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dholbach | good morning | 07:17 |
Chipaca | seb128: welcome back. Anything else I need to fix in system settings other than that dependency? | 07:50 |
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sil2100 | mandel: ping | 08:17 |
sil2100 | mandel: so, it seems the ofono landing from image #170 caused some regressions | 08:18 |
sil2100 | mandel: see bug LP: #1352744 | 08:18 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1352744 in ofono (Ubuntu) "List of WiFi access point is empty" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1352744 | 08:18 |
Chipaca | mardy: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-system-settings/push-helper/+merge/229571 | 08:22 |
Chipaca | mardy: i can haz review? ^ | 08:23 |
mardy | Chipaca: I'll have a look ASAP | 08:23 |
Chipaca | mardy: thanks muchly | 08:23 |
mandel | sil2100, looking | 09:02 |
Chipaca | Laney: I don't see the inconsistent indentation, what am I missing? | 09:03 |
sil2100 | mandel: abeato mentioned that it might be something we'll have to support from the indicator-network side | 09:05 |
sil2100 | mandel: but we also saw, generally, many many crashes in smoketesting as well for indicator-network, most probably caused by the same issue | 09:06 |
mandel | sil2100, they issues is simple, they are querying an interface that is not exposed by ofono and they do not handle the exception, that is clearly a bug in their side, there is no way the ofono guys could deal with this bug | 09:07 |
mandel | sil2100, and it is happening because they do not consider the case when there is no sim | 09:07 |
sil2100 | There was no indicator-network upload recently, so I wonder why it suddenly became a problem | 09:23 |
sil2100 | mandel: do you know why that started being a problem after the ofono upload? | 09:24 |
mandel | sil2100, abeato t knows the exact changes | 09:24 |
abeato | sil2100, maybe a change in the exposed interfaces in ofono: some interfaces that did not appear when there was no SIM now appear | 09:26 |
abeato | for valid reasons | 09:26 |
abeato | RadioSettings interface, for instance | 09:26 |
nik90 | MacSlow: ping | 09:43 |
MacSlow | nik90, hey there... what's up? | 09:48 |
nik90 | MacSlow: Hi, I changed the alarm notification from snap decision to interactive notification since we had less than 2 actions to show. | 09:48 |
MacSlow | nik90, good | 09:49 |
nik90 | MacSlow: however we are regressing in the timeout feature. The snap decisions were shown for xx minutes (10, 15, 30, 60 -> chosen by the user).. | 09:49 |
nik90 | MacSlow: however this doesn't seem to be available for interactive notifications | 09:49 |
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MacSlow | nik90, by design configureable timeouts are restriected to snap-decisions. | 09:49 |
nik90 | MacSlow: hmm, then we need to revert back to using snap notifications :/ | 09:50 |
MacSlow | nik90, speaking about the alarm-reminder notification... | 09:50 |
nik90 | MacSlow: this design was given to me by the design team, https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JvDyhsW17d1-Mz8OY1YMBKwfRI2z9qgyRjbujEsxEMk/edit#slide=id.g18895458d_00 | 09:50 |
MacSlow | nik90, there's this "2 over 1"-button layout-case for snap-decisions I had to implement... (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI-uBmr_TNQ&t=0m17s) might that be something for your use-case? | 09:52 |
seb128 | Chipaca, hey, sorry was away, no just the depends | 09:53 |
Chipaca | seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-system-settings/gsettings-schema-depends-fix/+merge/229567 | 09:53 |
seb128 | Chipaca, thanks | 09:53 |
nik90 | MacSlow: in that notification at 00:18, can we show only the Ok button? | 09:53 |
MacSlow | nik90, no | 09:53 |
Chipaca | seb128: sorry i seem to have pushed that a bit too hard | 09:54 |
MacSlow | nik90, this three-button layout is mandatory | 09:54 |
nik90 | MacSlow: not sure how that helps me here | 09:54 |
MacSlow | nik90, I think there's a design-alighment issue within the design-team :) | 09:54 |
nik90 | MacSlow: :D | 09:54 |
nik90 | MacSlow: I can think of two actions "Dismiss" and "Show" that we could add in the alarm notification, but the "Show" action seems unnecessary. Ofc we need this one button solution only until RTM. Post RTM we will have the snooze functionality implemented | 09:56 |
