity "no kernel modules found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135308620:23
stgraberinfinity: looking around, shouldn't that d-i be moved to -updates?20:24
infinitystgraber: Oh, was it not yet?20:25
infinitystgraber: Yes.  Yes it should.20:26
infinitystgraber: I can do that now, if you haven't already,.20:26
stgraberinfinity: go ahead20:26
infinitystgraber: DOne.20:26
stgraberI'll then monitor and respin alternates and server once it's published20:26
infinitystgraber: So, alternates and server will need a retry after that publishes.20:27
infinitystgraber: Jinx.20:27
infinitystgraber: Probably also worth double-checking the current state of proposed and making sure you don't care about anything else. :P20:27
infinityErr, like livecd-rootfs.20:27
infinitySo... Everything needs to rebuild.20:27
jibelmeh it failed on 20140805.2 :(20:28
infinityAnd base-files...20:28
infinityAnd grub...20:28
* infinity releases a bunch of stuff.20:28
stgraberoh, fun20:28
stgraberthat's probably why I opened that pending-sru tab for this morning, then got distracted...20:29
infinitystgraber: parted might be interesting too, but I'll let you dig into that and decide.20:29
stgraberinfinity: yeah, parted sounds like a win and it's basically the last useful moment to accept it for precise (well, except people using netboot images)20:31
infinitystgraber: No verification, on it, sadly.20:33
stgraberyeah, I'll verify it real quick20:33
infinitystgraber: Thaty 96-day-old ubiquity might want love as well.20:34
infinityThough, it seems the fix wasn't really a fix, so meh.20:34
stgraberinfinity: yeah, I looked at the bug report and then decided to skip it20:35
infinity(not broken either, mind you)20:35
elfyinfinity: hi - quick question, we're (Xubuntu) down apparently for 12.04.5 but we don't want to be - does removing from the testing tracker stop .5 building or do we need to do something else?20:39
elfyor is it too late in fact20:40
infinityelfy: Talk to stgraber.20:41
elfystgraber: ^^20:41
infinityelfy: If you weren't using HWE stacks (were you?), there's no real reason for you to do the point release.20:41
infinityelfy: If you were, though, you don't really want to leave your users with the "current" precise ISO being unsupported.20:41
elfyapparently we weren't20:41
stgraberelfy: hi20:42
elfyinfinity: yea understood20:42
infinityYeah, you weren't.  Just double-checked.20:42
stgraberelfy: ok, so I'll remove any build you have and that'll be it. Thanks for letting me know.20:42
infinitySo, no particular reason you would *have* to do the release.  If you don't want to, easier for everyone involved.20:42
elfyawesome - thanks chaps :)20:43
shadeslayercjwatson: is the cronjob working for Kubuntu Plasma 5? I don't see ISO's for today20:43
stgraberJust marked the world as disabled as we're expecting a mass respin in about 30min20:43
infinityLooks like it was just ubuntu, edubuntu, and mythbuntu doing HWE stacks in precise.  We really need to fix that in trusty.20:43
cjwatsonshadeslayer: I don't think it's time yet21:13
skellatstgraber: queuebot just mentioned that it is spinning up a .5 for Xubuntu.  elfy still wanted that nuked.21:17
* elfy really should take that off ignore now and again :(21:17
elfythanks skellat21:17
stgraberskellat: if you look at the tracker you'll noticed they're not there21:22
elfythanks stgraber :)21:23
skellatstgraber: That works.21:23
bdmurrayinfinity: is it time to change meta-release-lts yet?21:26
infinitybdmurray: If nothing's come up since that update-manager upload went in, we're probably good.21:32
stgraberstarting the mass respin now (parted just appeared on ftpmaster so we should now have everything)21:33
bdmurrayinfinity: I'll have a look around launchpad and see if I find anything21:35
infinitybdmurray: Alright.  I'm not personally aware of anything, so if you don't find any more waving red flags, go ahead and make the switch.21:43
* infinity is going to have a siesta to make up for the lack of sleep last night.21:44
tgm4883infinity: not sure who to tell, but Mythbuntu isn't doing any more 12.04 releases21:45
stgrabertgm4883: ok, so no 12.04.5 for you then?21:49
tgm4883stgraber: correct21:49
stgraberok, there's already a respin in progress, I'll let it finish and just remove you from the tracker afterwards21:50
tgm4883sounds good, thanks21:50
xnoxstgraber: infinity: cjwatson: do i need to compile new wubi for 12.04.5?22:22
stgraberxnox: if you had to do that for 12.04.4, then I guess so, yes22:25
xnoxstgraber: is it just me, or some kind of ubuntu/precise images ftbfs? I'm getting ftbfs emails.22:27
xnoxstgraber: we also need to build the precise wubi livefs image, and i don't see it on the iso tracker nor a recent build for it.22:28
stgraberxnox: I did trigger a wubi build earlier22:28
stgraberand I have another one currently building22:29
xnoxoh, right. i was looking at the wrong wubi ( http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/wubi/ )22:30
xnoxsilly me, that one stopped in raring or whenever. should be cleaned up i think.22:30

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