nik90 | well few months POST-RTM | 09:56 |
MacSlow | nik90, stick with interactive then for the time being | 09:57 |
nik90 | MacSlow: I can't. The alarm then stops ringing after 5 seconds. | 09:57 |
nik90 | MacSlow: I can't wake up to that short duration :P | 09:57 |
nik90 | Mirv: Would you know when sergieusens generally comes online? If not, would you have some time to help with some cmake issues for the clock app? | 09:59 |
MacSlow | nik90, I could add another hint (*sigh²*) to allow custom timeouts for interacitve notifications... but I'm already at 12 branches (just for notifications) in the pipe and don't want to inject something like this from the side without all involved parties knowing (and having thought) about it | 09:59 |
dpm | hi Saviq, do you know if the phone reboot/shutdown dialog is part of Unity8? It's missing translations and I'm trying to figure out what to file the bug against | 10:00 |
nik90 | MacSlow: I understand. How about I check with the concerned parties and then let you know. This way you don't need to start on anything until I confirm this 100%. | 10:00 |
nik90 | MacSlow: Can you let me know who I should talk to about this? Obviously design team is one. | 10:01 |
Chipaca | Laney: if you're around, i've just pushed fixes for the issues you found in review. I'm unsure as to the translations fix, as I don't know when those rules are run (they don't seem to be run as part of the package build) | 10:13 |
Mirv | nik90: sergiusens was awake 3h ago, so I'm afraid he's now gone for some hours. I've not used cmake much myself. | 10:16 |
nik90 | Mirv: no worries. I will wait for sergiusens to return. Thnx | 10:16 |
Mirv | ok! | 10:16 |
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Waleed | hello | 10:52 |
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Chipaca | mpt: question for you sir: http://people.canonical.com/~john/settings-notifications.png anything we can do to avoid that? | 11:35 |
mgreg | does anybody know anything about building and using libhybris, or is there a better place to ask these kind of questions? | 11:41 |
bzoltan1 | slangasek:Hello, I would need this MR to land on the utopic seeds -> https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-seeds/add_settings/+merge/229602 So we can announce the Settings API to the app developers. For the same (and even more) reason we need this MR https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/click/extend_1410_fw/+merge/227675 merged so the click chroots contain all the necessary APIs and documentation. | 11:56 |
mpt | Chipaca, yes, set the text so that it overflows the box in preference to wrapping within a word | 11:58 |
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mpt | Chipaca, also, widen the box for each category (note that the wireframe shows only three columns in portrait mode, not four) | 12:00 |
Chipaca | mpt: hmm. Sounds like a bug in system settings itself. | 12:00 |
Chipaca | will file. | 12:00 |
mpt | thanks | 12:01 |
mardy | elopio: hi! Do you have a minute to talk about U1 reauthentications? | 12:02 |
slangasek | bzoltan1: the latter has a 'needs fixing' review from cjwatson, does it need re-reviewed? | 12:02 |
Chipaca | mpt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1352866 | 12:02 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1352866 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "list of categories grid is too tight" [Undecided,New] | 12:02 |
mpt | thanks! | 12:03 |
slangasek | bzoltan1: I assume you want him reviewing this rather than me anyway :) | 12:03 |
bzoltan1 | slangasek: I do not know. cjwatson seems to be super busy and the changes we need for the SDK is just piling up. | 12:03 |
bzoltan1 | slangasek: we have the Settings API, the UITK documentation and a bunch of other QML APIs. | 12:04 |
bzoltan1 | slangasek: I just want these changes in to the click chroots as soon as possible. | 12:04 |
slangasek | bzoltan1: ok, I'm asking whether you've addressed cjwatson's previous "needs fixing" points and if it needs re-review | 12:04 |
cjwatson | bzoltan1: I already told you I'd deal with it this week | 12:05 |
bzoltan1 | cjwatson: no bad feeling, but that MR is a trivial one and it is celebrating its two weeks age today | 12:05 |
cjwatson | Everything you do is allegedly critical | 12:05 |
cjwatson | I have something else critical I'm working on right now | 12:05 |
cjwatson | I'll get back to you | 12:05 |
bzoltan1 | cjwatson: The click chroot is the core and foundation of the SDK. Sure it is critical for me. | 12:06 |
cjwatson | I'll get back to you | 12:06 |
cjwatson | I'm fully aware it needs to be done | 12:06 |
cjwatson | Right now I have most images other than touch broken and need to fix those | 12:07 |
bzoltan1 | cjwatson: I understand. can somebody else take care of this rather trivial MR? | 12:07 |
cjwatson | My backup for click is away | 12:07 |
cjwatson | And no it's certainly not trivial given that you've broken it multiple times in the history of the MP | 12:07 |
cjwatson | I have no faith in it any more and will have to test it independently | 12:08 |
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ogra_ | bzoltan1, hmm, could you stick to one persone in one channel when pinging people about merges ... i see you also asked slangasek for the seed change ... | 12:13 |
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bzoltan1 | ogra_: sorry | 12:14 |
ogra_ | np, i just dont want to cause mid-air crashes with changes being committed by two people :) | 12:15 |
nik90 | sergiusens: ping | 12:40 |
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cwayne1 | artmello: ping -- any update on opening gallery to a specific image? | 13:20 |
artmello | cwayne1: unfortunately not yet, ther eis some bugs with gallery that took the priority | 13:21 |
robotfuel | Wellark: ping, has there been any progress on this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/1343341 | 13:22 |
robjh | i'm enjoying the channels topic | 13:28 |
* popey wonders which bit | 13:30 | |
Chipaca | mpt: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-system-settings/wider-grid/+merge/229616 | 13:33 |
mpt | \o/ | 13:33 |
pmcgowan | Chipaca, ;) | 13:36 |
mpt | Chipaca, do you know why the “Accounts” category is missing from your screenshot? | 13:36 |
robjh | popey, all the pipes! | 13:36 |
Chipaca | mpt: probably because i built it on the phone myself | 13:38 |
dholbach | sergiusens, barry: maybe you could have a chat about bug 1347745 :) | 13:39 |
ubot5 | bug 1347745 in Ubuntu App Developer site "Installation docs should mention encrypted android device workaround" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1347745 | 13:39 |
barry | dholbach: sure | 13:39 |
* barry waves to sergiusens | 13:41 | |
sergiusens | barry: dholbach added myself and a task for u-d-f for tracking later. But I think I understood it fine | 13:41 |
sergiusens | I can pingback when I find something over irc/bug | 13:42 |
dholbach | thanks muchly! | 13:42 |
barry | thanks! | 13:42 |
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Chipaca | kenvandine: who should top-approve that system settings branch? | 14:15 |
Chipaca | pmcgowan: hah! now i see my mail and finally understand what you were a-winking about :) | 14:15 |
Chipaca | kenvandine: (the one about the looser grid) | 14:16 |
zyga | hi | 14:16 |
kenvandine | Chipaca, i will | 14:16 |
Chipaca | kenvandine: thanks | 14:16 |
kenvandine | after we get a CI pass | 14:16 |
kenvandine | Chipaca, i'll also get it in a silo | 14:16 |
kenvandine | along with a couple other branches | 14:16 |
Chipaca | kenvandine: CI has been hit-n-miss, fwiw | 14:16 |
kenvandine | Chipaca, yeah... not surprised | 14:16 |
kenvandine | :/ | 14:17 |
Chipaca | kenvandine: if you get them in a silo, please add https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-system-settings/gsettings-schema-depends-fix/+merge/229567 to it? | 14:17 |
Chipaca | that leaves just https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-system-settings/push-helper/+merge/229571 to get sorted | 14:18 |
Chipaca | which reminds me, gatox, this branch ^ might be relevant to your interests | 14:18 |
gatox | Chipaca, ack | 14:18 |
kenvandine | Chipaca, ok, will do | 14:18 |
Chipaca | kenvandine: thanks | 14:19 |
kenvandine | np | 14:19 |
zyga | I have a question about app lifecycle | 14:20 |
zyga | let's say I have an unconstrained application | 14:20 |
zyga | and it has additional processes running | 14:20 |
zyga | what happens when I switch to another app (for any reason) | 14:20 |
zyga | is the whole process group suspended? | 14:21 |
sergiusens | zyga: should be correct | 14:23 |
Chipaca | zyga: if it's unconstrained, the other processes can probably escape though | 14:24 |
nik90 | sergiusens: hey, you got a minute | 14:33 |
zyga | thanks | 14:34 |
sergiusens | nik90: yeah | 14:34 |
zyga | I'll try a few things out and see how it works | 14:34 |
sergiusens | on multiple threads | 14:34 |
kenvandine | jgdx, i'm noticing multiple branches, unrelated to cellular have 100% failure of the cellular tests | 14:34 |
nik90 | sergiusens: hey, we are currently working getting the debian packaging ready for the new clock app. However we are hitting some cmake issues. | 14:34 |
sergiusens | Chipaca: zyga not lifecycle; they need an exception for that | 14:34 |
kenvandine | jgdx, have you seen that? maybe with dual sim it isn't setting up phonesim right? seems like a much lower level problem | 14:34 |
nik90 | sergiusens: I was wondering if you could take a look at it when you have time and suggest some fixes. | 14:35 |
sergiusens | nik90: have an MP I can look at or branch? | 14:35 |
nik90 | sergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/229173 | 14:35 |
sergiusens | nik90: I'll check later today if you don't mind (+2h) | 14:35 |
nik90 | sergiusens: np | 14:36 |
sergiusens | I'll try and just give you a working diff | 14:36 |
nik90 | sergiusens: its not urgent | 14:36 |
nik90 | sergiusens: ok | 14:36 |
dholbach | sergiusens, nik90: added a quick comment with what's missing AFAICS | 14:37 |
nik90 | dholbach: I know how to fix files in "usr/lib probably need their own, a bit more descriptive directory name", but the rest is something I am struggling with. Took a look at reminders and file manager app, but their cmake file is a bit to what we have which makes it harder to use. | 14:38 |
dholbach | yeah... I'm not sure how to solve each of them | 14:39 |
dholbach | that's why I thought I would at least mention what I saw | 14:39 |
elopio | mardy: I am here. | 14:43 |
elopio | I can get some time to talk to you. Let me know when's a good moment. | 14:43 |
mardy | elopio: hi! Even now, we can "talk" here on IRC | 14:44 |
elopio | ok, tell me how can I help you. | 14:44 |
mardy | elopio: I'm working on covering the case when the U1 password has been changed remotely in the server | 14:45 |
mardy | elopio: that is, when we need to ask the user for a new password | 14:45 |
mardy | elopio: I see that U1 has its own signon authentication plugin (which is good) | 14:45 |
mardy | elopio: do I understand correctly that ATM this use-case is not implemented? | 14:46 |
elopio | mardy: I am almost sure it is not implemented. But alecu is your man. | 14:47 |
mardy | elopio: thanks, I'll talk to him then | 14:48 |
mardy | alecu: ^ :-) | 14:48 |
elopio | as far as I can tell, not even on the desktop was that ever implemented. You just got unsuccessul authentication, and had to go to edit the password manually. But he'll be able to tell you more. | 14:48 |
jgdx | kenvandine, I think it's gsettings-qt, but I don't understand why | 14:50 |
alecu | elopio: mardy: I know nothing about that use case, but I can investigate what's the status. | 14:50 |
kenvandine | jgdx, those passed when we landed your branch | 14:50 |
jgdx | kenvandine, looking at it, the dep isn't there, but I thought the latest version of gsettings-qt was in the archives. | 14:50 |
kenvandine | ? i remember having you bump the dep version | 14:51 |
jgdx | kenvandine, I woke up in the middle of the night remembering that I've might have missed that. | 14:51 |
kenvandine | ah :) | 14:51 |
kenvandine | well it landed though | 14:51 |
kenvandine | the gsettings-qt branch that is | 14:52 |
kenvandine | it's in the archive | 14:52 |
kenvandine | qtdeclarative5-gsettings1.0 amd64 0.1+14.10.20140801.1-0ubuntu1 | 14:52 |
kenvandine | was installed for the test | 14:52 |
kenvandine | settings-ubuntu-schemas all 0.0.2+14.10.20140802.1-0ubuntu1 | 14:53 |
mardy | alecu: thanks | 14:53 |
kenvandine | right schemas right? | 14:53 |
jgdx | kenvandine, no, it's gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas | 14:53 |
kenvandine | jgdx, oh... and actually without that gsettings-qt fix, you only had one test failing | 14:54 |
kenvandine | jgdx, i think that got renamed or something | 14:54 |
kenvandine | i think they consolidated the schemas | 14:54 |
kenvandine | Laney had a branch that landed i believe | 14:54 |
jgdx | kenvandine, yeah they wanted to remove the touch fix.. | 14:54 |
kenvandine | since your's | 14:54 |
jgdx | kenvandine, what's the way forward? Landing a branch with the right deps? | 14:55 |
kenvandine | do you really think the dep is the problem? | 14:55 |
jgdx | kenvandine, what specific build failed due to cellular tests? do you have the link handy? | 14:56 |
kenvandine | https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-system-settings/gsettings-schema-depends-fix/+merge/229567 | 14:57 |
kenvandine | notice the branch name :) | 14:57 |
kenvandine | it's exactly what you mentioned | 14:57 |
jgdx | elopio, I've hit a dead end in the page object pattern in this branch[1]. Care to take a look? :) [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/call-fwd-wait-dual-sim | 14:57 |
kenvandine | but that fails | 14:57 |
jgdx | ah :) | 14:57 |
Chipaca | jgdx: kenvandine: what did i break now? :-/ | 14:58 |
kenvandine | Chipaca, not you... it failed in at least one other branch too | 14:58 |
jgdx | Chipaca, nothing :P | 14:58 |
kenvandine | CI hasn't run since you added the .1 though | 14:58 |
jgdx | kenvandine, looking at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7961789/ | 14:58 |
elopio | jgdx: of course. I will in ~30 minutes. | 14:58 |
jgdx | elopio, thanks! | 14:59 |
jgdx | kenvandine, fails in the exact same way as https://bugs.launchpad.net/gsettings-qt/+bug/1349787 | 14:59 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1349787 in gsettings-qt "application crashes when using gsettings binding for schema with a{ss} type key" [Undecided,In progress] | 14:59 |
kenvandine | jgdx, that does look like the problem | 14:59 |
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jgdx | kenvandine, I need someone smarter than me looking at why. HINT :P | 15:03 |
jgdx | kenvandine, if you're swamped I could try to investigate. | 15:03 |
kenvandine | i'm looking.. but rather confused too | 15:04 |
kenvandine | jgdx, the version the fix landed in is there... and i know we tested it | 15:04 |
jgdx | kenvandine, dual sim call forwarding/wait/simservices seems to be on track. Good work on that btw | 15:04 |
kenvandine | cool | 15:04 |
cwayne1 | beuno: ping | 15:05 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, nerochiaro: https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/camera-app/content_source/+merge/229250 will require approval (and top-approval) for it to build in a silo | 15:05 |
beuno | cwayne1, hi | 15:06 |
cwayne1 | beuno: hi, do we have a standard terms of service for uploading an app to the store? third-party partners asking for them | 15:07 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, unless you flip the right switch :) | 15:07 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, bfiller said there was a switch somewhere | 15:07 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, yeah, but given that nerochiaro has reviewed the MR already, I’d rather have a formal approval | 15:08 |
nerochiaro | Kaleo: i top approved it | 15:08 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: ^ | 15:08 |
oSoMoN | thanks | 15:08 |
beuno | cwayne1, it got lost in some redesign, I need to bring it back | 15:09 |
cwayne1 | beuno: ah, okay. do we have them locally anywhere then? | 15:09 |
beuno | cwayne1, I don't have it handy, jpugh might | 15:11 |
beuno | (otp) | 15:11 |
cjwatson | beuno: I went out and bought a stack of USB keys for the click store master key this afternoon, so making gradual progress on that ... | 15:16 |
beuno | cjwatson, this is how I imagine it's generated: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Planet_and_the_Planeteers#mediaviewer/File:ThePlaneteers.JPG | 15:17 |
beuno | cjwatson, in the mean time, we're using an IS-controlled self-generated key on staging, rattling all the stack to do a first pass of QA and iteration | 15:18 |
cjwatson | beuno: it is EXACTLY like that | 15:26 |
* beuno adds "security expert" to his linkedin skills | 15:27 | |
sergiusens | cjwatson: can you look at the packaging preNew stuff for http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=sergiusens ? | 15:40 |
* sergiusens notices he sent this on the wrong channel :/ | 15:40 | |
cjwatson | sergiusens: would another archive admin be available? I've been trying to concentrate on a critical parted bug for most of the day and failing | 15:42 |
sergiusens | no worries cjwatson | 15:43 |
elopio | ping ricmm_: do you have at hand the bug to track the various improvements that will get us better app start up time? | 15:43 |
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ajalkane | I deleted from SDK my UbuntuSDK armhf kits since I've been having trouble compiling. What's the easiest way to get it back? | 16:04 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, camera-app building in silo 8 with your MR | 16:10 |
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Kaleo | oSoMoN, thank you, I pushed 2 revs since I asked, are they in? | 16:13 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, although I'm confused slightly | 16:13 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, what is the point of a silo in this case | 16:13 |
ajalkane | well, I'll just purge ubuntu-sdk and reinstall | 16:13 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, since it is a click app | 16:13 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, and I only touched the app (no dependent lib) | 16:13 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, yes, but system apps need to land in the archive first, as they are debian packages as well, afaik | 16:14 |
Mirv | ajalkane: just guessing, but if you can afford losing Qt Creator configuration you might want try resetting that | 16:14 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, I do want to kill myself :) | 16:14 |
ajalkane | I have no modifications that I couldn't lose | 16:15 |
Mirv | ajalkane: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/1164504 in that case but don't typo :) (maybe safer if you cd .config first before using "rm -rf" and "*" near each other...) | 16:16 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1164504 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "No automatic reconfiguration / reconfiguration feature when system environment changes" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 16:16 |
ajalkane | thanks | 16:16 |
Chipaca | kenvandine: also, also: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-system-settings/fix-1352988/+merge/229657 | 16:17 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, once the build is complete in the PPA, we can check the package diff to verify that your last revisions are in | 16:25 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, ok | 16:26 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/181590709/camera-app_3.0.0%2B14.10.20140730-0ubuntu1_3.0.0%2B14.10.20140805-0ubuntu1.diff.gz | 16:26 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, does that contain your latest revs? | 16:26 |
oSoMoN | looks like it does | 16:27 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, packages in silo 8 are built, now you should test them (testing a click generated from the exact same branch in fact I guess) against the test plan (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/camera-app), and once you confirm it’s all good, let me know and I’ll mark it ready to publish | 16:40 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, I did that already | 16:45 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo, ok, marked tested, I’ll request the landing team to publish it | 16:47 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN, thx | 16:47 |
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oSoMoN | Kaleo, camera-app is landing, once the landing is complete we’ll need a new click package to be pushed to the store, I believe popey can help us with that | 16:58 |
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daker | Chipaca: yo, know how twitter notifications works on the phone ? | 17:17 |
Chipaca | daker: very well | 17:17 |
Chipaca | allegedly :) | 17:18 |
Chipaca | daker: what do you need to know? | 17:18 |
daker | Chipaca: i am having an issue with it, it's keeps pulling notifications from february on every reboot/upgrade | 17:19 |
Chipaca | daker: I believe that that is a known issue that sergiusens has fixed or is fixing as i type | 17:19 |
Chipaca | daker: but i might be wrong on that | 17:19 |
daker | ok, thanks | 17:20 |
Chipaca | i think that twitter was done, and gmail was pending still. | 17:20 |
* daker is running r173 | 17:22 | |
Chipaca | sergiusens: poke | 17:26 |
sergiusens | Chipaca: poke avoided, pokes back | 17:30 |
Chipaca | sergiusens: twitter notifications repeating on boot or reinstall | 17:31 |
Chipaca | sergiusens: that was the persistence thing you were working on,y es? | 17:31 |
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-holiday | ||
ogra_ | mterry, oh ... what happens if i defined a PIN and then set a password from the terminal ... will the screen locking etc cope with that ? (since it needs to change the security type) | 17:33 |
mterry | ogra_, it will present the PIN dialog :-/ | 17:34 |
ogra_ | ouch | 17:34 |
mterry | ogra_, you'll need to update another AS field to change the presentation | 17:34 |
ogra_ | something could check for the password lenght to do that ;) | 17:35 |
ogra_ | anyway, just a corner case | 17:35 |
Chipaca | mpt: if you thought Notification\ns was nice, wait till you see http://people.canonical.com/~john/lovely.png | 17:38 |
mterry | ogra_, how do we check for password length? | 17:40 |
mterry | not to mention someone could have 4 letter passphrase :) | 17:40 |
ogra_ | hmm, no idea ... yeah, you would have to check for numeric too ... | 17:40 |
mterry | ogra_, ideally maybe we would move our password setting logic into some new pam module, that could make sure the two things are in sync | 17:41 |
ogra_ | i guess you would need to decrypt it and parse it ... then pick a UI based on the result | 17:41 |
mterry | ogra_, hah, just brute force their password while they wait at the welcome screen? ;) | 17:41 |
ogra_ | heh, well, you need to know the username | 17:42 |
ogra_ | i guess a pam backend would actually be a good idea | 17:43 |
ogra_ | i dont think it is urgent or that this is a common case ... i was just curious :) | 17:43 |
ogra_ | long term it would be nice to fix it though :) | 17:44 |
peter____ | hi | 17:57 |
Chipaca | peter____: hi | 17:57 |
peter____ | I just wanted to ask whether it is possible to install ubuntu touch on a locked phone | 17:57 |
peter____ | I spotted a reasonably priced nexus 4 that is locked to O2 | 17:58 |
peter____ | (on ebay) ;) | 17:58 |
sergiusens | Chipaca: affirmative | 18:08 |
sergiusens | Chipaca: working on that now | 18:08 |
sergiusens | Chipaca: I will not report anything from twitter until something new happens since started | 18:08 |
peter____ | I just found a website saying it would be possible. Can anyone verify that? | 18:14 |
Chipaca | daker: you read that? | 18:20 |
daker | Chipaca: yes‚ thanks | 18:25 |
daker | Chipaca: sergiusens can you please point me to the code ? | 18:32 |
sergiusens | daker: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-push-hackers/account-polld/trunk/view/head:/plugins/twitter/twitter.go | 18:33 |
daker | sergiusens: thanks | 18:34 |
ajalkane | How can I debug what's wrong: Trying to build a project in SDK for device. I have the correct UbuntuSDK kit selected, htiting Ctrl+B gives error: "No targets speiecified and no makefile found" | 18:51 |
ajalkane | I try to run "Build -> Run CMake" but apparently nothing happens - no errors given either. I'm a bit at loss. Can I somehow build a click package for arm from command-line? | 18:52 |
charles | nik90, did you have a chance to talk to macslow about the interactive notifications? | 18:52 |
nik90 | charles: I did. I will be having a hangout with him and the designers to discuss this tomorrow afternoon 12:00 UTC. | 18:53 |
charles | nik90, sounds good | 18:54 |
charles | nik90, let me know what happens | 18:54 |
nik90 | charles: Interactive notifications indeed do not accept custom timeouts due to design decision. Since this conflicts with our requirement, we will be discussing to see what should happen. | 18:54 |
nik90 | charles: definitely will let you know how it goes | 18:54 |
nik90 | kenvandine: hey I see the silent mode option in the system settings sound panel. Any plans to expose this in the sound indicator? Also enabling sound mode doesn't change the sound level in the sound indicator. | 19:11 |
nik90 | kenvandine: is this a WIP or should I report them as bugs? | 19:11 |
kenvandine | nik90, there's already a bug for the silent mode in the indicator | 19:13 |
nik90 | kenvandine: ah ok | 19:14 |
kenvandine | nik90, bug 1342151 | 19:15 |
ubot5 | bug 1342151 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "[Indicators] Silent mode control in the indicator" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1342151 | 19:15 |
kenvandine | nik90, just need someone to implement it :) | 19:16 |
nik90 | kenvandine: :) | 19:16 |
nik90 | rsalveti: hey, I haven't had much luck in getting the recent emulators to run. The latest one I am trying now atm is 176. It doesn't have the unity8 process started | 19:18 |
rsalveti | nik90: yeah, known, fix in the archive, next image should be a working one | 19:18 |
rsalveti | nik90: caused by latest uitk update | 19:18 |
nik90 | rsalveti: ah ok | 19:18 |
rsalveti | sorry for the trouble :-) | 19:19 |
nik90 | np | 19:19 |
nik90 | jdstrand: how do you check for denials? Sry I forgot to note down when you mentioned this last time :/ | 19:48 |
nik90 | jdstrand: I did sudo dmesg -T | grep DEN, but that didnt show any | 19:49 |
jdstrand | nik90: grep DEN /var/log/syslog | 19:50 |
jdstrand | nik90: dmesg has some, but not dbus denials so always look in syslog | 19:50 |
nik90 | jdstrand: ah ok. I noticed something strange now. The old clock present in the default image shows some denials when I try to run it | 19:50 |
daker | sergiusens: while you are on it, can you use https instead of http ? | 19:50 |
nik90 | jdstrand: Aug 5 21:44:15 ubuntu-phablet dbus[2413]: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call" bus="session" path="/org/gnome/evolution/dataserver/SourceManager" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" member="GetManagedObjects" mask="send" name=":1.53" pid=25217 profile="com.ubuntu.developer.nik90.ubuntu-clock-app_ubuntu-clock-app_0.1" | 19:51 |
nik90 | peer_pid=2809 peer_profile="unconfined" | 19:51 |
* nik90 notes down the command meanwhile | 19:51 | |
sergiusens | daker: you should ge redirected; I did http initially as the url dispatcher was only configured for http; I can change that now | 19:51 |
daker | sergiusens: i suspect that using the http url make the webapp-container to not load the userscript that hides the android ios | 19:53 |
daker | https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/trunk/view/head:/src/Ubuntu/Web/twitter-no-omniprompt.js#L20 | 19:53 |
jdstrand | nik90: you need the (reserved) calendar policy group | 19:56 |
nik90 | jdstrand: hmm strange that I see in trunk but it wasn't there when I executed the clock app locally. But I will figure out why that is. thnx | 19:57 |
ajalkane | for histories sake... I had to remove the old Kit and add a new Kit targeting 14.10 | 20:29 |
bzoltan1 | nik90: yes, the apparmor.json file must be in the root | 20:30 |
nik90 | bzoltan1: okay, I will report bugs against the concerned core apps to fix that. | 20:31 |
tedg | Hmm, someone from Germany downloaded my app. Guessing ogra_ ;-) | 21:02 |
tedg | beuno, Is there something like an rss feed of new apps? | 21:03 |
beuno | tedg, not at the moment, no | 21:11 |
tedg | beuno, Ah, okay. If I wish really hard will it happen? :-) | 21:12 |
beuno | tedg, lets see | 21:13 |
* tedg wishes really hard | 21:14 | |
tvoss | tedg, it was me :) | 21:25 |
tedg | Ha! | 21:25 |
tedg | :-) | 21:25 |
tvoss | tedg, or Merkel ... aluding to your theory of 5 people living in germany | 21:25 |
tedg | tvoss, Heh, I have her cell phone logs, just like everyone in the US, I know it wasn't her. | 21:26 |
tvoss | tedg, lol | 21:26 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
ogra_ | tedg, which app is that ? | 22:22 |
tedg | ogra_, Ubuntu App Startup, displays the data QA has been gathering | 23:10 |
tedg | ogra_, But tvoss took credit for being the German. | 23:10 |
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